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A Growing Town
Progress Always Limps,
Needs a Vast Deal
Iti Entertainers'Care-
of Good Mothering
zoo. fully Adjust Their Step

k.' .," ~ ....

,,:it .' £.. . PRICE TWO CENTS
A Historic Centre
One of the pleasures of living in
Narberth is the ease with which 'one
may visit historic places, by rail or
Illotor car, from Independence Hall,
on the East, to Paoli and Valley Opposition to "Up the Hill" Location, of Proposed New Building Rolls
Forge, on the West, and from Barren Up a Surprisir-g' Majority
Hill and Fort Washington, on the ".
North, to the Brandywine, on the
Soilth. In fact, Narberth itself is DR. BRUMBAUGH WINS AND LEADS HIS TICKET
a historic centre, being within a few t:
minutes' walk of the Colonial Friends' The proposed $54,000 school loap was def c~ted by a vote of 240. to 108 at 'l'uesd';ly's elec-
Meeting House, in which William
Penn nsed to hang up his hat; the
tion. A total of 406 votes were cast 111 the Borough, but 58 voters faded to mark theIr ballots
on the question of the loan. K at a few of these cflses wcre due to oversight on the part of the
voters '; , By Ladv Narberth
General "Vayne Inn, where Washing- 'The defcat of the loan was 111uch morc emp'hatic than had becn expected. \Vhile there
ton and La Fayette lodged, and the was S0111e opposition ~o the playground~ p~oject th'e h~~vy votc cast ag~inst the whole proposi- l\I rs. i\yre, of Bridgcport, Conn., is
boulder meeting, the field where the tion was due, unqueslll;lI1ably! !o. the objectIon of t,\le Cltlze!IS te;> the localton of the proposed ne\~ visiting her daughter, Mrs. H. "V.
army encamped in the fall of 1777. school building on a sIte adJolllmg the prcsent. s~.hool, whIch IS at the extreme northern e.nd. ot Derhy, of Essex a\·enue.
the town, an action made arbitrary by the provlsl~!1S of the loan. Last year a somewhat s1l11llar
loan was defeated by 12 votes. The \,Volllan's l\uxiliary of the Y.
An hour's run by auto (or by Read-
ing train, in a more roundabout way),
foHowing the Montgomery Pike and
So far as it was possible to get an expressid/-l of opinion from the citizcns previous to the
c1ecti~)J1, there was ~r~~tical~~ no opposition to t!lli loan as a mean!' of raising- money to pro~'!de
additIOnal school faCIlitIes. I he pomt of contentlc;.b was the locatIOn of thc new school. I he
I ~L C. :\'.will hold an interesting mee.t-
IlIg on ~ o\'emher 10, at 2.:10 P. M., III
the gamc room. Miss A. lIf. Bastert,
majority of the voters were in favor of a new scl,~ol for the smaller chlldrcn ~~ a Ill,?re central
passing another boulder, marking an-
location and thcy seem to have takcn the stand, as, expressed by one of the CItIzens JJI a letter I R. X., a Incdical social service worker.
other camping' ground, will bring you publishdd in last week's issue of OUR TOWN,~,that "the loan has to be defeated in order to I will speak of her work. I\! rs. L.
to Valley Forge, where the army secure latcr what we need now." ' \Vayne Arny, of Chestnut avenue, will
spent the cheary winter of, 1777-78. DR BRUMBAUGH POLL'S BIGGEST VOTE. sing-. Those inter('ste,1 arc ('ordially
The high grounds of the camp are ap-
The largest vote cast for any of the calHlid'ates in the general election was 225, rcceh'ed
il1\'it~d to attend.
proached though lofty entrance pil- by Dr. Martin G. B!umbaugh. Republican candi~ai:.~ for Governor. Vance. C. Mc.Cormick re- I The Hallowe'cn dance g-ivcn in the
lars, with reproductions of the sol-
diers' log huts, used as guard-rooms,
ceived a total of 17li votcs-101 on the DemocratIc hcket and 75 on the \Vas!llngton tll:kcl; Joscph
B. Allcn, Socialist, 2, and Matthew H. Stevenson, \rohibition, 1. ! rire] I all was a great SUcCess.
and dominatcd at the centre of the great THE VOTE FOR UNIT~D STATES SENATOR. 'Mrs. Charles R. Jones cntertained
federal arch and the equestrian statue
of General Anthony Wayne. Crossing
Boies Penrose (Republican, 16!J; Personal Liberty,.l)
Gifford Pinchot (Washington, 107; Bull ,Moose, U; Roosevelt Progressive, 4)
A. Mitchell Palmer (Democratic) ............•.....,•........•.............................. IOU
. 170
. 12U I the \Vedne3day afternoon sewing club
, at her homc on Novemher 4.
at Manyunk or Conshohocken (pre- lIe sure to come to the tableaux given by
Fred. W. V\'hiteside (Socialist) ...•............................. , . :1
ferably the latter) Barren Hill is ~I adison F. Larkin (Prohibition) ..•......................•.................................. the Farther Lights Society on Friday eve.
reach cd, where General La Fayette ning. Novemher 6, in Slo! Hall. Those
(under the eye of Washington, at taking part arc: Miss Caroline Irwin,
Valley Forge) skillfully extracted Judge of the Supreme Court. M iss Sydney Bolich, Miss Mildred
himself from a British attack. George Kunkel .........................•.......... , , , " . 18" Smith, M iss Dorothy Durbin, Miss
Rohert S. Frazer , , . 12t
Marion, l\liss Bertha Redifer.
A delightful ride over City Line Road Judge of the Superior Court. Miss Rose Hamer, Miss Marguerite
and bridge, up the Wissahickon Valley, Frank M. Trexler ...........................•.....•........................................ 200 Mueller, Miss 1\1 arion Swift, Miss
James E. Clark ..........................................................................• 10::
over Lincoln Drive, will bring the his- All the Republican candidates for State officcs, the State Lcgislaturc and Congre~s rcccin~d II ilda Smcdley, M iss Elva Darlington,
toric searcher to the old Chew House, pluralities that averaged 50 per cent. higl~er t}~an the pluralitics rece:iv~d by thc hca(!s of the ~icket. Miss Virginia Harris, Master John
on Germantown avenue, where was 'the Of the 406 votes cast, 11U were split. I he total vote came wlthm 15 of rcachlng the hlghcst Timm, Master Donald Laird, Miss
thick of the fight in the battle of Ger- number of votes ever cast in the Borough. The record was rea<;hed a year ago, when 4:!l votes Syh'ia Cummcr, Miss Marjorie ]ef-
mantown. Going South from Narberth,
wcre cast in the election of the Burgess and other B9I?ugh offiCIals.
I:.• feries.?lIiss Virginia Downes, Miss
via Swarthmore and Media, one Willi _ . _.,__._._-. Edith Humphreys, Miss Helen Jones,
pass' or stop at the headquarters of
Washington during the battle of the
I The T M
'Mr.· \Villiam Durbia, -. Mr. -'Carroll
Downes, Mr. Allen Rose, Mr. Charles
Brandywine, and reach Cha d' s F or, d Po.·se-A Modern Asset I
own eeting Discusses School McCarter, Mr. Kenneth Hamilton, Mr:
where General Wayne repelled the Brit- "Poise!" Everywhere one hears the Narberth Civic I Loan George Brill, Mr. \,yarren Anderson,
ish attack, forcing the enemy to make a word, few glimpse its maximum possi· Association The town meeting called by the I\I r. Harry Simpson and Mr. Rohert
