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How much is it?

Student A

1 Work in pairs. Say the start of the expressions below to your partner.

1 Can I…
2 How much is…
3 That’s…
4 How much are…
5 Here…
6 Can I pay…

2 Work with your partner. Use the pictures of the shopping trip to Media World to prepare
conversations between the man and the different people at the department store. Act out the


How much is it?

Student B

1 Work in pairs. Listen to your partner. Complete the expressions with the words below.

1 …this camera?
2 …with cash?
3 …help you?
4 …the speakers?
5 …£100, please.
6 …you are.

2 Work with your partner. Use the pictures of the shopping trip to Media World to prepare
conversations between the man and the different people at the department store. Act out the

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