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Monday, 6 P. M. For Fireside Column

---_.----.----_. _._--_.--.--------~--

MASQUE DANCE Through an unfortunate combina-l At this time of national trial. when· and the Presld.ent of the United Stales
everyone is keyed to a spirit of par-· is its official head. You, as members
lion of circumstances Mr. Charles'
Held in Elm Hall Last Saturday Dooin and his compllJlY did not ar- ticular sacrifice and desire to h.elp, I or the Hed Cross, Dlay aid it sub·
rive at Narberth until ten minutes af- cannot insist too strongly nor too stan tlally in all its undertakings to
Evening-Most Brilliant often that the Red Cross is the only relieve the sick and wounded. In its
ter the performance at St. Margaret's
Affair Hall, at which he was to appear, had Volunteer relief organization recog- relief measures in peace-tinws, help-
been concluded. Mr. Dooin desires to nized by the United States Govern- ing ill flood, ill famine, in pestilence,
}·'very year it is the custom of the express In a public fashion his keen menl. Now is a time when we must in devastating fires; in finding shelter
l'iarberth Assemhly to give a masque regret at the disappointment which unify our national efforts and guard, for the homeless; ,In caring for the
I!ance. This affaiI' is especially look- his failure to appear occasioned, on above all, against duplication of work injured-it can mak.e no official call
In any vital field. upon you as citizens. It then appeals
HI forward to hy the assembly mem- account of which the Rev. R. F. Cow-
I:ers and their friends. ley is disposed to refund money paid THE FIRESIDE Numbers of self-sacrificing perSOI1~ solely to humanitarian instincts and
The dance held Saturday evening for admission to all who shall make during the last two years have given the sentiment of interest in our fel-
was fUl~y up to the s~andard in every application for It. Every possible ef- nellJ' UllXtl21"S GossI!,. all their time, and enthusiasm to lawmen.
way, With the exceptIOn that the at- fort was made to preclude disap- speciallzed relief. W.e haVe had to But in time of war or in a time like
tendance. wa:l not as !arge as that of pointment of any Idnd, but as the pro- ~wat the lirst fiy )·ou see! be neutral, to lessen SUffering wher- I this. with the possibility of war im-

the prevIous )'ear. JIIevertheless, the I gram was not fulfilled in Its en- Hev. and Mrs. Milner K. Wilbur ever we have found it. We could do' pending, a call to you Is a call to citl-
affair was considered very ~uccessful. Urety, nor in a manner which was were in Narberth last Saturday. nothing else jf we wer.e true to the zens, is a call to you to help your-
The costumes were ulllque, the compatihle with the arrangements l\Irs. H. W. Derby, of Essex avenue, spirit of our founders. Others have s.elves, to help support the great
music splendid, and the hall and which had been made for it the ad- has returned to Narberth from a trip preferred through keen sympathy to measures that may save the lives of
dance floor exceptionally clean. mission money shall be ver~ cheer- South. work for specla:l national relief funds, those in )'our OWII family Or among
QUite a number of the members fully returned to all who request it. Mis>; Luverne Osmond was the and to make special forms of dress- )'our own kindred. The Red Crosll
went to no little trouhle and expense Telephone Narherth 6-70 or apply at guest of Miss Mlldred S. Smith over IlIgs and bandages for surg.eons of .instantly becomes a practical war-
in prepa.ration of their costumes. th rectory. the week-end. this or that particular country. The organization, It is a volunteer army!
Mr. John C. Holme's Japanese ~ir. Dooln also desires it to be an- Dudley Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cotter, of 246: work of these persons nas been one Some volunteer to go into the -base
avenue, spent the week-end in of the sustaining inspirations of 1 hospitals to help th.e nurses and to be
make-up as "His Imperial Majesty" nounced that it is his purpose to bring
Atlantic City. American life. 'a!,sistants. Some volunteer for am-
was excellent and he looked the part. to Narherth in the near futnre an ar-
l\Ir. C. T. Jones, of Grayling avenue, But now the conditions are all bulance service. Surgeons, physicians,
Mrs. Charles llodansky's Indian ray of talent, inc1ndlng his own
has recovered from his recent illness, changed. It is the United States Itself sanitarians, make themselves avail·
maiden costume was well gotten up. company, of course. which will well
anl! Is about again. that may need our organized asslst- able. Others roll bandages, pack
Mrs. W. C. Claghorn's Irl,;h costume make amends for the disappointment
Mrs. Stewart Turner, of Wynue- ance. We do not know at what minute boxes. Still others can help praG-
was very becoming and certainly ap- which we have all incurred as a re-
wood Manor, had asher guest for the this country may demand our utter- tically by increasing th.elr actual con-
propriate for the 17th of March. Mrs. suit of our inabllity to giVe everything
week-end, Miss Clara Yaeger, of most resources. There is no possihll- tribution;; to the Red Cross, by con-
H. R. Hillegas' Hawaiian costume was which was promised on last MondaY
:vIontclair, N. J. Itr of divided srmpathy. And our tinuing their memberships, by brlng-
Yery odd and pretty. MI'. Robert G. evening. 'I'he Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian GOVernment has made it plain beyond ing in new members.-Red Cross
Savil1 dressed as lluster Brown and
looked funny lenou~h to he in the
l'omic supplement of the Sunday pa-
Mechanics and other workmen" who good time is being planned.
ChurCh will hold a "Mite Box" Social the chance of doubt that where Amer- Magazine.
on Frida~' evening of this week. A ica is suffering, or ·In danger of suf- Every American citizen-whethe:
fering, the Americtn Red Cross must pacifist or oth.erwise-should be a
ller. A number of other costumes A cake sale for the benefit of the bear the burden of national relief and member of the American Red Croll!!..
worn by the melllher~ and their fire willing to accept government posi- I
tions either at once or at a futur-e Lenten offering of All Saints' Epis- command the loyal and devoted lwlp Tear out the coupon below, check your
triends were equally as ~ood. . I .1 I d' d t I' copal Churcll will be held at the resi- of the entire country. kiml of membership and mall to Mrs.
It is very fl'atifyinl\" to note that tunc w len neeuel, arc a vise
An I a the n - . .
t he people of XarlJerth talte such all (u~re
t t U
interest in affairs of this kitHl, thus IS 0 €mp oyes nee Cl are carpen- 24
t ffi
I~ pos 0 ~cci 101 g
dence of Mrs. John F. Smith, 211 Elm We are ready now 10 prOVide
Terrace, Saturday afternoon, March sonnel to care for the sick and the Main I.'ine Branch Narberth.
per-" Fletcher W Stites, local chairman of
-_..'.- ---------
making them the sueeess that the~ tel'S,
. . assembleril,
. hlacksmiths, . elec- I 'L a I' (I'I~
trIC1al~s. mspecto:s. laborers, ~lllers'l· ing the freshman team in hasket hall,
I) a\'ls
. Ilas tl Ie IlOnor o.f Ieal- I

Those who attendell were: Mr. and drop torgers, poll,;hcrs. tool grlllders, f . d··d 1 I tI APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP
.i.\lrR. Charles BOllansky, Mr. allli Mrs. wood workers , et.e. a,s ar .as 1I~ IVI ua p a~'ers, a~ Ie
Il)niVerslt~' o[ Peunsylvama. havlllg a Make An Check. Payable to AMERICAN RED CROSS
(Continued on Third Page)
' totl~l. of. ninety-t \VO field haskets to his

"'I' \XfIS II GI'E}'N
nH. r •• . • ~,'.', , crellit.
WENTZ-ENFIELD , OF -n~S.T CHESTER I 1111'." ·-~za Wetherill, of Dudley
~ e shall have the priVIlege of hear-, avenue - Jo'eached his eighty··fifth birth-
--- ing Dr. Green, on Friday, Aprll 6, at da on'Tuesl!a Althou hour ne' h-
an Wednesday, March 14, the wed- the school auditor,ium. Keep the date I Y y'. g Ig
111'llg of MI'ss Achsah M. Wentz to .Mr. open an d rnak e th e b est 0 I' tlI1S . oppor- I bor has reached UIlS JJtlfr -
• '11 ' . t advanced . age hoe
I,' Don Enfield took place In st Paul's
. .
, tUlllty, as we on
Lutheran Church, in Spring Grove, I' get Dr. Green here llgain. He Willi
d 't k I l l s stl active and III erested m aIJ the
now w len We can affai·rs of the times
. . .
I 1 herehy a\>ply for 1II011lhership in the das;; checked helow anll enclose
'a "TI N t d W t Mr. Charles Churchill, of Woodside
] . I
.ecture on
Miss Wentz wore an exquisite white '. o I' W·It an d H umor, .. Wl'
Ie, a ure, an
h d'
or 11
• I • the sum of Dollars 1$ •.•...••.. , •.. ) therefor.
'h'l pImet y' WIth·Ua painfUl t d aCCident gown trimm.ed with duchess lace, i tensely inUlresting and enticing. Give
IlC soun s In-
I" .1 e a mg WI I a pe og,
Ie .
•'111d ,"as " attended by a maid of honor " 'I11m
Miss Ruth Furner , of Somerset,Pa
a goo d au d'lence, an d s h ow hi m alllmal
" II t Ilat Nar b erth peop 1e can en j oy some-
I M C suddenly. turned and . snapped
1',. hurchl1l III the face, mfllCtmg
I I' I .
. .
( ) AlIuuI11 _nemher $ 1
:'>:al1le .•....................
who wore a. pink gown of tulle and· tl . . t 11 t I . d h'l severe gas les w I1C I reqUired several ( ) *Subscribfug Jlembel', IInllullllr :!
. .' I nng III e ec ua once n a w I e.. stitches.
satm; two bndesbalds, her sister, . This is one of the course of l e c t u r e s . I ( ) "'tulltributillg Jlember,lI11nllllllr ;;
Helen Wentz, and Miss Salome Dint- under the direction of the Narberth! .A com~~ttee of capable womel~ or HOll1e Addre~~ : .
mer, of Spring Grove, who wore H' I S I 1 Al I A I t' N the. Auxlhary, under the effiCient I ( ) *Sustl1l11ing Jlemhcr, llllllllllllr In
( ) *Life )Iemher, OllC IlllJ·ment... :!;;
dresses of Nile green tulle .and
a 1sooftwo sma11 fIand
1 Msatin,
Ig I cIaO umn ssoc a Ion. a chalrma.nship of Mrs N E Smedley
'e single tickets have been issued . are worklllg . on plans I
. '"for a demon-, ( ) *J'uh'on Jlcmbcr, oue 111IJ'nlCntlOO (,ity and State .
Wentz, Narberth, ower gil'S,Wentz,
Esther an Just :~5 {' at the door, the mere sum of ~lrlactl°AlI .' .
sBuP~led~' to beTgllvendlll '-
. tlAle ~1'11 .-J
lUI'S ay, P~I
of Spring Grove, who were dressed
.U ,"hl'te wl·th pl'llk saslles and bon-
I ''Y

