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18, 1949.
f a name can be a foretelling of a child’s future, perhaps it was fate that
former Abra Governor Dr. Luis F. Bersamin Sr. and his wife Dr. Rosario
Purugganan Bersamin would name their fourth son “Lucas” on October
EQ is defined as the ability to understand and manage your own emotions, as
well as recognize and influence the emotions of those around you.1 A person who
has a high EQ is said to have self-awareness and empathy. In effect, it means
you are comfortable with your limitations and you can sense the emotions of
In Latin, “Lucas” means “light giving.”
The psychologist who popularized the term EQ, Daniel Goleman, told the
Thus, when Lucas P. Bersamin became the 25th Chief Justice of the
Harvard Business Review that:
Philippines on November 28, 2018, he undoubtedly had a mission to fulfill, if only
based on the meaning of his name. “The most effective leaders are all alike in one crucial way: They all have
a high degree of what has come to be known as emotional intelligence. It’s
Intelligence as an attribute of CJ Luke is already a given, and I will not dwell
not that IQ and technical skills are irrelevant. They do matter, but...they are
on that further. Instead, allow me to write about what made him an effective Chief
the entry-level requirements for executive positions.”
Justice despite a relatively short 11-month stint.
It can probably be said that every magistrate is a leader in his or her own
In one of his last interviews by media, CJ Luke was asked what trait must
right, for each decision or judgment he or she renders will surely affect the lives
a Chief Justice possess. According to him, a Chief Justice, or even a Justice or
of others. Also, the adjudication of cases will necessarily involve human contact
judge for that matter, must have a high emotional intelligence or EQ.
and interaction. Trial court judges will always be dealing with lawyers, witnesses,
litigants, and court staff. In appellate courts, which are all collegial bodies, justices 8.) learn to TRUST the ability of others;
will be interacting with their peers, court attorneys and also personnel. Thus, a high 9.) have a sense of HUMOR, though not too much lest you become a clown;
degree of EQ is indeed required from members of the Judiciary. 10.) SHED your quest for glory because it is not about you, it is about the
institution or office you represent; and most importantly,
With that in mind, allow me to enumerate the 11 traits of an effective leader as I
11.) be genuinely KIND.
had personally witnessed, seen, and learned from no less than CJ Luke during my
nine-month crash course on leadership. Thank you very much CJ Luke for lighting the path and leading the Judiciary
back to normalcy. You were truly the healing Chief Justice the Judiciary needed.
To be a TRUE LEADER you must:
I wish you happiness and good health on your retirement. God bless
1.) always be HUMBLE; you always, Chief!
2.) EMPOWER the people you lead;
3.) ENCOURAGE and allow your peers to shine and be proud of them if they do; Atty. Brian Keith F. Hosaka
4.) have EMPATHY; Editor-in-Chief
5.) constantly PRAISE people regardless of their position;
6.) be SELFLESS; 1
Landry, L. (2009, April 3). Why Emotional Intelligence is Important in Leadership, Harvard Business School Online. Retrieved
7.) be PROTECTIVE of subordinates and always have their backs;BEN
HMAR K | THE from
SC Talented Artists By Jay B. Rempillo

upreme Court artists showcased their painting The Chief Justice was joined by Deputy Court
skills during the Chief Justice Lucas P. Bersamin Administrator for Mindanao Leo T. Madrazo and Assistant
Painting Competition. Court Administrator and Public Information Office Chief
Brian Keith F. Hosaka as judges. The criteria for judging were
With the theme “Memories,” Charito Cruz-Rojas interpretation and clarity (20%), creativity and originality
(Statistical Reports Division-Court Management Office, (20%), quality of artistic composition and design (30%), and
Office of the Court Administrator) emerged as the big overall impression (30%).
winner having won the first and third place with her entries
Boss Pepe and Ayuntamiento, respectively. Cesar Tito Royeras The painting contest, the first to be held among SC
(Public Information Office) took the second place with his employees, was organized by the Judiciary Arts Society
entry En Banc Oral Arguments. Painting Club headed by Atty. Joyce Jazmin G. Dimaisip-
Cunanan, SC Library Services Chief.
Chief Justice Bersamin was present to personally
congratulate the winners during the awarding at the Other participants were Rosanna Ramos (Judicial Records
Judiciary Memorabilia Hall, SC Old Building, Taft Avenue, Office), Yvone Atis (Statistical Reports Division-CMO), and
Ermita, Manila on October 10, 2019. Mary Ann Nelmida (Property-OCA).

Chief Justice
Lucas P. Bersamin
poses for posterity with the
participants in the Chief
Justice Lucas P. Bersamin
Painting Competition and the
Judiciary Arts Society Painting
Club headed by SC Library
Services Chief, Atty. Joyce
Jazmin G. Dimaisip-Cunanan.

Charito Cruz-Rojas of the Statistical Reports Division-Court Manage-

ment Office, Office of the Court Administrator wins first and third place
with her entries Boss Pepe and Ayuntamiento (inset).

