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Republic of the Philippines


Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya


Prof Ed 6B (Assessment in Learning 1)

Prof Ed 8 (Assessment of Student Learning 1)
1st Semester, 2020-2021

Activity No. 2
Functions and Purposes of Testing
in Graphic Organizers and Reflections

Group Activities: From your readings, work on the following:

1. Make a graphic organizer based on your understanding on the interrelatedness of the

different purposes of assessment (placement, formative, diagnostic, summative).
Evaluation at the end to grade
mastery of content and over all
understanding and skills.

Used principally to certify, assign a

grade, or to attest to the student’s
successful completion of a relatively
large unit of instruction.

Measures overall performance and

Evaluation at the start to identify
previous knowledge/ learning
Easy to hard progressive test to
disabilities. SUMMATI
position the learner.
For the identification of students
Used to place students according to
whose learning or classroom
PURPOSES OF prior achievement or personal
behavior is being adversely affected DIAGNOSTIC

characteristics, at the most

by factors not directly related to
appropriate point in an instructional
instructional practices
sequence, in a unique instructional

It identifies learning errors that need E

strategy, or a suitable teacher.
to be corrected.
It determines knowledge and skills
Monitor progress during class at the beginning of instruction.

Used to provide the student and

teacher with feedback on the
student’s progress toward mastery
of relatively small units of learning to
provide the information that will
direct subsequent teaching or study.

It focuses on specific and small

topics for instruction
2. Reflect on your experiences of being tested in class. Were there instances where the
reasons you were given tests are not in the given functions of testing? What do you think
were the reasons then? When you become a ‘matinong’ teacher, will you be doing the
same to your students? Why?

For more than years of studying, we encountered some teachers that there way of
teaching is not appropriate on the given functions given by the officials. Some instances
are, a teacher who is absent most of the time without informing us, and when this teacher
is comeback on the class, the teacher will make a short discussion and urgently give
activities right away even most of us didn’t understand the discussion. Another thing, we
also encountered having a teacher that will give lots of activities even without a
discussion of the topic When we will become a teacher someday, definitely we will not
be doing this to our future students because we became once a student and we know how
hard to be in this kind of situation especially, we students are not in the same situation
every day. And aside from that, we teachers have the responsibility also to make sure that
our students understand the lessons and professors must also consider the other subjects
of the students.
Let us not torture the students in giving tons of activities, instead let us help them
understand the lesson and that’s the important thing that we should do first rather than
making things hard and complicated for them. We must always put in our minds that in
education it is not the how you memorize the topics, but it is on how you will use it in the

I attest that I have shared my insights with my groupmates:

Name Signature
ALAMAN, NORBERTO _____________________
DUCO, VALERIE OLIVIA R. _____________________
GACUSAN, AILA MARIE _____________________
GOROSPE, CHERY-ANN G. _____________________
ORIBELLO, CHRISTIAN MARK C. _____________________
(family name first, in capital letters)

- Answer the items by group (5 at most in a group)
- Encode output in a long bond paper
- Send pdf file via pm of a group representative.
Samples of file name: AL1-A-Activity2-Abad (change A to B or C or D or E)
- Date of submission: August 26, 2020

Prepared by:

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