Rizal Technological University: Department of Architecture

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Rizal Technological University

College of Engineering & Industrial Technology

Department of Architecture

Part I

Chapter I

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Lado del Rio
Rizal Technological University
College of Engineering & Industrial Technology
Department of Architecture


One of the most dynamic and fastest growing sectors in the

Philippines is the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Industry. It is the

leveraging of technology or specialist process vendors to provide and manage

an organization's critical and/or non-critical enterprise processes and

applications. The most common examples of BPO are call centres, human

resources, accounting and payroll outsourcing. The major components of the

BPO industry are contactcall centers, software development,

animation/creative service, data transcription, back office processing and

engineering design. IT-BPO industry plays a major role in the country's

growth and development.

The Philippines, with its growing Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)

industry, is looking at adding more jobs to the economy. With the increase in

business opportunities in the country especially in Metro Manila, people from

other parts of the country are flocking here to find the job of their choice.

Yes, most of the Filipinos still dream of living in urban cities like Metro

Manila. As the nation’s major center for commerce, services, leisure, and

entertainment, there is always something to do, see, or go to in the Philippine

capital. Top of it are the significant amount of employment, educational, and

investment opportunities that continue to center around Metro Manila;

however, this leads to more and more people flocking to the capital. With the

volumes of Filipinos that continuously moving to Metro Manila, the population

also increases. Rapid in-migration has meant that the housing industry cannot

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Lado del Rio
keep pace with demand. Moreover many of the newcomers do not have

sufficient resources to compete in the local metropolitan housing market.

Housing and neighborhood conditions are key elements shaping the

well-being of urban residents. However, in the Philippines especially in Metro

Manila, housing is a major issue since many Filipinos like the middle class

market still cannot afford to own a house. Shortage in lot area is also a

problem today and the solution is to build buildings vertically. Hence, an

affordable mixed – use high – rise micro - condominium where people can

live and work at the same time is in great need especially for workers that

live outside Metro Manila.


“Mixed use” refers to developing structures and communities that

blend residential, business and retail uses. Mixed-use condominium

development can take the form of a single building or complex of buildings.

Such projects have grown in popularity and frequency. Developers favor

these projects because they offer diversification due to the mixture of

commercial, residential, and retail. These projects are also trendy and

attractive to potential tenants and purchasers.

Nowadays, these developments are becoming the norm for

progressive development because they offer a way to make the most efficient

use of land while providing a higher quality lifestyle for those who live or

work in the developments.

In the Philippines, mixed use condominiums are not a new concept

and are classified into three types which are low-rise, mid-rise, and high-rise.

Though we have lots of condominiums here in the country especially in Metro

Manila, Filipinos still demand for more of this. Some of the fundamental

factors why Filipinos invest in this kind of property are that condos are

affordable compared to house and lots; they have more accessible locations;

distances between housing, workplaces, retail businesses, and other

amenities and destinations are reduced; and it is believed that condo living is

an indicator of success.

The need for such development is because of some major reasons

such as the increasing population of the Philippines. Based on the 2015

Census of Population (POPCEN 2015), the population was 100,981,437 as of

August 1, 2015. The Philippines is also a highly urbanized nation. The urban

population as of 2016 is 45,172,676 and by 2050, it will reach 88,380,848

according to Worldometers as shown in table 1.1. The increase is due to

continues urban migration of the Filipinos in search for a better life. Over 6

million more Filipinos are expected to flock to Manila in 10 years, according to

a report released by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU).

Table 1.1 Philippines Population Forecast

Year Population Pop % Urban Population

2016 102,250,133 44.8 % 45,842,660

2017 103,796,832 44.8 % 46,543,718

2020 108,435,788 45.1 % 48,864,640

2025 116,151,399 46.1 % 53,548,349

2030 123,575,484 47.9 % 59,220,239

2035 130,555,573 50.5 % 65,934,168

2040 137,020,456 53.5 % 73,335,400

2045 142,920,700 56.6 % 80,844,691

2050 148,260,478 59.6 % 88,380,848

Source: Worldometers (www.Worldometers.info)

The population of the National Capital Region also continues to

increase with 12,877,253 as of August 1, 2015 based on POPCEN 2015. As

shown in table 1.2, the 2015 population of the region is higher by 1.02 million

compared with the population of 11.86 million in 2010, and by 2.94 million

compared with the population of 9.93 million in 2000.

