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Forests and Climate Change: Forcings, Feedbacks,

and the Climate Benefits of Forests

Gordon B. Bonan, et al.
Science 320, 1444 (2008);
DOI: 10.1126/science.1155121

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Forests in Flux
serving as a control to compare against another
REVIEW simulation with altered vegetation, demonstrate
an ecological influence on climate.

Forests and Climate Change: Atmospheric models require fluxes of energy,

moisture, and momentum at the land surface as
boundary conditions to solve numerical equa-
Forcings, Feedbacks, and the tions of atmospheric physics and dynamics. The
first generation of land surface parameteriza-
Climate Benefits of Forests tions developed in the late 1960s and 1970s used
bulk aerodynamic formulations of energy ex-
Gordon B. Bonan change without explicitly representing vegetation
[supporting online material (SOM)]. Soil water
The world’s forests influence climate through physical, chemical, and biological processes that availability regulates latent heat flux, and the hy-
affect planetary energetics, the hydrologic cycle, and atmospheric composition. These complex and drologic cycle, when included, was simplified to a
nonlinear forest-atmosphere interactions can dampen or amplify anthropogenic climate change. “bucket” model of soil water. In this approach,
Tropical, temperate, and boreal reforestation and afforestation attenuate global warming through precipitation fills the soil column up to a specified
carbon sequestration. Biogeophysical feedbacks can enhance or diminish this negative climate water-holding capacity, beyond which rainfall

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forcing. Tropical forests mitigate warming through evaporative cooling, but the low albedo of runs off.
boreal forests is a positive climate forcing. The evaporative effect of temperate forests is By the mid-1980s, the second generation of
unclear. The net climate forcing from these and other processes is not known. Forests are under land surface parameterizations, included the hy-
tremendous pressure from global change. Interdisciplinary science that integrates knowledge of the drologic cycle and the effects of vegetation on
many interacting climate services of forests with the impacts of global change is necessary to energy and water fluxes. These models explicitly
identify and understand as yet unexplored feedbacks in the Earth system and the potential of represent plant canopies, including radiative trans-
forests to mitigate climate change. fer, turbulent processes above and within the can-
opy, and the physical and biological controls of
orests cover ~42 million km2 in tropical, eddy covariance flux towers, free-air CO2 enrich- evapotranspiration (Fig. 2A). Snow cover, the soil

