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MODULE 4: BUDDHISM address these existential questions and problems.

In addition, Buddhism also focuses on self-

“Balance is weakness”  discovery, but without a concept of the divine.
-Zed, League of Legends  In short, it is anthropocentric, but not
theocentric. What it lacks on theology, however,
Maybe some of you, especially those who are makes up for in its analysis on how one could
playing League of Legends, have encountered end the cycle of rebirth. Buddhism did not rely
this quotation. This is a phrase that Zed, a much on Hindu religious practices, like rituals
fictional character of the game, often declares. and sacred texts. It advocated a change of
Based on its context, this phrase means that you lifestyle to solve the problem of rebirth. In other
should not strive to find balance but instead words, it provides a new and different solution
try focusing and perfecting at least one thing. to the endless cycle of the rebirth of the soul. 
Why am I citing this weird quotation from a
game? It is because Buddhism, the religion that Buddhism: Did You Know That?
we are about to explore, is in opposition to this
quotation. Balance and moderation might be Buddhism, just like other religions, has
the right words to describe the religion of experienced persecution. The history of the
Buddhism because it tries to answer the problem Buddhists includes a lot of battles to defend their
of “too much and too little.”  religion. In fact, the martial art Shaolin Kung
Fu that we now know is a product of the
But before we get into the real deal, let us first necessity of Buddhist monks to defend
clarify and deconstruct some misconceptions themselves from invaders, people who tried to
about Buddhism. This religion is almost always sack their temples, and most especially, from
associated with a lot of negative things. When despots who tried to persecute them. On June
we hear the word, Buddha, there is a high 11, 1963, in Vietnam, a Buddhist monk burned
probability that the fat Buddha is what comes to himself to death during a protest to ask then-
our mind. This kind of Buddha is associated President Ngo Dinh Diem to show compassion
with business and good luck. Another wrong and charity to all religions. This act is
notion is that Buddhism originated in China and called self-immolation, a form of sacrifice by
that Buddha was Chinese, which later on would burning.
lead to the association of Buddhism with Kung
Fu. Also, some people think that Buddhism is Discussion on Siddhartha Gautama and Spread
just a simple act of meditation to achieve of Buddhism
calmness of the mind. However, none of these
properly explain Buddhism. Perhaps, these ideas Origin and History
were only products of enculturation or maybe an
effect of watching too much Bruce Lee and  
Jackie Chan movies.  To put things in the right context, let us first
  situate ourselves in the time when Buddhism
began. According to scholars, Buddhism began
Buddhism, like Hinduism, has its origin in India. in India in the 6th century BCE. During that
In this module, you will find out that there is a time, India was experiencing radical social and
considerable amount of resemblance between political change. The formation of kingdoms,
Hindu and Buddhist concepts. We can probably expansion of cities, flourish of trade routes, and
say that Hinduism has a significant influence on the attempt to pull people away from the
Buddhism. However, despite the influence, simplicity of village life were the focus of local
Buddhism still remains a unique religion rulers. Also, Hinduism was the prevalent
because of how it addressed the existential religion during that time. These were the
problems of humanity. Remember that in the conditions where Buddhism introduced itself in
first chapter, we talked about how religions India. 
  Perhaps, all of us have experienced this
realization. When we were young, we were
Siddhartha Gautama made to believe that life is always good and
because of our innocence as a child, we failed to
The origin story of Buddhism cannot be
recognize the negative things in life. We can
separated from the life story of Siddhartha
also thank our parents for doing their best to
Gautama or more popularly known as Buddha –
protect us from all unpleasant things. However,
the founder of Buddhism. Most Buddhist
as we grow old and start to explore the world, it
teachings are derived from the personal
is unavoidable to see that life is not perfect at all
reflections and realizations of Siddhartha on his
and that it is very frightening. Imagine that all
own life experiences. Now, who is this
throughout our lives, we struggle to be better.
Siddhartha Gautama?
