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Silicic Acid Agro Technology

CropSIL® is not a fertilizer or pesticide. CropSIL® will strengthen the plant’s cell walls producing a stronger healthier plant and
increase the plants resistance to stress, with better rooting and photosynthesis. CropSIL® is a patent pending stabilized formulation
of Ortho-Silicic Acid [Si(OH4)], and can be used effectively in mixes with other inputs.
Guaranteed Minimum Analysis
Available Silicon [Si(OH)4].........................................................................................................................................3%
Other Ingredients………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………97%
Direction of use
CropSIL® can be applied with sprayers or through irrigation systems
Dilution: CropSIL® must be diluted in water. (1) Quality of water may depend on the type of equipment used, on temperature at
the time of application, on the stage of the plants development etc. (2) The dilution range of CropSIL® is 1 liter of CropSIL®
dissolved in 200 to 2,000L (litre) of water to treat 1 hectare (Ha). (3) Fill tank 75% with clean water and then add CropSIL®, fill the
tank and mix thoroughly. DO NOT add CropSIL® first. (4) CropSIL® is compatible with other inputs, however, we do recommend a
compatibility test before mixing. Create CropSIL® working solution before adding other inputs. (5) Make sure that all equipment
(sprayers, irrigation) is clean and dry before use. (6) CropSIL® pH does not need to be adjusted before spraying. (7) A tank mix
with other input may require pH adjustment.
CropSIL® Dilution Rates
CropSIL® milliliter or ml 200 ml 400 ml 600 ml 800 ml 1,000 ml Domestic Uses: 5 ml (1teaspoon)
Minimum quantity water 40L 80L 150L 300L 500L 3.7854 litre (1 gallon)
Maximum quantity water 160L 320L 600L 1200L 2,000L 15.1416 litre (4 gallon)

Volumes and frequencies: A total average of 2,500 ml (2.5 Liters), of CropSIL® per hectare (Ha) per season. DO NOT EXCEED
6,000 ml (6 Liters) of CropSIL® per (Ha) per season. The average dose of CropSIL® per application should be between 200 to 500
ml per hectare (excluding tree fruit and orchards). Treatments should be spread across the growing season ranging from 3 to 9
spray applications per growing cycle.

Some (General) suggested application volumes and frequencies:
applications and Total volume of
Commercial growers please contact your dealer or ag rep for specific crop protocol
volumes CropSil® per season
Per Per
Suggested number of spray Suggested frequency: Hectare metre² Per hectare Per metre²
Crop species applications in a treatment 10, 14 or 21 days (ml) (ml) (L) (ml)
Pepper, Tomato, Eggplant 6 to 8 21 350 0.035 2,800 ml 0.280 ml
Onions, bulbs 7 to 9 21 300 0.030 2,700 ml 0.270 ml
Potato, 4 to 6 14 450 0.045 2,700 ml 0.300 ml
Cucumber, zucchini 5 to 7 21 400 0.045 2,800 ml 0.280 ml
lettuce 3 to 5 10 250 0.025 1,250 ml 0.125 ml
Melon 4 to 6 14 450 0.045 2,700 ml 0.270 ml
Berries 6 to 8 10 350 0.035 2,800 ml 0.280 ml
Cannabis/Hemp 4 to 6 14 500 0.050 3,000 ml 0.300 ml
Carrots, Grapes 3 to 5 21 500 0.050 2,500 ml 0.300 ml
French beans 4 to 6 21 350 0.035 2,100 ml 0.210 ml
Broccoli, Cauliflower 3 to 5 21 400 0.040 2,400 ml 0.240 ml
Flowers 4 to 6 10 250 0.025 1,500 ml 0.150 ml
1 Hectare (Ha) = 2.47 Acres (Ac) 1 Quart = 0.946 ml 1Litre = 1,000 ml 1 fl. oz. = 29.57 ml
Disclaimer: CropSIL® is a plant stress mitigator and does not replace current protocols and practices. This document is intended
for educational purposes only and does not replace independent professional guidance and recommendations.

Other directions: (1) Treatment should start at first transplant or first (true) leaves stage and should terminate around 2
weeks before harvest. (2) The mixed working solution should be used within 4 hours after dilution. (3) Spray applications should be
early or late in the day between a temperature of 90C to 270C. in good drying conditions and allowed to dry before night fall.
Safety Precaution
(1) Wash thoroughly after handling. (2) Wash hands before eating. (3) Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. (4)
Wear appropriate protective eyeglasses or chemical safety goggles. (5) Wear appropriate protective clothing and gloves to prevent
skin exposure. (6) Always use a NIOSH approved respirator when necessary. (7) Keep away from children. (8) Dispose in
accordance with federal, provincial and local regulations.
Storage and Packaging
Storage:(1) If package is opened and resealed CropSIL® can be kept for upto 2 years at a temperature between 150C and 250C.
(2) CropSIL® can be kept for upto +5 years in original unopened package at temperature between 150C and 250C.

Lot#____________ Mfg. Date_________________

Domestic Packaging: 125 ml 250 ml 500 ml
Commercial packaging: 1 Litre (NW=1.13kgs) 5 Litre (NW=5.7kgs) 1 Tote (NW=275kgs)
NuVia Technologies Inc. Unit #5 - 85 Chambers Dr. Ajax, ON. L1Z 1E2
[email protected]
Registration Number 2016140A Fertilizer Act.

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