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Course File

Computer Networks


Institute of Engineering & Technology

Course File

Subject Name& Code:Computer Networks(CSE4003)

Faculty Name: Dr. Manas Mishra, Nitin Tyagi, Anjani Rai,
Praveen Mittal, Neeraj Varshney, Vinay Kumar, Sharad
Prata Singh, Varun Sharma, Akhilesh Kumar Singh
Course: B.Tech.

Year:II Semester: IV Session: 2017-18


Course File
Computer Networks


S.No. Topics

1. Course Syllabus

2. Lecture Delivery Plan (Blowup)

3. Tutorial Sheets

4. Assignment Sheets

5. Quiz Sheets
6. Term Question Papers with Solutions

7. Old Question Papers

8. Notes/Study Materials


Course File
Computer Networks

Course Syllabus

CSE4003: Computer Networks L–T–P: 3–1–0

Module Teaching
No. Hours
Introduction Concepts: Goals and Applications of Networks, Network structure and
architecture, The OSI reference model, services, Network Topology Design, connecting
devices, Physical Layer Transmission Media, Line coding scheme, Basic idea of
modulation and multiplexing, Switching methods.

Medium Access sub layer: Medium Access sub layer - Channel Allocations,
LAN protocols - ALOHA protocols, CSMA, CSMA/CD, Overview of IEEE standards 13
Data Link Layer – HDLC and point to point protocol, Error detection and correction,
Flow control (sliding window protocol)

Network Layer: Network Layer –IP addressing, Internetworking, Address mapping,

II introduction to IPv6, transition from IPv4 to IPv6, routing. 14
Transport Layer: Transport Layer - Design issues, connection management, Flow
control, TCP window management, congestion control-slow start algorithm

Session Layer- Design issues, remote procedure call.

Presentation Layer-Design issues, Data compression techniques, cryptography

III Application Layer: Application Layer: File Transfer, Access and Management,
Electronic mail, Virtual Terminals

Text Book:
 Forouzan B. A. (2004), “Data Communication and Networking”, 4th Edition, McGrawHill.

 Kurose, J.F. and Ross K.W. (2005), “Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the
Internet”, 3rd Edition, Addison-Wesley.
 A.S.Tanenbaum (2006), “Computer Networks”, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall India.


After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:
 Understand the terminology and concepts of the OSI reference model and the TCP/IP reference model.
 Apply the concepts of protocols, network interfaces, and design/performance issues in local area
networks and wide area networks.


Course File
Computer Networks

Lecture Delivery Plan (LDP, or Blowup)

Course: B.Tech (CSE) Year: II Sem: IV

Subject Name & Code: Computer Networks (CSE4003) Session: 2017-18
Name of Faculty(s): Dr. Manas Mishra, Nitin Tyagi, Anjani Rai, Praveen Mittal, Neeraj Varshney, Vinay
Kumar, Sharad Pratap Singh, Varun Sharma, Akhilesh Kumar Singh

Lect Unit Page

Topic Subtopics Ref.No.
No No. No.
1 Goals and Applications of Networks R1 1-7
2 Network Topology Design, R1 9-13
Network structure and architecture, The OSI
3 R1 29-50
reference model, TCP/IP
Data & Signals (Analog and digital, Periodic
4 R1 57-74
Analog Signal, Digital Signal
5 Introduction to Transmission Impairment and performance R1 80-94
6 Computer Networks Line coding scheme (unipolar, polar, Biphase) R1 101-114
7 Basic idea of Modulation(ASK,PSK,FSK) R1 141-155
8 I Basic idea of Multiplexing R1 161-175
Physical Layer Transmission Media
9 R1 191-207
(Guided/Unguided Media)
10 Switching methods R1 213-226
11 Connecting devices R1 445-455
12 Medium Access sub layer - Channel Allocations, R1 363-365
13 ALOHA protocols R1 365-370
Medium Access sub
14 CSMA R1 370-376
15 CSMA/CD, CSMA/CA R1 373-379
16 Overview of IEEE standards R1 396-405
17 HDLC Protocol R1 340-343
18 Point to Point protocol R1 346-351
19 Error detection and correction, R1 271-278
20 Data Link Layer CRC and Checksum R1 284-299
21 Flow control:Simplest and Stop and Wait R1 311-315
22 Stop and Wait ARQ R1 318-323
23 GoBack N R1 324-331
24 II Selective Repeat R1 332-340
25 IP addressing R1 549-552
26 Subnetting R1 553-563
27 Internetworking R1 582-594
28 Network Layer: Address mapping R1 611-630
29 Introduction to IPv6, R1 597-602
30 Transition from IPv4 to IPv6, R1 603-605
31 Routing R1 648-675
32 Design issues R1 703-708
33 connection management R1 709-715
34 Transport Layer Flow control R1 715-730
35 TCP window management, R1 730-735
36 congestion control-slow start algorithm R1 763-773
37 Design issues R1 526-529
Session Layer
38 III remote procedure call. R3 526-529
39 Design issues, R1 931-935
Presentation Layer
40 Data compression techniques, cryptography R1 936-942
41 File Transfer R1 840-844
42 Access and Management R1 877-882
Application Layer
43 Electronic mail, R1 824-839
44 Virtual Terminals R1 817-823
R1. Forouzan B. A. (2004), “Data Communication and Networking”, 4th Edition, McGrawHill.
R2. Kurose, J.F. and Ross K.W. (2005), “Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet”, 3rd
Edition, Addison-Wesley.09
R3. A.S.Tanenbaum (2006), “Computer Networks”, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall India.
Course File

Tutorial Sheet - I
Course:B.Tech (CSE) Year/Semester:IV Session: 2017-2018
Subject Name & Code: Computer Networks (CSE 4003)
Max. Marks: Time allowed:
Note/Instruction (If any)

Q1. Five equal-size datagrams belonging to the same message leave for the destination one after
another. However, they travel through different paths as shown in Table

Datagram Path Length Visited Switches

1 3200Km 1,3,5
2 11,700 Km 1,2,5
3 12,200 Km 1,2,3,5
4 10,200 Km 1,4,5
5 10,700 Km 1,4,3,5
We assume that the delay for each switch (including waiting and processing) is 3,10, 20, 7, and
20 ms respectively. Assuming that the propagation speed is 2 x 108 m, find the order the
datagrams arrive at the destination and the delay for each. Ignore any other delays in

Q2. The attenuation of a signal is -10 dB. What is the final signal power if it was originally 5

Q3. A signal has a wavelength of 1 micrometer in air. How far can the front of the wave travel
during 1000 periods?

Q4. A device is sending out data at the rate of 1000 bps.

a. How long does it take to send out 10 bits?
b. How long does it take to send out a single character (8 bits)?
c. How long does it take to send a file of 100,000 characters?

Q5.If the bandwidth of the channel is 5 Kbps, how long does it take to send a frame of
100,000 bits out of this device?

Q6. What is the transmission time of a packet sent by a station if the length of the Packet is 1
million bytes and the bandwidth of the channel is 200 Kbps?


Course File

Tutorial Sheet - II
Course: B.Tech (CSE) Year/Semester: IV Session: 2017-2018
Subject Name & Code: Computer Networks (CSE 4003)
Max. Marks: Time allowed:
Note/Instruction (If any)

Q1. Suppose four active nodes—nodes A, B, C and D—are competing for access to a channel
using slotted ALOHA. Assume each node has an infinite number of packets to send. Each
node attempts to transmit in each slot with probability p. The first slot is numbered slot 1, the
second slot is numbered slot 2, and so on.
a. What is the probability that node A succeeds for the first time in slot 5?
b. What is the probability that some node (either A, B, C or D) succeeds in slot 4?
c. What is the probability that the first success occurs in slot 3?
d. What is the efficiency of this four-node system?

Q2. Suppose Host A wants to send a large file to Host B. The path from Host A to Host B has
three links, of rates
R1 = 500 kbps, R2 = 2 Mbps, and R3 = 1 Mbps.
a. Assuming no other traffic in the network, what is the throughput for the file transfer?
b. Suppose the file is 4 million bytes. Dividing the file size by the throughput, roughly how long
will it take to transfer the file to Host B?
c. Repeat (a) and (b), but now with R2 reduced to 100 kbps.

Q3.How long does it take a packet of length 1,000 bytes to propagate over a link of distance
2,500 km, propagation speed 2.5 · 108 m/s, and transmission rate 2 Mbps? More generally, how
long does it take a packet of length L to propagate over a link of distance d, propagation speed
s, and transmission rate R bps? Does this delay depend on packet length? Does this delay depend
on transmission rate?

Q4.In modern packet-switched networks, including the Internet, the source host segments long,
application-layer messages (for example, an image or a music file) into smaller packets and
sends the packets into the network. The receiver then reassembles the packets back into the
original message. We refer to this
process as message segmentation. Figure 1.27 illustrates the end-to-end transport of a message
with and without message segmentation. Consider a message that is 8 · 106 bits long that is to
be sent from source to destination in Figure 1.27. Suppose each link in the figure is 2 Mbps.
Ignore propagation, queuing, and processing delays.
a. Consider sending the message from source to destination without message segmentation. How
long does it take to move the message from the source host to the first packet switch? Keeping
in mind that each switch uses store-and-forward packet switching, what is the total time to move
the message from source host to destination host?
b. Now suppose that the message is segmented into 800 packets, with each packet being 10,000
bits long. How long does it take to move the first packet from source host to the first switch?
When the first packet is being sent from the first switch to the second switch, the second packet
is being sent from the source host to the first switch. At what time will the second packet be
fully received at the first switch?


Course File

Q5. If the peak voltage value of a signal is 20 times the peak voltage value of the noise,
what is the SNR? What is the SNR DB?

Q6.We measure the performance of a telephone line (4 KHz of bandwidth). When the signal is
10 V, the noise is 5 mV. What is the maximum data rate supported by thistelephone line?


Course File
Tutorial Sheet - III
Course:B.Tech (CSE) Year/Semester:IV Session: 2017-2018
Subject Name & Code: Computer Networks(CSE 4003)
Max. Marks: Time allowed:
Note/Instruction (If any)

Q1.Find CRC if dataword is 1101011011 and generator polynomial is 10011.What is codeword

sent by sender? Also explain the working at receiver site.

Q2.Distinguish between forward error correction versus error correction by retransmission.

Q3.What is the Hamming distance? What is the minimum Hamming distance?

Q4.What kind of error is undetectable by the checksum?

Q5.What is the Hamming distance for each of the following codewords:

a. d (10000, 00000)
b. d (10101, 10000)
c. d (11111,11111)
d. d (000, 000)

Q6.Assuming even parity, find the parity bit for each of the following data units.
a. 1001011
b. 0001100
c. 1000000
d. 1110111


Course File
Tutorial Sheet - IV
Course:B.Tech (CSE) Year/Semester:IV Session: 2017-2018
Subject Name & Code: Computer Networks(CSE 4003)
Max. Marks: Time allowed:
Note/Instruction (If any)

Q1. Find the class of the following IP addresses.

a. 11110111 11110011 10000111 11011101
b. 10101111 11000000 11110000 00011101
c. 11011111 10110000 00011111 01011101
d. 11101111 11110111 11000111 00011101

Q2. Discuss HDLC Frame format and PPP frame format.

Q3.What is the first address of a block of classless addresses if one of the addresses is

Q4.An organization is granted a block of classless addresses with the starting address How many addresses are granted?

Q5.If 5 is the number of bits for the sequence number, find the efficiency of Go-Back N and
Selective repeat protocol, for transmission time of 1ms and propagation time of 1.5ms.

Q6. Explain the concept of piggybacking.


Course File
Tutorial Sheet - V
Course:B.Tech (CSE) Year/Semester:IV Session: 2017-2018
Subject Name & Code: Computer Networks(CSE 4003)
Max. Marks: Time allowed:
Note/Instruction (If any)

Q1.An organization is granted the block The administrator wants to create 3
subnets each of size 64, 32 and 32.Find the subnet mask. Also find the first address and last
address of each subnet.

Q2.Derive the relationship between transmission time and propagation time in Stop and Wait
ARQ for efficiency greater than 75%.Also find the minimum size of frame.

Q3.Suppose the seven bit dataword 1101011 is to be encoded using an even-parity Hamming
code. What is the binary value after encoding? Now assume that the 9th bit got corrupted during
transmission. Find the error correcting codes.

Q4.Why the sender window size in Go-Back N ARQ is less than 2m .Explain with a suitable

Q5.Draw the flow diagram of checksum error detecting technique.

Q6.Suppose the seven bit dataword 1010011 is to be encoded using an even-parity Hamming
code. What is the binary value after encoding? Now assume that the 9th bit got corrupted during
transmission. Find the error correcting codes.


Course File
Tutorial Sheet - VI
Course:B.Tech (CSE) Year/Semester:IV Session: 2017-2018
Subject Name & Code: Computer Networks(CSE 4003)
Max. Marks: Time allowed:
Note/Instruction (If any)

Q1.Consider a network with six routers A,B,C,D,E and F. Distance vector routing is used to
route the packets. Suppose the following routers have sent the distance vectors to router B: from
C(6,1,9,13,6),from D(17,13,6,10,11) and F(4,3,8,9,13).The measured distance to C,D and F are
5,3 and 4.What is B’s new routing table.

Q2.Write the rules for creating a CIDR block. For a destination address and the
subnet mask is the subnet address and how many host per subnet are

Q3.Explain the concept of link state routing.ApplyDijkastra’s Algorithm on the given network
having seven routers. Find the routing table for router v1?

Q4. Explain IPv4 header in detail. Also compare it with IPv6.

Q5. Find CRC if dataword is 110011 and generator polynomial is 11001.What is codeword sent
by sender? Also explain the working at receiver site.

Q6. Calculate the checksum for a text of 8 characters ("Forouzan"). Also explain the working at
receiver site.


Course File
Tutorial Sheet - VII
Course:B.Tech (CSE) Year/Semester:II/IV Session: 2017-2018
Subject Name & Code: Computer Networks(CSE 4003)
Max. Marks: Time allowed:
Note/Instruction (If any

Q1. Show the entries for the header of a UDP user datagram that carries a message froma TFTP
client to a TFTP server. Fill the checksum field with Os. Choose an appropriateephemeral port
number and the correct well-known port number. The lengthof data is 40 bytes. Show the UDP
packet, using the format in Figure 23.9.

