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Ethnobotanical study of indigenous plants used by local people of

Agusan del Sur, Philippines

Rose D. Arquion1*, Cesario C. Galanida1, Brenda Villamor1, Henry T. Aguilar1
1 Philippine Normal University, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur, Philippines

ARTICLE INFORMATION utilized and prepared mostly by decoction,

extraction, and infusion to cure human
diseases/ailments. The largest number of taxa
Article History: of medicinal plants came from Families of
Received 08 January 2015
Received in revised form 26 February 2015 Gramineae and, Lamiaceae (7), Euphorbiaceae
(6), Liliaceae, Asteraceae, Moraceae and,
Malvaceae (5). Some documented 53 species of
*Corresponding author: [email protected]
wild edible plants belong to 46 families mostly
utilized as vegetables for food and sources of
ABSTRACT income.
The commonly used wild edible plants belong
to Family Convolvulaceae, Musaceae, and
Medicinal and wild edible plants are important Arecaceae. Documenting these indigenous
for human existence. This study aimed to plants and associated ethnobotanical
investigate medicinal uses of indigenous plants knowledge can be used as basis for developing
to human and to document wild edible plants management plan for conservation and
(WEP). Ethnobotanical data were obtained sustainable use.
from 493 informants using semi-structured
interviews and field observations done in 32 Keywords
communities. The study documented 126 Ethnobotany, Medicinal Plants, WEP
species of medicinal plants belonging to 57
families and 105 genera. Herbs were largely

Introduction native (O’Brien,2010). The research results

highlighted how cultural knowledge about
One of the millennium development local plants can be applied to educational
goals is sustainability of the environment. programs that promote experiential learning.
Forest preservation, plant resources in the
community should be available for its use for The United Nations Convention on
the coming generations. Biological Diversity (CBD) (Uprety, 2012)
strived to implement its three major goals:
Ethnobotany, the study of plants used conservation of biological diversity;
by specific cultures for various reasons, traces sustainable use of its components; and a fair
the development of modern medicine. and equitable sharing of the benefits from the
Medicinal plants have important use of genetic resources. These goals are
contributions in the healthcare system of local applicable to medicinal plant resources.
communities as the main source of medicine According to CBD’s article 8 (j): “Traditional
for the majority of the rural population knowledge, Innovations and Practices,
(Bekalo, 2009). signatories agree to respect, preserve and
maintain knowledge, innovations and
An inquiry into the ethnobotanical practices of indigenous and local
knowledge of students in Arizona, USA communities embodying traditional lifestyles
revealed that students have limited relevant for the conservation and sustainable
knowledge of the plant domain listing only an use of biological diversity and promote their
average of five plants out of twenty seen from wider application with the approval and
a video clip, the majority of which were non- involvement of the holders of such
knowledge, innovations and practices and similar places where over the counter drugs
encourage the equitable sharing of the are available.
benefits arising from the use of such
knowledge innovations and practices.” In the study conducted by Bekalo
(2009) in Konta Special Woreda, Ethiopia
Balch (2012) said that herbs support claimed that environmental and cultural
general health and the top reasons given for changes threaten the resources which signal
using herbs are boosting energy (60%); the need to take measures for public
preventing colds (56%); boosting immune awareness in conserving the medicinal
system (54%); improving sleep (43%); and plants in the natural ecosystem
helping prostate (18%) of the 500 males in
the survey. One of the reasons of losing the
knowledge of traditional medicine in West
Purposely, this study tried to Ethiopia was due to advancement of
investigate the medicinal uses of indigenous knowledge of people in the place. Since
plants to human and to document wild edible traditional medicine is transferred orally from
plants (WEP) available at Prosperidad, generation to generation, basic information in
Agusan del Sur, Southern Philippines. the use of the plants and the part used, drug
preparation method, the diseases treated and
Specifically, the study sought to shed others may be lost and discarded in the
light on the following research questions: knowledge transfer process (Megersa et. al,
1. What the medicinal plants are used by the
local people in Agusan del Sur, its In another study conducted by Au
utilization, preparation and administration (2008) in Guangdong , China and at Jeolla,
routes? Korea and by Kim and et., al. (2012), revealed
that the cause for fast disappearance of
2. What are the wild edible plants and how traditional culture and natural resources was
are these utilized and prepared by the local linked to urbanization and industrialization,
people? suggesting that unrecorded information may
be lost forever.
3. Which species of the wild edible plants can
be a source of income? The people of Quijar tribe of India had
maintained the preservation of knowledge
Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur where due to continues reliance to WEP, but decline
the study was conducted, has thirty two (32) in the use of these plants may gradually lead
communities which are remote and very far to fading away of indigenous knowledge
from D.O. Plaza Memorial Hospital located in associated with their use. Anthropogenic
Patin-ay, Agusan del Sur, the government factors are evident causing wild edible plants
center of the province. Due to the distance and for they are under growing pressures
scarcity of public utility vehicles, some folks (Rashidet. al, 2008). Overgrazing and
used medicinal plants to treat illnesses and stocking, expansion of agricultural land forest
diseases. However, most of the folks are not cuttings for construction and technology, over
aware of the benefits of the medicinal plants exploitation of forest products and
and tend not to take care and value the uncontrolled fire settings threaten the WEP in
resources. Janmu and Kashmir State-India.