detour some distance above, where at bilities! With it. the world may be I Civic Association coIl\'ened Monday Muellcr.
Binningham Meeting House the hottest ours. Without it, we are the world's. I
evening, Novemher 2, in Elm Hall, Lady Narberth has received com-
lighting occurred. Every hour man needs it; woman. I for the discussion of the proJlosed munication frOI11 Miss i'.1. A. Zee, ask-
every moment. school loan, with Burgess George M. ing that "old" Chief Wingebone, Jr.,
The monuments, old and new, mark- It saves incredible situations, pene, lJ enry as presiding oRicer. return her letters, as they were per-
ing the spot where Wayne was attacked, trates impasses, and sends calamity \V. Arthur Cole was elccted secre- sonal and not meant for publication.
in the night (wrongly called the "Paoli asprint. It governs the bodily car, "The Object of this Association shall tary of the meeting, and, on motion
Massacre"), stand a short distance riage, steadies purpose, ~ll1d induces be to improve and beautify the Bor- from the Hoor, it was "ote,1 to give nue, has returned home frol11 thc ho~­
Mrs. Ezra Bartlett, of Chestnut ave-
from Malvern, on the Pennsylvania sleep. It generates confidence, Hashes ough and vicinity; to assist and co. three speakers for cach side of the pital. She is llIuch improved and can
road. Here on September 19th last, magnetism, and italicizes personality, operate with the authorities in en, question unlimited time in which to now see her friends.
the 137th anniversary of the attack was It silences the tongue, lifts the head forcing laws and ordinances relating present their propositions, after which
observed by 'the Chester County Histor- and levels the glance. Its possessor, thereto; to promote any project having discussion from the tioor should be 1\1 rs. George A. Mills, of Albany,
0:. Y., one of our forlller neighbors,
ical Society, the chief speaker being Dr. though money-poor, is rich, for in his for its purpose the betterment of the limited to th rcc m:nutcs for each per-
Brumbaugh, now running for Governor. treasure house there is time, hope, community as a whole; to provide a son speaking. has been spcnding the past week as
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. Noel
He 'deplored the apathy of Pennsyl- and humor aplenty to share with means of acquiring and disseminating The opening speakers for the sup-
Butler, of Essex: a ,'enue.
vanians toward their early history and other.s. :rhe poiseful man begins ever) I'miormatioa on any 'subject of general port of the school loan were J. How-
its heroes, both civic and military, and task 111 tll11e; he starts on the moment. mterest. and to fostcr and maintain a ard,Jefferies, Carroll Downcs, Sr., and . The followin!! wiII be the program
urged the young people to make care- for a givcn. point; he w~lks briskly, iratern;1 spirit among the people of Professor Melchoir. Those for the of the entt'rtaiulIlent ach'ertised iu onr
ful study of the events and lives of neither rushmg nor dwadhng, and ilr- '1' D f V t' opposing viewpoint were L. B. South- colulllus to be held in Elm Halt, Sat-
rives neither too soon nor too late; our comn~u~1 y. ues or 0 II1g
those times. Guss Post of the Civil never breathless, rarely perturbed. MembershIp te.r one year, $1.00. Every e'r1and, vVilliam C. Claghorn and E. urday, Novemher 7: Piano, "The
War Veterans, strewed with flowers, Poise as a business asset can scarce- resident of Narberth and vicinity A. ?lluschamJl, the latter mo\"ing that Bells. the Bclls, Those Evening Bells"
' in memory of the men who fell there, Iy be measured. The chic! who holds el~ble. the circulars which had hecn distrib- (with .pictures); Violin, Medley Irish
and fired four volleys over their his employees also holds 11l1l1Self. The uted by the two sides be read to the Airs; Violin and Dance, "In the Sha-
g salesm',an who neither boasts n~r Have You and the Members of Your dows;" Songs. "Silver Thread~
raves. cringes, the: man who l?re~ents I!IS Household been registered as Narberth meeting by the secretary. The mo- Alllong the Gold" and "Annie Laurie;"
On the succeeding Saturday, the 26th, argument (,rIsply and convlncll1~ly dl~' Boosters? tion was carried, and the papers read,
the same society celebrated the placing daining c1:lp-trap and superlatives, IS together with a personal conll11unica- Piano, March from "Tannhauser;"
the man whose salary is increased What the Narberth Civic Aaaociation tion from A. E. "Volhert, stating his Violin and Dance, waltz fl'om "The
of a tablet' on the front wall of the old yearly whose customers "come ovcr." f . I .1 • Count of Luxemhurg;" Piano, Med-
Wayne Homestead, lying south of Paoli, The ~elf-mastered neither bo.r~ows Has Done in Seven Months reasons or WIt !uraWlllg his name as ley Operatic Airs; Song, "l\ly Little
on the Sugartown road. It is still in trouble nor countenances 11l0rbl(lIty. a signatory to the circular of the op-
Gray HOlllc in the \,yest;" Grecian
]n a man's social life, poise is the (Omitting Details) position.
the Wayne family, being occupied by
hall-mark of what our forebears u.sed Those speaking from the floor in Dance', "Thc Beautiful Blue DanUbe;"
"Villiam Wayne, a great-great-grandson quaintly to call "gentility." The pOlse- Planned and conducted slogan and the aftCl" discussion wcre Messrs. ] d- Violin, Barcarolle from "Tales of
of the General. Secretary Lardiner, of ful man is not necessarily a great man, Hoffman." "Angels' Serenade" (with
but a gre;)t man is ne~essarily a m';ln children's essays contests. feries, M uschamp, Housten, Souther-
the society, of Cincinati (of which Gen-
of poise. He has the l11es~1I11able. gIft Organized and conducted a Clean- land, Claghorn, Simpson, Poor, Esen- ele('trical dIects); a few minutes' fool-
eral Wayne was the first president), out- of concentration. He dIfferentiates Up "Veek campaign. wein, Duff, Dold and Claghorn. ishness with Roy Hamilton; Song;
lined the military history of the Gen- sharply betwecn friends and intim~tes; Planned and promoted Fete Day The meeting adjourned at 10.15 "Oh, 'You Naughty Moon;" Livinj:t
eral, and ex-Governor Pennypacker re- of the latter he may have one 111 a Pictures: "\\Jaiting," "Evangeline,"
life-time. His ealm invading regards and Historical Pageant. o'clock, after proving conclusi\·c1y that
moved the term "mad" and "massacre"
saves him from the babbler, and from Cut grass on "aeant lots during the citizens appreciated thc oppor- "A Reverie;" Dance, "Sailors' Horn-
from his record. Major-General With- the trousered barnacle whose attach- summer. tUllity of hearing and discussing' both pipe."
erspoon, of Washington, conveyed the mcnts foil repose. . Originated and organized plan for a sides of so important a community
