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Tagasaka National High School

Tagasaka, HInatuan, Surigao del Sur

Name: ________________________________ Section: _______________________________

Grade 8- English Summative Test
Competency: Determine the meaning of words and expressions that reflect the local culture by
noting context clues.
Direction: Encircle the correct answer.
1. Delicacies
A. Common products found in any place.
B. Specialty products of a particular place.
C. Expensive products of a particular place.
D. Free products for tourist visiting a particular place.
2. Marine products
A. Sea animals B. Sea dwellers C. Water lilies D. Water sports
3. Which of the following pair of words are antonyms?
A. Agree: Consent B. Eternal: Mortal C. Enormous: Huge D. Old: Ancient
4. Which of the following pair of words are synonyms?
A. Abroad: Overseas
B. Add: Subtract
C. Guilty: Innocent
D. Insult: Compliment
5. Do you agree with this statement?
“The only way to find the meaning of an unfamiliar or unusual word is by looking it up in the
dictionary “.
A. Yes
B. No
C. Maybe
D. all the time

Tagasaka National High School

Tagasaka, HInatuan, Surigao del Sur
Grade 8- English Summative Test

Name: ________________________Section_________________________
Competency: Determine the meaning of words and expressions that reflect the local culture by
noting context clues.
Direction: Encircle the correct answer.
1. Delicacies
A. Common products found in any place.
B. Specialty products of a particular place.
C. Expensive products of a particular place.
D. Free products for tourist visiting a particular place.
2. Marine products
A. Sea animals B. Sea dwellers C. Water lilies D. Water sports
3. Which of the following pair of words are antonyms?
A. Agree: Consent B. Eternal: Mortal C. Enormous: Huge D. Old: Ancient
4. Which of the following pair of words are synonyms?
A. Abroad: Overseas
B. Add: Subtract
C. Guilty: Innocent
D. Insult: Compliment
5. Do you agree with this statement?
“The only way to find the meaning of an unfamiliar or unusual word is by looking it up in the
dictionary “.
A. Yes B. No C. Maybe D. all the time
Tagasaka National High School
Tagasaka, HInatuan, Surigao del Sur

Name: ________________________________ Section: _______________________________

Grade 8- English Summative Test
Competency: Use Conventions in Citing Sources (EN8SS-IIIg-1.6.4)
DIRECTIONS: Read the questions/statements properly then encircle the letter with the correct answer.
1. When you are ending a sentence with a direct quote that ends with a question mark, which reference
citation is written correctly?
A. One common question is "Do you consider this role to have a greater emphasis on counseling or
marketing?" (Ziegenfus 2015 p. 4).
B. One common question is do you consider this role to have a greater emphasis on counseling or
marketing? (Ziegenfus, 2015, p. 4).
C. One common question is "Do you consider this role to have a greater emphasis on counseling or
marketing?" (Ziegenfus, p. 4 2015,).
D. One common question is "Do you consider this role to have a greater emphasis on counseling or
marketing?" (Ziegenfus, 2015, p. 4).
2. What writing skill takes word for word information from a source and gives credit to the original
A. Notation
B. Quotation
C. Summarizing
D. Paraphrasing
3. What writing skill condenses information and includes detail, while not being concerned about
A. Paraphrasing
B. Patch-writing
C. Summarizing
D. Quotation
4. What is it called when written information is transferred from the writer's words into a very short
A. Paraphrasing
B. Patch-writing
C. Summarizing
D. Quotation
5. When should you use in text citations within your paper?
A. At the end of each page
B. At the end of every paragraph
C. Whenever information has come from another source.
D. Whenever information used is true and valid.

Tagasaka National High School

Tagasaka, HInatuan, Surigao del Sur

Name: ________________________________ Section: _______________________________

Grade 8- English Summative Test
Competency: Use modals verbs, noun and adverbs appropriately.
DIRECTIONS: Choose among the choices the best answer to the questions. Encircle the letter of
the correct answer.
1. Can it be a false accusation?
A. Ask permission B. Obligation C. Possibility D. Request
2. He must be on time to make a good impression.
A. Ability B. Advice C. Obligation D. Request
3. Which statements are true about modal verbs
i. type of auxiliary (helping) verb
ii. expresses ability, and possibility
iii. expresses permission, request, and advice
iv. expresses ability, possibility and obligation
A. i and ii B. i, ii, and iii C. ii, iii, iv D. i, iii, iv
4. If you go to China you __________ get a visa.
A. Can B. Could C. Must D. Will
5. Which of the following modal verbs expresses ability?
A. Can and could
B. Can, may, and shall
C. Can, could and would
D. Will, can, and could

Grade 8- English Summative Test

Competency: Use noun as subject and subject complement
Let’s underline and encircle!
A. DIRECTION: Underline the noun used in the sentence as Subject and encircle the Subject
1. The student danced gracefully.
2. John jumped over the fence.
3. Anna is pretty.
4. The movie was fascinating.
5. Enchanted River is one of the beautiful spots in Hinatuan.
B. Write 5 sentences indicating noun as a subject and subject complement.
Example: English is my favorite subject.
Subject as a noun Subject Compliment






Tagasaka National High School

Tagasaka, HInatuan, Surigao del Sur
Name: ________________________________ Section: _______________________________
Grade 8- English Summative Test
Competency: Identifying Signals indicate coherence
A. Directions: Encircle the letter that correctly identifies the nature of the underlined coherence signals
in each of the following sentences
1. A lockdown was imposed in some parts of Mangagoy, Bislig City, so several businesses had to close
down for months.
A. Addition B. Comparison C. Order/Sequence D. Time
2. Even though most Filipinos are primarily concerned about AIDS it should be remembered that it is
now nearly a worldwide disease.
A. Addition B. Comparison C. Contrast D. Time
3. Miranda will probably be a late bloomer socially, just like her older sisters.
A. Addition B. Comparison C. Contrast D. Time
4. Boring tasks can be more pleasant. For instance, set up a very comfortable area and play a relaxing
music while you work.
A. Comparison B. Contrast C.Illustration/Example D.Order/Sequence
5. Jee Cris forced the six-pack of canned goods into the bottom of the bag, tearing it. Then he said, “I
guess you’ll have to carry the bag from the bottom.”
A. Comparison B. Contrast C. Order/Sequence D. Time
B. Direction: Write a meaningful sentence using the following coherence.
b. unlike
c. however
d. both
e. too
Grade 8- English Summative Test
Competency: Use a range of verbs, adjectives and adverbs to convey emotional response or reaction
to an issue to persuade.
DIRECTION: Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of the following is the main purpose of using emotive language?
A. To inform the readers.
B. To entertain the readers.
C. To arouse the feelings of the readers.
D. To define the meaning of unfamiliar words.
2. Which of the following statements is false?
A. Verbs are action words.
B. Words have different degrees of strength and intensity.
C. Adjectives are used to describe or modify a noun or pronoun.
D. Words have equal strength and intensity in stimulating the feelings of readers.
3. Which of the following groups of words contain verbs that show feelings and emotions?
A. run – jog – sprint – race
B. loved – desired – craved – yearned
C. strolled – walked – hiked – marched
D. happy – excited – overjoyed – contented
B. Arranged the jumbled sentences using the range of verbs and adjectives to convey emotional
responses or reaction.(2pts)]’]

1. A swarm of golden busy bees fly over the little fragrant and pretty flowers.


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