But at the end of it all, we are all just going to
  age and die anyway. This is a very disturbing
reality that we are not used to. What is the point
During his time, Siddhartha Gautama was not of living? Not even wealth can stop us from
just a common person. He was a prince getting sick, old, and dying. Perhaps, this is also
belonging to the warrior caste in a place that we what Siddhartha felt when he was exposed to the
now know as Nepal. His birth came around the inevitable realities of existence. 
year 563 BCE. There is insufficient information
on how Siddhartha Gautama lived his life. But,  
what is famously known about Siddhartha is the
Hence, Siddhartha secretly left everything he
prophecy that he was subjected to. According to
had to search for the answer to his existential
this prophecy, Siddhartha was destined to be
problems. He chose to become a monk and
either of two things – a great political leader or a
opened his mind about the Hindu brahmins. For
homeless monk. His father, who belongs to the
six years, he followed the teachings of
warrior caste, preferred that Siddhartha should
the Upanishads about meditations. Further, he
become a great political leader to preserve the
also practiced extreme asceticism for five years,
family’s status. As a result of this, Siddhartha’s
wherein it came to the point that he only ate a
father did everything he could to prevent the
single grain of rice that made him faint. After his
latter part of the prophecy from happening. His
revival, he realized that severely depriving
father provided him with much luxury and
himself of worldly pleasures would not lead him
secluded him from all the harsh realities of life.
to the answers that he longs to see. 
All of the poor and the suffering were all put
away from the sight of Gautama. He even got  
married to a beautiful princess and had a son.
The story of how Siddhartha was able to find the
  answer is quite lengthy. So to make the long
story short, Siddhartha found the answers in a
However, all the efforts of his father were
place named Bodh Gaya, which is located in the
wasted when Siddhartha, for the first time, saw
northeast of India, while meditating under a
the harsh realities of life while he was walking
Bodhi tree. But before that, he was first tempted
around the place that his father prevented him
while he was meditating. Mara, the god of
from seeing. While walking, he saw a man
desire and death, encouraged him to just go
afflicted with illness. This man is aging, dead,
home and continue living his luxurious life.
and a monk walking alone in a yellow robe.
However, Siddhartha was firm with his decision
These truths about the human condition severely
to search for the answer. Through that
bothered Siddhartha. For the first time, he
meditation, he was able to realize what he truly
realized that life is not just about happiness and
desired, and through that, he felt a sense of
that human suffering was more common than
awakening. This experience gave him the
answer that he was looking for, an answer to the
  problems of suffering, aging, and death. He is
now Buddha – the enlightened one, and his state expand. Today, Sri Lanka remains one of the
was marked by a lack of craving – nirvana.  centers of preservation of early Buddhist history.
Most countries that have been largely under the
  spell of Buddhism have chosen to be under its
After this awakening, Buddha was again faced more conservative branch, Theravada
with another problem. Was he supposed to tell Buddhism.
others that he had discovered the dharma, the
answer to the problem of rebirth? The answer to Discussion on Buddhist Traditions
this is obvious. Buddha chose to share what he and Non-God
discovered and this is the reason for the
existence of Buddhism.  Traditions
Buddha preached the Middle Way for 45 years. Theravada Buddhism, which translates to “the
He died at the age of eighty near Varanasi in way of the elders,” is the kind of Buddhism that
Northern India. The Buddhist tradition believes spread throughout Sri Lanka and other
that Buddha overcame the cycle of rebirth neighboring countries through the efforts of
or samsara, and entered the state King Ashoka. We can probably say
of parinirvana, which is like the concept that Theravada Buddhism is the purest form of
of moksha of the Hindus. “Work out your own Buddhism because it stayed faithful to the
liberation with diligence,” were his last words to teachings of Buddha; thus, making it the
his followers. These words may mean that conservative school of Buddhist thought.
liberation is a personal journey that they must Further, this form of Buddhism developed from
patiently strive to achieve. the series of debates and splits concerning the
authenticity of the teachings of Buddha. The
  earliest records of the Buddhist tradition became
their basis for reconstructing Buddha’s life and
Spread of Buddhism 
The Christians have Constantine the Great and
the Buddhists have King Ashoka. You might not
have an idea of who these people are, but you New Buddhist movements developed after the
best believe that they are very important in the death of King Ashoka. Mahayana
flourishing of their respective religions. King Buddhism, which means “large vehicle,” was
Ashoka of the Mauryan Empire caused the given birth after smaller schools of Buddhism
major turning point of Buddhist history. This chose to unite. We can better understand the
king ruled Northern India for 35 years. Using name Mahayana by looking at the Indian
the authority that he had, he commanded all his worldview. This worldview uses the river as a
people to follow the teachings of Buddha. He metaphor for the cycle of rebirth and the
was determined to really spread Buddhism. He riverbank on the other side as the liberation of
even sent missionaries abroad. The successful the soul. Imagine that you need to cross or travel
expansion of Buddhism began when through a river. If you are going to go through
ambassadors reached Sri Lanka, where the river by just swimming, there is a high
Buddha’s teachings were greatly accepted. Later possibility that you will get tired and just drown
on, countries like Myanmar, Thailand, along the way. That is why a water vehicle, like
Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, and Vietnam were a raft, is necessary to make the journey easier.
