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‫ محمد جاد هللا ناجي‬: ‫ االسم‬THERMODYNAMICS "PHYS 2350" ID No.

: 120191018


Assignment No. 4

(Problems - Ch. 2)

:Assignment No. 4 (Problems - Ch. 2)

Solve the following problems: (2.1, 2.11, 2.14, 2.15, 2.16, 2.18, 2.21, 2.43)

2–1 Portable electric heaters are commonly used to heat small rooms. Explain the
energy transformation involved during this heating process?

In electric heaters, electrical energy is converted to sensible internal energy. So there are
two steps in the energy transfer from the original power in the AC line, to the heater
wire, to the air.

2–11 A water jet that leaves a nozzle at 60 m/s at a flow rate of 120 kg/s is to be
used to generate power by striking the buckets located on the perimeter of a wheel.
Determine the power generation potential of this water jet.
V = 60 m/s, , m =120 kg/s , Power = Ė = ??

Solution :

The water jet generated mechanical energy. Therefore, the power potential of the water
jet is its kinetic energy (K.e)

emech = K.e = = ¿ ¿ ¿)

emech = 1.8 KJ /Kg

Power = Ė mech = m˙ emech
= (120 Kg /s) ( 1.8 KJ / kg ) ( 1 KJ /S )

Power = 216 KW

2–14 A person gets into an elevator at the lobby level of a hotel together with his
30-kg suitcase, and gets out at the 10th floor 35 m above. Determine the amount of
energy consumed by the motor of the elevator that is now stored in the suitcase.
?? = m = 30-kg , Z = 35 m , Esuitcase

Solution :

.The energy stored in suitcase is Potential Energy ( P.E)

¿) Esuitcase = P.E = m g z = ( 30 Kg ) ( 9.81 m/s2 ) ( 35 m )

Esuitcase = 10.3 KJ

2–15 In what forms can energy cross the boundaries of a closed system?

Energy can cross the boundaries of a closed system in two forms: heat and work

2–16 When is the energy crossing the boundaries of a closed system heat and when
is it work?

The form of energy that crosses the boundary of a closed system because of :
a- a temperature difference is heat.
b- all other forms are work.

2–18C A gas in a piston–cylinder device is compressed, and as a result its

temperature rises. Is this a heat or work interaction?

It is work interaction as the compression process is done by moving the piston by

external force ( W = force x distance ).
2–21 An insulated room is heated by burning candles. Is this a heat or work
interaction? Take the entire room, including the candles, as the system.

- Taking the entire room as the system and since it is well insulated ( adiabatic
system = no heat crossing the system boundary ) , so there is no heat interaction.
- And there is no work delivered since there is no force acting through a distance.
- This is the conversion of one form of internal energy (chemical energy) to
another form (sensible energy). Therefore is neither a heat nor a work interaction
2–43 Consider a room that is initially at the outdoor temperature of 20°C. The
room contains a 100-W lightbulb, a 110-W TV set, a 200-W refrigerator, and a
‫ محمد جاد هللا ناجي‬: ‫ االسم‬THERMODYNAMICS "PHYS 2350" ID No. : 120191018

1000-W iron. Assuming no heat transfer through the walls, determine the rate of
increase of the energy content of the room when all of these electric devices are on.

Ė light = 100 W , Ė TV = 110 W , Ė refrig = 200 W , Ė iron = 1000 W ,

= ??

Solution :

Taking the room as the system, the rate form of the energy balance :

Ė in - Ė out = d Esystem / dt

Ė out = 0 because no energy leaving room ( No heat loss from the room )

∴ Ė in = d Eroom / dt

Ė in = Ė light + Ė TV + Ė refrig + Ė iron

= (100 + 110 + 200 +1000 ) W

∴ Ė in = 1410 W
When all the devices are on, the rate of increase in energy of the room is

d Eroom / dt = Ė in = 1410 W

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