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Annex A

(To be filled up the BIR)


Voluntary Assessment BIR Form No.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Financei
Bureau of Internal Revenue
and Payment Program (VAPP)
Application Form
2119August 2020

Fill in all applicable spaces. Mark all appropriate boxes with an "X"

1 Return Period/Date of Transction/Date of Death 2 For the 3 Year Ended (MM/DD/YYYY)

(MM/DD/YYYY) Calendar Fiscal

4 Number of Sheets Attached 5 Alphanumeric Tax Code (ATC) 6 Tax Type Code 7 Tax Type Description

Voluntary Assessment

Part I Background Information

8 Taxpayer Identification No. 9 RDO Code 10 Taxpayer Classification 11 Line of Business/Occupation

12 Taxpayer's (Last Name, First Name, Middle Name for Individuals) / (Registered Name for Non-Individuals) 13 Email Address

14 Trade 15 Contact Number


16 Registered 17 Zip Code


Part II Computation of VAPP

Particulars Amount of Tax

18 Voluntary Tax Payable for Income Tax (IT), VAT, Percentage Tax (PT), Excise Tax (ET), and Documentary Stamp
Tax (DST) Other than DST on One-Time Transaction (ONETT) (From Part III, Sched 1.b, Item no. 19)
Voluntary Tax Payable for Withholding Tax
(From Part III, Sched 2, Item no. 25)
Voluntary Tax Payble for Taxes on ONETT
(From Part III, Sched 3, Item no. 32)
21 Total Voluntary Tax Payable (Amount to be reflected in Part II, Item no. 19 of BIR Form No. 0622)

I/We declare under the penalties of perjury that this application form, and all its attachments had been made in good faith, verified by me/us,
and to the best of my/our knowledge and belief, is true and correct, pursuant to the provisions of the National Internal Revenue Code, as amended,
and the regulations issued under authority thereof. Further, I/we give my consent to the processing of my/our information as contemplated under the
*Data Privacy Act of 2012 (R.A. No. 10173) for legitimate and lawful purposes.

(If Authorized Representative, attach authorization letter and indicate TIN)

For Individual: For Non-Individual:

Signature over Printed Name of Taxpayer/Authorized Signature over Printed Name of President/Vice President/
Representative/Tax Agent Authorized Officer or Representative/Tax Agent
(indicate title/designation and TIN) (indicate title/designation and TIN)
Tax Agent Accreditation No./ Date of Issuance Expiry Date
Atty's. Roll No. (if, applicable) (MM/DD/YYYY) (MM/DD/YYYY)

Remarks: Reviewed by: Stamp

Complete as to documentary requirements Office
Others Date
Asst. Chief LT Office/Assistant Revenue District Officer (Revenue
(Signature Over Printed Name) Signature)

Checked/Evaluated by: Approved by:

Revenue Officer Chief LT Office/Revenue District Officer

(Signature Over Printed Name) (Signature Over Printed)
Taxpayer Classification: I - Individual N - Non-Individual
BIR Form 2119 - PAGE 2
Schedule 1 - For Income Tax (IT), VAT, Percentage Tax (PT), Excise Tax (ET), and Documentary Stamp Tax (DST) Other than DST on ONETT
(NOTE: attached additional sheets using the same column headings, if necessary)
Schedule 1.a - Increase/Decrease in the Total Taxes Due from 2017 to 2018 Schedule 1.b - Computation of Voluntary Tax Payable
Tax Type Tax Due/Net VAT Payable* Particulars Amount per Annual Income
A. 2018 B. 2017 Tax Return (TY 2018)
1 Income Tax 11 Gross Sales
2 Value-Added Tax 12 Prescribed Percentage (Schedule 4, column b) %
3 Percentage Tax 13 Amount
4 Excise Tax OR
5 DST (other than ONETT) 14 Taxable Net Income
6 Total 15 Prescribed Percentage (Schedule 4, column b) %
16 Amount
7 Amount of Increase in Total Tax Due (Total A less Total B)
8 Percentage of Increase % 17 Higher Amount Between Item no. 13 and no. 16
9 Amount of Decrease in Total Tax Due (Total A less Total B) 18 Minimum Amount (Schedule 4, column c)
10 Percentage of Decrease %
19 Voluntary Tax Payable (Item no. 17 or no. 18,
*Note: Sum of Tax Due/Net VAT Payable per tax returns filed and deficiency tax(es) whichever is higher - to Part II, Item no. 18)
paid per BIR Form No. 0605, if any.