Q2. An SNMP client residing on a host with IP address sends a message toan SNMP
server residing on a host with IP address What is the pairof sockets used in this

Q3. A TFTP server residing on a host with IP address sends a message to aTFTP
client residing on a host with IP address What is the pair ofsockets used in this

Q4. A client has a packet of 68,000 bytes. Show how this packet can be transferred byusing only
one UDP user datagram.

Q5. A client uses UDP to send data to a server. The data are 16 bytes. Calculate the efficiencyof
this transmission at the UDP level (ratio of useful bytes to total bytes).

Q6. The following is a dump of a UDP header in hexadecimal format.0632000DOO lCE217

a. What is the source port number?
b. What is the destination port number?
c. What is the total length of the user datagram?
d. What is the length of the data?
e. Is the packet directed from a client to a server or vice versa?
f. What is the client process?


Course File
Tutorial Sheet – VIII
Course:B.Tech (CSE) Year/Semester:IV Session: 2017-2018
Subject Name & Code: Computer Networks(CSE 4003)
Max. Marks: Time allowed:
Note/Instruction (If any)

Q1. What is the difference between local and remote log-in in TELNET?

Q2. How are control and data characters distinguished in NVT?

Q3. How are options negotiated in TELNET?

Q4. Describe the addressing system used by SMTP.

Q5. In electronic mail, what are the tasks of a user agent?

Q6. In electronic mail, what is MIME?


Course File
Tutorial Sheet – IX
Course:B.Tech (CSE) Year/Semester:IV Session: 2017-2018
Subject Name & Code: Computer Networks (CSE 4003)
Max. Marks: Time allowed:
Note/Instruction (If any)

Q1. Why do we need POP3 or IMAP4 for electronic mail?

Q2. What is the purpose of FTP?

Q3. Describe the functions of the two FTP connections.

Q4. What kinds of file types can FTP transfer?

Q5. What are the three FTP transmission modes?

Q6. How does storing a file differ from retrieving a file?


Course File
Tutorial Sheet – X
Course: B.Tech (CSE) Year/Semester: II/IV Session: 2017-2018
Subject Name & Code: Computer Networks (CSE 4003)
Max. Marks: Time allowed:
Note/Instruction (If any)

Q1. What is an advantage of a hierarchical name space over a flat name space for a systemthe
size of the Internet?

Q2. What is the difference between a primary server and a secondary server?

Q3. What are the three domains of the domain name space?

Q4. What is the purpose of the inverse domain?

Q5. How does recursive resolution differ from iterative resolution?

Q6. What are the two main categories of DNS messages?


Course File
Assignment Sheet - I
Course:B.Tech (CSE) Year/Semester: II/IV Session: 2017-2018
Subject Name & Code: Computer Networks (CSE 4003)
Max. Marks:10 Time allowed:07 Days
Note/Instruction (If any)

Q1. What is the difference between a port address, a logical address, and a physical

Q2. Name some services provided by the application layer in the Internet model.

Q3. How do the layers of the Internet model correlate to the layers of the OSI model?
Q4. What is the relationship between period and frequency?

Q5. What does the amplitude of a signal measure? What does the frequency of a signal
measure? What does the phase of a signal measure?

Q6. How can a composite signal be decomposed into its individual frequencies?
Q7. What is the position of the transmission media in the OSI or the Internet model?

Q8. Name the two major categories of transmission media.

Q9. How do guided media differ from unguided media?

Q10. What are the three major classes of guided media?


Course File
Assignment Sheet - II
Course: B.Tech (CSE) Year/Semester: II/IV Session: 2017-2018
Subject Name & Code: Computer Networks(CSE 4003)
Max. Marks:10 Time allowed:07 Days
Note/Instruction (If any)

Q1. Briefly describe the services provided by the data link layer.

Q2. Define framing and the reason for its need.

Q3. Compare and contrast byte-oriented and bit-oriented protocols. Which category
has been popular in the past (explain the reason)? Which category is popular now
(explain the reason)?

Q4. Compare and contrast byte-stuffing and bit-stuffing. Which technique is used in
byte-oriented protocols? Which technique is used in bit-oriented protocols?

Q5. Explain why most of the addresses in class A are wasted. Explain why a medium-size
or large-size corporation does not want a block of class C addresses.

Q6. What is a mask in IPv4 addressing? What is a default mask in IPv4 addressing?

Q7. What is the network address in a block of addresses? How can we find the network
address if one of the addresses in a block is given?

Q8. Briefly define subnetting and supemetting. How do the subnet mask and supemet
mask differ from a default mask in classful addressing?

Q9. An organization is granted the block The administrator wants to

create 1024 subnets.
a. Find the subnet mask.
b. Find the number of addresses in each subnet.
c. Find the first and last addresses in subnet 1.
d. Find the first and last addresses in subnet 1024.

Q10. An organization is granted the block The administrator wants to

create 32 subnets.
a. Find the subnet mask.
b. Find the number of addresses in each subnet.
c. Find the first and last addresses in subnet 1.
d. Find the first and last addresses in subnet 32.


Course File
Assignment Sheet - III
Course:B.Tech (CSE) Year/Semester:II/IV Session: 2017-2018
Subject Name & Code: Computer Networks (CSE 4003)
Max. Marks:10 Time allowed:07 Days
Note/Instruction (If any)

Q1. In cases where reliability is not of primary importance, UDP would make a goodtransport
protocol. Give examples of specific cases.

Q2. Are both UDP and IP unreliable to the same degree? Why or why not?

Q3. Do port addresses need to be unique? Why or why not? Why are port addresses shorter than
IP addresses?

Q4. What is the dictionary definition of the word ephemeral? How does it apply to the concept
of the ephemeral port number?

Q5. What is the minimum size of a UDP datagram?

Q6. What is the maximum size of a UDP datagram?

Q7. What is the minimum size of the process data that can be encapsulated in a UDP datagram?

Q8. What is the maximum size of the process data that can be encapsulated in a UDPdatagram?

Q9. Compare the TCP header and the UDP header. List the fields in the TCP headerthat are
missing from UDP header. Give the reason for their absence.

Q10. UDP is a message-oriented protocol. TCP is a byte-oriented protocol. If an

applicationneeds to protect the boundaries of its message, which protocol should be used, UDP
or TCP?


Course File
Quiz - I

Course:B.Tech (CSE) Year/Semester:II/IV Session: 2017-2018

Subject Name & Code: Computer Networks(CSE 4003)
Max. Marks:10 Time allowed:10 minutes
Note/Instruction (If any)
1.In OSI model,encrption and decryption are funtions of the _________ layer
A. session B. presentation C. physical D. transport

2.IPv4 has _________ bit address.

A. 32 B. 64 C. 128 D. 256

3.Ethernet uses a _________ physical address that is imprinted on NIC.

A. 32 bit B. 64 bit C. 6 byte D. none

4.Frequency of failure and network recovery time after a failure are measures of the _______ of
a network.
A. Performance B. Reliability C. Security D. Feasibility

5.In the original ARPANET, _______ were directly connected together.

A. IMPs B. Routers C. Network D. none

6. ________ defines how a particular pattern to be interpreted, and what action is to be taken
based on that interpretation
A. Semantics B. Syntax C. Timing D. None of the above

7.To deliver a message to the correct application program running on a host, the _______
address must be consulted.
A. port B. physical C. IP D. none

8.Which encoding method uses alternating positive and negative values for 1s?
A. NRZ-I B. RZ C. Manchester D. AMI

9.Circuit switching takes place at _______ layer

A. physical B. data link C. NetworkD. None

10.The word ______ refers to the portion of a _______ that carries a transmission.
A. channel; link B. link; channel C. line; channel D. line; link


Course File
Quiz - II

Course:B.Tech (CSE) Year/Semester:II/IV Session: 2017-2018

Subject Name & Code: Computer Networks(CSE 4003)
Max. Marks:10 Time allowed:10 minutes
Note/Instruction (If any)
Q1.If a class B network is divided into subnets, and the subnet mask is, then how
many subnets are possible
A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8

Q2.If the IP is, Sm= Then number of subnets possible are
A. 32 B. 64 C. 16 D. 256

Q3.Which routing algorithm suffers from count to infinity?

A. DVR B. LSR C. both D. none

Q4.CRC is calculated at what layer

A. Network B. transport C. session D. data link

Q5.In a subnet mask, number of 0’s indicated

A. NIDB. HID C. both D. none

Q6.Which of the following layer is responsible for routing

A. Network B. transport C. session D. data link

Q7.An organization has a class-B network and wishes to form subnets for 24 departments. The
subnet mask would be:

Q8.In IP4 addressing format, the number of networks allowed under Class-C address is
(a) 2^32 (b) 2^16 (c) 2^14 (d) 2^7

Q9.If ‘K is the maximum number of bits available in sequence number field, then what is the
maximum sender window size in GBN.
(a) 2^K-1 (b) 2^K-1 (c) 2^K (d) 2^K + 1

Q10.An ISP has a block with block ID as shown: 193.1.0/24

The number of bits reserved for Host ID and the number of hosts possible are
(a) 24, 2^24-2 (b) 8, 2^8-2 (c) 32, 2^32-2 (d) 16, 2^16-2


Course File
Quiz - III

Course:B.Tech (CSE) Year/Semester:II/IV Session: 2017-2018

Subject Name & Code: Computer Networks(CSE 4003)
Max. Marks:10 Time allowed:10 minutes
Note/Instruction (If any)
1. TCP is a _______________ protocol:
(A) Stream – oriented (B) Message – oriented
(C) Block – oriented (D) Packet – oriented

2. TCP groups a number of bytes together into a packet called a ______________:

(A) User datagram (B) Segment (C) Datagram (D) Packet

3. Which of the following functions does UDP perform:

(A) Process – to – process communication (B) Host – to – Host communication
(C) End – to – end reliable data delivery (D) Interface – to – interface

(A) Allows user to connect client machine (B) Transferring files
(C) Sharing files (D) None of these

5. Which protocols deals with emails:

(A) FTP (B) SMTP (C) IP (D) X window

6. The file transfer protocol is built on:

(A) Data Centric architecture (B) Service oriented architecture
(C) Client Server architecture (D) None of these

7. A DNS client is called:

(A) DNS updater (B) DNS resolver (C) DNS handler (D) DNS master

8. DNS database contains:

(A) Name server records (B) Hostname – to – address records
(C) Hostname aliases (D) All of these

9. If a server has no clue about where to find the address for a hostname then:
(A) Server asks to the root server (B) Server asks to the adjacent server
(C) Request is not processed (D)Waits for getting address automatically

10. Mail access starts with client when user needs to download e-mail from the:
(A) Mail Box (B) Mail Server (C) IP Server (D) Interne


Course File

University Roll No……………..

B. Tech. II Year IV Semester
CSE-4003: Computer Networks
Time: 01 ½ Hours Total Marks: 20

Note: Attempt all questions from Section-A, any three from Section-B and any three from

Note: Attempt all Questions (1X5=5)
Q1.In a digital transmission, the sender clock is 0.3 percent faster than the receiver clock. How
many extra bits does the sender send if the data rate is 2 Mbps?.

Q2.What are the values of SNR and SNR dB for a noiseless channel?

Q3. Show the Manchester coding for data stream 01110110.

Q4. What do you mean by flow control and Access Control mechanism?

Q5. Assume that a voice channel occupies a bandwidth of 4 kHz. We need to multiplex 10 voice
channels with guard bands of 500 Hz using FDM. Calculate the required bandwidth.

Note: Attempt any three questions (2x3=6)
Q1. Calculate the Shannon Capacity for extremely noisy channel. Suppose a signal travels
through a transmission medium from point P1 to point P2 and its voltage is reduced to one half.
Calculate the attenuation in dB.

Q2. Explain the relationship between the bit rate and baud rate in the analog transmission of
digital data. An analog signal has a bit rate of 4000 bps and a baud rate of 500 baud. How many
data elements are carried by each signal element? How may signal elements do we need?

Q3.What are the responsibilities of Data Link layer and Network layer in OSI Model.

Q4.A slotted ALOHA network transmits 400 bit frames using a shared channel with a 400 kbps
bandwidth. The network contains 100 stations. What is the number of frames/sec each station
can send to achieve maximum efficiency? Also explain the vulnerable period in slotted

Note: Attempt any three questions (3x3=9)


Course File
Q1. Discuss the properties of chip sequences in CDMA. Find the chips for a network with 4
stations and 8 stations.
Q2. Explain the total delay in a circuit switched network. Suppose a path in circuit-switched
network has a data rate of 2 Mbps. The exchange of 2000 bits is required for the setup and
teardown phases. The distance between two parties is 4000 km and the propagation speed is 2
X 108 m/s. What is the total delay if 2000 bits of data are exchanged during the data transfer

Q3. What do we mean when we say that a bridge can filter traffic? Let’s consider the operation
of a learning switch in the context of a network in which 6 nodes labeled A through F are star
connected into an Ethernet switch. Suppose that (i) B sends a frame to E, (ii) E replies with a
frame to B, (iii) A sends a frame to B, (iv) B replies with a frame to A. The switch table is
initially empty. Show the state of the switch table before and after each of these events. For each
of these events, identify the link(s) on which the transmitted frame will be forwarded, and briefly
justify your answers.

Q4. Discuss Guided Transmission media in detail.



Course File
University Roll No……………..
B. Tech. II Year IV Semester
CSE-4003: Computer Networks
Time: 01 ½ Hours Total Marks: 20

Note: Attempt all questions from Section-A, any three from Section-B and any three from
Note: Attempt all Questions (1X5=5)
Q1. Find the range of addresses in a block of classless addresses if one of the addresses is

Q2.If the subnet mask is, which address class it corresponds to?

Q3. Out of HDLC and PPP, which one is byte-oriented; which one is bit-oriented?

Q4.A sender sends a series of packets to the same destination using 6-bit sequence numbers. If
the sequence number starts with 0, what is the sequence number after sending 137 packets?

Q5. If we have k bits in sequence number field, then what is the size of sender window and
receiver window in GoBack N protocol?