nets and strewed rose petals in the

NOTICE b. ,. : UI lIIg on
,119, at.. 6.30 P. M., cards for which WIll
: he t.11l rty-five cents.
• Me.m!?erahipi
~crlPhon in~mer'cQn
to the c1a""lItarred
dlullrated, pubhlhed monthly.
(*.1 above
Red ero•• includehand.omel,.
Magazine. annu....ub-

l>atll of th·e bride • The best man was 'f 0 tl Ie C·t· Ilzens 0 I' tIe I .ear 'I',oun d I. Quite a Il11mber
"" " of friend,; visited ------------------
----------- ----~
Mr. C. Besterfelt, of Washington, and, HOllie 'fown:" Mr, Frank Austin. 01 105 EI~lwood wounded of an arm)' of 1,000,000 men,! ,'Illin Ulle\fork
the ushers were Mr Jesse Wentz Jr! J\K t •
NIl' Ames Hendrickson of Waynes-
•bol'O . Pa.· M1" Walter, Rohrbach of an
, ., I d ,os 0, vou are aware a
d I· I tl [
- f tl
I Ie tragic
. uvenne, last week. Mr. Austill has and to bring instant relief to tlw de-
. . , I
);een confined to Ins 1'00111 ever SlIlce pendent of volunteers. Our Tuesday, Mareh 20, and will be open
;\Iain Line headquarters opened

.. su IW'II' en I ea HI 0 our I I ong N time

t he met With . . ,III Cook ,s surgical d
an aeclllent. '
resslllgs we l tsd
lave an ar d - every da)" for registration on classes
York, Pa. , and. !\ir Cramer of Han- , Citizen, II lam ump II' es.t ' 0 iso h offiee last year. He IS . always glad to Ized . to meet tIeI specla 1 nee IIs o ftl '
Ie In "First Aid" and "Home Nursing."
" . .' mauy per laps are acquam ed w t .. . II' S t A I a
-over, Pa. A recital was gIven before the fact that his family consi,;tin of se.e I\ls .fl'1ends and hOlles that they llIt.ed ta es I'm)". n one year we ne Narberth class in "Home
the wedding in which Miss Margaret Ilk' 'd" I . I
gh'l Will vhnt him often. as he enjoys have added to our rolls more than a Nursing'" has already started, and
Grove, of Waynesboro, Pa., and Miss ~ larl wor mg WI ow anI nllle c I - I'ompany. quarter of a m111ion members. 'fo- sev,eral others are about to begin
Ruth E. Prescott, of Narberth, par-I ~.~en. t.he youngest se~.en months old, Miss Mildred S. Smith gave a St. day we need a million new members work. Work rooms where you may
ticipated. Miss Grove attended the al e lelt in des.titute clrcumstan~es. Patrick's party last Saturday evening at once. The time has come when meet to help In the required sewing
Conservatorv of Music at Lincoln, . ~t a gatherlllg of several of o.ur (Continued en Second Page) we must ask and obtain the undivided have been opened in the Merion Title
'" b k 't tl t· ""<Is Wentz eltlzens, ways and means were dls- support of patriotic Americans every- and Trust Bullding, Ardmore, and at
"e ras a, a Ie Ime 'VI s
studied there and is a. teacher at cus:le. 0 allll1~
d j' . I'
lImsic, she pl~yed several organ com- 11~ld It was .declded that. the under-I
tl b
Ie ereave ones

, } ; U o t Wadsworth,
tlw Merion Cric~et Club, Haverford.
The Needle Work Guild has set a good
positions by Frank Fleishinger and slgne~1 commltte~ be appomte~ to cir-
Ralph Kinder, and Miss Prescott ren- cUII:I~I~e all restl~bent~ of fNarberlt~I,
ROBERTSON HALE I Acting Secretary Central Committee example by offering to devote one
American Red Cross. meeting each month to Red Cross
dered songs by Harriet Ware, Cad- so ~Cltlllg ('on rI utlOns or ~ liS I Your lted Cross work. Many of the smaller sewing
mall, etc., and sang "a Perfect Love," emm~nUY worthy cause. Immediate To Lecture in Narberth-All The Red Cross is the great ofncial clubs could do likewise-and the mem-
hy Barnby d' one part in the wed- presslllg expen:les have .~een assumed Welcome organization through which volunt.eer bel'S of the numerous card clubs also.
ding ceremony After th.e wedding a I by a large hearted Citizen, but the . relief serviCe is render,ed to the Army Specific information regardlng the
•. 'f '1 I Id I f d t .d d all 1I1olldav evelllng April 2 Mrs. . .
reception was held at the Aldlne: anll Yt; I~~ ,,1R~edt tU~t I~ tep~~ Hale will n;ake an ~ddress i~ the and Navy In tl~e of war.. It IS the classes-organlzation an~ cost wlll be
Hotel in Spring Grove, which waS at-j onll~n II
tended by about 900 people A dinner. sal ~ c Iang,e con tlOns. TIliS I e .
ldan adi~s I se . °l.ttll e Arcade Theatre. A cordial invitation only organization so d~slgnated by furnls!led by Mrs. Stites. If you
. the Government, so actmg under ll' haven t the time to sew or if you
~ . . 1 I "1\ b I" t . d ' . IS extended to all reSidents of Nar- r '
was also given to the bridal party at I 1\111 ~~ Ii 'I e. a( ntlllllls edl e lilt ,I fmatIn -. berth and its vicinity to he on hand charter fl'0illl ~he Govermn.qnt. The j' ha:e, be su·re. to send your m.ember-
tw.elve noon on the day of the wed-. ncr "I CI, III Ie u gmen 0 j Ie r . ' very act of ts lllcorporatlon passed by ship subscriptIOn in at once and be-
ding The bride's father is superin-! committee, wllI he to the ve:lt and to. welcome her at 8.1.). J\~rs. Hale S Congress prescribed that Its Central I come one of the needed new mem-
tend~nt of the Glatfelter Mllls, in most lasting advantage to its bene- Wide ~~perience .as an Enghsh actres,; Committee shall have upon it .repre-I hers.
Spring Grove, and the bridegroom's ficiaries. has gnen to hel a plea~lng stage ~p- sentatives from the Army and Navy, 1 A. lIe C.
father is a retired property owner in I Good fellow", both male and female, pearance ancl dear delivery Of. vOice
Hollywood, California, where the need not he urged to chip in to the ~hich makes her most attractive to
brid~ and groom wlll live. Miss extent of their ability. No contribu- listen to, so come and enjoy every Notice to StoekllOlders CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS
·Wentz wl11 be greatlY missed and tion, however small, wlll be criticized minute of her sta)'. I 'rwo cents per word each Insertion, cash
especially so in Narbe~th, as she had by the committee and we feel sure The SUbject of the discourse wllI be Stockholder,; of the Narberth In nd,·nnee. No n,h'crUsement ueeepled un-
an extremely large circle of friends that a cheerful and ready response annoullced in the next I:lsue of this llulldlng & Loan Association will take less ensh neeompanles COpy.
lwre, among whom she was very will greet our cirCUlar. Communlca- papel'. notice that a special meeting of the l"OIt l'I.\I.":--Onk sldehourd. medium size.
popular. but she and 'her husband tions should be addressed to the treas- Xnrherth Woman's Suffrage. Etockholders of the association will newest st~'I<'; ,,<,r~· r,',"'onnhl,'. Also 9x12
are expectd;ng to return next fall to lureI', Mr. R. G. SavllI. be held on Thursday, May 3, 1917, at ~?>~l~'<'..'._:o;nrherlh (;:I~~_"_·. _
9 o'clock P. M., at which time action I"OIt s,\J.Jo:--Uefrlgernlol' nnd Hnvllnnd
Washington when the session con-I'
venes. again as Mr. Enfield is asstst-
"'m. }'Iedler,
}'. Walzer,
wlll be taken upon the proposal to n,.';~~~~1' ;I~~i)e~r::~onllhl" "rices. lOS lI-lnple
ant to CongreSsman Reavis, of Ullymoud C. Jones, amend Article VIII, Section 5 of the
Nebraska. Several members of the
l\:appa. Sigma Phl; Sorority of Narberth
Fred L. Rose,
G. Elslinger,
"Green Night"
by-laws of the association, relating; to
tlIe compensatl on o·f tlIe secre t ary.
LOST-Frldn~' mornlnK, Indies' gold wrist
wilteh, m"rl,ed "A. e. III." on bllck. Lost
betwe.en DUdley nnd Slew".rt a"enues, Nnr-
of which Mrs. Enfield is a member,
attended the we ddtng.
A. n. Eyre,
Committee. .:..
School Auditorium 1I
J. 1I0lVard wnson,
President. Iberlh. "n,' Broll<1 Sireel StILlion. Rew"r<1 for
,~~:.~~~' to I. "\. ~llller. p, o. 130:<, 632, Nnr-

