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Order on Court Fee Waiver Clerk stamps date here when form is filed.

FW-003 (Superior Court)

1 Person who asked the court to waive court fees:
Street or mailing address:
City: State: Zip:

2 Lawyer, if person in 1 has one (name, firm name, address,

phone number, e-mail, and State Bar number):
Fill in court name and street address:
Superior Court of California, County of

Fill in case number and name:

3 A request to waive court fees was filed on (date):
Case Number:
The court made a previous fee waiver order in this case on (date):
Case Name:
Read this form carefully. All checked boxes þ are court orders.

Notice: The court may order you to answer questions about your finances and later order you to pay back the waived
fees. If this happens and you do not pay, the court can make you pay the fees and also charge you collection fees. If there
is a change in your financial circumstances during this case that increases your ability to pay fees and costs, you must
notify the trial court within five days. (Use form FW-010.) If you win your case, the trial court may order the other side
to pay the fees. If you settle your civil case for $10,000 or more, the trial court will have a lien on the settlement in the
amount of the waived fees. The trial court may not dismiss the case until the lien is paid.

4 After reviewing your: Request to Waive Court Fees Request to Waive Additional Court Fees
the court makes the following orders:
a. The court grants your request, as follows:
(1) Fee Waiver. The court grants your request and waives your court fees and costs listed below. (Cal.
Rules of Court, rules 3.55 and 8.818.) You do not have to pay the court fees for the following:
• Filing papers in superior court • Court fee for phone hearing
• Making copies and certifying copies • Giving notice and certificates
• Sheriff’s fee to give notice • Sending papers to another court department
• Reporter’s fee for attendance at hearing or trial, if the court is not electronically recording the proceeding
and you request that the court provide an official reporter
• Assessment for court investigations under Probate Code section 1513, 1826, or 1851
• Preparing, certifying, copying, and sending the clerk’s transcript on appeal
• Holding in trust the deposit for a reporter's transcript on appeal under rule 8.130 or 8.834
• Making a transcript or copy of an official electronic recording under rule 8.835
(2) Additional Fee Waiver. The court grants your request and waives your additional superior court fees
and costs that are checked below. (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 3.56.) You do not have to pay for the
checked items.
Jury fees and expenses Fees for a peace officer to testify in court
Fees for court-appointed experts Court-appointed interpreter fees for a witness
Other (specify):
Judicial Council of California, FW-003, Page 1 of 3
Revised September 1, 2019, Mandatory Form Order on Court Fee Waiver (Superior Court)
Government Code, § 68634(e)
Cal. Rules of Court, rule 3.52
Case Number:
Your name:

b. The court denies your fee waiver request because:

Warning! If you miss the deadline below, the court cannot process your request for hearing or the court papers
you filed with your original request. If the papers were a notice of appeal, the appeal may be dismissed.
(1) Your request is incomplete. You have 10 days after the clerk gives notice of this Order (see date of service
on next page) to:
• Pay your fees and costs, or
• File a new revised request that includes the incomplete items listed:
Below On Attachment 4b(1)

(2) The information you provided on the request shows that you are not eligible for the fee waiver you
requested for the reasons stated: Below On Attachment 4b(2)

The court has enclosed a blank Request for Hearing About Court Fee Waiver Order (Superior Court)
(form FW-006).You have 10 days after the clerk gives notice of this order (see date of service below) to:
• Pay your fees and costs in full or the amount listed in c below, or
• Ask for a hearing in order to show the court more information. (Use form FW-006 to request

c. (1) The court needs more information to decide whether to grant your request. You must go to court on the
date on page 3. The hearing will be about the questions regarding your eligibility that are stated:
Below On Attachment 4c(1)

(2) Bring the items of proof to support your request, if reasonably available, that are listed:
Below On Attachment 4c(2)

This is a Court Order.

Rev. September 1, 2019
Order on Court Fee Waiver (Superior Court) FW-003, Page 2 of 3
Case Number:
Your name:

Name and address of court if different from above:

Hearing g Date: Time:

Dept.: Room:

Warning! If item c(1) is checked, and you do not go to court on your hearing date, the judge will deny your
request to waive court fees, and you will have 10 days to pay your fees. If you miss that deadline, the court cannot
process the court papers you filed with your request. If the papers were a notice of appeal, the appeal may be

Signature of (check one): Judicial Officer Clerk, Deputy

Request for Accommodations

Assistive listening systems, computer-assisted real-time captioning, or sign language interpreter services
are available if you ask at least five days before the hearing. Contact the clerk’s office for Request for
Accommodations by Persons With Disabilities and Response (form MC-410). (Civ. Code, § 54.8.)

Clerk's Certificate of Service

I certify that I am not involved in this case and (check one):
I handed a copy of this Order to the party and attorney, if any, listed in 1 and 2 , at the court, on the date below.
This order was mailed first class, postage paid, to the party and attorney, if any, at the addresses listed in 1 and 2 ,
from (city): , California, on the date below.
A certificate of mailing is attached.

Clerk, by ________________________________ , Deputy


This is a Court Order.

Rev. September 1, 2019 FW-003, Page 3 of 3
Order on Court Fee Waiver (Superior Court)
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