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RDBMS with MySQL Unit 1

Unit 1 Basics of MySQL

1.1 Introduction
1.2 Features of MySQL
1.3 Top 10 Reasons to use MySQL
1.4 MySQL Development Roadmap
1.5 Connecting to and Disconnecting from the Server
1.6 Accessing and Creating Databases and Tables
1.7 Loading Data
1.8 Summary
1.9 Terminal Questions
1.10 Answers

1.1 Introduction
MySQL, the most popular Open Source SQL database management
system, is developed, distributed, and supported by MySQL AB. MySQL AB
is a commercial company, founded by the MySQL developers. It is a second
generation Open Source company that unites Open Source values and
methodology with a successful business model.
The MySQL Web site ( provides the latest
information about MySQL software and MySQL AB.
 MySQL is a Database Management System
A database is a structured collection of data. It may be anything from a
simple shopping list to a picture gallery or the vast amounts of
information in a corporate network. To add, access, and process data
stored in a computer database, you need a database management
system such as MySQL Server.
 MySQL is a Relational Database Management System
A Relational Database stores data in separate tables rather than putting
all the data in one big storeroom. This adds speed and flexibility.
 MySQL software is Open Source
Open Source means that it is possible for anyone to use and modify the
software. Anybody can download the MySQL software from the Internet
and use it without paying anything. If you wish, you may study the

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source code and change it to suit your needs. The MySQL

software uses the GPL (GNU General Public License),, to define what you may and may not do with
the software in different situations. If you feel uncomfortable with the
GPL or need to embed MySQL code into a commercial application, you
can buy a commercially licensed version from us.
 The MySQL Database Server is very fast, reliable, and easy to use.
 MySQL Server works in client/server or embedded systems.
The MySQL Database Software is a client/server system that consists of
a multi-threaded SQL server that supports different backends, several
different client programs and libraries, administrative tools, and a wide
range of application programming interfaces (APIs).
 A large amount of contributed MySQL software is available.
It is very likely that your favorite application or language supports the
MySQL Database Server.
The official way to pronounce “MySQL” is “My Ess Que Ell” (not “my
sequel”), but we don't mind if you pronounce it as “my sequel” or in
some other localized way.
In this unit, we would be dealing with the features of MySQL followed by
the development roadmap and the steps in starting and stopping the
MySQL server. In addition, we will be dealing with the commands used
to create and access databases and tables in the database server.

After studying this unit, you should be able to:
 explain the features of MySQL
 describe the process of connecting to and disconnecting from MySQL
 explain the operations of accessing and creating databases and tables
using MySQL
 discuss the steps in Loading data from external data sources

1.2 Features of MySQL

This section describes some of the important characteristics of the MySQL
Database Software.

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Internals and Portability:

 Written in C and C++.
 Tested with a broad range of different compilers.
 Works on many different platforms.
 Uses GNU Automake, Autoconf, and Libtool for portability.
 The MySQL Server design is multi-layered with independent modules.
 Fully multi-threaded using kernel threads. It can easily use multiple
CPUs if they are available.
 Provides transactional and non-transactional storage engines.
 Uses very fast B-tree disk tables (MyISAM) with index compression.
 Relatively easy to add other storage engines. This is useful if you want
to provide an SQL interface for an in-house database.
 A very fast thread-based memory allocation system.
 Very fast joins using an optimized one-sweep multi-join.
 In-memory hash tables, which are used as temporary tables.
 SQL functions are implemented using a highly optimized class library
and should be as fast as possible. Usually there is no memory allocation
at all after query initialization.
 The MySQL code is tested with Purify (a commercial memory leakage
detector) as well as with Valgrind, a GPL tool
 The server is available as a separate program for use in a client/server
networked environment. It is also available as a library that can be
embedded (linked) into standalone applications. Such applications can
be used in isolation or in environments where no network is available.
Data Types:
 Supports the following data types: signed/unsigned integers 1, 2, 3, 4,
OpenGIS spatial types.
 Fixed-length and variable-length records.

