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INTRODUCTION 6 Flying fox-voracious fruit eaters, it lets

your gather 2x as much food foraging.

Roll a d100 on the list below and select your pet! Appears to onlookers as a 5ft tall bat and
This list was created by the community over at can be used for intimidation.
7 An oddly colored caterpillar the size of
100 Pets and Familiars a human arm. It enjoys sunbathing on
the caster’s head and eating the caster’s
clothing. The caterpillar will eventually
1 A young dragon that was permanently enter an unnaturally hard cocoon in
shrunk by cursed magic, and is unable to which it will undergo metamorphosis
speak in any form. Will take hundreds into an enormous butterfly. The butterfly
of years to mature and is learning magic will continue to follow the spell caster
by being a familiar and observing spell if they properly cared for it before its
casters so as to learn how to undo his metamorphosis, and can cast Giant Insects
curse. without concentration as a spell-like
ability once per day.
2 A tiny alligator. Like ridiculously tiny,
three inches long at most. The only 8 A sentient transparent orb filled with
way you can tell it apart from a newt smoke that also doubles as a spell casting
is it occasionally latches onto a finger focus for the caster. It communicates
and draws blood. But it’s very good at through movement of the smoke, with
sneaking into and out of places. peaceful drifting indicating contentment
and violent swirling indicating agitation.
After gaining trust in the spell caster over
3 A Fuster Cluck. A rooster with comically a long period of time, the spell caster
large wattle and tail feathers. The cosmic will begin to see pictures in the smoke
rules governing reality tend to bend near that only they can see, which hint at the
this strange creature, resulting in things history of the orb.
going terribly, horribly, implausibly
wrong for a creature nearby.
9 A will-o’-wisp that has taken an interest
in the spell caster and follows them of its
4 An animated sapling. It can blend in own free will. It is mischievous and a tad
perfectly with trees as long as it closes cruel by nature, and occasionally floats
its eyes and mouth, stands still and is on off for hours at a time before returning. It
a spot that would normally grow such a often zaps party members at inopportune
tree. times, and lingers after fights to consume
the souls of the fallen. That aside, it is
5 A turtlehorse is a creature that is, still supportive of the caster and readily
obviously, a cross between a turtle provides backup as a distraction during
and a horse. It’s the size of your every truly dire combat. It occasionally acts as a
guide when the spell caster is lost, though
day turtle with a main of brown hair,
it will sometimes play tricks on the caster
a long snout and hooves. It only in the same way. When the spell caster
has one power. If you cut off one of is casting a spell, the will-o’-wisp circles
its legs a horse-sized version of the the caster at rapid speeds, and will add an
familiar appears to be your steed. But additional 2d8 of lightning damage to it if
if you cut off all 4 legs the turtlehorse the spell also does lighting damage.
10 A living wristwatch/amulet/medallion
that can sprout legs and waddle off.
11 A disembodied hand shaped in a fist 19 A small cat-sized Owlbear that has a
with eyes tattooed on forefinger and a natural aptitude for finding things (+1 on
mustache on the thumb. It speaks in a investigation rolls). Like most Owlbears
squeaky voice similar to its master. ‘S’all it has a large appetite and is almost
right?’ constantly hungry. If it’s left unfed for
too long it tends to be temperamental
(doesn’t help in investigations) and, for
12 A finger sized eldritch deity that gives
some reason, makes attempts to eat the
+2 necrotic dmg to rthe PC’s attacks, as
shoes of the spell caster.
well as a 10% chance to cause madness to
the target of a PC’s spell for 1d4 turns. A
pact must be made with it to help it seize 20 A 10 inch tall brass Golem capable of
power of a realm. following simple instructions; it makes a
