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ANSI/AHRI Standard 1060 (I-P)

2014 Standard for

Performance Rating of Air-
to-Air Exchangers for
Energy Recovery
Ventilation Equipment

Approved by ANSI on May 15, 2015



AHRI does not set safety standards and does not certify or guarantee the safety of any products, components or
systems designed, tested, rated, installed or operated in accordance with this standard/guideline. It is strongly
recommended that products be designed, constructed, assembled, installed and operated in accordance with
nationally recognized safety standards and code requirements appropriate for products covered by this

AHRI uses its best efforts to develop standards/guidelines employing state-of-the-art and accepted industry
practices. AHRI does not certify or guarantee that any tests conducted under its standards/guidelines will be
non-hazardous or free from risk.

This standard supersedes AHRI Standard 1060-2013 (I-P).
For SI ratings, see ANSI/AHRI Standard 1061 (SI)-2014.


Scope of the Certification Program

The certification program includes Air-to-Air Exchangers for use in Air-to-Air Energy Recovery
Ventilation Equipment, rated at or above 50 scfm but below or equal to 5,000 scfm at AHRI Standard
Rating Conditions. In addition, Air-to-Air Exchangers for use in Air-to-Air Energy Recovery
Ventilation Equipment rated above 5,000 scfm are included if the participant’s basic model group(s) for
those models include at least one model rated at or above 50 scfm but below or equal to 5,000 scfm.

This certification program does not include heat exchangers joined by circulated heat transfer medium
(run-around loop).

Certified Ratings

The following certification program ratings are verified by test:

1. Sensible Effectiveness at 100% Summer, 75% Summer, 100% Winter, and 75% Winter, %
2. Latent Effectiveness at 100% Summer, 75% Summer, 100% Winter, and 75% Winter, %
3. Pressure Drop at 100% airflow laboratory ambient conditions, in H2O
4. Exhaust Air Transfer Ratio (EATR) at three pressure differentials, 0.00 in H2O and two more
within the scope of the program
5. Outdoor Air Correction Factor (OACF) at three pressure differentials, 0.00 in H2O and two more
within the scope of the program

Price $10.00 (M) $20.00 (NM) ©Copyright 2014, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute Printed in
U.S.A. Registered United States Patent and Trademark Office


Section 1. Purpose..................................................................................................................1

Section 2. Scope ..................................................................................................................... 1

Section 3. Definitions.............................................................................................................1

Section 4. Test Requirements ................................................................................................ 3

Section 5. Rating Requirements ............................................................................................. 6

Section 6. Minimum Data Requirements for Published Ratings ...........................................6

Section 7. Marking and Nameplate Data ...............................................................................7

Section 8. Conformance Conditions ...................................................................................... 8


Table 1. Standard Rating Conditions ..................................................................................4

Table 2. Multiples for Rated Airflow..................................................................................7


Figure 1. Scheme of Airflows for Exchangers .....................................................................2


Appendix A. References - Normative ........................................................................................ 9

Appendix B. References - Informative....................................................................................... 9

Appendix C. Calculation of Effectiveness - Normative ........................................................... 10



Section 1. Purpose

1.1 Purpose. The purpose of this standard is to establish for Air-to-Air Exchangers intended for use in Air-to-Air
Energy Recovery Ventilation Equipment: definitions; test requirements; rating requirements; minimum data requirements for
Published Ratings; marking and nameplate data; and conformance conditions.

1.1.1 Intent. This standard is intended for the guidance of the industry, including manufacturers, designers,
installers, contractors and users.

1.1.2 Review and Amendment. This standard is subject to review and amendment as technology advances.

Section 2. Scope

2.1 Scope. This standard applies to factory-made Air-to-Air Exchangers for use in Air-to-Air Energy Recovery
Ventilation Equipment as defined in Section 3.

2.2 Exclusions. This standard does not apply to the rating and testing of heat exchangers joined by circulated heat
transfer medium (run-around loop). A run-around loop employs liquid-containing coils connected in a closed loop and
placed in each of two or more airstreams.

