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Following A Trade

A Guide to DTCC’s Pivotal Roles in How Securities Change Hands

I n today’s U.S. capital markets, billions of shares of securities
change hands every day. Brokers, banks, investment managers,
fund managers, exchanges and many others play prominent
roles in this daily drama. And all rely on the behind-the-scenes
expertise of the subsidiaries that make up The Depository Trust &
Clearing Corporation (DTCC), the world’s largest financial post-
trade infrastructure organization.
DTCC ensures the capacity, certainty and reliability required
to clear and settle today’s enormous trading volumes.
Clearance and settlement is a process, which, at the end of
the day, ensures that sellers are paid for the securities they sold, and
buyers receive the securities they bought. How this process works
is not always easily understood.
This booklet describes the role of two of DTCC’s subsidiaries that
support post-trade processing and money settlement for two types of
trades: (1) a broker-to-broker trade and (2) an institutional trade.
Broker-to-broker trades are processed by our National
Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC) subsidiary, which handles
post-trade processing for virtually all equity, municipal and corporate
bond transactions in the U.S. market.
Institutional trades are high-value trades made by an investment
manager for an institutional investor, such as a mutual fund, pension
fund, hedge fund, bank trust department or insurance company.
Our Depository Trust Company (DTC) subsidiary handles the securities
and money settlement, while Omgeo, our joint venture with Thomson
Financial, acts as a communications hub for the exchange of
information among key parties to an institutional trade.
In addition to supporting these types of trades, post-trade
processing services are also provided for U.S. Government and
mortgage-backed securities, money market instruments, mutual
funds, insurance products and over-the-counter derivatives.
An Institutional Trade
Institutional investors such as mutual funds, insurance companies, hedge
funds, bank trust departments and pension funds buy and sell large blocks
of securities, typically through investment managers. To help maintain
confidentiality and/or avoid triggering a major impact in the marketplace, a
trader either arranges for an institutional buyer for the entire amount, or
breaks the block down into a number of pieces. The trade may even be
executed over a period of several days.
The parties involved in an institutional trade include the institutional
investor, the investment manager, the buying broker, the marketplace, the
selling broker, custodian banks, DTC and Omgeo.
DTC is responsible for completing the money and securities
settlement of institutional trades. The money settlement systems of
DTC and NSCC are unified, providing customers with one consolidated,
end-of-day netted payment obligation for both DTC and NSCC trades.
Omgeo, through its links with investment managers, broker/dealers
and custodians, acts as a central communications hub for institutional
post-trade processing in 40+ countries. Omgeo’s systems automate
and streamline the process from execution notification and trade allocation,
through affirmation or matching and trade reporting services.
Omgeo’s systems communicate details of the trade, show how
securities should be allocated to different custodians and accounts,
provide account level trade confirmations and facilitate automated
affirmation by investment managers.
As an alternative to matching and affirmation by the investment
manager, Omgeo also provides real-time central matching capabilities,
electronically comparing trade details and notifying parties of any
exceptions to streamline the process.
Omgeo services institutional trades settled in depositories throughout
the world. The example illustrated is a trade settling in the U.S. market.
An Institutional Trade

Exchange or
1. The investment
manager, acting
3. The trade takes place at the
exchange or marketplace.
on behalf of an
investor, instructs a
broker/dealer to buy 2. The broker goes to
(or sell) a large an exchange or
block of a security. marketplace to make
the trade.

Investment Broker/
Manager Dealer

5. The custodian
bank receives
instructions from
the investment
manager, or from
Omgeo on behalf of the 4. Omgeo’s automated
investment manager, systems send and receive
to deliver/receive the trade data, enrich trades
securities and money with standing settlement
payment. instructions, provide
central matching services
and maintain contact with
all major trading and
settling parties and DTC
Custodian regarding trade details.

6. For affirmed/matched
trades, Omgeo instructs
DTC (on behalf of the
investment manager
and the broker) to settle
the trade between the
custodian and the broker.

7. Custodians and
broker/dealers instruct
their settling banks to
send or receive funds 8. Upon authorization by the
(through the Federal DTC participant to deliver
Reserve System) the shares, DTC transfers
to DTC to complete ownership of the securities
settlement. electronically to the buyer
by book-entry movement.