Statements and Functions:

 Full operator and function support in the SELECT list and WHERE
clause of queries. For example:

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mysql> SELECT CONCAT(first_name, ' ', last_name)

-> FROM citizen
-> WHERE income/dependents > 10000 AND age > 30;

 Full support for SQL GROUP BY and ORDER BY clauses. Support for
group functions (COUNT(), COUNT(DISTINCT ...), AVG(), STD(),
SUM(), MAX(), MIN(), and GROUP_CONCAT()).
 Support for LEFT OUTER JOIN and RIGHT OUTER JOIN with both
standard SQL and ODBC syntax.
 Support for aliases on tables and columns as required by standard SQL.
 DELETE, INSERT, REPLACE, and UPDATE return the number of rows
that were changed (affected). It is possible to return the number of rows
matched instead by setting a flag when connecting to the server.
 The MySQL-specific SHOW statement can be used to retrieve
information about databases, storage engines, tables, and indexes.
MySQL 5.0 adds support for the INFORMATION_SCHEMA database,
implemented according to standard SQL.
 The EXPLAIN statement can be used to determine how the optimizer
resolves a query.
 Function names do not clash with table or column names. For example,
ABS is a valid column name. The only restriction is that for a function
call, no spaces are allowed between the function name and the “(” that
follows it.
 You can refer to tables from different databases in the same statement.

 A privilege and password system that is very flexible and secure, and
that allows host-based verification.
 Passwords are secure because all password traffic is encrypted when
you connect to a server.

Scalability and Limits:

 Handles large databases. We use MySQL Server with databases that
contain 50 million records. We also know of users who use MySQL
Server with 60,000 tables and about 5,000,000,000 rows.
 Up to 64 indexes per table are allowed (32 before MySQL 4.1.2). Each
index may consist of 1 to 16 columns or parts of columns. The maximum

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index width is 1000 bytes (767 for InnoDB); before MySQL 4.1.2, the
limit is 500 bytes. An index may use a prefix of a column for CHAR,
VARCHAR, BLOB, or TEXT column types.

 Clients can connect to MySQL Server using several protocols:
 Clients can connect using TCP/IP sockets on any platform.
 On Windows systems in the NT family (NT, 2000, XP, 2003, or
Vista), clients can connect using named pipes if the server is started
with the – enable-named-pipe option. In MySQL 4.1 and higher,
Windows servers also support shared-memory connections if started
with the – shared-memory option. Clients can connect through
shared memory by using the – protocol=memory option.
 On Unix systems, clients can connect using Unix domain socket
 MySQL client programs can be written in many languages. A client
library written in C is available for clients written in C or C++, or for any
language that provides C bindings.
 APIs for C, C++, Eiffel, Java, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, and Tcl are
available, allowing MySQL clients to be written in many languages.
 The Connector/ODBC (MyODBC) interface provides MySQL support for
client programs that use ODBC (Open Database Connectivity)
connections. For example, you can use MS Access to connect to your
MySQL server. Clients can be run on Windows or Unix. MyODBC
source is available. All ODBC 2.5 functions are supported, as are many
 The Connector/J interface provides MySQL support for Java client
programs that use JDBC connections. Clients can be run on Windows or
Unix. Connector/J source is available.
 MySQL Connector/NET enables developers to easily create .NET
applications that require secure, high-performance data connectivity with
MySQL. It implements the required ADO.NET interfaces and integrates
into ADO.NET aware tools. Developers can build applications using their
choice of .NET languages. MySQL Connector/NET is a fully managed
ADO.NET driver written in 100% pure C#.

