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MCQ On Mechanical Vibrations

1. When there is a reduction in amplitude over every cycle of vibration, then the body is
said to have
a) free vibration
b) forced vibration
c) damped vibration
d) none of the mentioned
2. Longitudinal vibrations are said to occur when the particles of a body moves
a) perpendicular to its axis
b) parallel to its axis
c) in a circle about its axis
d) none of the mentioned
3. When a body is subjected to transverse vibrations, the stress induced in a body will be
a) shear stress
b) tensile stress
c) compressive stress
d) none of the mentioned
4. The natural frequency (in Hz) of free longitudinal vibrations is equal to
a) 1/2π√s/m
b) 1/2π√g/δ
c) 0.4985/δ
d) all of the mentioned
5. The factor which affects the critical speed of a shaft is
a) diameter of the disc
b) span of the shaft
c) eccentricity
d) all of the mentioned
6. The equation of motion for a vibrating system with viscous damping is
d2x/dt2 + c/m X dx/dt + k/m X x = 0
If the roots of this equation are real, then the system will be
a) over damped
b) under damped
c) critically damped
d) none of the mentioned Ans:a
7. In under damped vibrating system, if x1 and x2 are the successive values of the
amplitude on the same side of the mean position, then the logarithmic decrement is
equal to
a) x1/x2
b) log (x1/x2)
c) loge (x1/x2)
d) log (x1.x2) Ans: b
8. The ratio of the maximum displacement of the forced vibration to the deflection due
to the static force, is known as
a) damping factor
b) damping coefficient
c) logarithmic decrement
d) magnification factor Ans:d
9. n vibration isolation system, if ω/ωn is less than √2 , then for all values of the damping
factor, the transmissibility will be
a) less than unity
b) equal to unity
c) greater than unity
d) zero
where ω = Circular frequency of the system in rad/s, and
ωn = Natural circular frequency of vibration of the system in rad/s.
10. In vibration isolation system, if ω/ωn > 1, then the phase difference between the
transmitted force and the disturbing force is
a) 0°
b) 90°
c) 180°
d) 270°
11. In vibration isolation system, if ω/ωn, then the phase difference between the
transmitted force and the disturbing force is
a) 0°
b) 90°
c) 180°
d) 270°Ans:c
12. When a body is subjected to transverse vibrations, the stress induced in a body will be
a) shear stress
b) bending stress
c) tensile stress
d) compressive stress Ans:b
13. The critical speed of a shaft with a disc supported in between is equal to the natural
frequency of the system in
a) transverse vibrations
b) torsional vibrations
c) longitudinal vibrations
d) none of the mentioned Ans:a
14. In steady state forced vibrations, the amplitude of vibrations at resonance is
_____________ damping coefficient.
a) equal to
b) directly proportional to
c) inversely proportional to
d) independent of Ans:C
15. When there is a reduction in amplitude over every cycle of vibration, then the body is
said to have
a) free vibration
b) forced vibration
c) damped vibration
d) under damped vibration Ans:c
16. In vibration isolation system, if ω/ωn < 2, then for all values of damping factor, the
transmissibility will be
a) less than unity
b) equal to unity
c) greater than unity
d) zero Ans:c
17. The accelerometer is used as a transducer to measure earthquake in Richter scale. Its
design is based on the principle that
a) its natural frequency is very low in comparison to the frequency of vibration
b) its natural frequency is very high in comparison to the frequency of vibration
c) its natural frequency is equal to the frequency of vibration
d) measurement of vibratory motion is without any reference point Ans:c
18. While calculating the natural frequency of a spring-mass system, the effect of the
mass of the spring is accounted for by adding X times its value to the mass, where X
a) 1/2
b) 1/3
c) 1/4
d) 3/4 Ans:b
19. Critical speed is expressed as
a) rotation of shaft in degrees
b) rotation of shaft in radians
c) rotation of shaft in minutes
d) natural frequency of the shaft Ans:d
20. The natural frequency of a spring-mass system on earth is ωn. The natural frequency
of this system on the moon (gmoon = gearth/6) is
a) ωn
b) 0.408ωn
c) 0.204ωn
d) 0.167ωn Ans: a
21. A vehicle suspension system consists of a spring and a damper. The stiffness of the
spring is 3.6 kN/m and the damping constant of the damper is 400 Ns/m. If the mass
is 50 kg, then the damping factor (d ) and damped natural frequency (fn), respectively,
a) 0.471 and 1.19 Hz
b) 0.471 and 7.48 Hz
c) 0.666 and 1.35 Hz
d) 0.666 and 8.50 Hz Ans: a
Explanation: Given k = 3.6 kN/m, c = 400 Ns/m, m = 50 kg
We know that, Natural Frequency
ωn = √k/m = 8.485 rad/ sec
And damping factor is given by,
d = c/cc = c/2√km = 0.471
