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A, an and the are called Articles. The articles are of the nature of adjectives as they point out or particularise nouns.
But while most adjectives have degrees of comparison, the articles do not admit of comparison, nor can they be used
predicatively as most adjectives can be. [ A, an Ges the ‡K Article e‡j| Article ¸‡jv ¯^fve I cÖK…wZi w`K w`‡q
Adjective KviY Zviv Noun †K we‡klfv‡e wb‡©`k K‡i | Zv‡`i †Kvb Degree of comparison ‡bB wKš‘ AwaKvsk
Adjective Gi Degree of comparison i‡q‡Q | ZvQviv Predicative wn‡m‡e Giv e¨eüZ n‡Z cv‡ibv wKš‘ AwaKvsk
adjective predicative-verb Gi c‡i em‡Z cv‡i | In English, the nouns often take articles before them.

There are two kinds of articles:

(a) Indefinite article and
(b) Definite article.
Indefinite Article
A and An are called Indefinite Articles because they do not point out a particular person or thing. Generally they are
used only before singular countable nouns. [A Ges An ‡K Indefinite article ejv nq KviY Zviv †Kvb wbw`©ó e¨w³
ev e¯‘‡K wb‡`k K‡ibv | mvaviYZ: Zviv singular countable noun Gi c~‡e© e‡m | ]

D`vniY ¯^iƒc:
A man means any man. An egg means any egg. A book means any book.
Definite Article
The is called the Definite Article because it always points out a particular person or thing. It can be used before
singular or plural nouns, whether countable or uncountable. [ The ‡K Definite Article ejv nq KviY GwU †Kvb
wbw`©ó e¯‘ wKsev e¨w³‡K wb‡`©k K‡i | GUv singular ev plural Gi c~‡e© em‡Z cv‡i, Avevi †m noun countable ev
uncountable I n‡Z cv‡i|
D`vniY ¯^iƒc:
The book means the particular book. The boy means the particular boy. The bird means the particular bird.
Articles Gi Ae¯’vbt
Articles mvaviYZ noun/noun group Gi c~‡e© e‡m|
Example: the last few days, a really good concert
The article a is used before a consonant or a sounded h and before u and other vowels having the original sound of u,
while an is used before vowels and before a silent h or also before consonants having vowel sounds at the beginning.
[Consonant ev DPPvwiZ h Gi c~‡e© indefinite article a e‡m| Vowel Gi DPPviY hw` ÕBDÕ A_ev IqvÕi gZ
DPPvwiZ nq Zvn‡j Zvi c~‡e© a e‡m| Vowel Ges AbyPPvwiZ h Gi c~‡e© an e‡m| ZvQviv consonant Gi c~‡e©I an
e‡m †h¸‡jvi ïi“‡Z vowel sound i‡q‡Q|

A An
a boy, a girl an army,
a horse, a cow an eagle, an inkpot
a hope an uproar,
a hotel, a hospital an ass, an owl, an infant
a university, a unit an hour, an heir
a European an honest man
a ewe, a useful thing an honorary magistrate
a one-rupee note an egg, an H.E. School, an M.A.
a one-sided statement an aim, an idiot
a union an F. R. C.S.
a usurper an historical work or novel
a eulogistic speech


(i) mvgwMÖK RvwZ eySv‡Z singular noun Gi c~‡e© a/an (GgbwK the) e‡m|
Indefinite article: A cow is a domestic animal. (any cow/all cows)
An elephant is a large animal. (any elephant/all elephant). wecixZµ‡g,

Definite Article: The cow is a domestic animal. (any cow/all cows)
Zero Article: Cows are domestic animals. (any cow/ all cows) Plural noun n‡j †Kvb article e‡mbv|
(ii) Proper noun Gi mv‡_ Zzjbv eySv‡Z proper noun Gi c~‡e© a/an e‡m|
You are a Nazrul I see.

(iii) AcwiwPZ (ˆRbK) e¨w³i bvg ev c`exi c~‡e© a/an e‡m|

A Mr. Chowdhury asked me about you.
An Afzal Hossain helped the man.
(iv) ‡Kvb single countable noun cÖ_gevi D‡jL Kivi mgq Gi c~‡e© a/an e‡m|
I have a grammar book.
He is an ideal teacher.
(v) A single (GKRb) ev any (‡Kvb) A_© cÖKvk Kivi Rb¨ a/an e‡m|
I have not a friend to help me. (A friend= a single friend/ any friend)
(vi) Each ev per A‡_© a/an e‡m|
The train runs 80 kilometres an hour. (An hour= per hour)
He comes twice a week. (A week=each week)
(vii) Dozen, hundred thousand, million BZ¨vw`i c~‡e© a e‡m|
I bought a dozen of eggs.
There were a hundred students.
(viii) Superlative ‘most’ Gi A_© very ev Lye †ewk eySv‡j most Gi c~‡e© the bv e‡m a em‡e|
He leads a most unhappy life. (Most=very)

(ix) wKQz wKQz word ‡hgb cough, headache, cold, temper, rage, hurry, interest Gi c~‡e© a/an e‡m|
I have a cough.
He has a headache.
He is in a temper.
You have a cold.
They took an interest in it.
He flew into a rage.
(x) Number of, amount of, lot of, good deal, great deal, good man, great many, few, little BZ¨vw`i c~‡e© a/an
I have a number of/ a lot of/good many/ few\ books.

(xi) What, half, many, such, rather BZ¨vw` †Kvb Noun †K modify Ki‡j H Noun Gi c~‡e© a/an e‡m|
I want such a thing.
What an honest man he is!
I have half a loaf.
Many a boy has failed.
It is rather a hard sum.
It was quite an easy task.

(xii) As, so, too, how BZ¨vw` adverb ‡Kvb adjective ‡K modify Ki‡j adjective Gi ci a/an e‡m|
He is as tall a boy as you.
How nice a bird it was!
He was too honest a man to tell lies.
It is not so good an idea.

(xiii) ‡Kvb †Kvb mgq Preposition wn‡m‡e on A‡_© a e‡m|

He went a hunting. (on hunting)
They have gone a fishing. (on fishing)
Use of ‘The’

Rules Examples
1. wbw`©ó GK ev GKvwaK e¨w³ ev e¯‘ eySv‡Z definite The man standing in front of you is a doctor.
article wn‡m‡e ‘the’ e¨eüZ nq| The water of this pond is dirty.
2. mgMÖ †kªYx ev RvwZ‡K eySv‡j singular common The cow is a domestic animal.
noun Gi c~‡e© definite article wn‡m‡e ‘the’ e¨eüZ nq| The English are brave.
3. b`x, ce©Zgvjv, mvMi, DcmvMi, gi“f~wg, Øxcc~Á The Padma is a large river.
BZ¨vw` bv‡gi c~‡e© definite article wn‡m‡e ‘the’ We crossed the Atlantic Ocean.
e¨eüZ nq| This is the Bay of Bengal.