F temperate, and boreal lands, ~30% of the

land surface (Fig. 1A). These forests pro-
vide ecological, economic, social, and aesthetic
ment systems, satellite sensors, and mathematical
models to investigate the coupling between for-
ests and the atmosphere. It is now understood that
water profile, and vegetation influences on the
hydrologic cycle are also included (Fig. 2B). In
the mid-1990s, plant physiological theory further
services to natural systems and humankind (1), forests and human uses of forests provide im- advanced the incorporation of biological control
including refuges for biodiversity, provision of portant climate forcings and feedbacks (3), that of evapotranspiration in the third generation of
food, medicinal, and forest products, regulation of climate change may adversely affect ecosystem models. Models now routinely link the biochem-
the hydrologic cycle, protection of soil resources, functions (5), and that forests can be managed to istry of photosynthesis with the biophysics of
recreational uses, spiritual needs, and aesthetic val- mitigate climate change (6). What is lacking, how- stomatal conductance. Leaf photosynthesis and
ues. Additionally, forests influence climate through ever, is science that integrates the many interact- conductance are scaled to the plant canopy based
exchanges of energy, water, carbon dioxide, and ing climate services of forests with the impacts of on the optimal allocation of nitrogen and photo-
other chemical species with the atmosphere. global change to inform climate change mitigation synthetic capacity in relation to light availability.
Forests store ~45% of terrestrial carbon (Fig. policy. Simulations with these models have routinely
1B), contribute ~50% of terrestrial net primary Accordingly, this article reviews biosphere- demonstrated biogeophysical regulation of cli-
production (2), and can sequester large amounts atmosphere interactions in tropical, temperate, and mate by vegetation through albedo, turbulent
of carbon annually (Fig. 1C). Carbon uptake by boreal forests. Emphasis is placed on biogeo- fluxes, and the hydrologic cycle (10).
forests contributed to a “residual” 2.6 Pg C year−1 physical processes (albedo and evapotranspiration) The current generation of models has capa-
terrestrial carbon sink in the 1990s, ~33% of anthro- (7), their comparison with biogeochemical pro- bility beyond hydrometeorology and incorpo-
pogenic carbon emission from fossil fuel and land- cesses (carbon cycle) (8), and alteration of forest- rates ecological advances in biogeochemical and
use change (3). Forests have low surface albedo and atmosphere coupling through biogeographical biogeographical modeling (10). Many models
can mask the high albedo of snow (Fig. 1D), processes (land use and vegetation dynamics) (9). simulate the carbon cycle (Fig. 2C) and vegeta-
which contributes to planetary warming through tion dynamics (Fig. 2D). In these models, the
increased solar heating of land. Forests sustain the The Ecology of Climate Models biosphere and atmosphere form a coupled system
hydrologic cycle through evapotranspiration, which The influence of forests on large-scale climate whereby climate influences ecosystem functions
cools climate through feedbacks with clouds and is difficult to establish directly through obser- and biogeography, which feed back to affect
precipitation. The ratio of evapotranspiration to vations. Careful examination of climatic data climate. Much of the natural vegetation of the
available energy is generally low in forest com- can sometimes reveal an ecological influence, world has been cleared for agriculture (Fig. 3D),
pared with some crops and lower in conifer forest such as the effect of leaf emergence on spring- and some models also include land-use change.
than in deciduous broadleaf forest (Fig. 1E). time evapotranspiration and air temperature.
That forests influence climate has long been Eddy covariance flux towers and field exper- Tropical Forests
postulated. From the onset of European settle- iments provide local-scale insight to forest- Climate model simulations show that tropical
ment of North America, it was believed that clear- atmosphere interactions, and advances in remote forests maintain high rates of evapotranspiration,
ing of forests for cultivation, wood products, and sensing science can aid extrapolation of this decrease surface air temperature, and increase pre-
settlement altered climate (4). Today, scientists knowledge to larger spatial scales. More often, cipitation compared with pastureland (SOM). The
have a diverse array of methodologies, including however, our understanding of how forests af- most studied region is Amazonia, where large-scale
fect climate comes from atmospheric models and conversion of forest to pasture creates a warmer,
National Center for Atmospheric Research, P.O. Box 3000, their numerical parameterizations of Earth’s land drier climate. Surface warming arising from the
Boulder, Colorado 80307, USA. E-mail: [email protected] surface (10). Paired climate simulations, one low albedo of forests is offset by strong evapo-

1444 13 JUNE 2008 VOL 320 SCIENCE

rative cooling. Similar results are seen in tropical The net balance among these processes is nian region to a permanently drier climate once a
Africa and Asia, and the climatic influence of likely a positive benefit that mitigates global critical threshold of clearing is reached.
tropical forests may extend to the extratropics warming through evaporative cooling and carbon
through atmospheric teleconnections. However, sequestration (8). Yet a more complete analysis of Boreal Forests
forest-atmosphere interactions are complex, and forest-atmosphere interactions is required. The bio- Climate model simulations show that the low sur-
small-scale, heterogeneous deforestation may geochemistry of tropical forests and biomass burning face albedo during the snow season, evident in
produce mesoscale circulations that enhance clouds affects atmospheric chemistry and aerosols, which local flux measurements (21) and satellite-derived
and precipitation. can alter clouds and rainfall (16). Interannual climate surface albedo (Fig. 1D), warms climate com-
Flux tower measurements in the Brazilian variability modulates forest-atmosphere coupling. pared to when there is an absence of trees (SOM).
Amazon confirm that forests have lower albedo There is net release of carbon from the biosphere to Consequently, the boreal forest has the greatest
compared with pasture, greater net radiation, and the atmosphere during warm, dry El Niño years, biogeophysical effect of all biomes on annual
greater evapotranspiration, particularly during seen in high atmospheric CO2 growth rates (3), es- mean global temperature (7). Loss of boreal for-
the dry season (11, 12), producing a shallow, pecially in the tropics (17). Drought makes tropical est provides a positive feedback for glaciation (22),
cool, and moist boundary layer. Observations forests more susceptible to burning during land whereas forest expansion during the mid-Holocene
show that forest transpiration is sustained dur- clearing (18). However, tropical forest productivity 6000 years ago amplified warming (23).
ing the dry season (11); this is seen also in CO2 may be more resilient to drought than expected (14). Boreal forests differ in their partitioning of
fluxes (12) and satellite monitoring of vegetation The future of tropical forests is at risk in a net radiation into sensible and latent heat fluxes.

