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Python External Functions

1 Introduction
This guide explains how to implement an external function in Python. It should be read in conjunction
with the example Python modules in the same folder as this file. This guide and the Python and C++
examples are also available on our website – see www.orcina.com/Support – and you might find more
recent information there.
See also the Python section of the OrcFxAPI reference documentation, which gives the details of the
Python objects that OrcaFlex passes to the Python external function, and also describes how to run
OrcaFlex from a Python script. For this reference documentation, see the OrcFxAPI help (the file
OrcFxAPI.chm in the OrcFxAPI sub-folder of your OrcaFlex installation folder) and search that help
file for the topic Python External Functions. This help file is also available on our website:
Writing an OrcaFlex external function in Python is significantly simpler than writing it in C++ or some
other fully-compiled language. Python takes care of many complexities such as memory management
and type casting (see the OrcFxAPI help for more).
The trade off for this convenience is speed: a Python external function will be slower to run than one
written in C++. So Python is less suitable if the function does a significant amount of processing and
simulation time is an important consideration. However even if this applies, Python might still be
useful, as a convenient interface between OrcaFlex and some compiled code that implements the
significant processing part of the calculation.
If a single external function is used to calculate more than one data item then it will be called multiple
times per calculation step – once for each data item. For information on such cases, see the Handling
Multiple Data Items : MovingAverageSpeedAndDirection and Dynamic Positioning System examples,
and the External Function Calling Order section, below.

2 Requirements
To use Python external functions you need to be running OrcaFlex version 9.5 or later and have
Python 2.6 or later installed on your computer. If you have version 9.6 or later then you can use
Python 3 should you prefer. Note that the example files are configured for Python 2. If you do want to
use Python 3 then you will need to modify the OrcaFlex data files to specify Python 3 rather than
Python 2. That setting is made on the External Function data of the Variable Data form in OrcaFlex.
To test your setup, open a command prompt and type: python This should open the Python
command window (providing Python is on your search path) and show the Python version. Then at
the Python prompt type: import OrcFxAPI (case-sensitive). If you are then presented with the
Python prompt again and no error then the OrcaFlex Python API has been successfully installed. Now
you can check your OrcaFlex DLL version by typing OrcFxAPI.DLLVersion() at the Python prompt –
this should be 9.5 or above.
You will also need a text editor for editing your Python code, preferably one that is sensitive to
Python’s syntax and formatting. We like Notepad++ (http://notepad-plus-plus.org/) but there are many

3 Python External Function Overview

Your Python external function needs to be implemented as a Python class that defines a number of
specific methods, such as the Calculate method which OrcaFlex will call each time the value is

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needed. The external function methods that OrcaFlex will call if they are defined are described below
and in the OrcFxAPI help file.
The module containing the external function class can also contain other classes and supporting
Python code, and can import other modules.
Once you have written the class you can use it in an OrcaFlex model by specifying it as an external
function in your model, by opening the Variable Data form (see the model browser), selecting External
Functions and creating a variable data source whose File Name is your Python module name and
whose Function Name is your external function class name.

3.1 External Function Life Cycle

Python external functions are managed by OrcaFlex using the following general life cycle, which
begins whenever you run a simulation that uses a Python external function:
• Prepare – OrcaFlex loads and initialises a Python interpreter and imports your external function
script and the OrcFxAPI Python module into your script’s namespace.
• Initialise – OrcaFlex creates an instance of each Python external function class used by the
model and calls its Initialise()method once, if that method exists. If your external function
exports external results and implements a RegisterResults() method then this will be called
before the Initialise() method in this phase.
• Calculate – At each time step of the simulation, OrcaFlex calls the external function Calculate()
method (possibly more than once per time step) to obtain the data value for that variable data
item. If external results are also calculated in by the external function, then the LogResult()
method will be called at each logging interval following the Calculate call. For line Bend Stiffness
tracking calculations the TrackCalculation() method will be called before the call to

• DeriveResult – If the external function defines external results then it must implement a
DeriveResult() method. This method will be called when one of the external results is
requested. The method is called once for each log sample in the requested query period.
• Finalise – When the simulation is reset then OrcaFlex calls the external function Finalise()
method, if it exists, and then closes the Python interpreter. If the simulation is saved then the
StoreState() method will be called, if present, before Finalise() is called.