The Himalayas are covered with ice.
The Sahara is a desert.
The Andamans are a group of islands.
4. weL¨vZ AÆvwjKv, ivR‰bwZK `j Ges mgª`v‡qi The Empire State Building is in London.
bv‡gi c~‡e© definite article wn‡m‡e ‘the’ e¨eüZ nq| The Congress is a political party.
India is populated with the Hindus.
5. †Kvb RvwZi bv‡gi c~‡e definite article wn‡m‡e ‘the’ The English are brave.
e¨eüZ nq| The Bangladeshis are hospitable.
6. weL¨vZ Mªš’ Ges msev`c‡Îi bv‡gi c~‡e© definite She recites from the holy Quran.
article wn‡m‡e ‘the’ e¨eüZ nq| The Observer is a daily newspaper.
7. RvnvR, D‡ovRvnvR, †Uªb BZ¨vw`i bv‡gi c~‡e© The Titanic sank forever.
definite article wn‡m‡e ‘the’ e¨eüZ nq| The Boeing- 747 arrived at Zia International Airport.
The Upakul Express reached Noakhali yesterday in time.
8. µwgK msL¨v Ges gv‡mi Zvwi‡Li c~‡e© definite She secured the first position in this examination.
article wn‡m‡e ‘the’ e¨eüZ nq| He was born on the 26th December, 1974.
9. ¸i“Z¡c~b© HwZnvwmK NUbvi c~‡e© definite article She witnessed the 2nd World War.
wn‡m‡e ‘the’ e¨eüZ nq| The French revolution changed the appearance of France.
10. adjective Øviv mgv‡Ri †Kvb we‡kl †kªYx ev †Mvôx The poor are hated by the rich.
wb‡`©wkZ n‡j Zvi c~‡e© definite article wn‡m‡e ‘the’ The brave come out successful.
e¨eüZ nq|
11. Proper Noun w`‡q Zzjbv eySv‡j Zvi c~‡e© definite Narayangonj is the Dundee of Bangladesh.
article wn‡m‡e ‘the’ e¨eüZ nq| G †¶‡Î Proper Noun Gi ci Nazrul is the Byron of Bangladesh.
prepositional Phrase _v‡K|
12. eY©bvg~jK †fŠMwjK bv‡gi c~‡e© definite article The Punjab is supposed to be enriched with agricultural
wn‡m‡e ‘the’ e¨eüZ nq| goods.
The Deccan is situated in the south India.
13. superlative degree Gi c~‡e© definite article wn‡m‡e It is the cheapest dish on the menu.
‘the’ e¨eüZ nq| He is the bravest man in our locality.
14. wbw`©ófv‡e eySv‡j material wKsev abstract noun Gi The kindness of Mohsin is known to all.
c~‡e© definite article wn‡m‡e ‘the’ e¨eüZ nq| The gold of this ring is pure.
The water of the river Modhumoti is clean.
15. Comparative degree Gi A_© hZ___ ZZ Ggb eySv‡j The more you read, the more you learn.
Zvi cy‡e© definite article wn‡m‡e ‘the’ e¨eüZ nq| The sooner, the better.
16. †Kvb Noun †K we‡kl ¸i“Z¡ w`‡Z definite article He is the singer of the nation.
wn‡m‡e ‘the’ e¨eüZ nq| She is the messenger of the day.
17. w`‡Ki c~‡e© definite article wn‡m‡e ‘the’ e¨eüZ nq| The sun is rises in the east.
18. †h Noun c~e©eZx© †Kvb noun/noun phrase/clause Yesterday I bought a pen but the pen did not write well.
‡K Cw½Z K‡i H Noun Gi c~‡e© The e‡m|
19. †h Noun Gi ci †Kvb clause _v‡K H Noun Gi c~‡e© The boy, who came here, is my brother.
The e‡m| G †¶‡Î mvaviYZ H clause wU Kgv w`‡q
Avjv`v Kiv _v‡K|
20. †Kvb †Kvb mgq A½ Gi c~‡e© possessive adjective I caught him by the neck. (The=his)
( my, our, your, his, her, their, its BZ¨vw` ) Gi cwie‡Z© He pulled the cat by the tail. (the= its)
The e‡m| The man pulled the boy by the ear.
21. Adjective hw` Noun Gi KvR K‡i Z‡e H adjective Gi The child likes the yellow of an egg. (The yellow =
c~‡e© ‘the’ e¨eüZ nq| wW‡gi njy` Ask)
We entered the thick (thick part) of the forest.
22. Adjective, adjectival phrase, ‡Kvb proper noun Gi Akbar the great was an emperor of Delhi.
Av‡M ev c‡i _vK‡j G‡`i c~‡e© the e¨envi Kiv nq| The immortal Kalidas was a pundit.
23. c„w_ex, m~h©, P›`ª, AvKvk, b¶Î, w`K BZ¨vw`i The earth, the sun, the moon, the sky, the west.
c~‡e© ‘the’ e¨eüZ nq|
24. Of the two Gi D‡jL ev Bw½Z mn `Õy‡qi g‡a¨ Zyjbv Mousumi is the taller of the two girls.
eySv‡Z Comparative Degree Gi c~‡e© the e‡m| Of the two boys, Abrar is the younger.
25. †h mKj Collective Noun Øviv †ckv eySvq Zvi They will join the bar. He will join the army. It is the
c~‡e© the e‡m| responsibility of the press.
26. Road Gi bv‡gi c~‡e© the e‡m wKš‘ street/avenue Gi I was going along the Abdul Gani Road. He has a shop on
c~‡e© the e‡mbv| Manik Mia Avenue.
27. ev`¨hš¿ evRv‡j Zvi c~‡e© the e‡m| Ab¨_vq a/an e‡m| He plays the guitar. He has a guitar.
28. mgwóevPK †`‡ki bv‡gi c~‡e© ‘the’ e¨eüZ nq| The United States of America. (The USA), The United

Kingdom. (The UK)
29. Common Noun Ges Adjective hw` Abstract idea The mother(motherly feelings) rose in her.
cÖKvk K‡i Z‡e G‡`i c~‡e© ‘the’ e¨eüZ nq| Check the beast (beastly nature) in you.

Omission of Article

Rules Examples
1. Uncountable Noun Gi c~‡e© mvavibZ Article e¨eüZ I am fond of x tea.
nqbv| She likes x hot milk.

2. Proper Noun Gi c~‡e© mvavibZ Article e¨eüZ nqbv| X Banglaesh is rich in natural gas.
She lives in x Dhaka.
3. Material Noun Gi c~‡e© mvavibZ Article e¨eüZ nqbv| x Iron is a useful metal.
x Gold is a precious metal.
4. Abstract Noun Gi c~‡e© mvavibZ Article e¨eüZ nqbv| X Honesty is the best policy.
x Forgiveness is a great virtue.
5. D`¨vb, feb, moK, we`¨vjq, gnvwe`¨vjq, nvmcvZvj, He goes to x college everyday.
†gvo, evRv‡ii bv‡gi c~‡e© mvavibZ Article e¨eüZ nqbv| They went to x university yesterday.
She reached x Kaptan Bazar.
6. mgMÖ RvwZ eySv‡j Plural Noun Gi c~‡e© mvavibZ x Tigers are ferocious animals.
Article e¨eüZ nqbv| x Cows are gentle animals.
7. mvaviY A‡_© Lvev‡ii bv‡gi c~‡e© mvavibZ Article She invite you to x dinner.
e¨eüZ nqbv| I shall invite you to x lunch.
8. †Ljvi bv‡gi c~‡e© mvavibZ Article e¨eüZ nqbv| He can play x football.
You can’t play x cricket.
9. w`b I gv‡mi bv‡gi c~‡e© mvavibZ Article e¨eüZ X January is the first month of the year.
nqbv| x Friday is a government holiday.
10. Drm‡ei bv‡gi c~‡e© mvavibZ Article e¨eüZ nqbv| X Eid-Ul-Fitre is the biggest religious festival of the
X Christmas is the religious festival of the Christians.
11. we‡kl Phrase Gi c~‡e© mvavibZ Article e¨eüZ nqbv| They live x from hand to mouth.
She left the place x bag and baggage.
12. ïay Adjective Gi c~‡e© mvavibZ Article e¨eüZ nqbv| I am x innocent.
He is x honest.
13. g~L¨ D‡Ï‡k¨ school, college, hospital, market, He goes to x college.
prison, mosque, sea, temple, church, court, bed BZ¨vw` My father went to the college to see my principal.
¯’vb e¨eüZ n‡j G‡`i c~‡e© mvavibZ Article e¨eüZ nqbv|
14. Proper Noun Gi ci c`ex †`qv _vK‡j Zvi c~‡e© Article Mr. Hafiz, x professor of English, is a very kind man.
e¨eüZ nqbv|
15. mvavibZ c`ex wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ kã complement They made me x captain.
wn‡m‡e em‡j Zvi c~‡e© Article e¨eüZ nqbv| We elected him x chairman.
16. ce©Zgvjv ev Øxcc~†Ái bv‡gi c~‡e© the em‡jI Mount Everest, St Martin, Hatiya, Cape of Good
GKwUgvÎ ce©Z ev Øx‡ci bv‡gi c~‡e© the e‡mbv| G Hope(DËgvkv Aš—ixc), Lake Baikal.
QvovI Aš—ixc (cape) ev n«` (lake) Gi bv‡gi c~‡e©
Article e¨eüZ nqbv|

