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Gyoji Kihan Glossary


“2” and“7” days (ni, shichi nichi 二・七 日) ☞ p. 53

“3” days (san nichi 三日) ☞ p. 53
“3” and“8” days (sanpachi 三八)
☞ p. 53
“3” and“8” recitations (sanpachi nenju
三八念誦) ☞ p. 53
“4” and“9” days (shi, ku nichi 四・九 日) ☞ p. 53
“8” days (hachi nichi 八日) ☞ p. 53
abbacy name (imina 諱)
abbot (jūjishoku 住持職, jūji 住持,
jūshoku 住職, dōchō 堂頭) ☞ p. 54
abbot emeritus (zenjū 前住)
abbot enters hall (jūji nyūdō 住持入堂,
jūji jōden 住持上殿)
abbot goes to hall (jūji fudō 住持赴堂) abbot inspects platforms (jūji kentan 住
abbot makes rounds of quarters (jūji junryō 住持巡寮)
abbot of monastery (jūsan 住山) abbot tours hall (jūji jundō 住持巡堂) abbot withdraws from hall (jūji taiden
abbot’s chair (jūji i 住持椅) abbot’s place (jūji i 住持位)
abbot’s private quarters (shindō 寝堂) ☞ p. 54
abbot’s quarters (hōjō 方丈) ☞ p. 54
abbot’s quarters assistant (hōjō anja 方 丈行者, hōan 方行) ☞ p. 55
abbot’s ritual choreography (jūji shintai 住持進退)
abbot’s room (jōshitsu 丈室)
abbot’s salutations to head seat and great assembly (jūji, shuso daishu to ninji 住持、首座 ・大衆と人事)
abbot’s signature ceremony (sensho shiki 僉疏式)
abbreviated bow in gassho (ryaku monjin 略問訊)
abbreviated confession (ryaku fusatsu 略 布薩)
abbreviated dedication of merit (ryaku ekō 略回向)
abbreviated dedication of merit for householders (zaike ryaku ekō 在家 略回向)
abbreviated eko text (ryaku ekōmon 略 回向文)

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abbreviated formal noon meal (goji ryaku gyōhatsu 午時略行鉢)
abbreviated morning meal (chōshuku ryaku gyōhatsu 朝粥略行鉢)
abbreviated morning sutra chanting (ryaku chōka 略朝課)
abbreviated procedure (ryakushiki 略式, ryakuhō 略法)
abbreviated procedure for mountain seating (shinsan ryakuhō 晋山略法)
abbreviated procedure for retreat (kessei ryaku sahō 結制略作法)
abbreviated prostrations (sokurei 触礼)
abbreviated retirement ceremony (taitō shiki ryakuhō 退董式略法)
ablution (kan’yoku 潅浴) ☞ p. 56
absentee ordination (daikai 代戒) ☞ p. 56
abundance of successors in the mon- astery (mon’yō hankō 門葉繁興) ☞ p. 56
accompaniment by staffs of various quarters (shoryōshu sanzui 諸寮衆 参随)
accompanying incense (jukō 従香)
accumulation of merit (kudokuju 功徳 聚) ☞ p. 56
acolyte (jisha 侍者) ☞ p. 56
acolytes quarters (jisharyō 侍者寮) activities inquiry (anri chōsa 行履調査) activities register (anrichō 行履帳)
administration hall (kudō 庫堂, kuin 庫 院, kusu 庫司, kuka 庫下) ☞ p. 57
administration hall assistant (kudō anja 庫堂行者, kuan 庫行) ☞ p. 57
administration hall salutations (kusu ninji 庫司人事)
Administrative Headquarters of Soto Zen Buddhism (shūmuchō 宗務庁) administrative wing (jōjū 常住) ☞ p. 57
administrators (kusu 庫司) ☞ p. 58
administrators’ courtesy words (kusu chigo 庫司致語)
administrators’ decoction service (kusu tentō 庫司点湯)
administrators’ decoction service notice (kusu tentō bō 庫司点湯牓)
administrators’ quarters (kusuryō 庫司 寮) ☞ p. 58
admixture of “new tin” (shinshaku sōken 新錫相兼) ☞ p. 58
admonitions (suikai 垂誡)
Admonitions for Common Quarters (Shu ryō shingi 衆寮箴規) ☞ p. 58
Admonitions for Zazen (Zazen yōjinki 坐禅用心記) ☞ p. 58
admonitory explanation (suikai kusen 垂誡口宣)
adornment stupa (shōgon tō 荘厳塔) advance in a row (heishin 併進) advance to altar (shinzen 進前) advance to
altar and burn incense
(shinzen shōkō 進前焼香)
advance to altar and offer stick of in- cense (shinzen jōkō 進前上香)
affiliated lay followers (kōchū shinja 講 中信者)
affiliated temples (kumiji 組寺)
☞ p. 59