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 The server can provide error messages to clients in many languages.
 Full support for several different character sets, including latin1
(cp1252), german, big5, ujis, and more. For example, the Scandinavian
characters “å”, “ä” and “ö” are allowed in table and column names.
Unicode support is available as of MySQL 4.1.
 All data is saved in the chosen character set.
 Sorting and comparisons are done according to the chosen character
set and collation (using latin1 and Swedish collation by default). It is
possible to change this when the MySQL server is started. To see an
example of very advanced sorting, look at the Czech sorting code.
MySQL Server supports many different character sets that can be
specified at compile time and runtime.
 As of MySQL 4.1, the server time zone can be changed dynamically,
and individual clients can specify their own time zone.
Clients and Tools:
 MySQL AB provides several client and utility programs. These include
both command-line programs such as mysqldump and mysqladmin,
and graphical programs such as MySQL Administrator and MySQL
Query Browser.
 MySQL Server has built-in support for SQL statements to check,
optimize, and repair tables. These statements are available from the
command line through the mysqlcheck client. MySQL also includes
myisamchk, a very fast command-line utility for performing these
operations on MyISAM tables.
 MySQL programs can be invoked with the --help or -? option to obtain
online assistance.

Self Assessment Questions

1. MySQL is a _______________ .
2. The _______ is a privileged and Password system that is very flexible
and secure, and that allows host-based verification.

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1.3 Top 10 reasons to use MySQL

1. Scalability and Flexibility
The MySQL database server provides the ultimate in scalability, sporting
the capacity to handle deeply embedded applications with a footprint of
only 1MB to running massive data warehouses holding terabytes of
information. Platform flexibility is a stalwart feature of MySQL with all
flavors of Linux, UNIX, and Windows being supported. And, of course,
the open source nature of MySQL allows complete customization for
those wanting to add unique requirements to the database server.
2. High Performance
A unique storage-engine architecture allows database professionals to
configure the MySQL database server specifically for particular
applications, with the end result being amazing performance results.
Whether the intended application is a high-speed transactional
processing system or a high-volume web site that services a billion
queries a day, MySQL can meet the most demanding performance
expectations of any system. With high-speed load utilities, distinctive
memory caches, full text indexes, and other performance-enhancing
mechanisms, MySQL offers all the right ammunition for today's critical
business systems.
3. High Availability
Rock-solid reliability and constant availability are hallmarks of MySQL,
with customers relying on MySQL to guarantee around-the-clock uptime.
MySQL offers a variety of high-availability options from high-speed
master/slave replication configurations, to specialized Cluster servers
offering instant failover, to third party vendors offering unique high-
availability solutions for the MySQL database server.
4. Robust Transactional Support
MySQL offers one of the most powerful transactional database engines
on the market. Features include complete ACID (atomic, consistent,
isolated, durable) transaction support, unlimited row-level locking,
distributed transaction capability, and multi-version transaction support
where readers never block writers and vice-versa. Full data integrity is
also assured through server-enforced referential integrity, specialized
transaction isolation levels, and instant deadlock detection.

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5. Web and Data Warehouse Strengths

MySQL is the de-facto standard for high-traffic web sites because of its
high-performance query engine, tremendously fast data insert capability,
and strong support for specialized web functions like fast full text
searches. These same strengths also apply to data warehousing
environments where MySQL scales up into the terabyte range for either
single servers or scale-out architectures. Other features like main
memory tables, B-tree and hash indexes, and compressed archive
tables that reduce storage requirements by up to eighty-percent make
MySQL a strong standout for both web and business intelligence
6. Strong Data Protection
Because guarding the data assets of corporations is the number one job
of database professionals, MySQL offers exceptional security features
that ensure absolute data protection. In terms of database
authentication, MySQL provides powerful mechanisms for ensuring only
authorized users have entry to the database server, with the ability to
block users down to the client machine level being possible. SSH and
SSL support are also provided to ensure safe and secure connections. A
granular object privilege framework is present so that users only see the
data they should, and powerful data encryption and decryption functions
ensure that sensitive data is protected from unauthorized viewing.
Finally, backup and recovery utilities provided through MySQL and third
party software vendors allow for complete logical and physical backup
as well as full and point-in-time recovery.
7. Comprehensive Application Development
One of the reasons MySQL is the world's most popular open source
database is that it provides comprehensive support for every application
development need. Within the database, support can be found for stored
procedures, triggers, functions, views, cursors, ANSI-standard SQL, and
more. For embedded applications, plug-in libraries are available to
embed MySQL database support into nearly any application. MySQL
also provides connectors and drivers (ODBC, JDBC, etc.) that allow all
forms of applications to make use of MySQL as a preferred data
management server. It doesn't matter if it's PHP, Perl, Java, Visual