happy whistling sound when it completes
a task and often watches its master with
13 A mimic that stays as the users backpack.
great curiosity and will try to mimic
When thrown at an enemy it attempts
to devour it against a strength check. If
it fails then it just does 1d4 damage and,
must be retrieved by the PC. 21 A small palm sized cube slime. Can be
placed in any room and will relay what
has been spoken when the owner holds it
14 A pocket sized frog that when placed
telepathically. It must be fed small rodents
on the ground grows to the size of a
and insects daily, or it will dissolve.
warhorse. It is a mount that can jump
vertically equivalently to the PC’s speed,
and moves at double the PC’s speed. It 22 A small pink blob like humanoid (Speed
can shrink back down when commanded. 20ft). Has the same ability of a bottomless
If it lands on an enemy smaller then it, it bag, with an additional ability to act like
deals 1d10 dmg. a weak vacuum. It has low intelligence,
and can only make baby noises.
15 A parasite that has lodged itself into the
PC’s brain. It can communicate to the 23 Firebat – engulfs in flames on demand,
user, however the user must verbally talk lighting an area of 20ft of bright light
to communicate back. It is able to tell and 10ft of dim light. Does 1 fire damage
the alignment of whomever the user is to anything it touches but cannot spread
talking to. for. Can give it one simple command as a
bonus action.
16 A very long wooden snake that generally
wraps around the users neck like a scarf. 24 Bees. You wear their ‘queen’ in a golden
When commanded it can straighten out amber oval around your neck; it cannot
into a monk staff that deals 1d8 dmg. It be stolen, as it has adhered to your flesh
will die if caught on fire. (it just LOOKS like it’s a necklace).
Eating/drinking your hive’s honey
imbues more magical potency. Making/
17 An undead skeleton hand that is placed
drinking mead doubles it (but, it’s mead,
upon the users hand. It gives a bonus of
so it’ll getcha drunk). The honey potency
+2 to dex checks as it sometimes takes
only applies to you, but the mead can be
control of the PC’s hand to help out.
sold and applied to anyone–but again, it’s
mead, so it’ll get them drunk.
18 An ancient tortoise with lichens growing
on its shell.
25 A cat-sized Praying Mantis.
26 A baby. For everyone else, this IS 30 A tiny bard that lives in a music box,
a baby; to the owner, it is a living except it will only sing a song about
embodiment of their own magical wanting the box to be closed again.
will. It cannot be killed by mundane
or magical means, and for all intents 31 A house tarrasque.
and purposes is indestructible; but if
the spell caster is damaged, the baby
32 A tiny treant in a small clay flowerpot.
is damaged (which also means, if the
spell caster dies, the baby dies). Think
‘Portrait of Dorian Gray’, kind of. 33 A magical flying origami swan. It can
Additional: a psychic link between detect the alignment of living things, and
reacts accordingly.
caster and baby reveals the baby
is himself–and thus, can converse
with the baby/himself psychically or 34 A boggle that started off as the character’s
verbally (but the baby cannot speak, childhood imaginary friend, then slowly
itself). It is able to move–‘crawl’–up grew in power. The boggle can become
to a few meters away, and can share very resentful if the character seems to be
making friends with someone new.
what it sees with the caster. Basically,
it can do baby things, and obeys
commands that the caster gives it, to 35 A Kua-toa child. Fiercely loyal to the
the physical limit of a baby. Note- caster and views them as a divine figure.
slash-edit: using the baby as an object They can manifest minor clerical powers
through their devotion alone.
(re: ‘I’ll just go around and beat
everyone with it then!’) saps the spell
caster of any goodness inside them– 36 A large parrot that is able to translate the
the more evil they become, the more more common languages, but yells the
blackened, bruised, and ugly the baby translation directly into the spell caster’s