3.2 Importing the OrcFxAPI module

You must not explicitly import the OrcFxAPI module in external function code. This import is
performed implicitly by the host OrcaFlex process. The import needs to be performed by the host
OrcaFlex process to ensure that the imported OrcFxAPI module correctly references the host
OrcaFlex process. The external function code can access the implicitly imported OrcFxAPI module in
the usual way. For example:
def Initialise(self, info):
info.period = OrcFxAPI.Period(OrcFxAPI.pnInstantaneousValue)

3.3 Output Redirection

In the Prepare phase above, the Python stdout and stderr output channels are redirected to
OrcaFlex. Any output to them is then displayed in the External Function Output window in OrcaFlex,
so error messages and print statement output will appear in that window, as will any Python error

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But note that any errors that occur while OrcaFlex is importing either your script or the OrcaFlex
Python API will not appear in that window, since these actions occur before the Python output has
been redirected.
For details see the OrcFxAPI help file.

3.4 External function instances

A new instance of the Python external function class is created for each separate use of the external
function by your OrcaFlex model. For example, if the external function class MyAppliedLoad is used
to calculate all 3 components (X, Y & Z) of an applied load on a 6D Buoy, then OrcaFlex will create
three separate instances of the class.
And if we then add a second row to the applied load table, again using this external function for the X,
Y & Z forces, then OrcaFlex will now create a total of 6 instances of the MyAppliedLoad class for this
6D Buoy – one for each of the 3 components of each of the 2 applied loads.
Data may need to be shared between these instances (for example to avoid duplicating calculations
for each component). OrcaFlex provides a mechanism for doing this, described in the examples

3.5 Tips for Development and Debugging

• Although OrcaFlex will display Python error messages during runtime, those details will not be
displayed for errors during importing the external function module. It is therefore more efficient to
debug Python external functions outside of OrcaFlex as much as possible, before using them with
• Test import your module from the Python console. Change the working directory to the location of
your script and import it from Python – this will flush out syntax errors.
• Create a test harness in Python code that creates an instance of your external function and pass
your own info object parameters to it with attribute values designed to test specific parts of your

3.6 Performance
Python is an interpreted language that runs more slowly than C or C++ so if performance becomes an
issue then care should be taken to ensure that the external function’s Calculate() method is
efficient. Here are some ways of doing this:
• Do as much preparation as possible in the Initialise() method, or in the class’s __init__()
method. In the Initialise() method, create object attributes containing frequently used
constant values (e.g. self.Period and self.ObjectExtra if they are needed for time history
requests to OrcaFlex), so that they can be used in the Calculate() method.
• For an external function calculating vector quantities (e.g. applied force and/or moment), OrcaFlex
will create multiple instances of your external function class. So to avoid repeated separate
calculations, do all of the calculation in one go when the first component is requested, and save
the vectors in info.Workspace (which is shared between all instances in this model) before
returning the requested component. Then when the other components are requested they can be
obtained from info.Workspace and returned without repeating any calculation. For an example of
this see Dynamic Positioning System below.

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4 Simple Examples
The Python code for these simple examples is in the module CurrentFunctionExamples.py and you
can see this module being used by opening CurrentExamples.dat in OrcaFlex.
Both these files are in the same folder as this document – open the model in OrcaFlex and the Python
module in your preferred editor. On the variable data form in OrcaFlex there are external function
variable data sources set up for each of the examples. And on the current page of the environment
data form you can select which variable data source is used for the current speed (and direction, for
the last example).
Now use the OrcaFlex Workspace menu to open the default workspace file, which shows windows for
the time history of wind speed and current speed and direction. When you run the model, the current
during the simulation is calculated by the selected external function, and the resulting current speed
and direction are displayed.

4.1 A Trivial Example: IncreasingSpeed

The simplest Python external function script is the Python class IncreasingSpeed , which
implements just one method, Calculate, that sets info.Value to give a current speed that is zero in
the build-up stage (simulation time less than zero) and rises steadily after that.
Look at the IncreasingSpeed class in CurrentFunctionExamples.py to see this example, and to
see it in action, set the current speed in the OrcaFlex model CurrentExamples.dat to use the
Increasing speed variable data source and run the simulation.
The comments in the IncreasingSpeed class explain what the code is doing, and in the OrcaFlex
simulation you should see the current speed time history showing zero current until simulation time
0.0, and then rising steadily after that.
For details of the info object that is passed by OrcaFlex to all the external function methods, see the
OrcFxAPI help.

