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AC7110 REV.

Issued 06-Jan-1995
161Thorn Hill Road
Warrendale, PA 15086-7527 Revision Date 18-Jan-2017

Editorial ‘Δ’ Change 05-Feb-2018

Superseding AC7110 REV. E




These audit criteria are intended for use to survey a facility seeking
accreditation by Nadcap for a welding/torch and induction brazing
process, or additive manufacturing process. These criteria are
supplemented by Audit Criteria for specific welding/torch and induction
brazing processes to be accredited. (Reference AC7110/1 through
AC7110/9, AC7110/12, AC7110/13 and AC7110/14.)

Note that where the supplier is only performing welder qualifications,

they will be assessed to AC7110/13 without AC7110 being required.

The purpose of this Audit Criteria is to provide a means to verify and

document that systems are in place to control the process, and that the
process procedures are being followed.

PRI operating procedures provide that "This report is published by PRI to advance the state of technical, engineering, and quality
sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent
infringement arising there from, is the sole responsibility of the user."
PRI values your input. To provide feedback on this document, please contact the appropriate commodity staff engineer. (Contact
information is located at under “Contact Us”.)

Copyright 2019 Performance Review Institute. All rights reserved.

t-frm-15 08-Oct-2019
Nadcap AC7110 Revision F Δ1 -2-


2.1 Instructions for the Auditors

In completing this assessment, auditors are instructed to respond with
a “Yes” or “No” to address compliance with each statement of
requirement. For any negative responses, the auditor must clearly
indicate if the “No” reflects non compliance with respect to existence,
adequacy, and/or compliance. Existence relates to evidence of a
documented procedure or policy, and compliance relates to evidence of
effective implementation.

When required by the Task Group, the list of procedures provided by

the supplier must be verified by the auditor at the time of the audit. Any
Corrections or updates to the list must be identified using notes,
inserted at the applicable criterion.

All negative responses require a Nonconformance Report (NCR).

The audit results should not include any customer proprietary

information, as it may be viewed by any Nadcap subscriber.

2.2 Instructions for the Supplier

2.2.1 Prior to the Audit

Self-Audit: In preparation for the audit, the supplier must complete a

self-audit utilizing the Checklist(s) applicable at the time of the Nadcap
audit. Nadcap recommends: self-audits be performed 90-120 days
prior to the scheduled audit. Nadcap requires each paragraph of the
completed self-audit to identify where means of compliance or
evidence* of compliance may be found. (* = procedure, checklist,
physical location of evidence, etc.).

For those checklists with Job audits (i.e. AC7110/1 through AC7110/9
and AC7110/14), the self-audit shall contain at least one job audit per
checklist. Suppliers must note status of Export Controlled material and
shall not include restricted material in the submittal of the self-audit.

The self-audit shall be uploaded to eAuditNet at least 30 days prior to

the Nadcap audit. All internally identified nonconformances should be
corrected prior to the actual audit. Nonconformances identified as part
of the Nadcap audit with potential product impact may, at the Task
Group’s discretion, require a follow-up audit at the supplier’s expense.

In addition to the self-audit, the supplier should forward the following, to

the auditor at least, 30 days prior to the scheduled audit:
Nadcap AC7110 Revision F Δ1 -3-

General Data
a. List of quality department contacts
b. List of current quality systems approval (by Subscribers, registrars,
c. List of procedures (index/table of contents only)

Welding Data
d. List of processes performed for each Subscriber
e. Copy of applicable process procedure(s)
f. List of approved processing personnel on each shift

2.2.2 During the Audit

The supplier should provide for an in-briefing with the auditor. Key
members of the applicant’s staff should attend the in-briefing so the
audit purpose, methods and assessment processes can be discussed.

Working space for the auditor with desks or tables, chairs, etc. shall be
made available.

Daily debriefings will be conducted and a final debrief at the completion

of the audit. Each nonconformance and observation will be reviewed
and the supplier will be given the opportunity to discuss proposed
corrective action or to provide any additional information. NOTE: The
Nadcap Task Group may, upon review, change the auditor’s
determination of finding or observation. Suppliers shall provide a
written response to each Nonconformance identified by the auditor.

2.2.3 Following the Audit

In accordance with Nadcap procedures, the supplier has 21 calendar

days from when the audit is submitted to Supplier Review in eAuditNet
to submit corrective action and supporting objective evidence for each
non-conformance, if applicable. The response and objective evidence
shall be entered directly into eAuditNet, PRI’s Electronic Audit
Database. The response must address the root cause of the
nonconformance from a systems management approach, the
immediate action taken to resolve the discrepancy, and the actions
taken or to be taken to preclude re-occurrence.

PRI staff or the Task Group may, after review of the audit report,
require additional information or may find cause to issue additional
findings. NOTE: Final authority over the audit report, acceptability or
corrective actions, and accreditation recommendation rests with the
Task Group.
Nadcap AC7110 Revision F Δ1 -4-

2.2.4 Terminology

The Checklists use standardized terminology. Where no standardized

terminology is available, the Task Group has defined these and they
are available in eAuditNet (Welding Task Group Definitions and

The following terms are used throughout the checklists. Documented Procedures

A documented procedure requires a procedure to be established,

documented, implemented, and maintained. Process

A process is an activity which the supplier would need to demonstrate

has occurred but would not necessarily need to be documented.