37 A sentient clam that happily babbles

27 A lion turtle (yeah, THAT lion turtle.
in an unknown language, assumedly
Not super huge, as it isn’t too old yet–
Clam. It sings amazingly despite its
think ‘average tortoise’-sized. Which,
incomprehensible language, and has
I also suppose, means it’s still in it’s
advantage on all performance checks
infancy?). Can either: hold extra spell slots
involving singing. A patient spell caster
for the caster, or turn one spell per day
may be able to pick up the language if
into a spell level higher (turtles’ choice–
they are persistent.
which, really, is GM’s choice), cast a
random spell as needed, or finally, lets
it’s owner reroll a saving throw (boost of 38 A small, seemingly conscious cloud of
luck). blueish smoke. Can distract and hinder
enemies by hovering by their mouth and
nostrils, but otherwise doesn’t do much
28 A chinchilla that when given an
other than following it’s master.
opportunity for a dust bath emanates an
aura causing intense positive emotions.
39 A green fox that laughs like a small child.
Provokes a chance of madness in those
29 A small fairy that can tell you where the
who tell it bad jokes.
nearest pub is when you enter a new city,
based on the scent of ale.
40 An old silk hat. Place on a mound of 50 Enchanted, sentient spectacles that has
matter, to become a golem of said matter. way better passive perception than you
Once belonged to a wizard. do. Whispers in your ear when it’s seen
something you haven’t. Occasionally
likes to play pranks by insisting there are
41 Mushroom Jesus. A Small-sized monsters nearby where there are none.
anthropomorphized fungi that you can
eat pieces of that will save you… from
starvation. Regenerates each day. When 51 A Personal Assistant Imp, four inches
not being eaten, is rather enjoyable to be tall, who lives in a cage. He tells time,
around. Immune to poisons. he takes memos, and he reminds you of
important dates! He usually does a poor
job of it. Yes, I’ve just started reading
42 A sentient knife tied to a long and Terry Pratchett, why do you ask?
thin string. While it cannot fly, it can
propel itself in any direction (kind of
like a jellyfish), and will promptly attack 52 A small variant of a winged serpent. It
anyone who menaces it’s master. has a tiny lightning breath, and can fly
unhindered in storm clouds.
43 A silver sphere the size of a juggling
ball. It can roll around and jump short 53 A platypus. It has a poisonous claw attack.
distances and can detect the presence and
intent of magic and acts accordingly. 54 A goldfish. Yes, the fishbowl is required.
If the goldfish is happy you find it easier
44 An Animated Object, for example a large to hold your breath. You have advantage
wooden spoon, that complains whenever on con checks for doing so.
it is not be used to fulfill it’s purpose.
55 A ferret with impossible colorings and
45 A demonic ‘possession’ creature; can patterns in its fur.
only possess common tableware (spoons,
knives, forks, plates, napkins, salt/pepper 56 A mummified cat, that seems indifferent
shaker, etc.) to anything that happens around it. Does
not need to sleep, eat or drink, even
46 A Cloud Otter; an otter with white or though it does all of that frequently. Also,
gray fur that can swim through the air. it is an unlimited source of dusty toilet
47 An egg, with legs. Nobody’s been able
to crack the shell yet, but it’s convinced 57 A tiny grey ooze that can psychically
you’re its mother, and will probably communicate with any creature it
attempt to eat the rest of the party when touches, it can only communicate general
it comes out of its shell. ideas and not specific words this way.

48 Micro-dragon. If it curls up, it fits into 58 The spirit of a town drunk. The drunk
the palm of your hand. You found it is not dead; his spirit just leaves his body
in your gold pouch one day clutching whenever he becomes ‘blackout drunk’.
a single gold piece, and it refuses to let Useful as much as you think a spirit
go. Can produce a small flame as with would be.
59 An enchanted octopus that can survive on
49 A succubus the size of a halfling. land indefinitely and can change it’s color
and texture on land as well.
60 A ventriloquist dog–upon receiving, spell 69 A magical, sentient brick that can
caster goes permanently mute (until dog communicate with you telepathically
is no longer their familiar). Dog speaks
for them in a perfect accent of your
70 A small, burrowing, armored worm. It
choice (although German just sounds
can move in dirt at move speed of 25 feet.
inherently funnier).
Above ground it can move at 35 feet. It
has tremor sense.
61 An animate shillelagh, imbued with the
spirit of a dog. The top half/thicker half
71 A potoo bird that can be completely
is carved to look like the face of either
disguised if it’s standing still on a tree,
an English bulldog or a corgi (dealer’s
with a branch at least 1 foot wide.