Table 1.2 Population of the National Capital Region (Based on the 2000, 2010, and

2015 Censuses)

Another reason is the growth in our Business Process Outsourcing

(BPO) industry. The total number of employed persons was estimated at 40.7

million in April 2016. As shown in table 1.3, the employment rate reported or

the proportion of employed persons to total labor force was 93.9 percent. In
the National Capital Region, the total number of employed person was esti-

mated at 12.8 million with an employment rate of 92.7 percent. 56.3 percent

of the employed population were in the services sector as shown in figure

1.1. This includes the BPO workers.

Table 1.3 Labor Force Participation, Employment, Unemployment,

Underemployment Rates by Region: April 2016

Figure 1.1 Percent Distribution of Employed Persons by Major Industry Group: April


As shown in figure 1.2, the local IT-BPO industry’s total employment

reached 851,782 in 2013, maintaining a double-digit growth rate of 10.6 per-

cent. And as of 2015, the industry generated 1.2 million direct jobs and is

looking at adding more jobs to the economy.

Figure 1.1 Employment by Category, 2004-2013 (number of persons) Results of the

Survey of IT-BPO Services, 2013

Rizal Technological University
College of Engineering & Industrial Technology
Department of Architecture

The growth is due to country’s strong economic performance that

helped in providing IT-BPO companies and investors a more positive percep-

tion of the Philippines’ business environment. Also, it is because our country

is known for having a large, English-speaking population and office rental

rates that are still the most affordable and best value in the Asian region.

The increasing population together with the rapid urbanization and

the recent rise of employment brought by the boom of business process

outsourcing (BPO) like the call center businesses boosts the demand for

condos. Property developers are scrambling to serve the demand for

residential products but challenges remain to making home ownership more

affordable for Filipinos as not all these households can afford housing. The

demand is there; however, the product is still not there since condominiums

today are still quite expensive.

Condo units should be affordable and to be affordable, construction

costs should be reduced, which means space needs to be reduced. There’s a

global phenomenon called micro – condominium or micro – condo. It is a one

of a kind facility, infusing big ideas in small spaces. It is squeezing all the

basic household necessities into cramped spaces yet still provides livable

areas of comfort and luxury.

26 | P a g e
Lado del Rio
Rizal Technological University
College of Engineering & Industrial Technology
Department of Architecture


The obvious problem we are experiencing right now is the increasing

density of Filipinos in the country especially in Metro Manila. The number of

people per square meter in Manila far exceeds most other major cities

worldwide. That means that the city needs to grow up vertically.

Filipinos to a great extent are continuously moving from provinces to

metro cities. People come from all over the Philippines to study and work in

Metro-Manila. To have good education and to find a job that will help them

have a better life are just some of their reasons why they migrate from rural

to urban.

However, those who moved are not always getting the better quality

of life like what they hoped for because nowadays, Filipinos are paying higher

than the usual for a condo unit just to have a comfortable place to live in.

Most of these people cannot afford decent housing. There are cases that

there are 10 people living in a 1 bedroom house, apartment, or condo.

With the unstoppable urban migration and the growing sector of

business process outsourcing (BPO) companies together with its growing

number of young professionals, the demand for mixed – use condominiums

continue to increase. The country should be prepared for this phenomenal

growth by providing the right infrastructures and that is to provide a

development that is high – rise and blends residential and commercial so

people can live and work at the same time.

27 | P a g e
Lado del Rio
Rizal Technological University
College of Engineering & Industrial Technology
Department of Architecture


The main goal of the study is to design a building that is socially ac-

cepted and will supply the demand for quality and affordable condominiums

thus helping the Filipino masses especially the growing middle class market,

young urban professionals, single home seekers, and even college students

to have the chance to live in a big city with good living conditions.