OUR TOWN ITHE BELGIAN CHILDREN'S 'I an envious man all of the perfections
~~ul:l;: ~:~~~;, c:::at:r:l~d a~s~~~u:;;
orne, Now, Boys an d G·IrI5,
All EXllcrlmcnt In Co.opcrative. RELIEF FUND I provocations of their displeasure."
J()urnnlis/ll-~o Pnld Workcrs.
Owned and Published every Thurs~:
; i One of these envy laden ones, with
The readcm of The Lit.erary Digest! an evident desire .to embarrass me,
Here's a Real Chance F or YOU.,
day by the Narberth Civic Associa-: are already aequainted wit.h t.he wor), I haR ad rest (s~e Literary D~gest). to
________________ I '. direct.ed t.o the raising, of a fund for: )'011 a poem of rare merit, III WhlCh
the maintenance ol' starving Belgian he aRI,s you t9 reveal my name. His
Everybody Must Get On Board' •
• N.UtllElli'J[ CIVIC ASSOCIA'l'lON. i children. Through the pages of 'rhe: hase intention, as I conceive it, is
President, A. J. Loos. : L:terary !Jigest. an appeal Is maile to to force me to auswer in kind and Let's show Narberth folks just what we can do-let's have
Vice-presidents, A. C. Shand, J. I3.: all the peol11e of the Pnlted States to thus eXpose my supposed ignorance the best contest ever conducted in this good old town! And let's
Williams, James Artman. : help save t.he ehilliren of ruined Bel- of poetry and so l11a!w m~'self appear make sure that every boy and girl in Narberth takes part in it
.Secretar y and tr'Jasurer, Frank J.: giul11. l'ldivilluuls. groups of individ-. l:idieU~OUS t.~ the 50,000 readers ot for there will be no end of awards, and the opportunity is ~~
\\ isse. , uals and whole eQlJIl1lUnltlell have rc-l' Our fown. ,golden one from many standpoints! Here's what it shall be'
Directors, Frederick L. Rose, George i spolllled l,aneaster alone raised ' I~d, 0111 hoy. wc'll fool that gin\;:.. •
1\1:. Henry, W. Arthur Cole, George M. i $7000 10' feed the children of a small lIow'H t.hiH for rotten?: ' THE HOWARD AD.WRITING COMPETITION ~
Colesworthy, Mrs. William S. Horner, I t.own in :'\orthern I"rance, a nd in the 'I'u the "VilIng'e Po(~t"
A. E. Wohlert, Mrs. George 1\1. Henry, I iHsuc of 1\larch 10, LanC'aster is re- \\'hy hol.her to ask, "Who Is the Cuh?" Every boy alHI gil'! in Xarberth is eligible. And e"ery boy and gil'] in
~'Ietcher W. Stites, E. A. Musehamp, ported as having raiHel1 $2000 more to Enough to say, he knows he's a dub. :\'arberth can be a winner, for an awarcl will be made for each and every
H. C. Gara, Henry Rose, Edward S. alid to its orlf.(inal sum of $7000. And while to his face ~'ou cannot advertisement printed-and the writer's name shall he published alon~
with it, of ·course. You don't have to be a Howard customer to participate--
Haws, Mrs. Roy E. Clark, Mrs. Lea- 1\lrH. Artbur K. Davis. of the South- ,lecuse him. don't have to do anything except observe a few simple rules as outline,1
tel' \V. Nickerson, William D. Smed- ern College at. Pet.ershurg, remits He shonlll wonT how much yon below. Get busy at once-and malte everybody elHe get husy-the more the
ley. $:::W raised, she sa)'s, in the "powder" abuse him. merrier for all of us-let's get a lot of real fun out of it as well as the
t.ownH of City Point. ,lIlll Hopewell, t.en experience and instruction which every contestant is hound to receive. Co-
III iles from Pet ers bu rg, h~' the lad ies r.e·H neither yonnv;. giddy nor gay; operate with each other as much as you please-decide hetween your-
};dJtor. :\'01' yet old, wrlllkled and gra~'; selves as to choice of subject-and' get as much hell) as you can' anc!
t here. after "tHll{s" by herself and
Mrs. C. T. Moor~ A. J. Loos ,reallingH 1'1'0111 Th" Literary Digest. So that Hettles you. Ileal' village poet; wherever you can! It won't do at all if you are not represented-don't
"The ladies went immediately to Anll the Cub's name. yon'll ne'er forget the list of winners must include your name! This week we will
Mrs. Roy E. Clark Henry Rose outline the fcw rules which will govern (don't forget to save the· Issues for
work." one of them wrote 1.0 Mrs. Iwow it. reference) and for the next Reveral weeks we will give helpfUl hints as to
Earl F. Smith W. T. Melchior
q. M. Henry naviH. "and that aecountR for OUI' what you can write about:
g-reat Hl(eeesH." (luol.ed fronl The Should e'er be discovered his identitee.
Associate };dltors.
Literary Digest March 17, 1917. The Cub, like his forehears. would I. All advertisements should be writ- 5. Remember, please, we have no
In :\arherth J. pel'sllnally, began a shin up a tree. I ten to oceupy 2 columns in Our quarrel with our competitors. We
MAIZIE J. SIMPSON, Town four inches deep. wish them exceedingly well. anc!
Cashier. canvass with the eager desire of rais- (If you're not reall)' dumh. you'll our stocks and facilities are al-
inv; sufficient money to send to the notiee the pun.) 2. Use one side of the paper only- ways at their service.
H. C. GARA, Digest. frolll :\arherth. Though I was 'Were hi!l name known, 'twonld spoil and make ever)"thing plain and dis- G. :\'0 advel·t!HClnent should be de-
re11larl"lh1~' slll'c'essl'u1 in the homes nil the fun. tinct. voted to any specific patent medi-
AdverUslng Manager.
to which I went. the work. HO conduct- I dnes.
Send all letters and news item to cd, was s~ow and att.0111led with Rome Swan :'\eck Savill has a new car; a. Maintain the present signature Ull-
P. O. Box 404.
Send all advertising copy to P. O.
I emharrassment. that loo!,s like a U-hoat, although it'll
Therefore. a eot1llllittee or ladies is' do for a few !ishing, trips this sum-
lesH your advertisement precludes 7.
a signature.
Write your name. address. school
and ciaSR on the advertisement.
and also on the envelope which
Box 820. I hein!\, formell tt) IIndertake the raising mel'. That'H really what Swan Neck contain !I it. This applies to grad-
4 "Our Town" advertising rates are uates as well as undergraduateR.
Make all remittances to P. O. Box or a fnnd by personal canvaSH of our hought it fOI' anyway, hut don't tell 1 . moderate, and we should all co-
118. town. It was hopell that it would he hiH family that; they think he bought operate by not being too hard on 8. When contestant's age is 16 year:.;
Our Town is on sale at the delJot possihle to puhlish t.he nameR or the it for their henefit. When you men- i the printer in outlining our adver- or under. that fact should be in-
newsstand, and at the store of H. E. lalUeH comprisinf.( th is committee in tion this in the paper, put it like this: I tisements. dicated on advertisement.
Davis. the present iSHue of the town paper. ",Mr. Hobert Savill has purchased a
Entered as second-class matter, Oe- That wad not possible; hut the com-I heautiful touring ('ar and has planned
tober 15, 1914, at the Post Office at mittee will he entirel~' formed and II several int.el'esting trips for the com-
Narberth, Pennsylvania, under the organized during the present week ing summer, including Yellowstone
Act of March 3, 1879.


alHI the names of its members pub- Parle Merion Square. Xewfoundland
lishell in next week's issue.
In the small amonnt of tel'l'itory r
anll Anthwyn l~arms."
The Brightest Spot in Narberth
Of course, we
deliver - anv
pIa ce - any

---_. was able to cover hy myself I found At the next of the Stove
Fire 350. much Rympathy with the undertaking. League the subject to be discussed A drug store in the/most modern sense of the term
If every household will contribute by the local patriot.s will be the pur-
Police 1250.
what it can, he It much or little. we ('hase of a new flag for the tire house. Narber\h professes that it wants a

OUR TOWN wDl gladly print

any news Item about any subject I
Hhall have a funll of whleh Narherth
ma~' .be pr~ud: .. . T
I •
new station. How many of us are
I<'rell Moyer hought it monkey willing to work for It? When it's a
.I<C1.ventl) ',e deslle that Narbeitlilwrench and tire pump severaJ.months case of "Let George do it," nobody
Try This On
I give't In proportion to her great pros-· ''lgO . On Saturclav. last lie .comnoletell Iloe s any tl nng.
. Tl Ie INar b er tl1 Cl'
that Is of Interest to Narberth
folks, but In order to meet
the printing sche4u)e, all "copy"
perl )'.
"Inasmuch as ye have done t;
nnto one of the least of tlt~se, m.
the outfit by purchasing a 't(Jiirlng car. Association has the nucleus of an ef-
I<'recl extends a cordial invitation to fective orgrllnization that ~oUld and
his fellow townsmen to accompany would handle affairs of this kind, but
The Imperial