Note: Attempt any three questions (2x3=6)
Q1. Show that the sender window size in GoBack N protocol with m=2 (where m represents the
bits in sequence number field) can be 3 but not equal to 4.

Q2. Given thedataword 1010011110 and the divisor 10111.Show the generation of the
codeword at the sender site (using binary division). Show the checking of the codeword
at the receiver site (assume no error).

Q3. Suppose the seven bit data word 1101110 is to be encoded using an even-parity Hamming
code. What is the binary value after encoding? Now assume that the 6th bit got corrupted
during transmission. Find the error correcting codes.

Q4. What is bit stuffing?

Note: Attempt any three questions (3x3=9)
Course File
Q1.Consider the network shown below, and assume that each node initially knows the costs to
each of its neighbors. Consider the distance-vector algorithm and show the distance table entries
at node z.

Q2.An organization is granted a class C network The administrator wants to create 4
subnets each of size 64, 32, 16 and 16.Find the first address and last address of each subnet.
Find the subnet mask of each subnet.
Q3.Explain VER, HLEN, Total Length and Protocol fields in IPv4 datagram header. The size
of the option field of an IPv4 datagram is 20 bytes. What is the value of HLEN?

Q4.Compare Go-Back-N protocol with Selective-Repeat protocol in terms of efficiency,

number of retransmissions and window size(both sender and receiver).


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Solution First Term

Note: Attempt all Questions (1X5=5)
Q1.In a digital transmission, the sender clock is 0.3 percent faster than the receiver clock. How
many extra bits does the sender send if the data rate is 2 Mbps?

Ans.6000 extra bits.

Q2.What are the values of SNR and SNR dB for a noiseless channel?

Q3. Show the Manchester coding for data stream 01110110.

Q4. What do you mean by flow control and Access Control mechanism?

Flow control. If the rate at which the data are absorbed by the receiver is less than the rate at
which data are produced in the sender, the data link layer imposes a flow control mechanism to
avoid overwhelming the receiver.
Access control. When two or more devices are connected to the same link, data link layer
protocols are necessary to determine which device has control over the link at any given time.

Q5. Assume that a voice channel occupies a bandwidth of 4 kHz. We need to multiplex 10 voice
channels with guard bands of 500 Hz using FDM. Calculate the required bandwidth.


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Ans. B = (4 KHz) × 10 + (500 Hz) × 9 = 44.5 KHz

Note: Attempt any three questions (2x3=6)
Q1. Calculate the Shannon Capacity for extremely noisy channel. Suppose a signal travels
through a transmission medium from point P1 to point P2 and its voltage is reduced to one half.
Calculate the attenuation in dB.

Example 3.37 of book/Slide

Atteneuation= 20 log10 0.5V1/V1= -6 dB

Q2. Explain the relationship between the bit rate and baud rate in the analog transmission of
digital data. An analog signal has a bit rate of 4000 bps and a baud rate of 500 baud. How many
data elements are carried by each signal element? How may signal elements do we need?

Ans.In the analog transmission of digital data, the baud rate is less than
or equal to the bit rate.

r= N/S So, r = 4000/500 = 8

r= log2L So, L= 256

Q3.What are the responsibilities of Data Link layer and Network layer in OSI Model.

Ans. Data Link Layer Network Layer

1.Framing (Explain in 1 or 2 lines) 1.Logical Addressing
2.Physical Addressing 2.Routing
3.Error Control
4.Flow Control
5.Access Control

Q4.A slotted ALOHA network transmits 400 bit frames using a shared channel with a 400 kbps
bandwidth. The network contains 100 stations. What is the number of frames/sec each station
can send to achieve maximum efficiency? Also explain the vulnerable period in slotted

Ans. Tt = 400/400kbps = 1ms

For Maximum efficiency G =1 AND G= n X f X 1ms So, f=10 frames/sec


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Note: Attempt any three questions (3x3=9)
Q1. Discuss the properties of chip sequences in CDMA. Find the chips for a network with 4
stations and 8 stations.

1.Each sequence is made of N elements, where N is the number of stations.

2.If we multiply a sequence by a number, every element in the sequence is multiplied by that
element. This is called multiplication of a sequence by a scalar. For example

2. [+1 +1-1-1] = [+2+2-2-2]

3. If we multiply two equal sequences, element by element, and add the results, we get N, where
N is the number of elements in the each sequence. This is called the inner product of two equal
sequences. For example,
[+1 +1-1 -1]· [+1 +1 -1 -1] = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 4

4. If we multiply two different sequences, element by element, and add the results, we get 0.
This is called inner product of two different sequences. For example,

[+1 +1 -1 -1] • [+1 +1 +1 +1] = 1 + 1 - 1 - 1 = 0

5. Adding two sequences means adding the corresponding elements. The result is another
sequence. For example,
[+1+1-1-1] + [+1+1+1+1]=[+2 +2 0 0]

For a four-station network we have [+1 +1 +1 +1], [+1 -1 +1 -1], [+1 +1 -1 -1], and [+1-1-1
For a Eight-station network we
[+1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1] [+1 -1 +1 -1 +1 -1 +1 -1] [+1 +1 -1 -1 +1 +1 -1 -1] [+1-1-1 +1 +
1 -1 -1 +1]
[+1 +1 +1 +1 -1 -1 -1 -1] [+1 -1 +1 -1 -1 +1 -1 +1] [+1 +1 -1 -1 -1 -1 +1 +1] [+1-1-1 +1 -1
+1 +1 -1]


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Q2. Explain the total delay in a circuit switched network. Suppose a path in circuit-switched
network has a data rate of 2 Mbps. The exchange of 2000 bits is required for the setup and
teardown phases. The distance between two parties is 4000 km and the propagation speed is 2
X 108 m/s. What is the total delay if 2000 bits of data are exchanged during the data transfer

Two way Set up Phase and One Way Tear Down Phase
Setup and Tear Down Phase = 3 [(4000 km) / (2 ×10 ^ 8 m / s)] + 3 [(2000 bits / 2 Mbps)] =
60 ms + 3 ms = 63 ms
Data Transfer = [(4000 km)/ (2 ×10 ^ 8 m / s)] + [(2000 bits / 2 Mbps)] = 21
Total delay = 63+21= 84 ms

Q3. What do we mean when we say that a bridge can filter traffic? Let’s consider the operation
of a learning switch in the context of a network in which 6 nodes labeled A through F are star
connected into an Ethernet switch. Suppose that (i) B sends a frame to E, (ii) E replies with a
frame to B, (iii) A sends a frame to B, (iv) B replies with a frame to A. The switch table is
initially empty. Show the state of the switch table before and after each of these events. For each
of these events, identify the link(s) on which the transmitted frame will be forwarded, and briefly
justify your answers.

A bridge has filtering capability. It can check the destination address of a frame and decide if
the frame should be forwarded or dropped. If the frame is to be forwarded, the decision must
specify the port. A bridge has a table that maps addresses to ports. Bridges have access to station
physical addresses and can forward a packet to the appropriate segment of the network. In this
way, they filter traffic and help control congestion."

Action Table Link Packet is Explanation

forwarded to
B sends a frame to E Switch learns interface A,C,D,E,F Since switch table is
corresponding to MAC empty, so switch does not
Address of B know the
interface corresponding to
MAC address of E
E replies with a frame Switch learns interface B Since switch table knows
to B corresponding to MAC the interface
Course File
Address of E corresponding to MAC
address of B
A sends a frame to B Switch learns interface B Since switch table knows
corresponding to MAC the interface
Address of A corresponding
to MAC address of B
B replies with a frame Switch table state remains A Since switch table knows
to A The same as before the interface
to MAC address of A

Q4. Discuss Guided Transmission media in detail.


Guided media, which are those that provide a conduit from one device to another, include
twisted-pair cable, coaxial cable, and fiber-optic cable. A signal traveling along any of these
media is directed and contained by the physical limits of the medium. Twisted-pair and coaxial
cable use metallic (copper) conductors that accept and transport signals in the form of electric
current. Optical fiber is a cable that accepts and transports signals in the form of light.

Explaination of these three:

1.Twisted Pair
2.Coaxial Cable
3.Optical Fiber.


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Solution Mid Term

Note: Attempt all Questions (1X5=5)
Q1. Find the range of addresses in a block of classless addresses if one of the addresses is

Ans. to 32 Addresses

Q2.If the subnet mask is, which address class it corresponds to?
Ans.Class C

Q3. Out of HDLC and PPP, which one is byte-oriented; which one is bit-oriented?

Ans.HDLC bit oriented PPP byte-oriented

Q4.A sender sends a series of packets to the same destination using 6-bit sequence numbers. If
the sequence number starts with 0, what is the sequence number after sending 137 packets?

Ans. 9 sequence Number

Q5. If we have k bits in sequence number field, then what is the size of sender window and
receiver window in GoBack N protocol?

Ans.2k-1 , 1

Note: Attempt any three questions (2x3=6)
Q1. Show that the sender window size in GoBack N protocol with m=2 (where m represents the
bits in sequence number field) can be 3 but not equal to 4.


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Q2. Given thedataword 1010011110 and the divisor 10111.Show the generation of the
codeword at the sender site (using binary division). Show the checking of the codeword
at the receiver site (assume no error).

Ans.CRC is 1010 Codeword is 10100111101010

Q3. Suppose the seven bit data word 1101110 is to be encoded using an even-parity Hamming
code. What is the binary value after encoding? Now assume that the 6th bit got corrupted
during transmission. Find the error correcting codes.

Ans.Redundancy bits required =4 ,since m=7

d11 d10 d9 r8 d7 d6 d5 r4 d3 r2 r1
1 1 0 r8 1 1 1 r4 0 r2 r1

r1=3,5,7,9,11 =0,1,1,0,1=1
r2 = 3,6,7,10,11=0, 1,1,1,1=0

The binary value after encoding=11001111001

Now d6 got corrupted that is it becomes 0

Receiver got =1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1

C1= 1,3,5,7,9,11=1,0,1,1,0,1=0

Therefore the position is =(0110)2 = 6, receiver will invert 6th bit.

Q4. What is bit stuffing?

Ans.Bit stuffing is the process of adding one extra 0 whenever five consecutive 1s follow
a 0 in the data, so that the receiver does not mistakethe pattern 0111110 for a flag.



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Note: Attempt any three questions (3x3=9)
Q1.Consider the network shown below, and assume that each node initially knows the costs to
each of its neighbors. Consider the distance-vector algorithm and show the distance table entries
at node z.

1 6
2 3

Z Tables
U via x 6
V via x 5
X 2
Y via x 5
Z 0

Q2.An organization is granted a class C network The administrator wants to create 4
subnets each of size 64, 32, 16 and 16.Find the first address and last address of each subnet.
Find the subnet mask of each subnet.
Subnet Mask for S1=/26
Subnet Mask for S2=/27
Subnet Mask for S3=/28
Subnet Mask for S4=/28

Q3.Explain VER, HLEN, Total Length and Protocol fields in IPv4 datagram header. The size
of the option field of an IPv4 datagram is 20 bytes. What is the value of HLEN?
Version (VER). This 4-bit field defines the version of the IPv4 protocol. Currently the version
is 4. However, version 6 (or IPng) may totally replace version 4 in the future. This field tells the
IPv4 software running in the processing machine that the datagram has the format of version 4.

Header length (HLEN). This 4-bit field defines the total length of the datagram header in 4-
byte words. This field is needed because the length of the header is variable (between 20 and 60

Total length. This is a In-bit field that defines the total length (header plus data) of the IPv4
datagram in bytes. To find the length of the data coming from the upper layer, subtract the
header length from the total length.

Protocol. This 8-bit field defines the higher-level protocol that uses the services of the IPv4
layer. An IPv4 datagram can encapsulate data from several higher-level protocols such as TCP,


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UDP, ICMP, and IGMP. This field specifies the final destination protocol to which the IPv4
datagram is delivered.

Value of HLEN = 10

Q4.Compare Go-Back-N protocol with Selective-Repeat protocol in terms of efficiency,

number of retransmissions and window size(both sender and receiver).

Selective Repeat Sender Window=2m-1 Receiver Window=2m-1

GoBack N Sender Window=2m-1 ,Receiver Window=1

Selective Repeat has less retransmission thanGoBack N

Efficiency : For small window size efficiency is approximately same.

For large window size efficiency is SR is better.


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End Term Solution

Section A

I. For six channels, we need at least five guard bands. This means that the required
bandwidth is at least 6 × 200 + 5×20 = 1300 kHz,
II. n(n-1)/2 cable link are required for mesh, n for ring, n-1 cable link for bus, and n
cable link for star topology.
III. Significance of twisting is to reduce the electromagnetic interface(EMI).
IV. If the size of window is 4 and if ACk for packet 2 is lost then we have to retransmit
all packets 2,3,4,5.
V. In NRZ L 0 and in Manchester 20 Transitions
VI. Bandwidth and propagation delay.
VII. Class A.NID =
VIII. Time to live field.
IX. 2r =m+r+1
X. ARP is used to maintain a correlation between each MAC address and its
corresponding IP address. ARP provides the protocol rules for making this
correlation and providing address conversion in both directions.
XI. 224 addresses as we have 24 bits in HID.
XIII. Confidentiality,authentication,integrity.
XIV. Pseudo header, UDP header and Data
XV. Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension.
XVI. There are two types of DNS messages: queries and responses.

Section B

I. Three way Handshaking


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II. In open-loop congestion control, policies are applied to prevent congestion before
it happens.
Retransmission Policy
Retransmission is sometimes unavoidable. If the sender feels that a sent packet is
or corrupted, the packet needs to be retransmitted. Retransmission in general may
increase congestion in the network.

Window Policy

The type of window at the sender may also affect congestion. The Selective Repeat
window is better than the Go-Back-N window for congestion control. In the Go-
Back-Nwindow, when the timer for a packet times out, several packets may be resent,
although some may have arrived safe and sound at the receiver.

Acknowledgment Policy

The acknowledgment policy imposed by the receiver may also affect congestion. If
the receiver does not acknowledge every packet it receives, it may slow down the
sender and help prevent congestion

III. Recursive Resolution

The client (resolver) can ask for a recursive answer from a name server. This means that
the resolver expects the server to supply the final answer. If the server is the authority
for the domain name, it checks its database and responds. If the server is not the
authority,it sends the request to another server (the parent usually) and waits for the
response. If the parent is the authority, it responds; otherwise, it sends the query to yet
another server.