The utilitarian sequence of keepmg Mrs. ?lTi11s was the guest of houor at
regrets of President Wilson, and Col-
l . I $50,000 park devc1opllent, which is problem. By actual count, there were a II alIowe'cu Pive ]·lul1ctred party gh'.
. constan tyir~allze~.
oneself in han d IS
onel Fred. 1', Pusey, those of Govern- It fortifies the soul in angll1sh; It about to be pushed to completion. present in the hall 10!l men and wom- en for her by Mr. and Mrs. Butler, on
or Tener. keeps cobwebs from the mind, illusions Starttd a weekly newspaper. ell, the largest gathering of citi7.ens to Saturday evening".
from the brain,
Perhaps and good
of all the the heart
things loyal.
that In seven months that's what the As- discuss a civic question which Nar-
Surely, dwellers on the Main Line A II allowe'ell barn dallee was given
and Narberthians in particular, should come through poise to women, the sociation has been able to a('complish. berth has had for some time past. by ~Iiss Ruth Trescott and Miss Ethel
best is an immunity frol11 "nerves." It It can do more, however, If you arc
be enthusiastic students of the early his- is not impossible for a nervous mother willing to help. Write us of what you Ridge, all Saturday evcning, Octoher
tory of this section. .The very ground to cast a gloom over the most buoyant especially interested to. see ac. Curious-it looks as though our 31, in Miss Trescot t's garage. Among
they, live on was the scene of many an brood and send her husband away complishecl. good citizens had read every portion tho~e presellt were Miss Alice Greene.
with ~ "hungry heart" indeed. . of the second issue of "Our Town," Miss Achsah \i\lentz, Miss Esther
encounter between patriots, tories and The influence of one self-contamecl
British, as may be seen in th~ pages of woman in a coterie of nerve-racked in- Unclaimed Letters including the advertisements-except- Haws, 1\[1'. Stephen Simmons, Mr.
Dr. S. Weir Mitchell's "Hugh Wayne." timates is semi-beatific. Her quiet Mrs. ]. Lamb, Miss Clara MorowitzJ ing the coupon-and that was printed Robert Sample, Mr. Raymond Greene,
arrival is as an evangel of peace. ]. T. Meyer~ Mrs. Jos. H. Muller ana right on the front page, Send your Mr. Clarel1ce Wells and Mr. Ernest
WK. HoYT COlJCK.AN. MINNA '1'SOHo\ll ANTaIlC, Min Annie J.<eatherburl{. QQlIar to-day. Cutler,
· r• . .
= -
The Mislion 'of Sorrow ON THE 8.14 A Man in Our TOW4 ed a silver point of light. All was very
OUR TOWN lrt this old world of ours vcry few
or us, if any, escape sorruw. I t is And Elsewhere in Our Town, an d h e was wond rotts WI .
There lived a man in Our Town, peaceful and very still (the grapha-
'so H
phone next door, having been sil-
Owncd nnd publlahed eycry Tbnrsday almost sure to be our guest at some knew what the regional reserve bank enced). In the East shone a yellow
h II .Looking up at the calendar as I begin Ii 1 d" I t·h 't tl c 11 r mt'nder that
by tbe Narbert h CIyIc A sso clat I . time or other. TCl some it comes in was for, and always had ma e IUon g ow, e CI y, 1 0 lye
" pounding this 1864 i\Iode1 Remington, . f ' I we \Ilere not many miles deep in the
the night (,[ husiness reverses, in t Ie In ormatIon on t Ie newest War tax
l\IItR. C. n. nLACKAI,T" . . . l ' I count 1, 2, a, etc., in all, 54 da)'s before d' C AI I k· cotlntry
loss of money or poslhon; to ot lers It propose 111 ongress. so, Ie 'new .
l~(lItor, comes in the night of broken health, Christmas, inducling eight Sundays. the Athletics' batting averages, and 'VI
• tat a pi'ty, tlIe th oug1I t'm I pr e ss ed
\v.•\ n'l'llUR COI,E, in pain· and .ickness· and still, to
, .
quite right. all of you, w h o
, q u o t e d Browntng. A wise manl
· . If
Itse , to SPOI a
'1 11 tl'
Wh t
Y ry 0
Bnslocss l\Iaonger. others it comeS - to b' e tIlelr' gIles t '111 antlclpale that mv • •
next relllark •
wIll he But, strange though it seems, there CIU "fY N ar IJer tl 1. L e t 1't be Ul1lque '
IT. C. GARA. the night of bereavement, in the lleath Do Your Chnstmas Shoppmg Early. were some few things that even this among suburbs, a real country town,
Advcrtlslng l\IpoRger.
of friend or lover, or of those ncar! I startecl m:ne yesterday. Nothing man of sapience did not know. He with peace and rest and quiet, with
IInx l"~11l1\liln,allr\arllerth.
letters and l'u. ne\\'S
Do Items
uot send In P.
them O. and dear through tics of hlood and partleu I .I arl)' to l1Iy credit, except ' Ilosslhly was quite positive that he lived in c I'lin b'111g roses an dsImp ' 1e h omes an d
Itl the I'rlntpr. I
[amily; an,l some there arc who 111IlSI" a point or tw,o in my fal,'nr. in caSl' I Narberth, but was it a Borough, you fragrant gardens, however small they
l'I~O.Hem!Muke ndvprtlslng
ull ull l'ellllttulI CON'to toI'. 1'. O. H~x .. ~. needs enler~:tin sorrow hecause o[ dis· am ('I'CI' exanllne, I 1ly an a IICIUSt. '1'1' lat s asked? Well, now, he wasn't quile b e.
U. Box
. 0111' 'J'•• WlI Is "11 sale at th'l d('I,,,t ne\I'S- 'Trace the result of some a.:t o[ sin all; just plain COlnmon sense. sure. IIe thought it might be, how- . Discourage the depressing rows of
stllllll, nud at the store of II. B. Ullvls.
___._.-.________ "committed, either by themselves 0\ nnt croW( Ie(,I sa1es- f0 lk'S WIt . II tnne . ever. Realty, Narberth to him was startmg • l'Itt1·e h ouses, spnngmg . . up
~;~;;:-r:;~;_. pn'rr liS, R(','ollll-ell!ss else by others with whom they arc in enough to !Iel p you and goods that ~ave only a place to sleep in, you under- over night, to elbow each other for
1II:III"r lit the 11,,~t l\:arl,,~rlh,
alike fit 1 n" ')ome way cOl1nected; nnd of all wr- not heen plcked 'lI'er by the early b:rds. stand. room to plant their feet, and making'
' '_'I_I'_lI_ng_ ._. -.----,----- .,\ perh',I!Js this is the hnrde~t to It's a line custom to read "1\ Christ- Was Narberth high or was it low? the kind of people Our Town wants,
_THURSDA Y, NOVEMBER 5, 1914 rv v"
bear. mas C,am I" on Chmtmas •. el'e, but now Well, just in between, hc thought. look elsewhere for theIr • homes. Make
_ _- - - - - - Sorrow t!len being'the common lot ;s the time- Was the countrysidc beautiful or was this a home taWil, one to bring
of man, for it ~akes up its ahode with You're I~'rong, gentle rcader; you it commonplace? Dear me, he, had friends to with pride, and assurance
An entcrtainllll'nt that promises to the rich as well as the poor, with the thought T Just learned to rnn a type- never inquired, don't you know. He of their approval.
be first-class will be given in Elm prince as well as the peasant, the ques- :~'fiter ,yesterd;~y an,1 was going ·10 write wasn't interested in countrysides. Not so long ago we heard a certain
Ilall, on Saturday evening, Novcmber tion arises: "\Vhal is its Ilse, its mis- nnw IS the tltne [or all good men to There might he pretty walks. He man, speaking of a certain suburb,