Damping Natural frequency,
ωd = √1 – d2 ωn
2пfd = √1 – d2 ωn
fd = 1.19 Hz.
22. For an under damped harmonic oscillator, resonance
a) occurs when excitation frequency is greater than undamped natural frequency
b) occurs when excitation frequency is less than undamped natural frequency
c) occurs when excitation frequency is equal to undamped natural frequency
d) never occurs Ans:c
23. Find the natural frequency in Hz of the free longitudinal vibrations if the
displacement is 2mm.
a) 11.14
b) 12.38
c) 11.43
d) 11.34 Ans:a
24. f the spring displacement is high then the frequency of the spring increases.
a) True
b) False Ans:b
25. Find the displacement in mm of the free longitudinal vibrations if the Natural
frequency is 15 Hz.
a) 1.1
b) 1.2
c) 1.5
d) 1.6 Ans:a
26. Find the displacement in mm of the free longitudinal vibrations if the Natural
frequency is 20 Hz.
a) 0.1
b) 0.2
c) 0.5
d) 0.6 Ans:d
27. Which of the following methods will give an incorrect relation of the frequency for
free vibration?
a) Equilibrium method
b) Energy method
c) Reyleigh’s method
d) Klein’s method Ans:d
28. A cantilever shaft has a diameter of 6 cm and the length is 40cm, it has a disc of mass
125 kg at its free end. The Young’s modulus for the shaft material is 250 GN/m².
Calculate the static deflection in nm.
a) 0.001
b) 0.083
c) 1.022
d) 0.065 Ans:a Explanation: Area = πd2/4 = 0.00282 m2
s = W.l/A.E
= 0.001 nm.
29. Static deflection and frequency are independent of each other.
a) True
b) False Ans:b
30. A cantilever shaft having 50 mm diameter and length of 300 mm has a disc of mass
100 kg at its free end. The Young’s modulus for the shaft material is 200 GN/m2.
Calculate the natural longitudinal frequency in Hz.
a) 575
b) 625
c) 525
d) 550 Ans:a Explanation: Area = πd2/4 = 0.00196 m2
s = W.l/A.E = = 0.751 µm
I = 0.3×10-6 m4
f = 0.4985/s√
= 575 Hz.
31. f the mass is of 10 Kg, find the natural frequency in Hz of the free longitudinal
vibrations. The displacement is 0.01mm.
a) 44.14
b) 49.85
c) 43.43
d) 46.34 Ans:b We know that the natural Frequency of Free Longitudinal Vibration is
given by the equation
f = 0.4985/s√
where s is the displacement of the spring.
substituting the given values we get
f=49.85 Hz
It is to be noted that mass has no effect on the natural frequency as it only depends on
the displacement.
32. A cantilever shaft having 50 mm diameter and a length of 300 mm has a disc of mass
100 kg at its free end. The Young’s modulus for the shaft material is 200 GN/m2.
Determine the frequency of transverse vibrations of the shaft.
a) 31
b) 35
c) 37
d) 41 Ans:d Explanation: We know that deflection is given by the relation:
I = 0.3×10-6 m4
d = 0.147×10-3
f = 0.4985/d−−√
Thus f = 41 Hz.
33. For the same dimensions of a beam, transverse vibrations have a lower frequency than
longitudinal frequency.
a) True
b) False Ans:a
34. A cantilever shaft having 50 mm diameter and a length of 300 mm has a disc of mass
100 kg at its free end. The Young’s modulus for the shaft material is 200 GN/m3.
Determine the static deflection of the shaft in mm.
a) 0.147
b) 0.213
c) 0.132
d) 0.112 Ans:a Explanation: We know that deflection is given by the relation:
W = 100xg, l=0.3m, I = I = 0.3×10-6 m4
substituting values we get d = 0.147mm.
35. For the same dimensions of the shaft which of the following has the greater natural
a) Transverse
b) Longitudinal
c) Depends on thickness
d) Depends upon length Ans:b
36. Calculate the natural frequency of transverse vibrations if the static deflection is
a) 157.6
b) 144.8
c) 173.2
d) 154.1 Ans:a Explanation: We know that the natural Frequency of Free Transverse
Vibration is given by the equation
f = 0.4985/s√
where s is the displacement of the spring.
substituting the given values we get
f=157.6 Hz.
37. Increasing mass will result in lower frequency.
a) True
b) False Ans:a
38. Calculate the static deflection in µm of transverse vibrations if the frequency is
a) 6
b) 0.6
c) 60
d) 0.006 Ans:a Explanation: We know that the natural Frequency of Free Transverse
Vibration is given by the equation
f = 0.4985/s√
where s is the displacement of the spring.
substituting the given values we get
f = 0.00000621255625 m.
39. Fluid resistance causes damping which is known as ______
a) Resistance damping
b) Fluid damping
c) Viscous damping
d) Liquid damping Ans:c
40. In damped vibrations, the amplitude of the resulting vibration gradually diminishes.
a) True
b) False Ans:a
41. In damped vibrations, the amplitude of the resulting vibration gradually reduces. This
is due to the reason that an amount of energy is always dissipated to overcome the
a) Frictional resistance
b) Work done
c) Fluid pressure
d) Air pressure Ans:a
42. The resistance to the motion of the body is provided by ______
a) Medium of vibration