Iterative Resolution

If the client does not ask for a recursive answer, the mapping can be done iteratively. If
the server is an authority for the name, it sends the answer. If it is not, it returns (to the
client) the IP address of the server that it thinks can resolve the query. The client is
responsible for repeating the query to this second server. If the newly addressed server
can resolve the problem, it answers the query with the IP address; otherwise, it returns
the IP address of a new server to the client. Now the client must repeat the query to the
third server.

Root Server

A root server is a server whose zone consists of the whole tree. A root server usually
does not store any information about domains but delegates its authority to other
servers,keeping references to those servers.

Primary and Secondary Servers


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DNS defines two types of servers: primary and secondary. A primary server is a server
that stores a file about the zone for which it is an authority. It is responsible for
creating,maintaining, and updating the zone file. It stores the zone file on a local disk.

IV. Active Documents

For many applications, we need a program or a script to be run at the client site. These
are called active documents. For example, suppose we want to run a program that creates
animated graphics on the screen or a program that interacts with the user. The
program definitely needs to be run at the client site where the animation or interaction
takes place. When a browser requests an active document, the server sends a copy of the
document or a script. The document is then run at the client (browser) site.

Dynamic Documents
A dynamic document is created by a Web server whenever a browser requests the
document.When a request arrives, the Web server runs an application program or a
scriptthat creates the dynamic document. The server returns the output of the program
or script as a response to the browser that requested the document. Because a fresh
document is created for each request, the contents of a dynamic document can vary from
one request to another. A very simple example of a dynamic document is the retrieval
of the time and date from a server. Time and date are kinds of information that are
dynamic in that they change from moment to moment. The client can ask the server to
run a program such as the date program in UNIX and send the result of the program to
the client.

Section C

I. Sequence Number =00000001 = 1

Destination port number=0017=23
ACK Number=00000000=0
Window size=2047

II. POP3 is deficient in several ways. It does not allow the user to organize her mail onthe
server; the user cannot have different folders on the server. (Of course, the user
cancreate folders on her own computer.) In addition, POP3 does not allow the user
topartially check the contents of the mail before downloading.

IMAP4 provides the following extra functions:

A user can check the e-mail header prior to downloading. A user can search the contents
of the e-mail for a specific string of characters priorto downloading.A user can partially
download e-mail. This is especially useful if bandwidth is limited and the e-mail
contains multimedia with high bandwidth requirements.A user can create, delete, or
rename mailboxes on the mail server. user can create a hierarchy of mailboxes in a
folder for e-mail storage.

III. Select primes p=11, q=3.


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n = pq = 11.3 = 33
phi = (p-1)(q-1) = 10.2 = 20

Choose e=3
Check gcd(e, p-1) = gcd(3, 10) = 1 (i.e. 3 and 10 have no common factors except 1),
and check gcd(e, q-1) = gcd(3, 2) = 1
therefore gcd(e, phi) = gcd(e, (p-1)(q-1)) = gcd(3, 20) = 1

Compute d such that ed ≡ 1 (mod phi)

i.e. compute d = e-1 mod phi = 3-1 mod 20
i.e. find a value for d such that phi divides (ed-1)
i.e. find d such that 20 divides 3d-1.
Simple testing (d = 1, 2, ...) gives d = 7
Check: ed-1 = 3.7 - 1 = 20, which is divisible by phi.

Public key = (n, e) = (33, 3)

Private key = (n, d) = (33, 7).


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Lecture Notes

ISO-OSI 7-Layer Network Architecture

This lecture introduces the ISO-OSI layered architecture of Networks. According to the ISO
standards, networks have been divided into 7 layers depending on the complexity of the
fucntionality each of these layers provide. The detailed description of each of these layers is
given in the notes below. We will first list the layers as defined by the standard in the increasing
order of function complexity:

1. Physical Layer
2. Data Link Layer
3. Network Layer
4. Transport Layer
5. Session Layer
6. Presentation Layer
7. Application Layer

Physical Layer

This layer is the lowest layer in the OSI model. It helps in the transmission of data between two
machines that are communicating through a physical medium, which can be optical
fibres,copper wire or wireless etc. The following are the main functions of the physical layer:

1. Hardware Specification: The details of the physical cables, network interface cards,
wireless radios, etc are a part of this layer.
2. Encoding and Signalling: How are the bits encoded in the medium is also decided by
this layer. For example, on the coppar wire medium, we can use differnet voltage levels
for a certain time interval to represent '0' and '1'. We may use +5mV for 1nsec to
represent '1' and -5mV for 1nsec to represent '0'. All the issues of modulation is dealt
with in this layer. eg, we may use Binary phase shift keying for the representation of '1'
and '0' rather than using different volatage levels if we have to transfer in RF waves.
3. Data Transmission and Reception: The transfer of each bit of data is the responsibility
of this layer. This layer assures the transmissoin of each bit with ahigh probability. The
transmission of the bits is not completely reliable as their is no error correction in this
4. Topology and Network Design: The network design is the integral part of the physical
layer. Which part of the network is the router going to be placed, where the switches will
be used, where we will put the hubs, how many machines is each switch going to handle,
what server is going to be placed where, and many such concerns are to be taken care of
by the physical layer. The variosu kinds of netopologies that we decide to use may be
ring, bus, star or a hybrid of these topologies depending on our requirements.

Data Link Layer

This layer provides reliable transmission of a packet by using the services of the physical layer
which transmits bits over the medium in an unreliable fashion. This layer is concerned with :

1. Framing : Breaking input data into frames (typically a few hundred bytes) and caring
about the frame boundaries and the size of each frame.
2. Acknowledgment : Sent by the receiving end to inform the source that the frame was
received without any error.


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3. Sequence Numbering : To acknowledge which frame was received.
4. Error Detection : The frames may be damaged, lost or duplicated leading to errors.The
error control is on link to link basis.
5. Retransmission : The packet is retransmitted if the source fails to receive
6. Flow Control : Necessary for a fast transmitter to keep pace with a slow receiver.

Network Layer
Its basic functions are routing and congestion control.
Routing: This deals with determining how packets will be routed (transferred) from source to
destination. It can be of three types :

 Static : Routes are based on static tables that are "wired into" the network and are rarely
 Dynamic : All packets of one application can follow different routes depending upon the
topology of the network, the shortest path and the current network load.
 Semi-Dynamic : A route is chosen at the start of each conversation and then all the
packets of the application follow the same route.

Transport Layer
Its functions are :

 Multiplexing / Demultiplexing : Normally the transport layer will create distinct

network connection for each transport connection required by the session layer. The
transport layer may either create multiple network connections (to improve throughput)
or it may multiplex several transport connections onto the same network connection
(because creating and maintaining networks may be expensive). In the latter case,
demultiplexing will be required at the receiving end. A point to note here is that
communication is always carried out between two processes and not between two
machines. This is also known as process-to-process communication.

Fragmentation and Re-assembly : The data accepted by the transport layer from the
session layer is split up into smaller units (fragmentation) if needed and then passed to
the network layer. Correspondingly, the data provided by the network layer to the
transport layer on the receiving side is re-assembled.

Types of service : The transport layer also decides the type of service that should be
provided to the session layer. The service may be perfectly reliable, or may be reliable
within certain tolerances or may not be reliable at all. The message may or may not be
received in the order in which it was sent. The decision regarding the type of service to
be provided is taken at the time when the connection is established.

 Error Control : If reliable service is provided then error detection and error recovery
operations are also performed. It provides error control mechanism onend to end basis.
 Flow Control : A fast host cannot keep pace with a slow one. Hence, this is a mechanism
to regulate the flow of information.
 Connection Establishment / Release : The transport layer also establishes and releases
the connection across the network. This requires some sort of naming mechanism so that
a process on one machine can indicate with whom it wants to communicate.


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Session Layer
It deals with the concept of Sessions i.e. when a user logins to a remote server he should
be authenticated before getting access to the files and application programs. Another job of
session layer is to establish and maintain sessions. If during the transfer of data between two
machines the session breaks down, it is the session layer which re-establishes the connection. It
also ensures that the data transfer starts from where it breaks keeping it transparent to the end
user. e.g. In case of a session with a database server, this layer introduces check points at
various places so that in case the connectoin is broken and reestablished, the transition running
on the database is not lost even if the user has not committed. This activity is
called Synchronization. Another function of this layer is Dialogue Controlwhich determines
whose turn is it to speak in a session. It is useful in video conferencing.

Presentation Layer
This layer is concerned with the syntax and semantics of the information transmitted. In order
to make it possible for computers with different data representations to communicate data
structures to be exchanged can be defined in abstract way alongwith standard encoding. It also
manages these abstract data structres and allows higher level of data structres to be defined an
exchange. It encodes the data in standard agreed way(network format). Suppose there are two
machines A and B one follows 'Big Endian' and other 'Little Endian' for data representation.
This layer ensures that the data transmitted by one gets converted in the form compatibale to
othe machine. This layer is concerned with the syntax and semantics of the information
transmitted.In order to make it possible for computers with different data representations to
communicate data structures to be exchanged canbe defined in abstract way alongwith standard
encoding. It also manages these abstract data structres and allows higher level of data structres
to be defined an exchange. Other functions include compression, encryption etc.

Application Layer

The seventh layer contains the application protocols with which the user gains access to the
network. The choice of which specific protocols and their associated functions are to be used at
the application level is up to the individual user. Thus the boundary between the presentation
layer and the application layer represents a separation of the protocols imposed by the network
designers from those being selected and implemented by the network users.For example
commonly used protocols are HTTP(for web browsing), FTP(for file transfer) etc.

Physical Layer
Physical layer is concerned with transmitting raw bits over a communication channel. The
design issues have to do with making sure that when one side sends a 1 bit, it is recieved by the
Course File
other side as 1 bit and not as 0 bit. In physical layer we deal with the communication medium
used for transmission.

Types of Medium
Medium can be classified into 2 categories.

1. Guided Media : Guided media means that signals is guided by the prescence of
physical media i.e. signals are under control and remains in the physical wire. For eg.
copper wire.
2. Unguided Media : Unguided Media means that there is no physical path for the signal
to propogate. Unguided media are essentially electro-magnetic waves. There is no
control on flow of signal. For eg. radio waves.

Communication Links

In a nework nodes are connected through links. The communication through links can be
classified as

1. Simplex : Communication can take place only in one direction. eg. T.V broadcasting.
2. Half-duplex : Communication can take place in one direction at a time. Suppose node
A and B are connected then half-duplex communication means that at a time data can
flow from A to B or from B to A but not simultaneously. eg. two persons talking to each
other such that when speaks the other listens and vice versa.
3. Full-duplex : Communication can take place simultaneously in both directions. eg. A
discussion in a group without discipline.

Links can be further classified as

1. Point to Point : In this communication only two nodes are connected to each other.
When a node sends a packet then it can be recieved only by the node on the other side
and none else.
2. Multipoint : It is a kind of sharing communication, in which signal can be recieved by
all nodes. This is also called broadcast.

Generally two kind of problems are associated in transmission of signals.

1. Attenuation : When a signal transmitts in a network then the quality of signal degrades
as the signal travels longer distances in the wire. This is called attenuation. To improve
quality of signal amplifiers are used at regular distances.
2. Noise : In a communication channel many signals transmits simultaneously, certain
random signals are also present in the medium. Due to interference of these signals our
signal gets disrupted a bit.

Bandwidth simply means how many bits can be transmitted per second in the communication
channel. In technical terms it indicates the width of frequency spectrum.

Transmission Media

In Guided transmission media generally two kind of materials are used.


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1. Copper
o Coaxial Cable
o Twisted Pair
2. Optical Fiber

1. Coaxial Cable: Coaxial cable consists of an inner conductor and an outer conductor
which are seperated by an insulator. The inner conductor is usually copper. The outer
conductor is covered by a plastic jacket. It is named coaxial because the two conductors
are coaxial. Typical diameter of coaxial cable lies between 0.4 inch to 1 inch. The most
application of coaxial cable is cable T.V. The coaxial cable has high bandwidth,
attenuation is less.

Twisted Pair: A Twisted pair consists of two insulated copper wires, typically 1mm thick. The
wires are twisted togather in a helical form the purpose of twisting is to reduce cross talk
interference between several pairs. Twisted Pair is much cheaper then coaxial cable but it is
susceptible to noise and electromagnetic interference and attenuation is large.

1. Twisted Pair can be further classified in two categories:

Unshielded twisted pair: In this no insulation is provided, hence they are susceptible
to interference.
Shielded twisted pair: In this a protective thick insulation is provided but shielded
twisted pair is expensive and not commonly used.

The most common application of twisted pair is the telephone system. Nearly all
telephones are connected to the telephone company office by a twisted pair. Twisted pair
can run several kilometers without amplification, but for longer distances repeaters are
needed. Twisted pairs can be used for both analog and digital transmission. The
bandwidth depends on the thickness of wire and the distance travelled. Twisted pairs are
generally limited in distance, bandwidth and data rate.


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2. Optical Fiber: In optical fiber light is used to send data. In general terms prescence of
light is taken as bit 1 and its absence as bit 0. Optical fiber consists of inner core of either
glass or plastic. Core is surrounded by cladding of the same material but of different
refrective index. This cladding is surrounded by a plastic jacket which prevents optical
fiber from electromagnetic interferrence and harshy environments. It uses the principle
of total internal reflection to transfer data over optical fibers. Optical fiber is much better
in bandwidth as compared to copper wire, since there is hardly any attenuation or
electromagnetic interference in optical wires. Hence there is less requirement to improve
quality of signal, in long distance transmission. Disadvantage of optical fiber is that end
points are fairly expensive. (eg. switches)

Differences between different kinds of optical fibers:

1. Depending on material
 Made of glass
 Made of plastic.
2. Depending on radius
 Thin optical fiber
 Thick optical fiber
3. Depending on light source
 LED (for low bandwidth)
 Injection lased diode (for high bandwidth)

Data Encoding
Digital data to analog signals
A modem (modulator-demodulator) converts digital data to analog signal. There are 3 ways to
modulate a digital signal on an analog carrier signal.