-manuscripts-must reach the brethren, ye have done 1t unto I him in parties of seven on week-end a little more public spirit is needecl ~'lhe Lonlleat Store in~Narberth."
cdltor by I.i P. 111. lionday each me. . .
"Inasmudl as ve lltd It not to
I trips, Fred to assume all expenses. II . to make the association the efficient
week. one of the least ~f these. ,'e did it .., --- mac~lIle that was planned at its in-
t t " t" T mer 1\othlllg, IS too good for the prosper-\ ceptton. A dollar a year from each ASK for any nationally adver-
no .0 me. ,raCe u . , ons people of Narberth. Two fine new of our citizens, clamoring for a new tised staple,
J.ocomobiles are now the property of station and other improvements-and

MAG AZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS local residents, Frank Bedford ahd J. attendance at the regular meeting of
H ward "'ilson. I the association would work wonders. ASK for your favorite blend of
GOOD ROADS DAY ,It does in Merion, hence should be coffee or tea.
Governor Brumbaugh has designated The women of the Y. M. C. A. The fine condition of our local: easy in Narberth. Stop talking and
l\lay 24 as the third annual "good Auxiliary are within a few inches ot roads is evidently the incentive for all II kicking, get a hustle on and join the ASK f fi h • t
roads day" of Pennsylvania. In a the coveted goal of one hundred dol- these new autos coming to town. Civic Association and give it your or . 1S 01 oys .ers on
On Haverford avenue, Stitesville, support. The association has accom-I Thm sdays and FrIdays.
proclamation issued recently he calls lars, for which they have been work-
on the people of the State to go out II ing. During the past w.eek another one can enjoy all the ups and downs plished many things, but the I
work haF
and work on the hiighways on tbat I check for five dollars was received, of automobiling if he has a tow rope I fallen on a very few. A wider and ASK for fresh fruits or vege-
date. which has enabled them to send the hand~·. The Alps have nothing on r.lore active interest in it would be I tables in season.
magazine for one year to the Metho- Cummer Hill. ]<Jssex avenue, adjoin- of advantage to the whole caboodle. I
Idist Episcopal Hospital, Northwestern ing the pike. was covered with 12 --- I ---
___ I
Gen.eral Hospital, Phlladelpbra Hos- inches of broken stone last summer.
pital, Presbyterian Hospital, West This is a kind of self-adjusting stone wide awake real estate firm that
Would that Narberth had a gOOd ASK for fresh poult~y, sausage,
scrapple or drIed meats.
(Continued from l!'lrst Page) I Philadelphia General Homeopathic and in not more than 100 years will didn't use its office as sleeping quar-
when the following guests were pres- Hospital, Women's Hoopital ot Phila- roll itself into shape. Mudley avenue, ters on busy afternoons. ASK for anything you think a
enol: Miss Luverne Osmond, Miss I delphia, Temporary Shelter for right across the field, is a soft place "Cub." we 11- s to c ked grocery
Lillian Compton, Miss Beatrice Women, Episcopa.l Hospital, St. for machines. The wagons carrying ! should have
Creager, Miss Eliza.beth Raynor, Mr. Agnes Hospital, and the RoxborouglJ building materials to the new school {TNCI,Ann;n I,ETTERS
Howard Schaffer, Mr. Gordon Rowe, Poor House. This makes a total or house arc averse to spoiling the Mr. r.... G. Robbins and-
Mr. Earl Burky, Mr. P. Schaefer, Mr. thirty institutions of suffering and beautiful roadway on Ravine avenue, Mrs. M. F. Ross
Earl F. Smith. char.ity which have benefited by the and hence wend their peaceful way Mrs. Alex. Thomas THE IMPERIAL will not dis-
l"ree souvenirs of "The National canvass for subscriptions, in addition along the sidewalk. Ellwarll Sr, lIaws, PostmasfAJr. appoint you.
Emblem" will be presented to all to the monetary assistance the prize
pa.trons of the Arcade Thea.tre, Nar- of one 'hundred dollars will be to the
berth, on Saturday, March 31. This Narberth Y. !It C. A., and the women
event takes place as the end of the of the Auxiliary are rea.lizing the
winter season and to prepare the truth of the old adage that "There is
Capital, $150,000 ==Surplus, $1,25,000 ==Undividcd Profits, $100,000
public of Narh~rth for real up-to-date a happiness in making others happy."
photoplays this coming spring and IYou will find it convenient to do yourlbanking at home
summer such as have never before·
been shown at this popular little play
\J Open an account with
To Members of the Narberth Tennis
There are a number of members
To the E~itor of Our Town:
Now that my fame has spread to
,vho have not, as yet, sent in their the uttermost limits of Narberth-
return cards, as to whether or not from Montgomery to Merion and from I
The Merion Title & Trust Co.
they will attend the dinner, or annual the General Wayne Inn to Wynne-
nJeetlng on March 24, in Elm Hall. wood (and in spite thereof no brutal
We would lilte to know if they de- person has taken my life), it is only
Rlre to retain their membership, as naturllli that there should be much
the membership is limited, and many t'uriosity as to my identity. With due
2% Interest Paid on Checking Accounts
are waiting for the opportunity to respect to that rare virtue we call
join, modesty. I must in the main ascribe
If you cannot atttend the dinner, this curiosity to admiration for my
3% Interest on Savings Accounts
please endeavor to be at the. annual works. In the words of the poet, John
meeting, at 8 P. M.. at which some McGraw: "He does not hate himself."
very important matters will be taken Naturally there are persons in every
up. community so constituted as to suffer
Remember that the dinner wlll be the pangs of envy when one of their
served promptly at 7 P. M. fellow men, by Ills praiseworthy acts, Open from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. Saturdays Until Noon.
W. J. KIrkpatrick, received the plaUdits and approval of
Secretary. his neighbors. As Addison says: "To Friday Evenings from 7 Until 9 o'Clock.
NAHBh':RTH, PA.-OUR TOWN-)f.A.. I~CII 22. 1917

Preparedness! c. P. COOK
come and especially those who are
I not connected with any othcr school.
I II A. l\L-Morning worship; subject,
Miesen's Bakery
"The Furtherance of the Gospel." BUILDING
7 P. ~l.-Young people's meeting in
Aclean tooth never decays chal'ge of Group Xo. 4. Leader, Aileen
Bread, Cake,
Candy, Ice Cream
Rolls. Pies,
Anlhr acile Coal
7.45 P. !\1.-I~vening worship; sub- WOOD AND
FIEDLER'S ject., "Dangel' of Delay." S • S k S II I h S
Wednesday, March :!l, 1917,8 P. M. prmg moe tn s or' e mart et
--·Praver ancl praise meeting. MiSSion-I -"'.hUlIes In texture and shadcs havo
. -
a ry prayer meeting iu charge of Miss
reached Us for )'our choosing.
1·'(,r IlItlOH" "I' oUldoor smarlncss rou'll
I\lahel ~cynl0ur. l\Iission Cirele and II hUl\~O :..~~u l~t~~~el:L t~I;O~~~l~=ll~c,S~~~~~. around Narberth, Pa.
Peroxide Dental Cream Farther Lights will please co-operate IIlId feast ),our cyes.
with the chureh.
, I"ridar, Mare:h 2:1, !!l17.. 7,45 P. ~.-
IIThe Garden Studio Shop
219 Grayling Ave. I AM AT THE SERVICE OF
Cleanses and Preserves the Teeth 'oun!-( People s Society JII the Blhle I NARBERTH PA THE PUBliC OF NARBERTH
schOOl room, given by Groups Nos. 11 __ -' • .
ancl 4. All young people invited to 1334-Mrs. Wm. Winne, m~l~-.- - , andAutomobiles night.
to hire at all hours of day
ers' Supper on Thursday evening of come and have a good time. Special I 1335-Wm. J. Du Bree, male.
SABlE CENSORE • Phone 1289 or 625
this week. entertainment prepared. I 1336-Francis Mann, male. N ....hBERTR. PAr
~H;mON MEE'!'IXG nOUSE. The Ladies' Aid Society will hold a : 1337-1<'rancis Mann, male.
Merion Meeting House is opened f:lr "mite box social" in the churCh on SIX'l'Y·~IXI-: 1'1-:01'1,1-: ! 133S-John R. Johnson, male. Artlstlc Hnlrdresslng, Elcctrlcal Treatment,
American Wn\'" Manicuring
worship every First-day at 11 A. j"riday evening of thiH week. A pleas- Ijresent last Tuesday night say that I' 1339-Eliza Cameron, maLe.
M. Visitors are cordially welcome. inl; program is being planned and I hOHe who are not attending the Tues- 1340-Alex. Chamble3', male. A. M. CASE
A registry book Is kept for visitors. refreshments will be served. Every day evening sessions of the Commun- 1341-R. Ii', Cowley, male. Scalp 'l'reatmellt, Facial Massage, Dyclng,
Bleaching, ClippIng, Singeing, Shampoolnc.
All are asked to register their names. r:~emher of the congregal ion is invit- ity Bihle Study Class at the Y. M, C. I 1342-Chas. E. Kreamer, male.
ed. A. do not know what they are miss-l 1343-James MeLees, male. 242 Haverlord Ave., Narberth
A speciu I meeting will he held in . , 13H-Geo. Urquardt, male. Phone, Narberth 302-J
I . I I G
Early Mass on SundaY' r~'oll\ April t lIS C lurc I on ooe ',1'1 ay eVel!111 .
I l' 'd . g mg. These studies are conducted by Rev. I 1"4-
" t I - CI las. E '
'nsmger, ma I e.
R~v. R.. H. Gage, of VI enonah, ~. J., H. S. Tillis, of the ~ational Bible In- 1346-Norman J.effries, male.
1st to October 31st at C.30 A. M. From
NO\'cmber 1st to :llarcn 31st at 7 A. M.
Will delt\'er the message. 'stitute at Philadelphia. I 1347-Xorman Jeffries, male. GLEAN---SAFE---WHOLESOME
Late 1\1ass, 9.30 A. :\1. throughout the I Suhject for twelve weel,s' Heries is:! 1348--:A. K. Siler, male.
AU, SAINTS' r. J~ cuunclI. H49-Daniel McGarry, male. , OUR PRODUCTS ARE i GL'ARAN'IEED"'
year. :'II asses on 1J0lydays, 6.30 anli ___ "The Second Coming of Christ." ! 1350-James O'Connor, male. I-UNDER-OAClERIOLOGICAL CONTROC-
8.:W A. M. Weekdays at 8. Evening Uel·. Andl'ew S. Burke, l'astor. 1. The importance and certalnt)- or 1351-Howard Hager, male.

