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Three parts of value creation and delivery

a) Choosing the value

-segment the market, define target market, develop offering.

b) Providing the value

-product features, prices, and distribution channels.

c) Communicsting the value

-sales force, advertising, and promotional tools.

2. Value Chain

*The primary activities cover yhe sequence of bringing materials into the business(inbound logistics),
converting them into final products(operations), shipping out final products(outbound logistics),
marketing them(marketing and sales), and servicing them(service).

* The support activities - procurement, technology development, human resource management and
firm infrastructure - are handled in certain specialized department, as well as elsewhere.

* Several department, for example, may do procurement and hiring. The firm's infrastructure covers the
costs of general management, planning, finance, accounting, legal and government affairs.

3. Core Business Processes

° The market sensing process - All the activities involved in gathering market intelligence, disseminating
it within the organization, and acting on the information.

° The new offering realization process - All activities involved researching, developing, and launching
new high-quality offerings quickly and within budget.
° The customer acquisition process - All activities involved defining target market and prospecting for a
new customer.

° The customer relationship management process — All the activities involved in deeper understanding,
relationships, and offerings to individual customers.

° The fulfillment management process - All the activities involved in receiving and approving orders,
shipping the goods on the time, and collecting payment.

4. It designed to address key management questions

a) Value exploration : How can a company identify new value opportunities.

b) Value creation : How can a company efficiently create more promising new value offerings.

c) Value delivery : How a company use its capabilities and infrastructure to deliver new value offerings
more efficiently.

5.Five characteristics of a good mission statement

a) contains a formulation of objectives that enables progress towards them to be measured

b) differentiate the business from its competitors

c) defines the markets or business in which the firm wants to operate

d) is relevant to all major stakeholders not just shareholders and managers

e) excites, inspires, motivates and guides

6. Three Characteristics of Strategic Business Unit

a) It has its own set of competitors

b) It has a manager responsible for strategic planning and profit performance, who controls most of the
factors affecting profit.

c) It is a single business, or a collection of related businesses , that can be planned separately from the
rest of the company.

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