In Eastern Bostwana, there is a Wild edible plants in Poba, India are

shrinking on the knowledge and on uses of gathered from different habitats and provide
medicinal plants due to migration to urban as source of income and livelihoods, needs
areas and that young generation lost their urgent conservation initiatives for ecological
interest in people medicinal uses of plants stability, human well-being and also as local
(Motihonka & Nthoiwa, 2013). The problem heritage (Pegu et al, 2013). Deforestation and
also assails in Agusan del Sur, Philippines and other anthropogenic activities and natural
calamities, particularly erosion is a big threat Naga, male Carica papaya ( papaya) in San
on their ecosystem. Fernando, and Ortosiphon aristatus
(wachichao) in San Remigio.
Educating people about non timber
forests products may promote better With the common causes of losing the
harvesting practices and improve the medicinal and edible plants in almost any part
likelihood of sustainable use and resource of the world, documentation of the indigenous
conservation (Burgess, 1994). Understanding knowledge of the local people on the
the relationship between indigenous people utilization of these indigenous plants in
and their threatened economic plants can aid Agusan del Sur, Philippines is much needed
the conservation effort of many levels. for environmental awareness, management,
reproduction and sustainability for the next
In the Philippines, gardens of
medicinal plants are part of culture. People of
different status are using herbal plants as Framework of the Study
remedies for headaches, stomach ache,
fatigue, muscle pains, spasm, gas pains, and Thompsonianism Theory (Thompson,
wounds, much more in their local 1981) stated that a disease is a result of a
communities where medical practitioners are decrease derangement of the vital fluids,
very few who cannot attend to the needs of brought by loss of animal heat. The resulting
the people for healing of the ailments they symptoms are interpreted as efforts of the
have. vital force to get rid of the toxic encumbrances
generated. The Physiomedicalism Theory
Republic Act 8423, otherwise known came as the second major stream of thought
as the “Traditional and Alternative Medicine in herbal medicine. Ultimately, this new
Act (TAMA) of 1997 gave rise to the creation system of herbal medicine retained much of
of the Philippine Institute of Traditional and what had been accepted as fundamental in the
Alternative Health Care (PITACH) which is Thompsonianism Theory. Thus, herbal
tasked to promote and advocate the use of function was thought of as aggregate
traditional and alternative health care expression of vital force, acting through
modalities through scientific research and cellular metabolism to maintain the functional
development. integrity of the entire organism.