3.1 General Information

Daily Debrief Log attached

Nature of Business

General Comments applicable to the audit _______________

Total Number of Employees Number of Quality Personnel Number of Welding Personnel

Number of Operating Shifts _______________

Audit Contacts

Identify the Primary Contacts for the Audit (Name/Title) including the
Cognizant Welding Technical Person

Name Title
Nadcap AC7110 Revision F Δ1 -5-

3.2 Quality Systems Approvals

Identify any current approvals related to quality system compliance.

Auditing/Certifying Agency Audit Criteria Certificate Issue Date Certificate Expiration Date

The Nadcap Welding Task Group recognizes quality systems as

defined in PD 1100. Auditors may identify and record
nonconformances related to the quality system. These
nonconformances must be addressed by the supplier in order to
obtain Nadcap Accreditation.

This checklist does include process focused criteria that test the
quality system for compliance as it relates to the
Welding/Brazing/Additive Manufacturing Process.

3.2.1 Was continued compliance of their quality system demonstrated? YES NO

3.3 Verification of Corrective Actions

Are corrective actions from previous audit findings implemented? YES NO NA

(Note that this question can only be answered N/A when this is an
initial audit or the prior audit resulted in zero nonconformances.)
(For Subscriber Accreditation Option B audits, if the audit was not
performed by PRI, the corrective actions from the prior internal
audit performed by the Subscriber shall be reviewed.)

3.4 Contract Review

3.4.1 Are quality and technical requirements flowed down internally and YES NO
to sub-tier suppliers?

3.4.2 Are purchase orders and amendments reviewed to assess ability YES NO
to conform to customer requirements?

3.5 Purchasing
Nadcap AC7110 Revision F Δ1 -6-

3.5.1 Are sub-tier suppliers selected on the basis of their ability to meet YES NO
contract requirements?

3.5.2 Are customer’s requirements flowed down to sub-tier suppliers YES NO

and vendors?

3.6 Cognizant Technical Personnel

3.6.1 Authorization of Technical Personnel

Is there a formal list of cognizant technical personnel (for YES NO

example, certifying agent / test examiner, weld process engineer /
owner) as identified by supplier’s management?


4.1 Work Instructions

Do work instructions detailing each operation accompany each job YES NO

and show evidence of approval, revision level and date?

4.2 Shop Travelers

Are shop travelers or other article control media (including YES NO

equivalent electronic records) used to reflect sequence of
operations, inspection points, identification of the individual(s)
performing the work and date each item is completed?

4.3 In-Process Documentation

Does the in-process documentation include process status, YES NO

inspection status, engineering changes, drawing revisions, and all
other relevant information?

4.4 Fixtures and Tools

Are there documented procedures to ensure work instructions YES NO

identify specially designed tools and fixtures that are required to
be used for specific parts?


5.1 Procedures

Is there a documented procedure that controls the implementation YES NO

and application of the welding/brazing process improvement

5.2 Evidence of Process Improvement

Does the supplier have documented evidence that process YES NO

improvement activity applicable to welding/brazing is being
monitored by designated personnel?
Nadcap AC7110 Revision F Δ1 -7-


6.1 Compliance with Inspection Frequency

Do records indicate the inspection frequency complies with YES NO

specification requirements?


7.1 Records of Compliance

Do records indicate that acceptance/rejection is based on YES NO

specified criteria?

7.2 Traceability of Results

Are test/inspection results recorded on, or traceable to, the YES NO

documentation (traveler) that accompany the parts through

7.3 Segregation of Nonconforming Material/Parts

Can it be verified or demonstrated how nonconforming YES NO

material/parts are identified and segregated?


8.1 Visible Dye Penetrant Inspection

Do documented procedures preclude the use of visible dye YES NO

penetrant inspection unless permitted by applicable documents?


9.1 Vision Records

Are records of vision examinations on file and current? YES NO

9.2 Operator Identification

Is a unique number or other identification assigned to qualified YES NO



10.1 Self-audit submittal

Did the Auditee upload a copy of their completed self-audit to YES NO

eAuditNet at least 30 days prior to the audit - utilizing the version
of the checklist(s) applicable to this audit?
Guidance: Nadcap recommends the self-audit be performed 90-
120 days prior to the scheduled audit. In the event of checklist
Nadcap AC7110 Revision F Δ1 -8-

revisions, Nadcap publishes the checklist(s) and sends out a

notification 90 days prior to the checklist(s) becoming effective. In
this case, an audit against the changes is acceptable if it
supplements the existing self-audit performed prior to the release
of the revised checklist(s).

10.2 Self-audit completion

For each question in the checklist, has the supplier identified YES NO
where the means of compliance or evidence* of compliance may
be found?
(*= procedure, checklist, physical location of evidence, etc.)

10.3 Self-audit job audits

Does the self-audit include job audits as required by the Task YES NO
For those checklists with Job audits (i.e. AC7110/1 through
AC7110/9 and AC7110/14), the self-audit shall contain at least
one job audit per checklist.
(Export Controlled data from the self-audit shall not be submitted
to the Auditor, however the Supplier must be able to demonstrate
to an unrestricted auditor, during the on-site Nadcap audit, that
the self-audit did include the job audit(s).)
(The Nadcap Auditor will select jobs per the Job selection
handbook during the Nadcap audit, i.e. the job(s) in the self-audit
will not necessarily be the jobs audited in the Nadcap audit)

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