Markov Chain Gamblers Ruin Problem

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Gamblers Ruin Problem

1. A rat is put into the linear maze a shown below:

0 1 2 Rat 3 4 5
Shock is food
At each step the rat moves to the right with probability 3/4 and to the left with probability 1/4.
What is the probability that the rat finds the food before getting shocked? Answer 0.892
2. Consider the Markov chain whose TPM is given by
0 1 2
0 1 0 0

P = 1 0.2 0.4 0.4

2 0 0 1
Starting in 1, determine the probability that the Markov chain ends in state 0. Answer 0.33
3. The probability of the thrower winning in the dice game called ”craps” is p = 0.49. Suppose
Player A is the thrower and begins the game with $ 5, and Player B, his opponent, begins with $
10. What is the probability that Player A goes bankrupt before Player B? Assume that the bet
is $ 1 per round.
4. Define the Gambler’s ruin problem. Also derive the probability Pi , i = 0, 1, . . . , N that starting
with i units, the gamblers fortune will eventually reach N units before reaching 0.
5. Let state space be {1, 2}. Classify the states (i.e., check whether Markov chain is ergodic or not)
and compute the stationary distribution of {Xn } and the limits limn→∞ P (Xn = 1) where the
initial (0)
 is p = (1/4,  3/4) for the cases when the TPM is
1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 0 1
(i) (ii) (iii)
1/4 3/4 0 1 1 0

6. Suppose gambler has the initial capital of N dollars and aims to win (extra) M dollars and then
stop playing. Of course, if he goes bankrupt before achieving the goal, he also stop playing. He
find a slot machine which gives ”odds” of p of winning a dollar for every dollar one put in (and
with probability q = 1 − p the dollar is lost). We assume that successive games are independent.
(i) What is the probability that the gambler will win the desired extra M dollar before he goes
bankrupt? (ii) If the slot machine was fair (p=q=1/2), what would be the probability of winning
extra 10 dollar when starting with dollar 50.
7. An NCD system has the discount classes: E0 (no discount), E1 (20% discount) and E2 (40%
discount). Movement in the system is determined by the rule whereby one steps back one discount
level (or stays in E0 ) with one claim in a year, and returns to a level of no discount if more than
one claim is made. A claim-free year results in a step up to a higher discount level (or one remains
in class E2 if already there). This NCD system has only three discount classes as shown below:

NCD class E0 E1 E2
% discount 0 20 40
annual preminum 100 80 60

If we suppose that for anyone in this scheme the probabilities of one claim in a year is 0.2 while
the probability of two or more claims is 0.1. Find (i) the TPM for this system (ii) In long run,
what proportion of time is the process in each of the three discount classes. (iii) Find the average
annual premium paid.

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