.... at S o'clock. Those who arc respon- sian. its message?" It is this: It come to the aid o[ ~he parly." That wasn't sure. say: "We'll make this a boom town,
sible for this entertainment arc highly comes to give us a clearer, a bro'lde! ~I'ould hal'e he~n all rIght last week, h~- He understood that Narberth had a by George, We'll threw up houses
recommended. It should be wcl! vision; to tell us that trials arc bette! 10,re the el~ctlo~l, hut what I have In fire engine. Once he even heard its by the score. We'll build a theatre
patronized, and thus encourage those huilders of character than pleasure; te IIlllld now IS tins: bell, rather a noisy bell, he thought. and we'll build an apartment house,
o[ the same char:aeter to be more make it plain to us that pain alone; N~w is the time to rememl:er the As to the population of Our Town, he and we'll make thinj:ts hum."
[1'('quent in our midst. wakes us up to rc:l1ity. dasslc r.emark o.f RI~pert Hughes young thought there must be at least a thou- Now, who would want Our Town a
SEE ADVERTISEMENT. Furthermore, there arc times when 1:ldy. frIend, l\1,~ss .HS, made late onl: sand residents (largely babies) or was place of such hustle and bustle and
sorrow come5 with its message f\olll l.hnstma~, eve on the way home from it two thousand? boisterous boom? Certainly the man
Welcome God,' not only to the individual, but the.• store 1.: d , 'r . , And so "ou sec that this wise man who comes awearied from the city,
I f an. ~ uo y sa,Ys ,I' erry. CI Ir"ls t mas Jidn't
Thc fotlowing men with their fami- also to tile I lation. And let us re- I knowJ that Narberth was a bor- wIlere t h escit ' lings serve on I·y to d'15-
member that it ne\'er comes without t
lome I II pum 1I em III tl Ie Jaw. tract him, desires a change.
lies have recently movcd to Narberth, 'fe Of course. no lallv would talk likl 0ugh and therefore had a handsome
and we cxtend to them a most cor- a message to 11tlman . II . , ' I I d'd' k tl t 0 He wants trees and shady lawns
dial welcome and a desire to serve ust now the Christian men nnd that, bfnt, after all, I.vhat s lang.uage b.e- Durgess.I, asted e aI n t Itl'tu(le
now ofla nearly ur and green fields and comparative '
J fo
them in any way: women of this country arc pl\lllged lween riel\(I 5, esplcm II y ,w Ilen It carne: wn uo n a
. tIl f tl e fearful de thc punch and makes thmgs hetter and 300 feet above sea level. He didn't quiet. He comes to the country to
Mr. Robert Hcrion .in one of Mr. III 0 s?rrow Jecat se ~ . 1 - 'ensier for ever one! know that the countryside abounded escape apartment life. He wants a
Harris' houses, 231 Hampden avenue. vastatlOn of sacred bmld1l1gs al~d noble i y___ in alluring weeds and streams, tumb- home and quietude. Can't Narberth
Mr. Emerson Kniericmcn, formerly cities, . andd hecause f f 1 Iof thcf ternble
l'f suf-!' [ .P arc1on me for changmg ' the suhject ling hills and smiling val1eys. He gIve . I11m
. w h at h e wants, without .
of Lansdowne, has moved into his ncw [erIng an car u oss 0 I e. I I I '" 11 G . d'd' k h ' I. adding cheap I'mitations alld ostcllta-
house, bonght from Mr. Harris, 227 Perhaps we have thought ourselves 1'0 a Jrtlpt.y, Jt~t I'elg 1101' ,ara gal'e I nt cven "now t at Wit lin our
me the tnhal sIgn as I stepped on thl. purlicus was a dairy farm where tht tious trivialities?
Hampden avenue. b etter tl.lan onr foretlf a tl Ie r s- n Ifore ~ralll .tl115 . ,
mornlllg, and declared hUllscI . , cows' teeth were brushed night and "I t is the simplicity of this town
Mr. H. G. Oliver has come to live peace- . . I OV111£(,
I dnl0re
' f genI e, more I . as folloll's: "
or- 5'
,peakmg of trees, I 11'1.51 mornings, and every cow ate with a that attracts me," a visitor to Nar-
in Narberth and is occupying U Harris glvmt!'. " won er I we lavc Jeen I11IS· .ron wonld look at the rIch .colonng . 0 , bib, berth observed, a year or so ago.
house on 208 Montgomery avenue. ta k en. ' I ' .\ule oaI( tree at '1' ;, enon an d N ar I lert
h Such is civic pride! "Why, the fact that you have to step
Mr. Herbert Buchanan lIas leased B ut sorrow, . I we . arck to Id., t arrtes
d on
t Y i avennes. Also spentl a few 1I1lllntes, ' a1 Narberth has this, and more, to I in at a little postoffice for your mail,
and is occupying one of the new Hav- for t I1e 111g It; It ta -es Its epar ure
I . ,- . f IIiI\ d d tl' kast, , '.
In enJoymg the heauty of the elm tight against. There are the grumb- even, furnishes a quaint little old-
erford avenue houses built by Loos & w len Its nllss~on IS. u 1 e ; an liS on the gronnds at Doctor Faries' home lers and fanlt finders, ready enough to fash,oned charm in itself. Don't let
Dothard and looks forward to making . . . reat sorrow, 111 wluch al\. of ns share. ·TI' I tt I Iast 0 [ kick, but slow to join in applying a this town spoil itsclf by trying to apc
= . I . I . -·'·f llS a er t ree, IS, ' I tl1111",. k tIe
Narberth his permanent home. I l'ng eIms f
wil not be . Wit 10nt ItS'miSSIon. I loutI II tIe romlw'llC II N ar hcrt I1 too'k cure. They don't like the stingy side- the city."
Mr. and Mrs. Sloan are living in of the nuns of the nationS t lere s la . c: t
. f f ! ItS I1rs name-'EI ~ 111 St'· aUon. "' walks, they object to mushroom By the way, my wI'fe te',ls me that
the house on Anthwyn Farms, for- arise the miSSIon 0 a new arm 0 WI lIC 'I I 1eaeI s us t
, 0 say Itt la W I11'I e we h b 'It . ro tile thl'nk the
merly occupied by Mr. Rodman lrovernment; a form of government 111 I t k I tt' f tIll ouses UI 111 a w, y perhaps I can use her combings; sort
whIch the virtues of pcace shall sup- co I no sec't e k'ers rom
. ,
II N Ie b tlove- t om. b t B u t WI'11 th ey pu t a '0 past 'em over that arid spot, yolt
s t ree t s 1'1\ - k ep.
street. ., , ane arc no as' ,ng a l a r er I 0 e- h Id t tl I I I r d k
plant 1111htarIsm and brotherly love t 'b ( d't 'f I s ou er 0 Ie w lee w len a eme Y now.
im erialism. lome cO,n rI u mg, e I ors-.I you l~ve is found. Mercy, no!
Rented by Mr. Godfrey
Mr. W. C. Herbert has moved from
a speakmg acquall1tance With anytIling
'Ne arc like that ourselves, but we Park Committee Prepares for
arhoreous that is Oltt of the ordinary, are going to reform. (Please note Action
Ardmore to 111 Forrest avenue. 'l L' and at the same time of local interest.
. C. B. Morton has. rented 1:19 Iona A tU omo b 1 e lcenSeS t1rolp in and sec us-care of the Editor the use of "we" as figurative.) Vve dis- At a 1I1eeting of the Park Develop-
Owncrs and users o[ automobiles in i covered the other day that out back ment Committee, held \Vedncs,lav
Clifford Y. Narrigan and bride arc Ntlrberth, as well as as thosc who own I \Vhether the school loan wins or loses hair was leaving for part:s unknown, evening, October 28, a general p·lan ~i