Ammakiw, C.L. & Odiem, M.P. (2014),

hold that there was no significant relationship Method
determined on the level of knowledge on the
preparation of the herbal plants except origin This study used the descriptive
where the highlanders were significantly survey research design. It employed a
more knowledgeable than the lowlanders. purposive sampling of 490 informants with
People in Kalinga, Northern Philippines were age ranging from 40 to 80, and three
not knowledgeable on the uses of Cassia alata herbalists of ages 50 - 75 who used
L. (akapulko) to cure cough and as traditional healing practices for more than 30
mouthwash and purgative; on the antipyretic years and who are natives in the 32
effect of Momordica charantia (ampalaya) and communities of Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur,
the use of Psidium guajava (guava) to prevent Southern Philippines. For ethical purpose, the
nose bleeding. researchers asked permission from
community chairmen and key informants to
Miano, R.S. & Alonso, C.G. (2011) answer questions during the documentation
stated that medically-important plant roots process of the medicinal and wild edible
cited by traditional healers from the four plants.
municipalities of Cebu,Philippines reported to
be very effective in treating ailments/diseases
are the Justicia sp. (mandalusang puti) in
Argao, Euphorbia hirta Linn. (mangagaw) in
Ethnobotanical Data Collection Table 1
Total Number of Taxa Recorded
(Medicinal Plants)
Ethnobotanical data were collected
from July 2013 to May 2014 through semi- Number of Species 126
structured interviews and field observations Families 57
with selected knowledgeable elders,
herbalists. The community health workers Genera 105
using the vernacular (Visayan language).
Information regarding plant part used, Table 2. List of Medicinal Plants used
preparation administration routes and its by Local People in Agusan del Sur, Philippines
efficacy were documented. (see Appendix A.)

Photographs were taken for plants The degree of informants’ knowledge

found on their home gardens and available in in each medicinal plant in treating specific
the nearby place during the visit. For plants health problems was identified in general. The
found in the jungle, local names were plants are grouped according to a disease
identified and characteristics were given by treated.
the informants.