72 A tiny Da Vinci style helicopter construct

62 A squirrel with naturally occurring plates
that seeks out great inventors and artists.
of bio armor (re: pangolin).

73 A rock. It doesn’t eat much but always

63 A thousand year old vampire alligator.
seems to be some place different when
Eats ideas, concepts, words; libraries are
viewers look away and then back.
grocery stores to him, whereas taverns
have the highest-quality foods.
74 A chameleon that can’t quite manage to
match whatever color it is hiding against
64 A lump of enchanted patchwork flesh
but can occasionally display distant
that turns into any of the monsters on this
images or things it has seen.
list with their associated ability, for 12
hours (d100 for what it turns into).
75 An invisible spirit that can’t talk. It has
the mage hand spell as an ability.
65 A tiny metal (or clockwork) snake–that
only the spell caster knows is animate.
Can either be the size of a ring, a 76 A palm sized spider that can mend any
necklace, or a belt (re: growth/shrink). fabric-based thing that it is told to by its
66 An animated feather that writes
whatever the owner wishes in anyone’s’ 77 A vulture that vomits ale as a defense
handwriting if treated nicely and is mechanism.
provided ink.
78 A tiny construct that chirps and whirrs as
67 A worn-out living wizards hat. A tear in it flies around. Possesses a small glass orb
the front acts as a mouth for it to speak. of magic that may be used for scrying.
It is able to tell the user of obscure events Prefers spell casters with missing arms or
they may have missed that happen as the hands, so it can change shape and take the
PC progresses. (Reroll on spot or search form of the casters appendage for as long
checks) as it desires to.

68 A snooty noble who was polymorphed 79 A small dog, like a Chihuahua or a pug. It
into a schnauzer. He will often complain can speak, but ONLY one-syllable words.
about the conditions that he and his
master must endure, but can be quite A lamia, but with the lower half of a
charismatic. mouse.
81 A Will-o-Wisp that lures strangers to 94 A giant slug. It has a movement of
owner of the familiar without warning 10 feet. It regenerates hit points at an
the owner. extremely fast rate. It can be placed on
any kind of surface for an hour (except
for salt) and gain resistance to attacks of
82 A cybernetically-enhanced housecat. that element by absorbing some of it.
It also has a ranged acid attack that can
83 A small feline creature with rainbow corrode metal slowly.
colored insect-like wings (fly speed of 30
feet). It can cast color spray once a day. 95 A particularly spiteful faery that’s run
It is very energetic and enjoys hunting away from home and latched onto you
for small fey creatures like pixies, though because it likes the color of your eyes.
they easily outsmart it. Occasionally changes your hair color in
the middle of the night and refuses to be
84 A velociraptor wearing a top hat and told what to cast or when.
monocle that generally scoffs at fighting.
96 A small fire elemental vanished from
85 A sea otter. It can move freely (35 feet) the plane of fire shaped like a black cat,
on both land and water surfaces. leaves black ashen tracks everywhere it
goes. It can be commanded to summon
its tiny fire powers to explode damaging
86 An animated shrunken head that can everything around it, but like most cats, is
fluently speak common. temperamental and difficult to control or
87 An albino raven that occasionally speaks
and more rarely has visions of the future. 97 A tumor that has grown on the spell
caster, has a tiny mouth and grows sparse
88 A tiny sandstone golem, that carries a hair, may have an eye or two. It posses its
tiny umbrella, which it uses to glide own brain and has an excellent memory,
around. It has enough strength to jump but little intelligence. Can recite spells
on a shoulder. perfectly but lacks the intellect to carry a
conversation or ask any questions.
89 A penguin. It may or may not be hiding
an egg between its legs. The egg may or 98 A normal familiar creature, but with a
may not be a penguin. pouch on its belly, where it keeps various
trinkets and valuables. Obsessively steals
trinkets and valuables if left unattended.
90 A clockwork badger. Dig speed 30 feet,
will straight up ruin the day of anything
it doesn’t like. 99 A baby peryton, that loves to hunt small
animals and kill them for food and fun.
Hates elves, and loves to make it known.
91 A yellow electric rat. It has a weak It’s shadow is that of a tiny humanoid
lightning attack, and it’s tears can cure flapping its arms as it flies.

100 A horrible looking humanoid

92 A featherless hawk. It can’t fly, but it sure homunculus with sharpened teeth that
is funny to look at. must eat human flesh as food, and eats
nothing else. Will pursue food on his
93 A Chihuahua with a lion’s soul trapped in own if not fed, but is otherwise perfectly
its body. docile.

This list was created by the community over at Put together by Casey Willis. See
more at

Special thanks to reddit user Lawlkitties for curating this list!

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