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after (ha 罷)
after bedtime (kaichin go 開枕後) after breakfast (shukuha 粥罷) after-breakfast communal labor
(shukuha fushin 粥罷普請)
after-breakfast sutra chanting (shukuha fugin 粥罷諷経)
after evening bell (konshōha 昏鐘罷) after-meal dharma instruction (saiha
hōyaku 斎罷法益)
after-meal reading (saiha kandoku 斎罷 看読)
after midday meal (saiha 斎罷)
after morning sutra chanting (chōkaha
朝課罷, kaha 課罷)
after small convocation (shōsan ha 小 参罷)
age of the end of the dharma (masse 末 世) ☞ p. 59
age of the true dharma (shōbō 正法)
☞ p. 60
aggregate of ignorance (mumyōju 無明 聚) ☞ p. 60
aggregate of merit of the harmoni- ous assembly of monks (wagō shusō
kudokuju 和合衆僧功徳聚) ☞ p. 60
aide to precept master’s acolyte (hoshitsu
ailing monk (byōsō 病僧) air straw mats (shisen 曬薦)
air straw mats in various halls (shodō shisen 諸堂曬薦)
all alike attain perfect omniscience (dōen shuchi 同円種智)
all beings (issai shu 一切衆)
all benefits, hidden and manifest (onken riyaku 隠顕利益)
all bodhisattvas of the ten direc-
tions who together train in dharma (dōgaku hōryo jippō shobosatsu 同学 法侶十方諸菩薩)
all great bodhisattva ancestors who transmitted the precepts in the three lands (sangoku denkai soshi sho
daibosatsu 三国伝戒祖師諸大菩薩)
all buddha lands in every speck of dust (mijinkoku 微塵国)
all buddhas (shobutsu 諸仏, issai shobutsu 一切諸仏)
all buddhas and bodhisattvas of the perfection of wisdom assembly (hannya e shobutsu bosatsu 般若会諸 仏菩
all buddhas of the ten directions (issai jippō shobutsu 十方一切諸仏)
all buddhas of the ten directions and three times (jippō sanze issai shobutsu 十方三世一切諸仏)
all buddhas of the ten directions and three times, venerable masters who verified the precepts (shōkai sonshi jippō
sanze shobutsu 証戒尊師十方三 世諸仏)
all buddhas of the three times (sanze shobutsu 三世諸仏) ☞ p. 60
all conditions auspicious (shoen kikkei

