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Hey guys,

This is a simple method for promoting affiliate products on Quora. I've done this method in the past for maybe
2-3 days (max 4 hours a day). Answering 52 questions in total and earning around $90 (+ more random earnings
that followed for months, as my answers are still getting traffic to this day) on Clickbank. Sadly I can't provide any
earnings proof at this time. Because my account got banned after logging into my Clickbank account too many
times from a country where Clickbank doesn't allow people to make accounts.

Either way thought this might be a good method for beginners. As it doesn't require any investments at all. Just
some time.


A Quora Profile.
A Blog on Blogger or Wordpress or Weebly, etc (I recommend Blogger)
A Network/offer which you can find on offervault and/or odigger. (I recommend using networks like: CJ, Moren-
iche, Clickbank, Clicksure, Maxbounty, Peerfly, Amazon, etc)
Optional: Autoresponder software to build an email list in the process.


The important thing here is to make the profile look as professional and qualified to be giving advice, as possible.

1. Profile Image: Headshots are important. My profile has a dark/mysterious picture because it's in the relation-
ships niche (if you're a pickup artist you will know why :p
Girls love it)
. It's important that your profile pic resonates/matches with your niche. For example: If you're going for the
health niche. Make sure the person in the picture has a strong Healthy vibe.
2. Name + Credentials Tag: Keep the name simple and easy. The credentials tag (text right below the name) is
very important as this text will appear next to your name on every answer you give. Make sure it screams authori-
3. Credentials & Highlights: Again! Make sure it screams authority. Use high-level education, work details and also
a famous location.
4. Long bio with links leading to your blog.


1. Go to google and type: "your niche/keyword". Like in the example above I typed: "date" .
2. Click on the "tools" button right under the search button.
3. Select "Any time" and choose "Past 24 Hours"

You want to find questions that have less than 5 answers (or at least less than 10).
Keep in mind: All your answers will end with a link to a blog post. If you don't see an opportunity to answer in
this way. Skip the question and go to the next one.


Now, most people just copy paste their answers from google, reddit or other QA sites.

If you want unique answers + blogposts:

Now for every answer, you give. You need to make a blogpost. The answer should be longer than the other
answers. And the blog post should go in deeper on the subject and end with a call to action with your affiliate
link in it.

Question asked on Quora:
I keep hurting people I care for and love in relationships. How do I stop? Do I not know what real love is?
My Answer:
Have you taken the time to "learn to love yourself" first? By knowing your own values and traits when it comes to
love can help you make better choices when it comes to love and relationships. Most people dive into relation-
ships at such a young age, they haven't gotten the time to examine and get to learn themselves and why it is
they do what they do.

It's best to take the time and analyze yourself and your past relationships in an effort to get to know "you as a
lover". What are the constants in your relationships? Are their certain things that are always good and or bad in
your relationships? These can be a good starting point. Also are they valid? whats the source of the good and or
bad, is it you? where do these traits take root in your personality? Most of the time how men treat women has
allot to do with their relationship with their mother, for example, this is not always the case. Some men, if they
receive too much or to little affection from their mother, it will take its toll on how he handles with women in
general. So the key is to analyze the constants, find the root of the good and or the problem. Fix the problem,
keep the good. And know your worth in a relationship. When you step in a relationship, your partner must be
able to handle the "bad" side of you otherwise it can go south. But if you already know the good and bad within
yourself, the job is already 1/2 done.

Hope it helps, I also wrote a bit about self-worth on my blog here:

>Link to blog post<

My Blogpost:
Title: Self Worth: Know Your Value In A Relationship! And Why You Need To Value Yourself More.
Includes about 400-500 words, 1 picture, 1 video.
And ends with a short call to action (which is a copied peace of text from the clickbank offers landing page) with
my clickbank link.


Health: Stop smoking/alcohol/marijuana, Nootropics/biohacking, how to build muscle, fat loss, baby care, hair
loss, skin-care, spirituality, etc
Relationship: Get my ex back, Why doesn't he/she like me, how to seduce/pickup, etc

if you want a more in-depth list visit :

I'll answer any questions you guys have. Ask away.

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