devotions and other services at regular ___ our Lord's return. 1352-Howard Davis, male. PasteurIzed Milk \ DELIVERIES
times. The sel'vlces at All Saiuts' 1'. to; 2. The manner in' which our Lord 1353-E. C. Anderson, female. BrYDelo~~Jl::erIlUed WEST PHILA.
Church, Montgomery and \Vynnewoou will return. H54-Howard Hamer, male. (Pedrlallc Soelet;V) OVERBROOK
1'IIE PUI-:snY']'};UIAN CIiUnCII. ,avenues, for next Sunday are as fol- :~. The sl)::ns of onr Lord's return. l355-Alb.ert Smith, male.
--- lows: 4. The Lord's return and its I'e- 1356-Edward .Jacoby, male. Special .. Guernsey" MERION
Un. Johu rnn ~('ss, Jlinistl'r ; 8.00 A. l\J.-Holy commuuion. suits as re/!",ards the church. l:l57-MaJion Cheney, male. Milk WVNNEFJELD
--- !1,4" A. M,-Sunday School. 5. Our Lord's return and its reHults l358-William Bell. male. (Roberts' & Sharpless' BALA.CVNWVD
1'1 Ie mee rIIIgs for !lex t S • Ulle1ay are i 11 . 00 -'\ . •:'II' . - -1\1"
j ' OJllIng prayer and as 6.regards the Jews.
Our Lord's return and its results 1359-Howard Jeffries, maIe.
Cream BUllermllk ARDMORE
as follows: 'sermon. 1360-·1<'ranl, E. Patton, male.
10.00 A. M.-Sunday school. "Decis-I 4.00 P. M.-Evening prayer. as regards creation. 1361-A. P. Redifer, male. Table and Whipping WYNNEWOOD
7. Our Lord's return and its re- 1"6') Cream.
ion Day." Dr. W. 13. Anderson Willi I )ul'in!-( the Lenten seaHan until " ~-I',a)'mon d J ones, f ema I e.
address the school. 21 G were present Holr Week, there will be evening ~~.IIIt:l as' regards the Nationfl, etc. 1363,-John::. E I'llathews, male.
laHt Sunday. prayer at 4.30 on \Vednesday after-
11.00 A. M.-PulJlic worship. Dr'lnoons, and on li'rida)' morning at 10 warll His return.
Anderson will preach on "Foreign I o'clock, prayer and litany.
8. The attitude of His people to-, 1364-Harry Jacobs, mal.e.

9. The reign of the Antl-clu·ist.

1365-Horace Hilligas, male.
! 1366-F". D'JDwoody W a, fema Ie.
Missions." On l<~riday afternoon at 4.30, there 10. The great Tr~hulat~on. , 1367-Carl Enderman, male.
4.00 P. M.-ComnlunicantH' class for will be a short service for the chil-
all young people desiring to unite with uren and their parents. The choir
11. The Great MIllennIUm.
12. The final rewaI'll of God's Chll-
1368-Harry Reeves, male.'
1369-Cleveland Yowell, male.
45th and Parrish Sts.
the church. will be composed of children also. '" dren. l370-G. W. Gray, male. W. H. HARTMAN
7.00 P. 1\1. -Christian Endeavor I An invitation is extended to every 1371-Samuel Bowman, male.
meeting. Leaders, Ruth H aws an d I ene w I10 can POSSI'bl y a tt end tllese I' ~,\ IUn:nTII ASSE~mLY nNE A C 1372-JEm~ Keating, male. MAINLINE
Dorothy Durbin. serv!c'es, no matter whether you go,
8.00 P. M.-Evening worship. The to All SaintH' Church or not.
I I __
(Continued from First Page)
l373-Edward Haws, female.
1374-Chas. Young, female.
I l'acklng, Crating, Shipping

pastor will preach on t.he text "As The church 'busses leave Narberth 1375-Wllliam Goodall, Dlale.
UpJlOlstering nJld RepairIng
They Went, Ther Wel'e Cleansed," Ii nd Wynnewood stations at 10040 on Rezo Brook!;, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew 1376-E. G. Flannery, male. I Phone, 64l-W.
Gospel Hinging. I S~lJJday morning'. You are urged to II Greene, lV(i:".",", l!nll MrH. TI~omas It. Hen- 1 377-D. M. Ellis, male. ]0-1 HlJI)J,}:Y AVENUE
'Churcll 'I\'otl.~ ! lise them. derson, Mr, and Mr5. WIlliam J. Ren. l378-D. M. Ellis, female.
"' " Itt· f fi . '11 1379-Carl Newborg, male.
The attendance at the morning wor- 'I_ I~S r~c IOns or can rmat~on, WI • I derson. MI'" and Mrs. Albert S. Clift, l380-James Foote, male.
ship last Sunday established a new l.eglJl Sunday afternool~ at i> 0 clock Mr. and Mrs. George C. Rose, Mr. and l381-Eric Krell, male,
Whitman's CllOcoIates and
Douglass' Home-Made Candies at
record for attendance, except on; ~t the.chllrc~\, A.II candIdates f?r con- Mrs. JesRe S. Harris, Mr. and Mrs.
special occasions. There were 2531 hrmutlOn w111 klJldly meet WIth Dr., Horace H. HlIIegas, Mr. and Mrs. Ed-
present. I Burke there. 'ward C. Griswold. Mr. and MrH. John
i::: :,. ;~n;~=:;~e~a~~le.
l384-Chas. W. Scheffer, male.
The chorus choir added materially I ErA~GEIJ RAl'TIs'r cIIuucn. c. Hahne, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Comva)', 1385-Robert J. Nash, male. Good Old.FashIoned, Home.Made
to the interest of the evening meet-I Mr. and Mrs. Carl B. Metzgar, Mr. 1386-John K. Ketcham, male. }'udge. The Hind TJlat ]Iother Used

II and Mr~. Stewart Tur~e~. Mrs. Flor-

to Make
ing. Reheardals will be held by this Rl'l·••Tohn Gordon, D. D., Acting 1387-Willlam Selfridge, male.
chorus on each Frida)' evening for the Pastor. ,enre MI~chell, ~'Irs. WIlham C. Cl~g- 1388-WlIIiam Selfridge, female.
music to be rendered 011 Easter SUIl- __ i
horll, MISs Ehzabeth Graves, l\hss 1389-A. E. Wohlert, male. H. C. FRITSCH
day evening, 1\Irs. \Vheelock will be I' Sunday services:
the director of the JUusic.
Yocum, Mifls Yawyer. ~r. ,J. B. Mor-
9.45-Bible school. Classes for all gan, Mr. Rohert G. SaVIll, Mr. Griffin,
1390-J. E. Nedecker, male.
1391-Harry Street, male.
Properties }'or Rent and S.le
Dr. Anderson will be the principal ages. Men's and Women's Bible Class Mr. HeynolclR.
speRker at the Sunday School Teach- led by Dr. Gordon. Everybody wel-
I 1392-D. A. Muschamp, male.
1393-W. J. Odiorne, female.
Fire In80ranee
BeU Phone 80 lV.
WaU BuJJding. Narberth, P..
1394-WlIIiam Cobic, male.
1395-H. S. Parter, female.
A lnan that whlsp~rs (lown a well
___ 1396-Jos. H. Nash, male. About the ~()ods he hus to sell •
Can't reap '"'0 lllan~- J,;'oJden dol'Jars,

CW-kere is tite President-C. Howard McCa.rter.

Vice-President-Carroll Downes,
Treasurer-Will K. Ridge.
Henry Rise.
1397-Walter Cowin, male
1398-AIlJ,ert Miller, male.
1399-C. H. McCarter, male.
HOO-Jas. MacMacken, male.
As one Who clhnlJs .r.L tree and hollers.

I Ura.. a.-M~Ginl
[23 South I~S!. PhiladefZ~·

Hobert H. Dothard. HOI-D. R. Magee, male.