enjoying their new home, 97 vVindsor motorcycles, wi:1 do well 10 give heed (this is written three days bcfore the and then realized that we were getting improvement was discussed and de-
10 the notice recently issued by the election) I want to commend the Board old, and must mend our ways while cided upon. Mr. Ford, one of the
State Highway Dcp·artment, rcgarding of Education for its statemcnt of the time remained. town planning experts, who~e service"
This week wc print the subscription applications for rcgistrations for case, in last week's issue of Our Town, Of course, this being the autumnal havc been retained for this work, was
coupon 011 thc second page, because 1915. It is now too latc to have any I t's a good plan for all public officials season, such phenomena as falling present, and he and 11 r. Pope arc noll'
so many good citizcns apparently special number assigned [or next year, I to teU their citizens what they arc doing hair should be expected, along with engaged in preparing a more detailcd
didn't read the first page of the second but all owners are urgcd to selld in amI what Ihey plan to do. I think falling leaves and coal bills falling due. plan to be submitted to the committel',
issue. Send your dollar to-day. their applications as early its possible, it wiU pay here in Narberth no less than But nevertheless, the shock of our after which the work of preparing a
We try to makc this item in "Our to the end that the delay which ha5 anywhere else. The folks of the town discovery was severe. linal plan, upon which bids may he
Town" as intcrcsting as the other been exper:enced heretofore may be arc just about as fair as ,vou'll find in And our hair kept faUing out, fall- secured, will be begun.
arts of the paper, but the way it is avoided. If yon appl,Y now 011 the 191,5 a good many days' traveling, hut ou t , stea dI 'y,l 'Just l'k let Ilal.I 'I'lIe COllll111'ttee recoll1111ellde(1 tile
overlooked by the readers is appalling. be bl ansent
k s, your IIcense p Iates ~VI II do like to know what is going on and
to younew shortly after the hrst VI" J. • f' b, I We hUlle always had our ideals for purchase ·)f thc Pennsylvania Railroad
Send your d 0 II ar to- d ay. o[ Decemhcr but , o[ course ,thel' . wil! \[ I.j 1. [ I[ereto II ore ItI has ffi'not I een b t Ie Narberth, even though we have not tract 011 the north side of VVilldsor
If we could get the blank paper and not be valid until January 1.
'fl I 'I d" Iau t I0 tIC 1 oroug I 0 Cia s, ccanse
I f tried to put them into practice. One
avenue, and also a strip off the cast
mechanical work and postage for Ie ae v.antages III t HIS sen Ing 111 llere laS leen no regu ar Illeans 0 COIll- end of the John B. \,yilliams tract,
"Our Town" at the same rate of cash an early :ll:pl!cation arc two~[old; not l11unic;ltion. :Jaw Ihat we have a week- of them is that Our Town shall keep
.' . only docs It lIlsure the receipt o[ thc, ." that certain rural charm which some thesc two pieces of ground being'
cost as the edltorslup and bIg man- 1!l15 license plates in time, but it also Iy p.apel, let s usc I t . . deemed necessary to the proper de-
agemcnt, we wouldn't ask one· cent makes it possible [or the autoist to GlI'e the people the facls and wlndl- fear she is in danger of losing. I'elopment of the whole. They also
"scr'lpt'lon. Some of our '" O'ood citi- tak,l' a holirlay trip without the [ear f of evcr way they vote-"yes" or "no," you One cvening in mid-September wc : ecollll11ende(I LIe 1 acceptanec of an
su n s cm to think it's not worth even bem~ canght and fi.ncd aWay rOI11 can nretty ncar dcpend on it being 0, were sitting in a chair (one rocker is
zc. s e ., I home when the bl,lI rmgs [or the 1914 T" . I . l' I offer by M('ssr~. Haws and Smedley
a dollar-well, maybe; It s not to them, plates. This expericnce will be com- ..., acco.rdm g , at e.~s.t, to .the"p nlosoply loose), wc were sitting 1tl a chair 10 cOlll'ey to the association a cer-
hut-send your dotlar to-day. mon next year, [or the State High:lla! of A. Lmcoln and slch k1l1cl. (please remember the "we" is figura- tain part of their undeveloped land Iy-
'ttle dollar-for a wllole year Department h,as announced that ex· tive), we were sitting in a chair on Ing west 0 f C onway avenue and ncar
One 11 By Special Request
of goo d readlllg- oca news, c l\l~C I machine wi'l not be accepted next
. I 1 I I cuses [or I;avmg aIel plates 011 your the porch It I'" a 111'ce porch tll0tlgh \
. " " Vindsor, 111 return for park frontage
news, socicty notes, good advertlse- January :as in years past. It is felt that ChApter XXI my wife says I should buy a rug and which they will gain for the remainder.
ments, special features. etc.-it's with the early warning given there ',:ilI "Hal'e a care, Gerald, hal'e a care!" a table for it. The area of the development is thus
cheap-but "Our Town" is not a be ,no ex.cuse for the man \~ho ,walts It was Fifi speaking, and as the sih'er \Ve were sitting in a chair on thc :ncreased somewhat, and the good to
" cheap" PUU '.1"leatlOn-sen d your dol - unlll plication Christmas Day to send
to llarrisburg ap- word s, sligIttly burnished, fell from her porc h ,as I 1lave said,
for 111thehiS1915 . and were gaz- hc accomplished by the project as a
lar to-day. tags. W. R. D. HALL ruby lips, she pulled her hand away from ing out throngh the mellow dusk, whole is also incrcased.
his. listening to the song of the crickets vVe hope in the ncar future to he
"Oh, Fili, how can you? Don't you and worrying about our hair. Here able to give some interesting details
remember. how in Chapter XX you look- and there, off across the fields, sparkl- concerning the final plans.
r-··C;;mb;~~·i·:~C:~;:~=Ch:~k·Y::;Wish::···'··, f
cd so steadfastly into my honest hrown 1--------·---------;..----------------
eyes. Don't y-o-u 1--"