4.2 Returning Values that Depend on Other Things: WindProportionalSpeed

Suppose we want our surface current speed to depend on the wind speed. Look at the
WindProportionalSpeed class in CurrentFunctionExamples.py to see how this can be done. And
to see it in action, reset the simulation and set the current speed to use the Wind-proportional
speed variable data source and re-run.
The OrcaFlex model uses a spectral wind speed, and the Calculate method of the
WindProportionalSpeed class calls OrcaFlex back to get the instantaneous wind speed and then set
the current speed accordingly. This example uses an Initialise method, so that it can initialise
some variables once at the start, which avoids wastefully setting them at each time step in the
Calculate method.
The constant parameters that are initialised in the Initialise method could be more conveniently
specified in the OrcaFlex model, using the External Function Parameters on the External Functions
page of the Environment data form. See the More Sophisticated Examples section below to see how
this is done.

4.3 Modelling History Effects: MovingAverageSpeed

To get a smoother current variation, we might want to use a moving average of the wind speed, rather
than the instantaneous wind speed, to determine the current. To do this we need to keep a history of
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the recent wind speed values, and this means that we also need to store and restore this information
if the simulation is paused and saved, to ensure the external function can continue correctly when the
simulation is resumed.
The class MovingAverageSpeed shows how this is done – see the comments in that class. If the
simulation is paused and saved, then the StoreState method will be called and anything it puts in
info.StateData will be stored in the simulation file. Then, when the simulation is re-opened and
continued the Initialise method will be called again, but this time the attribute info.StateData
will contain what was stored by StoreState, which is used to re-initialise to the state the external
function was in when the simulation file was stored.
The json module is used to serialise our Python state data into a form suitable to be saved in the
OrcaFlex simulation file, and to restore it again when the simulation file reloaded.

4.4 Handling Multiple Data Items: MovingAverageSpeedAndDirection

Often the external function wants to handle more than one data item. For example, for an externally
calculated applied load you probably want to set 3 or 6 components (3 components of force, and
possibly 3 components of moment too). The MovingAverageSpeedAndDirection example shows
how to do something similar to this – setting both the current speed and current direction using a
single external function class.
In the OrcaFlex model, set both the current speed and direction to use the
Moving average speed & direction variable data source. When the simulation is run OrcaFlex
now creates 2 instances of the MovingAverageSpeedAndDirection class, one for current speed and
one for current direction. And the class methods will be called twice, once for current speed and once
for current direction, in that order. The methods can tell which instance is being called using the
info.DataName attribute, as shown in the example code.
For this external function we want to do combined speed and direction calculations, and do most of
them only once, not once per instance. So in this class each of the methods does the bulk of the work
when it is called for current speed, which is called first (see External Function Calling Order below).
And in that call the calculated current direction value is saved in the info.Workspace attribute,
which is shared at the model level and can be accessed by both instances of the class. The
info.DataName=='RefCurrentDirection' call, for current direction, then just needs to use this
shared class variable to set the current direction.
A helper function GetVector(), which is outside the class, is used in the calculation. And the
StoreState() method now needs to store more than one piece of state data, so for clarity it stores a
dictionary containing the information it requires using the Python builtin json module .

4.5 Externally Calculated Vessel Primary Motion

External functions that calculate vessel primary motion must return the vessel motion in
info.StructValue instead of info.Value. This StructValue has attributes Position, Velocity,
Acceleration, Orientation, AngularVelocity, AngularAcceleration. All of these except
Orientation are vectors, represented as Python lists (or tuples can be used). Orientation is a
matrix whose rows are the unit vectors in the vessel axes directions, expressed as components with
respect to global axes direction.
For further information see the ExternallyCalculatedVesselMotion.py example and the
comments in that module. The OrcaFlex model ExternallyCalculatedVesselMotion.dat uses this
example to impose externally-calculated vessel motion. Open that model, run the simulation and open
the default workspace file (ExternallyCalculatedVesselMotion_default.wrk) to see the imposed