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all conditions favorable (shoen kichijō 諸 縁吉祥)
all constellations (issai shōshuku 一切 星宿)
all dharma-protecting devas (issai gohō shoten 一切護法諸天)
all dharma-protecting devas and benev- olent deities (issai gohō shoten zenjin 一切護法諸天善神)
all dharmas are marked by emptiness (ze shohō kūsō 是諸法空相)
all disciples of the ten directions who together train in dharma (dōgaku hōryo jippō shohindei 同学法侶十方 諸兄弟)
all generations of deceased (senmō ruidai 先亡累代)
all great bodhisattva ancestors who transmitted the precepts in the three lands (sangoku denkai soshi sho
daibosatsu 三国伝戒祖師諸大菩薩)
all honored ones, bodhisattvas, great be- ings (shoson bosatsu makasatsu 諸尊 菩薩摩訶薩)
all invited (fushin 普請) ☞ p. 60
all invited to send off the deceased
(fushin sōbō 普請送亡) ☞ p. 60
all kinds of disasters (shosai 諸災)
all living beings (issai shujō 一切衆生,
shujō 衆生, issai gunrui 一切群類,
issai gunjō 一切群生) ☞ p. 60
all living beings who come (shorai gunrui 諸来群類) ☞ p. 60
all modes of contact with phenomena (sokusho 触処)
all nations (banpō 万邦) all-night vigil (tsuya 通夜)
all-night vigil sutra chanting (tsuya fugin
all-night zazen (tetsuya zazen 徹夜坐禅)
all patrons may live long and prosper
(shodan fukuju 諸檀福寿) ☞ p. 60
all sentient beings (issai ganrui 一切含 類)
all spirits (sho shōrei 諸精霊)
all spirits of deceased ordinands (mōkai sho shōrei 亡戒諸精霊)
all starving beings (kikinrui 飢饉類)
☞ p. 60
all tathagatas (issai sho nyorai 一切諸 如来)
all the three treasures (issai sanbō 一切 三宝)
all together (fudō 普同, ichidō 一同)
☞ p. 60
all we pray is that (igan 唯願) alms bowl (uhatsu 盂鉢) ☞ p. 61 alms gathering (takuhatsu 托鉢)
☞ p. 61

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alms money (shinkin 嚫金)
alms money and sweets three prostra- tions (shinkin ka sanpai 嚫金菓三拝)
aloes wood incense (jinkō 沈香) ☞ p.
altar (gan 龕) ☞ p. 62
alternating hall monitor (rinji jikidō 輪 次直堂)
alternating sequence (kōda 交打)
ambrosia gate (Kanromon 甘露門)
☞ p. 62
anan 阿難 ☞ p. 63
ancestor (so 祖, senzo 先祖) ☞ p. 63
ancestor Daruma (Tasso 達祖)
☞ p. 63
Ancestor Daruma’s memorial (Tasso ki
ancestor memorial (soki 祖忌)
ancestors hall (shidō 祠堂) ☞ p. 63
ancestors hall sutra chanting (shidō fugin 祠堂諷経)
ancestors of old (nōso 曩祖) ☞ p. 63
ancestral admonition (sokun 祖訓)
ancestral portrait (soshin 祖真)
☞ p. 63
ancestral records (soroku 祖録)
☞ p. 64
ancestral spirits (senmō shōrei 先亡精霊)
ancestral teacher (soshi 祖師, so 祖)
☞ p. 64
ancestral teachers hall (sodō 祖堂)
☞ p. 63
ancestral teachers hall bell (sodō shō 祖 堂鐘)
ancestral teachers hall sutra chanting (sodō fugin 祖堂諷経)
ancestral wind (sofū 祖風) ☞ p. 64 ancient rule (kyūki 旧規)
ancient sutra (kokyō 古経)
andae robe (andae 安陀会) ☞ p. 64
announce illness (kokubyō 告病) announce meal (kasshiki 喝食) announce time (ten 点) announcement
(kōhō 告報, hirō 披露)
announcement by abbot (jūji kōhō 住持 告報)