Boyle's Market lIouse The Merion Title & Trust Co.,

J ' "Foolish boy, of course I do, hut
I Secretary, Civic Association, Box 34, Narberth. don't you understand?"
Need we say there was a hlank f'i:- of Ardmore, Pa
! Enter my name on your books in accordance with the checking below: pression on Gerald's face?
: ~
"Then I will tell you," said Fili,
again L. S. 1. H. B. E. (See opening
PRIME MEATS The oldest, largest and bl st depository
in this vicinity
$1.00 Voting Membership in Civic Association I sentence of Chapter XX). Of course

~_i_V_iC_A_s_s_oei ~
Home Dressed Poultry, Buller Capital, $ J50,000 Surplus, $125 COO
1 love you, but I'm not going to make Undivided Profits, $40.000 '
Voting Membership in .a_t_io_n_8_n.d.o
__e Y_e_a_r'_s _ _ II a show of myself right here before all
$1.50 Subscription to Our T_own - _ - - __ - - _ ._ Eggs and Game

thcse readers of Our Town. ... ... ...
Come, dearest, and we wi1l leave these 1I:~;:i:;,:·;;i;i;;~:~:i:;s::~~:~li!;~:;:;o;t;~·~z,:;.:~;

I~:: ~~~.~~~~.~.~~.b'.'~ :'.~ ~.~.'.'. ~.o.~

inquisitive Narherth folks. Right this Fancy Fruit and Vegetables
way; out the bottom of the column ~. We do a great deal of ~
and past the Chief, and on, and on,
"A Store for Particular Peoplo" ~ Spouting-but don't ~
and on, and-"
(Author's note: I guess that will
talk much about it! i
eo. ,~
be about all.) NARBERTH, PA.
~ddress • , •••••••• , ••••••••• , •••• , •••••.•••. " •• , ••••••.••••• , ••••. , " i ~~ I~_.I <lARA. ~'?9~'o:!Y

.....................................................................................................,.....1 CHIll' WINGltBONJ!, JR. Telepbo11Cl- R~r.·",,,,•• • •••

. . : I i,


All Saints· Church
ConlCr of J\luntljumcry and, \Vynnc-
Booming Narberth Savill's Swan Neck
.........FAUCET The
I ICht.
bousewlfe's de-
So' bandy to
Hallowe'en Socials
Hallowe'en has helped make the
\1 nOli al'cnues.
operate-juat a tOUch past week a "Very husy one in the local
The Rn·. ,\1111rclI' T. Burke, Reclor. ot hand or wrlllt. No
sink Is cOJUplete Y. M. C. 1\. Under the existing con-
SUllday Serl'iees And Making Money without t hIe
faucet. Bold by
ditions, it is essential to have a Hal-
lowe'en social on tll'O nights. This
8 A. M.-Thc Holy Communion.
year the Junior social was held Friday
!J..J5 A.M.-The SUl1day-school.
night and the Senior social Satnrday
1 t .'\. M.-Morning Prayer and'Ser-
4 r. M.-Evening Prayer. HERE IS A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU The Junior social. was most inter'est,
There will he as second celehration ing- and successful this year. 'rhe Jun-
of the Holy Communion on the first iOl' n1l'Jl1hership campaign. which was

Sunllay of each month at 11 o'clock. HE WAY TO BOOM A TOWN is to bring 1'0/. so sl1l'cessfnl a fl'w weeks ago, has
Ju"e 18.
lB11. hecn the means of bringing into the
Wedding people to it. You may not have the time or Thos. Savill's Sons huilding many who did not before at,
opportunity to go after them but by few Bath Room Fixtures and SuppUe8. tend any of these cvents. About a
On Monday, the 26th of October, 1310-12-14 Wallace S·treet.
hUIHlred C;'1l1e masked and :35 or 40
"\11 Saints' Church was the scene of minutes' thought, you may be able to think of a who were not masked. The entertain-
a noon,day'wedding, when Miss Mary
half dozen "out-of-town" friends who, if they ment consisted of Sflme lively games,
\Vehster Becchey became the bride of
Mr. Guy Leslie Cornman. The bride were solicited, might be induced to become fellow FRANK CRIST the grand march and refreshments,
II'liich was followed by a frolicsome
wore a dark blue traveling gown, and residents.
a bouquet of orchids and lilies of the MEATS AND PROVISIONS hour, enjoyed hy all, in the gym-
valley. The church decorations were nasium. The judges awarded the
HIGH GRADE BUTTER prizes as folIows: Best dresscd boy-
pink and white cosmos. If you want to help Narberth and incidentally receive
Thc hride is the daughter of Mr. Tdephone-Norberth 664 A Virginia Downes. !'Ilost comic dresserl
and Mrs. E. L. Beechey, of Cricket from me my certified cheque for $25.00 or $100.00 try this: hoy-Junior 'vVaine. Best dressed
avenue, Ardmore, and the groom is Geo. & W. J. Markle girl-Helen Cole. 1\lost comicly dress-
ed-Esther Ricklin.
the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Corn-
man, of Gladwyne, Pa. Write me a Letter The Senior social was held on Hal-
The' ceremony was performed by
the rector, the Rev. Andrew T. Burke.
SELECT DAIRIES lowe'cn night, and, because of the
many similar cvents, was not as well
Give me the names and addresses of some of your out-of- Special Nursery Milk in Paper Carton
attended. Ahout 010 or iiO came m,ask-
The Evangel Baptist Church. cd and enjoyed the cI·ent. The so-
town friends who might be interested in Narberth as a home. FiIled at Penllhurat Farm
Emerson L. Swirt, Pastor cial side, with Mr. Gcorge 'IN. Gif-
The men's and women's Sunday ford in the lead, had its success as-
school classes arc having a substantial In each instance where we rent a property, Bell Phone-Narbe'lh 669 D surc,l. It is unfortunatc that more did
increase in membership. $100, raised not attend this unusual feature. The
I)y these combined classes, was handed
we will pay you $25.00. 100 Narberth Avenue decorating was con lined to the lobby,
tll the church yesterday to pay for NARBERTH. PA. whcre the committce did vcry cred-
the cO\'ering of the Sunday school _ _ _ _ _ _..................."._'"-__ itable work. Shocks of corn fodder
rool11 floor. We invite you to join us
In each instance where we sell a property, and numerous pumpkins practically
l1ext Sunday at to A. M. for helpful we will pay you $100.00. W. G. CUMMER transformed the place. and w.ith the
electrical side taken care of by Roy
llihle study.
The topic of the sermon next Sun- IIAP.;n IIANGER AND IIAINTm: Griffith, It was indeed a creditable
210 ElmwoodAve. piecc of work. The entertainment
day morning is, "The Things That
Send your Letter To:day Narberth, Pa. started off with the string cobbweb
The Young People's meeting will Telephone-Narberth 675 W game, which causcd much amusement.
hrt\'C for speaker next Sunday evening This was followed hy the grand march
]'rofessor Llewellyn Phillips, Bucknell
Howard F. Cotter aud nun1eiOUS gal11e~. '1'he judges
awarded the prizcs as follows: Best
Unil'ersity, Lewisburg Pa., who will
I)e in Philadelphia next week as an Our Motto: Quality--Reasonable Pricell dressed couple-Mrs. 1\loyer and Mrs.
instructor in the Baptist School of Shinn. !'Ilost comically dresscd man-
Methods. Choice Meats 1\lr. j. S. Harris. Best dressed lady-
An especially interesting evening I :'liss Mildred Smith. Most comically
Fancy P Itry
service at 7.45. The speaker will be
]'rofessor Phillips.
The Teachers' Association held a
Harris· Real Estate OU
Killed to Your Order
I' (lrc,sed lady-Ida :11'1. Dando.