Kabir Ahmed, Lecturer in English, Mohammadpur Preparatory Girls’ College, Formerly, Mirzapur & Sylhet Cadet College, Contact: 01713330222,

Article: Practice sheet

1. He saw .......most wonderful sight. 41. Check ...... beast in you.
2. Ceylon is ...... island. 42. Dhaka is .. London of Bangladesh.
3. Don't tell .....lie. 43. Don't make .... noise.
4. Don't go out for .... walk. 44. Does he not drive .... car?
5. Draw ..... picture of...... owl. 45. .......... English are hard working.
6. ..... earth moves round the sun. 46. .......... earlier,......... better.
7. Give me ..... one-taka note. 47. The Tajmahal is ..... beauty.
8. Gold is ....... precious metal. 48. God helps ..... weak.
9. He is ..... S.S.C. candidate. 49. We respect...... honest.
10. Mr. Zaman is ....... unpopular man. 50. Nazrul is ... Shelley of our country.
11. He seems to be ...... idiot. 51. ......... Hindus read ....... Ramayan.
12. He is ....... D.C 52. My father is ....... Ph.D.
13. He is ...... captain of our class. 53. He struck me on .......... head.
14. He bought........... X-ray machine. 54. This is ...... better of..... two.
15. Honesty is ......... great virtue. 55. I have ......... few friends here.
16. I do not like ......... idle man. 56. I met him ......... year ago.
17. I bought......... dozen of oranges. 57. It cost me ten taka and ......... half.
18. It is ......... hopeless case. 58. It is ......... fact.
19. Italy is ......... European country. 59. Iqbal was ......... eminent poet.
20. Is he driving ......... car? 60. ........ idle man can’t prosper in life.
21. I shall start on ......... 10th June. 61. 1 have ......... bad headache.
22. Let us have ......... walk now. 62. Let me have ......... cup of tea.
23. Let us make ......... united effort. 63. Let us meet in ......... park.
24. Kindness is ......... great virtue. 64. .......... lion is ......... beast of prey.
25. Mr. Ahmed is ......... M.P. 65. Mr. Salam left for ......... U.K.
26. My brother is ......... engineer. 66. ......... orange is a good fruit.
27. Don't keep him in ......... dark. 67. ........ rich should not hate ..... poor.
28. .......... rice of Barisal is fine. 68. She ate ......... apple.
29. She reads ......... Bangladesh observer. 69. She is ......... innocent girl.
30. ......... Shahnama is a great epic. 70. Soon ......... game came to .... end.
31. He pulled ......... cat by ......... tail. 71. This is ......... usage of our locality.
32. This is not......... easy task. 72. He gave them .........good breakfast.
33. This is ......... wonderful picture. 73. This is ......... slip of...... tongue.
34. This is ......... latest news. 74. He reads ......... book.
35. .......... girl in blue Sari is my sister. 75. He is ......... L.L.B.
36. He was ..... uncommon personality. 76. This is ....... unique case.
37. He spent....... hour with us. 77. I went out for ....... walk.
38. I caught him by ....... hand. 78. The 31st December is... end of... year
39. ........ people of this village are poor. 79. He is ....... honest man.
40. This is ....... book I gave you. 80. Mr. Rahman is ....... B.A.
Look at the following pairs of Sentences. Fill one blank of each
pair with a or an, and the other with the.
1. I wrote ...... letter to Rifat this morning.
Did I show you ...... letter I got from Reaz this morning?
2. My uncle works as ...... dentist in a hospital
Mr. Zaman is ...... dentist who lives next door to my parents.
3. Is there ..... bookshop at Farmgate ?
I bought this book from..... bookshop in the New Market.
4. Has anyone seen ....... newspaper I left in the class room?
I usually buy ...... newspaper on my way to office.
5. London is ...... biggest city in Britain.
Manchester is ...... big city in the north of England.
6. It's not easy to learn ...... foreign language.
Japanese is certainly ....... most difficult language to learn.
7. Shakespeare was ........ well known dramatist in English
Shakespeare was ......... writer who wrote many dramas.
8. The police are looking for ........ young man aged about 23.
........ young man the police are looking for is about 23.
9. Last night I saw .......... interesting TV programme about the
people of China.
I really enjoyed ......... programme about the people of China last

10. I learned to drive ......... car when I was eighteen.
11. Father, can I borrow ........ car tonight?

Article: Answer

1. He saw ..a/the..most wonderful sight. 41. Check ...the... beast in you.

2. Ceylon is island. 42. Dhaka is .the. London of Bangladesh.
3. Don't tell .a....lie. 43. Don't make ..a.. noise.
4. Don't go out for .a... walk. 44. Does he not drive ..a.. car?
5. Draw .a.... picture owl. 45. ....the...... English are hard working.
6. ...The.. earth moves round the sun. 46. ...The....... earlier,.....the.... better.
7. Give me .a.... one-taka note. 47. The Tajmahal is ...a.. beauty.
8. Gold is .a...... precious metal. 48. God helps ..the... weak.
9. He is S.S.C. candidate. 49. We respect...the... honest.
10. Mr. Zaman is .. an..... unpopular man. 50. Nazrul is .the.. Shelley of our country.
11. He seems to be idiot. 51. ...The...... Hindus read ...the.... Ramayan.
12. He is ...a.... D.C 52. My father is ...a.... Ph.D.
13. He is ..the.... captain of our class. 53. He struck me on ...the....... head.
14. He X-ray machine. 54. This is ..the.... better of...the.. two.
15. Honesty is .......a.. great virtue. 55. I have .....a.... few friends here.
16. I do not like idle man. 56. I met him ...a...... year ago.
17. I bought.....a.... dozen of oranges. 57. It cost me ten taka and ....a..... half.
18. It is ......a... hopeless case. 58. It is ......a... fact.
19. Italy is .....a.... European country. 59. Iqbal was eminent poet.
20. Is he driving ...a...... car? 60. ...An..... idle man can’t prosper in life.
21. I shall start on .....the.... 10th June. 61. 1 have ......a... bad headache.
22. Let us have ...a...... walk now. 62. Let me have .....a.... cup of tea.
23. Let us make ....a..... united effort. 63. Let us meet in ...the...... park.
24. Kindness is ....a..... great virtue. 64. ..The........ lion is .....a.... beast of prey.
25. Mr. Ahmed is M.P. 65. Mr. Salam left for .....the.... U.K.
26. My brother is engineer. 66. .X....... orange is a good fruit.
27. Don't keep him in .....the... dark. 67. .The....... rich should not hate ..the... poor.
28. ...The....... rice of Barisal is fine. 68. She ate apple.
29. She reads .....the.... Bangladesh observer. 69. She is innocent girl.
30. ..The....... Shahnama is a great epic. 70. Soon ....the..... game came to end.
31. He pulled .....a.... cat by ...the...... tail. 71. This is ....the..... usage of our locality.
32. This is easy task. 72. He gave them ....a.....good breakfast.
33. This is ....a..... wonderful picture. 73. This is ..the....... slip of...the.. tongue.
34. This is ....the..... latest news. 74. He reads .....a.... book.
35. The.......... girl in blue Sari is my sister. 75. He is L.L.B.
36. He was uncommon personality. 76. This is ..a..... unique case.
37. He hour with us. 77. I went out for ..a..... walk.
38. I caught him by ..the..... hand. 78. The 31st December is...the end of. a.. year
39. ..The...... people of this village are poor. 79. He is honest man.
40. This is .....the.. book I gave you. 80. Mr. Rahman is ...a.... B.A.

