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Introduction to Assessment Learning

What exactly do we mean when we talk about

assessment of student learning? At the course level,

the assessment provides important data on the

breadth and depth of student learning. Assessment is

more than grading. It’s about measuring the progress

of student learning. Thus, assessment is defined as a

process of gathering data to better understand the

strengths and weaknesses of student learning.

Assessment and Learning

Assessment plays an important role in the

process of learning and motivation. The

types of assessment tasks that we ask our

students to do determine how students will

approach the learning task and what study

behaviors they will use. In the words of

higher education scholar John Biggs, “What

and how students learn depends to a major

extent on how they think they will be

assessed.” (1999, p. 141).

Given the importance of assessment for

student learning, it is important to consider

how to best measure the learning that you

want your students to achieve. Assessment

should integrate grading, learning, and

motivation for your students. Well-designed

assessment methods provide valuable

information about student learning. They tell

us what students learned, how well they

learned it, and where they struggled.

Activity no. 2 

ESSAY.150 words each in a short

bond paper (Handwritten only)

Please watch the video and ask these

questions to yourself:

1. Why is assessment important in the

teaching-learning process? 

2. How do assessments benefit teachers

and students?
2. Types of Classroom Assessment

Assessment of, for and as Learning

Assessment is integral to the teaching-

learning process, facilitating student

learning and improving instruction, and can

take a variety of forms. Classroom

assessment is generally divided into three

assessment for learning,

assessment of learning and

assessment as learning.

Assessment of Learning

The purpose of this kind of assessment is

usually summative and is most likely done

at the end of a task, unit of work. 

Assessment of Learning is the assessment

that becomes public and results in

statements or symbols about how well

students are learning. It often contributes to

pivotal decisions that will affect students’

futures. It is important, then, that the

underlying logic and measurement of

assessment of learning be credible and


For example, 

“It is designed to provide evidence of

achievement to parents, other educators, the

students themselves, and sometimes to

outside groups (e.g., employers, other

educational institutions).”

Teachers’ Roles in Assessment of Learning:

 “Teachers have the responsibility of

reporting student learning accurately and

fairly, based on evidence obtained from a

variety of contexts and applications.

Effective assessment of learning requires

that teachers provide: 

• a rationale for undertaking a particular

assessment of learning at a particular point

in time 

• clear descriptions of the intended learning 

• processes that make it possible for students

to demonstrate their competence and skill

Assessment for Learning

The emphasis shifts from summative to

FORMATIVE assessment in Assessment for

Learning. Assessment for Learning happens

during the learning, often more than once,

rather than at the end. Students understand

exactly what they are to learn, what is

expected of them, and are given feedback

and advice on how to improve their work. 

‘In assessment for learning, teachers use

Assessment as an investigable tool to find out as

much as they can about what their student know

and can do, and what confusions,

preconceptions, or gaps they might have.

The wide variety of information that

teachers collect about students’ learning

processes provides the basis for determining

what they need to do next to move student

learning forward. It provides the basis for

providing descriptive feedback for students

and deciding on groupings, instructional

strategies, and resources.”

Teachers’ Roles in Assessment for Learning:

 “Assessment for learning occurs throughout

the learning process. It is interactive, with


• aligning instruction 

• identifying the particular learning needs of

students or groups 

• selecting and adapting materials and

• creating differentiated teaching strategies

and learning opportunities for helping

individual students move forward in their


• Providing immediate feedback and

direction to students

Assessment as Learning

Assessment as learning develops and

supports students' metacognitive skills. This

form of assessment is crucial in helping

students become lifelong learners. As

students engage in peer and self-assessment,

they learn to make sense of information,

relate it to prior knowledge and use it for

new learning. Students develop a sense of

ownership and efficacy when they use

teacher, peer and self-assessment feedback

to make adjustments, improvements and

changes to what they understand.

Students reflect on their work on a regular

basis, usually through self and peer

assessment and decide (often with the help

of the teacher, particularly in the early

stages) what their next learning will be.

Assessment as learning helps students to

take more responsibility for their own

learning and monitoring future directions.

Teachers’ Roles in Assessment as


“The teachers’ role in promoting the

development of independent learners

through assessment as learning is to:

 • guide students in developing internal

feedback or self-monitoring mechanisms to

validate and question their own thinking,

and to become comfortable with ambiguity

and uncertainty that is inevitable in learning

anything new.

• provide regular and challenging

opportunities to practice, so that students

can become confident, competent self-


• monitor students’ mega cognitive

processes as well as their learning, and

provide descriptive feedback

• Create an environment where it is safe for

students to take chances and where support

is readily available.”

• guide students in setting their own goals,

and monitoring their progress toward them

• provide exemplars and models of good

practice and quality work that reflects

curriculum outcomes
• work with students to develop clear criteria

of good practice

There are a variety of methods that can be

used for assessment of, for, and as learning.

The important thing to clarify is what is the

purpose of the assessment and then select

the method that best serves the purpose in a

particular context.

Activity no. 3 (handwritten only)

In your own words, differentiate assessment

for, of, and as learning. (give 1 example of

each type)

Measurement, Assessment and

As teachers become more familiar with data-

driven instruction, they are making decisions

about what and how they teach based on the

information gathered from their students. In

other words, teachers first find out what

their students know and what they do not

know, and then determine how best to

bridge that gap.

How Are Measurement, Assessment

During the process of gathering information

for effective planning and instruction, the

words measurement, assessment, and

evaluation are often used interchangeably.

These words, however, have significantly

different meanings.


The word measurement as it applies to

education is not substantially different from

when it is used in any other field. It simply

means determining the attributes or

dimensions of an object, skill, or knowledge.

We use common objects in the physical

world to measure, such as tape measures,

scales, and meters. These measurement tools

are held to standards and can be used to

obtain reliable results. When used properly,

they accurately gather data for educators and


Some standard measurements in education

are raw scores, percentile ranks and standard



One of the primary measurement tools in

education is the assessment. Teachers gather

information by giving tests, conducting

interviews, and monitoring behavior. The

assessment should be carefully prepared and

administered to ensure its reliability and

validity. In other words, an assessment must

provide consistent results and it must

measure what it claims to measure.


Creating valid and reliable assessments are

critical to accurately measuring educational

data. Evaluating the information gathered,

however, is equally important to the

effective use of the information for


In education, evaluation is the process of

using the measurements gathered in the

assessments. Teachers use this information

to judge the relationship between what was

intended by the instruction and what was

learned. They evaluate the information

gathered to determine what students know

and understand, how far they have

progressed and how fast, and how their

scores and progress compared to those of

other students.

Activity no. 4 (handwritten only)

In your own words differentiate

measurement, assessment, and evaluation


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