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92, AUGUST 6, 1979 419

Philippine Phoenix Surety & Insurance Company vs.
Woodworks, Inc.



COMPANY, plaintiff-appellee, vs. WOODWORKS, INC.,

Insurance; Contracts; Defined; Premium Defined.—Insurance

is “a contract whereby one undertakes for a consideration to
indemnify another against loss, damage or liability arising from
an unknown or contingent event.” The consideration is the
“premium”. “The premium must be paid at the time and in the
way and manner specified in the policy and, if not so paid, the
policy will lapse and be forfeited by its own terms.”
Same; Non-payment of consideration; Effect of; Credit
Extension.—From the Policy provisions, we fail to find any clear
agreement that a credit extension was accorded defendant. And
even if it were to be presumed that plaintiff had extended credit
from the circumstances of the unconditional delivery of the Policy
without pre-payment of the premium, yet it is obvious that
defendant had not accepted the insurer’s offer to extend credit,
which is essential for the validity of such agreement.
Same; Lapse of policy for failure to pay premium.—Since the
premium had not been paid, the policy must be deemed to have
lapsed. x x x “The non-payment of premiums does not merely
suspend but puts an end to an insurance contract, since the time
of the




Philippine Phoenix Surety & Insurance Company vs. Woodworks,


payment is peculiarly of the essence of the contract. x x x the rule

is that under policy provisions that upon the failure to make a
payment of a premium or assessment at the time provided for, the
policy shall become void or forfeited, or the obligation of the
insurer shall cease, or words to like effect, because the contract so
prescribes and such a Stipulation is a material and essential part
on the contract. This is true, for instance, in the case of life,
health and accident, fire and hail insurance policies.

APPEAL from a judgment of the Court of First Instance of

Manila. Santos, J.

The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court

     Zosimo Rivas for appellant.
     Manuel O. Chan for appellee.


This case was certified to this Tribunal by the Court of

Appeals in its Resolution of October 4, 1965 on a pure
question of law and “because the issues raised are
practically the same as those in CA-G.R. No. 32017-R”
between the same parties, which case had been forwarded
to us on April l, 1964. The latter case, “Philippine Phoenix
Surety & Insurance Inc. vs. Woodworks, Inc.,” docketed in
this Court as L-22684, was decided on August 31, 1967 and
has been reported in 20 SCRA 1270.
Specifically, this action is for recovery of unpaid
premium on a fire insurance policy issued by plaintiff,
Philippine Phoenix Surety & Insurance Company, in favor
of defendant Woodworks, Inc.
The following are the established facts:
On July 21, 1960, upon defendant’s application, plaintiff
issued in its favor Fire Insurance Policy No. 9749 for
P500,000.00 whereby plaintiff insured defendant’s
building, machinery and equipment for a term of one year
from July 21, 1960 to July 21, 1961 against loss by fire. The
premium and other charges including the margin fee
surcharge of P590.76 and the documentary Stamps in the
amount of P156.80 affixed on the Policy, amounted to


VOL. 92, AUGUST 6, 1979 421

Philippine Phoenix Surety & Insurance Company vs.
Woodworks, Inc.

It is undisputed that defendant did not pay the premium

Stipulated in the Policy when it was issued nor at any time
thereafter. On April 19, 1961, or before the expiration of
the one-year term, plaintiff notified defendant, through its
Indorsement No. F-6963/61, of the cancellation
of the Policy
allegedly upon request of defendant. The latter has denied
having made such a request. In said Indorsement, plaintiff
credited defendant with the amount of P3,110.25 for the
unexpired period of 94 days, and claimed the balance of
P7,483.11 representing “earned premium from July 21,
1960 to 18th April 1961 or, say 271 days.” On July 6, 1961,
plaintiff 2 demanded in writing for the payment of said
amount. Defendant, through counsel, disclaimed any
liability in its reply-letter of August 15, 1961, contending,
in essence, that it need not pay premium “because the
Insurer did not stand liable for any3 indemnity during the
period the premiums were not paid.”
On January 30, 1962, plaintiff commenced action in the
Court of First Instance of Manila, Branch IV (Civil Case
No. 49468), to recover the amount of P7,483.11 as “earned
premium.” Defendant controverted basically on the theory
that its failure “to pay the premium after the issuance of
the policy put an end to the insurance
contract and
rendered the policy unenforceable.”
On September 13, 1962, judgment was rendered in
plaintiff’s favor “ordering defendant to pay plaintiff the
sum of P7,483.11, with interest thereon at the rate of 6%
per annum from January 30, 1962, until the principal shall
have been fully paid, plus the sum of P700.00 as attorney’s
fees of the plaintiff, and the costs of the suit.” From this
adverse Decision, defendant appealed to the Court of
Appeals which, as heretofore stated, certified the case to us
on a question of law.
The errors assigned read:


1 Exhibits “E” and “F”, parag. 6, Complaint.

2 Exhibit “C”.
3 Exhibit “D”.
4 Parag. 7, Answer.



Philippine Phoenix Surety & Insurance Company vs.
Woodworks, Inc.