A Broker-to-Broker Trade
For broker-to-broker trades, NSCC performs three critical
functions, helping the industry reduce risk, lower cost and
optimize capital:

1. It ensures post-trade processing capacity to

handle not only average trading volumes, but
also the unpredictable spikes that can occur
in the market.

2. It offers a guarantee that, if a participant defaults

for any reason, all transactions that have entered
NSCC’s system with the details confirmed and
that have reached the guarantee stage, will settle.

3. Through a process called netting, it reduces the

total number of trading obligations requiring financial
settlement by an average of 97%.
A Broker-to-Broker Trade

1. Investors send orders to

Investor broker/dealers to buy or Investor
sell securities.

Buying Selling
Broker Broker
2. The broker/dealers send the
order for execution to an
exchange or marketplace.

3. The trade is made

with another
broker/dealer Exchange or
or specialist on
an exchange or Marketplace
4. Trade information
is sent by the
exchange or
marketplace to
NSCC for post-
trade processing.

5. NSCC processes and
records trades, and issues
to broker/dealers a summary
of all compared or recorded
6. NSCC sends
trades, including information
instructions to DTC
on net securities positions
with net securities
and net money to be settled.
positions to be settled.
As deliveries are
7. DTC transfers ownership of
processed, net money
securities electronically, moving
to be settled is posted
net securities positions from
to NSCC’s settlement
the selling broker’s account
to NSCC’s account, and
then from NSCC’s account
to the buying broker’s
account. DTC

8. Broker/dealers’ settling
banks send or receive
funds to/from DTC (as
NSCC’s agent) to complete
settlement, at which time
all securities movements
become final.
T+3 Settlement Cycle
Trade Date (T)
The clearance and settlement cycle begins on the date the
trade is executed. On this date, trade details are electronically
transmitted to NSCC for processing, the majority of which are in
real-time. Of equity transactions, 99.9% are sent as “locked-in”
trades, which means that the marketplace has already compared
them at the time of execution, confirming all details, including share
quantity, price and security. NSCC sends to participants automated
reports, which are legally binding documents that show trade
details. These reports confirm that transactions have entered the
clearance and settlement processing stream.

NSCC’s guarantee of settlement generally begins midnight between
T+1 and T+2. At this point, NSCC steps into the middle of a trade
and assumes the role of central counterparty, taking on the buyer’s
credit risk and the seller’s delivery risk. This guarantee eliminates
uncertainty for market participants and inspires public confidence.

NSCC issues broker/dealers summaries of all compared trades,
including information on the net positions of each security due or
owed for settlement.

T+3 is settlement – the delivery of securities to net buyers and
payments of money to net sellers. Broker/dealers instruct their settling
banks to send or receive funds (through the Federal Reserve System)
to/from DTC as NSCC’s agent. Securities generally do not change
hands physically. DTC transfers ownership between broker/dealers’
accounts by book-entry electronic movements.
Available DTCC Services

Clearance and Settlement Insurance

Automated Customer Account Annuity Applications
Transfer Service (ACATS)
Financial Activity Reporting
Custom Index Share Processing
Licensing and Appointments
Money Market Instrument
Positions and Valuations
Subsequent Premiums
Trade Reporting and
Information-Based Services
Underwriting Services
Cost-Basis Reporting Service
Fixed Income Global Corporate Action
Real-Time Trade Validation Service
Matching/RTTM Web
SMART/Search for
Government Securities Archived Reports
Net Settlement Services
Mortgage-Backed Securities
Clearing Services SMART/Track for
Stock Loan Recalls
GCF Repo Services
Electronic Pool OTC Derivatives
Notification Services Credit Default Swaps
Matching and Confirmation
Asset Services
Custody & Safekeeping Services Equity Derivatives Matching
and Confirmation
Deposit & Withdrawal Services
Interest Rate Derivatives
Direct Registration Service Matching and Confirmation
Dividend & Reorganization Payments Matching, Netting
Services and Settlement
Restricted Securities Portfolio Reconciliation
Family of Services

Mutual Funds
Defined Contribution
Clearance & Settlement
For more information:
Tel: 1.212.855.4155
Fund/SPEEDSM Tel: 44.20.7444.0000
[email protected].
Mutual Fund Profile Service

The Depository Trust &

Clearing Corporation

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