b) Speed of vibration
c) Length of the material
d) External friction Ans:a
43. In which direction does the damping force acts?
a) Opposite to the motion
b) Along the motion
c) Perpendicular to motion
d) Variable Ans:a
44. n which direction does the accelerating force acts?
a) Opposite to the motion
b) Along the motion
c) Perpendicular to motion
d) Variable Ans:b
45. n which of the following cases, overdamping occurs?
a) Roots are real
b) Roots are complex conjugate
c) Roots are equal
d) Independent of the equation Ans:a
46. In which of the following cases, underdamping occurs?
a) Roots are real
b) Roots are complex conjugate
c) Roots are equal
d) Independent of the equation Ans:b
47. The ratio of the actual damping coefficient (c) to the critical damping coefficient (cc )
is known as _________
a) Damping factor
b) Damping coefficient
c) Resistive factor
d) Resistive coefficient Ans: a
48. Calculate critical damping coefficient in Ns/m from the following data.
mass = 200Kg
ω = 20rad/s
a) 25,132
b) 26,132
c) 27,132
d) Not possible Ans:d
49. Calculate critical damping coefficient in N/m/s from the following data:
mass = 100Kg
ω = 40rad/s
a) 25,132
b) 26,132
c) 27,132
d) 28,132 Ans:a
50. Calculate damping ratio from the following data:
mass = 200Kg
ω = 20rad/s
damping coefficient = 800 N/m/s
a) 0.03
b) 0.04
c) 0.05
d) 0.06 Ans:a Explanation: We know that critical damping coefficient is given by the
Cc = 2πxmxω
inserting the values we get
Cc = 25132 N/m/s
ratio = 800/25132.
51. Calculate damping ratio from the following data:
mass = 200Kg
ω = 20rad/s
damping coefficient = 1000 N/m/s
a) 0.03
b) 0.04
c) 0.05
d) 0.06 Ans:b
52. Unit of damping factor is N/m/s.
a) True
b) False Ans:b
53. Magnification factor is the ratio of the maximum displacement due to forced
vibrations to the deflection due to _______
a) Static force
b) Dynamic force
c) Torsion
d) Compression Ans:a
54. Maximum displacement due to forced vibration is dependent on deflection due to
static force.
a) True
b) False Ans:a
55. In which of the cases the factor c = 0?
a) When there is damping
b) No damping
c) Resonance
d) c is never 0 Ans:b
56. A body of mass 20 kg is suspended from a spring which deflects 20mm under this
load. Calculate the frequency of free vibrations in Hz.
a) 3.5
b) 5
c) 6
d) 7 Ans:a Explanation: Frequency of free vibrations is given by (1/2π)√(g/d)
substituting the value, we get
f = 3.5 Hz.
57. If the mass increases, then the frequency of the free vibrations increases.
a) True
b) False Ans:b
58. Which of the following systems produce a vibration in the foundation?
a) Unbalanced machine
b) Balanced machine
c) Coupled machine
d) Uncoupled machine Ans:a
59. When a periodic disturbing force is applied to a machine, the force is transmitted to
the foundation by the means of spring.
a) True
b) False Ans:a
60. Which of the following is correct regarding isolation factor?
a) Dimensionless quantity
b) Has Newton as its unit
c) Has joule as its Unit
d) Has Hz as its unit Ans:a
61. Which of the following is a type of transmitted force to the foundation?
a) Damping force
b) Undamping force
c) Tensile force
d) Torsional force Ans:a
62. If the damper is not provided and the system is in resonance, which of the following is
the correct isolation factor?
a) 0
b) 1/2
c) 1/4
d) Infinity Ans:d Explanation: When the damper is not involved, the damping
coefficient c becomes zero and isolation factor is given by:
Since during resonance, ω=ωn
isolation factor becomes infinite.
63. If isolation factor is negative, then what is the phase difference between transmitted
and disturbing force?
a) 180°
b) 90°
c) 450°
d) 360° Ans:a
64. Which of the following is true regarding Ɛ>1?
a) Transmitted force is greater than applied force
b) Transmitted force is less than applied force
c) Spring force is less than applied force
d) Damping force is less than applied force Ans:a
65. Isolation factor is twice the transmissibility ratio.
a) True
b) False Ans:b
66. If a mass whose moment of inertia is Ic/3 is placed at the free end and the constraint
is assumed to be of negligible mass, then the kinetic energy is ______
a) 1/6 Icω2
b) 1/2Icω2
c) 1/3Icω2
d) 1/12Icω2 Ans:aExplanation: Kinetic energy is given by the equation
inserting Ic/3 in place of I will give kinetic energy as
1/6 Icω2.
67. If Ic = 125 Kg-m2 and ω= 20 rad/s, calculate the kinetic of the constraint.
a) 8333 J
b) 7333 J
c) 6333 J
d) 9333 J Ans:a Explanation: The kinetic energy of the constraint is given by the
K.E = 1/6 Icω2
substituting the value we get
K.E = 8333J.
68. If the mass of the constraint is negligible then what is the kinetic energy of the
a) 0
b) Half the value
c) Double the value
d) Infinite Ans:a
69. Free torsional vibrations will occur in a two rotor system only if both rotors have