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4.6 External Results: Vessel Clearance from a Specified Object
OrcaFlex File: VesselClearanceExternalResult.dat
Python script: VesselClearanceExternalResult.py
This example calculates three external results for the global X, Y and Z position difference between a
specified position on a vessel and a specified position on another model object.
The external function is set as a globally applied load on a vessel, although the function class does
not implement a Calculate() method and so has no effect on the vessel motion. The example
demonstrates how to register multiple results from an external function and how to log data required
for those results and then return the appropriate result values when requested by OrcaFlex.
To calculate the results, the function needs to know in advance the clearance objects and the body
positions on the vessel and the clearance objects so that the necessary global position data can be
logged during the simulation. The function allows for several clearance objects and body positions to
be specified. In the example model, the external function parameter text for Vessel1 specifies two
position pairs, named Shape Clearance and Buoy Clearance. When requesting the external result,
the ObjectExtra.ExternalResultText property should contain one of these names to specify
which set of positions to base the results on. The text format used in this example is JSON (Javascript
Object Notation). Python has a built in module, json, for reading and writing Python types to string
and back and it is a convenient way to format the external function parameters without having to
implement a lot of your own code to convert between text and Python values.
The Initialise() method in the external function reads the external function parameters and
converts the text data to Python types. The body position data is stored in a dictionary
(self.clearanceObjects) of ObjectBodyPosition instances (a helper class).
The RegisterResults() method returns details of the results calculated by this external function to
OrcaFlex by setting the info.ExternalResults property. The result details are returned as an array
of dictionaries, one dictionary for each result. The data required to register a result is explained in the
OrcFxAPI help.
When the simulation is running, at every log sample interval the LogResult() method will be called.
This gives our external function a chance to retrieve instantaneous results from OrcaFlex and perform
any calculations required before logging this data with OrcaFlex. In this example we need to obtain
the instantaneous global position data for each vessel body position and clearance object body
position defined in the external function parameters. Our log data is a dictionary of vessel / clearance
object position tuples, keyed by the name given to the combination in the initialization parameters.
This log data is returned as a string to OrcaFlex by setting the info.LogData property, again we use
json as a convenient way to convert this data to a text.
In this example we have only one instance of the external function, set for the Global Applied Force X
for the vessel. If we had multiple instances, for example if our function actually modified the applied
force in the X, Y and Z directions, then we want to avoid unnecessarily extracting and logging the
same data more than once. To avoid this we test the info.DataName property before doing any
Once the model is running dynamics, or the simulation has completed then the results we registered
in RegisterResults()will be available through the OrcaFlex results form. When selecting one of the
custom results we need to specify which clearance object we want, we do this by providing one of the
names we defined in the external function parameters in the External result text field on the Select
Results form in OrcaFlex. This will be passed to our external function in the
info.ObjectExtra.ExternalResultText property in the call to our DeriveResult() method when
the external result is requested. The info.ResultID property will contain the requested result’s ID
we registered in RegisterResults(), and the info.LogData property contains our logged data from
the LogResult() method.
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Our DeriveResult() method first converts the logged data string back to Python types using
json.loads() then looks up the required set of position data based on the value passed in
info.ObjectExtra.ExternalResultText. Next we check the info.ResultID property to see
which result value we need to return. The result value is returned by setting the info.Value property.

4.7 External Results: Using Track Calculation

OrcaFlex File: LineStressExternalResult.dat
Python script: LineStressExternalResult.py
This example uses the track calculation feature of the Bend Stiffness variable data source to provide
a custom line stress component result. The track calculation feature allows an external function
access to a line node’s instantaneous calculation data without incurring the performance expense of
having to calculate Bend Stiffness within the external function. The external function is specified as a
tracking function in the Bend Stiffness data source on the Variable Data Form.
The custom stress component result calculated by this example allows the user to specify tension and
curvature stress factors as well as the component angle. To do this the function needs to log the
curvature values and wall tension for each half segment. The curvature values are available from the
info.InstantaneousCalculationData object provided by OrcaFlex to the TrackCalculation()
method. In this example the line has 50 segments of one line type which results in 100 instances of
the external function being created (one instance for each half segment).
Our single result is registered when the method RegistersResults() is called, supplying the result
name, External Stress, and units to appear in OrcaFlex and an ID which OrcaFlex uses to refer to this
result. Although this method will be called once for each instance, OrcaFlex only permits unique result
IDs and ignores subsequent registrations. Following the call to RegisterResults(), each instance’s
Initialise() method is called; where a working data object (an instance of NodeHalfSegmentData)
is created. We can’t set the arclength in the Initialise() method as this data is not provided until
the call to the TrackCalculation() method.
The TrackCalculation() method is called once per log interval, before the call to LogResult().
This method is passed the instantaneous data for the half segment in the
info.InstantaneousCalculationData property. From this we can set the arclength and curvature
values in our working data. In the following call to LogResult() we query the model to obtain the Wall
Tension at the half segment arclength. This data is logged with OrcaFlex by setting the
info.LogData property and using the Python json module to convert the array of tension and
curvature to a string.
When requesting this result from OrcaFlex, the user can specify stress concentration factors for
tension and curvature, and an angular position. These parameters are passed to the
DeriveResult() method in the info.ObjectExtra.ExternalResultText property. The parameter
text needs to be in JSON format for this example. A tension and stress factor of 1.1 and 1.2
respectively with a theta of 45.0 degrees would be represented in the external result text as:
{"w": 1.1, "c": 1.2, "t": 45.0}
The DeriveResult() method retrieves the saved log data for the current sample period from the
info.LogData property and converts this back into Python values using the json module. Next the
external result text is also parsed using json. Finally the stress result is calculated and returned to
OrcaFlex by setting the info.Value property.