Table 2
Medicinal Plants used to treat Various Ailments/Diseases
Plant Identification Procedure
Hypertension Acorus gramineus,
Preliminary identification of the Anonna muricata,
specimens was documented by taking Catharanthus roseus,
photographs. Characteristics were noted for Blumea balsamifera,
accurate classification, then referred to the Crescentia cujete,
Tabebuia heptaphylla,
website used to identify its common name, Ipomoeae paniculata,
scientific name through the book “Amazing Orthosipon aristatus Benth,
Healing Plants” by JC Kurian and website Kalanchoe pinnata, and other internet sources. Momordica spp.
Andropogon citratus,
Centella asiatica,
Artocarpus heterophyllus,
Ethnobotanical Data Analysis Corchurus olitorius,
Vitex negundo,
Curcuma longa.
With descriptive statistical method Measles Euphorbia hirta,
using percentage, the study tried to analyze Tinosphora rumphii Boerl.
and summarize data on the reported Theobroma cacao
medicinal and wild edible plants and Arthritis Acorus gramineus,
Blumea balsamifera,
associated indigenous knowledge. Symphytum officinale,
Jatropha curcas,
Premma odorata Blanco,
Results and Discussion Curcuma longa
Colds Acorus calamus,
Artemisia vulgaris,
The informants reported one hundred- Mentha cordofilia Opiz,
twenty-six (126) plant species that they Kalanchoe pinnata,
actually used for medicinal purposes. The Averrhoa carambola,
Kaempferia galanga L.
total number of taxa is summarized into total Snake bite Sanseviera trisafaciata Prain.
number of species recorded, families and Hyptis suaveolens L. Poit
genera of medicinal plants used by local Teething of Baby Imperata cylindrica L. Beauv.
Heteropogon contortus,
people in Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur,
Cucurbita maxima,
Philippines, as shown in Table 1. Allium schoenoprasum.
Asthma Vitex negundo,
Allium odorum Linn.
Piper betle,
Kleinhovia hospita Linn.
Nauclea orientalis L.
Artemisia vulgaris Gossypium herbacium Linn.,
Abdominal Andographis paniculata, Hyptis suaveolens L. Poit,
discomfort/ Annona muricata Linn. Blumea balsamifera,
stomachache Allium odorum Linn. Panax ginseng.
Artemisia vulgaris, Diabetes Luffa acutangula,
Blumea balsamifera, Annona muricata Linn.
Pseudelephantopus spicatus Crescentia cujete,
(Juss ex Hubi.) C.F. Backer, Blumea balsamifera,
Mentha crispa blanco, Panax ginseng,
Cinnamomum mercadoi Vidal, Centella asiatica,
Mimosa pudica, Ananas comosus,
Orthosipon aristatus Benth, Pandanus amaryllifolius.
Hyptis capitata, Overfatigue Heliotropium indicum Linn.
Jatropha curcas, Rhoeo discolor,
Centella asiatica, Pseudelephantopus spicatus
Zingiber officinale, (Juss ex Hubi.) C.F. Backer,
Tinosphora rumphii Boerl. Gossypium herbaceum Linn.
Aloe barbadensis Mill. Ficus hauili,
Toothache Panax ginseng, Blumea balsamifera,
Cocos nucifera, Coleus aromaticus,
Aloe barbadensis, Bidens pikesa L.
Moringa oleifera, Gliricidia sepium,
Hesperantha coccinea, Stachytarpheta jamaicensis L.
Citrus maxima. Panax ginseng,
Goiter Opuntia ficus indica, Elaeis guiniensis,
Annona muricata, Artocarpus triculianus
Aloe barbadensis Mill.
Curcuma longa.
Cyst Opuntia ficus indica,
Annona muricata.
Bronchitis Althernanthera ficodea var. Pain reliever Piper nigrum
Tizickian (regel) Backer. during labor