1. Amplitude shift keying (ASK): is a form of modulation which represents digital data
as variations in the amplitude of a carrier wave. Two different amplitudes of carrier
frequency represent '0' , '1'.


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2. Frequency shift keying (FSK): In Frequency Shift Keying, the change in frequency
define different digits. Two different frequencies near carrier frequency represent '0'

3. Phase shift keying (PSK): The phase of the carrier is discretely varied in relation either
to a reference phase or to the phase of the immediately preceding signal element, in
accordance with data being transmitted. Phase of carrier signal is shifted to represent '0'
, '1'.


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Digital data to digital signals

A digital signal is sequence of discrete , discontinuous voltage pulses. Each pulses a signal
element. Encoding scheme is an important factor in how successfully the receiver interprets the
incoming signal.

Encoding Techniques
Following are several ways to map data bits to signal elements.

 Non return to zero(NRZ) NRZ codes share the property that voltage level is constant
during a bit interval. High level voltage = bit 1 and Low level voltage = bit 0. A problem
arises when there is a long sequence of 0s or 1s and the volatage level is maintained at
the same value for a long time. This creates a problem on the recieving end because now,
the clock synchronization is lost due to lack of any transitions and hence, it is difficult
to determine the exact number of 0s or 1s in this sequence.

The two variations are as follows:

1. NRZ-Level: In NRZ-L encoding, the polarity of the signal changes only when
the incoming signal changes from a 1 to a 0 or from a 0 to a 1. NRZ-L method
looks just like the NRZ method, except for the first input one data bit. This is
because NRZ does not consider the first data bit to be a polarity change, where
NRZ-L does.
2. NRZ-Inverted: Transition at the beginning of bit interval = bit 1 and No
Transition at beginning of bit interval = bit 0 or vicecersa. This technique is
known as differential encoding.

NRZ-I has an advantage over NRZ-L. Consider the situation when two data wires are
wrongly connected in each other's place.In NRZ-L all bit sequences will get reversed
(B'coz voltage levels get swapped).Whereas in NAZ-I since bits are recognized by
transition the bits will be correctly interpreted. A disadvantage in NRZ codes is that a
string of 0's or 1's will prevent synchronization of transmitter clock with receiver clock
and a separate clock line need to be provided.

 Biphase encoding: It has following characteristics:

1. Modulation rate twice that of NRZ and bandwidth correspondingly greater.
(Modulation is the rate at which signal level is changed).
2. Because there is predictable transition during each bit time,the receiver can
synchronize on that transition i.e. clock is extracted from the signal itself.
3. Since there can be transition at the beginning as well as in the middle of the bit
interval the clock operates at twice the data transfer rate.

Types of Encoding -->


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o Biphase-manchester: Transition from high to low in middle of interval = 1 and
Transition from low to high in middle of interval = 0
o Differential-manchester: Always a transition in middle of interval. No
transition at beginning of interval=1 and Transition at beginning of interval = 0

o 4B/5B Encoding: In Manchester encoding scheme , there is a transition after

every bit. It means that we must have clocks with double the speed to send same
amount of data as in NRZ encodings. In other words, we may say that only 50%
of the data is sent. This performance factor can be significantly improved if we
use a better encoding scheme. This scheme may have a transition after fixed
number of bits instead of every other bit. Like if we have a transition after every
four bits, then we will be sending 80% data of actual capacity. This is a
significant improvement in the performance.

This scheme is known as 4B/5B. So here we convert 4-bits to 5-bits, ensuring

at least one transition in them. The basic idea here is that 5-bit code selected must
have :

 one leading 0
 no more than two trailing 0s

Thus it is ensured that we can never have more than three consecutive 0s. Now
these 5-bit codes are transmitted using NRZI coding thus problem of consecutive
1s is solved.

The exact transformation is as follows :

4-bit Data 5-bit code 4-bit Data 5-bit code

0000 11110 1000 10010
0001 01001 1001 10011
0010 10100 1010 10110
0011 10101 1011 10111
0100 01010 1100 11010
0101 01011 1101 11011
0110 01110 1110 11100


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0111 01111 1111 11101

Of the remaining 16 codes, 7 are invalid and others are used to send some control
information like line idle(11111), line dead(00000), Halt(00100) etc.

There are other variants for this scheme viz. 5B/6B, 8B/10B etc. These have self
suggesting names.

o 8B/6T Encoding: In the above schemes, we have used two/three voltage levels
for a signal. But we may altogether use more than three voltage levels so that
more than one-bit could be send over a single signal. Like if we use six voltage
levels and we use 8-bits then the scheme is called 8B/6T. Clearly here we have
729(3^6) combinations for signal and 256(2^8) combinations for bits.
Bipolar AIM: Here we have 3 voltage levels: middle,upper,lower
o Representation 1: Middle level =0 Upper,Lower level =1 such that successive 1's
will be represented alternately on upper and lower levels.
o Representation 2 (pseudoternary): Middle level =1 Upper,Lower level=0

Analog data to digital signal:

The process is called digitization. Sampling frequency must be at least twice that of highest
frequency present in the the signal so that it may be fairly regenerated. Quantization - Max.and
Min values of amplitude in the sample are noted. Depending on number of bits (say n) we use
we divide the interval (min,max) into 2(^n) number of levels. The amplitude is then
approximated to the nearest level by a 'n' bit integer. The digital signal thus consists of blocks
of n bits.On reception the process is reversed to produce analog signal. But a lot of data can be
lost if fewer bits are used or sampling frequency not so high.

 Pulse code modulation(PCM): Here intervals are equally spaced. 8 bit PCB uses 256
different levels of amplitude. In non-linear encoding levels may be unequally spaced.
 Delta Modulation(DM): Since successive samples do not differ very much we send the
differences between previous and present sample. It requires fewer bits than in PCM.

no assurance that bit pattern for flag will not appear inside the frame thus destroying
frame level synchronization. So to avoid this we use bit stuffing


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When two communicating nodes are connected through a media, it generally happens that
bandwidth of media is several times greater than that of the communicating nodes. Transfer of
a single signal at a time is both slow and expensive. The whole capacity of the link is not being
utilized in this case. This link can be further exploited by sending several signals combined into
one. This combining of signals into one is called multiplexing.

1. Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM): This is possible in the case where

transmission media has a bandwidth than the required bandwidth of signals to be
transmitted. A number of signals can be transmitted at the same time. Each source is
allotted a frequency range in which it can transfer it's signals, and a suitable frequency
gap is given between two adjescent signals to avoid overlapping. This is type of
multiplexing is commonly seen in the cable TV networks.

2. Time Division Multiplexing (TDM): This is possible when data transmission rate of
the media is much higher than that of the data rate of the source. Multiple signals can be
transmitted if each signal is allowed to be transmitted for a definite amount of time.
These time slots are so small that all transmissions appear to be in parallel.
1. Synchronous TDM: Time slots are preassigned and are fixed. Each source is
given it's time slot at every turn due to it. This turn may be once per cycle, or
several turns per cycle ,if it has a high data transfer rate, or may be once in a no.
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of cycles if it is slow. This slot is given even if the source is not ready with data.
So this slot is transmitted empty.

2. Asynchronous TDM: In this method, slots are not fixed. They are allotted
dynamically depending on speed of sources, and whether they are ready for

Network Topologies
A network topology is the basic design of a computer network. It is very much like a map of a
road. It details how key network components such as nodes and links are interconnected. A
network's topology is comparable to the blueprints of a new home in which components such as
the electrical system, heating and air conditioning system, and plumbing are integrated into the
overall design. Taken from the Greek work "Topos" meaning "Place," Topology, in relation to
networking, describes the configuration of the network; including the location of the
workstations and wiring connections. Basically it provides a definition of the components of a
Local Area Network (LAN). A topology, which is a pattern of interconnections among nodes,
influences a network's cost and performance. There are three primary types of network
topologies which refer to the physical and logical layout of the Network cabling. They are:


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1. Star Topology: All devices connected with a Star setup communicate through a central
Hub by cable segments. Signals are transmitted and received through the Hub. It is the
simplest and the oldest and all the telephone switches are based on this. In a star
topology, each network device has a home run of cabling back to a network hub, giving
each device a separate connection to the network. So, there can be multiple connections
in parallel.


o Network administration and error detection is easier because problem is isolated

to central node
o Networks runs even if one host fails
o Expansion becomes easier and scalability of the network increases
o More suited for larger networks


o Broadcasting and multicasting is not easy because some extra functionality needs
to be provided to the central hub
o If the central node fails, the whole network goes down; thus making the switch
some kind of a bottleneck
o Installation costs are high because each node needs to be connected to the central
2. Bus Topology: The simplest and one of the most common of all topologies, Bus consists
of a single cable, called a Backbone, that connects all workstations on the network using
a single line. All transmissions must pass through each of the connected devices to
complete the desired request. Each workstation has its own individual signal that
identifies it and allows for the requested data to be returned to the correct originator. In
the Bus Network, messages are sent in both directions from a single point and are read
by the node (computer or peripheral on the network) identified by the code with the
message. Most Local Area Networks (LANs) are Bus Networks because the network
will continue to function even if one computer is down. This topology works equally
well for either peer to peer or client server.


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The purpose of the terminators at either end of the network is to stop the signal being
reflected back.


o Broadcasting and multicasting is much simpler

o Network is redundant in the sense that failure of one node doesn't effect the
network. The other part may still function properly
o Least expensive since less amount of cabling is required and no network switches
are required
o Good for smaller networks not requiring higher speeds


o Trouble shooting and error detection becomes a problem because, logically, all
nodes are equal
o Less secure because sniffing is easier
o Limited in size and speed
3. Ring Topology: All the nodes in a Ring Network are connected in a closed circle of
cable. Messages that are transmitted travel around the ring until they reach the computer
that they are addressed to, the signal being refreshed by each node. In a ring topology,
the network signal is passed through each network card of each device and passed on to
the next device. Each device processes and retransmits the signal, so it is capable of
supporting many devices in a somewhat slow but very orderly fashion. There is a very
nice feature that everybody gets a chance to send a packet and it is guaranteed that every
node gets to send a packet in a finite amount of time.


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o Broadcasting and multicasting is simple since you just need to send out one
o Less expensive since less cable footage is required
o It is guaranteed that each host will be able to transmit within a finite time interval
o Very orderly network where every device has access to the token and the
opportunity to transmit
o Performs better than a star network under heavy network load


o Failure of one node brings the whole network down

o Error detection and network administration becomes difficult
o Moves, adds and changes of devices can effect the network
o It is slower than star topology under normal load

Generally, a BUS architecture is preferred over the other topologies - ofcourse, this is a very
subjective opinion and the final design depends on the requirements of the network more than
anything else. Lately, most networks are shifting towards the STAR topology. Ideally we would
like to design networks, which physically resemble the STAR topology, but behave like BUS
or RING topology.

Data Link Layer

Data link layer can be characterized by two types of layers:

1. Medium Access Layer (MAL)

2. Logical Link Layer

Aloha Protocols
The Aloha protocol was designed as part of a project at the University of Hawaii. It provided
data transmission between computers on several of the Hawaiian Islands using radio


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 Communications was typically between remote stations and a central sited named
Menehune or vice versa.
 All message to the Menehune were sent using the same frequency.
 When it received a message intact, the Menehune would broadcast an ack on a distinct
outgoing frequency.
 The outgoing frequency was also used for messages from the central site to remote
 All stations listened for message on this second frequency.

Pure Aloha
Pure Aloha is an unslotted, fully-decentralized protocol. It is extremely simple and trivial to
implement. The ground rule is - "when you want to talk, just talk!". So, a node which wants to
transmits, will go ahead and send the packet on its broadcast channel, with no consideration
whatsoever as to anybody else is transmitting or not.

One serious drawback here is that, you dont know whether what you are sending has been
received properly or not (so as to say, "whether you've been heard and understood?"). To resolve
this, in Pure Aloha, when one node finishes speaking, it expects an acknowledgement in a finite
amount of time - otherwise it simply retransmits the data. This scheme works well in small
networks where the load is not high. But in large, load intensive networks where many nodes
may want to transmit at the same time, this scheme fails miserably. This led to the development
of Slotted Aloha.

Slotted Aloha
This is quite similar to Pure Aloha, differing only in the way transmissions take place. Instead
of transmitting right at demand time, the sender waits for some time. This delay is specified as
follows - the timeline is divided into equal slots and then it is required that transmission should
take place only at slot boundaries. To be more precise, the slotted-Aloha makes the following

 All frames consist of exactly L bits.

 Time is divided into slots of size L/R seconds (i.e., a slot equals the time to transmit one
 Nodes start to transmit frames only at the beginnings of slots.
 The nodes are synchronized so that each node knows when the slots begin.
 If two or more frames collide in a slot, then all the nodes detect the collision event before
the slot ends.


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In this way, the number of collisions that can possibly take place is reduced by a huge margin.
And hence, the performance become much better compared to Pure Aloha. collisions may only
take place with nodes that are ready to speak at the same time. But nevertheless, this is a
substantial reduction.

Carrier Sense Mutiple Access Protocols

In both slotted and pure ALOHA, a node's decision to transmit is made independently of the
activity of the other nodes attached to the broadcast channel. In particular, a node neither pays
attention to whether another node happens to be transmitting when it begins to transmit, nor
stops transmitting if another node begins to interfere with its transmission. As humans, we have
human protocols that allow allows us to not only behave with more civility, but also to decrease
the amount of time spent "colliding" with each other in conversation and consequently
increasing the amount of data we exchange in our conversations. Specifically, there are two
important rules for polite human conversation:

1. Listen before speaking: If someone else is speaking, wait until they are done. In the
networking world, this is termed carrier sensing - a node listens to the channel before
transmitting. If a frame from another node is currently being transmitted into the channel,
a node then waits ("backs off") a random amount of time and then again senses the
channel. If the channel is sensed to be idle, the node then begins frame transmission.
Otherwise, the node waits another random amount of time and repeats this process.
2. If someone else begins talking at the same time, stop talking. In the networking
world, this is termed collision detection - a transmitting node listens to the channel while
it is transmitting. If it detects that another node is transmitting an interfering frame, it
stops transmitting and uses some protocol to determine when it should next attempt to

It is evident that the end-to-end channel propagation delay of a broadcast channel - the time it
takes for a signal to propagate from one of the the channel to another - will play a crucial role
in determining its performance. The longer this propagation delay, the larger the chance that a
carrier-sensing node is not yet able to sense a transmission that has already begun at another
node in the network.