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(13, 14), to a greater extent than represented in warmer, more populous 21st-century world. Conifer forests have low summertime evapora-
many models. Tropical forests are vulnerable to a warmer, drier tive fraction (defined as the ratio of latent heat
Tropical forests contain ~25% of the carbon in climate (19), which may exacerbate global warm- flux to available energy) compared with decid-
the terrestrial biosphere (Fig. 1B), account for ~33% ing through a positive feedback that decreases uous broadleaf forests, producing high rates of
of terrestrial net primary production (NPP) (2), and evaporative cooling, releases CO2, and initiates sensible heat exchange and deep atmospheric
can sequester large amounts of carbon annually (Fig. forest dieback (20). Loss of natural forests world- boundary layers (21). Flux tower measurements
1C). Deforestation released 1.6 Pg C year−1 during the wide in the tropics during the 1990s was as high illustrate the potential for changes in species
1990s, chiefly in the tropics (3). Atmospheric analy- as 152,000 km2 year−1 (1), and Amazonian for- composition, arising from change in the fire
ses suggest that tropical forests are carbon neutral or ests were cleared at a rate of ~25,000 km2 year−1 regime, to affect climate (24). Along an 80-year
carbon sinks, which implies offsetting of carbon (19). Such land-use pressures are expected to fire chronosequence in Alaska, annual net radi-
uptake by undisturbed tropical ecosystems (3, 15). continue in the future and may shift the Amazo- ation declined by 31% at a 3-year-old postburn

A B C Stand carbon flux

Area Global carbon
120 2500 Humid
Carbon stock (Pg C)

100 Deciduous
Area (million km2)

NEP (g C m-2 year1)

80 300 Evergreen
1500 Deciduous
500 100

0 0 0
Nonforest Forest Tropical Temperate Boreal Nonforest Forest Tropical Temperate Boreal Tropical Temperate Boreal
forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest

D Albedo E Evapotranspiration
0.6 2.00
Normalized latent heat flux

0.5 Snow-free
Snow-covered 1.50

0.3 1.00 Corn
0.2 Deciduous forest
Jack pine
0.1 Oak savanna

0.0 0.00
Nonforest Forest 10 100 1000 10000
N ver

N ci

Br ci

ee g

ee du



oa du
dl ree

dl ou

dl u

Canopy resistance (s m-1)

el n

el s

ea s



Fig. 1. Biogeochemical (carbon) and biogeophysical (albedo and evapo- three types of boreal forest. Vertical bars show NEP averaged across forest
transpiration) processes by which terrestrial ecosystems affect climate (SOM). types. (D) Satellite-derived direct-beam albedo for snow-covered and snow-
(A and B) Geographic extent and total (plant and soil) carbon stock of free nonforest (green) and forest (blue) biomes (48). Also shown are individual
nonforest (green) and forest (blue) biomes (2). Individual forest biomes are forest biomes. (E) Evapotranspiration normalized by its equilibrium rate in
also shown and sum to the forest total. (C) Net ecosystem production (NEP) for relation to canopy resistance for wheat, corn, temperate deciduous forest,
tropical, temperate, and boreal forest (47). Individual symbols shown mean boreal jack pine conifer forest, and oak savanna (49, 50). Shown are individual
NEP for humid evergreen tropical forest, three types of temperate forest, and data points and the mean for each vegetation type. SCIENCE VOL 320 13 JUNE 2008 1445

Forests in Flux
A Surface energy fluxes B Hydrology C Carbon Cycle

Diffuse solar
radiation Interception Evaporation
Photosynthesis Autotrophic
Momentum flux

wind speed
0 ua
radiation Transpiration

Sensible heat flux

Emitted longwave

Latent heat flux

solar Foliage
radiation Absorbed

Throughfall Fire Litterfall

Sublimation Stem

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Melt respiration
Infiltration Surface runoff
Snow Root
Tsoil Soil water Soil carbon
Soil heat flux