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4.8 External Results: Fatigue
An externally calculated result variable can be consumed by the OrcaFlex fatigue module. This allows
you to define a bespoke stress result variable in your Python code and let OrcaFlex calculate and
collate fatigue damage.
An example of this can be found in the fatigue file ExternallyCalculatedStress.ftg. In order to
carry out the fatigue analysis you need to create a load case simulation file. This is based on
LineStressExternalResult.dat and so you will need to generate a dynamic OrcaFlex simulation
file based on that data file.
Once you have generated the simulation file, open the .ftg file in the OrcaFlex fatigue module. Note
that the Damage Calculation data is set to Externally calculated stress. This is the setting that
determines that an external results variable will be used.
Now switch to the Components page. This is very similar to the input data for Stress factor fatigue.
Indeed, the form of our external result was chosen so that we can compare against the built-in stress
factor fatigue option.
The Stress Result data item is External Stress, i.e. the name of our external result variable. The
Component Name data item is used to specify the external result text. In our example file this is:
{"w": 10, "c": 250e3, "t": %theta%}
The first and second values are the wall tension and curvature stress factors respectively. The final
value is theta. Note that we use the special symbol %theta% rather than specifying a fixed value. The
reason being that we extract multiple stress results, at different circumferential points, at each arc
length along the line. When OrcaFlex calls the external function it replaces %theta% with the true
theta value, in degrees, and then calls DeriveResult().
You can now calculate the fatigue for this input data and view results just as you would for any other
OrcaFlex damage calculation.
Now switch the Damage Calculation to Stress factors. Note that the data has been setup to match
that which we used for externally calculated stress. The tension stress factor is 10 and the curvature
stress factor is 250e3. You can calculate fatigue now and confirm that the results are the same as we
obtained using externally calculated stress.
One final point to make is that fatigue analysis is one of the most demanding calculations that
OrcaFlex performs. Using externally calculated stress can lead to rather slow performance of the
fatigue calculation. This is one scenario where the performance benefits of a native external function
(see the ‘C++ External Function Examples’) could out-weigh the convenience of Python.

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5 More Sophisticated Examples

The following more complex examples illustrate further aspects of the Python external function
A common element to these examples is reading and using parameters that are specified in the
OrcaFlex model on the External Functions page of the model object’s data form. These parameters
are function-specific data for the external function to use in its calculations, and they are passed to the
external function in the info.ObjectParameters attribute. This is a Python dictionary that contains
one item for each parameter that is specified on the External Functions page in the OrcaFlex model,
with the item’s key being the parameter name and its value being the parameter string value specified
in the OrcaFlex model.
The parameter values in info.ObjectParameters are always given as strings, but we often want
numeric values, and possibly want to use default values when the parameter is not specified. So the
remaining external function examples all use the following convenient helper function that provides
this functionality:
params = info.ObjectParameters
def GetParameter(paramName, default=None):
if params.has_key(paramName):
param = params[paramName]
if isinstance(default, float):
param = float(param)
elif isinstance(default, int):
param = int(param)
elif not default is None:
param = default
raise Exception('Parameter %s is required but missing.' % paramName)
return param

myParam = GetParameter('Parameter Name', 1.234)

This function is passed the parameter name and a default value whose type is used to determine the
type of the returned parameter values. The function checks that the parameter of that name has been
specified, and if so returns the value converted to the Python type of the supplied default value. If the
parameter is missing then the default value is returned, or an error is raised if no default is supplied.