also reached by the Buddhist missionaries.  This is also the correlation between religion and
the cycle of rebirth. Indian thought sees that the
function of religion should be like a vehicle that
It took hundreds of years before Buddhism
carries the human person towards the riverbank
really experienced success with its attempt to
of the liberation of the soul. As a result, the so that they can also follow the path that has led
name Mahayana was used to portray that this him to his awakening. He made his first public
form of Buddhism is like a large vehicle or a preaching in a place known as the Deer Park in
raft, which they can use to reach the riverbank of Sarnath, Varanasi. He continued to preach
liberation. In addition, Mahayana Buddhism the Middle Way – the path that lies between
considers Theravada as Hinayana, which means denial and indulgence. This Middle Way is what
a small vehicle or a raft. 
led Buddha to the state of enlightenment and
There is a third branch of Buddhism. However, attainment of truth. What he discoursed with his
it is just considered as a sub-branch of followers has come to be known as the “Four
Mahayana Buddhism. The name Vajrayana, Noble Truths” that form the very core of the
which means “thunderbolt or diamond vehicle,” teachings of Buddhism. 
was used to refer to this form of Buddhism. It is
today known as Tibetan Buddhism or Zen First Noble Truth: Dukkha
Buddhism. This kind of Buddhism is regarded as
an esoteric school because only a few people  
with specialized knowledge of  this Buddhism The first noble truth that Buddha identified is
would understand it.  that life is suffering. To exist is to suffer. To die
  is to suffer. To be ill is to suffer. To be separated
is to suffer. To need is to suffer. According to
Theravada Buddhism, even in the things where
we find joy and pleasure, there is suffering. A
Non-God  relationship is a good example because all
relationships will eventually come to an end.
Friends leave or they get left behind. No matter
What is apparent in Buddhism is that it does not
how nourishing the relationship has been, the
recognize the centrality of the role of a personal
experience of separation is always painful. From
god or gods. This is, therefore, the reason why it
the perspective of Theravada Buddhism, all
is usually considered as an atheistic religion. But
aspects of life and human experience have the
Theravada Buddhism does not really say that a
possibilities of suffering. It is also for this same
god does not exist. Their position on the
reason that Buddhists, just like the Hindus, want
existence of a god can be best described by
to end the cycle of rebirth because to live
agnosticism because they claim to have no
another life is to suffer once again. This is the
knowledge of the existence of such. Also, the
most fundamental problem of human existence
existence of a god would not matter to them
which Buddha called dukkha or suffering. 
because they believe that whether or not a god
exists, it would not affect the mechanics of the According to Buddha, we can only begin our
cycle of rebirth. Liberation will always be on the spiritual journey when we start to accept that
hand of a person that will stay as a personal suffering is part of the human condition. In
journey. Therefore, Theravada Buddhism simple words, whether we like it or not, we
believes that whether or not a god exists, this is really have no choice but to welcome suffering
not the question that one should exhaust into. in our lives because it will always be there. No
The focus should remain on the more important amount of wealth, fame, power, and luxury can
matter, which is overcoming suffering. ever protect us from suffering. The good things
we have serve only as shields that prevent us to
Discussion on Dukkha, Samudaya, see the hardships in life. As long as one is
Nirodha blinded by richness, starting a new and personal
journey is not possible. Also, as long as one
After Buddha reached Nirvana or leads a life of material lavishness, one is
enlightenment, he chose to communicate suffering. 
the dharma or the cosmic order to his followers
  be considered as a desire. If you cling to this
idea and start putting in the work, some sort of
Maybe you find this teaching of Buddha so attachment on grades will eventually develop.
cynical and pessimistic. But let us not confuse Perhaps, because of the effort you exert on
realism with pessimism. Buddha just wants to studying, you will get high grades. However,
show his followers that life really is in its working hard does not always guarantee that you
bareness without the illusions that people use to will surely get excellent marks. Different factors
console themselves with. Perhaps, Buddhism is like a lazy groupmate, an inconsiderate
trying to say that it is fine to enjoy life, but one professor, and even the fatigue that your body
must never ignore the essential truths of feels can get in the way. Once you experience
existence. When we cling too much on the good failing, especially for the first time, it will surely
things, we lose sight of what is real because we feel painful. In the Buddhist thought, suffering is
are too distracted. Escaping a problem would not caused by the desire that leads to attachment.
solve it. Problems need to be solved, not Imagine if you did not desire and did not get
dissolved. If we do not know the problem, we attached to getting high grades, you might have
cannot also get out of it. When we recognize and saved yourself from the suffering of too much
face the problems, we can identify what causes studying and the pain of failing. But of course,
them and eventually solve them later on. this is just an application of this concept. Please
Further, when we accept these realities of life, do not take it literally.
we can know how we should live with them.