Section 3. Definitions

All terms in this document will follow the standard industry definitions in the ASHRAE Terminology website
( unless otherwise defined in this section.

3.1 Air-to-Air Energy Recovery Ventilation Equipment (AAERVE). Energy recovery components and packaged energy
recovery ventilation units which employ Air-to-Air Exchangers to recover energy from exhaust air for the purpose of pre-
conditioning outdoor air prior to supplying the conditioned air to the space, either directly or as part of an air-conditioning (to
include air heating, air cooling, air circulating, air cleaning, humidifying and dehumidifying) system.

3.2 Air-to-Air Exchanger (hereinafter, “Exchanger”). A device that transfers heat/energy from an exhaust airstream to
a separated supply airstream. Air-to-Air Exchangers are also referred to as energy recovery components.

3.2.1 Heat Pipe Heat Exchanger. A device employing tubes charged with a fluid for the purpose of transferring
sensible energy from one airstream to another. Heat transfer takes place through the vaporization of the fluid
exposed to the warmer airstream and condensation of the fluid in the cooler airstream.

3.2.2 Plate Heat Exchanger. A device for the purpose of transferring energy (sensible or total) from one airstream
to another with no moving parts. The design may incorporate parallel, cross or counter flow construction or a
combination of these to achieve the energy transfer.

3.2.3 Rotary Heat Exchanger. A device incorporating a rotating cylinder or wheel for the purpose of transferring
energy (sensible or total) from one airstream to the other. It incorporates heat transfer material, a drive mechanism,
a casing or frame, and includes any seals which are provided to retard the bypassing and leakage of air from one
airstream to the other.

3.3 Airflow.

3.3.1 Entering Supply Airflow (OA). The supply airstream (outdoor air) before passing through the exchanger,
indicated in Figure 1 as Station 1. Sometimes referred to as the outdoor Airflow.

3.3.2 Leaving Supply Airflow (SA). The supply airstream (outdoor air) after passing through the exchanger,

ANSI/AHRI STANDARD 1060 (I-P)–2014__________________________________________________________

indicated in Figure 1 as Station 2. Sometimes referred to as the supply Airflow.

3.3.3 Entering Exhaust Airflow (RA). The exhaust airstream (indoor air) before passing through the exchanger,
indicated in Figure 1 as Station 3. Sometimes referred to as the return Airflow.

3.3.4 Leaving Exhaust Airflow (EA). The exhaust airstream (indoor air) after passing through the exchanger,
indicated in Figure 1 as Station 4. Sometimes referred to as the exhaust Airflow.

Figure 1. Scheme of Airflows for Exchangers

3.4 Capacity Rate. The quantity of energy an airstream at a specific mass flow rate is able to absorb or release per unit
time per unit change in temperature, humidity content, or enthalpy content.

3.5 Effectiveness. A ratio of the actual energy transfer (sensible, latent, or total) to the product of the minimum energy
capacity rate and the maximum difference in temperature, humidity ratio, or enthalpy. The equation for determining
Effectiveness is Equation C1 in Appendix C.

Effectiveness is not adjusted to account for that portion of the psychrometric change in the Leaving Supply Airflow that is the
result of leakage of Entering Exhaust Airflow rather than exchange of heat or moisture between the airstreams.

3.5.1 Sensible Effectiveness. The Effectiveness determined in Section 3.5 using only measured dry bulb
temperature differences, specific heat capacities and mass airflow rates.

3.5.2 Latent Effectiveness. The Effectiveness determined in Section 3.5 using only measured humidity ratios,
heat of vaporization values, and mass airflow rates.

3.5.3 Total Effectiveness. The Effectiveness determined in Section 3.5 using only measured enthalpies and mass
airflow rates.

3.5.4 Net Effectiveness. The Effectiveness adjusted to account for that portion of the psychrometric change in the
Leaving Supply Airflow that is the result of leakage of Entering Exhaust Airflow rather than exchange of heat or
moisture between the airstreams. The derivation of Net Effectiveness is given in Appendix C.

