Final Exam of g10 2019 - 2020

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Mabini, Batangas

Final Examination

NAME: ____________________________ DATE: _____________

SECTION: __________________________ SCORE: ____________

*NOTE: NO ERASURES in all types of test.*

DIRECTIONS: Write EARTH if the statement is True and SPACE if otherwise on the space provided for.

______________ 1. The Earth is a dynamic planet.

______________2. The crust is solid, the mantle is semisolid, the outer core is solid, while the inner core is
______________ 3. P – waves can travel through solids and liquids whereas S –waves can travel through solids.
______________ 4. Lithospheric plates move in the outer core.
______________ 5. Continental drift occurs because of Pangaea.
______________ 6. The presence of the same fossils and rocks on several continents supports the idea of
continental drift.
______________ 7. Earthquakes produce vibrations called seismic waves that are recorded by seismographs.
______________ 8. A trench is an example of a divergent boundary.
______________ 9. Most transform boundaries are found on the ocean floor, like the Red Sea.
______________ 10. The Andes Mountain is formed by the collision of two continental plates.


DIRECTIONS: Choose and encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Impulses cross synapse by way of -------------------
a. Osmosis c. A cell body
b. Interneurons d. A chemical
2. The neurons structures that carry impulses to the cell body are ------------------------.
a. Axon c. Synapses
b. Dendrites d. Nucleus
3. Neurons detecting stimuli in the skin and eyes are _________________.
a. Interneurons c. Sensory neurons
b. Motor neurons d. Synapses
4. The ___________is the largest part of the brain.
a. Cerebellum c. Cerebrum
b. Brainstem d. Pons
5. The ------------------ controls the voluntary muscles.
a. Cerebellum c. Cerebrum
b. Brainstem d. Pons
6. The __________ is the part of the brain that is divided into two hemispheres.
a. Cerebellum c. Cerebrum
b. Brainstem d. Spinal chord
7. The embryo develops in the ______________.
a. Oviduct c. Uterus
b. Ovary d. Vagina
8. The monthly process of egg released is called _____________.
a. Fertilization c. Menstruation
b. Ovulation d. Puberty
9. The union of an egg and sperm is _____________.
a. Fertilization c. Menstruation
b. Ovulation d. Puberty
10. The egg is fertilized in the ____________.
a. Oviduct c. Vagina
b. Uterus d. Ovary
11. Mental and physical skills rapidly develop during ___________.
a. Neonatal period c. Childhood
b. Infancy d. Adolescence
12. Puberty occurs during ____________.
a. Childhood c. Adolescence
b. Adulthood d. infancy
13. Sex characteristics common to males and females include ___________.
a. Breast c. Increased fat
b. Increased muscles d. Pubic hair
14. The period of development with three stages is _____________.
a. Infancy c. Adolescence
b. Adulthood d. Childhood
15. The ability to reproduce begins at ____________.
a. Adolescence c. Childhood
b. Adulthood d. Infancy

DIRECTIONS: Identify the following.

_______________1.Used to describe one of the fundamental forces of nature.

_______________2.The part of the EM spectrum lying between radio waves and IR.
_______________3.Discovered in 1818 by Heinrich Hert.
_______________4.The astronomer who discovered the infrared radiation.
_______________5. The prefix means below.
_______________6.The part of the spectrum that can be detected by the human eye.
_______________7.The radiation which is higher in frequency than visible light.
_______________8.The range frequencies (and wavelength ) – is traditionally divided into six or seven named
______________9.The Scottish scientist who discovered the electricity and magnetism.
_____________10.Discovered by Wilhelm Konrad Rontgen.

IV. Enumerations :
1-4. Types of Faults
5-6. Types of Seismic Waves
7-9. Three Types of Plate Boundaries
10- 13. Main Types of Volcanoes
14- 16. Three Different Types of Neurons
17- 18 Division of Nervous System
19- 20. Two parts of Peripheral Nervous System
21-23. Types of Phobia
24-25. Two Fear Hormones Produced Adrenal Gland

Prepared by:

Mrs. Divinia A. Villanueva

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