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CSMA- Carrier Sense Multiple Access
This is the simplest version CSMA protocol as described above. It does not specify any collision
detection or handling. So collisions might and WILL occur and clearly then, this is not a very
good protocol for large, load intensive networks.

So, we need an improvement over CSMA - this led to the development of CSMA/CD.

CSMA/CD- CSMA with Collision Detection

In this protocol, while transmitting the data, the sender simultaneously tries to receive it. So, as
soon as it detects a collission (it doesn't receive its own data) it stops transmitting. Thereafter,
the node waits for some time interval before attempting to transmit again. Simply put, "listen
while you talk". But, how long should one wait for the carrier to be freed? There are three
schemes to handle this:

1. 1-Persistent: In this scheme, transmission proceeds immediately if the carrier is idle.

However, if the carrier is busy, then sender continues to sense the carrier until it becomes
idle. The main problem here is that, if more than one transmitters are ready to send, a
collision is GUARANTEED!!
2. Non-Persistent: In this scheme, the broadcast channel is not monitored continuously.
The sender polls it at random time intervals and transmits whenever the carrier is idle.
This decreases the probability of collisions. But, it is not efficient in a low load situation,
where number of collisions are anyway small. The problems it entails are:
o If back-off time is too long, the idle time of carrier is wasted in some sense
o It may result in long access delays
3. p-Persistent: Even if a sender finds the carrier to be idle, it uses a probabilistic
distribution to determine whether to transmit or not. Put simply, "toss a coin to decide".
If the carrier is idle, then transmission takes place with a probability p and the sender
waits with a probability 1-p. This scheme is a good trade off between the Non-persistent
and 1-persistent schemes. So, for low load situations, p is high (example: 1-persistent);
and for high load situations, p may be lower. Clearly, the value of p plays an important
role in determining the performance of this protocol. Also the same p is likely to provide
different performance at different loads.

CSMA with Collision Avoidance

We have observed that CSMA/CD would break down in wireless networks because of hidden
node and exposed nodes problems. We will have a quick recap of these two problems through

Hidden Node Problem

In the case of wireless network it is possible that A is sending a message to B, but C is out of its
range and hence while "listening" on the network it will find the network to be free and might
try to send packets to B at the same time as A. So, there will be a collision at B. The problem
can be looked upon as if A and C are hidden from each other. Hence it is called the "hidden
node problem".

Exposed Node Problem

If C is transmitting a message to D and B wants to transmit a message to A, B will find the
network to be busy as B hears C trnasmitting. Even if B would have transmitted to A, it would
not have been a problem at A or D. CSMA/CD would not allow it to transmit message to A,
while the two transmissions could have gone in parallel.


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Addressing hidden node problem (CSMA/CA)

Consider the figure above.SupposeA wants to send a packet to B. Then it will first send a small
packet to B called "Request to Send" (RTS). In response, B sends a small packet to A
called "Clear to Send" (CTS). Only after A receives a CTS, it transmits the actual data. Now,
any of the nodes which can hear either CTS or RTS assume the network to be busy. Hence even
if some other node which is out of range of both A and B sends an RTS to C (which can hear at
least one of the RTS or CTS between A and B), C would not send a CTS to it and hence the
communication would not be established between C and D.

One issue that needs to be addressed is how long the rest of the nodes should wait before they
can transmit data over the network. The answer is that the RTS and CTS would carry some
information about the size of the data that B intends to transfer. So, they can calculate time that
would be required for the transmission to be over and assume the network to be free after
that.Another interesting issue is what a node should do if it hears RTS but not a corresponding
CTS. One possibility is that it assumes the recipient node has not responded and hence no
transmission is going on, but there is a catch in this. It is possible that the node hearing RTS is
just on the boundary of the node sending CTS. Hence, it does hear CTS but the signal is so
deteriorated that it fails to recognize it as a CTS. Hence to be on the safer side, a node will not
start transmission if it hears either of an RTS or a CTS.

The assumption made in this whole discussion is that if a node X can send packets to a node Y,
it can also receive a packet from Y, which is a fair enough assumption given the fact that we are
talking of a local network where standard instruments would be used. If that is not the case
additional complexities would get introduced in the system.

Does CSMA/CD work universally in the wired networks ?

The problem of range is there in wired networks as well in the form of deterioration of signals.
Normally to counter this, we use repeaters, which can regenerate the original signal from a
deteriorated one. But does that mean that we can build as long networks as we want with
repeaters. The answer, unfortunately, is NO! The reason is the beyond a certain length
CSMA/CD will break down.

The mechanism of collision detection which CSMA/CD follows is through listening while
talking. What this means is so long as a node is transmitting the packet, it is listening on the
cable. If the data it listens to is different from the data it is transmitting it assumes a collision.
Once it has stopped transmitting the packet, and has not detected collision while transmission
was going on, it assumes that the transmission was successful. The problem arises when the
distance between the two nodes is too large. Suppose A wants to transmit some packet to B


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which is at a very large distance from B. Data can travel on cable only at a finite speed (usually
2/3c, c being the speed of light). So, it is possible that the packet has been transmitted by A onto
the cable but the first bit of the packet has not yet reached B. In that case, if a collision occurs,
A would be unaware of it occurring. Therefore there is problem in too long a network.

Let us try to parametrize the above problem. Suppose "t" is the time taken for the node A to
transmit the packet on the cable and "T" is the time , the packet takes to reach from A to B.
Suppose transmission at A starts at time t0. In the worst case the collision takes place just when
the first packet is to reach B. Say it is at t0+T-e (e being very small). Then the collision
information will take T-e time to propagate back to A. So, at t0+2(T-e) A should still be
transmitting. Hence, for the correct detection of collision (ignoring e) t > 2T

t increases with the number of bits to be transferred and decreases with the rate of transfer (bits
per second). T increases with the distance between the nodes and decreases with the speed of
the signal (usually 2/3c). We need to either keep t large enough or T as small. We do not want
to live with lower rate of bit transfer and hence slow networks. We can not do anything about
the speed of the signal. So what we can rely on is the minimum size of the packet and the
distance between the two nodes. Therefore, we fix some minimum size of the packet and if the
size is smaller than that, we put in some extra bits to make it reach the minimum size.
Accordingly we fix the maximum distance between the nodes. Here too, there is a tradeoff to
be made. We do not want the minimum size of the packets to be too large since that wastes lots
of resources on cable. At the same time we do not want the distance between the nodes to be
too small. Typical minimum packet size is 64 bytes and the corresponding distance is 2-5


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Data Link Layer

What is DLL(Data Link Layer)

The Data Link Layer is the second layer in the OSI model, above the Physical Layer, which
ensures that the error free data is transferred between the adjacent nodes in the network. It breaks
the datagrams passed down by above layers and convert them into frames ready for transfer.
This is called Framing. It provides two main functionalities

 Reliable data transfer service between two peer network layers

 Flow Control mechanism which regulates the flow of frames such that data congestion
is not there at slow receivers due to fast senders.

What is Framing?
Since the physical layer merely accepts and transmits a stream of bits without any regard to
meaning or structure, it is upto the data link layer to create and recognize frame boundaries.
This can be accomplished by attaching special bit patterns to the beginning and end of the frame.
If these bit patterns can accidentally occur in data, special care must be taken to make sure these
patterns are not incorrectly interpreted as frame delimiters. The four framing methods that are
widely used are

 Character count
 Starting and ending characters, with character stuffing
 Starting and ending flags, with bit stuffing
 Physical layer coding violations

Character Count
This method uses a field in the header to specify the number of characters in the frame. When
the data link layer at the destination sees the character count,it knows how many characters
follow, and hence where the end of the frame is. The disadvantage is that if the count is garbled
by a transmission error, the destination will lose synchronization and will be unable to locate
the start of the next frame. So, this method is rarely used.

Character stuffing
In the second method, each frame starts with the ASCII character sequence DLE STX and ends
with the sequence DLE ETX.(where DLE is Data Link Escape, STX is Start of TeXt and ETX
is End of TeXt.) This method overcomes the drawbacks of the character count method. If the
destination ever loses synchronization, it only has to look for DLE STX and DLE ETX
characters. If however, binary data is being transmitted then there exists a possibility of the
characters DLE STX and DLE ETX occurring in the data. Since this can interfere with the
framing, a technique called character stuffing is used. The sender's data link layer inserts an
ASCII DLE character just before the DLE character in the data. The receiver's data link layer


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removes this DLE before this data is given to the network layer. However character stuffing is
closely associated with 8-bit characters and this is a major hurdle in transmitting arbitrary sized

Bit stuffing
The third method allows data frames to contain an arbitrary number of bits and allows character
codes with an arbitrary number of bits per character. At the start and end of each frame is a flag
byte consisting of the special bit pattern 01111110 . Whenever the sender's data link layer
encounters five consecutive 1s in the data, it automatically stuffs a zero bit into the outgoing bit
stream. This technique is called bit stuffing. When the receiver sees five consecutive 1s in the
incoming data stream, followed by a zero bit, it automatically destuffs the 0 bit. The boundary
between two frames can be determined by locating the flag pattern.

Physical layer coding violations

The final framing method is physical layer coding violations and is applicable to networks in
which the encoding on the physical medium contains some redundancy. In such cases normally,
a 1 bit is a high-low pair and a 0 bit is a low-high pair. The combinations of low-low and high-
high which are not used for data may be used for marking frame boundaries.

Error Control
The bit stream transmitted by the physical layer is not guaranteed to be error free. The data link
layer is responsible for error detection and correction. The most common error control method
is to compute and append some form of a checksum to each outgoing frame at the sender's data
link layer and to recompute the checksum and verify it with the received checksum at the
receiver's side. If both of them match, then the frame is correctly received; else it is erroneous.
The checksums may be of two types: # Error detecting : Receiver can only detect the error in
the frame and inform the sender about it. # Error detecting and correcting : The receiver can not
only detect the error but also correct it. Examples of Error Detecting methods:

 Parity bit: Simple example of error detection technique is parity bit. The parity bit is
chosen that the number of 1 bits in the code word is either even( for even parity) or odd
(for odd parity). For example when 10110101 is transmitted then for even parity an 1
will be appended to the data and for odd parity a 0 will be appended. This scheme can
detect only single bits. So if two or more bits are changed then that can not be detected.
 Longitudinal Redundancy Checksum: Longitudinal Redundancy Checksum is an
error detecting scheme which overcomes the problem of two erroneous bits. In this
conceptof parity bit is used but with slightly more intelligence. With each byte we send
one parity bit then send one additional byte which have the parity corresponding to the
each bit position of the sent bytes. So the parity bit is set in both horizontal and vertical
direction. If one bit get flipped we can tell which row and column have error then we
find the intersection of the two and determine the erroneous bit. If 2 bits are in error and
they are in the different column and row then they can be detected. If the error are in the
same column then the row will differentiate and vice versa. Parity can detect the only
odd number of errors. If they are even and distributed in a fashion that in all direction
then LRC may not be able to find the error.

 Cyclic Redundancy Checksum (CRC):


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We have an n-bit message. The sender adds a k-bit Frame Check Sequence (FCS) to this
message before sending. The resulting (n+k) bit message is divisible by some (k+1) bit
number. The receiver divides the message ((n+k)-bit) by the same (k+1)-bit number and
if there is no remainder, assumes that there was no error. How do we choose this
For example, if k=12 then 1000000000000 (13-bit number) can be chosen, but this is a
pretty crappy choice. Because it will result in a zero remainder for all (n+k) bit messages
with the last 12 bits zero. Thus, any bits flipping beyond the last 12 go undetected. If
k=12, and we take 1110001000110 as the 13-bit number (incidentally, in decimal
representation this turns out to be 7238). This will be unable to detect errors only if the
corrupt message and original message have a difference of a multiple of 7238. The
probablilty of this is low, much lower than the probability that anything beyond the last
12-bits flips. In practice, this number is chosen after analyzing common network
transmission errors and then selecting a number which is likely to detect these common

How to detect source errors?

In order ensure that the frames are delivered correctly, the receiver should inform the sender
about incoming frames using positive or negative acknowledgements. On the sender's side the
receipt of a positive acknowledgement implies that the frame has arrived at the destination safely
while the receipt of a negative acknowledgement means that an error has occurred in the frame
and it needs to be retransmitted. However, this scheme is too simplistic because if a noise burst
causes the frame to vanish completely, the receiver will not respond at all and the sender would
hang forever waiting for an acknowledgement. To overcome this drawback, timers are
introduced into the data link layer. When the sender transmits a frame it also simultaneously
starts a timer. The timer is set to go off after a interval long enough for the frame to reach the
destination, be processed there, and have the acknowledgement propogate back to the sender. If
the frame is received correctly the positive acknowledgment arrives before the timer runs out
and so the timer is canceled. If however either the frame or the acknowledgement is lost the
timer will go off and the sender may retransmit the frame. Since multiple transmission of frames
can cause the receiver to accept the same frame and pass it to the network layer more than once,
sequence numbers are generally assigned to the outgoing frames.
The types of acknowledgements that are sent can be classified as follows:

 Cumulative acknowledgements: A single acknowledgement informing the sender that

all the frames upto a certain number have been received.
 Selective acknowledgements: Acknowledgement for a particular frame.

They may be also classified as:

 Individual acknowledgements: Individual acknowledgement for each frame.

 Group acknowledgements: A bit-map that specifies the acknowledgements of a range of
frame numbers.

Flow Control
Consider a situation in which the sender transmits frames faster than the receiver can accept
them. If the sender keeps pumping out frames at high rate, at some point the receiver will be
completely swamped and will start losing some frames. This problem may be solved by
introducing flow control. Most flow control protocols contain a feedback mechanism to inform
the sender when it should transmit the next frame.