3.6 Exhaust Air Transfer Ratio (EATR). The tracer gas concentration difference between the Leaving Supply Airflow
and the Entering Supply Airflow divided by the tracer gas concentration difference between the Entering Exhaust Airflow
and the Entering Supply Airflow at the 100% rated Airflows, expressed as a percentage. The equation for determining EATR
is Equation C2 in Appendix C.

3.7 Net Supply Airflow. That portion of the Leaving Supply Airflow that originated as Entering Supply Airflow. The
Net Supply Airflow is determined by subtracting air transferred from the exhaust side of the exchanger from the gross
Airflow measured at the Supply Airflow leaving the exchanger and is given by the equation:


Net Supply Airflow = Leaving Supply Airflow · (1 - EATR) 1

3.8 Outdoor Air Correction Factor (OACF). The ratio of the Entering Supply Airflow to the measured (gross) Leaving
Supply Airflow.

3.9 Pressure Differential. The difference in static pressure between the Leaving Supply Airflow and the Entering
Exhaust Airflow.

3.10 Pressure Drop. The difference in static pressure between the Entering Supply Airflow and the Leaving Supply

3.11 Published Rating. A statement of the assigned values of those performance characteristics, under stated Rating
Conditions, by which a unit may be chosen for its application. These values apply to all exchangers for use in Energy
Recovery Ventilation Equipment of like size and type (identification) produced by the same manufacturer. The term
Published Rating includes the rating of all performance characteristics shown on the unit or published in specifications,
advertising or other literature controlled by the manufacturer, at stated Rating Conditions.

3.11.1 Application Rating. A rating based on tests performed at application Rating Conditions (other than Standard
Rating Conditions).

3.11.2 Standard Rating. A rating based on tests performed at Standard Rating Conditions.

3.12 Rating Conditions. Any set of operating conditions under which a single level of performance results, and which
cause only that level of performance to occur.

3.12.1 Standard Rating Conditions. Rating Conditions used as the basis of comparison for performance

3.13 "Shall” or "Should.” “Shall” or “should” shall be interpreted as follows:

3.13.1 Shall. Where “shall” or “shall not” is used for a provision specified, that provision is mandatory if
compliance with the standard is claimed.

3.13.2 Should. “Should” is used to indicate provisions which are not mandatory but which are desirable as good

3.14 Standard Air. Air weighing 0.075 lb/ft3 which approximates dry air at 70°F and at a barometric pressure of 29.92 in

3.15 Station. For each of the Airflows defined in Section 3.3 and shown in Figure 1, the station is the location in the test
apparatus at which conditions such as temperature, humidity, pressure, or Airflow are measured. These locations are
identified as “Station 1”, “Station 2”, “Station 3” and “Station 4”.

Section 4. Test Requirements

4.1 Test Requirements. All Standard Ratings shall be verified by tests conducted in accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE
Standard 84 at the Standard Rating Conditions in Table 1, except where modified by this standard.

4.2 Test Set-up.

4.2.1 Heat Pipe Heat Exchangers. For the purpose of rating, the tilt angle of Heat Pipe Heat Exchangers shall be as
specified by the manufacturer. The tilt angle may change between heating and cooling conditions provided that an
automatic mechanism to do so is provided by the manufacturer.

4.2.2 Plate Heat Exchangers. For the purpose of rating, ensure that the orientation of the Plate Heat Exchanger is
as specified by the manufacturer.

4.2.3 Rotary Heat Exchangers.

ANSI/AHRI STANDARD 1060 (I-P)–2014__________________________________________________________ General. For the purpose of rating, drive motors used in Rotary Heat Exchangers shall be placed in
the airstream as specified by the manufacturer. All Standard Ratings, under both heating and cooling
conditions, shall be measured with the drive motor in the same location. In addition, the Rotary Heat
Exchanger shall rotate within ± 10% of the speed or speed range specified by the manufacturer (if provided).