Maybe Sam Smith was also a Buddhist when he  
said in one of his songs that “too much of a
good thing isn’t good anymore” because being In this religion, spiritual desires are not
too distracted makes us unaware of the things exempted. This kind of desire also leads to
that would cause us more suffering. attachments that eventually lead to suffering.
Theravada Buddhism teaches that to desire for
  existence to end will only lead to existence
never coming to an end. Clinging too much on
Second Noble Truth: Samudāya the idea of liberation will only cause more
rebirth and suffering. The attachment to the idea
  of liberation is as deceiving as the attachment to
When we are severely sick and cannot be the physical. Even Buddha learned this the hard
remedied by simple medicines, our instinct way. In his story, before he reached nirvana, he
would be to see a doctor. The first thing that the was trying too hard to find the answer
doctor would do is try to figure out the illness to samsara. However, he was only liberated
and later on identify its cause. It is only after this when he stopped desiring to be liberated.
that a prescription is given. This is similar to  
what Buddha did to provide his followers with
answers. After identifying the problem, which is According to Buddhism and even modern-day
suffering, he pointed out that suffering has a psychology, the reason why we desire is because
cause. This is the second Noble of our sensory faculties – eyes, ears, tongue,
Truth, samudāya or origin. In his diagnosis, nose, skin, etc. It is through these sensory
Buddha blamed the desire for sensual pleasure, faculties that we get in contact and get conscious
the desire to be born again, and the desire for life of the material world. Imagine not having eyes.
to end as the source of human suffering. Simply Without your eyes, you would not see beauty.
put, desire or tanha causes a person to suffer The same is true with the other parts of your
because it leads to attachment.  sensory faculties. When what we perceive is
good and pleasing to us, we eventually develop
  feelings and attachments; thus, causing us to
To cite an example, imagine that you are suffer because we let these things control us. 
aspiring to get high grades. This aspiration can
In our present culture where we are taught to Maybe we can describe a person who has
desire and “go for it,” this concept may sound attained nirvana as someone who is
strange. However, this problem might be “unconditioned.” To be conditioned means to be
because of the vague definition of the caused or a state wherein something is
word desire. According to Theravada Buddhism, dependent or reliant on another thing. Therefore,
the key is to stop trying too hard and let things unconditioned means not being reliant or
happen. We can better understand desire in this dependent on something else. This is how we
sense – wanting something to the point that you must understand a person who has
are trying too hard. Buddhism tells us to stop attained nirvana – someone who is not
trying too hard. controlled by his desires. An enlightened person
is someone who has successfully broken away
  from the shackles of desires. He is someone who
is in full control of his life. Arhant is the term
Third Noble Truth: Nirodha
used to refer to a person who follows the
  teachings of Buddha and has achieved
The third Noble Truth is perhaps the lighter side
of Buddhism. This is what Buddha affirms that
an existence marked by suffering does not have The lotus flower is the image that is usually
to end in suffering. He believes that there is an associated with Nirvana. This imagery has a
end to suffering, which he called as nirodha or beautiful meaning behind it. A lotus flower
the end of suffering. It is only possible when a grows in marshy and murky waters. However,
person reaches the state of nirvana, which despite the condition it is subjected to, the lotus
means extinguishing. In simple words, when a flower still manages to grow as a lovely and
person experiences the same form of immaculately white flower that symbolizes
enlightenment as what Buddha experienced, purity. Like the lotus flower, a person in a state
liberation follows. Buddha believes that if he of nirvana is not tainted by the stains of life.
can achieve it, so can his followers. 
