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Name : _______________________________ Class : ________


September 2017
1 ¼ hour



Standardized Test II
SEMESTER 2, 2017

One hour and fifteen minutes


For Examiner’s Use Only

1. Write down name and class
in the space provided. Section Question No. Full Mark Score
2. Write down answer for
A 10 25
section A in the table below.
3. Answer all questions.
B 1
1 6 3
2 7
3 8
5 10

1. Micronutrients are needed in small quantity by plant.
Which of the following is a micronutrient?
Mikronutrien diperlukan dalam kuantiti yang sedikit oleh tumbuhan.
Antara yang berikut, yang manakah merupakan mikronutrien?

A Nitrogen
B Magnesium
C Phosphorus
D Manganese

2. Which of the following are needed for chlorophyll synthesis?

Antara berikut yang manakah diperlukan untuk sintesis klorofil?

A Calcium and magnesium C Nitrogen and magnesium

Kalsium dan magnesium Nitrogen dan magnesium
B Iron and nitrogen D Calcium and iron
Besi dan nitrogen Kalsium dan besi

3. The following information are the effects of deficiency of a macronutrient in plant.

Maklumat berikut adalah kesan-kesan kekurangan satu makronutrien dalam

 Reduced protein synthesis / Pengurangan sintesis protein

 Yellow-edged leaves / Kekuningan pada hujung daun
 Premature death of plants / Kematian pramatang tumbuhan

Which of the following deficiency of macronutrients give the effects as stated above?
Antara kekurangan makronutrient berikut, yang manakah memberi kesan seperti di atas?

A Phosphorus / Fosforus C Calcium / Kalsium

B Potassium / Kalium D Magnesium / Magnesium

4. Diagram 1 shows an organelle of a plant cell.

Rajah 1 menunjukkan satu organel di dalam sel tumbuhan.

Diagram 1/ Rajah 1
Which plant cells do not contain this organelle?
Sel daun yang manakah tidak mengandungi organel ini?

A Guard cell C Palisade mesophyll cell

B Epidermal cell D Spongy mesophyll cell

5. The following chemical equation shows a process of photosynthesis that happens

during the light reaction.
Persamaan kimia berikut menunjukkan suatu proses fotosintesis yang berlaku semasa
tindak balas cahaya.
Light / cahaya
24 H20 24 H + 240H-
Chlorophyll / klorofil

What will happen to this process of photosynthesis if the light intensity is high?
Apakah yang akan berlaku kepada proses fotosintesis ini jika keamatan cahaya tinggi?

A Less oxygen is released / Kurang oksigen dibebaskan

B Rate of starch production decreases / Kadar penghasilan kanji menurun
C Rate of photolysis of water decreases / Kadar fotolisis air berkurangan
D More glucose is produced / More glukosa dihasilkan

6. Diagram 2 shows a commercial technique of growing plants.

Rajah 2 menunjukkan satu teknik komersial untuk menanam tumbuhan.

Diagram 2 / Rajah 2

What is the technique called? /Apakah nama teknik itu?

A Spraying / Penyemburan C Hydroponics / Kaedah hidroponik

B Aeroponics / Kaedah aeroponik D Tissue culture / Kultur tisu
7. What is the main substrate for cellular respiration?
Apakah substrat utama bagi respirasi sel?

A Glucose C Sucrose
B Fructose D Galactose

8. The following information is about two conditions of floating plants R and S.

Maklumat berikut adalah tentang dua keadaan penanaman tumbuhan R dan tumbuhan
Plant R : Planted in highland
Tumbuhan R : Ditanam di tanah tinggi
Plant S : Planted in waterlogged area
Tumbuhan S : Ditanam di kawasan air bertakung
Which of the following are the products of respiration of the roots of plants R and S?
Antara berikut yang manakah adalah hasil respirasi akar bagi tumbuhan R dan
tumbuhan S?

Plant R Plant S
Tumbuhan R Tumbuhan S
A Carbon dioxide and water Ethanol and carbon dioxide
B Lactic acid and carbon dioxide Ethanol and carbon dioxide
C Ethanol and carbon dioxide Lactic acid and carbon dioxide
D Ethanol and carbon dioxide Carbon dioxide and water

9. How does the fish maximise the efficiency of gaseous exchange in water?
Bagaimanakah ikan memaksimumkan keberkesanan pertukaran gas di dalam air?

A The closing of mouth and operculum/ Penutupan mulut dan dan operculum
B The opening of mouth and operculum/ Pembukaan mulut dan dan operculum
C The opposite direction of water and blood flow through the gills / Arah pengaliran
air dan darah yang bertentangan melalui insang
D The same direction of water and blood flow through the gills / Arah pengaliran air
dan darah yang sama melalui insang

10. What happen if alveoli are torn and punctured?

Apakah yang berlaku jika alveolus koyak dan bocor?

A Gasping/ Tercungap-cungap
B Sneezing/ Bersin
C Shivering / Mengigil
D Swallowing/ Menelan

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