5.1 Wing Angle Depth Control

OrcaFlex file: WingAngleDepthControl.dat
Python script: WingAngleDepthControl.py
This example illustrates how external function parameters specified in the OrcaFlex model can be
read by the external function and used in the calculations.
The example implements control of the Gamma angle of two wings attached to a towed fish, in order
to maintain level flight at a specified depth. Active control only starts once a specified simulation time
(ControlStartsAtTime) has been reached, and this time, the target depth and other parameters, are
all specified on the External Functions page of the Towed Fish data form.
The external function Initialise() method reads these parameters, and its Calculate() method
checks if the simulation time has reached the ControlStartsAtTime, and if so calculates the new
wing Gamma angle. Before that time the Calculate() method leaves the function value unchanged,
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so the wing Gamma angles remain at the Initial Value that is specified on the Variable Data form in
OrcaFlex, which is 90 degrees in this example. When the time ControlStartsAtTime is reached the
control system becomes active and the wing Gamma angles are controlled to make the towed fish
dive to and then remain at the target depth.
The control system is a very basic proportional control, i.e. the wing angle is set to a constant
multiplied by the error signal (the error signal being the difference between the actual and the target
depth). Because the wings are independently controlled, each wing seeks out the target depth, and
this gives roll control of the towed fish as well as depth control. A real control system would be more
sophisticated than this basic example.
For further details see the comments in the WingAngleDepthControl.py module.

5.2 Heave Compensated Winch

OrcaFlex File: HeaveCompensatedWinch.dat
Python script: PIDController.py
This example models a subsea template being lowered by a heave compensated winch from the
stern of a handling vessel. The Python external function that implements the compensation system
uses a generic PID controller (Proportional, Integral, Differential) that we have implemented in a fairly
general manner, so that it could be used for other control purposes as well, with only small changes.
In OrcaFlex, open the model HeaveCompensatedWinch.dat. On the Control page of the Winch data
form, the winch Dynamics Mode is set to pay out at a rate determined by PIDWinchControl, which is
an external function variable data source that is specified, on the Variable Data form, to be the class
PIDController in the Python module PIDController.py.
The External Functions page of the Winch data form contains text strings that specify various model-
specific parameters for the controller. These are passed to the external function and are used as
parameters to the PID controller that controls the winch wire payout.
Run the simulation, and on the Workspace menu select Use file default workspace. This sets up
windows showing time histories of the winch wire length paid out and resulting Template Z coordinate.
For the first part of the simulation the controller is not active, since the ControlStartTime is specified to
be 20 seconds (on the External Functions page of the winch data form). So until simulation time t=20
seconds the winch has a constant length of wire paid out, and so the template rises and falls with the
wave-induced vessel motion. At time t=20 seconds, the PID controller becomes active and after that
the winch wire is paid out and controlled in order to lower the Template to a Z coordinate of -85m and
then keep it steady at that depth.
Controller Theory
The PID controller has the following form:
 de 
Winch Payout Rate  k 0  k P .e  k I  e.dt  k D . 
 dt 
• e = error signal, which in this example is e = TargetValue – Template Z
• k0, kP, kI, and kD are control parameters of the PID controller. These are specified as External
Function Parameters, on the External Functions page of the Winch data form.