Vegetables, Butter Strictly A Howling Success to Our Town

lar/,l;e1y attended and enthusiastic
11lceting last Friday evening. '1'he Fresh E ~ I The boys' class of the Narberth
]lresent corps of officers, who have
gg . Methodist Episcopal Church are going
served the school with general accept- Opposite Station Y. M. C. A. Building to gi\',e a n~jnstrc1 show, un?er the i~l-
strucllon ot "Professor' BIll Denms,
ance, were re-elected for the ensuing
the black-faced comedian, on N ovem-
Jear. For Good Service and Moderate ber :!J, HJH, at Elm Hall. We will
St. Margaret's Church Narberth, Pa. Prices in also have with us the two noted
Sundays: Early Mass, May to Sep- sketch artists, llass 'Varren and Bill
Cartledge, and the famous SCOtdi
tember, inclusive, 6.30 A. M.; early
.Mass, October to April, inclusive, 7.00 Presbyterian Church•
Plulllbing, Heating cumcll1an, \Valtcr Lupton.
A. .1.1.; late .Mass, 9.:10 A. M. Rev. John Ven MCES Pustor Printing Roofing, Spouting The rchearsals have bcen very pro.-
Masses on holydays: 6.30 and 8.30 Next Sunday, November 8: 10 A. 1[" . d gressive, and a large audience is ex-
A. 1\1.; Masses on weekdays, 8.00 A. M. Sabbath school; all departmcnts; two IS a means towar s an end-nothing
[n IseI ing printing we study the and Range Work pectcd. A'ltnission will be 35 centa
Lenten and other evening devotions, more. fur adults and :!ii cents for children.
Bible c1asscs. ] 1 1\. :M., theme of pas- results-find out what you wish to ac-. Call on
8 o'clock. Tickcts will ba on sale at Davis' and
tor's sermon, "War; Heathendom VS.. complish and than meel that need with
hy all the young men of the class.
Methodist Episcopal Church. Christianity."
. . 7 P. M., meeting of exac tl y th e lIg . ht k'Ind 0 f plln
. t'mg. W e seII N. E. SMEDLEY D01\''!, MISS 1'lIlS SUOW.
Jun10n congregahon. 8 P. M., theme h' h d
1{t'v. curis. G. Koppel, Pastor • "1'1 L' . , you somet 109 more t an paper, type an NARBERTH, PA.
o f pastor s sermon, Ie 1I1l1tatlons 'nk
llA5-Sunday school; Biblc study of a Christian." II • Thc directors of the 1'\cedle 'vVork
Telephone-Narberth 368
classes for men and women. 11- Next Monday, 1'\o\'ember 9: 3 to 5 ARDMORE PRINTING CO. Guild of Amcrica will hold their an-
l'ublic worship. Sermon by the pas- P. M., Ladies' Aid Dime Social, at the
tor. G.o15-Epworth League. Conduct- home of Mrs. Nickerson, 111 Elmwood CHRONICLE BUILDING
nual Illceting at thc Presbyterian
Church, \Vedncsday, November 11, at
ed especially for young people. 7.45- avenue. A pleasing program. All Ardmore, Pa.
Membcrs of, the Masonic fraternity ladies invited. 8 P. I\1.. !\len's Club.
Plaster and Cement Work ~ l' M. A cordial invitation is ex·
tcnded to the public. An address will
Olnd their friends are invited to attend Illustrated lecture in the church. The Estimates Furnished JOBBING be delivered by Rev. \V. Arthur 'vVar-
this service as guests of the Church. public invited. cllCHSAH M. WENTZ ncr, sl1pc\'intendent of the Home l\lis-
Pastor's subject, "True Principles and blS/~lt 'kr ill Piano, Org'all and sion Society of Philadelphia (nO.1-sec-
}'recepts of Masonry." The Masons Men's Club Bring Educational Movies
will meet in the Iccture room at 7.30. For l\Ionday evening, November !J,
Theory of lIf'usic FOR SALE tarian). An exhihit of the garment~
Selections b)' the chorus choir of 25 the Men's Club of the Narberth Pres- STUDIO: 6 ARCADE BUELDING At Haverford Avenue and Shir- will be given, which will later be sent
,'oiccs. byterian Church, have secured the edu- Telepl101/{:-Narbcrlh 60-/ ley Road, Narberth, Pa., eight to various hospitals and other institu-
Men and boys were in the majority cational films uf the Bell Telephone minutes' walk from station.
in the Sunday school last Sunday. Company, with one of the otllcers ol
Four modern? I- 2-story stone and stucco
£ight new scholars were received; a the company to give an informal talk.
-the real estate man houses, with southern exposure and old
total gain of 61 in four months. A The latest type of "movie" machine
shade. Lots average 60 by 125 feet. A·E,WOHLEIU
llopular feature of the sessions is the will be used, and, as the Bell Company at 114 Woodside Ave., will be pleased Londscope Architf;!,S,
singing led by Mrs. Arney. has worked out some exceedingly in- to all.illt JOU in aettina a home. Nine rooms and two bath-rooms' 7.'he c;drden· MoI<11lOMrlll' Avr.,
A Men's Bible Class was rccently teresting graphics to show some of laundry in basement, hot water heating: NAR,...:BER-Tli - PENNBYL'VANIA.
organized with 14 charter members. the operations that make for scrvice Tdephone-N.rberth 68S A guaranteed temperature. 70 degrees.
The Bible will be studied.syste.matica!- from the time you lift the receiver in Electric lights and gas; combination gas THE GARDEN NURSERIES
Iy. Mr. Robert E. PattLson}s pres!- your home until you hang it up 'again, and coal range. Exceptional plumbing A Complete Line of,
<lent· Mr. W. J. McAuliff, vIce pres l- after having talked to your next door
<lent; l\'lr. J. F. Howenstein, secretary;
Wm. F. J. Fiedler fixtures; sewer connection. Easy terms
Mr. James Scott, trea~urer; Mr. N. W. neighbor or to some one in Philadel- Builders, Loos & Do/hard
Akcrs, teacher; Dr. F. W. Sadler, as- phia, New York or Chicago. the talk NURSERY STOCK
sistant. ' and the pictures should prove ex-
A Woman's Bible Class of 11 mem- ceedingly interesting and instructive.
hers was also organized. Mrs. C. E.
Anderson is president; Mrs. N. E. A business meeting will be held at
Right at your door.

Smedley, vice president; Mrs. R. E. 7.30 o'clock, and at 8 o'clock the audi-
Pattison secretary; Mrs, A. Souder, torium of the church will be opened to J. A. MILLER Charles Schwartz
treasure;; Mrs. Siel~r, teac~er.. the public and all interested are invited
[Succeaor to E. J. HOOD)
The Sunday evelllng serVIce IS 'Yell
attended. Last week 125 persons were to attend.
present. An attractive feature o! the SLATE AND TIN ROOFER PrelSi~g.Scouring and Allering
service is the hearty co~gregatlonal The high price of giving chiefly con· 104 Forrest Avenue Lsdies' and Meo'. Clothing
singing and the selections of the
(horus choir of 20 voicl;s.
cerns mean souls, ]obbill8 a' Narberth. P. 104~ Forrelat Avenue

