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Date: October 14, 2020


Subject: Warning Letter for Absenteeism

To Whom It May Concern / Dear Mr., Mrs.,

It is seen from your attendance record for the month of [YEAR], that you have reported for duty for
-----(specify the number) times as detailed below:

1) Date/ Extent of late coming / Absenteeism.

Total--------- (hours and minutes)

You are perhaps aware that our staff are required to be at work at the time fixed and notified by the
management and any workmen coming late beyond fifteen minutes if starting times shall be shut out
and treated as absent. Late coming of not less than four occasions in a month is misconduct within
the meaning of Model Standing Order, which is actionable. Your late coming on the above dates has
also resulted in the late starting of the machine allotted to you, resulting in loss of some production.

Although the company could have initiated regular disciplinary action against you for the above
stated late coming, we are taking lenient view of the same as this is the first time that you have
reported late for duty for so many occasions. Accordingly, you are hereby warned for the above
mentioned late coming and advised to be punctual in reporting for duty hereafter in your own
interest and in the interest of discipline of the establishment. We need not add there will be
corresponding deduction fro wages for above late coming as per company policy.

Yours sincerely,

[Organization NAME]


[Formal Name + Title]

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Date: October 14, 2020


Subject: Show Cause Notice for Habitual Late Attendance

To Whom It May Concern / Dear Mr., Mrs.,

We have perused your attendance record for the last 6 months and find that you have reported late
on duty for not less than 6 to 8 times a month in last six months. The particulars of the month wise,
data wise and extents of late attendance are shown in the annexure (X).

It may be please be noted that late attendance on not less than four occasion in a month is a
misconduct within the meaning of standing orders applicable to you. Your excessive late attendance
as detailed in the annexure is despite the fact that your supervisors have advised you and even orally
warned for the same, but you have not shown any improvement and hence this show cause notice.

Please show cause why action should not be taken against you for your late coming as detailed in the
annexure within 3 days of the receipt of this show cause notice, failing which company will proceed
further in the matter.

Yours sincerely,

[Organization NAME]


[Formal Name + Title]

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Date: October 14, 2020


Subject: Letter of Punishment of Suspension for a Day for Habitual Late Attendance

To Whom It May Concern / Dear Mr., Mrs.,

This refers to our show cause notice dated----- regarding your habitual late attendance and your
explanation dated----- thereto. We have gone through your explanation and we find that you have
admitted the charge of late attendance, but you have pleaded your family difficulties for late
attendance. This appears to be a lame excuse, as you have not given these reasons for late
attendance on the days that you reported late for duty.

Since there is unqualified admission of charge of late attendance on----- in a period of six months /a

We do not think it necessary to hold any formal enquiry in regard to our show cause notice, as it will
be an empty formality.

You are hereby suspended for a day on----- by way of punishment for admitted misconduct of
habitual misconduct of habitual late attendance. Please note that you should be punctual and regular
in attendance in future and you will not give any cause for initiating action against you.

Yours sincerely,

[Organization NAME]


[Formal Name + Title]

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