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Basic, or .NET, MySQL offers application developers everything they

need to be successful in building database-driven information systems.
8. Management Ease
MySQL offers exceptional quick-start capability with the average time
from software download to installation completion being less than fifteen
minutes. This rule holds true whether the platform is Microsoft Windows,
Linux, Macintosh, or UNIX. Once installed, self-management features
like automatic space expansion, auto-restart, and dynamic configuration
changes take much of the burden off already overworked database
administrators. MySQL also provides a complete suite of graphical
management and migration tools that allow a DBA to manage,
troubleshoot, and control the operation of many MySQL servers from a
single workstation. Many third party software vendor tools are also
available for MySQL that handle tasks ranging from data design and
ETL, to complete database administration, job management, and
performance monitoring.
9. Open Source Freedom and 24 x 7 Support
Many corporations are hesitant to fully commit to open source software
because they believe they can't get the type of support or professional
service safety nets they currently rely on with proprietary software to
ensure the overall success of their key applications. The questions of
indemnification come up often as well. These worries can be put to rest
with MySQL as complete around-the-clock support as well as
indemnification is available through MySQL Network. MySQL is not a
typical open source project as all the software is owned and supported
by MySQL AB, and because of this, a unique cost and support model
are available that provides a unique combination of open source
freedom and trusted software with support.
10. Lowest Total Cost of Ownership
By migrating current database-drive applications to MySQL, or using
MySQL for new development projects, corporations are realizing cost
savings that many times stretch into seven figures. Accomplished
through the use of the MySQL database server and scale-out
architectures that utilize low-cost commodity hardware, corporations are
finding that they can achieve amazing levels of scalability and
performance, all at a cost that is far less than those offered by
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proprietary and scale-up software vendors. In addition, the reliability and

easy maintainability of MySQL means that database administrators don't
waste time troubleshooting performance or downtime issues, but instead
can concentrate on making a positive impact on higher level tasks that
involve the business side of data.

1.4 MySQL Development Roadmap

This section describes the general MySQL development roadmap, provides
an overview about features that have been implemented in previous series
and that are new in this current release series (5.1), and an overview about
upcoming additions or changes in the next release series (6.0).
The maturity level of the release series covered in this manual (5.1) is
general availability.
The most requested features and the versions in which they were
implemented or are scheduled for implementation are summarized in the
following table:
Feature MySQL Series
Unions 4.0
Subqueries 4.1
4.1 (for the MyISAM storage
Stored procedures 5.0
Views 5.0
Cursors 5.0
XA transactions 5.0
Triggers 5.0 and 5.1
Event scheduler 5.1
Partitioning 5.1
Pluggable storage engine API 5.1
Plugin API 5.1
Row-based replication 5.1
Server log tables 5.1
6.x (implemented in 3.23 for
Foreign keys

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What’s New in MySQL 5.1 ?

