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200 Central Ave

6th Floor

St Petersburg, FL 33701



Offer of Employment


Nestor CADAG Del Pilar


Nestor ,

We are pleased to confirm the terms of your employment with iQor Philippines, Inc , an
iQor company (together with its various affiliates, "iQor").

Effective Date:           10/22/2020

Title:                            Trainee

Location:                     Clark 01 (PHPM01) , or as required

Salary/Wage:              73.00  PHP  Hourly

Completion Bonus: iQor employees who are offered the iQor Completion Incentive Plan

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and have signed this document will be eligible for the iQor Completion Incentive Plan
("Incentive Plan").  The Incentive Plan will entitle employees     PHP (   PHP) at the end
of their project-based contract, provided they have 90% attendance in training and in
production: The Incentive Plan under this agreement shall be subject to regular tax
withholdings and other authorized deductions.

Term: Your project-based employment shall commence on 10/22/2020  up to

01/19/2021  or until the actual completion, as determined by the Company, of the
project (or phase of the project) for which you are hired. As a project employee, your
employment is co-terminus with the duration of the project (or phase of the project) for
which you are hired, upon the completion of which or upon termination date as
stipulated in this contract, your employment will automatically cease without any need
for verbal or written notice.

Specific Contract for Work: The duties of the employee and description of scope of work
are reflected below:

1. Perform the work in accordance with this Contract;

2. Perform the work in a skillful, professional, timely and businesslike manner;
3. Perform the work to a standard acceptable to the Company and its client’s
4. Complete all documentation required by the Company;
5. Comply with all relevant laws in the performance of the Contract;
6. Not do, or be a party to the doing, of any act, matter or thing whereby the goodwill,
commercial reputation and overall public image of the Company or any of its
affiliate or its parent company may be prejudicially affected;
7. Comply with and abide by all security rules and regulations, and policies of the
Company as well as those which may hereafter be issued;
8. Provide uninterrupted, efficient and competent work to the Company; and
9. Work full time and in accordance with a work schedule determined by the
Company and to render extra work on any day

Flexible Work Hours:  During your project training, you will be provided a 40-hour work

Upon successful completion of training, your work schedule will be considered “flexible”.
This means that prior to, during and until the end of the project’s “peak” volume period,
every effort will be given to provide a full 40 hour work week, however your weekly work
hours may be reduced to as low as 20 hours, dependent upon the needs of the project.

Work schedules may be changed daily, and you will be properly notified prior to any
necessary changes.

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During the project’s “peak” volume period, you can expect to work overtime up to 12
hours per day. All overtime will be compensated in accordance with the rate prescribed
by law.

During the project’s “peak” volume period, you can expect to be asked to have your 1-
hour non-paid lunch converted to a fully paid 30-minute lunch. This will be announced
real-time as may be needed by the project and is voluntary. Meaning you may choose to
avail of your 1-hour non-paid lunch instead of receiving a paid 30-minute lunch.  

Also, during the project’s “peak” volume period, you can expect to be asked to work on
your rest days. This will be requested prior to your scheduled day off as may be needed
by the project and is voluntary. Meaning you can choose to decline working on your day
off.  All work performed during your day off will likewise be compensated in accordance
with the rate prescribed by the labor code for work performed during rest days.  

Compensation & Payment: The employee will be paid her compensation only for time
and expenses that have been approved in writing by the Company. Payment will be
made to employee’s designated bank account every 8th and 23rd of the month. Other
payment schemes can be considered by the Company.

Non-Taxable Allowance (Meal and Transportation Allowance): 25.00 PHP hourly (paid

up to 75 work hours per period).

Taxation: All payments made to the employee by the Company will be subject to
withholding tax as required by Philippine Law.

Night Shift Differential: Employee shall be entitled to night shift pay equivalent to 10% of
his/her regular hourly rate for work rendered between 10:00pm PH to 6:00am PH the
following day.

Variable Incentive Plan: You will be eligible for our Variable Incentive Plan, under which
you could earn performance compensation. These payments are contingent on your
being employed with iQor at the time they are made. 

Payments Other Than Base Salary: You agree that any bonus, benefit or other payment
given by the Company to you in excess of what is specified as Base Salary shall not be
considered salary that you are contractually entitled to, but will be considered a gratuity
that the Company reserves the right to discontinue or revise at any time. You also
understand that any payments provided by the Company above and beyond Base
Salary shall not be considered an established practice or precedent.

Transfer and Reassignment: During your employment, the Company may reassign you

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to any work, program, or location for any period of time to meet its business needs

Legal Relationship: The Legal Relationship renders the Work to Company as a Project
Employee. As a Project Employee, the employee shall not be entitled to the privileges
and fringe benefits granted to the Company’s regular employees, except those which
may be provided by law or by this Contract.

Other Engagements: You cannot accept engagements/employment from other parties,

directly or indirectly, part time or full-time so long as this Contract is in effect. Likewise,
you shall not engage in or have share or ownership in a business or occupation which
may render yourself a competitor of the Company nor act or enter into any transaction
which may, in any manner, compete or help any person compete with the Company.