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Python Code
For details of how the Python external function works, see the comments in the Python code.
Initialise() method
This sets up some object variables, periodNow and ObjectExtra, that will be needed in the
Calculate() method to ask OrcaFlex for the current value of the controlled variable.
It then gets the parameters, which are specified on the External Functions page of the Winch data
form in the OrcaFlex model, from the info.ObjectParameters. If this is a new simulation then
info.StateData will be None, so it initialises the controller. But if a previous simulation file is being
opened then info.StateData will contain the state that the StoreState() method saved, so that
state is restored.
ObjectExtra contains any extra information that is needed when a result value is requested. In this
example the controlled variable is a buoy Z-coordinate, and this depends on the Position on the buoy,
which is specified on the OrcaFlex results form when that result is requested. In Python this is defined
by ObjectExtra.RigidBodyPos (this attribute of ObjectExtra is also used for vessels, which are also
rigid bodies in OrcaFlex). Some OrcaFlex result values (e.g. winch tension) do not require any extra
information, in which case ObjectExtra is not needed. But others require different extra information to
define them – e.g. winch Connection Force requires ObjectExtra.WinchConnectionPoint and
many line results require ObjectExtra attributes such as NodeNum or ArcLength to be set, in order to
define the point on the line at which the result value is wanted.
Calculate() method
The controller is not active until simulation time reaches the ControlStartTime specified on the
External Functions page of the Winch data form. Before this time the Calculate() method does
nothing, so the controlled value (winch payout rate) stays at the Initial Value that is specified on
the Variable Data form in the OrcaFlex model, which is zero.
The OrcaFlex model can perform multiple calculations in a single time step – e.g. if implicit integration
is used, since then each time step is an iterative calculation. Because of this the Calculate()
method must be careful to only step forward when this is a new time step, which is indicated by
The Python code implements the controller theory given above. The controller needs to maintain
calculation data from the previous time step, in order to calculate the integral and differential parts of
the control. This is done using two instances (self.prev and self.now) of a PIDstate() helper
class. This is a simple class with no methods, and the two instances are created in the Initialise()
method and used to record data for the current and previous time step.
The  e.dt and de/dt terms in the control equation cannot be calculated on the first time step of control,
since no self.prev data is available. So for this first time step these terms are set to the Initial
e/D and Initial De values specified on the External Functions page of the Winch data form. These
parameters are both set to zero, and that value is probably appropriate in almost all cases.
The time histories of Winch length and Template Z show that the controller does indeed lower the
Template to the target depth and hold it there, by paying out or hauling in winch wire to compensate
for the vessel heave motion.
StoreState() method
This method is called if the simulation is saved to a file. It uses the Python json module to save the
current state of the controller as a string in info.StateData, which OrcaFlex saves in the simulation
file. When the simulation is re-loaded OrcaFlex calls the external function’s Initialise() method
with this data put back into info.StateData, so that the Initialise() method can restore the
controller state to what it was when the simulation was saved.
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5.3 Dynamic Positioning System
OrcaFlex File: DynamicPositioningSystem.dat
Python script: DynamicPositioningSystem.py
This is an example of a very basic vessel dynamic positioning (DP) system, implemented by applying
an externally-calculated Applied Load that models the DP thrusters.
The external function tries to keep the vessel on station by making the global applied force and
moment simply proportional to the difference between the actual and target position and heading of
the vessel. This has the same effect as applying simple linear springs in the global X and Y-directions,
and a torsional spring about the vertical. A real DP system would of course be much more
sophisticated than this simple example, and would use multiple thrusters a more complex controlling
Open the model DynamicPositioningSystem.dat in OrcaFlex. In this model there are 3 vessels,
which are initially all on top of each other. The DP Vessel (yellow) is the vessel to which the externally
calculated DP loads are applied. The Target Position vessel (red) is simply a fixed vessel whose
purpose is to mark the target position and heading that has been specified for the DP Vessel. The
No DP Vessel (green) is identical to the DP Vessel but with no DP system acting, so it shows where
the vessel drifts due to wave, current and wind effects if DP is not used.
When you run the simulation the Target Position vessel (red) stays in the target position, since it is
fixed. But you can see the No DP Vessel (green) drift away a lot, and it yaws significantly too. The DP
Vessel (yellow) drifts a bit from the target position, but the control system keeps it quite close to the
target position and heading.
The model data settings that achieve this are as follows. On the Applied Loads page of the DP
Vessel data form, a global applied load is specified. And this load uses the external function variable
data item called Thruster to calculate the components of applied force in the global X and Y
directions, and the applied moment about the global Z direction (vertically upwards). On the Variable
Data form, the Python module and class is specified for this Thruster variable data source.
Notice that the same external function (Thruster) is specified for both the X and Y applied force
components, and also for the Z component of applied moment. The external function calculates all 3
components when the X-component is requested, since that component is called first (see External
Function Calling Order below). It then returns each load component separately, one component for
each call to its Calculate() method.
The target position and heading of the vessel, and two control parameters (kf and km), are specified
in text form on the External Functions page of the DP Vessel data form. This allows the same external
function class to be used for different applications, and allows these model-specific parameters to be
specified in the OrcaFlex model.
Python Code
For details of how the Python external function works, see the comments in the Python code.