uptake Mineralization




Urbanization use

Farm abandonment

Growth Establishment

Fig. 2. The current generation of climate models treats the biosphere and are the core biogeophysical processes. Many models also include (C) the
atmosphere as a coupled system. Land surface parameterizations represent carbon cycle and (D) vegetation dynamics so that plant ecosystems respond to
the biogeophysics, biogeochemistry, and biogeography of terrestrial climate change. Some models also include (E) land use and (F) urbanization to
ecosystems. (A) Surface energy fluxes and (B) the hydrologic cycle. These represent human alteration of the biosphere.
site dominated by grasses and a 15-year-old Boreal ecosystems store a large amount of albedo and the radiative forcing from greenhouse
aspen (Populus tremuloides) forest compared carbon in soil, permafrost, and wetland (2) and gases emitted during combustion. Averaged over
with an 80-year-old black spruce (Picea mariana) contribute to the Northern Hemisphere terrestrial an 80-year fire cycle, the negative forcing from
forest, primarily in spring and summer. Annual carbon sink (3), although mature forests have low surface albedo exceeds the smaller positive bio-
sensible heat flux decreased by more than 50% annual carbon gain (Fig. 1C). The climate forcing geochemical forcing. Yet in the first year after
compared with the 80-year site, mostly in spring from increased albedo may offset the forcing fire, positive annual biogeochemical forcing from

and summer. During summer, the aspen forest from carbon emission so that boreal deforestation greenhouse gas emission, ozone, black carbon
had the highest latent heat flux, lowest sensible cools climate (8). Similar conclusions are drawn deposited on snow and ice, and aerosols exceeds
heat flux, and lowest midday Bowen ratio from comprehensive analysis of the climate forc- the negative albedo forcing.
(defined as the ratio of sensible heat flux to ing of boreal fires (25). The long-term forcing is a Boreal forests are vulnerable to global warming
latent heat flux). balance between postfire increase in surface (5). Trees may expand into tundra, but die back

1446 13 JUNE 2008 VOL 320 SCIENCE

along southern prairie ecotones. In the main boreal nomic trends in reforestation and fire suppression with warming in the 11 models (multimodel mean,
forest, there may be loss of evergreen trees and a have shifted these forests to a carbon sink. Similar –79 Pg C °C−1), but this varies greatly among
shift toward deciduous trees. Siberian forests may trends are seen in Europe (3). models (3). Soil carbon turnover rate increases by
collapse in some areas and become more evergreen The net climate forcing of temperate forests 2 to 10% °C−1 in all models in a positive climate
in the north. Increased disturbance from fire or insect is highly uncertain. Competing biogeophysical feedback (multimodel mean, 6% °C−1). Terrestrial
outbreaks will shift the forest to a younger age class. forcings from low albedo during winter and evapo- NPP decreases by up to –6% °C−1 in seven models
Climate forcing arising from younger stand age may transpiration during summer influence annual mean (multimodel mean, –3% °C−1) and increases by 1 to
be comparable to that arising from biome shifts (24). temperature (7). Higher albedo with loss of forest 2% °C−1 in four models. Climate change can en-
cover could offset carbon emission so that the net hance NPP (negative feedback) in boreal forests
Temperate Forests climatic effect of temperate deforestation is negli- where temperature increases and decrease NPP
Much of the temperate forests of the eastern gible (8), or reduced evapotranspiration with loss (positive feedback) in tropical forests where greater
United States, Europe, and eastern China have of trees could amplify biogeochemical warming. evaporative demand dries soil (35).
been cleared for agriculture (Fig. 3D). Croplands The future of temperate forests and their Ecological responses to climate change alter the
have a higher albedo than forests (Fig. 1D), and climate services is highly uncertain. The present biogeophysical functioning of forests and also pro-
many climate model simulations find that trees carbon sink in eastern United States forests is vide climate feedback. These “indirect” carbon cycle
warm surface air temperature relative to crops likely to decline as recovering forests mature (31), feedbacks include changes in stomatal conductance,
(SOM). Masking of snow albedo by trees is impor- and these forests face uncertain pressure from cli- leaf area index, and species composition. Decreased