Famish Kleinhovia hospital Linn. Spasm Blumea balsamifera
Spondias pinnata, Flatulence Blumea balsamifera,
Blumea balsamifera. Impatiens balsamina Linn.
Urinary Tract Annona muricata Linn. Coleus aromaticus,
Infection Blumea balsamifera, Artemisia vulgaris,
Symphytum officinale, Piper betle,
Jatropha curcas, Kaempreferia galangal L.,
Cocos nucifera, Jatropha curcas,
Peperomia pellucida, Hyptis suaveolens L. Poit,
Averrhoa carambola, Elaeis guiensis,
Psidium guajava, Heteropogon contortus,
Morinda citrifolia Linn. Gossypium hirsutum,
Muntingia calabura, Impatiens balsamina Linn.
Curcuma longa. Eleusine indica.
Hair loss/ Hair Aloe barbadensis Mill. Dewormer Ananas comosus,
fall Caesalpinia sappan.
Migraine Catharanthus roseus Amenorrhea Luffa acutangula,
Cancer Catharanthus roseus, Biva Orellana,
Panax ginseng Hyptis suaveolens L. Poit.
Leukemia Moringa oleifera, Hepatitis Curcuma longa,
Catharanthus roseus Saccharum officinarum.
Anemia Momordica charantia, Sprain Artemisia vulgaris,
Andropogon citratus, Ficus stipulosa Miq. Linn.
Moringa oleifera, Albizzia procera Benth,
Ipomea batatas Linn. Ricinus cumunis L.
Anti-cancer Amaranthus sp., Skin Diseases Artemisia vulgaris,
Annona muricata Linn., Derris trifoliate,
Allamanda cathartica, Carica papaya,
Curcuma longa. Tinosphora rumphii Boerl.
Bleeding Wounds Colocasia esculenta (L.) Scott, Lunasia amara Blanco,
Psidium guajava, Coleus blumei,
Ipomea spp., Ipomea paniculata
Chromolaena odorata. Sore eyes Euphorbia hirta
Viral diseases/ Momordica charantia, Boils Kalanchoe pinnata,
Infection Arachis hypogeal, Euphorbia nerifolia,
Centella asiatica. Theobroma cacao,
Body pain Vitex negundo,
Cocos nucifera, Moringa oleifera,
Impatiens balsamina Linn., Bischofia javanica,
Basella rubra, Curcuma longa
Aloe barbadensis Mill. Pneumonia Althernantherafi ficodoi var.
Curcuma longa. Tizickian (regel) Backer.
Hemorrhage Caesalpinia sappan Gas pains Allium schoenoprasum,
Dyspepsia Hyptis capitata Piper betle,
Cough Biva orellana, Hesperantha coccinea,
Rhoeo discolor, Nicotinia spp. ,
Curcuma longa, Premma odorata Blanco,
Artemisia vulgaris, Zingiber officinale
Mentha cordofilia Opiz., Fever Artemisia vulgaris,
Blumea balsamifera, Mentha cordofilia Opiz,
Impatiens balsamifera Linn., Kalanchoe pinnata,
Premma odorata Blanco, Cucurbita maxima,
Kaempferia galangal L., Muntingia calabura,
Zingiber officinale, Hesperantha coccinea,
Hibiscus rosa sinensis, Mentha crispa Blanco,
Jatropha curcas, Coleus blumei,
Heteropogon contortus, Spondias pinnata,
Allium schoenoprasum, Vitex negundo,
Euphorbia hirta, Averrhoa carambola,
Kleinhovia hospital Linn., Tinosphora cordifolia,
Corchurus olitorius, Moringa oleifera,
Piper betle, Euphorbia hirta,
Vitex negundo, Rhoeo discolor,
Citrofortunella microcarpa, Allium schoenoprasum,
Tinosphora cordifolia, Kaempferia galanga L.
Mentha crispa Blanco, Bruise Curcuma longa,
Averrhoa carambola, Mentha crispa Blanco,
Callicarpa formosana Rolfe, Kalanchoe pinnata
Coleus blumei, Headache Artemisia vulgaris,
Coleus aromaticus, Elaeis guiniensis
Ocimum brasilicum, Fractures Jatrropha curcas,
Allium cepa, Coleus aromaticus
Allium achoenoprasum,
Muntingia calabura Colic Jatropha curcas,
Gastro-intestinal Kalanchoe pinnata, Zingiber officinale,
pain Curcuma longa. Blumea balsamifera,
