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I. Definition of Terms V. Systems of the Body

 Physical education  Skeletal system: Major bones

 Functions and objectives of physical involved during exercise.
education  Muscular Systems: Major muscles
 Physical fitness program involved in exercise
 Functions and objectives of physical  Nervous System: The boss of the
fitness human body
 Cardio-Respiratory system: Moving
II. The Physiology of Exercise process of gases and nutrients by all
parts of the body.
 How to determine the normal or
 Joint movements
resting heartbeat?
 How to attain the maximum VI. Posture/Body Mechanics
heartbeat (MHR)
 How to compute the target heart rate  Types of postural defects
(THR)  Exercise/s essential to postural
 Types of Exercise defects development
 Elements of an exercise program  Factors affecting poor posture
 Components of an exercise
Practical Test
 Principle of exercise
 Guidelines in exercising VII. Gymnastics
 Health benefits of regular physical
activity.  History
 Objectives
   Terms and Phases of gymnastics
 Conditioning program of gymnastics
III. Physical Fitness Program
 Tumbling and Stunts
 Orientation on the latest testing  Pyramid Building
procedure of physical fitness  Rhythmic gymnastics
 Components of physical fitness
 Objectives/Importance
 Test protocol

IV. Administration of Physical Fitness and

Sports Talent Test

 Push-up
 Curl-ups
 Standing long jump
 Sit and Reach
 10m run
THE PHYSICAL EDUCATION LAW physics and “Educatio” meaning education,
which means that Physical Education refers
  to the training of the bodily organs and
power with a view to the promotion of hearts
and vigor. Physical Education is an integral
part of general education which aims to
develop the physical, social, emotional,
spiritual, and the mental traits of man
through physical activities. World Health
Organization (WHO) stated that, to have a
This Act shall be known as "The Schools sound body, one must have a sound mind,
Physical Education and Sports which means to say that health as state of
Development Act of 1969."  A law that is complete physical,
mandating every student in the mental, social wellness and not merely the
Philippines to be engaged in an integrated absence of disease or infirmity.
physical education and sports development
Physical Education (PE) has been a big part
program, that will be undertaken by the
of the educational system as it impacts the
Department of Education. The goal of
mental, emotional, and social wellness of a
physical education is to instill in young
human being. A research by Schaefer and
citizens a proper appreciation of the
Wasyliw, (2018) mentioned that healthier
importance of physical development hand in
students make better learners. The term
hand with the mental development in
quality physical education is used to
individual and social activities. Sports and
describe programs that are catered to a
other activities in physical education
student’s age, skill level, culture, and unique
program should provide opportunities for the
needs. When we say PE, we can easily
athletic development of children and youth
think about the recreational activities done
who have the competitive spirit as well as
by using our human body such as Dancing,
grace, coordination, stamina and strength. It
Playing, and engaging into outdoor activities
also dictates that physical education
but that is not the only focus of Physical
program in schools must be addressed to
Education. Tuliao (2008) mentioned that
physical growth, social training, and
physical education in college students like
personal, discipline for all pupils and
you reduce risk of premature death, reduce
students, as well as superior athletic
the risk of developing and/or dying from
achievement for those who are
heart disease, reduce the risk of high blood
psychologically inclined and physically
etc. This means that physical education is
gifted; and an integrated program for sports
also focusing on the healthy lifestyle of a
development in the schools requires
person with the application of recreational or
effective organizational planning and
extracurricular activities.
administration with provisions for adequate
training facilities and sustained stable Your Thoughts!
Physical Education came from Gym Class Is So Bad, Kids Are Skipping
the Latin words “Physica” meaning
School to Avoid It
Not only does P.E. do little to improve offerings, they may resent the classes more
physical fitness, but it can also lead to than they would otherwise. “Older kids have
truancy and other disciplinary problems. already formed these important eating and
exercising habits, and changing their daily
It’s hard to argue that a given P.E. program decisions is more complicated than just
is anything but well intended, particularly providing money for jump ropes,” Packham
when considering that children spend most says.
of their waking hours—and meals—at
school, and that childhood obesity is a Despite greater recognition of the academic
national crisis. But the kind of strategy taken benefits of physical activities—including
by many of the Fitness Now schools may guidelines from agencies such as
not be the most effective way to achieve the the Centers for Disease Control and
purported goals. Prevention stressing that kids should get at
least an hour of such activities a day—
To be effective, a P.E. program typically schools began to deprioritize P.E. about two
needs to be multifaceted and holistic, decades ago, and the cuts have
suggests a 2013 book on America’s persisted in many cases, suggests Kohl.
physical-education landscape that was co- Accompanying this shift has been a
edited by Harold Kohl, a professor of movement away from casual activities such
kinesiology and health education at the as recess, which experts argue is one of the
University of Texas at Austin. That more effective means of promoting
might involve healthy-living and nutrition children’s physical health. An immense
classes, parent education, and frequent body of research demonstrates the positive
opportunities for unstructured play—all on benefits of increased recess time, which
top of more conventional “gym class.” This schools started to cut after No Child Left
may help explain why, for example, one Behind was signed into law, because of the
2012 study based on data from the National policy’s emphasis on academic subjects
Survey of Children’s Health found that such as reading and math.
required P.E. alone generally doesn’t have
any noteworthy impact on boys’ physical- Justin Cahill, a veteran P.E. educator who’s
activity levels or obesity, though it did have taught at an Atlanta-area private school for
a marginal impact on girls’. Similarly, an the past decade or so, stresses that it’s the
earlier 2015 study on Texas’s Fitness Now typical application of physical education
program found it to be largely ineffective, rather than the fundamental concept that
resulting in slight improvements to kids’ results in bad outcomes. Until the past few
fitness skills and having no impact on BMI years, P.E. classes tended to focus on kids’
or academic achievement.’ acquisition of skills, such as dribbling a ball,
  and the fulfillment of universal benchmarks,
The results of Packham’s paper on the such as the ability to run around a track
Fitness Now program support the basic three times within some specific amount of
takeaway that the design of P.E. courses is time. This approach, he says, “breeds
what’s most consequential, and they hint at stagnation and disinterest—the kids are like,
two interconnected factors that experts ‘Yeah, this is ridiculous.’” It can also, as
suggest tend to undermine the impact of Packham’s study suggests, breed
such curricula. For one, P.E. programs often resentment: After all, in this “old school”
rely on a superficial notion of gym class— version of P.E., certain kids are bound to
conceiving of physical activity as little more struggle.
than a timed run around the track, for
example, or a game of kickball—and this Read: Why kids need recess
results in worse offerings. And then, when
students feel forced to take these basic
Cahill maintains that many P.E. programs kidding ourselves by making kids sit in