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tant in cool temperate climates with snow. Studies mate change, atmospheric CO2 increase, and an- stomatal conductance with higher atmospheric CO2
of eastern United States forests find that trees also thropogenic nitrogen deposition (5). Change in concentration reduces evapotranspiration and rein-
maintain a warmer summer climate compared with the balance between deciduous and evergreen forces warming (SOM). More extensive tree cover
crops because of their lower albedo, augmented by trees is likely in the future. Temperate forests are may enhance warming in boreal forests by decreas-
evaporative cooling from crops and feedbacks particularly vulnerable to human land use. The ing surface albedo. Reduced evapotranspiration in a
with the atmosphere that affect clouds and pre- trend over the past several decades has been drier climate may initiate a positive climate feedback
cipitation (26). The influence of crops on evapo- toward farm abandonment, reforestation, and leading to loss of tropical forest (20).
transpiration is seen in flux tower measurements. woody encroachment from fire suppression, but
Growing season evaporative cooling is greater over meeting the needs of a growing global population Land-Use Forcing
watered crops compared with forests, and these could place greater pressures on these forests. Although carbon emission from forest clearing
plants exert less evaporative resistance (Fig. 1E). has long been studied, only recently has the
Although global climate models find that tem- Carbon Cycle Feedbacks biogeophysical forcing of climate from land use
perate forests in the eastern United States warm The carbon cycle has long been recognized as im- been recognized. Vast tracts of forestland have
summer temperature (26), mesoscale model sim- portant for understanding climate change. Climate been converted to agriculture (Fig. 3D), and cli-
ulations of the July climate of the United States models that include the terrestrial and oceanic car- mate warming over the industrial era may be
find that trees increase evapotranspiration and de- bon cycle simulate a positive feedback between the smaller than that expected from rising atmospher-
crease surface air temperature compared with crops carbon cycle and climate warming that increases the ic CO2 alone, primarily from increased spring
(27, 28). Atmospheric feedbacks that alter cloud- airborne fraction of anthropogenic CO2 emission albedo with loss of extratropical forests (36).
iness affect the magnitude of the temperature re- and amplifies warming (3, 32). In a comparison of Carbon emission from land use dampens
sponse in these simulations. Flux tower analyses 11 models of varying degrees of complexity, carbon biogeophysical cooling. The dominant compet-
show that conifer and deciduous broadleaf forests cycle–climate feedbacks increase atmospheric CO2 ing signals from historical deforestation are an
in North Carolina have lower surface radiative at the end of the 21st century by 4 to 44% (multi- increase in surface albedo countered by carbon
temperature than grass fields because of greater model mean, 18%), equivalent to an additional 20 emission to the atmosphere. Biogeophysical cool-
aerodynamic conductance and evaporative cooling to 224 (parts per million) (ppm) (multimodel mean, ing may outweigh biogeochemical warming at the
of trees compared with grasses (29), but the same 87 ppm) (3). Analyses of observed atmospheric global scale (37) or may only partially offset
may not pertain to cropland (Fig. 1E). CO2 concentrations indicate that such a decline in warming (38). The net effect of these competing
Interannual climate variability affects biosphere- the efficiency of the carbon cycle to store anthro- processes is small globally but is large in tem-
atmosphere coupling. In western Europe, forest and pogenic CO2 in ocean and land is occurring, and to perate and high northern latitudes where the cool-
agricultural land have comparable surface radiative a greater extent than estimated by models (33). ing due to an increase in surface albedo outweighs
temperature when soil is moist but respond differ- Much of the model uncertainty arises from the the warming due to land-use CO2 emission.
ently to drought (30). Forest maintains green vegeta- terrestrial biosphere (3, 32). Plants respond to rising Climate trends over the 21st century, too, should
tion, as indicated by the normalized difference atmospheric CO2 through photosynthetic enhance- be driven by interactions among CO2 emission, land
vegetation index, although surface temperature ment, and this “CO2 fertilization” is a negative feed- use, and forest-atmosphere feedbacks. The biogeo-
and sensible heat flux increase with drought. Vege- back to higher atmospheric CO2 concentration. In physical land-use forcing of climate may in some
tation greenness in cropland declines by ~50%, the multimodel comparison, land carbon storage in- regions be of similar magnitude to greenhouse gas
the surface warms 13°C more than in forest, and creases with higher atmospheric CO2 in all models, climate change. The Intergovernmental Panel on
the drought enhancement in sensible heat flux is driven by a 12 to 76% increase in NPP with CO2 Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on Emission
greater than for forest. The different response to doubling (multimodel mean, 48%), offset slightly Scenarios (SRES) A2 narrative storyline has high
drought arises from the deep roots of trees and by enhanced heterotrophic respiration (3). Free-air CO2 emission (SOM), and climate model simu-
their access to deeper reservoirs of soil water. CO2 enrichment studies in forests find that a ~50% lations of Feddema et al. (39) produce 2°C warming
Temperate forests hold ~20% of the world’s increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration sustained of planetary temperature over the 21st century in the
plant biomass and ~10% of terrestrial carbon over several years enhances NPP by 23% (34), but the absence of land cover change. The A2 storyline de-
(Fig. 1B). Carbon sequestration rates of mature long-term outcome is unclear, especially when inter- scribes widespread agricultural expansion with most
forests are high (Fig. 1C), but temperate forests in actions with nitrogen availability are considered (5). land suitable for agriculture used for farming by
the United States historically have been carbon Climate change reduces carbon storage from 2100 to support a large global population (fig. S1).
sources because of deforestation (31). Socioeco- CO2 fertilization. Terrestrial carbon storage declines Forest loss leads to additional warming in Ama- SCIENCE VOL 320 13 JUNE 2008 1447