US']' 01" ~A~[ES OF '.rHOSE

1402-Abel Smith, female
140:~-Frank McKilvey, female.
1404-A. W. Brockmeyer, male.
JlA VI~G PAID DOG 1.'AX H05-Frank Haimback, male.
Come with us to the telephone central 1406-S. W. Foster, male. Are You a Renter?
office after an alarm of fire has )lames of those not having paid for 1407-P. L. Reed, male.
Many of the citizens of our Year-
the year 1917, have been sent to Nor-
sounded. ristown.
1408-Wm. MUlholland, male. 'Round-Horne-Town started here as
1409-F. E. Moyer, male. renters. Aftel' liVing here a While they
1301-TlLeodore Byxbee, male.
Should we undertake to answer fire- 1302-Thomas Fleming, female.
14IO-Howard Wilson, male were convinced that Narberth is the
information calls, there would be sev- 1411-Samuel LaIrd, male. best SUburb to Philadelphia.
1303-William Wright, male. 1412-Geo. W. Bottom, male. Do likewise-add up your rent
eral hundred people calling at almost 1304-Howard Price, male. 1413--'Carroll Downs, male. receipts-ask your broker to show
the same moment to ask where the fire 1305-Edmond Hallohan, male. 1414-C. H. Churchill, male. you a "Smedley House." They are all
1306-Stephen Tasker, male,' glad to do so because they don't have
is located, the switchboard would be a 1307-Stephen Tasker, male.
1415-A. O. Leighton, male.
1416-Kennedy Duff, male. . to talk their heads off to make a sale.
blaze of signal lights, and our operators 1308-John Williams, male. 1417-B. S. Mellor, male.
(The houses are all salesmen.)
would be quite unable to distinguish 1309-James Artman, male. 1418-A. G. McKenzie, mal£. WM. D. SMEDLEY
13l0-Arthur Chalker, male.
legitimate calls, pal·ticularIy those of 1311-Horace Schell, male.
1419-A. G. MacK.enzie, male.
1420-J. F. McMennamin, male.
an emergency nature, from those of a 1312-Fred J. Hipk.Jss, male. 1421-A. L. Lambert, male.
pUl'ely curious nature. 1313-Chas. Yocum, male.

That the service may be kept at a

1314-Jef Yowell, male.
13l5-Benjamin Deitsch, male.
1422-Paul A. Swartz, male,
1423-J08. Dawson, male.
1424-Jas. P. Witherow, male.
13l6-George Bond, male. Nine rooms and bath; hot water
high standard always, we ask that you 1317-HenTy Getz, male.
1425-Edward Batchelor, male. heat, electric lights; high ground. Lot
co-opel'ate with us and with each other, 131S-Frank Zentmayer, male.
1426-Reza Brooks, male.
1427-F. G. Woodworth, male.
150x125. For quick sale, $5000.
and refrain fro111 asking our operators 1319-Miss N. ZentmaYer, male. 1428-Raymond Jones, male.
the location of fires. 1320-Wll11am Pugh, male. 1429-A'IlguBt Mueller, male.
Tnl~ D..~J.J, 'I·NI.Jo:I·1I0~1~ roo 01,' PA ..
1321-WdUlam Benjamin, male.
1322-Harry Messic, male.
1430-Edgar Taylor, male. George B. Suplee
RUSINr·:HS 01~I,'rrK 1431-John Sweeney, male.
J2:IO "nell S'I'.. I'HlI.AUJ~I.I'IIIA. 1323-Clarenoe Callender, male.
1324-Harry Marx, male.
1432-Willfam Bell, male. Steam & Hot'Water Heating
1325-Milton Townsend, male.
1433-William Kirk, male. Phlmbing
1434-W. H. Carmint, male.
1326-Wildey Spea.kman. male. Bell Telephone.
. 1435-Geo. BMroo, male.
1327-elarence Toy, male. 1436-Ella. Reel, female.
132S-Walter Hodges, female.
1329-Robert SaVille. male.
1437-Wm. Kirkpa.trlck, male.
143B-Robert Town, male,
Frank Crist
1330-Alexander Grant, ma,le.
1331-Cllu. McHen'l"Y, male.
1439-Mary Campbell, female.
144~Horaoo Obdyke, male.
1332-J. B. Alker, male, 1441-Robert Dotbard, male. BI,h Grade Butter
1333-Frederlck Harges, male, 1442-Jobn G. O'Nelll, female. Telephone-Narberth 644 A..

o i

Freight Hauled IY. M. C. A. NOTFS OF WEEK

BOY SCOUT NEWS The Eagle Tailoring Co.
Furniture Moved
Express Packages Carried. Trunks Called for and Delivered ~eeded nooks to Help BrIghtenu t1Ie Mr. Chalker's Talk 234 Woodbine Ave.
Passenger Automobiles If we could Teaming
PHONE on you who read On account of the small attendance Phone, 1203 J NARBERTH, PA.
WALTON BROS. NBI'bertb672 this paper and ask if you bad any at the last meeting of the Boy Scants, LADIES'ANDGENTS'TAILORING

DO IT NOW Pbone,Ardmol'e3 some. Can't you do so anyway? I Scouts on the sixteenth. has postponed
~======::::====::::::::======::::======::::::::====::::::::=====:::::====::::::::====:::: l!Jooks to spare, most of you could find MI'. Chalkcr, who was to speak to the Skirts made to order, $1 and up
Our aim Is to make the library in his talk until the next meeting, at Ladies' Suits made to order, $10 and up
the lobby of the Association one of which all Scouts are expected to be Fit Guaranteed
RICHARD F. DENVER tl~e brigbt ~ots of the to~n, so th~t I'resent(.,
w len your oy or ana tller.s comes In ,onrt
Honor to ~[e(\t
Cleaning, Pressing, Dyeing and Re-
airing. Prices reasonable. °
Decorative Painting: : Paper Hanging to spend an hour, we Wish to sur- Mr. Cole announces that all SCOllt:l called for and delivered
round him with the best things, and who wish to obtain merit badges IDllst I .
Pap.r H~"::ing representt'J "~. 21 LANCASTER AVE., ARDMORE AZPELL'S
Philip L. Gallagher books are counted among the greatest be present at the F'trst Presbyterian
and best things In the world. Church at Bryn Mawr, Saturday.
We would gladly provide these If March 31, at 7,30 P. M. '¢C, .~ Music Store
HARRY B. WALL SCHOOL NOTES our budget would permit. Since this
is Impossible, we/~o the next best
,'Islt }'roID };xeeutlve
Mr. Shaw wlll he present in the
.. 32 East Lancast..r Allenue
Plumbing, Gas Fitting thing-appeal to you. All we ask Is near future to give the Scouts a talk IE, PA.

and Heating that you look over that pile of books on "Campus." VICTOR VICTROLAS AND RECORDS
you don't know what to do with and Kremer Uome Again "Why Go to tbe Clt;y?'·
NARBERTH. PA if yOll discover one which you think We are glad to see that 1\:-2 (alias
would Interest other folks of the Karl Kremer) is bacr.: from hi,,' win-
town. drop a card to us. Unless ter vacation in Florida. K-2 doesn't
BOYLE'S MARKET HOUSE otherwise requested, the name of the get much time at home with summer
giver will be placed In each book. The vacationR to the mountains or the
u. J. ROSEl\lURGY. Proprietor
b~Ys. as well as all the other fOl~s, shore and winter vaeatio~s to Florida. I By PIantl'ng Small Frn't1
Prime Meats
110m. Poultry. Butt.r, E~gS ~nJ G~m..
Will then know to whom they are lU- He gets about enough time at home
debted for their books, t,o hang up his ha.t and then It's time ned Currants, 10 plants for ..•• $1 ~"
Fancv V.g.t"I,I.s, "A STORE FOR , ~Jr. lUelchior Talks to School on Sub.
FrUit andPEOPLE"
PARtICULAR ! lor another vacatIOn. Gooseberries, 10 plauts for •.••. $2.00 ....,
.Iet of ~Ieat PrOiluctJolI in the ~otice-Thls is not knocking, K-2, Grape es, strong roots, 10 for $2.00, 'J!1
Tc ephone,


United States
Wc were rather surpriscd to note
the small number of people who had but is to let him know we. who dOll't
or ~i)C each.
Whilc Mr. Melchior was in Kansas paper to dispose of on Friday and Sat- go to Ii'!orida, miss him while he is RaS~'j;berrje!l and Blackberl"Jes, ten for

A CHEsTNUT.Bel,16th St
Finest Photoplay The-
Entire World.
City attending the meeting of the
Department of Superintendence of the
KaHonal ]<;ducatlon Association, be
Photoplays-Continuous lOA. 1\1. to 11.30 had the opportunity of Informing him-
P. M. self on the su!Jject or meat produc-
urday when an authorized collector' therc.
called for same. If there is
anybody who has. not been callell
upon and who Wishes to contribute
their paper for Association needs, drop
Scout. Editor.

as I ,v I or er or
C. 0

The Garden Nurseries

• D.