Discussion on Magga
Fourth Noble Truth: Magga
Buddhist scholars identified two types
of nirvana. The first type is the naturalistic side  
of nirvana that happens here and now. It is the
type of liberation that followers of Buddhism Buddha did not only make his followers realize
can attain while they are still alive. A person the problem, but he also provided them a way on
who has reached this first state of nirvana does how to overcome it. According to him, there is a
not immediately disappear to a heavenly realm. way in which suffering could end which he
This is the liberation from the worldly desires called magga or the way to the end the
that cause a person to suffer. The second type is suffering. The coveted answer for ending
the metaphysical side that happens after the suffering is surprisingly not a ritual to be
person dies. This is the type of liberation that is performed, but more of a manual or a guideline
concerned with the phenomenon of samsara. If for living. Buddha called it “The Middle Way or
the second form of liberation is attained, then the Eightfold Path.” As the term implies, it is all
that person would not experience a rebirth. about moderation – the place between too much
Meaning, it is the liberation of the soul from the and too little. The following are the Eightfold
cycle of rebirth. Once a person achieves the first Path:
type of nirvana, the second type is already
guaranteed. 1. Right Belief - We also call this as right
understanding or right view. It implies
having a wide and proper perspective of impermanence. This is followed by
reality. It also includes belief in the dharma, checking on the flowing of emotions, mental
the acceptance of the Four Noble Truths, activities, and the objects of the mind.
and the recognition of the three marks of 8. Right Meditation - This is also known as
existence: (1) no permanent identity (anatta) right concentration acquired only when the
because people change every moment; (2) mind is properly focused. When meditations
impermanence (annica) because everything are performed, the person noticeably
changes; and (3) suffering (suffering) becomes calm and peaceful as they enter the
because it is part of human existence. state of absorption into the spiritual
2. Right Aspiration - We can better or samadhi. In this meditation, all
understand this as having the right purpose attachments are destroyed. Also, in this
or right thought. It also implies that one stage, nirvana is at hand.
should liberate himself or herself from the
desires of the senses such as malice and Theravada Buddhism categorizes the Eightfold
greed. This also includes adopting thoughts Path into three – right speech, right action, and
of nonviolence and compassion. It is not just right means of livelihood that are categorized
showing compassion to a particular person, under morality or sila. While right effort, right
but exhibiting goodness to everyone.  mindfulness, and right meditation fall under
3. Right Speech - This simply means concentration or samadhi. Lastly, right belief
refraining from using one’s speech for and right aspiration are classified under wisdom
useless purposes. Bearing false witness to or prajna. These paths are all interconnected
others, spreading gossip, and using harsh because wisdom is founded on concentration,
words are some examples of the things that which are both founded on morality. 
one should avoid.
4. Right Conduct - In simpler terms, this What is apparent in this Eightfold path is the use
means that one should not perform an action of the word right. It does not use the word over
if it would hurt other living things, e.g., and under to describe the amount of how the
killing, stealing, illegal sexual relations, action must be performed. The
gambling. It is promoting peaceful, word right implies that the following word after
honorable, and moral conduct. it must be done with a justifiable and  sufficient
5. Right Means of Livelihood - Buddhist amount. In simpler words, it must be done with
teachings do not deny its followers from moderation and not going over or under. This is
working, but instead advocate that one why it is very important that the followers of
should toil in order to live. However, there Buddha pay attention to what they are doing.
are occupations that one should avoid doing Not paying attention will just make bad things
such as occupations that involve killing, happen all over again. Hence, mindfulness and
involve commerce or services for hire, awareness are important factors to attain
involve trickery and deception, and anything enlightenment or liberation.
involving astrology. Meaning, do not pursue
a profession that would cause harm to Summary and Conclusion 4
6. Right Endeavor - This means that one In this module, we have discussed some of the
should pursue meaningful and beneficial important concepts and teachings about
actions. It is also known as the right effort Buddhism. We have learned that Buddhism
and avoiding any form of action that will began in India because of the teachings of
cause a negative karmic influence. Siddhartha Gautama or Buddha. As a religion
7. Right Mindfulness - This implies being coming from India, it has also a concept
aware, observant, and contemplative of of samsara, but it addresses this problem in a
one’s self and of others. Contemplation is different way. This religion advocates
started by focusing on breathing and the Eightfold Path or the Middle Way as the
becoming aware of the body and its solution to humanity’s existential problems. 
Perhaps what we can take away from this is the
idea of the Middle Way which teaches its
followers to practice moderation. This teaching
does not require us to be a Buddhist to perform
it because any person with the right common
sense will be able to realize it. The Middle
Way encourages a person to establish a healthy
relationship with their feelings and cravings. In
order for that to be possible, mindfulness of
actions must always be practiced. However,
because of the lives we have now, it is difficult
to constantly check on our feelings and desires
because we are too distracted by a lot of things.
These distractions cause us to suffer, and
sometimes, it is too late for us to recognize that.
Thus, the challenge for all of us is to reevaluate
the things that we are doing and see to it that we
are still doing them in the right way.  

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