Table 1. Standard Rating Conditions

Conditions Tolerances
Heating Cooling Average of
During Test

1. Entering Supply Airflow temperature

a. Dry-bulb, °F 35 95 1.0 +/- 0.5
b. Wet-bulb, °F 33 78 0.6 +/- 0.3

2. Entering Exhaust Airflow temperature

70 75 1.0 +/- 0.5
a. Dry-bulb, °F
58 63
b. Wet-bulb, °F 0.6 +/- 0.3
3. Leaving Supply Airflow, scfm 100% of the rated Airflow(s) See Section 4.3
75% of the rated Airflow(s)

4. Entering Exhaust Airflow (Return Air), scfm Same rate as Leaving Supply See Section 4.3
5. Pressure Differential, Leaving Supply Airflow static
pressure minus Entering Exhaust (return) Airflow static 0.00 See Section 4.3
pressure, for Effectiveness tests, in H2O
6. Pressure Differential, Leaving Supply Airflow (1) 0.00 and
static pressure minus Entering Exhaust (return) (2) manufacturer’s choice of
Airflow static pressure, for Outdoor Air two or more of the following: See Section 4.3
Correction Factor tests and tracer gas tests of -5.00, -3.00, -1.00, -0.50,
Exhaust Air Transfer Ratio, in H2O 0.50, 1.00, 3.00, 5.00
1. Adjustments to balance the Airflows shall be made at the Standard Rating Conditions (i.e., temperatures), just prior to
data acquisition. Adjustable Purge. For the purpose of rating, if an adjustable purge is provided, it shall be set at the
manufacturer’s specified purge angle or setting. The purge angle or setting may vary between different tests;
however, Standard Ratings of Effectiveness shall be measured using the same purge angle or setting used
when measuring Standard Ratings of Exhaust Air Transfer Ratio and Outdoor Air Correction Factor at the
required zero pressure differential condition (see Table 1).

4.2.4 Laboratory Ambient Conditions. Except in facilities in which the exchanger is located in one or both of the
indoor and outdoor condition chambers, laboratory ambient conditions shall be maintained within the limits of 60°F
and 80°F dry bulb. The room ambient temperature shall be measured within 6 ft of the sample and at the height of
the sample.

4.3 Testing Tolerances. For the test to be valid, it shall meet all the requirements of this section.

4.3.1 Airflow and Pressure. For the purpose of rating, measured Airflow shall remain within a tolerance of
±1.5% or 5 scfm, whichever is greater, for the duration of the test. For the purpose of rating for a zero Pressure
Differential, the average differential shall be between +0.010 in H2O and 0 in H2O, and no reading shall be above
0.050 in H2O or below -0.050 in H2O. For the purpose of rating for non-zero Pressure Differentials, measured
pressures shall remain within a tolerance of ± 0.050 in H2O.


4.3.2 Stability. Neither Sensible nor Latent Effectiveness shall exhibit a trend up or down for the duration of the

4.3.3 Equal Massflow Requirement. Measurement at Stations 2 & 3 according to Figure 1 shall be equal within
±1.5% or 5 scfm, whichever is greater.

4.3.4 Mass and Energy Inequalities. Mass and energy inequalities shall be calculated as follows and the average
shall be held within the specific limits for the duration of the test. Equations 2 through 7, below, are the restatement
of the relevant subset of Equations 11-16 in ANSI/ASHRAE 84-2013.

|𝑚̇1 −𝑚̇2 +𝑚̇3 −𝑚̇ 4 |

Mass flow inequality = < 0.05 2

|𝑚̇1 𝐶𝑝,1 𝑡1 −𝑚̇ 2 𝐶𝑝,2 𝑡2 +𝑚̇3 𝐶𝑝,3 𝑡3 −𝑚̇4 𝐶𝑝,4 𝑡4 |

Sensible energy inequality =
𝑚̇𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚(1,3) 𝐶𝑝 |𝑡1 −𝑡3 |
< 0.20 3

|𝑚̇1 𝑊1 −𝑚̇2 𝑊2 +𝑚̇ 3 𝑊3 −𝑚̇ 4 𝑊4 |

Latent energy inequality =
𝑚̇𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚(1,3) |𝑊1 −𝑊3 |
< 0.20 4

|𝑚̇1 ℎ1 −𝑚̇2 ℎ2 +𝑚̇ 3 ℎ3 −𝑚̇ 4 ℎ4 |

Total energy inequality =
𝑚̇𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚(1,3) |ℎ1 −ℎ3 |
< 0.20 5

If the rated Latent Effectiveness is 0, Equations 4 and 5 are omitted for tests at winter conditions.