Look at the following pairs of Sentences. Fill one blank of each pair with a or an, and the other with the.
1. I wrote .a..... letter to Rifat this morning.
Did I show you ...the... letter I got from Reaz this morning?
2. My uncle works as ..a.... dentist in a hospital
Mr. Zaman is .a..... dentist who lives next door to my parents.
3. Is there ...a.. bookshop at Farmgate ?
I bought this book at...a.. bookshop in the New Market.
4. Has anyone seen .....the.. newspaper I left in the class room?
I usually buy ....a.. newspaper on my way to office.
5. London is ...the... biggest city in Britain.
Manchester is ..a.... big city in the north of England.
6. It's not easy to learn .a..... foreign language.
Japanese is certainly ...the.... most difficult language to learn.
7. Shakespeare was ...a..... well known dramatist in English literature.
Shakespeare was ......the... writer who wrote many dramas.
8. The police are looking for ..a...... young man aged about 23.
....The.... young man the police are looking for is about 23.
9. Last night I saw ....a...... interesting TV programme about the people of China.
I really enjoyed ....the..... programme about the people of China last night.
10. I learned to drive .....a.... car when I was eighteen.
11. Father, can I borrow ...the..... car tonight?

Article: Practice Sheet
1.(a) — infant often asks such (b) — uncommon question that even an aged (c) — man fails answer (d)—
question, (e) — intelligent man thinks over (f) — question. It is not (g) —easy matter to satisfy (h) —
inquisitive boy. An impatient (i) — man may grow angry with (j)— boy who always wants to know more.
2.(a) —— Bangladesh is (b) —— land of six seasons. Of all (c) —— seasons, I like (d) —— spring most. It
is called (e) —— queen of seasons. It comprises (f)— Bengali months of (g) — Falgoon and Chaitra. After
(h) — end of (i) —— winter, it comes with all its beauty and (j) —— charms.

3. Last week I was walking on (a) _ road in front of our house. I saw (b) _ old man sitting on the side of (c)
_ road, (d) __man had (e) _ box in his hand, (f) _ box was blue in colour. I went to him and talked to him.
He was (g) _ magician. He lived in (h) _ countryside. He had come to Dhaka a few days back to see (i) _
city. He said that he liked to visit (j) _ cities.

4. Everyone in (a) __ locality respects him. He comes of (b) ___ aristocratic family. He is also {c) __
university graduate. He graduated from (d) _ University of Dhaka with (e) __ record marks, he was a student
in (f) __ Department of English, He is (g) ___ asset of our (h) ___ institution. As (i) ___ individual, he is
also (j) —lovable character.

5. Today, Bangladesh faces (a)------ number of (b)----- problems. Of them , (c)---- population problem is
(d)---- most acute one. Population of a country can, no doubt, be (e)---- asset to (f)---- it. But if it fails to
provide its people with (g)---- suitable employment, they become (h)--- burden to it. It is only through
imparting (i)---- proper training to (j)--- unemployed that we can solve the acute problem of unemployment.

6. Socrates believed that (a) — angry man was more of (b) — beast than human being. He had a wife who
used to lose her temper on (c)— slightest excuse. One day (d) — woman got more furious and began to
insult him. He went out and sat on the door step of his (e)— house. He looked out on the public (f) — street.
The wife found that he was paying the least heed to her. So she began to pour hot writer on (g) — head of
Socrates. The passers by in (h) — street were much amused at (i) — incident. They had not seen such (j) —
incident before.

7. Money can not buy (a) —— happiness. Money is (b) —— must for our life. But it is not (c) —— thing
that necessarily brings our happiness. Happiness is absolutely (d) —— psychological thing. It is (e) ——
name of (f) —— feeling. It means (g) —— contentment of the mind. He who is (h) —— satisfied with
what he gets and contented his life is really happy. Happiness can not be purchased with (i) —— money. So
we see that the richest men of our society are not (j) —— happiest men.

8. Now a days terrorism has become (a)___major concern for (b)____ present civilization. Almost all (c)___
countries of the globe are directly or indirectly threatened by it. (d)___ 11 September had drawn our
countries attention and alertness on (e)___ facts that how within (f)___ short span of time the renowned
World Trade Centre became debris causing (g)___ death to thousands of innocent people without having
any awareness of their involvement in (h)___ tragic death. It also damaged (i)___ property worth billions of
dollars. The causes of (j)___ terrorism are not far to seek.

9. (a) —— ordinary garment worker in our country leads (b) —— very poor life. She goes to her office on
foot. Sometimes she gets on (c) —— crowded bus. She is (d) —— objects of other's pity. She does not work
in a congenial (e) —— atmosphere. She lives in (f) —— unhealthy atmosphere. Her living presents (g) ——
poor show. Her living (h) —— room is so small that she can not keep all her necessary things there. Though
she is ill (i) ——paid employee, she leads (j) —— independent life.

10. The Taj Mahal is surrounded by a beautiful (a) —-garden. There is (b) ——- long pool before the
building. One can see (c) —— beauty of the Taj in its reflection in (d) —— pool water. Visitors come to see
this wonderful building at different times of (e) —— day since it assumes different looks at different times.
However (f) —— construction of the Taj is not unknown to (g) —educated. Emperor Shahjahan built it as
(h) —— tomb for his wife. It is still one of (i) —— most beautiful (j) —— buildings in the world.