Phlla.• Pa. tion, On Thur:lliay afternoon we had a card or telephone. and wc will have, Mr. X. Eo Smedley has returned I' NARBERTH. PA.
PRO G RAM the pleasurc of an address on this
subjcct. Mr. Melchior traced the cat-
the papers collected.
tram Knoxville, Pa" where he super-
I intended the ~rectlon of the Depfer I Luck may be a gOod servant, but as
tie fronl the moment when they are Saturday, March 31st, 1917, has been Evangelistic Tabernacle at that place., a master his pay days are uncertain.
:\Inndn~·. TUt·Mh,,.· unll "'("dIlt'M1u)"
"'lIlinna U,·,..mulld. I';nl«l )lllrIH"," und )IHr- hred on the ranches to the moment set aside by the Young Men's Christian
1('11 rt·t Th()n\ll~Un In I'·lrst Sho""lng ot' when they are shippcd to the great Associations in the State of Pennsyl-
"UI,OOH WI1.I, 'J'.:U,"
Ad,It'd Attrnrtlou. .\Irs. \'ern"D ('listie in stock yards. and there bought !Jy such vania, to encourage our younger boys
};I"ht h };,.lsoll., of
:!\ew ('hllpter t;,'."r)· ~IUIl" 'ful's. lind "·(~d.
Thur... du~·. "'ridll" 111,,1 :-;Rtnrtln~'
com panics as Armour or Swift, or
arc otherwisc disposcd of. We were
particularly interested in hearing of
to the appreciation of tile work which I
the Y. M. C. A.'s are striving to do for
Narberth Register
,11Wli I'h'kfortl In Itir~t :-Ihu",lnJ( of the Armour's plant. about which, more- Two Lines, IOc per i$slle; 5c for each additional line
:-i.'r.o."n ,'(,..,..lun of thl' ~h'J:'e ~UCCt·Sp; On this day a number of boys will
"Tilt: nl'~Un" over. we are promiscd more, he sent out from door to door to so-
A<hled .\lIrn,·Uon. Illllllur'" Lh'inJ; nook of lt. is impossiblc in brief spacc to licit contributions In sums as small as Gn",ne, ADdrew ACCOUNTANTS Cot.ter, I
S•• dlJlowllrdI I1'. Phone, 129S.
Xuturl~ Crl,t, I"~~'~y ~h~~~~I":~~~~}. ID this Issue.
"Ttw nt"U\'rr l'rl".tUr.'s fur th.' "'inter"
v;ive an illea of the clearness and de-
:\t.w (~hlll.h·r I-:n'f)' 1'huf'.. Fri. Ilod ~nt. t:l~1 in wh \eh the whole subject was
10 cents up to no more than $1 f or a
three-fold purposc. First, one-half of U.lm, n. C.
[, CheRtnnt ave. Phone, G.7.:lI.
s." dlspla~' advertls.ment In this Issue.
the money collected will be invested, 202 Dudley " • •~\I')e\'·EI'TISI~"·G
., II II IIIIbDCh, A. Phone, Cynwyd 76G-\\'
aUIN .'ltOllI;CTIOS HI'ICh III ID.30 A. 111., present211. For 1.\\'0 full pcriods the
1~.:1O. ~.Ir;. 4.00. (i.Oll. H,OO und 0.45 r. 111. entire
dlilllren and teachers listcned with
interest and attention.
Into those things which the boys need Coh', "'. Arthnr Phon., 632·R.
in the yarious departments . .
Idea., Plans. Copy. AND Art, 'l·ypography.
Sec dlsllla~' n,lIrie•.
A,1<lros9. 1'>arhprth P, O. Box 41[,:
, Se~It-I'o\\,"1I Phon•• In
D,l\'ertlsement PrestoD 2398.
this Issue.

• ,Jullior :Xotes one-quarter Will he to help the boys jl{OrOnHld aDd CDmeron.
Don't forget the junior canlly sa Ie all over this State and country and
for henefit of Athletie A:,;sociatiou ou thirdly to help the ASSOCiation III C'-Dsore, Sllble '1'0 hire.
. . .
107 Ch.stnutAUT01l10IULES
av•. Phone. G08.
Phone, ,bmeH
~3~. orC.H20 ~3~ Ch.stnut

E T8 f
V,'eduesday 21. 1917, Make it. Ilring foreign lands • , 'J • 'd S.e display advertlsem.nt In this Issue.
llorner, "om. S. uLocomoblle."
Az!,t'II·. MUHle I'tnr.-. Ar<lmore, }'hone 1072·.T.
NI'P dlt'(pln~.. advl'rtlsemt"llt in this issue

QUALITY it and htly it.

!\Ian\' of the juniors are going to II sire that every
' . _I
It is therefore the ASSOCIatiOn s e-
young man meet or
303 N. Narbel'th ave. Phon•• 664.
In l\lcC....lnn. W. :;., .J. I'. Acknowl.dgements
Cowin. T. I'huJrt. }'Iann T,>acher.
~U6 ~Ierlnn n\'", l'hone, Narb.rth 347·R.
and ntllda\'lts. nUlOillobtie llcp.nses. OJllce I.(lOH, 1'l1on)' n. Plnno 'l'eachcr and Accom-

Y. M. C. A. B1JILDING the ncxt meet1l1g of thc Bureau of Oc-: the Community Room of the 'Y. M. C, hrs" l~ to 1 and after [, P. :11. panlst. 41. Hav.rturd 'l\'e, PhoD. 316-J
, for Trained " Women. which A. on 'Vednesday evening promptly 1at 'II'CS"D. I '. II

I" ' lone.BAKERS
3[,2·J. ' I'tU,IIo, "U,
'i Areal!" IIld!:", Narberth, .
& WIll Ite held at the Little Theatre, 'I lie IS o·c1ock. when all matters can Je Sec displa" a,lv.rtis~n:~nt In this Issue. : JelT,'rleM. ,J. 11. 111 Narb.rth a"e,
... the "Drama." ;l hetter and more fully explained. Be 'I ~ Trust
J.' er I on Tltl ('i' "" UAlIiCKS
o. p hone, Ardmore 3• Phone. tiGG·M.OIITICIA1't8
SellOol :'\otes Ion hand and support this noble cause. See display lhl\'ertlsement In this Issue. I··.·nton. Cnrl I'. 50G Ess.x av•. Fhone. 63S-W.
, The ten-minute tallt givcn h\'. Mr, I nlt.tenho"H'·
see displ,,~·Tr. nd\',Co.I_t1323
Issu.Walnut st.
each monlh. Phlla. l'AClUXG.
nil <1 reS8. 1806 Che.tllut
1II0\,D/(l ETCst,
i :l\'Ielchior on Superintcndent Wirt's This l~riday night the Main Line JlAURERS JlnrtnlOD. Wm. J1. ,.
Notice is hereby given that 'al1dresf\ on "Physieal Culturc" given Ilaslwt hall championship will he Suzzero. Ton~'
224 HavC"rford nve.
: See dlspla~' ndl','e,\rlt.~~TNE~le>nSt ., "
In this Issue.
by resolution of the Board of at tlw X, K A., was clear cut aud to )llayed with the Ardmore Y. M. C. A. ULACKSl\I1TIIS Cole, Jnmes R. 0

Directors of the Narberth the point. Wc all hall something to and our 1st team. as well as the Nar- SUII.r, 7~8 i1Iontg01l1ery
I". A. ave. Phone, 328. "',246 ('U111 tn .."r. Pholl~.
( •. Hav.rfol'd nve Phone ] 2-li~· 'V.1- ..°5 - J .
Building & Loan Association, think ahont when we left. assembly. berth Boys'"" Club willd play Ithe .1st Sm.,.lIe,· Wm IlJlUIU)Jo;US
teanl of Arumore an the c lamplon
I Phone 600
S.e ,iispla)' "l<I;'el'tlselT;ent in this I"s"e.
21" Elmwood
' Ue!,,'er. IUehDrd 1". a'"t'.. :\'"rh.rlh.
He. IIlspla,' ad\'el'tlsement In this Issue
Ardmor. 39,
a special meeting' of Stock-
~ lsOn t eam. ""I '" lOW your Ioya It Y t a I CANnY, ETC. I \\'Dlz,e. r l''r,·,.I
holders will be held on Thurs- ell']'lle 1'0110\\'1'110'
.. Ilool,·s. lla\'c "eell
u add- I'd'
H. I·;. Phone. l~:H-W. I 117 1\"lnsor aVe. Phon•. l~47-,T.
. .
day, May :~, 1917, at 9 o'clock amined. f.• tullied and used as reference morc and rootmg strong for them on, S~eCAIU'Jo:XTt;US .
to the library and should be ex- these two star teams IIY going to Ard- Iln\·I•• t.lI~plnv I :ul\'ert!:-;emt:"nt in this i~sue I'AIJt~1t JlAN(~"~RS
Wllte, G.o. A. 3~0 Woodbine a\'e
Phon•. 1~03-W.
AND lJUILllt;n's'
P. M., at the general meeting books by teachers and students: 1916 Friday mgl1t. . I Jenkin., ehn•. I.. I'ATJo;N'I'First-class
LAWYJo;RS \\,0;1<.