“1. The lower court erred in sustaining that Fire

insurance Policy, Exhibit A, was a binding contract
even if the premium stated in the policy has not
been paid.
“2. That the lower court erred in sustaining that the
premium in Insurance Policy, Exhibit B, became an
obligation which was demandable even after the
period in the Policy has expired.
“3. The lower court erred in not deciding that a
premium not paid is not a debt enforceable by
action of the insurer.”

We find the appeal meritorious.

Insurance is “a contract whereby one undertakes for a
consideration to indemnify another against loss, damage or5
liability arising from an unknown or contingent event.”
The consideration is the “premium”. “The premium must be
paid at the time and in the way and manner specified in
the policy and, if not so paid,
the policy will lapse and be
forfeited by its own terms.”
The provisions on premium in the subject Policy read:


consideration of—MESSRS. WOODWORKS, INC.—hereinafter
called the Insured, paying to the PHILIPPINE PHOENIX
SURETY AND INSURANCE, INC., hereinafter called the
HUNDRED FORTY SIX ONLY—the Premium for the first period
hereinafter mentioned. x x x”

x      x      x

“THE COMPANY HEREBY AGREES with the Insured x x x

that if the Property above described, or any part thereof, shall be
destroyed or damaged by Fire or Lightning after payment of
Premium, at any time between 4:00 o’clock in the afternoon of the
TWENTY FIRST day of JULY One Thousand Nine Hundred and
SIXTY and 4:00 o’clock in the afternoon of the TWENTY FIRST
day of JULY One Thousand Nine Hundred and SIXTY ONE. x x
x” (Emphasis supplied)


5 Sec. 2, Act No. 2427 (The Insurance Law).

6 Glaraga vs. Sun Life Assurance Co., 49 Phil. 737 (1926).

VOL. 92, AUGUST 6, 1979 423

Philippine Phoenix Surety & Insurance Company vs.
Woodworks, Inc.

Paragraph “2” of the Policy further contained the following


“2. No payment in respect of any premium shall be deemed to be

payment to the Company unless a printed form of receipt for the
same signed by an Official or duly-appointed Agent of the
Company shall have been given to the Insured.”

Paragraph “10” of the Policy also provided:

“10. “This insurance may be terminated at any time at the request

of the Insured, in which case the Company will retain the
customary short period rate for the time the policy has been in
force. This insurance may also at any time be terminated at the
option of the Company, on notice to that effect being given to the
Insured, in which case the Company shall be liable to repay on
demand a ratable proportion of the premium for the unexpired
term from the date of the cancelment.”

Clearly, the Policy provides for pre-payment of premium.

Accordingly; “when the policy is tendered the insured must
pay the premium unless credit is given or there is a waiver,
or some agreement
obviating the necessity for
prepayment.” To constitute an extension of credit8
must be a clear and express agreement therefor.”
From the Policy provisions, we fail to find any clear
agreement that a credit extension was accorded defendant.
And even if it were to be presumed that plaintiff had
extended credit from the circumstances of the
unconditional delivery of the Policy without prepayment of
the premium, yet it is obvious that defendant had not
accepted the insurer’s offer to extend credit, which is
essential for the validity of such agreement.

“An acceptance of an offer to allow credit, if one was made, is as

essential to make a valid agreement for credit, to change a
conditional delivery of an insurance policy to an unconditional
delivery, as it is to make any other contract. Such an acceptance
could not be


7 Couch on Insurance, 2nd Vol. I, p. 376, par. (9:4).

8 Rogers vs. Great-West L.A. Co. CA 8 Minn 158 F 2d 474.



Philippine Phoenix Surety & Insurance Company vs. Woodworks,

merely a mental act or state of mind, but would require

a promise
to pay made known, in some manner to defendant.”

In this respect, the instant case differs from that involving

the same parties entitled Philippine 10
Phoenix Surety &
Insurance Inc., vs. Woodworks, Inc., where recovery of the
balance of the unpaid premium was allowed inasmuch as in
that case “there was not only a perfected, contract of
insurance but a partially performed one as far as the
payment of the agreed, premium was concerned.” This is
not the situation obtaining here where no partial payment
of-premiums has been made whatsoever.
Since the premium had not been paid, the policy must be
deemed to have lapsed.