Exercise for practice

1. He saw ....most wonderful sight.

3. Ceylon is ...... island.
5. Don't tell .....lie.
7. Don't go out for .... walk.
9. Draw ..... picture of...... owl.
II...... earth moves round the sun.
13. Give me ..... one-taka note.
15. Gold is ....... precious metal.
17. He is ..... S.S.C. candidate.
19. Mr. Zaman is ....... unpopular man.
21. He seems to be ...... idiot.
23. He is ....... D.C
25. He is ...... captain of our class.
27. He bought........... X-ray machine.
29. Honesty is ......... great virtue.
31.1 do not like ......... idle man.
33.1 bought......... dozen of oranges.
35. It is ......... hopeless case.
37. Italy is ......... European country.
39. Is he driving ......... car?
41. 1 shall start on ......... 10th June.
43. Let us have ......... walk now.
45. Let us make ......... united effort.
47. Kindness is ......... great virtue.
49. Mr. Ahmed is ......... M.P.
51. My brother is ......... engineer.
53. Don't keep him in ......... dark.
55.......... rice of Barisal is fine.
57. She reads ......... Bangladesh observer.
59. ......... Shahnama is a great epic.
61. He pulled ......... cat by ......... tail.
63. This is not......... easy task.
65. This is ......... wonderful picture.
67. This is ......... latest news.
69.......... girl in blue Sari is my sister.
71. He was ..... uncommon personality.
73. He spent....... hour with us.
75.1 caught him by ....... hand.
77........ people of this village are poor.
79. This is ....... book I gave you.
2. Check ...... beast in you.
4. Dhaka is .. London of Bangladesh.
6. Don't make .... noise.
8. Does he not drive .... car?
10.......... English are hard working.
12.......... earlier,......... better.
14. The Tajmahal is ..... beauty.
16. God helps ..... weak.
18. We respect...... honest.
20. Nazrul is ... Shelley of our country. 22......... Hindus read ....... Ramayan.
24. My father is ....... Ph.D.
26. He struck me on .......... head.
28. This is ...... better of..... two.
30.1 have ......... few friends here.
32.1 met him ......... year ago.
34. It cost me ten taka and ......... half.
36. It is ......... fact.
38. Iqbal was ......... eminent poet.
40........ idle man cann't prosper in life.
42.1 have ......... bad headache.
44. Let me have ......... cup of tea.
46. Let us meet in ......... park.
48.......... lion is ......... beast of prey.
50. Mr. Salam left for ......... U.K.
52. ......... orange is a good fruit.
54........ rich should not hate ..... poor.
56. She ate ......... apple.
58. She is ......... innocent girl.
60. Soon ......... game came to .... end.
62. This is ......... usage of our locality.
64. He gave them .........good breakfast.
66. This is ......... slip of...... tongue.
68. He reads ......... book.
70. He is ......... L.L.B.
72. This is ....... unique case.
74.1 went out for ....... walk.
76. The 31st December is... end of... year
78. He is ....... honest man.
80. Mr. Rahman is ....... B.A.

(i) A or an is used in the sense of any to single out an individual as the representative of a class;
as, A student should obey his teacher. An ant is an industrious creature.

(ii) A or an is used in its original numerical sense of one( †gŠwjK msL¨v GK eySv‡Z); as,

Hundred paisas makes a taka.

A word to the wise is sufficient.

(iii) A or an is used in the sense of a certain ( ‡Kvb GK); as,

A Mr. Tony came to see me.

An unknown man came to my door.

(iv) A is used in the sense of the preposition on; as,

He went a hunting (=on hunting).

(v) A or an is used in a number of phrases; as,

in a temper, to take an interest in, in a hurry. ,

(vi) A is used before some determinatives iike few, little, lot of: as,

- 10 -
There are a few books on the table. There were a lot of students in the class. There is a little milk in the

(vii) A or an is used in certain exclamatory sentences beginning with 'what’ as,

What a nice bird it is!

What an awful comment to make!

USES OF THE DEFINITE ARTICLE: THE The Definite Article (the) is used
(1) to denote a particular person or thing:
The boy stood on the burning deck.
The book you want is out of print.

(2) to denote a class or kind of anything:

The cow is a useful animal The mother loves her child.

N.B. No article is normally used before man In the sense of mankind.

(3) as a substitute for possessive adjective (Possessive adjective- Gi cwie‡Z©):

Ruin stared him in the (his) face.

He struck me on the (rny) head.
(4) before a national name with a plural notion:
The English are industrious.

N.B. The is not used before the name of a nation if the name means the language of that nation.

The English are generous.

(5) before the names of ships: the Titanic, the Hijbul Baher.

(6) before the names of professions (‡ckv):

He joined the Bar. He joned the Police.

(7) before the names of rivers, seas, gulfs, oceans, mountain ranges, or group? of islands (not before a
single mountain or a single island):

the Padma, the Thames, the Atlantic, the Biack Sea, the Bay of Bengal, the Guif of Mexico, the Himalayas,
the Karakoram, the Andamans.

(8) before the names of sacred books.

the Quran, the Bible, the Geeta, the Vedas,
(9) before the names of newspapers:
The Times, the New Nation, the Ittefaq, the Statesman.
(10) before the unique things i.e. singular noun referring to things of which only one exists:
the sun, the moon, the sky, the earth

(11) before the superlative degree of adjectives:

the tallest boy, the greatest orator, the best speaker.

(12) before an adjective used as plural common noun:

The virtuous are happy.
We should do something for the poor.

(13) before descriptive geographical significant names (eY©bvg~jK †fŠMwjK bv‡gi c~‡e©):
the Punjab; the Deccan, the U.S.A., the U.K.

(14) before the dates of a month:

Our semester examination begins on the 10th of December.

- 11 -
N.B. Nowadays in writing the date the and of are omitted but in reading that date they are generally put in:
May 10th (The 10th of May,) 14th August (The fourteenth of August or August the fourteenth).

(15) before the ordinal numbers written in letters; but when written in Roman notation, no article
is used:
George the Fifth (but, George v);
the second chapter (but, chapter II).

(16) before the comparative degrees as adverbs: The more, the merrier. The more you read, the more you
N.B. The is used before comparatives as contrast: He is the cleverer of the two boys.
(17) before proper, material and abstract nouns to make them common:
Nazrul is the Byron of Bengal.
The water of the Modhumati is sweet.
Mary was the beauty of the town.
(18) before some adjectives and common nouns to express an abstract idea psff>i «m): The future
(=futurity) is unknown to us. Check the beast (=anima! nature) in you. The mother (=mother!y feelings) in
her could not bear the sight.
(19) before the name of a direction: the east, the west.
(20) before the piura! names of families: the Browns, the Boses, the Khans.
(21) before adjectives to denote particular part of things: He likes the yellow of an egg. He entered the thick
of the forest.
(22) before a noun to give it the force of a superlative: Runa Laila is the singer of the day.
(23) before a singular designation
the President, the Prime Minister, the Principal.

(24) before a proper noun only when it is qualified by an adjective or a defining adjectival
clause: The great Akbar, the immortal Shakespeare, The Mr. Khan whom you met last night is my cousin.


(i) Abstract, material and proper nouns generally take no article unless they are used as common nouns with a
particular significance. (mvaviYZ: abstract, material Ges proper noun Gi c~‡e© †Kvb article e‡mbv wKš‘ Zviv
we‡kl A‡_© common noun wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ n‡j Zv‡`I c~‡e© article e‡m|

I went into the country for safety.

The safety of the country is at stake.

Rice is our chief food.

The rice of Barisal is famous.
Shakespeare is a great playwright.
Kalidas is the Shakespeare of India.

(ii) No article is used before common noun in the plural number, except when they are particularised. [Plural common
noun- Gi c~‡e© †Kvb article e‡mbv| wKš‘ Zviv wbw`©ó K‡i eySv‡j article e‡m|]

Dogs bark.
The dogs of my house are barking.
(iii) No article is used before man in the sense of mankind and before father, mother, and baby when a particular one
of them is meant.
Man is mortal.
Mother (i.e. my mother) loves me.
In addition, cook, nurse, etc. take no article in the sense of 'our cook', 'our nurse',
Cook has given notice.

(iv) No article is used before titles when they are used in apposition to a noun.
Mr. Hafizuddin, principal of Dhaka City College, is a wise man. Queen Victoria invited Professor James,

(v) No article is used before subjective or objective complements of such verbs as make, elect, appoint, crown, etc.