place of the Association, Elm Year Book, Ncw International l<;ncy- A return game will he playell on the 103 Dudley a\'e. Phone: 382-:11. , I'oster. Slim I. W. Phlla. address. 1011 Ch••t-
Hall, Narberth, Pennsylvania, dopellia in twenty-four yolumes and IlOme floor next Saturdav. night. Cool<, c. 1'. Pho~?A~02~:'C, nut st. 131 I'UOTO ~1.l'lon I'I.AYS
aV., Phone. 1233·J.
to take action on the approval :"<ew International Dietlonan', mission will be 15 ccnts. See dlspluy ~~';;\~~\~~~~t~n this Issue. ;,.\r~',ule ·rllt'lltrt'. Xarhc~th. in this hiRue
~t'(> dlxpla~.. :1I1\"t~rttNP1l1ellt
or disapproval of a proposed ShDnd. A. C. Jr. Commercial Trust Bldg.. "A~.,n'IlD,.. 16th and Chestnut stA" Phlla:
Ph lin. Phone. Spruce 5263: Narberth 1214-.1 ~ce dlspln~' Rt]\,prllRemcnt In this issue.
increase of capital stock from Worlt has beeu assignell to all lIaYe yon sent in that contri!Jution l)1~NTISTS I I'I.U)IUIX(J. I,:TC,
$1,000,000 to $2.000,000. teachers of aritlllneti<: iu Klapper's for gym apparatus? If you haven't, Cameron, Hr. W. M. Phone, 3H-J\l. SDplee, G.·o. U. Phone, 12R9,
See tllRplny ad. in alternating issues. See (lisplay Utl\·erU:.;cmcnt in this
Book on Teaching of Aritllmetlc. Tiley uow is the time to attend to It. Orr. Hr. A. L. 101 mmwood av. Phone, 393-W. Willi. II. U. Phone. 3J!, •.1. lasue.
PhlilL. Phone, I"ilbcrt 425:!. Keith Bldg. See display ad\'erLJRenH~nt In this Issue.
THOMAS C. TROTTER, Jr., will filHI thiR boolt a splendid guide mWGGlSTS nEAl, ESTNrl~
Secretary. in their worlc Thanks to Mr. Henry Rose for con- Jo'ledler's. Phone. 625.
trihuting a gas range for our kitchen. S•• display adv.rtlspment ID this Issu..
CDhlwell 8: Co. Phone. 1271-\V.
s •• display Ddvel'lIselll.nt In this Issue.
FLETCHER W. STITES, 'Ve wish to cxprm;f; through our lIowllrtl·•. Phon•. 1267. Fritsch. II. C. Phone. 25~·W.
"sehool note,," our appreciation of The ladies will appreciate it anll we I S.e dls.Pla y adv.rtlsement In this Issue. Se. (llspla~' ae]verll.ement In thl9 Issue.
Solicitor. t.he work donc for t.he school 1,)' Massure you that we do also. Jo;LI~CTItICIAXS Godfre,'. Will. u.
rf;.' l'UR:h, \'crl 22" 10nn. av.. .114 1\'oodsl<1e av., Phone. 6S5-\V.
Carroll Downeg anl! we do not forget - Nar. Phone, 650·W. Ard. Phon•• 163·;\,. 1'IDMh, Rohert J. Phone. 605.
Il ]. tl· I tter'l Jo'ISU AND OYSTEItS Money tor First ~ntl Second Mortgage.
Miss 'Vilf;on, Rehearsal for the G rill <: asses case I Ul'1ng Ie a IlIlllt'rhll (;roc"r,' Co. Phone, Narberth 606. YOHt. Will. I';. 209 Ch.Rtnut ave Phon. N;'r
S.e dlspla)' a~;',\~~~Ee~~ In this I••u.. 12S[,-W, with Harb.rt & CI~~horn 'Mal~
"Senior l\Iovies" took place after part of April, so make it your duty to
f\d1001. I, he
present at all the classes up to the Yowell. Jo'IMher I
101 CODway aV•. Phone. 334·.1.
Lin. Heal I·;state. 204 Bailey Bldg,: Phlla.
(;Dn\-l\lcGlnley Co. Phon., 12US·W.
])110'101'1,'\IS ]1(\ J.l'XJo: ___ I GAIUn;N NunSI~IUES See display ad,·.rtlsement In this Issue
Mr, '\\'ohlert',.; offer of a Japanese I -. W~h1ert, ,~. I:. :hon•• 69G. Miller, ,John A. 243 Jona ave. Phone, G61~;\,.
}: f(~r)' 'l'uesdIl3', :FrItIRJ' anli Silt II T<lll)' ('heny trec to the grades of the Nar- Did you hcar about It! Yes! Those I S.e dlspl.,y ad~·nr~sCeE'!'Re~t ,~ In this Issue. Shop. 246 Hav.rtord SCIIOOI.S. ave. ETC.Piton•• 1226-,1.
}'rldI\3', Mllr. :!:l-l\lnw & Erlanger's berth School is creating a keen inter-lllttlC midgets calle.d the N arb er th In111.rlal Grocer,· Co. PhoDe. Narb.rlh 606. ,,·,'therlll, MiHM Maud., E.
I~amo\ls Comedy Drama, "SJo;YRN
nAYS." )Jar. :!,1-1'lllltlnille IInlt' est. 1\10st of the gradcR have electell Juniors put one over all the Lincoln S.e <llspla)' 1~,~~"l~~~eFJrb~ this Issue. 200 DUdle~' a"e. ~~;~~~S 126()·R.
Sntllrdll)', their rellreRentatlvc who is to call 011 basket hall team of the Ardmore Y. W(Llton nros. Phone. 672. ])rt·.er, lIellr~' ,\. Phellll'. Walnul 904, I'hlhL.
' 'V()lllel.t 1\'[ C A on Saturday afternoon You S.e dlspla)' ad\·.l'tlsem.nt In this Issu.. I'l'l' ,II_play 1f(1"t'l'tlsell1ellt ja this ISR"".
Pictures " ' . " . " JlEATING, STEAM AND \\'ATEIt <

1'uesday, ~llIr. :!i-.\ 6-luu1 "IUm

1\tl I missed a treat if vou didn't see that lIalre. Geo. A. '1'Drner. IIDrr,·SIIOE)IAKEItS
)<')o;A'.rU};U" }'hutnplu)' of ~UerU. The ne\\' building is prog;ress~ngI g a m e . · 311 N. Narb.rt~ nve. ~h~ne. 699·J. 246 Woodbine aVe.
Other })jetures Ahnl)'s Ine1mled With rupillh'. ' The window . Rashes are belllg I Bowman, SDlllllelINSURANCE I'. (Lite.) Good "'eDr D.
Con.tnnUn.., ShoeG. UellDlr
Y, M, C.Shall. A.. Bldg.
our linin })rollnetlllil. hung and inside plastermg hns be- ' TI Ie success f lwinners
' f tI1e two Uurl:hartlt, 116 Elmwood ave. Phone. G53-W. STUDIO SIIOI'.
gUll u a 1IIiller Phon•• 659·10[. P. O. BoX, Gllrtl"n St,,<110 ShOI', 212 Grit )'lIng ave.
}'UE E-)<'m:I:
SouH?nlrs to An. SlltllrllllY, )llueh :n
. . I
prizes offered in tbe first pocket bll- L. (Lite. Fire, Aecld.nt, Health, Auto. etc.) Sec dlsph,)· adv.rtlsem.nt In this Issue.
-==:::::::::===::::::::=::::=:=::::::::=::=:::::=::=:==::::::::====::::==:=::::====::-:::::::==:=::::::=:= Ii arlIournamell
;;; t t were.. Firs,t ' Mr . Jones, 403 N.ChDM.
NarherthIt. aV•. Phon., 696-\V. Jo:nll'le TDllorlnll' Co. Phon.. 1203·J.
Jamcs G. Foote. and second, Mr. Dan- Jones, \\"m. J, 103 S. Narberth ave. Phone. See display nd,'ertls.m.nt In this I.sue.

II I L 6S0-;\'. Phlla., Penn 1o[utual Bldg. SehwDrtz, ChDrles nome TOIvn TRllor.
I e acy.
:::::~ Sn)'der, Baht. 234 Hav.rtord ave. Phon•. 1254·J.
I There iSllOW another billiard 313 Woodsld. ave. Phone. 383. Tl'rJo;WIUTEItS
I Trotter Bros. (Fire, etc.) Do,ll1'e E G 50' E
• tournamcnt under way wit I three 209 Woodside nv•. Phone. 1262.R. Pho~., ·N~~b.rth' ~~~\~v~.
prizes; the first. a silver cup, wbich
> bl'
Ledge is of Gilroy, John 211 Ess.x ave. Phone. 12H-n• !':rentest The nbov. d.partm.nt should be of the
M r. W erai f tlIe I \l lC r - Phlla. address. Lincoln Bldg. use to the community. the u.t 'con-
• tains the name at every professIonal man,
Everythlnl\ needed for theGarden. Greenhouse, LDwn nnd Furm,lncludlnlt
ferlng. together with two handsome lIellry, Geo. Ill. 107 Chestnut ave. l'hone, 608. tradesman.
cues which the Association is offering ser.~N.a·H:~::s~l.FIDance Bldg.
mechanic, shopkeeper. etc.. who
docs or can In nny way sel've hi. fellow-
the best varletle. of VeQetable and Flower Seeds, Lawn Gru•• Seeds, Farm and who Is progressive enough
Seed., Roses, Dahl1l1s, Hardy Perennial. and other Plllnts, Garden Im-
plement., Law1l MOWoll'll, Lawn Rollerl. Fertilizers, Insecticides, etc., I
and the following men will compete
for same: D. Lacy, C. McCarter, W .
208 Sabine ave. Phon., 1246·W.
Stites, Fletcher \V. 413 Haverford ave. to add name to list ot Re~lsler.
Phone. 372-W Phlla. address. Crozer Bid&,. Ae It Is dlfflcult for those contributing
fully described In
Jefferies, J. G. Foote. F. Ward. J.I LIGHTING FIXTURES
~[('DonDld John. Narberth phone, 1288. time and etrorts to the production of
"Our Town" to per.onally either know or
IntervIew all .uch, It would be most help-
Toaeth.r with u.eful culturnllnformDtton for the amateur. Scanlin, G. Fleck. E. Dlck ie. W '[1033 Cheat. st.. Phlla. Phone. Spruce 3138.
Melsen, H. Smedley, }~. Walzer, F. IlIANICURE, ETC. ful If tho.e not now tound ta the prInted
Call 01' Write for a copy-FREE I Cllse, A. 111. Phone, 302-;\'. list would send In a r..emo of theIr name.,
Winne, W. Laird. J. Cooke, B. Dick e, See display a<1vertl.ement I.. this Issue. addr.... phone numbers and bWllneSllel or
HENRYA.DREER 714·1b Chestnut St"PbiJa.
• I
E . Davis. Mr. Frank Winne Is in noyles'. Phone,MEATS, ETC, professIons for listing. This will cost &II fol-
398. lowe: 10 cents each Issue for 2 IInee: 6 cent.
charge. S.e display ad\·.rtlsement In this I.sue. for eacb additional line.

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