same frequency.
a) True
b) False Ans:a
70. Increasing which of the following factor would result in increase of free torsional
a) Radius of gyration
b) Mass moment of inertia
c) Polar moment of inertia
d) Length Ans:c
71. Which of the following relation is correct regarding free torsional vibrations of a
single motor system?
a) Independent of modulus of rigidity
b) Independent of polar moment of inertia
c) Dependent on mass moment of inertia
d) Independent of length of shaft Ans:c
72. Free torsional vibrations of a single motor system increases with increase in polar
moment of inertia.
a) True
b) False Ans:b
73. If the polar moment of inertia is increased to four times, then what will be the effect
on free torsional vibrations of a single motor system?
a) Increases 4 times
b) Increases 2 times
c) Decreases 4 times
d) Decreases 2 times Ans:b
74. If the mass moment of inertia is increased to four times, then what will be the effect
on free torsional vibrations of a single motor system?
a) Increases 4 times
b) Increases 2 times
c) Decreases 4 times
d) Decreases 2 times Ans:d
75. Calculate the free torsional vibrations of a single motor system from the following
C = 8 GN/m2, L=9m, I = 600 Kg-m2, J = 8×104 m4
a) 162,132
b) 172,132
c) 182,132
d) 192,132 Ans:bExplanation: The free torsional vibrations of a single motor system
is given by
Substituting the given values gives f = 172132 Hz.
76. f the length inertia is decreased to nine times, then what will be the effect on free
torsional vibrations of a single motor system?
a) Increases 3 times
b) Increases 9 times
c) Decreases 9 times
d) Decreases 3 times Ans:a Explanation: Since the free torsional vibrations of a single
motor system depends on the inverse of square root of the length, decreasing 9 times
will lead to increase in 3 times the initial vibration.
77. Calculate the Polar moment of inertia in m4 of a single motor system from the
following data:
C = 8 GN/m2, L=9m, I = 600 Kg-m2, f=10 Hz
a) 0.00027
b) 0.00032
c) 0.00045
d) 0.00078 Ans:a
78. f radius of gyration increases then the torsional free vibration increases.
a) True
b) False Ans:b
79. When a rigid body is suspended vertically and it oscillates with a small amplitude
under the action of the force of gravity, the body is known as
(A) simple pendulum
B) torsional pendulum
(C) compound pendulum
(D) second’s pendulumAns:c
80. What is the effect on the undamped natural frequency of a single-degree-of-freedom
system if the mass of the system is increased?
A) The frequency will increase
(B) The frequency will stay the same
(C) The frequency will decrease
(D) None of these Ans:c
81. What is the effect on the undamped natural frequency of a single-degree-of-freedom
system if the stiffness of one or more of the springs is increased?
(A) The frequency will increase
(B) The frequency will stay the same
(C) The frequency will decrease
(D) None of these Ans:a
82. The maximum acceleration of a particle moving with simple harmonic motion is ____.
(A) ω
(B) ω.r
(C) ω / 2 π
(D) 2 π / ω Ans: B
83. As per Energy Method, the summation of kinetic energy and potential energy must be
________ which is same at all the times.
(A) zero
(B) minimum
(C) maximum
(D) constant Ans:D
84.In Rayleigh’s method, the _____________ at the mean position is equal to the maximum
potential energy (or strain energy) at the extreme position.
(A) minimum kinetic energy
(B) minimum potential energy
(C) maximum kinetic energy
(D) none of the above Ans:c
85.Equilibrium Method is in accordance with which of the following principle?
(A) Taylor's principle
(B) D'Alembert's principle
(C) Energy conservation principle
(D) None of the above Ans:B
86.For the same dimensions of the shaft which of the following has the greater natural
(A) Transverse
(B) Longitudinal
(C) Depends on thickness
(D) Depends upon length Ans:B
87.A system has a mass of 0.5 kg and spring stiffness of 2452 N/m. Find the natural
frequency of the system.
(A) 5.14 Hz
(B) 9.14 Hz
(C) 11.14 Hz
(D) 28.14 HzAns:c
88.A gun barrel of mass 600 Kg has a recoil spring of stiffness 294 KN/m. If the barrel
recoils 1.3 m on firing, what will be the initial recoil velocity of the barrel?
(A) 28.77 m/s
(B) 32.77 m/s
(C) 35.77 m/s
(D) 40.77 m/s Ans:A
89.Critical speed is expressed as ______.
A) rotation of the shaft in degrees
(B) rotation of the shaft in radians
(C) rotation of the shaft in minutes
(D) the natural frequency of the shaft Ans:D
90.For an underdamped harmonic oscillator, resonance ______.
(A) occurs when excitation frequency is greater than the undamped natural frequency
(B) occurs when excitation frequency is less than the undamped natural frequency
(C) occurs when excitation frequency is equal to the undamped natural frequency
(D) never occurs Ans:C