- 12 -
They made him captain.
He was crowned king.

(vi) No article is used before the names of seasons and festivals, though the definite article may also be found in
certain general statements.

Winter is the best time for picnics.

The first time I was in Kashmir was in the autumn.

(vii) No article is used before the names of days and months.

Sunday is the first day of the week: March, October, December

(viii) No article is used before the name of language.

English is an international language. He speaks in Urdu.

(ix) No article is used in certain idiomatic phrases.

To lose heart, to catch sight of, to set sail, to cast anchor, at home, by land, on horseback, on foot, to market, by bus, at
ease, at night.
(x) No article is used before the names of meals (as a part of the daily routine). We have lunch at 1 p.m.

(xi) No article is used before the names of diseases.

He died of cholera.
Influenza is a contagious disease.

N.B. But the is used before some diseases; as the gout, the measles, etc.

(xii) No article is normally used before the words school, college, church, prison, hospital, court, market, work, bed,
and a few other names of localities.

Rahim goes to school at 10 a.m. (to leam).

Helalhit a ball right over the top of the school (school
(NB) No article is normally used before the name of squares, buMngs. parks, streets, etc.
consisting of a proper name ether a person or a place): - -Buckingham Palace, Bangabandhu Avenue.

N.B. But the Albert Hall and the Thackersey Hotel are also
in use.
(xiv) No article is used before the name of Allah or God. Allah is kind.


(a) When two or more nouns are joined by and, and refer to the same person or thing, the article is
used only before the first ; but if they refer to different persons or things, the article should be repeated
before each. [ hLb `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK noun and Øviv hy³ nq Ges GKB e¨w³ ev e¯‘‡K eySvq, ZLb †KejgvÎ cª_g
noun wUi c~‡e© article em‡e, wKš‘ Zviv wfbœ wfbœ e¨w³ ev e¯‘‡K wb‡`©k Ki‡j cª‡Z¨KwUi c~‡e© article em‡e|

The Headmaster and the Secretary have done this (two separate men).
The Headmaster and Secretary has done this (the same man).
We appointed three officers : a chairman, a secretary and a treasurer.

(b) If two or more adjectives qualify a connected noun, the second article should be repeated or it
may also be dropped if the noun is put in the plural.[ hLb `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK adjective †Kvb mshy³ noun
‡K we‡kfv‡e wb‡`©k K‡i ev wKQz e‡j, ZLb wØZxq ch©vqI article wU emv‡Z n‡e wKš‘ noun wU‡K plural form-
Gi iƒc cª`vb K‡i GUv ev` †`qv †h‡Z cv‡i|

I have read the first and the second chapter.

I have read the first and second chapters.

- 13 -
(c) When two or more adjectives refer to the same noun, the article is used before the first. [ hLb `yB ev
Z‡ZvwaK adjective GKB noun †K wb‡`©k K‡i, ZLb cÖ_gwUi c~‡e© article e‡m|]

I have a brown and white coat (one coat).

(d) When two or more adjectives refer to different nouns, the article is used before each adjective.
I have a brown and a white coat (2 coats).
(e) In a comparison, if two nouns refer to the same object, the article is used before the first noun only. But
-if the nouns refer to different objects, the article is used before each noun. He is a better poet than
speaker (the same person). He is a better teacher than a poet (different persons).

Exercise for Practice

1. Put 'a' 'an' or 'the' where necessary :
—rich are not always happy. He joined—Bar. —hour before that,—European came into—room. He was—
old man with—gentle face. Do you read—New Nation or—Observer? —aeroplane in which—football team
was travelling was crashed. It was—fine day; so—lot of people were rushing to—seaside. —earth moves
round—sun. I need to buy—iron from—market. Have you seen—Himalayas? Have you met—Arshad
Khan? Some people at—Sonargaon Hotel prefer—Time Magazine to—Newsweek. —Indian Ocean lies to
—south of—Bay of Bengal. It is—interesting book. He tried for—third time. —Mr. Bose came to see me.
There are—few books on—table. Do not leap in—dark,

3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed.
English is (a) ———— international language. It is spoken all over (b) -——— world. So the importance of (c) ——-
— English cannot be described in words. All (d) ——---books on higher education are written in English. Today
organizations need employees who speak and write (e) ———— standard form of English. It helps (f) ———
—— educated man to get a good (g) ———— job. It is (h) ————— official or semiofficial language all over the
world. Ours is (i) ———— age of globalization. We need to learn English to join the advanced world. So English has
become (j) ———— essential matter for us.
4. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. Dowry means property or money
brought by a bride to her (a) -——— husband. During marriage ceremony (b) ——— section of greedy people claim
much wealth or money from (c)—————— guardians of the brides, (d) ———-- poor illiterate girls become (e)
—————— victims of dowry. If (f) —————— guardians fail to fulfil (g) ———
—- demand of (h) —————— bridegroom, the brides are maltreated. So the poor can not think of marriage of their
daughters. It is (i) —————— social curse. This curse can be eliminated by changing the outlook of people
specially the male (j) —————— members.
5. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed.
Bangladesh is (a) —small country but it has a large (b)—population. It lies in (c) —South Asia on the Bay of Bengal.
Once Bangladesh was not an independent country. Now she is a free country. It has a tropical monsoon (d) —climate.
(e) —country is criss-crossed by so many rivers. Agriculture is (f) —main occupation of (g) —people of Bangladesh.
Cox's Bazar is (h) —— place of scenic beauty. It is (i) —longest sea beach of (j) — world.

6. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. Unfairmeans in the examination is
(a) —————— offence. It degrades (b) ———— standard of education. If the students of (c) ——————
country do not acquire true (d)
—-—-— education, there will be no development for (e) ——-——— country, (f) —--
——— examinee should read seriously so that he can cut (g) —————— good figure in the examination. To
acquire true education should be the only aim in life of all (h) --
———— students, (i) —————— educated man can not support (j) ———--—-unfairmeans in the examination at
7. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed.
Traffic jam is a common affair in (a) ———— big cities and towns. It is one of the major {b) ——————
problems of modern time, (c) ------- causes of traffic jam are
too many to be described. Our (d) ——— roads are all the same. Most of (e) ——— drivers are not willing to abide
by (f) ———— traffic rules. Traffic jam causes unbearble sufferings to (g) —————— ambulances carrying dying
patients and (h) -----

- 14 -
— fire brigrade vehicles. If (i) ———— office goer falls in traffic jam, he can not reach his office in time. But the
sufferings of (j) —————— examinee can not be described ir. words if he gets stuck up in a traffic jam.
8. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed.
(a) —— ordinary garment worker in our country leads (b) —— very poor life. She goes to her office on foot.
Sometimes she gets on (c) —— crowded bus. She is (d) —-— object of other's pity. She does not work in a congenial
(e) —— atmosphere. She lives in (f) —— unhealthy atmosphere. Her living presents (g) —— poor show. Her living
(h) —— room is so small that she can not keep all her necessary things there. Though she is ill (i) ——paid
employee, she leads (j) —— independent life.


Narrations are of two kinds:

1. Direct Narraion (cÖZ¨¶)Ñ e³vi wbR¯^ K_v DׄZ _v‡K
2. Indirect Narration (c‡iv¶)Ñ e³vi K_v DׄZ _v‡Kbv, A‡b¨I Øviv Report Kiv nq|

mvaviYZ: `ywU Dcv‡q Kv‡iv e³e¨‡K cÖKvk Kiv hvq| hLb e³vi e³‡e¨I †Kvb cwieZ©b

Identification :
Rana Said to me, “I know your father". (Direct)
Speaker Reporting object Sb Object

Speaker Reporting ob Sb verb Sb -*\ verb
"Reported speech"
he knew my father. (Indirect)
Rana told me that
Reported verb ob Linker Reported speech.