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Mechanisms For Flow Control:

 Stop and Wait Protocol: This is the simplest file control protocol in which the sender
transmits a frame and then waits for an acknowledgement, either positive or negative,
from the receiver before proceeding. If a positive acknowledgement is received, the
sender transmits the next packet; else it retransmits the same frame. However, this
protocol has one major flaw in it. If a packet or an acknowledgement is completely
destroyed in transit due to a noise burst, a deadlock will occur because the sender cannot
proceed until it receives an acknowledgement. This problem may be solved using timers
on the sender's side. When the frame is transmitted, the timer is set. If there is no
response from the receiver within a certain time interval, the timer goes off and the frame
may be retransmitted.
 Sliding Window Protocols: Inspite of the use of timers, the stop and wait protocol still
suffers from a few drawbacks. Firstly, if the receiver had the capacity to accept more
than one frame, its resources are being underutilized. Secondly, if the receiver was busy
and did not wish to receive any more packets, it may delay the acknowledgement.
However, the timer on the sender's side may go off and cause an unnecessary
retransmission. These drawbacks are overcome by the sliding window protocols.
In sliding window protocols the sender's data link layer maintains a 'sending window'
which consists of a set of sequence numbers corresponding to the frames it is permitted
to send. Similarly, the receiver maintains a 'receiving window' corresponding to the set
of frames it is permitted to accept. The window size is dependent on the retransmission
policy and it may differ in values for the receiver's and the sender's window. The
sequence numbers within the sender's window represent the frames sent but as yet not
acknowledged. Whenever a new packet arrives from the network layer, the upper edge
of the window is advanced by one. When an acknowledgement arrives from the receiver
the lower edge is advanced by one. The receiver's window corresponds to the frames
that the receiver's data link layer may accept. When a frame with sequence number equal
to the lower edge of the window is received, it is passed to the network layer, an
acknowledgement is generated and the window is rotated by one. If however, a frame
falling outside the window is received, the receiver's data link layer has two options. It
may either discard this frame and all subsequent frames until the desired frame is
received or it may accept these frames and buffer them until the appropriate frame is
received and then pass the frames to the network layer in sequence.


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In this simple example, there is a 4-byte sliding window. Moving from left to right, the
window "slides" as bytes in the stream are sent and acknowledged.
Most sliding window protocols also employ ARQ ( Automatic Repeat reQuest )
mechanism. In ARQ, the sender waits for a positive acknowledgement before
proceeding to the next frame. If no acknowledgement is received within a certain time
interval it retransmits the frame. ARQ is of two types :

1. Go Back 'n': If a frame is lost or received in error, the receiver may simply
discard all subsequent frames, sending no acknowledgments for the discarded
frames. In this case the receive window is of size 1. Since no acknowledgements
are being received the sender's window will fill up, the sender will eventually
time out and retransmit all the unacknowledged frames in order starting from the
damaged or lost frame. The maximum window size for this protocol can be
obtained as follows. Assume that the window size of the sender is n. So the
window will initially contain the frames with sequence numbers from 0 to (w-1).
Consider that the sender transmits all these frames and the receiver's data link
layer receives all of them correctly. However, the sender's data link layer does
not receive any acknowledgements as all of them are lost. So the sender will
retransmit all the frames after its timer goes off. However the receiver window
has already advanced to w. Hence to avoid overlap , the sum of the two windows
should be less than the sequence number space.

w-1 + 1 < Sequence Number Space

i.e., w < Sequence Number Space

Maximum Window Size = Sequence Number Space - 1

2. Selective Repeat:In this protocol rather than discard all the subsequent frames
following a damaged or lost frame, the receiver's data link layer simply stores
them in buffers. When the sender does not receive an acknowledgement for the


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first frame it's timer goes off after a certain time interval and it retransmits only
the lost frame. Assuming error - free transmission this time, the sender's data link
layer will have a sequence of a many correct frames which it can hand over to
the network layer. Thus there is less overhead in retransmission than in the case
of Go Back n protocol.
3. In case of selective repeat protocol the window size may be calculated as follows.
Assume that the size of both the sender's and the receiver's window is w. So
initially both of them contain the values 0 to (w-1). Consider that sender's data
link layer transmits all the w frames, the receiver's data link layer receives them
correctly and sends acknowledgements for each of them. However, all the
acknowledgemnets are lost and the sender does not advance it's window. The
receiver window at this point contains the values w to (2w-1). To avoid overlap
when the sender's data link layer retransmits, we must have the sum of these two
windows less than sequence number space. Hence, we get the condition
Maximum Window Size = Sequence Number Space / 2

Network Layer
What is Network Layer?

The network layer is concerned with getting packets from the source all the way to the
destination. The packets may require to make many hops at the intermediate routers while
reaching the destination. This is the lowest layer that deals with end to end transmission. In
order to achieve its goals, the network layer must know about the topology of the
communication network. It must also take care to choose routes to avoid overloading of some
of the communication lines while leaving others idle. The network layer-transport layer interface
frequently is the interface between the carrier and the customer, that is the boundary of the
subnet. The functions of this layer include :

1. Routing - The process of transferring packets received from the Data Link Layer of the
source network to the Data Link Layer of the correct destination network is called
routing. Involves decision making at each intermediate node on where to send the packet
next so that it eventually reaches its destination. The node which makes this choice is
called a router. For routing we require some mode of addressing which is recognized by
the Network Layer. This addressing is different from the MAC layer addressing.
2. Inter-networking - The network layer is the same across all physical networks (such as
Token-Ring and Ethernet). Thus, if two physically different networks have to
communicate, the packets that arrive at the Data Link Layer of the node which connects
these two physically different networks, would be stripped of their headers and passed
to the Network Layer. The network layer would then pass this data to the Data Link
Layer of the other physical network..
3. Congestion Control - If the incoming rate of the packets arriving at any router is more
than the outgoing rate, then congestion is said to occur. Congestion may be caused by
many factors. If suddenly, packets begin arriving on many input lines and all need the
same output line, then a queue will build up. If there is insufficient memory to hold all
of them, packets will be lost. But even if routers have an infinite amount of memory,
congestion gets worse, because by the time packets reach to the front of the queue, they
have already timed out (repeatedly), and duplicates have been sent. All these packets are


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dutifully forwarded to the next router, increasing the load all the way to the destination.
Another reason for congestion are slow processors. If the router's CPUs are slow at
performing the bookkeeping tasks required of them, queues can build up, even though
there is excess line capacity. Similarly, low-bandwidth lines can also cause congestion.

We will now look at these function one by one.

Addressing Scheme

IP addresses are of 4 bytes and consist of : i) The network address, followed by

ii) The host address The first part identifies a network on which the host resides and the second
part identifies the particular host on the given network. Some nodes which have more than one
interface to a network must be assigned separate internet addresses for each interface. This
multi-layer addressing makes it easier to find and deliver data to the destination. A fixed size
for each of these would lead to wastage or under-usage that is either there will be too many
network addresses and few hosts in each (which causes problems for routers who route based
on the network address) or there will be very few network addresses and lots of hosts (which
will be a waste for small network requirements). Thus, we do away with any notion of fixed
sizes for the network and host addresses. We classify networks as follows:

1. Large Networks : 8-bit network address and 24-bit host address. There are
approximately 16 million hosts per network and a maximum of 126 ( 2^7 - 2 ) Class A
networks can be defined. The calculation requires that 2 be subtracted because is
reserved for use as the default route and be reserved for the loop back function.
Moreover each Class A network can support a maximum of 16,777,214 (2^24 - 2) hosts
per network. The host calculation requires that 2 be subtracted because all 0's are
reserved to identify the network itself and all 1s are reserved for broadcast addresses.
The reserved numbers may not be assigned to individual hosts.
2. Medium Networks : 16-bit network address and 16-bit host address. There are
approximately 65000 hosts per network and a maximum of 16,384 (2^14) Class B
networks can be defined with up to (2^16-2) hosts per network.
3. Small networks : 24-bit network address and 8-bit host address. There are
approximately 250 hosts per network.

You might think that Large and Medium networks are sort of a waste as few
corporations/organizations are large enough to have 65000 different hosts. (By the way, there
are very few corporations in the world with even close to 65000 employees, and even in these
corporations it is highly unlikely that each employee has his/her own computer connected to the
network.) Well, if you think so, you're right. This decision seems to have been a mistak

Address Classes

The IP specifications divide addresses into the following classes :

 Class A - For large networks

0 7 bits of the network address 24 bits of host address

 Class B - For medium networks


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1 0 14 bits of the network address 16 bits of host address

 Class C - For small networks

1 1 0 21 bits of the network address 8 bits of host address

 Class D - For multi-cast messages ( multi-cast to a "group" of networks )

1 1 1 0 28 bits for some sort of group address

 Class E - Currently unused, reserved for potential uses in the future

1 1 1 1 28 bits

Internet Protocol
Special Addresses : There are some special IP addresses :

1. Broadcast Addresses They are of two types :(i) Limited Broadcast : It consists of all 1's,
i.e., the address is . It is used only on the LAN, and not for any external
(ii) Directed Broadcast : It consists of the network number + all other bits as1's. It reaches
the router corresponding to the network number, and from there it broadcasts to all the
nodes in the network. This method is a major security problem, and is not used anymore.
So now if we find that all the bits are 1 in the host no. field, then the packet is simply
dropped. Therefore, now we can only do broadcast in our own network using Limited
2. Network ID = 0 It means we are referring to this network and for local broadcast we
make the host ID zero.
3. Host ID = 0This is used to refer to the entire network in the routing table.
4. Loop-back Address
Here we have addresses of the type 127.x.y.z It goes down way upto the IP layer and
comes back to the application layer on the same host. This is used to test network
applications before they are used commercially.

Sub netting means organizing hierarchies within the network by dividing the host ID as per our
network. For example consider the network ID : 150.29.x.y We could organize the remaining
16 bits in any way, like : 4 bits - department4 bits - LAN8 bits - host
This gives some structure to the host IDs. This division is not visible to the outside world. They
still see just the network number, and host number (as a whole). The network will have an
internal routing table which stores information about which router to send an address to. Now
consider the case where we have : 8 bits - subnet number, and 8 bits - host number. Each router
on the network must know about all subnet numbers. This is called the subnet mask. We put the
network number and subnet number bits as 1 and the host bits as 0. Therefore, in this example
the subnet mask becomes : . The hosts also need to know the subnet mask when
they send a packet. To find if two addresses are on the same subnet, we can AND source address


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with subnet mask, and destination address with with subnet mask, and see if the two results are
the same. The basic reason for sub netting was avoiding broadcast. But if at the lower level, our
switches are smart enough to send directed messages, then we do not need sub netting. However,
sub netting has some security related advantages. Supernetting
This is moving towards class-less addressing. We could say that the network number is 21 bits
( for 8 class C networks ) or say that it is 24 bits and 7 numbers following that. For example
:a.b.c.d / 21 This means only look at the first 21 bits as the network address.

Packet Structure

Version Header
Type of Service
Number Length Total Length (16 bits)
(8 bits)
(4 bits) (4 bits)
ID (16 bits) Flag Offset (13 bits)
Time To Live (8
Protocol (8 bits) Header Checksum (16 bits)
Source (32 bits)
Destination (32 bits)


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Routing Algorithms
Non-Hierarchical Routing
In this type of routing, interconnected networks are viewed as a single network, where bridges,
routers and gateways are just additional nodes.

 Every node keeps information about every other node in the network
 In case of adaptive routing, the routing calculations are done and updated for all the

The above two are also the disadvantages of non-hierarchical routing, since the table sizes and
the routing calculations become too large as the networks get bigger. So this type of routing is
feasible only for small networks.

Hierarchical Routing
This is essentially a 'Divide and Conquer' strategy. The network is divided into different regions
and a router for a particular region knows only about its own domain and other routers. Thus,
the network is viewed at two levels:

1. The Sub-network level, where each node in a region has information about its peers in
the same region and about the region's interface with other regions. Different regions
may have different 'local' routing algorithms. Each local algorithm handles the traffic
between nodes of the same region and also directs the outgoing packets to the
appropriate interface.
2. The Network Level, where each region is considered as a single node connected to its
interface nodes. The routing algorithms at this level handle the routing of packets
between two interface nodes, and is isolated from intra-regional transfer.

Networks can be organized in hierarchies of many levels; e.g. local networks of a city at one
level, the cities of a country at a level above it, and finally the network of all nations.

In Hierarchical routing, the interfaces need to store information about:

 All nodes in its region which are at one level below it.
 Its peer interfaces.
 At least one interface at a level above it, for outgoing packages.

Advantages of Hierarchical Routing :

 Smaller sizes of routing tables.

 Substantially lesser calculations and updates of routing tables.

Disadvantage :

 Once the hierarchy is imposed on the network, it is followed and possibility of direct
paths is ignored. This may lead to sub optimal routing.

Source Routing
Source routing is similar in concept to virtual circuit routing. It is implemented as under:

 Initially, a path between nodes wishing to communicate is found out, either by flooding
or by any other suitable method.
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 This route is then specified in the header of each packet routed between these two nodes.
A route may also be specified partially, or in terms of some intermediate hops.


 Bridges do not need to lookup their routing tables since the path is already specified in
the packet itself.
 The throughput of the bridges is higher, and this may lead to better utilization of
bandwidth, once a route is established.


 Establishing the route at first needs an expensive search method like flooding.
 To cope up with dynamic relocation of nodes in a network, frequent updates of tables
are required, else all packets would be sent in wrong direction. This too is expensive.

Policy Based Routing

In this type of routing, certain restrictions are put on the type of packets accepted and sent. e.g..
The IIT- K router may decide to handle traffic pertaining to its departments only, and reject
packets from other routes. This kind of routing is used for links with very low capacity or for
security purposes.

Shortest Path Routing

Here, the central question dealt with is 'How to determine the optimal path for routing ?' Various
algorithms are used to determine the optimal routes with respect to some predetermined criteria.
A network is represented as a graph, with its terminals as nodes and the links as edges. A 'length'
is associated with each edge, which represents the cost of using the link for transmission. Lower
the cost, more suitable is the link. The cost is determined depending upon the criteria to be
optimized. Some of the important ways of determining the cost are:

 Minimum number of hops: If each link is given a unit cost, the shortest path is the one
with minimum number of hops. Such a route is easily obtained by a breadth first search
method. This is easy to implement but ignores load, link capacity etc.
 Transmission and Propagation Delays: If the cost is fixed as a function of
transmission and propagation delays, it will reflect the link capacities and the
geographical distances. However these costs are essentially static and do not consider
the varying load conditions.
 Queuing Delays: If the cost of a link is determined through its queuing delays, it takes
care of the varying load conditions, but not of the propagation delays.