If the rated Latent Effectiveness is above 0, and physical condensation is visible during testing, Equations 4 and 5
are replaced with Equations 6 through 9 below.

|𝑚̇1 𝑊1 −𝑚̇2 𝑊2 +𝑚̇ 3 𝑊3 −𝑚̇ 4 𝑊4 −𝑚̇𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑎𝑡𝑒 |

Latent energy inequality =
𝑚̇𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚(1,3) |𝑊1 −𝑊3 |
< 0.20 6

|𝑚̇1 ℎ1 −𝑚̇2 ℎ2 +𝑚̇ 3 ℎ3 −𝑚̇ 4 ℎ4 −𝑄̇𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑎𝑡𝑒 |

Total energy inequality =
𝑚̇𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚(1,3) |ℎ1 −ℎ3 |
< 0.20 7

𝑄̇ condensate= (W3-W4) · [(ṁ3 · ṁ4)/2] · (1061 Btu/lb) 8

ṁcondensate = (W3-W4) · [(ṁ3 · ṁ4)/2] 9


cp,n = Specific heat of dry air at Station n, Btu/lbm°F

hn = Enthalpy at Station n, Btu/lbm
𝑚̇n = Mass flow rate of dry air through Station n, lb/min
n = Station number (see Figure 1)
tn = Temperature at Station n, °F
Wn = Humidity ratio at Station n, lb/lb

4.4 Tracer Gas Test. The tracer gas tests shall be performed at the 100% rated Airflow listed in Table 1 and at the
Pressure Differentials listed in Table 1. The tracer gas used shall be sulfur hexafluoride (SF6). Tests shall be conducted at
Laboratory Ambient temperature conditions with no psychrometric changes. Relative humidity shall be maintained between
20% and 60% for the duration of the test.

4.5 Pressure Drop Test. The pressure drop test shall be performed at laboratory ambient conditions with no
psychrometric changes. The mass flow inequality of Equation 2 shall be calculated and held within the specific limit for the
duration of the test.

4.5.1 Pressure drop through the exchanger shall also be recorded for all thermal performance tests, in H2O.

4.6 Test Uncertainty. All tests shall meet the uncertainty limits specified in Section 7 of ASHRAE Standard 84, and the
test uncertainty shall be determined and reported.
ANSI/AHRI STANDARD 1060 (I-P)–2014__________________________________________________________

Section 5. Rating Requirements

5.1 Standard Ratings. Standard Ratings shall be determined at the Standard Rating Conditions specified in Table 1. All
Standard Ratings shall be verified by tests conducted in accordance with Section 4.

5.2 Tolerances. To comply with this standard, Published Ratings shall be based on data obtained in accordance with the
provisions of this section and shall be such that any production unit, when tested, shall meet these ratings except for an
allowance to cover testing and manufacturing variations.

5.2.1 Allowance for Sensible Effectiveness. Test results for Sensible Effectiveness shall not be less than 95% of the
Published Rating, or more than two absolute percentage points below the Published Rating, whichever tolerance is

5.2.2 Allowance for Latent Effectiveness. Test results for Latent Effectiveness shall not be less than 93% of the
Published Rating, or more than two absolute percentage points below the Published Rating, whichever tolerance is

5.2.3 Allowance for Pressure Drop. Test results for Pressure Drop shall not be more than 110% of the Published
Rating, or 0.050 in H2O, whichever tolerance is greater.

5.2.4 Allowance for Exhaust Air Transfer Ratio. Test results for EATR shall not be more than one absolute
percentage point greater than the Published Rating.

5.2.5 Allowance for Outdoor Air Correction Factor (OACF). Test results for OACF shall follow the requirements
below: If the OACF Published Rating is less than 0.91, then the test results shall be less than or equal to
1.00 and greater than or equal to 90% of the published rating. If the OACF Published Rating is greater than or equal to 0.91 and less than or equal to 1.11, then
the test results shall be greater than or equal to 90% of the published rating and less than or equal to 110% of
the published rating. If the OACF Published Rating is greater than 1.11, then the test results shall be greater than or
equal to 1.00 and less than or equal to 110% of the published rating.

