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Global Studies Middle East Conflict Poster Presentation

Directions: Create a poster presentation that outlines any three (3) conflicts that were covered in
our Middle Eastern Unit, and thoroughly explain the conflict by providing information from
class, research and notes.

Include the following sections in your presentation:

1. Countries or groups involved in the current conflict
2. Groups or people affected by the conflict
3. Leaders involved on both sides of each conflict
4. Major events during the conflict
5. Current situation
6. U.S. response and/or role in the conflict
7. At least one (1) photograph/image that depicts the situation in the conflict

Conflicts to choose from:

 Paris and San Bernardino Terrorist Attacks
 Syrian Civil War
 2003 US-led Iraqi Invasion and Insurgency
 Rise and rule of ISIS
Name: ______________________________________ Date:__________________

Conflict in the Middle East Project Poster Presentation

Category Advanced Proficient Basic Below Basic None

(8 points) (6 points) (4 points) (2 points) (0 points)
Includes all Includes most Includes some Lacks No
Conflict background background background background information
Information information on information on information on information on provided.
3 Middles 3 Middles 3 Middles 3 Middles
Eastern conflicts Eastern conflicts Eastern Eastern conflicts
covered in class. covered in class. conflicts covered in class.
(x 2 points) covered in
Thoroughly lists Lists most the Lists some the Lacks a basic No
United States’ the US position US position on US position on understanding information
Position on on the current the current the current of the US provided.
Conflict conflict. conflict conflict. position on the
current conflict.
Photographs or Photographs/Im Photographs/Im Photographs/I Photographs/Im No
Images of the ages creatively ages present the mages ages lacks clear information
present the situation somewhat presentation of provided.
situation surrounding the present the the conflict.
surrounding the conflict done in situation
( At least 1 conflict. a neat manner. surrounding
image) the conflict.
Poster is done Poster is neatly Poster is Poster lacks No
neatly and done with some somewhat neatness and/or information
Appearance creatively. hints of neatly done has no provided.
creativity. with limited creativity.
Presented information of business Presented information past due Did not
on the given date/time. date. present.

____________ / 48 points total

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