Rules of changing Direct Speech into Indirect:

i) Reporting verb Gi cwieZ©b nq| (sentence Gi aiY Abymv‡i)

ÓDwV‡q Ó
ii) said
to me, "you have offended me and he has defended me.

- 15 -
Sb LBeporting verb | Ob
Ans. He told me that I had offended him and he had defended him. (2nd Person) You - Reporting verb <SR object
(1st Person) I, me- Reporting verb ^object
(3r Person) he, she -iv) Sequence of Tense a) Reporting verb- Present/ Future Tense «1 liaf Pronoun
verb "Q Tense
, Reported speech <*RT verb 4? Tense 4^ verb
She says, "I shall see you tomorrow." She says that she will see me tomorrow. b) Reporting verb. Past Tense ^?r
Present Indefinite Present Continuous Past Indefinite Present Perfect Past Perfect Past Continuous Future (shall/will)
c) Reporting verb. Past Tense
Indirect Past Indefinite Past Continuous
Past Perfect
Past Perfect Continuous. Future (would)
Reported speech, habitual truth
Universal truth ^i?T verb <$% Tense
: Rony said, "I walk for an hour every morning "( Habitual truth) Rony said that he walks for an hour every morning.
Father said /'Honesty prevails in the long run, "(Universal truth) Father said that honesty prevails the long run.
Md. Raihan All. Principal , Dhaka Mega City College. 17/A , Monipuri para ( East of the Sangsad Bhavan), Dhaka.
Ph: 91356 :
1. He saw ..the..most wonderful sight. 41. Check ...... beast in you.
2. Ceylon is ...... island. 42. Dhaka is .. London of Bangladesh.
3. Don't tell .....lie. 43. Don't make .... noise.
4. Don't go out for .... walk. 44. Does he not drive .... car?
5. Draw ..... picture of...... owl. 45. .......... English are hard working.
6. ..... earth moves round the sun. 46. .......... earlier,......... better.
7. Give me ..... one-taka note. 47. The Tajmahal is ..... beauty.
8. Gold is ....... precious metal. 48. God helps ..... weak.
9. He is ..... S.S.C. candidate. 49. We respect...... honest.
10. Mr. Zaman is ....... unpopular man. 50. Nazrul is ... Shelley of our country.
11. He seems to be ...... idiot. 51. ......... Hindus read ....... Ramayan.
12. He is ....... D.C 52. My father is ....... Ph.D.
13. He is ...... captain of our class. 53. He struck me on .......... head.
14. He bought........... X-ray machine. 54. This is ...... better of..... two.
15. Honesty is ......... great virtue. 55. I have ......... few friends here.
16. I do not like ......... idle man. 56. I met him ......... year ago.
17. I bought......... dozen of oranges. 57. It cost me ten taka and ......... half.
18. It is ......... hopeless case. 58. It is ......... fact.
19. Italy is ......... European country. 59. Iqbal was ......... eminent poet.
20. Is he driving ......... car? 60. ........ idle man can’t prosper in life.
21. I shall start on ......... 10th June. 61. 1 have ......... bad headache.
22. Let us have ......... walk now. 62. Let me have ......... cup of tea.
23. Let us make ......... united effort. 63. Let us meet in ......... park.
24. Kindness is ......... great virtue. 64. .......... lion is ......... beast of prey.
25. Mr. Ahmed is ......... M.P. 65. Mr. Salam left for ......... U.K.
26. My brother is ......... engineer. 66. ......... orange is a good fruit.
27. Don't keep him in ......... dark. 67. ........ rich should not hate ..... poor.
28. .......... rice of Barisal is fine. 68. She ate ......... apple.
29. She reads ......... Bangladesh observer. 69. She is ......... innocent girl.
30. ......... Shahnama is a great epic. 70. Soon ......... game came to .... end.
31. He pulled ......... cat by ......... tail. 71. This is ......... usage of our locality.
32. This is not......... easy task. 72. He gave them .........good breakfast.
33. This is ......... wonderful picture. 73. This is ......... slip of...... tongue.
34. This is ......... latest news. 74. He reads ......... book.
35. .......... girl in blue Sari is my sister. 75. He is ......... L.L.B.
36. He was ..... uncommon personality. 76. This is ....... unique case.
37. He spent....... hour with us. 77. I went out for ....... walk.
38. I caught him by ....... hand. 78. The 31st December is... end of... year
- 16 -
39. ........ people of this village are poor. 79. He is ....... honest man.
40. This is ....... book I gave you. 80. Mr. Rahman is ....... B.A.

Fill in the blanks with appropriate 'article'.

I. He saw ....most wonderful sight.
3. Ceylon is ...... island. taH
5. Don't tell .....lie.
7. Don't go out for .... walk.
9. Draw ..... picture of...... owl.
II. ..... earth moves round the sun.
13. Give me ..... one-taka note.
15. Gold is ....... precious metal.
17. He is ..... S.S.C. candidate.
19. Mr. Zaman is ....... unpopular man.
21. He seems to be ...... idiot. ,-,.
23. He is ....... D.C
25. He is ...... captain of our class.
27. He bought........... X-ray machine.
29. Honesty is ......... great virtue.
31.1 do not like ......... idle man.
33.1 bought......... dozen of oranges.
35. It is ......... hopeless case.
37. Italy is ......... European country.
39. Is he driving ......... car?
41. 1 shall start on ......... 10th June.
43. Let us have ......... walk now.
45. Let us make ......... united effort.
47. Kindness is ......... great virtue.
49. Mr. Ahmed is ......... M.P.
51. My brother is ......... engineer.
53. Don't keep him in ......... dark.
55.......... rice of Barisal is fine.
57. She reads ......... Bangladesh observer.
59. ......... Shahnama is a great epic.
61. He pulled ......... cat by ......... tail.
63. This is not......... easy task.
65. This is ......... wonderful picture.
67. This is ......... latest news.
69. ......... girl in blue Sari is my sister.
71. He was ..... uncommon personality.
73. He spent....... hour with us. '1..; •;
75.1 caught him by ....... hand.
77........ people of this village are poor.
79. This is ....... book I gave you.
*ff A
2. Check ...... beast in you.
4. Dhaka is .. London of Bangladesh. 6, Don't make .... noise.
8. Does he not drive .... car?
10.......... English are hard working.
12.......... earlier,......... better.
14. The Tajmahal is ..... beauty.
16. God helps ..... weak.
18. We respect...... honest.
20. Nazrul is ... Shelley of our country. 22. ........ Hindus read ....... Ramayan.
24. My father is ....... Ph.D.
26. He struck me on .......... head.
- 17 -
28. This is ...... better of..... two.
30.1 have ......... few friends here.
32.1 met him ......... year ago.
34. It cost me ten taka and ......... half.
36. It is ......... fact.
38. Iqbal was ......... eminent poet.
40........ idle man cann't prosper in life.
42.1 have ......... bad headache. ; 3^g ;-•
44. Let me have ......... cup of tea.;/?,} , r«
46. Let us meet in ......... park. ' 1
48. ......... lion is ......... beast of prey.
50. Mr. Salam left for ......... U.K.
52. ......... orange is a good fruit. 3,0 [
54. ....... rich should not hate ..... poor.
56. She ate ......... apple.
58. She is ......... innocent girl.
60. Soon ......... game came to .... end.
62. This is ......... usage of our locality.
64. He gave them .........good breakfast.
66. This is ......... slip of...... tongue.
68. He reads ......... book. - ! ,j, • •"<;
70. He is ......... L.L.B. ->- n^< -•;.' >
72. This is ....... unique case.
74.1 went out for ....... walk.
76. The 31st December is... end of... year 78. He is ....... honest man.
80. Mr. Rahman is ....... B.A