91. ________ torsional vibrations will occur in a two-rotor system only if both rotors have
the same frequency.
(A) Free
(B) Forced
(C) Unbalanced
(D) None of the above Ans:A
92.The ratio of the maximum displacement of the forced vibration to the deflection due to the
static force is known as
(A) damping factor
(B) damping coefficient
(C) logarithmic decrement
(D) magnification factorAns:D
93.If the damping factor for a vibrating system is unity, then the system will be
(A) overdamped
(B) underdamped
(C) critically damped
(D) without vibrations Ans:c
94.In steady state forced vibrations, the amplitude of vibrations at resonance is
_____________ damping coefficient.
(A) equal to
(B) directly proportional to
(C) inversely proportional to
(D) independent of Ans:c
95.In under damped vibrating system, the amplitude of vibration ______.
(A) decreases linearly with time
(B) increases linearly with time
(C) decreases exponentially with time
(D) increases exponentially with time Ans:C
96.Maximum displacement due to forced vibration is ____________ the displacement due to
static force.
(A) inversely proportional to
(B) directly proportional to
(C) independent of
(D) none of the above Ans:B
97The time period of a simple pendulum does not depend upon the mass of the body
suspended at the free end of the string. This statement is known as ___________ .
(A) law of gravity
(B) law of mass
(C) law of isochronism
(D) law of length Ans:B
98.Which of the following systems produce a vibration in the foundation?
(A) Coupled machine
(B) Uncoupled machine
(C) Balanced machine
(D) Unbalanced machine Ans:D
99.When a periodic disturbing force is applied to a machine, the force is transmitted to the
___________ by the means of spring.
(A) dampers
(B) foundation
(C) mass
(D) none of the above Ans:B
100.Which of the following is a unit of isolation factor?
(A) Newton
(B) Joule
(C) Hz
(D) None of the above Ans:D
101:Which of the following is a type of transmitted force to the foundation?
(A) Damping force
(B) Undamping force
(C) Tensile force
(D) Torsional force Ans:A
102:If the damper is not provided and the system is in resonance, which of the following is
the correct isolation factor?
(A) 0
(B) 0.5
(C) 0.25
(D) Infinite Ans:D
103.The damping factor is the measure of the relative amount of damping in the existing
system with that necessary for the ______ system.
(A) underdamped
(B) overdamped
(C) critical damped
(D) all of the above Ans:C
104.Logarithmic decrement is defined as the ____________ of the amplitude reduction
(A) reciprocal
(B) logarithm
(C) natural logarithm
(D) all of the above Ans:C
105.The ratio of the force transmitted to the force applied is known as the ____________ of
the spring support.
(A) isolation factor
(B) transmissibility ratio
(C) both A and B
(D) none of the above Ans:C
106Which of the following instruments measure the amplitude of a vibrating body?
(A) Vibrometers
(B) Seismometer
(C) Both (a) and (b)
(D) None of these Ans:C
107.The accelerometer is used as a transducer to measure earthquake in Richter scale. Its
design is based on the principle that ______.
(A) its natural frequency is very low in comparison to the frequency of vibration
(B) its natural frequency is very high in comparison to the frequency of vibration
(C) its natural frequency is equal to the frequency of vibration
(D) measurement of vibratory motion is without any reference point Ans:C
108.The instruments which are used to measure the ___________ of a vibrating body are
called vibration measuring instrument.
(A) displacement
(B) velocity
(C) acceleration
(D) all of the above Ans:D
109.A seismometer is a device used to measure the ___________ of a vibrating body.
(A) displacement
(B) velocity
(C) acceleration
(D) all of the above
110.From the following, which one is a type of vibration measuring instrument?
(A) Mechanical
(B) Electrical
(C) Magnetic
(D) All of the above
111.Vibration measuring instruments are classified on the basis of ____________.
(A) contact between the vibrating system and measuring instrument
(B) the requirement of power source
(C) method of measurements
(D) all of the above Ans:D
112.In vibrometer, the relative motion between the mass and vibrating body is converted into
proportional ________.
(A) current
(B) voltage
(C) resistance
(D) ampere
113.From the following, which one is used in an accelerometer?
(A) Dielectric crystals
(B) Piezoelectric crystals
(C) Optic crystals
(D) Diamond
114.The accelerometers are commonly used in vibration measurement due to their
(A) small size and low sensitivity
(B) the large size and high sensitivity
(C) the large size and low sensitivity
(D) small size and high sensitivity
115.In FFT Spectrum Analyzer, FFT stands for _______.
(A) Frequency Fourier Transform
(B) Fast Fourier Transmission
(C) Frequency Fourier Transmission
(D) Fast Fourier Transform
116.Fourier transform is a mathematical procedure to obtain the __________ of a given input
(A) spectrum
(B) integration
(C) difference
(D) none of the above
117.FFT analyzer can be used to find the ___________.
(A) natural frequencies
(B) mode shapes
(C) both natural frequencies and mode shapes
(D) none of the above