Schedule 2 - For Withholding Tax (Final and Creditable) (NOTE: attached additional sheets using the same column headings, if necessary)

Tax Type Basic Tax Paid/Remitted

23 Total Taxes Paid and Remitted (sum of Item nos. 20 to 22)
24 Prescribed Percentage per RR No. __ 5 %
25 Voluntary Tax Payable (Item no. 23 multiplied by no. 24 - to Part II, Item no. 19)

Schedule 3 - For Taxes on ONETT such as Estate Tax, Donor's Tax, Capital Gains Tax, ONETT-Related CWT/Expanded Withholding Tax and Documentary Stamp Tax
(NOTE: attached additional sheets using the same column headings, if necessary)
Tax Type Basic Tax Due per Accomplished
Tax Return
29 Total Tax Due (sum of Item nos. 26 to 28)
30 Prescribed Percentage per RR No. __ 5 %
31 Additional payment (Item no. 29 multiplied by Item no. 30)
32 Voluntary Tax Payable (sum of Item no. 29 and 31 - to Part II, Item no. 20)

Schedule 4 - Bases for the Computation of Voluntary Tax Amount Under Section 9.a of RR No. __
Increase/Decrease in the Total Taxes Amount of Required Voluntary Tax Payment
Due from 2017 to 2018 Whichever is higher of -- Minimum Amount
(a) (b) (c )
Net increase of not more than 10% 3% of 2018 gross sales, or 7% of 2018 taxable net income Individuals, estates and trusts -- Php 75,000.00
Corporations --
Net increase of more than 10% up to 30% 2% of 2018 gross sales, or 6% of 2018 taxable net income a. With subscribed capital of more than
P 50 million: Php 1,000,000.00
Net increase of more than 30% 1% of 2018 gross sales, or 5% of 2018 taxable net income b. With subscribed capital of more than P 20 million
up to P 50 million: Php 500,000.00
Net decrease of not more than 10% 4% of 2018 gross sales, or 8% of 2018 taxable net income c. With subscribed capital of more than P 5 million
up to P 20 million: Php 250,000.00
Net decrease of more than 10% 5% of 2018 gross sales, or 9% of 2018 taxable net income d. With subscribed capital of P 5 million and less:
Php 100,000.00
Other juridical entities, including but not limited to
cooperatives, foundations, general professional
partnerships -- Php 75,000.00

BIR Form No. 2119 - Voluntary Assessment and Payment Program (VAPP) Application Form
Guidelines and Instructions

Who Shall File Deadline of Filing

Any person, natural or juridical, including estates and trusts, liable to pay any Qualified persons can avail of the benefits of the VAPP until December 31, 2020.
internal revenue covering taxable year ending December 31, 2018, and fiscal year
ending on last day of the months of July 2018 to June 2019, who due to inadvertence or Documentary Requirements
otherwise erroneously paid his/its internal revenue tax liabilities or failed to file tax Mandatory Requirements
returns/pay taxes, may avail of the pursuant to Revenue Regulations (RR) No. ____ .
a. Payment Form [BIR Form No. 0622 (Annex B)] with proof of payment (original for the
Those not Eligible for Availment LT Office/RDO, duplicate for the taxpayer and triplicate for the collecting agent).
a. Those taxpayers who have already been issued a Final Assessment Notice (FAN) Additional Requirements
that have become final and executory, on or before the effectivity of these
Regulations; b. Filed tax returns, proof of payment of taxes paid in 2017 and 2018 and audited Financial
b. Persons under investigation as a result of verified information filed by a Tax Statements for the covered taxable year for those availing of the program under Section
Informer under Section 282 of the NIRC of 1997, as amended, with respect to the 9.a of RR No. ___
deficiency taxes that may be due out of such verified information;
c. Those with cases involving tax fraud filed and pending in the Department of c. Copy of remittance returns and proofs of payment of final and creditable withholding taxes
Justice or in the courts; and for taxpayers availing of the program under Section 9.b of the same RR
d. Those with pending cases involving tax evasion and other criminal offenses under
Chapter II of Title X of the NIRC of 1997, as amended. d. Copy of duly paid BIR Form 0605 stamped either by authorized agent banks (AABs) or
Revenue Collection Officers (RCOs) duly signed by the LT Office/RDO where the taxpayer is
Where to File registered and proof of payment representing settlement of previous deficiency tax, with or
without an assessment notice, if any, covering the taxable period under Section 3
The application form together with the complete documentary requirements shall
be filed in duplicate [original for the Large Taxpayers (LT) Office/Revenue District e. Duly accomplished ONETT tax return(s) (BIR Form Nos. 1800, 1801, 1706, 1707, 2000 – OT,
Office (RDO) and duplicate for the taxpayer] with the LT Office/RDO having 0619-E) and corresponding documentary requirements for the transaction of taxpayers availing
jurisdiction over the taxpayer. of the program under Section 9.c of the same RR

For one time transactions (ONETT) involving sale of real property, this form
shall be filed with the RDO having jurisdiction over the location of the property.

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