1.4.1. Specific Objectives

 To develop a mixed - use condominium that is comprised of residen-

tial, office, and commercial uses to achieve the “live, work, and play”


 To provide office spaces that will cater businesses that will generate

revenue, job opportunities or employment to the people.

 To design a building that is sustainable as much as possible.


The rapid urban transition and the growth of BPO companies in the

Philippines have presented national and city governments with many pressing

challenges. One of the major challenges facing by urban centers today is the

housing and living conditions.

As people from all over the country come to Metro Manila to study

and work, the population is also increasing as well as the demand for

affordable condominiums. Another major reason for the need of this kind of

development is that the transportation and traffic situation in Metro-Manila is

28 | P a g e
Lado del Rio
Rizal Technological University
College of Engineering & Industrial Technology
Department of Architecture

about as bad as it gets. The reason it is relevant is because many people live

outside of metro-manila and commute in and out every day.

With this mixed use condominium that offers a “micro - living”

concept, Filipinos, workers and students who are looking for decent, clean,

safe, secure, and flood-free place to stay near their place of work or school

are provided with an affordable place where one can actually live, work, and

play. With this development, it saves time wasted in traffic; thus, having

more time to enjoy life and to be more productive. Having their own

condominium units is seen providing a viable housing alternative to long

commutes, traffic jams and renting dormitories and bed space.


1.6.1. Scope

 The study emphasizes the importance of building a mixed – use high

– rise condominiums especially in today’s time where the increasing

population together with the scarcity of suitable site are major prob-


 It tackles about the reasons and demands of why is there a need to

build such development as well as the benefits one can gain from liv-

ing in a mixed – use condominium located in an urban city.

 The design focuses on how to make the condominium units affordable

with good living conditions and the building to be sustainable as much

as possible to help in the conservation of our environment.

29 | P a g e
Lado del Rio
Rizal Technological University
College of Engineering & Industrial Technology
Department of Architecture

1.6.2. Limitations

 Detailed computation and cost estimate for structural, mechanical,

electrical, and sanitary requirements of the facility are not established.

 Since it is a mixed – use condominium, the researcher finds it hard to

estimate the exact number of users or occupants that will use the


 Materials to be used.


This study entitled “Lado del Rio: A Proposed Mixed – Use High - Rise

Micro – Condominium” focuses on how to make a condominium affordable

and sustainable as much as possible. It also tackles about the benefits in

living in a mixed – use condominium as well as the importance of building

such development especially today where overpopulation and scarcity of land

is a major problem in our country.

With this mixed use condominium developed with “micro living”

concept, a salaried worker who will otherwise go home every day to his or

her respective province could now afford to buy a residential unit within the

city where he or she could live avoiding alternative to long commutes traffic

jams. This project also states the importance of building such kind of

infrastructure in today’s time where we experience scarcity of land. In

addition, the project will generate more job opportunities for the Filipino

people as well as revenue to the host city.

30 | P a g e
Lado del Rio
Rizal Technological University
College of Engineering & Industrial Technology
Department of Architecture



A Proposed Mixed Use
Problems: High Rise Micro
Increase in demand for Condominium

Unstoppable urban Conclusion:
migration and growing There is a need for
numbers of Business affordable residential
Process Outsourcing projects that will give
Companies the young urban users
the chance to live in a
great city
Lack of affordable
facility with good
living condition

31 | P a g e
Lado del Rio
Rizal Technological University
College of Engineering & Industrial Technology
Department of Architecture


Block - a parcel of land bounded on the sides by streets or alleys or

pathways or other natural or man-made features, and occupied by or

intended for buildings.

Business Process Outsourcing - is the leveraging of technology or

specialist process vendors to provide and manage an organization's critical

and/or non-critical enterprise processes and applications.

Commercial Condominium - a building, or group of buildings, used

for office, businesses, professional services and other commercial enterprise

organized, owned and maintained as a condominium.

Common Areas - means the entire project excepting all units

separately granted, held or reserved.

