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From: Heather King @BSFLLP.

Subject: Attorney-Client Communication: Privileged and Confidential
Date: May 13, 2014 at 9:49 AM
To: Vadim Pozharskyi (v.pozharskyi.ukraine@ ) v.pozharskyi.ukraine@
Cc: Hunter Biden ([email protected]) [email protected], Devon Archer ([email protected])
[email protected]

Vadim – I hope this finds you well. Here are a few updates and recommendations:

1) I recommend that you begin emailing me directly with all communications related to the
current politically motivated attacks, and that you include in the “Subject” line of the
email “Attorney-Client Communication: Privileged & Confidential” as I have done above.
This will help protect as confidential our communications about such important and
sensitive issues.

2) I recommend that you authorize me to take the following actions to begin communicating
on Burisma’s behalf with the U.S. government: A) Contact the Bureau of Energy and
Ukraine Desk officials at the State Department to introduce them to Burisma and explain
Burisma’s current situation, which will include the issues you’ve emailed me about today.
That will include outreach to Carlos Pascual, the top US energy diplomat; his actual title
is Special Envoy and Coordinator for International Energy Affairs at State. He was
formerly US Ambassador to Ukraine (’00-03) and later to Mexico (09-12), among other
key foreign policy positions. Hillary and Bill Clinton hold him in high regard, as does
Secretary Kerry. He was recently in Ukraine and then on Capitol Hill briefing the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee privately about Ukraine and the challenges it faces, with a
focus on the importance of market competition in the oil/gas industry. B) In relation,
permit me to engage a key U.S. registered lobbyist I know well and trust to work with us
on this political effort now and into the future. His name is David Leiter. David was
Secretary of State Kerry’s Chief of Staff when Kerry was in the U.S. Senate and was a
political appointee at the U.S. Department of Energy during the Clinton Administration.
He understands the energy sector, is well versed on Ukraine and Russia in relation to
energy issues, and is close to Secretary Kerry and his staff. He is also very close to people
in other US government agencies (Commerce, Treasury, etc.) as well as Congress, and will
assist us if we find it helpful to engage with those officials as well - this is the kind of
process that tends to evolve based on what we learn as we proceed with meetings and test
the waters. For example, we have already learned that there are several Congressional
delegations planning to go to Ukraine later this month to observe the elections and try to
help bring legitimacy and transparency to them. Therefore, we will work right away to
meet with their staff (principally Senators Levin and Portman) who will be making those
trips. *If you agree with this recommendation, I would enter an agreement with David
through my law firm right away, to help protect our communications as confidential as
much as possible. However, Burisma would be responsible for directly paying his bills.
David works based on a monthly retainer, not an hourly fee like lawyers do. He will
charge $30,000.00 for the first month. After that, the monthly price may either stay the
same or go down to as much as $15,000 per month, depending on how much work there is
for him to do after this initial period of higher focus. Either way, I would seek your
approval prior to agreeing to any amount.

3) In addition, please note that it was very helpful that you mentioned your key customer
ArcelorMittal. David Leiter is good friends with the person who runs ArcelorMittal
USA’s Washington, DC office, Tom Dower. We should consider whether or not to call
Tom and let him know that David and I/my firm are involved in representing you, and
Tom and let him know that David and I/my firm are involved in representing you, and
explore whether Tom/ArcelorMittal would be open to being involved with some of our
meetings with the US government. The U.S. government always pays more attention and
is more apt to help when there is a U.S. company aspect to a problem and they are,
therefore, advocating for direct U.S. interests.

4) We are preparing answers to various questions the U.S. government has related to
Burisma and the current situation. In relation to that, I will be sending you requests for
additional information in the coming days and weeks as we seek to inform key people and
answer their questions. To start, can you please send me information to respond to these
initial questions:
a. A list of Burisma companies and their subsidiaries, and whether any of their
headquarters are located out of Ukraine. I realize that the holding company is
registered in Cyprus, but am trying to determine whether and how Burisma
touches countries other than Ukraine in terms of location of headquarters,
employees, etc.
b. Explain whether Burisma is 100% private or whether it is quasi-governmental by
any definition. In other words, confirm whether Burisma 100% privately owned
or if the government has any stake in the company or any other official role.
c. A list or information as to key customers that might help us magnify a US-
interests angle to the government here, just as you telling us about ArcelorMittal
was very helpful due to their US presence.
d. A copy of your charters and bylaws, and any other key documents you may
recommend that would show your corporate governance policies, including any
anti-bribery or other anti-corruption policies and procedures. We will conduct a
review of these documents at my firm.

Heather King, Esq.

5301 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20015

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