The following features have been added to MySQL 5.1.
 Partitioning. This capability enables distributing portions of individual
tables across a file system, according to rules which can be set when
the table is created. In effect, different portions of a table are stored as
separate tables in different locations, but from the user point of view, the
partitioned table is still a single table. Syntactically, this implements a
number of new extensions to the CREATE TABLE, ALTER TABLE, and
EXPLAIN ... SELECT statements. As of MySQL 5.1.6, queries against
partitioned tables can take advantage of partition pruning. In some
cases, this can result in query execution that is an order of magnitude
faster than the same query against a non-partitioned version of the
same table.
 Row-Based Replication. Replication capabilities in MySQL originally
were based on propagation of SQL statements from master to slave.
This is called statement-based replication. As of MySQL 5.1.5, another
basis for replication is available. This is called row-based replication.
Instead of sending SQL statements to the slave, the master writes
events to its binary log that indicate how individual table rows are
effected. As of MySQL 5.1.8, a third option is available: mixed. This will
use statement-based replication by default, and only switch to row-
based replication in particular cases.
 Plugin API. MySQL 5.1 adds support for a very flexible plugin API that
enables loading and unloading of various components at runtime,
without restarting the server. Although the work on this is not finished
yet, plugin full-text parsers are a first step in this direction. This allows
users to implement their own input filter on the indexed text, enabling
full-text search capability on arbitrary data such as PDF files or other
document formats. A pre-parser full-text plugin performs the actual
parsing and extraction of the text and hands it over to the built-in MySQL
full-text search.
 Event Scheduler. MySQL Events are tasks that run according to a
schedule. When you create an event, you are creating a named
database object containing one or more SQL statements to be executed
at one or more regular intervals, beginning and ending at a specific date

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and time. Conceptually, this is similar to the idea of the Unix crontab
(also known as a “cron job”) or the Windows Task Scheduler.
 Server Log Tables. Before MySQL 5.1, the server writes general query
log and slow query log entries to log files. As of MySQL 5.1, the server's
logging capabilities for these logs are more flexible. Log entries can be
written to log files (as before) or to the general_log and slow_log tables
in the mysql database. If logging is enabled, either or both destinations
can be selected. The --log-output option controls the destination or
destinations of log output.
 Upgrade Program. The mysql_upgrade program (available as of
MySQL 5.1.7) checks all existing tables for incompatibilities with the
current version of MySQL Server and repairs them if necessary. This
program should be run for each MySQL upgrade.
 MySQL Cluster. MySQL Cluster is now released as a separate
product, based on MySQL 5.1 but with the addition of the
NDBCLUSTER storage engine. Clustering support is longer available in
mainline MySQL 5.1 releases. MySQL Cluster releases are identified by
a 3-part NDB version number; currently, the MySQL Cluster NDB 6.2
and MySQL Cluster NDB 6.3 release series are available for production

Self Assessment Questions

3. The number of indexes allowed per table in MySQL are _______.

1.5 Connecting to and Disconnecting from the Server

To connect to the server, you will usually need to provide a MySQL user
name when you invoke mysql and, most likely, a password. If the server
runs on a machine other than the one where you log in, you will also need to
specify a host name. Contact your administrator to find out what connection
parameters you should use to connect (that is, what host, user name, and
password to use). Once you know the proper parameters, you should be
able to connect like this:

shell> mysql -h host -u user -p

Enter password: ********

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host and user represent the host name where your MySQL server is
running and the user name of your MySQL account. Substitute appropriate
values for your setup. The ******** represents your password; enter it when
mysql displays the Enter password: prompt.
If that works, you should see some introductory information followed by a
mysql> prompt:

shell> mysql -h host -u user -p

Enter password: ********
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 25338 to server version: 5.1.30-standard
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

The mysql> prompt tells you that mysql is ready for you to enter
If you are logging in on the same machine that MySQL is running on, you
can omit the host, and simply use the following:

shell> mysql -u user -p

If, when you attempt to log in, you get an error message such as ERROR
2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
'/tmp/mysql.sock' (2), it means that that MySQL server daemon (Unix) or
service (Windows) is not running. Consult the administrator
Some MySQL installations allow users to connect as the anonymous
(unnamed) user to the server running on the local host. If this is the case on
your machine, you should be able to connect to that server by invoking
mysql without any options:
shell> mysql

After you have connected successfully, you can disconnect any time by
typing QUIT (or \q) at the mysql> prompt:
mysql> QUIT

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Most examples in the following sections assume that you are connected to
the server. They indicate this by the mysql> prompt.