5.3 Calculation of Pressure Drop at Standard Rating Conditions. The rated Pressure Drop shall be corrected for air
density and viscosity using the following equation:

    s 
Ps  P     10
 s    


ΔP = Tested Pressure Drop, in Hg

ΔPs = Rated Pressure Drop, in Hg
ρ = Density of air as tested, lbm/ft3
ρs = Density of Standard Air, lbm/ft3
μ = Viscosity of air as tested, lbm/ft·s
μs = Viscosity of Standard Air, lbm/ft·s
m =1

Section 6. Minimum Data Requirements for Published Ratings

6.1 Values of Standard Ratings.


6.1.1 Rated Airflow. The rated Airflow shall be specified by the manufacturer and shall be expressed in scfm as
indicated in Table 2.

Table 2. Multiples for Rated Airflow

Rated Airflow for Units, scfm Multiples, scfm
< 250 10
  and   25
 500 and < 1000 50
 1000 100

6.1.2 Effectiveness. Sensible and Latent Effectiveness (see Appendix C) shall be reported and expressed in %, in
multiples of 1%.

6.1.3 Exhaust Air Transfer Ratio. EATR shall be reported and expressed in %, in multiples of 0.1%.

6.1.4 Outdoor Air Correction Factor. OACF shall be reported and expressed in multiples of 0.01.

6.1.5 Pressure Drop. Pressure Drop through the exchanger shall be corrected for standard air and reported and
expressed in multiples of 0.05 in H2O.

6.2 Additional Information. In addition, the following information shall be reported for the exchanger unless otherwise

6.2.1 Rated tilt angle at heating and cooling conditions (Heat Pipe Heat Exchanger only), °

6.2.2 The results of the tracer gas test as defined in Section 9.5 of ASHRAE Standard 84 and presented as EATR

6.2.3 Seal type and configuration, if any

6.2.4 Net Supply Airflow at the 100% rated Airflow, scfm

6.2.5 Total, net Sensible, net Latent, and net Total Effectiveness at the 100% and 75% rated Airflow (The Net
Effectiveness shall be calculated as shown in Appendix C and reported in % in multiples of 1%)

6.2.6 Purge angle, or setting (Rotary Heat Exchanger only) listed for all tests, °

6.3 Application Ratings. Ratings at conditions other than as shown in Table 1 may be published as Application Ratings
and shall be based on data determined by the methods described in Section 4.

6.4 Minimum Data Requirements for Published Ratings. As a minimum, Published Ratings shall include all Standard
Ratings. All claims to ratings within the scope of this standard shall include the statement “Rated in accordance with
ANSI/AHRI Standard 1060 (I-P)”. All claims to ratings outside the scope of this standard shall include the statement
“Outside the scope of ANSI/AHRI Standard 1060 (I-P)”. Wherever Application Ratings are published or printed, they shall
include a statement of the conditions at which the ratings apply.

Section 7. Marking and Nameplate Data

7.1 Marking and Nameplate Data. As a minimum, the following information shall be shown in a conspicuous place on
the equipment:

7.1.1 Name or trade name of manufacturer

7.1.2 Manufacturer’s model number

ANSI/AHRI STANDARD 1060 (I-P)–2014__________________________________________________________

7.1.3 Heat transfer fluid (where appropriate)

Nameplate voltages for 60 Hertz systems shall include one or more of the equipment nameplate voltage ratings shown in
Table 1 of ANSI/AHRI Standard 110. Nameplate voltages for 50 Hertz systems shall include one or more of the utilization
voltages shown in Table 1 of IEC Standard 60038.

Section 8. Conformance Conditions

8.1 Conformance. While conformance with this standard is voluntary, conformance shall not be claimed or implied for
products or equipment within the standard’s Purpose (Section 1) and Scope (Section 2) unless such product claims meet all
of the requirements of the standard and all of the testing and rating requirements are measured and reported in complete
compliance with the standard. Any product that has not met all the requirements of the standard shall not reference, state, or
acknowledge the standard in any written, oral, or electronic communication.