Article: Practice sheet

81. He saw .......most wonderful sight. 121. Check ...... beast in you.
82. Ceylon is ...... island. 122. Dhaka is .. London of Bangladesh.
83. Don't tell .....lie. 123. Don't make .... noise.
84. Don't go out for .... walk. 124. Does he not drive .... car?
- 18 -
85. Draw ..... picture of...... owl. 125. .......... English are hard working.
86. ..... earth moves round the sun. 126. .......... earlier,......... better.
87. Give me ..... one-taka note. 127. The Tajmahal is ..... beauty.
88. Gold is ....... precious metal. 128. God helps ..... weak.
89. He is ..... S.S.C. candidate. 129. We respect...... honest.
90. Mr. Zaman is ....... unpopular man. 130. Nazrul is ... Shelley of our country.
91. He seems to be ...... idiot. 131. ......... Hindus read ....... Ramayan.
92. He is ....... D.C 132. My father is ....... Ph.D.
93. He is ...... captain of our class. 133. He struck me on .......... head.
94. He bought........... X-ray machine. 134. This is ...... better of..... two.
95. Honesty is ......... great virtue. 135. I have ......... few friends here.
96. I do not like ......... idle man. 136. I met him ......... year ago.
97. I bought......... dozen of oranges. 137. It cost me ten taka and ......... half.
98. It is ......... hopeless case. 138. It is ......... fact.
99. Italy is ......... European country. 139. Iqbal was ......... eminent poet.
100. Is he driving ......... car? 140. ........ idle man can’t prosper in life.
101. I shall start on ......... 10th June. 141. 1 have ......... bad headache.
102. Let us have ......... walk now. 142. Let me have ......... cup of tea.
103. Let us make ......... united effort. 143. Let us meet in ......... park.
104. Kindness is ......... great virtue. 144. .......... lion is ......... beast of prey.
105. Mr. Ahmed is ......... M.P. 145. Mr. Salam left for ......... U.K.
106. My brother is ......... engineer. 146. ......... orange is a good fruit.
107. Don't keep him in ......... dark. 147. ........ rich should not hate ..... poor.
108. .......... rice of Barisal is fine. 148. She ate ......... apple.
109. She reads ......... Bangladesh observer. 149. She is ......... innocent girl.
110. ......... Shahnama is a great epic. 150. Soon ......... game came to .... end.
111. He pulled ......... cat by ......... tail. 151. This is ......... usage of our locality.
112. This is not......... easy task. 152. He gave them .........good breakfast.
113. This is ......... wonderful picture. 153. This is ......... slip of...... tongue.
114. This is ......... latest news. 154. He reads ......... book.
115. .......... girl in blue Sari is my sister. 155. He is ......... L.L.B.
116. He was ..... uncommon personality. 156. This is ....... unique case.
117. He spent....... hour with us. 157. I went out for ....... walk.
118. I caught him by ....... hand. 158. The 31st December is... end of... year
119. ........ people of this village are poor. 159. He is ....... honest man.
120. This is ....... book I gave you. 160. Mr. Rahman is ....... B.A.

Article: Practice Sheet

1.(a) — infant often asks such (b) — uncommon question that even an aged (c) — man fails answer (d)—
question, (e) — intelligent man thinks over (f) — question. It is not (g) —easy matter to satisfy (h) —
inquisitive boy. An impatient (i) — man may grow angry with (j)— boy who always wants to know more.

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2.(a) —— Bangladesh is (b) —— land of six seasons. Of all (c) —— seasons, I like (d) —— spring most. It
is called (e) —— queen of seasons. It comprises (f)— Bengali months of (g) — Falgoon and Chaitra. After
(h) — end of (i) —— winter, it comes with all its beauty and (j) —— charms.

3. Last week I was walking on (a) _ road in front of our house. I saw (b) _ old man sitting on the side of (c)
_ road, (d) __man had (e) _ box in his hand, (f) _ box was blue in colour. I went to him and talked to him.
He was (g) _ magician. He lived in (h) _ countryside. He had come to Dhaka a few days back to see (i) _
city. He said that he liked to visit (j) _ cities.

4. Everyone in (a) __ locality respects him. He comes of (b) ___ aristocratic family. He is also {c) __
university graduate. He graduated from (d) _ University of Dhaka with (e) __ record marks, he was a student
in (f) __ Department of English, He is (g) ___ asset of our (h) ___ institution. As (i) ___ individual, he is
also (j) —lovable character.

5. Today, Bangladesh faces (a)------ number of (b)----- problems. Of them , (c)---- population problem is
(d)---- most acute one. Population of a country can, no doubt, be (e)---- asset to (f)---- it. But if it fails to
provide its people with (g)---- suitable employment, they become (h)--- burden to it. It is only through
imparting (i)---- proper training to (j)--- unemployed that we can solve the acute problem of unemployment.

6. Socrates believed that (a) — angry man was more of (b) — beast than human being. He had a wife who
used to lose her temper on (c)— slightest excuse. One day (d) — woman got more furious and began to
insult him. He went out and sat on the door step of his (e)— house. He looked out on the public (f) — street.
The wife found that he was paying the least heed to her. So she began to pour hot writer on (g) — head of
Socrates. The passers by in (h) — street were much amused at (i) — incident. They had not seen such (j) —
incident before.

7. Money can not buy (a) —— happiness. Money is (b) —— must for our life. But it is not (c) —— thing
that necessarily brings our happiness. Happiness is absolutely (d) —— psychological thing. It is (e) ——
name of (f) —— feeling. It means (g) —— contentment of the mind. He who is (h) —— satisfied with
what he gets and contented his life is really happy. Happiness can not be purchased with (i) —— money. So
we see that the richest men of our society are not (j) —— happiest men.

8. Now a days terrorism has become (a)___major concern for (b)____ present civilization. Almost all (c)___
countries of the globe are directly or indirectly threatened by it. (d)___ 11 September had drawn our
countries attention and alertness on (e)___ facts that how within (f)___ short span of time the renowned
World Trade Centre became debris causing (g)___ death to thousands of innocent people without having
any awareness of their involvement in (h)___ tragic death. It also damaged (i)___ property worth billions of
dollars. The causes of (j)___ terrorism are not far to seek.

9. (a) —— ordinary garment worker in our country leads (b) —— very poor life. She goes to her office on
foot. Sometimes she gets on (c) —— crowded bus. She is (d) —— objects of other's pity. She does not work
in a congenial (e) —— atmosphere. She lives in (f) —— unhealthy atmosphere. Her living presents (g) ——
poor show. Her living (h) —— room is so small that she can not keep all her necessary things there. Though
she is ill (i) ——paid employee, she leads (j) —— independent life.

10. The Taj Mahal is surrounded by a beautiful (a) —-garden. There is (b) ——- long pool before the
building. One can see (c) —— beauty of the Taj in its reflection in (d) —— pool water. Visitors come to see
this wonderful building at different times of (e) —— day since it assumes different looks at different times.
However (f) —— construction of the Taj is not unknown to (g) —educated. Emperor Shahjahan built it as
(h) —— tomb for his wife. It is still one of (i) —— most beautiful (j) —— buildings in the world.

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