1.6 Accessing and Creating Databases and Tables

The following screen shots demonstrate a step-by-step approach in
connecting to the MySQL database server using a specific user name and
password as created during the installation steps.
User is asked for the password before logging in.

User enters the password.

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The following screen shot shows the appearance of mysql> prompt after the
user types in the correct password.

The following screen shot demonstrates the usage of Show Databases

command which shows all the available databases in the MySQL Server.

The following screen shot shows an error message wherein the user tries to
access a table without using any database; i.e. as s first step, the user must
select a database already present by using the USE <DATABASE-NAME>
command and then access the tables, views or any other data structures
within the database.
Other wise the error message “Error 1046: No database Selected” would be
generated by the database server.

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The screen shot below shows the command Create Database <Database-
Name> used to create a database by the user.
After successful execution of the above command, the user can type in the
Show Databases command to find out the successful creation of the
database created by him / her. Then the user can start creating his data
objects like tables inside the database.

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The following screenshot shows how the user can select his own database
created in the previous step and start creating tables using Create Table
command. The DESC command can be used to show the metadata
regarding the table created.

1.7 Loading Data

The following screen shots shows the step-by-step execution of the process
of loading data from a notepad (.txt file) into the MySQL server database
It demonstrates from the first step of creating a notepad file to the stage of
loading and checking the data in your database table.

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Step – 1: Opening a Notepad file from the Start menu of the Windows OS

Step – 2: The data should be tab separated and the number of columns
correpsond to the number of columns of the base table. The data typed in
the notepad file should correspond to the data type set in the underlying

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Step - 3: Saving in the notepad in the C drive of your hard disk.

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Step – 4: Creation of the underlying base table to which the data values
should be populated from the notepad file created in the C drive of your hard
In this process we use the “LOAD DATA INFILE C:\FileName.txt”
command which enables us to load the data into the specified database

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1.8 Summary
This unit has covered the following topics:
1. Features of MySQL: Some of the major features discussed here are
Internals and Portability, Data Type support, Security Issues, etc.

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2. Top Reasons for using MySQL: The top 10 reasons for using MySQL
by majority of the user community are discussed here like Scalability &
Flexibility, High Performance, Robust Transactional support, Web and
Data Warehouse strengths, Stronger data protection, etc.
3. MySQL Development Roadmap: This topic provides an overview
about features that have been implemented in previous series and that
are new in this current release series (5.1), and an overview about
upcoming additions or changes in the next release series (6.0).
4. Connecting to and Disconnecting from the Server: This section
discusses about the syntax used to connect to the database server and
disconnect from the database server using command line interface.
5. Accessing and Creating Databases and Tables: This topic discusses
various methods and functions used to access and create databases
and tables within the MySQL server database.
6. Loading Data: This topic discusses about the methods of loading data
into the MySQL database tables from external files such as notepad

1.9 Terminal Questions

1. Mention 4 features of MySQL.
2. Write the syntax used to connect to MySQL server.
3. Give the syntax of Loading the data from a Notepad file into a table.

1.10 Answers
Self Assessment Questions
1. Relational Database Management System
2. Security
3. 64

Terminal Questions
1. 1. Portability
2. Fast Thread based Memory Allocation System
3. Full operator and Functional Support
4. Support for Group By and Order By Clauses
(Refer to section 1.2)
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2. shell> mysql -h host -u user -p

Enter password: ********
(Refer to section 1.5)
3. LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE „C:\empdata.txt‟ INTO TABLE emp1;
(Refer to section 1.7)

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