Name: Ma. Princess P. Seril DATE: DECEMBER 5, 6, 8, 9-2011 GROUP: 53 Area: Alimannao Rhu Clinical Instructor: Evelyn C. Cristobal, RN

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SERIL DATE: DECEMBER 5, 6, 8, 9- 2011





>To integrate learned concepts in the area for an organized delivery of care, coupled by the
principal of Public Health and Maternal and Child Nursing.


>To establish rapport with my student nurses, with my C.I., and especially with the patients.

> To enhance my skills with regards to proper caring to the patient.

>To develop my therapeutic communication skills when interacting to the patients especially
when giving health teachings.

>To familiarize myself with the different steps, process and procedures of the leopold’s
maneuvers, FHT determination and fundic height measurement.

>To develop my attitude into something positive in which I would be acting like a professional

Truly, experience is the best source of knowledge that an individual can acquire.
Learning is fun inside the four corners of the classroom but, an appreciation of concepts is
much better when the true scenario of it is being experienced.

Though we are not exposed physically in our designated area at this time because of the
situation but emotionally and mentally we are there , my learnings with regards to the activities
, process , steps procedures are not enough for me to be a competent one and most especially
we don’t do it in actual because of our situation now . While watching the video it serves as a
great opportunity because I have learned the different steps in leopold’s maneuvers, fundic
height measurement and lastly about the FHT determination. Even though it is supposed to be
my first time to be exposed In the community and to learn such things I always believe that If
no one can be a blessing for you, be a blessing to them.” This simple adage inspired me most to
do my responsibilities a student nurse in rendering proper health care to every individual.
However, it takes a lot of patience because there are lots of factors that can eventually stop you
in doing it such. Hence, if you really want to do something to have a positive output you should
identify the ways on how to achieve them. If you really want it there’s always a way, but if you
don’t there’s always a reason.

And also I have learned that Knowing the persons who belong to the nursing team of the school
is important because as a health care system, harmonious working relationship is needed to
facilitate productive and effective teamwork. Eventually, the needs of the client are met thus
fulfilling the ultimate goal of the system, which is the delivery of healthcare services. But before
achieving this goal, there should also be respect, honesty, and dedication to the things that we
are doing and knowing our responsibilities and roles as health care providers by heart. Touching
others’ peoples live and being able to cater to their needs is an achievement that no other thing
can replace. The feeling of fulfillment I have me makes me believe that as long as I love what
I’m doing, there can be a thousand people or even hundreds of thousand people in this world
that I can offer my undying service. I came to know about the standard protocols being
implemented from which I realized my obligation to always bear these things in mind. I was
able to be familiarized. My skills were enhanced. Being a student nurse, knowing such policies
brings a guiding light that keeps me on the right track. Moreover, I believe that as long as I
know and do what is right, I’m better able to do the roles expected of me.

Reflective journal:

One of the most wonderful things about being a nurse is the unique role we have with our patients. This
role automatically encourages vulnerability and transparency from patients to express things that they
may not express to their physician. Furthermore, it is a role that comes with immense responsibilities to
be both compassionate caregiver and attentive advocate. I believe that especially disturbing given that
pregnancy, labor and delivery are some of the most sensitive, unguarded times for any woman and
should be handled with the utmost respect by clinicians, nurses and doctors.

Education of different cultures is not enough because there is a risk for stereotyping when differences
are focused upon. Nurses need to not only learn more about the specific cultures of their patients; they
must learn what their patients need, want, and expect on an individual basis. During the initial visit, the
nurse must inquire after the patient’s personal wishes and concerns surrounding her care. Secondly,
professional interpreters of the same sex need to be available for the patient. When this is absent, true
communication that promotes the relationship between nurse and patient cannot occur. Educational
materials in other languages must be available, as well, so the patient has a variety of resources to
ensure complete understanding of what is to be expected during pregnancy, birth, labor, and the
postpartum period. Finally, a culturally diverse staff of nurses is also important so that when situations
arise like a patient who has undergone the trauma of female circumcision, culturally and medically
competent clinicians are available to provide optimal care. I also believe that the procedures, steps, and
process on the video that I’ve watched earlier is a stepping stone for me in the field of maternal and
child health during pregnancy. The video helped me understand more and it came in to my mind that
“may ganitong process pala ng pag measure” and it really amaze me and because of this I became more
interested about my course. I know that as a second year nursing student this is just ¼ on what will I
going to learn “malayo layo pa ang tatahakin ko” but this helped me to build my motivation on
becoming a nurse. Because ever since I wanted to be an obgynecologist which this video is really related
to my dream job. On the other half I am not contented on what I’ve watched earlier because I really
wanted to try it in personal. Measuring the fundic height, the fetal heart tone and the steps of leopold’s
manuever just gave me an expression of “WOW!”. I believe that in time I will become an expert of those
techniques and procedures that I’ve watched. “puhon!!!”

In conclusion, walking through pregnancy, labor and birth with a woman is a privilege and an honor for
any person, especially one who is responsible for providing medical attention and care. As nurses, we
must strive to protect this vulnerable and beautiful time for every woman by honoring her personal
wishes and providing her with the highest quality care despite language or cultural barriers; thus
preserving every woman’s dignity – and even our own.

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