Forests in Flux
A Tropical forests B Temperate forests C Boreal forests

Disturbance, fires and aerosols

Clouds and precipitation, fires,
aerosols and reactive chemistry

cooling (−)
Strong Moderate
carbon albedo Weak
decrease (+) evaporative Strong
storage (−)
cooling (−) albedo
Strong Moderate decrease (+)
Strong evaporative carbon
carbon cooling (−) storage (−)
storage (−)
decrease (+)

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D Biogeography

Tropical forest
Temperate forest
Natural Boreal forest
vegetation Savanna

Croplands 50-60%

Fig. 3. Climate services in (A) tropical, (B) temperate, and (C) boreal forests. Text boxes indicate key processes with uncertain climate services. (D) Natural vegetation
biogeography in the absence of human uses of land and cropland (percent cover) during the 1990s. Vegetation maps are from (51).

zonia, but cooling that mitigates warming in mid- of temperate forest regrowth. In the A2 and B1 en climate change arising from anthropogenic
latitudes (39). The B1 narrative storyline is a low storylines, net carbon loss from deforestation causes greenhouse gas emission. Negative climate forcing
greenhouse gas emission scenario. Farm abandon- biogeochemical warming, greatest in A2 because of in tropical forests from high rates of carbon accu-
ment and reforestation yield loss of farmland by extensive deforestation and weaker in B1 because mulation augments strong evaporative cooling (Fig.
2100 because of assumed increases in agricultural of temperate reforestation and less tropical de- 3A). The combined carbon cycle and biogeophys-
efficiency and declining population (fig. S1). The forestation. Biogeochemical warming offsets bio- ical effect of tropical forests may cool global cli-
model simulates 1°C warming in the absence of geophysical cooling in A2 to provide net global mate, but their resilience to drought, their status as
land cover change and weaker land-use forcing. warming. The B1 net warming is similar to A2 carbon sinks, interactions of fires, aerosols, and
When the carbon cycle is included, the dif- because moderate biogeophysical warming from reactive gases with climate, and the effects of small-
ferent SRES storylines of fossil fuel emission and temperate reforestation augments weak biogeo- scale deforestation on clouds and precipitation are

land use may yield similar 21st-century climates chemical warming from tropical deforestation. key unknowns. The climate forcing of boreal forests
despite vastly different socioeconomic trajectories is less certain (Fig. 3C). Low surface albedo may
(9). Widespread expansion of agriculture in A2 Research Needs outweigh carbon sequestration so that boreal forests
leads to biogeophysical cooling. Biogeophysical Through albedo, evapotranspiration, the carbon cy- warm global climate, but the net forcing from fire
processes lead to warming in B1, primarily because cle, and other processes, forests can amplify or damp- must also be considered, as well as effects of dis-

1448 13 JUNE 2008 VOL 320 SCIENCE

turbance and stand age on surface fluxes. The cli- and have competing biogeophysical and biogeo- 10. G. B. Bonan, Ecological Climatology (Cambridge Univ.
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(Fig. 3B). Reforestation and afforestation may se- As the climate benefits of forests become better 12. C. von Randow et al., Theor. Appl. Climatol. 78, 5 (2004).
quester carbon, but the albedo and evaporative forc- understood, land-use policies can be crafted to miti- 13. A. R. Huete et al., Geophys. Res. Lett. 33, L06405
ings are moderate compared with other forests and gate climate change (6). It has been inferred, for ex- 10.1029/2005GL025583 (2006).
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Much of our knowledge of forest influences on down” global warming, whereas temperate affores- 15. B. B. Stephens et al., Science 316, 1732 (2007).
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mitigation policy, comes from models. Models of afforestation is “counterproductive” (8). These poli- 17. H. Hashimoto et al., J. Geophys. Res. 109, D23110
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22. K. J. Meissner, A. J. Weaver, H. D. Matthews, P. M. Cox,
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range of scales from in situ experimentation, flux geographic impact of these processes varies, as 24. H. Liu, J. T. Randerson, J. Lindfors, F. S. Chapin III,
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