Ideally, the cost parameter should consider all the above mentioned factors, and it should be
updated periodically to reflect the changes in the loading conditions. However, if the routes are
changed according to the load, the load changes again. This feedback effect between routing
and load can lead to undesirable oscillations and sudden swings.

Routing Algorithms
As mentioned above, the shortest paths are calculated using suitable algorithms on the graph
representations of the networks. Let the network be represented by graph G ( V, E ) and let the
number of nodes be 'N'. For all the algorithms discussed below, the costs associated with the
links are assumed to be positive. A node has zero cost w.r.t itself. Further, all the links are
assumed to be symmetric, i.e. if di,j = cost of link from node i to node j, then d i,j = d j,i . The
graph is assumed to be complete. If there exists no edge between two nodes, then a link of
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infinite cost is assumed. The algorithms given below find costs of the paths from all nodes to a
particular node; the problem is equivalent to finding the cost of paths from a source to all

Bellman-Ford Algorithm
This algorithm iterates on the number of edges in a path to obtain the shortest path. Since the
number of hops possible is limited (cycles are implicitly not allowed), the algorithm terminates
giving the shortest path.

Algorithm :

Initial condition : D[ i, 0] = infinity, for all i ( i != 1 )

Iteration : D[i, h+1] = min { di,j + D[j,h] } over all values of j .

Termination : The algorithm terminates when

D[i, h] = D [ i, h+1] for all i .

For zero hops, the minimum length path has length of infinity, for every node. For one hop the
shortest-path length associated with a node is equal to the length of the edge between that node
and node 1. Hereafter, we increment the number of hops allowed, (from h to h+1 ) and find out
whether a shorter path exists through each of the other nodes. If it exists, say through node
'j', then its length must be the sum of the lengths between these two nodes (i.e. di,j ) and the
shortest path between j and 1 obtainable in upto h paths. If such a path doesn't exist, then the
path length remains the same. The algorithm is guaranteed to terminate, since there are utmost
N nodes, and so N-1 paths. It has time complexity of O ( N3 ) .

Dijkstra's Algorithm

Di = Length of shortest path from node 'i' to node 1.

di,j = Length of path between nodes i and j .

Each node j is labeled with Dj, which is an estimate of cost of path from node j to node 1.
Initially, let the estimates be infinity, indicating that nothing is known about the paths. We now
iterate on the length of paths, each time revising our estimate to lower values, as we obtain them.
Actually, we divide the nodes into two groups ; the first one, called set P contains the nodes
whose shortest distances have been found, and the other Q containing all the remaining nodes.
Initially P contains only the node 1. At each step, we select the node that has minimum cost
path to node 1. This node is transferred to set P. At the first step, this corresponds to shifting
the node closest to 1 in P. Its minimum cost to node 1 is now known. At the next step, select the
next closest node from set Q and update the labels corresponding to each node using :

Dj = min [ Dj , Di + dj,i ]

Finally, after N-1 iterations, the shortest paths for all nodes are known, and the algorithm


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Let the closest node to 1 at some step be i. Then i is shifted to P. Now, for each node j , the
closest path to 1 either passes through i or it doesn't. In the first case Dj remains the same. In
the second case, the revised estimate of Dj is the sum Di + di,j . So we take the minimum of
these two cases and update Dj accordingly. As each of the nodes get transferred to set P, the
estimates get closer to the lowest possible value. When a node is transferred, its shortest path
length is known. So finally all the nodes are in P and the Dj 's represent the minimum costs. The
algorithm is guaranteed to terminate in N-1 iterations and its complexity is O( N2 ).

The Floyd Warshall Algorithm

This algorithm iterates on the set of nodes that can be used as intermediate nodes on paths. This
set grows from a single node ( say node 1 ) at start to finally all the nodes of the graph. At each
iteration, we find the shortest path using given set of nodes as intermediate nodes, so that finally
all the shortest paths are obtained.

Suppose the shortest path between i and j using nodes 1,2,...n is known. Now, if node n+1 is
allowed to be an intermediate node, then the shortest path under new conditions either passes
through node n+1 or it doesn't. If it does not pass through the node n+1, then Di,j[n+1] is same
as Di,j[n] . Else, we find the cost of the new route, which is obtained from the sum, Di,n+1[n] +
Dn+1,j[n]. So we take the minimum of these two cases at each step. After adding all the nodes
to the set of intermediate nodes, we obtain the shortest paths between all pairs of nodes
together. The complexity of Floyd-Warshall algorithm is O ( N3 ).

It is observed that all the three algorithms mentioned above give comparable performance,
depending upon the exact topology of the network.

Address Resolution Protocol
If a machine talks to another machine in the same network, it requires its physical or MAC
address. But ,since the application has given the destination's IP address it requires some
mechanism to bind the IP address with its MAC address.This is done through Address
Resolution protocol (ARP).IP address of the destination node is broadcast and the destination
node informs the source of its MAC address.

1. Assume broadcast nature of LAN

2. Broadcast IP address of the destination
3. Destination replies it with its MAC address.
4. Source maintains a cache of IP and MAC address bindings

But this means that every time machine A wants to send packets to machine B, A has to send
an ARP packet to resolve the MAC address of B and hence this will increase the traffic load too
much, so to reduce the communication cost computers that use ARP maintains a cache of
recently acquired IP_to_MAC address bindings, i.e. they dont have to use ARP repeatedly. ARP
Refinements Several refinements of ARP are possible: When machine A wants to send packets
to macine B, it is possible that machine B is going to send packets to machine A in the near
future.So to avoid ARP for machine B, A should put its IP_to_MAC address binding in the
special packet while requesting for the MAC address of B. Since A broadcasts its initial request
for the MAC address of B, every machine on the network should extract and store in its cache
the IP_to_MAC address binding of A When a new machine appears on the network (e.g. when
an operating system reboots) it can broadcast its IP_to_MAC address binding so that all other
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machines can store it in their caches. This will eliminate a lot of ARP packets by all other
machines, when they want to communicate with this new machine.

Example displaying the use of Address Resolution Protocol:

Consider a scenario where a computer tries to contact some remote machine using ping program,
assuming that there has been no exchange of IP datagrams previously between the two machines
and therefore arp packet must be sent to identify the MAC address of the remote machine.

The arp request message (who is A.A.A.A tell B.B.B.B where the two are IP addresses) is
broadcast on the local area network with an Ethernet protocol type 0x806. The packet is
discarded by all the machines except the target machine which responds with an arp response
message (A.A.A.A is hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh where hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh is the Ethernet source
address). This packet is unicast to the machine with IP address B.B.B.B. Since the arp request
message included the hardware address (Ethernet source address) of the requesting computer,
target machine doesn't require another arp message to figure it out.

Reverse Address Resolution Protocol

RARP is a protocol by which a physical machine in a local area network can request to learn its
IP address from a gateway server's Address Resolution Protocol table or cache. This is needed
since the machine may not have permanently attacded disk where it can store its IP address
permanently. A network administrator creates a table in a local area network's gateway router
that maps the physical machine (or Medium Access Control - MAC) addresses to corresponding
Internet Protocol addresses. When a new machine is set up, its RARP client program requests
from the RARP server on the router to be sent its IP address. Assuming that an entry has been
set up in the router table, the RARP server will return the IP address to the machine which can
store it for future use.

Detailed Mechanism

Both the machine that issues the request and the server that responds use physical network
addresses during their brief communication. Usually, the requester does not know the physical
address. So, the request is broadcasted to all the machines on the network. Now, the requester
must identify istelf uniquely to the server. For this either CPU serial number or the machine's
physical network address can be used. But using the physical address as a unique id has two

 These addresses are always available and do not have to be bound into bootstrap code.
 Because the identifying information depends on the network and not on the CPU vendor,
all machines on a given network will supply unique identifiers.

Like an ARP message, a RARP message is sent from one machine to the another encapsulated
in the data portion of a network frame. An ethernet frame carrying a RARP request has the usual
preamle, Ethernet source and destination addresses, and packet type fields in front of the frame.
The frame conatins the value 8035 (base 16) to identify the contents of the frame as a RARP
message. The data portion of the frame contains the 28-octet RARP message. The sender
braodcasts a RARP request that specifies itself as both the sender and target machine, and
supplies its physical network address in the target hardware address field. All machines on the
network receive the request, but only those authorised to supply the RARP services process the


Course File
request and send a reply, such machines are known informally as RARP servers. For RARP to
succeed, the network must contain at least one RARP server.

Servers answers request by filling in the target protocol address field, changing the message
type from request to reply, and sending the reply back directly to the machine making the

Timing RARP Transactions

Since RARP uses the physical network directly, no other protocol software will time the
response or retransmit the request. RARP software must handle these tasks. Some workstations
that rely on RARP to boot, choose to retry indefinitely until the receive a response. Other
implementations announce failure after only a few tries to avoid flooding the network with
unnecessary broadcast.

Mulitple RARP Servers

Advantage: More reliability. Diadvantage: Overloading may result when all servers respond.
So, to get away with disadvantage we have primary and secondary servers. Each machine that
makes RARP request is assigned a primary server. Normally, the primary server responds but
if it fails, then requester may time out and rebroadcast the request.Whenever a secondary server
receives a second copy of the request within a short time of the first, it responds. But, still there
might be a problem that all secondary servers respond, thus overloading the network. So, the
solution adopted is to avoid having all secondary servers transmit responses simultaneously.
Each secondary server that receives the request computes a random delay and then sends a

Drawbacks of RARP

 Since it operates at low level, it requires direct addresss to the network which makes it
difficult for an application programmer to build a server.
 It doesn't fully utilizes the capability of a network like ethernet which is enforced to send
a minimum packet size since the reply from the server contains only one small piece of
information, the 32-bit internet address.

RARP is formally described in RFC903.

This protocol discusses a mechanism that gateways and hosts use to communicate control or
error information.The Internet protocol provides unreliable,connectionless datagram
service,and that a datagram travels from gateway to gateway until it reaches one that can deliver
it directly to its final destination. If a gateway cannot route or deliver a datagram,or if the
gateway detects an unusual condition, like network congestion, that affects its ability to forward
the datagram, it needs to instruct the original source to take action to avoid or correct the
problem. The Internet Control Message Protocol allows gateways to send error or control
messages to other gateways or hosts;ICMP provides communication between the Internet
Protocol software on one machine and the Internet Protocol software on another. This is a special
purpose message mechanism added by the designers to the TCP/IP protocols. This is to allow
gateways in an internet to report errors or provide information about unexpecter circumstances.
The IP protocol itself contains nothing to help the sender test connectivity or learn about
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Error Reportingvs Error Correction

ICMP only reports error conditions to the original source; the source must relate errors to
individual application programs and take action to correct problems. It provides a way for
gateway to report the error It does not fully specify the action to be taken for each possible error.
ICMP is restricted to communicate with the original source but not intermediate sources.

Transport Layer Protocol

What is TCP?

TCP was specifically designed to provide a reliable end to end byte stream over an unreliable
internetwork. Each machine supporting TCP has a TCP transport entity either a user process or
part of the kernel that manages TCP streams and interface to IP layer. A TCP entity accepts user
data streams from local processes, breaks them up into pieces not exceeding 64KB and sends
each piece as a separate IP datagram. Client Server mechanism is not necessary for TCP to
behave properly.

The IP layer gives no guarantee that datagram will be delivered properly, so it is up to TCP to
timeout and retransmit, if needed. Duplicate, lost and out of sequence packets are handled using
the sequence number, acknowledgements, retransmission, timers, etc to provide a reliable
service. Connection is a must for this service.Bit errors are taken care of by the CRC checksum.


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One difference from usual sequence numbering is that each byte is given a number instead of
each packet. This is done so that at the time of transmission in case of loss, data of many small
packets can be combined together to get a larger packet, and hence smaller overhead.

TCP connection is a duplex connection. That means there is no difference between two sides
once the connection is established.

TCP Connection establishment

The "three-way handshake" is the procedure used to establish a connection. This procedure
normally is initiated by one TCP and responded to by another TCP. The procedure also works
if two TCP simultaneously initiate the procedure. When simultaneous attempt occurs, each TCP
receives a "SYN" segment which carries no acknowledgment after it has sent a "SYN". Of
course, the arrival of an old duplicate "SYN" segment can potentially make it appear, to the
recipient, that a simultaneous connection initiation is in progress. Proper use of "reset" segments
can disambiguate these cases.

The three-way handshake reduces the possibility of false connections. It is the implementation
of a trade-off between memory and messages to provide information for this checking.

The simplest three-way handshake is shown in figure below. The figures should be interpreted
in the following way. Each line is numbered for reference purposes. Right arrows (-->) indicate
departure of a TCP segment from TCP A to TCP B, or arrival of a segment at B from A. Left
arrows (<--), indicate the reverse. Ellipsis (...) indicates a segment which is still in the network
(delayed). TCP states represent the state AFTER the departure or arrival of the segment (whose
contents are shown in the center of each line). Segment contents are shown in abbreviated form,
with sequence number, control flags, and ACK field. Other fields such as window, addresses,
lengths, and text have been left out in the interest of clarity.

Simultaneous initiation is only slightly more complex, as is shown in figure below. Each TCP


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The first two figures show how a three way handshake deals with problems of duplicate/delayed
connection requests and duplicate/delayed connection acknowledgements in the network.The
third figure highlights the problem of spoofing associated with a two way handshake.

Connection Establish

 The sender sends a SYN packet with serquencenumvber say 'x'.

 The receiver on receiving SYN packet responds with SYN packet with sequence number
'y' and ACK with seq number 'x+1'
 On receiving both SYN and ACK packet, the sender responds with ACK packet with
seq number 'y+1'
 The receiver when receives ACK packet, initiates the connection.

Connection Release


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 The initiator sends a FIN with the current sequence and acknowledgement number.
 The responder on receiving this informs the application program that it will receive no
more data and sends an acknowledgement of the packet. The connection is now closed
from one side.
 Now the responder will follow similar steps to close the connection from its side. Once
this is done the connection will be fully closed.


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