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announcement by rector (ino kōhō 維 那告報)
announcement gift (hirō motsu 披露物) announcement letter (fujō 訃状) announcement of an abbot (jūshoku
announcing bell (kanshō 喚鐘) announcing mallet (byakutsui 白槌) annual memorial (nenki 年忌)
☞ p. 65
annual memorial stupa board (nenki tōba 年忌塔婆) ☞ p. 65
annual observances (nenbun gyōji 年分 行持)
answer words (tōwa 答話) apparitional (genmō 幻妄) ☞ p. 65 apparitional transformation (genke 幻
化) ☞ p. 65
appearance is ruined (kigyō 毀形)
☞ p. 65
apply for registration (kata shigan 掛搭 志願)
appointees for excellent buddha-prais- ing assembly (tanbutsu shōe sajō 歎仏 勝会差定)

appointing head seat (shō shuso 請首座) appointing Heroic March head (shō
ryōgonjū 請楞厳頭)
appointing precept master (shō kaishi
appointing stewards (shō chiji 請知事) appropriate amount (ōryō 応量)
arhat (rakan 羅漢) ☞ p. 65
arhats hall (rakandō 羅漢堂) ☞ p. 67
arhats liturgy (rakan kōshiki 羅漢講式) arising from stillness (kaijō 開静)
arm-severing sesshin (danbi sesshin 断 臂摂心) ☞ p. 67
arrangement of four gates (shimon no haichi 四門の配置)
arrangement of funeral place (sōba no haichi 喪場の配置)
arrangements for repentance site (sange dōjō uchiawase 懴悔道場打合)
arrangements for ritual site (dōjō uchiawase 道場打合)
arrival at triple gate (sanmon tōchaku 三 門到着)
arrival of new abbot’s vehicle (shinmei nyūga 新命入駕)
arrival of precept master (kaishi tōchaku
arrival of vehicle (raiga 来駕)
arrival prostrations (tōchaku no hai 到 着の拝)
arrivals register (tōchakuchō 到着帳) “As for the author...” (sakusha wa 作者
ascertain (shōko 照顧)

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assembled monks activities register (kaishu anrichō 海衆行履帳)

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assemblies of sages (shōshu, shōshū 聖 衆)
assembly (shu 衆, shutō 衆等, e 会) assembly for training (kai shugyō 会修
assembly from assisting temples (zuikishu 随喜衆)
assembly of monks (sōshu 僧衆, shusō 衆 僧, bikushu 比丘衆)
ask for leave (koka 乞暇) assigned place (hi i 被位)
assistant (anja 行者) ☞ p. 67
assistant comptroller (fūsu 副寺)
☞ p. 67
assistant instructor (jokeshi 助化師)
☞ p. 68
assistant platform manager (hodan 補 壇)
assistant to precept master’s acolyte (shitsuan 室行)
assisting offering (shisen 資薦)
associate dharma site (jun hōchi 准法地) associates (koshi 故師)
assume position (shūi 就位)
ate the meal with his entire body
(tsūshin kippan 通身喫飯) ☞ p. 68
attain buddhahood (jōbutsu 成仏)
☞ p. 68
attain the way (jōdō 成道) ☞ p. 68
attend to (gōsetsu 迎接, buji 奉持) attendance (rinshō 臨照)
attendant (benji 弁事, zuishin 随身, bōjin
attendees (sanretsusha 参列者) attendees at ceremony (gito 儀徒) attentive concern (shōkan 照鑑)
attest (shōkan 証鑑)
auction (shōe 唱衣, heishō 並唱, koshō
“Auction” placard (shōe hai 唱衣牌)
august attendance (kōgō 光降) ☞ p. 68
auspicious appearance of purple and gold (shikon zuisō 紫金瑞相)
auspicious phoenix canopy (zuihō gai 瑞 鳳蓋)
awakened spirit (kakurei 覚霊)
☞ p. 68
awakening (bodai 菩提, kaku 覚, satori
悟り) ☞ p. 68
awakening day sesshin (rōhatsu sesshin
臘八摂心) ☞ p. 68
awakening day sesshin assembly (rōhatsu sesshin e 臘八摂心会)
awakening stupa (bodai tō 菩提塔)

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