Condominium - shall mean an interest in real property consisting of

a separate interest in a unit in a residential, industrial or commercial building

and an undivided interest in common directly or indirectly, in the land on

which it is located and in other common areas of the building. A condominium

may include, in addition, a separate interest in other portions of such real

property. Title to the common areas, including the land, or the appurtenant

interests in such areas, may be held by a corporation specially formed for the

purpose in which the holders of separate interests shall automatically be

members or shareholders, to the exclusive of others, in proportion to the

appurtenant interest of their respective units in the common areas.

Condominium Project - means the entire parcel of real property

divided or to be divided in condominium, including all structures thereon.

32 | P a g e
Lado del Rio
Rizal Technological University
College of Engineering & Industrial Technology
Department of Architecture

Condominium Unit - means a part of the condominium project

intended for any type of independent use or ownership, including one or

more floors (or part or parts of floors) in a building or buildings and such

accessories as may be appended thereto.

Employed - refers to persons in the labor force who are reported

either as at work or with a job or business although not at work. Persons at

work are those who did some work, even for an hour during the reference


Employment Rate - refers to the proportion of employed persons to

the total labor force.

Floor Area Ratio - is the relationship between the total amount of

usable floor area that a building has, or has been permitted for the building,

and the total area of the lot on which the building stands.

Gross Floor Area - the total floor area contained within the building

measured to the external face of the external walls.

Labor Force - refers to the population 15 years old and over who

contribute to the production of goods and services in the country. It

comprises the employed and unemployed.

Labor Force Participation Rate - refers to the proportion of total

labor force to the total household population 15 years old and over.

Living Unit - a dwelling, or portion thereof, providing complete living

facilities for one family, including provisions for living, sleeping, cooking,

eating, bathing and toilet facilities and laundry facilities, the same as a single-

family dwelling.

33 | P a g e
Lado del Rio
Rizal Technological University
College of Engineering & Industrial Technology
Department of Architecture

Lot - portion of a subdivision or any parcel of land intended as a unit

for transfer or ownership for building development.

Microliving - is a development concept offering urban suitability

through its many available options on residential units.

Mixed – Use Development - is a type of urban development that

blends residential, commercial, cultural, institutional, or industrial uses, where

those functions are physically and functionally integrated, and that provides

pedestrian connections.

Net Floor Area - the occupied area of a building not including

hallways, elevator shafts, stairways, toilets, and wall thicknesses.

Open Space - shall refer to an area reserved exclusively for parks,

playgrounds, recreational uses, schools, roads, places of worship, hospitals,

health centers, barangay centers and other similar facilities and amenities.

Underemployed - refers to employed persons who express the

desire to have additional hours of work in their present job or an additional

job, or a new job with longer working hours.

Underemployment Rate - refers to the proportion of

underemployed persons to total employed persons.

Unemployed - refers to persons in the labor force who are reported

as without work.

Unemployment Rate - refers to the proportion of unemployed

persons to the total labor force.

34 | P a g e
Lado del Rio
Rizal Technological University
College of Engineering & Industrial Technology
Department of Architecture


BPO - Business Process Outsourcing

CBD - Central Business District

DENR - Department of Environment and Natural Resources

DepED - Department of Education

DILG - Department of Interior and Local Government

DOE - Department of Energy

DOLE - Department of Labor and Employment

DOTC - Department of Trade and Commerce

DSWD - Department of Social Welfare and Development

EIU - Economist Intelligence Unit

FAR - Floor Area Ratio

HLURB - Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board

HUDCC - Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council

HVAC- Heating, Ventilation, and Air

IAQ - Indoor Air Quality

LEED - Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design

LGU - Local Government Unit

LFS - Labor Force Survey

LPRF - Labor Force Survey

MRT - Metro Trail Transit

NAMRIA - National Mapping and Resource Information Authority

NBCP - National Building Code of the Philippines

NCR - National Capital Region

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Lado del Rio
Rizal Technological University
College of Engineering & Industrial Technology
Department of Architecture

NGO - Non Government Organization

NHA - National Housing Authority

NSCP - National Structural Code of the Philippines

NSO - National Statistics Office

PAG-ASA - Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services


PEZA - Philippine Economic Zone Authority

PHIVOLCS - Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology

PSA - Philippine Statistics Authority

ROI - Return On Investment

WWW - World Wide Web

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Lado del Rio

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