6 External Function Calling Order

The Handling Multiple Data Items : MovingAverageSpeedAndDirection and Dynamic Positioning
System above are examples where a single external function is used for more than one data item in
an OrcaFlex model. We refer to this as the externally-calculated data items being 'coupled'.
In the Dynamic Positioning System examples the external function is specified for 3 components (the
x force, y force and z moment of the applied load). In this situation the external function will be called
multiple times at each calculation point - once for each of the 3 components in the case of externally-
calculated applied load. But we want the external function to calculate the whole applied load vector in
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one go, i.e. all 3 components together and only once, and then simply return the appropriate
component when the 3 calls to the function are made.
To make this practical, OrcaFlex sticks to the following rules when calling external functions:-
• For any given externally-calculated data item (e.g. a single component of an applied load), the
Initialise() call will occur first, then any Calculate() calls and finally and StoreState() call
with any Finalise() call last.
• For any given model object, the externally-calculated data items will always be called in the same
order each time. But the ordering between different model objects (i.e. different objects in the
model browser) is not defined and could change.
• For the following situations, which we expect are the most likely coupling of data items, the order
of calls is defined as follows:
• Reference current speed and direction (if both are externally-calculated) will be called in that
order, i.e. speed before direction.
• For applied loads on a 6D buoy or a vessel, the external functions will be called in the 'reading'
order that they appear on the data form, i.e. left to right, starting at the top of the data form and
working down. So global applied loads are called first, starting at the top row and working down,
and then any applied loads in the corresponding order. So if all components of both global and
load applied loads were externally-calculated, then the order of calls would be:
Global applied load top row, x-force component, then y-force, then z-force,
then x-moment component, then y-moment, then z-moment
Global applied load 2nd row, x-force component, then y-force, then z-force,
then x-moment component, then y-moment, then z-moment

Global applied load last row, x-force component, then y-force, then z-force,
then x-moment component, then y-moment, then z-moment
Local applied load top row, x-force component, then y-force, then z-force,
then x-moment component, then y-moment, then z-moment
Local applied load 2nd row, x-force component, then y-force, then z-force,
then x-moment component, then y-moment, then z-moment

Local applied load last row, x-force component, then y-force, then z-force,
then x-moment component, then y-moment, then z-moment
• For applied loads on a node, the external functions are called in the following order:
x-force, then y-force, then z-force, then x-moment, then y-moment, then z-moment
The node calling order is not defined (and can change from run to run or even time step to time
step). So you cannot assume that the calls for any given node occur before those for higher
numbered nodes.
• For externally-calculated line bend stiffness, the order of calls for a given node is:
'In' bend moment, x-component, then y-component
'Out' bend moment, x-component, then y-component
The node calling order is not defined (and can change from run to run or even time step to time
step). So you cannot assume that the calls for any given node occur before those for higher
numbered nodes.

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If you want to write an external function that will be used for coupled data items, you should not
assume anything else about the order of calls, other than what is defined above. If this is a problem,
and you need to know more about the order of calls, then please contact us.

7 Orientation matrices
The instantaneous calculation data objects that are passed to external functions contain orientation
matrices. These matrices define the orientation of the body with respect to global axes directions.
Specifically the rows of the orientation matrix are the unit vectors in the body's local axes directions,
expressed as components with respect to global axes directions.
For the sake of an example, consider the 6D Buoy's instantaneous calculation data. The orientation
matrix is named OrientationWrtGlobal and we are also supplied the velocity of the buoy in a
vector named VelocityWrtGlobal. The velocity is, as indicated in the name, expressed with
respect to global axes directions.
Now suppose we wish to express the velocity with respect to the buoy's axes directions. This is
achieved by multiplying the orientation matrix by the vector:
VelocityWrtBuoy = OrientationWrtGlobal × VelocityWrtGlobal
In this equation we treat both vectors as column vectors.
To perform such a re-orientation in Python it is simplest to use the NumPy module. The code to do so
would look like this:

# import the module, do this at the top of the external function source file
import numpy as np

# later in the external function source file

VelocityWrtBuoy = np.dot(OrientationWrtGlobal, VelocityWrtGlobal)

Note that the dot method is the standard way to perform matrix/vector multiplication in NumPy.

Now suppose that you wished to perform the re-orientation in the opposite direction. That is to re-
orient a vector with respect to body axes directions to a vector with respect to global axes directions.
So, for example, consider the vector named AngularVelocityWrtBuoy. In order to express this
vector with respect to global axes directions we multiply with the orientation on the right hand side:
AngularVelocityWrtGlobal = AngularVelocityWrtBuoy × OrientationWrtGlobal
In this equation we treat both vectors as row vectors.
The equivalent code in Python is this:
AngularVelocityWrtGlobal = np.dot(AngularVelocityWrtBuoy, OrientationWrtGlobal)

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