118. In which type of vibrations, amplitude of vibration goes on decreasing every cycle?
a. Dampedvibrations
b. Undampedvibrations
c. Botha.andb.
d. None of the above

119.Two springs have spring stiffness of 1500 N/m and 2000 N/m respectively. If they
are connected in series, what is the spring stiffness if they are replaced by an equivalent
system.3500 N/m
a. 3500 N/m
b. 1166 N/m
c. 857.63 N/m
d. None of the above


120.Which type of vibrations are also known as transient vibrations?

a. Undamped vibrations
b. Damped vibrations
c. Torsional vibrations
d. Transverse vibrations


121.Which of the following relations is true when springs are connected parallelly?
where K = spring stiffness

a.Ke= K1 +K2
b. (1/Ke)=(1/K1)+(1/K2)
c.Ke= (1/K1)+(1/K2)
d.None of the above

122. What are deterministic vibrations?

a. Vibrations caused due to known exciting force

b. Vibrations caused due to unknown exciting force
c. Vibrations which are aperiodic in nature
d. None of the above

123.Which of the following vibrations are classified according to magnitude of actuating

a. Torsional vibrations
b. Deterministic vibrations
c. Transverse vibrations
d. All of the above


124.What are discrete parameter systems?

a. Systems which have infinite number of degree of freedom

b. Systems which have finite number of degree of freedom
c. Systems which have no degree of freedom
d. None of the above

125.Which among the following is the fundamental equation of S.H.M.?

a. x+(k/m)x=0
b. x+ω2x=0
c. x+(k/m)2 x=0
d. x2 + ωx2 =0
126. Find Natural frequency of vibration of the system if k1=1000 N/m, k2=1000 N/m, K3=
2000N/m, m=10 kg

a. 3.18 Hz
b. 2 HZ
c. 1HZ
d. 5 Hz
Ans: a

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