Colds Rhoeo discolor Piper betle,
Diarrhea/ LBM Hyptis capitata, Coleus aromaticus
Persia Americana, Kidney problem Imperata cylindrica “Red
Ziziphus Linn. Lam., baron”, Curcuma longa,
Tinosphora cordifolia, Lagerstroemia speciose,
Psidium guajava, Orthosiphon aristatus Benth,
Blumea balsamifera, Centella asiatica
Annona muricata Linn., Vomiting Garcinia mangostana L.
Moringa oleifera, Insect Bites Mentha crispa Blanco,
Garcinia mangostana L., Lunasia amara Blanco
Centella asiatica, Stiff neck Mentha crispa Blanco
Muntingia calabura, Alopecia Mentha crispa Blanco
Coleus blumei, Swelling Coleus blumei,
Coleus aromaticus, Andropogon citratus,
Caesalpinia sappan. Theobroma cacao,
Blumea balsamifera
Splitting of blood Coleus blumei,
Tinosphora rumphii Boerl.
Folliculitis Coleus blumei
Heart burn Andographis paniculata, Ulcer Coleus blumei,
Jatorpha curcas Moringa oleifera,
Piper betle
Hyperacidity Orthosiphon aristatus Benth
Wounds Musa paradisiaca,
Syzygium cumunii Linn.
Albezia falcataria, Coleus aromaticus,
Impatiens balsamina Linn. Gliricidia sepium
Solanum melongena, Clogged vessels Coleus aromaticus
Coleus blumei, Constipation Corchurus olitorius
Tinosphora rumphii Boerl. External Gmelina arborea,
inflammation Gliricidia sepium,
Theobroma cacao,
Basella rubra,
Muscular pain Gmelina arborea,
Curcuma longa,
Pseudelephantopus spicatus
(Juss ex Hubi.) C.F. Backer
Joint pains Pseudelephantopus spicatus
(Juss ex Hubi.) C.F. Backer,
Andropogon citratus
Bleeding Musa paradisiaca
Heart diseases Musa sapientum
Open Wounds Musa textilis
Canker sore Syzgium aquem
Chicken pox Averrhoa carambola
Defeaning Piper betle
Injury Piper betle,
Curcuma longa
Lump on armpit Peperomia pellucida
Dengue fever Carica papaya, Figure1 shows the percentage of
Duriozi bethinus
Dysmenorrhea Tinosphora rumphii Boerl
diseases that can be treated by the medicinal
Irregular Tinosphora rumphii Boerl plants reported. The medicinal plants mostly
Menstruation treated diseases such as gastro-intestinal
Tonsilitis Carica papaya diseases (19%), respiratory diseases (16%),
Diptheria Commelina benghalensis L.
Anti – Ipomea spp.
musculo-skeletal diseases (12%),
hemorrhagic wounds/bruises/boils (9%), fever( 6%),
Leg pain Acorus gramineus hypertension (6%), skin diseases (4%), viral
Back pain Premma odorata Blanco diseases (3%), blood-related diseases (3%),
Bed sore Stachytarpheta jamaicensis L.
Mumps Kaempferia galanga Linn.
urinary tract infection (4%), and other
Ear infection Kaempferia galangl Linn. diseases (18%) which include toothache,
Sore throat Zingiber officinale teething for babies, goiter, hair fall, cancer,
Hoarseness Zingiber officinale burn, cyst, migraine, snake bite, diabetes, pain
Burn Aloe barbadensis Mill.
Scalp diseases Aloe barbadensis Mill.
reliever, malaria, tumor, de-worming, dengue
Tumor Panax ginseng fever, skin softener, measles, and preventing
Rheumatism Blumea balsamifera pregnancy.
Malaria Blumea balsamifera
Chest strain Impatiens balsamina Linn.
Amoebiasis Impatiens balsamina Linn.
This can be tracked in Table 2
White fungal Cassia alata L.
Diupretia Zea mays
Convulsion Callicarpa formosana Rolfe
White Callicarpa formosana Rolfe
occurrence in
the eye
Abscess Theobroma cacao
Difficulty of Hibiscus rosasinensis