Confidential Information: It is a condition of this Contract that:

1. You must not disclose, publish or communicate or permit the disclosure,

publication of Confidential information to any person or corporation other than to
authorized persons on a need to know basis in the course of performing the Work;
2. Any Confidential Information or other information (including any statement,
Contract, specification, design, layout, drawing, report, invention or other
intellectual property or information relating to the Company or any of its clients)
produced by you in performing the work is the property of the Company;
3. You will execute all documents and do all acts and things necessary in order to
vest in the Company or any of its affiliates or its parent company, all rights relating
to the matters dealt with in sub-clause (b); and
4. You will handle all official documents of the Company or any of its affiliates, its
parent company including their respective clients, with utmost care and keep any
information relating to the processes or operations of the Company, which you
may have acquired in the course of your employment, confidential at all times.

Non-Solicitation: You agree that, within one year from the expiration of this Contract or
from the termination of your services, you shall not as principal or for any person or
entity, directly or indirectly, induce, solicit or entice or attempt to induce, to solicit or
entice from the Company or from any of its affiliates or its parent company any director,
manager, officer, employee, servant or employee of the Company or any of its affiliates
or parent company. This restriction shall not be deemed to apply to advertisements in
newspapers or trade publications addressed to the general public so long as any offer
arising from these limited solicitations are without willfulness.

Indemnity: During the term of this Contract, you will be responsible and accountable for
any loss of, or damage to, any material, tools, equipment, etc., issued to you in the
course of your employment. The amounts of all claims, damages, costs and expenses

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which may be paid, suffered or incurred by the Company in respect of any such loss or
damage must be made good at your expense or deducted by the Company from any
money due to or becoming due to you.

Termination: Your employment may be terminated by you or iQor without cause with
notice, or as otherwise required by law and with cause with notice. 

Background Check and Medical Test: By signing below and/or your electronic signature
accepting the terms of this letter, you agree that we may procure (i) medical test and (ii)
a drug test and/or (iii) a report of your criminal history up to and including the last ten
(10) years of activity, both where applicable and not prohibited by law.  You also agree
that your employment is contingent on your Medical and background check history
(education, employment and criminal) not containing any records and results that would
delay or disqualify you for employment based on either our policy or the policy of one or
more of our clients for which you will be providing services.  Moreover, you confirm that
there is no litigation/conviction against you before any Court of Law which involves any
criminal offense or offenses involving moral turpitude.

Conduct and Attendance: If the employee is absent from work for three or more
consecutive days (without leave or reasonable excuse) and fails to inform their
supervisor, it shall be deemed that they have terminated their employment without
notice. In such an eventuality, the Company reserves the right to recover from you, all
expenses incurred with regard to any training and development, special education,
upskilling or on the job training imparted by the Company or damages suffered by the
Company due to loss of billing, the amount to be determined by the Company. The
damages shall be automatically deducted from your unpaid salaries and benefits, if any.
In case your unpaid salaries and benefits are inadequate to cover the Damages, you
should be liable for such deficiency and you agree that the Company shall not process
your Exit Clearance until such deficiencies are paid in full.

Breach of Agreement: You will be required to apply and maintain the highest standards
of personal conduct and integrity and keep yourself informed and comply with all
Company policies and procedures. Any violation of the above mentioned or any other
Company procedures and policies would attract action as per Company’s disciplinary
policy in force, including and up to termination. All terms and conditions will be governed
by the Company’s policies as stated from time to time and the Company may in its sole
discretion as it deems fit revoke or change such policies. The Company reserves the
right to take legal and other actions against you for violating any of the provisions of this

Information Security. You acknowledge that you are aware of the Company’s policy
prohibiting its employees from carrying or bringing mobile phones, miniature computers,

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universal storage devices and any all other instruments or devices which are capable of
storing and/or transmitting data into the production area. You warrant that you shall not
carry or bring such instrument and devices into the production are of the Company and
any such instruments or devices shall be deposited at your personal locker prior to the
commencement of your working hours. Any violation of this provision shall attract action
as per Company’s disciplinary policy in force, including up to termination.

Data Privacy: You permit and authorize the Company, its subsidiaries and authorized
third parties engaged in data storage and processing, to retain as long as necessary,
within and outside of the Philippines, your personal information that was legitimately
acquired by the Company, as an incident to your employment for the fulfillment of the
purposes for which the data was obtained, in accordance with the reasonable practice
and laws applicable, specifically in compliance with the requirements of Republic Act
10173, otherwise known as Data Privacy Act 2012.

Collaterals: Upon separation from the Company on account of either resignation or

termination, you will be required to immediately return to the Company, all assets and
property (including any leased assets) of the Company including documents, files,
books, papers, training material and memos whether in hard of soft copy which is in
your possession or custody.

Assistance in Litigation: You shall upon reasonable notice, furnish such information and
proper assistance to the Company as it may reasonably require in connection with any
litigation in which it is, or may become, a party either during or after your employment.

Governing Law: Your employment shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance

with the laws of the Philippines.

Dealing Rules and Code of Conduct and Staff Regulations: It is a condition of your
project employment that you comply with the Company Handbook, Policies and Code of

The terms of this offer shall be kept strictly confidential. You shall execute all the other
documents as may be required to give effect to this offer.

If you have questions about your offer, please email [email protected] .


Maricel Panlilio Pasion

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