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Smart Planet 4 Unit 1 Standard Test

Name  Class   Date

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use used to
in sentences 1–3 and would in sentences 4 and 5.
1 I didn’t use to like (not like) playing outside very much when I was a child.
2 Did your parents use to be (your parents / be) hippies when they were young?
3 When my parents were young, they used to go (go) to a lot of concerts.
4 My grandmother would always make (always / make) me a snack when I got home from school.
5 My mother would collect (collect) me from school every day when I was at primary school.

2 Circle  the correct words.

1 Did you use to / Would you have long hair when you were young?
2 My grandparents used / would go dancing a lot as teenagers.
3 Jack didn’t use to / didn’t used to ride his bicycle very often as a child.
4 How often Ben used to / would Ben play football when he was ten?
5 We used to / would live in New York when I was growing up.

3 Complete the sentences with the past perfect form of the verbs in brackets.
1 Ben couldn’t buy the T-shirt he wanted because he ’d spent (spend) all his money.
2 I watched a great programme on TV last night. I hadn’t seen (not see) it before.
3 Had Mum made (Mum / make) dinner when you arrived home last night?
4 Jack wanted to buy tickets for the concert, but they ’d sold out (sell out).
5 Had you met (you / meet) Sam’s friend before?

4 Circle  the correct words.

1 Dad still didn’t arrive / hadn’t arrived home by the time I went out last night.
2 I got / had got to school quite late yesterday morning.
3 We didn’t see / hadn’t seen Jenny at the party last week.
4 Ben and Harry finally got tickets for the film that they waited / had waited so long to see.
5 Tim wasn’t allowed to come to the concert because he didn’t ask / hadn’t asked his parents.

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Smart Planet 4 Unit 1 Standard Test

5 Circle  the correct words.

1 a baggy / 2 a flowery / 3 flat / silk 4 a fitted / 5 tight / baggy

stripy jumper denim dress shoes stripy coat jeans

6 Circle  the correct words.

1 John says he’s afraid for / of going out in the dark.
2 My mum’s very keen on / about taking photos in her spare time.
3 I’m very excited with / about going to New York next month!
4 You should be proud for / of the painting you did – it’s brilliant!
5 My class are all interested by / in History because our teacher’s so good.

7 Circle  the correct options.

1 That’s a lovely soft scarf – is it made of real ?
a silk b
2 My mum was really happy the present I bought her.
a for b
3 My sister has always been fascinated changes in fashion.
a from b
4 I like that T-shirt you’re wearing. It’s really !
a cool b
5 I’m afraid
being alone at home.
a of b at

8 Circle  the correct options to complete the conversations.
1 How about this sweater? 4 Do you think this shirt suits me?
a Yes, it’s really nice. a I see what you mean!
b I suppose so. b Never mind!
c They’re a bit baggy. c You look great!
2 I really like the jeans in this shop. 5 These jeans don’t fit very well.
a What’s the matter with them? a No, that style isn’t in at the moment.
b Why don’t you try some on? b No, they’re a bit tight.
c Where did you buy them? c No, you look better in purple.
3 Where are the changing rooms?
a I’ll go there for you.
b Over there on the left.
c That’s a good idea.

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Smart Planet 4 Unit 1 Standard Test

9  3  Listen to the five different conversations. Circle  the correct options.
0 You hear two friends talking about what they’ll 3 You hear a boy called Jack talking about leaving his
wear to a party. home this morning.
What will Maria wear? What did Jack do with the door key when he left
a a T-shirt she’s just bought first time this morning?
b a dress with flowers on a He hid it in a secret place.
c a sweater and jeans b He put it in his pocket.
1 You hear a girl called Samantha talking to her father. c He lost it.
What did he use to wear as a student? 4 You hear a boy called Mark talking to his friend
a smart clothes Chloe about his jumper.
b casual clothes Why is he talking to her?
c hippy clothes a He’s asking for advice about a jumper.
2 You hear a girl called Bella talking about when her b He needs help with buying a jumper.
grandfather was young. c He’s offering to lend her his jumper.
What did he tell her about when he was young? 5 You hear a girl called Amanda telling a friend about
a He enjoyed watching the family TV. some CDs.
b He rarely had to cycle to school. What does she say about them?
c He started work when he was a teenager. a They belong to her father.
b They’ve become part of her collection.
c They’re by her favourite musicians.

10 Read the school magazine article about teenage fashions.

Teenage Fashions by Lucy Watts

D o you know how your grandparents used to dress

when they were your age? I found out that until the
1940s, young people had just dressed like their parents,
so there were no fashions specially for teenagers then. That’s
really hard to imagine now, isn’t it?
for women, instead of dressing more like their parents. In
fact, that style of dress became almost like a uniform among
young people. In America, it was the first time that the fashion
industry had made clothes specially for teenagers. And in the
UK, the Teddy Boy movement brought in the first fashion style
A couple of days ago I was looking at some family photos and just for teenagers. Men wore smart jackets and narrow trousers,
talking about them with my grandma. As a result of what I saw, with thin ties and brightly coloured socks. I even found a
I decided to look further into the history of fashions for young photo of my grandfather dressed exactly in that style!
people. There were lots of interesting photos in the family album, but
I discovered that in the late 40s and 50s, major changes were there was one that really caught my attention and I copied it
starting to take place. For one thing, people began to have a and put it on my wall. It was of my great-grandma as a young
little more money to spend. Also, man-made materials like woman, when she was walking with my great-grandfather arm
nylon were becoming really popular. So materials that people in arm near the beach at the seaside. She was wearing a long,
had worn until then, like wool and silk, soon fell out of fashion. stylish ‘swing-back’ coat, a tight-waisted dress and a close-fitting
Another change was that teenagers going to college in the hat. She looked incredibly smart and well-dressed, but not in
50s began to wear casual sweaters and trousers, or tight skirts the kind of clothes we’d consider suitable for the beach today!

Are the sentences true (T ) or false (F )?

1 Seeing the family photos made Lucy want to find out more about teen fashion in the past. T
2 Wool and silk remained popular even after new materials had come along. F
3 It was common for all college students to dress in a similar way in the 50s. T
4 Lucy found evidence that her grandfather had once dressed as a Teddy Boy. T
5 Lucy preferred other photos in the family album to the one of her great-grandmother at the beach. F

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Smart Planet 4 Unit 1 Standard Test

11 Write a biography of your favourite band or artist. Use the prompts below to help you. Write at
least 150 words.
• name of the group/artist
• type of music
• where they are/were from
• style of clothes/hair
• when they formed/split up
• record sales
• famous songs/albums
• personal facts

 Students’ own answers


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