A total of 126 species of medicinal plant

parts are utilized by the local people of
Agusan del Sur, Southern Philippines. Leaves
were largely used (49%), followed by stems
(14%), whole plants (11%), roots (9%), fruits
(9%), bark (4%), flowers (2%), and seeds orally (32%), leaves and stems of a single
(2%). This is shown in Figure 2. plant were both utilized and applied
externally like that of Jatropha curcas, stems
Preparation, Application and used to remedy muscular fatigue and leaves
Administration Route of Medicinal Plants for poultice on sprain.

Externally administered was 20%

such that of Ipomea spp., where fresh leaves
are crushed to stop bleeding wounds and that
of Opuntia ficus indica (Prickly pear cactus)
applied by pounding gently as poultice to cyst
and goiter.

2.1 Wild Edible Plants used by Local People

The informants reported 53 wild

edible plants species used as part of their diet.
These plants were utilized as vegetables and
Fresh plant parts were mostly used as fruits eaten directly.
medicine. Decoction was the most common
way of preparing medicinal plants. The plant Table 3
parts were boiled in water and the extract The number of Taxa Recorded (WEP)
(crude drug) was used which constitute 39%,
extraction was 32% where leaves are crushed Number of
and the extract was utilized directly after Species
simple filtration. Infusion is 10% where Genera
leaves was dipped in tap or hot water and Families
taken after few minutes. Concoction was 7 %,
poultice 6%, where leaves, stem or bark was
softened and applied to the material directly Among the 53 Wild Edible plants
to the affected part. Other ways of utilization documented , forty- five were sold in the
consisted of direct eating 5%, concoction, and market and eight species yet unsold as a
tincture with wine ranged 1%, were chopped source of income; Spondias pinnata (Libas),
roots or stems dipped in a wine for many Caryota mitis Lour. (Pugahan), Dillenia indica
weeks and the liquid was utilized. This is Blanco (Katmon), Securrinega flexousa
shown in Figure 3. (Anislag), Phyllanthus acidus (Kabihid),
Artocarpus treculianus (Tugop), Pandanus
odorus (Pandan), Ziziphus jujuva

Figure 4 revealed that medicinal

plants used by local people of Prosperidad,
Agusan del Sur, Philippines were mostly taken
orally through decoction and infusion (48%),
others were administered both externally and
The part of wild edible plants directly fruit made into candy added with syrup (2%),
utilized were fruits (53%), stem (24%), leaves the Tamarindus indica.
(19%), blossom (2%), and root (2%).Ripe or
unripe fruits were eaten directly after
gathering from forests. The blossom of Musa Conclusion and Recommendation
sapientum (banana) was made into meatless
burger. Leaves were used as vegetables There are one hundred twenty six
sometimes added to fish. Pandanus odorous (126) medicinal plants documented that can
(pandan) was added to rice for aroma. largely treat gastro-intestinal, respiratory,
(Shown in Fig. 5). musculo-skeletal, wounds/bruises/boils,
fever, hypertension and other human
One root crop Manihot esculenta diseases/ailments. Leaves are prepared for
(cassava) was mostly cooked singly and decoction, infusion and extraction, and mostly
sometimes as emergency food in the absence administered orally.
of rice not only during famine.
Local users strongly believe that
The majority of these wild edible herbal plants are so effective that in two to
plants can be domesticated but, because of the three days ailments are cured. There is no
availability of some in the wild, no one had uniformity in their preparation and dosage.
attempted to plant near their homes. An They even claim that there are no over dosage
example of this wild edible plant is Athyrium in using these medicinal, plants as
esculentum (fern) which grows in farms, experienced. Their uses are most beneficial
roadsides, near river ecosystem, and since hospitals and modern facilities are non-
uncultivated lands. This is even a best source accessible. Both medicinal and wild edible
of income. plants, however, are getting scarce due to
over collection, harvesting style and lack of

Fifty three species of wild edible

plants were utilized as fruits cooked as
vegetables, food additive, flavouring and
candy. Tubers and corm are boiled and
consumed as meal. Seventy-nine and twenty-
five percent (79.25%) can be source of food
and income while twenty and seventy-five
percent (20.75%) can be source of food, but
not sold in the market.

The data obtained will help the local

management to make policy for conservation,
reproduction, advocacy on their uses for
Figure 6 explains the different sustainability.
methods of preparation on the use of wild
edible plants. There are fruits cooked as For future researches, phytochemical
vegetable (9%), food additives (4%) screening and other laboratory tests will be
represented by Bixa orellana Linn. and conducted to selected medicinal and wild
Spondias pinnata, leaves and stems are cooked edible plants; develop strategic plan for
as vegetables (34%), fruit as flavouring (4%), conservation, scientific utilization and
the Pandanus odorous and Capsicum preparation of medicinal and wild edible
frutescens, fruits were eaten raw during or plants for local use and as sources of income.
after gathering (34%). Boiled tubers and corm Finally, strengthen dissemination and
(9%), source of starch (2%) Corypha elata information campaign on their uses.
Roxb., blossom of Musa sapientum (2%) are
added or made into meatless burger and a
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