__________________________________________________________ANSI/AHRI STANDARD 1060 (I-P)–2014


A1 Listed here are all standards, handbooks, and other publications essential to the formation and implementation of this
standard. All references in this appendix are considered as part of this standard.

A1.1 ANSI/AHRI Standard 110-2012, Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigerating Equipment Nameplate
Voltages, 2012, Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute, 2111 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 500, Arlington,
VA 22203, U.S.A.

A1.2 ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 84-2013, Method of Testing Air-to-Air Heat Exchangers, 2013, American Society
of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc., 1791 Tullie Circle N.E., Atlanta, GA 30329, U.S.A.

A1.3 ANSI/AHRI Standard 1061 (SI)-2014, Performance Rating Air-to-Air Exchangers for Energy Recovery
Ventilation Equipment, 2013, Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute, 2111 Wilson Boulevard, Suite
500, Arlington, VA 22201, U.S.A.

A.1.4 ASHRAE Terminology,,

2014, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc., 1791 Tullie Circle, N.E.,
Atlanta, GA 30329, U.S.A.

A1.5 IEC Standard 60038, IEC Standard Voltages, 2009, International Electrotechnical Commission, 3, rue de
Varembe, P.O. Box 131, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland.


B1 Listed are standards, handbooks, and other publications which may provide useful information and background but
are not considered essential. References in this appendix are not considered part of the standard.


ANSI/AHRI STANDARD 1060 (I-P)–2014__________________________________________________________


C1 Effectiveness. The Sensible, Latent or Total Effectiveness of an exchanger for use in Air-to-Air Energy Recovery
Ventilation Equipment is described by Equation C1.

C2 (X1 −X2 )
𝜀=C C1
min (X1 −X3 )


C = Capacity Rate for each airstream

= ṁcp for Sensible Effectiveness
= ṁhfg for Latent Effectiveness
= ṁ for Total Effectiveness
Cmin = Minimum (C2 or C3)
cp = Specific heat of dry air, Btu/lb°F
hfg = Heat of vaporization of water, Btu/lb
ṁ = Mass flow rate of dry air, lbm/min
X = Dry-bulb temperature, T, humidity ratio, W, or total enthalpy, h, respectively, at the station locations
indicated in Figure 1
 = Sensible, Latent, or Total Effectiveness

At standard rating conditions specified in Table 1, Equations C2 and C3 provide values for Total Effectiveness. At any other
condition the Total Effectiveness values must be calculated using equation C1, with X denoting total enthalpy h:

εTW = [8.5εS + 4.4εL] / 12.9 C2

εTS = [4.9εS + 8.0εL] / 12.9 C3


εL = Latent Effectiveness
εS = Sensible Effectiveness
εTS = Total Effectiveness for summer
εTW = Total Effectiveness for winter

C2 Exhaust Air Transfer Ratio (EATR). The EATR of an exchanger for use in Air-to-Air Energy Recovery Ventilation
Equipment is described by Equation C2.

cTG , 2  cTG ,1
cTG ,3  cTG ,1

cTG, n = Tracer gas concentration at station n, where n equals 1, 2 or 3

C3 Net Effectiveness. The Net Effectiveness is given by Equation C5.

 X  EATR X 
ms  X1  21  EATR  3 
 net    C5
mmin  X1  X 3 

__________________________________________________________ANSI/AHRI STANDARD 1060 (I-P)–2014


ṁs = Mass flow rate of dry air for Leaving Supply Airflow, lbm/min

C3.1 Derivation of Net Effectiveness. The formula for Effectiveness is given in Equation C1. The formula for Net
Effectiveness is the same except that Xnet is substituted for X2 where Xnet is derived from the mixed air condition at
Station 2 and the EATR is given in Equation C6.

X2 = (1 - EATR) Xnet + (EATR) X3 C6

Solving for Xnet yields:

X 2  EATR  X3
X net  C7
1  EATR 


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