are high caliber, successful in both classrooms all the time.” For Kohl, the ideal
engaging students and producing positive P.E. program would still be five days a week
health and wellness outcomes. Echoing the —but unlike the Texas requirement, it would
findings outlined in Kohl’s book, he says be more focused on building active recess
that positive results are contingent on a periods into the day and include
multifaceted and holistic design—what he opportunities before and after school to,
defines as programs that inspire children to say, ride one’s bicycle or walk to and from
exercise without realizing they’re exercising, school and participate in sports.
that simply ensure they’re constantly
moving, during recess, frequent “brain -       Allia Wong 2019
breaks” to get out “the sillies,” morning jogs,
and, yes, regular P.E. class. Positive results Functions and Objectives of Physical
are also contingent on experienced, Education
empathetic P.E. teachers—those who know
to modify a curriculum to meet a certain What do you think are the objectives and
student’s needs, and to give kudos to that functions of Physical Education?
child who can’t run around the track. After These deals with the connection of how
all, research shows that people can get a healthy a human being is while executing
good workout even when walking, and the
recreational activities under physical
more important thing is to create a healthy
relationship with exercise that can last for education.
  Functions of Physical Education
Cahill’s own observations at annual
conferences—and in his Facebook The function of Physical Education is to help
group for physical-education teachers the students acquire skills, develop an
across the country looking to exchange affection in their activities, and
research on best practices and their own develop physical skill competence The
anecdotal advice—make him confident that individual growth of each student and the
P.E.’s reputation will improve in the years development of the total body movement
ahead. “I think P.E. is in a very good place
are guided w/ safety precautions when it
right now,” he says, comparing it with the
norm of earlier decades, and even of the comes to physical activities.
early 2000s, after the passage of the federal
 The rationale behind this is that learning
No Child Left Behind Act. “Teachers are
enlightened. The arrow is flipped.” through health and wellbeing enables
children and young people to: 
Still, even if P.E.’s bright spots are evolving
into the status quo, both Kohl and Packham  make informed decisions to improve
argue that P.E. has been scapegoated for their mental, emotional,
public-health problems concerning children, social and physical well being;
including obesity. “It’s been a false flag that  experience challenge and enjoyment
we’ve only looked at P.E.,” Kohl says,
“when in fact it’s not the only way that kids
can get physical activity.  experience positive aspects of
healthy living and activity for
“By making kids sit and be quiet and learn themselves;
rather than allowing them to be physically
active, we may actually be holding their test
scores down,” Kohl continues. “We may be
 apply their mental, emotional, and and improves your cardiovascular fitness.
social skills to pursue a healthy This can maintain a healthy weight and can
lifestyle; be your weight bearing exercise.
 make a successful move to the next
stage of education or work.
 establish a pattern of health and well This Development is merely focusing on
being that will retain into adult life, the bodily aspect of a person how they
and which will help to promote the can do the activities and how motivated
health and wellbeing of the next they are to participate.
Social Development
Objectives of Physical Education
Participation in Physical Education activities
The primary aims of physical education vary provides opportunities for the acquisition
historically, based on the needs of the time and practice of desirable social traits
and place. Most modern school systems necessary for adjustment to happy living
claim they intend to equip students with the and the social life in general.
knowledge, skills, capacities, and values
along with the use of enthusiasm to Some traits are
maintain a healthy lifestyle into adulthood.
Activities included in the program are
Forming a good relationship with your
designed to physical fitness, to develop
physical education classmates can lead to a
motor skills, to instill knowledge and
good outcome. You can communicate with
understanding of rules, concepts, strategies,
them easily. Since you will be dealing with
and to teach students to work as part of a
your classmate with dual or group activities
team, or as individuals, in a wide variety of
you are expected to deal and mingle with
competitive activities
them the whole semester.
Physical Development
Through carefully selected physical
To be able to meet your goals, regardless if
education activities, an individual who
it’s winning in a sports competition, a
participates actively will develop and
successful group pyramid building, camping
maintain good health and a high level of
or etc. you will be expected to work with
physical fitness. The acquisition of physical
other people. Working with a diverse group
skills can motivate an individual to
of people helps you understand and perform
participate further in physical activities:
various roles making you more versatile,
hence, the healthy growth and development
inclusive and innovative.
of each learner will improve.
Good Sportsmanship
For Example: Engaging in different physical
activities in PE can help develop your The basic things to consider in attaining and
physical aspects. Just like having a jog for developing sportsmanship in
at least 1 hour a day can build strong Physical Education includes winning without
bones, strengthen your different muscles, gloating, respecting one's opponents, and
being able to lose gracefully. Mentioned Emotional Development
below are the things to consider for attaining
and developing Sportsmanship in Physical The informal nature of physical education
Education. offers opportunities for the development of
expression and emotional traits needed for
 If you lose, don't make up excuses. emotional mastery like:
 If you win, don't rub it in.
 Learn from mistakes and get back in Self Confidence
the game. During Physical Education activities, as you
 Always do your best. learn the different rules and objectives of a
 If someone else makes a mistake, game or activity you can develop self-
remain encouraging and avoid confidence by slowly opening up your
criticizing. natural talents. Many college student is too
 Show respect for yourself, your shy to show their real talents and real
team, and the officials of the game potentials because of many reasons, one
or activity. aspect that I can consider is your growing
Good Leadership and followership maturity, but as you engage yourself with
other people and adjust your personality in
Leadership skills can come naturally; a given task you can slowly develop your
student learn things along the way that self confidence in physical education. 
significantly impacts them later in life. The
right words at the right time can make all the Self – Control
difference. I have here some tips to develop Self-control is defined as the ability to
yourself as a good leader and a follower in manage your actions, behavior and
Physical Education. emotion. To develop self – control in PE you
1. Be a good example. must equip your personality with the word
2. Participate in Group Activities. patience. Plenty of things can happen
3. Emphasize perseverance. during your physical education class or in
4. Good negotiation skills. any physical activity in general. You also do
5. Hone decision-making. not expect to win all the time nor do you
6. Practice confident communication. expect things go along your way. Your
7. Encourage members for an excellent experiences in physical activities can help
work. you to become more tolerant and patient
with any change that happens especially
Honesty in Group Competition when they are inevitable.