“The non-payment of premiums does not merely suspend but puts

an end to an insurance contract, since the 11
time of the payment is
peculiarly of the essence of the contract.”
“x x x the rule is that under policy provisions that upon the
failure to make a payment of a premium or assessment at the
time provided for, the policy shall become void or forfeited, or the
obligation of the insurer shall cease, or words to like effect,
because the contract so prescribes and because such a Stipulation
is a material and essential part of the contract. This is true, for
instance, in the case
of life, health and accident, fire and hail
insurance policies.”

In fact, if the peril insured against had occurred, plaintiff,

as insurer, would have had a valid defense against recovery
under the Policy it had issued. Explicit in the Policy itself
is plaintiff’s agreement to indemnify defendant for loss by
fire only “after payment of premium,” supra. Compliance by
the insured with the terms of the contract is a condition
precedent to the right of recovery.


9 Gillen v. Bayfield, 329 Mo. 681, 46 S.W. 2d 571, cited in Insurance

Law and Practice by John Alan Appleman, VOL. 14, p. 270.
10 20 SCRA 1270 (1967).
11 National Leather Co., Inc., vs. U.S. Life Insurance Co., 87 Phil. 410
12 Mutual Fire Co. vs. Maple, 60 Or 359, 119 p. 484; 43 Am. Jur. 2d.,
pp. 630-631.


VOL. 92, AUGUST 6, 1979 425

Philippine Phoenix Surety & Insurance Company vs.
Woodworks, Inc.

“The burden is on an insured to keep a policy in force by the

payment of premiums, rather than on the insurer to exert every
effort to prevent the insured from allowing a policy to elapse
through a failure to make premium payments. The continuance of
the insurer’s obligation is conditional upon the payment of
premiums, so that no recovery can be had upon a lapsed policy,
the contractual relation between the parties having ceased.”

Moreover, “an insurer cannot treat a contract as valid for

the purpose of collecting
premiums and invalid for the
purpose of indemnity.”
The foregoing findings are buttressed by section 77 of
the Insurance Code (Presidential Decree No. 612,
promulgated on December 18, 1974), which now provides
that no contract of insurance issued by an insurance
company is valid and binding unless and until the premium
thereof has been paid, notwithstanding any agreement to
the contrary.
WHEREFORE, the judgment appealed from is reversed,
and plaintiff’s complaint hereby dismissed.

     Teehankee (Chairman), Fernandez, Guerrero and De

Castro, JJ., concur.
     Makasiar, J., abroad.

Judgment reversed, complaint dismissed.

Note.—The insurance contract is the law between the

parties. As the terms of the policies are clear, express and
specific that only amputation of the left hand be considered
as a loss thereof, an interpretation that would include the
mere fracture or other temporary disability not covered by
the policies would be unwarranted. (Ty vs. First National
Surety & Assurance Co., Inc., 1 SCRA 1324.)


13 Insurance Law & Practice by John Alan Appleman, Vol. 14, p. 381.
14 Insurance Law & Practice by John Alan Appleman, Vol. 15, p. 331.



Philippine Phoenix Surety & Insurance Company vs. Wood

The purpose of provisions or Stipulations in insurance

policies for notice to the insured is to prevent the
cancellation of the policy, without allowing the insured
ample opportunity to negotiate for other insurance in its
Stead. (Saura Import & Export Co., Inc. vs. Philippine
International Surety Co., Inc.,8 SCRA 143.)
Waiver of requirement for payment of initial premium in
advance or actual cash by acceptance of promissory note.
(Capital Insurance & Surety Co., Inc. vs. Plastic Era Co.,
Inc., 65 SCRA 134.)
Where insurer gives insured credit for payment of
premium, insurer is without right to cancel policy except by
putting insured in default and giving him-personal notice.
(Capital Insurance & Surety Co., Inc. vs. Plastic Era Co.,
Inc., 65 SCRA 134.)
An insurer is estopped from claiming forfeiture of the
insurance policy if it held the check in payment of
insurance for a long time before presenting it for payment
and was dishonored. (Capital Insurance & Surety Co. vs.
Plastic Era Co., 65 SCRA 134).
The deceased insured is not entitled to double indemnity
where he did not pay premiums therefor and the same was
given only after the insured had long been dead.
(Evangelista vs. GSIS, 66 SCRA 71).
The Insurance Commissioner is an indispensable party
in a litigation involving a liquidated surety’s assets.
(Banjon vs. Cruz, 45 SCRA 475).
In the absolute absence of notice when it is one of the
conditions specified in the fire insurance policy, the claim
for insurance recovery cannot prosper. (Union Mftg. Co.,
Inc. vs. Phil. Guaranty Co., Inc., 47 SCRA 491).


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