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Indicative Action Plan for Implementing the Action For 36 Months

Year 1
Half-year 1 Half-year 1
Activity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 CLADHO and 12 Member
Internal start-up workshop CLADHO and 12 Member
Inception workshop and project orientation CLADHO and 12 Member
Awareness building and workshops with CLADHO and 12 Member
CSOs, CBOs and Districts Organisations
Training of CSOs , CBOs and citizens on CLADHO and 12 Member
Economic Literacy Budget Accountability Organisations
for Governance (ELBAG) on Human
Rights Based Approaches (HRBA)
Training of CSOs, CBOs and citizens on CLADHO and 12 Member
budget making process, Gender Budget Organisations
Statement and on Public Expenditure
Tracking Survey (PETs)
Training of CSOs , CBOs and citizens on CLADHO and 12 Member
advocacy for budget issues and fiscal Organisations
Produce and disseminate district citizens CLADHO and 12 Member
budget briefs for that fiscal year Organisations
M&E CLADHO Project Staff

Annual report writing and feed back CLADO Project Staff

Year 2
Half-year 2 Half-year 2
Activity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Support CSOs. CBOs and citizens to hold CLADHO and 12 Member
pre-budget hearing meetings Organisations
Support CSOs and citizens to conduct Joint CLADHO and 12 Member
annual budget analysis Organisations
Support CSOs CBOs and citizens to hold a CLADHO and 12 Member
consultation session with parliamentarians Organisations
and conduct a public dialogue on budget
Training members of CSOs and citizens on CLADHO and 12 Member
budget preparation and M&E Organisations
Produce and disseminate districts citizen CLADHO and 12 Member
guides on budget. Organisations
Support Citizen to conduct community CLADHO and 12 Member
score card on citizen participation in Organisations
planning and budget process.
Quarterly Radio and TV shows CLADHO and 12 Member
Support districts and CSOs to strengthen CLADHO and 12 Member
their websites and social media skills Organisations
M&E CLADHO Project Staff

Annual Report Writing and Feed Back CLADHO Project Staff

Year 3
Half-year 3 Half-year 3
Activity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Implementing body
Training members of JADF on budget CLADHO and 12 Member
preparation, implementation and Organisations
Training of local and opinion leaders on CLADHO and 12 Member
participatory planning, budget preparation Organisations
process and M&E
Sensitization and training of media houses CLADHO and 12 Member
on budget preparation and M&E Organisations
Train CSOs and media to collect stories of CLADHO and 12 Member
change Organisations
Award to best journalist/media house CLADHO and 12 Member
Produce and disseminate district citizens CLADHO and 12 Member
budget briefs for that fiscal year Organisations
Support districts and CSOs to strengthen CLADHO and 12 Member
their websites and social media skills Organisations
M&E CLADHO Project Staff

Report writing CLADHO Project Staff

Dr. Emmanuel SAFARI

Executive Secretary

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