Group competitions in physical Self-Reliance

education are the most popular type of
assessment used by a physical Unlike other activities where you can ask
education instructor.  Fooling around in your others for help, the success of any physical
group activities implies that you're also education activities greatly lies in your own
fooling yourself. Just like other people say, skill and willpower. You do not expect
honesty is the best policy, and it begins with anyone to do the exercise for you to
yourself. become physically fit. 
Courage  A good example to develop cognitive
process in Physical Education is to know
Many activities in Physical Education how can you apply the rules of a
requires an act of great courage just like game/activity and make a creative way of
performance in dance, playing different techniques for it. One thing also to include is
sports, and participating in recreational know the proper terms and keywords in PE
activities. that way you will be guided to be more
creative in a critical thinking situations. For
instance, in basketball, you can develop
Every goal requires determination. “Since your mental process by knowing first the
life is never smooth, many of us fall off rule of the game, engaging yourself to play
when we come across obstacles. But with in a real basketball game and pursuing
determination, we can overcome any type of yourself to give your best to win a points on
obstacle (Sama, 2010)” Similar case your opponents. Now, how can you apply
happens in P.E. activities, success of any critical thinking in this type of games? Think
activity will be dependent on your first a strategy on your opponent’s strengths
persistence to achieve or complete a task and weaknesses, after that apply your
despite the number of challenges you will knowledge of the game, that includes rules,
have to encounter.  terms, technique, equipment, proper calls
and etc. then apply your best shot and apply
Personal Discipline all the strength of your body, physically and
mentally. that way you can achieve the goal
For Example, you can develop personal
and win.
discipline in physical education by giving
yourself a wide range of understanding. Mental Development in P.E. refers to the
Applying attention, good behavior, being gathering the information and how to
proactive and being humble college student properly apply and improve it in your
in Physical Education can to develop recreational activities and sports.
personal discipline.

In P.E., conducting yourself as a

proactive person can easily acquire
these things.

Mental/Cognitive Development

In Physical Education activities, the

individual develops his mental capacities as
he learns the mechanical principles of
underlying movement. As the students
acquire knowledge and underlying rules and
strategies of games and sports as wells as
dance instructions, he or she discovers
ways of improving his movement in
gymnastics and dance, and the ability to
analyze and give comments

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