,r ·· =.l...=~ .::..... _'___'___.:..:..__




Packing, Shipping, Hauling Plumbing, Gas Fitting
Phone Narberth 672
Where it is Most Convenient to You?
WALTON BROTHERS Many folks living in the suburbs, and being in town during the usual buainess
Narberth, Pa. hours. find ir most agreeable to have their bank account in Philadelphia. We en-
joy a large suburban patronage on account of our convenient. central location.
progre$liveness, and courteous and efficient allention to all details. A lpecial
room ia maintained for the exclusive use of lh e ladies. Safe depoait vault located
on lhe first floor, Boxes of liberal size may be rented as low IS $2.50 per an·
n~m. You are cordially invited to inspect our offices and 10 open an accounl
.- E _ With us.
wIfe iRitteul10uUt Wruul <!IllntPUU!J
Witherspoon Building 1323 Walnut Street Philad~lphia
THE ACID TEST OF THE Howard Longstreth. President
A. C. Shand, Vice Pr..ident S. W. Waterman, Sec. and Trust Officer
CHURCH DRUGS W. C. Fitzgerald, Vice Pres. and Treas. Thomas Ridgway. Solicitor
ECONOMICAL, EFFECTIVE Frank P. Olf V. Gilpin Robinson A. C. Shand Howard LonllIlteth
The huslness of the (,hlll'l'h 1'111' ('h"r('h II" .. UOllnd I'll· s. S. Penno;ek C. R. Simon, Wm. R. Douaherty Burrowa Sloan
Is thl'el'·fo1<l: wnrel-Lookhl" I'~Ol)le
A. K. HO USEKEEPER A. R. Perkin' . J. l~wis Twaddell
Edward C, D,xon
Then. PrCller Wm. C. Keator
W. C, Fit.aerald
She I~(,lulM ~J(·n to 0041. NARBERTH, PA.
l'lhe Or/:,nnl7."" the Frlrll,l. lIt'rs i:-; tlw ~ooll HIWlp'r or
of (~cHl. l~ood J1f"OJlIt~, to whkh C\'I'l'Y· Bell Phone, Spruce 5469
hOlly Is eJi~lh1<'. II",' 01';':-11111
She Sets UrI' Memb,'r.. to wIfe <6retlt1\tooll 'ritttittg <!Io.
Doing Good In the "'orlcl.
'J'hl'~e three things the
Zillion Is nolnhle for lts ill
eIIlSI\·el1('ss. She WlIuls e\·('1'.'· 34 S. 16th SI., PHILADELPHIA .
IInl1r tn 11,,10111; to Ihls III 1'~l'sl
Church Is uolu~ In eyery com.
1l111111t~' In the eOllnll·~·.
of «11 on:nnh:utlnUH 111110ng
I Posters, Programs, Tickets, Circulars, General
I Job Printing. :i: HOWARD C. FRITSCH :!:
In ~ome plnces she M,es
lllPll, thnt it:-:: e1l1c'hlJlf'~' in 1111·
selfish l"{'l'\·kn Inn)' hp i. RIGHT PRICES RIGHT WORK y~ ~
.:' A nnounces that he has opened a .:.
tl",m more ('fficlenll)' tlllln 111 (,l'rn~(lfl. ~ ~
Stlll1r oyer these Ihn'"
'I'h" ('hUH'h Ulcls All Who
('nntc to lI("r (10 Out and

)lropo~ltlolls for )·our~eH. en l'lrl'\'e Their I'"Uow ~I .. n.

at Narberth, Pa.
fold them nnd see whnt th"~'
signify. '£I1<'!r Impllentlon" nrc 11c1' mot 10 Is that of her ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR I:::: YOUR
eyen grl'nl"r t hnn tlll'!r nss"l' ~lllslcr: "X"t to he minis·
terc,l unto, but to mlllister."
225 lona Avenue Narbcrth, Pa. :i: :i:
tlons. Telephone-Narberth 381.0 ::: Formerly with Ihe late Office in WALL BLDG. Telephone :::
She Is the I>rlmnr~' school '1Il1)
'rile Chnrc'h I~ell(]~ :'\f.'n to the collegl' of ~0l'11l1 senlce. .;. SAMUEL S. RICHARDS Narberth Slatio. Narberth 352 W .:.
V 0
'I'hnt nwans thnt she Is the
he~t ngene~' of the highest
The Christ ~Jllrlt III hl'r has
lIIatle her ml'mbl'''s mlsslonll'
I'ies of ('\-(,I'y form of gond in
3'amesa;. $ canlin ::~:. .:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:--:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:.:!:
ctylllzntlon, She cnlls forth I he wol·I,!. Contracting Painter 1 •••••.••••••••••••••••••••• , _ ••••••••• _ _ ••••••••
hnmnnlty's nohlest pOWCI'S, Its
di\'I!1<'st t]ualltll's. the slue of
Its nntul'e which hns nllln!ty
YUlI Hhnre in tlu" ehurc'h's
th("rerorc tn "0
Narberth, Pa.
I t an
mpor t Announcement
. . Ii
with the ,J1\'llle. '1'he \\'n~' out
of hlllllnn lin tu re's jungle
Il'n,ls through the Church.
\\'Il~' not shnre nlso In hrr
work Ilncl rt"Hltol1HihllitieH \;:=========== ! We would suggest to all householders desn'ing the best
WARNOCK ·i: to place their orders promptly with !i
In cale of illnell, death or other trouble, any minister will be glad to help.
EMLtN i: COAL, \VOOD, Lumber, Building Materials :
NOTE-I..uedand IUpervioee! by the paston oI·the Baptist, Methodist and Presbyterian. Roman Catholic Succellors to S. S. Richardl •• Phone 700-Cynwyrl. Pa. :l
Churches of Narberth. Pa. Printed by courtesy 01 "Our Town,"
L , _..__ _!
REAL ESTATE r··.. _ , '."-_ }
"The QUALITY SHOP" is known as a gathering place of goods of
quality at reasonable prices. No soiled. shop-worn i'rticles appear in the
stock; no so-called "bargains" are displayed.
DOLLY DUNDA'S you wish to know why "THE QUALITY SHOP'· IS popu- :
! lar. pay a V i
Miss Dorothy Stringer and Roy Hamilton
IN A MUSICAL POT POURRI Prompt attention given to rents,
I! Located in the Chronicle Building


repairs, etc.
t~~~~~~~: ~ ~.._ : : :.~:...J
Living Pictures- Classic Dancing-Music for Everybody
Narberth Office Open
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
--------------1 Contented Consumers Commpnd
Cook's Coal
The most unique Musical Show ever seen in town
8.30 to 9,30 "Meet me at the I

Cards of Admission 20 Cents

Can be obtained at Howard Davis' Store and Housekeeper's Drug Store
or by Appointments
up to Novembe~ 6, at the Reduced Rate of 3 for 50 cents City Office -to conlider the purchase of Ca P. COOK
6 I2 Commercial Trust Building Home Building Plot, or having
any kind of Building Altera·
tion or Repairs made.. COAL, WOOD AND

The Three Questions.
Therc will be askcd Narberth Cltl-
zcns this month: 1. Vv'iIl you help W. D. Smedley
support the Y. 1\1. C. A. of N arbcrth?
(Ycs, No.) 2. How much? 3. Whcn?
This is not bcgging; it is a ncccssity,
\,Ve have made it possible for the chi!-
Howar-d E. Davis NARBERTH, PENNA.
dren to comc; will you makc it POSSi- . .

THE ONLY STORE ON hlc for thcm to stay? A group of sin- 1 A FULL LINE OF I
THE MAIN LINE THAT ccre men will givc a wcek of thcir)
t~me; ~o 110t .waste it by idle discus-
Wh-Itman,Sandy Prompt Deliveries Assured
SELLS SUGAR AT Sc. slOn; either g1\'e or not; that we may
know whcthcr the Y. 1\[. C. A. can or
cannot continue this year. The work- George B SUpIee
ers will meet at the Y. M. C. A. huild- • Famous Ice Cream and Cake
Other Goods Equally as Low ing on Thursd,(v e\'ening at 'j o'clock, Steam and Hot Water Heating
organizc thc tcams and receive in-
structions. Ardmore was appcaled to . Plumbing
W d II B
e 0 a our own aking and
last 1110nth, and the rcsponse was
Bell 'l'e16 phone
Make our own Ice Cream
splendid. Let it not be said Narberth

THE IMPERIAL failed. Mr. \\'iIIiam S. Horner is chair-

man of the commit tce, and if therc is
a 1l1~n in Narberth who has not bcen
askcd to help, let him give his name Painting in all its Branches
Narberth's Leading Grocery in at the ofllce of the Y. M. C. A.
. Are you a member? Will ~'ou help Estimates Cheerfully Given
support it? It is up to you, Telephone- Narberth 311·0

~, "··ii·'-ili',.'·;;;t;,·,.·,·.............
,.;"iii·".. iiiIiI L ........ _

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