The Four-Point Agenda By Jose Salvador A. Zenarosa

" As the Chief realized that there is a dearth of competent lawyers, he

has invested in the improvement of the quality of education of future
lawyers in the country by introducing the shift to the experiential approach
in legal education as used in some progressive countries..."

C hief Justice Lucas P. Bersamin crafted a Four- the need for a new procedure for litigating cases involving purely
Point Agenda for his 11-month tenure. money claims, which the trial courts had to resolve within 30 days
from the filing of the claims. During its initial implementation, the
FIRST was the revision of the Rules threshold was only P100,000. The adoption was aimed at solving the
of Court with the main goal of rendering congestion of the dockets of first-level courts brought about by the
current procedural laws responsive to the needs of the times as large number of such cases.
well as adaptive to the fast moving technological developments.
Another result was the Revised Law Student Practice Rule, which
The Supreme Court, through a resolution dated February amended the provisions of Rule 138-A of the Rules of Court. This is
26, 2019, increased the threshold amount for money claims calculated to hasten the shift to experiential legal education to be
cognizable by the Metropolitan Trial Courts (METCs) under the adopted by our law schools in the near future. A salient feature of
Revised Rules of Procedure for Small Claims Cases (Revised Rules the Revised Rule is that a law student must now be certified to be
for Small Claims) from P300,000 to P400,000 beginning April 1, able to engage in the limited practice of law. Under this Revised Rule,
2019. The Rules were first implemented in 2010 in response to among others, applicants to the 2023 Philippine Bar examinations
who have graduated from a
foreign school may be admitted
to take the Bar examination
upon submission to the SC of
pertinent certifications.

The Court likewise approved

the guidelines on the use of
video-conferencing technology
to allow the remote appearance
and testimonies of those facing
charges and detained in jail. The
guidelines, which took effect on
September 1, 2019 and tested
in Davao, aim to guarantee
and preserve the constitutional
rights of the accused in court
proceedings who are persons
deprived of liberty (PDLs)
being detained in a district, city
or provincial jail or a national
inmate committed in a national
penitentiary. The Court is
utilizing videoconferencing
technology for inmates to
eliminate the safety, security
and health risks posed by the
personal appearance of PDLs

who are “considered to be high- for a new HOJ for San Pablo City,
risk or afflicted with highly Laguna and for the construction
contagious diseases.” Such of the Cebu Judiciary Complex
risk is not only averted by the in South Road Property in
accused but also by the judges, Cebu City. Another coup was
court personnel, and the public the signing of a Memorandum
in general. of Understanding (MOU) with
the Bases Conversion and
SECOND in his agenda Development Authority (BCDA)
is the improvement of the for the allocation of a 5.8-hectare
infrastructure of the Judiciary. area inside the National
Government Administrative
The improvements in the Center (NGAC) in New Clark
physical infrastructure are best City for the SC and its attached
THIRD on the Chief’s improvement of the quality of
quantified with the inauguration agencies to serve as a Judiciary
agenda was enhancing access education of future lawyers in
of the following newly complex.
to justice. While the Court has the country by introducing the
constructed or repurposed
activated a lot of Family Courts shift to the experiential approach
buildings – 1) Hall of Justice As for the qualitative
by appointing their presiding in legal education as used in
(HOJ) of the Regional Trial Court infrastructure, four new Justice
judges, it was soon found out some progressive countries,
(RTC) and Metropolitan Trial Zones were launched: Angeles
that courthouses were not being particularly the United States
Court (MeTC) Marikina City; 2) City, Davao City, Bacolod City,
built fast enough to catch up of America. In line with this,
HOJ of the MeTC Valenzuela; and Naga City. This brings the
with the appointments. In the the Court held the 2019 Legal
3) Archive Building of the total to six Justice Zones where
meantime, they have to share Education Summit, the first-
HOJ of General Santos City; 4) there is heightened coordination
the existing courthouses which ever Philippine legal education
Expanded HOJ Building of the between and among the
are admittedly less than ideal. It summit.
province of Sarangani; and 5) different justice sectors and
is a temporary fix which should
HOJ of the RTC Quezon City. agencies, with the goal of an
sooner be resolved. The Court also allowed the
expedient, cohesive and proper public free access to the SC
In anticipation of future dispensation of justice. The first
As the Chief realized that electronic library or e-Library “in
court buildings, Chief Justice two Justice Zones are in Quezon
there is a dearth of competent order to enhance transparency
Bersamin also witnessed the City and Cebu City.
lawyers, he has invested in the and provide better access for
signing of the Deeds of Donation
lawyers, law professors, law
students, and legal researchers to
decisions, resolutions, issuances,
and rules of the court.” The
e-Library, a searchable database
of jurisprudence including
SC decisions and resolutions
from 1901 to the present, laws
including present and past
Constitutions, SC issuances
such as present and past Rules
of Court as well as resolutions
in administrative matters, and
other references, was only
accessible to judges and court
lawyers in its 15-year existence.

The Chief, through the

Public Information Office
or the PIO, also launched
its newly improved and
redesigned website and the
Supreme Court Application or
SC App, a software which can
be downloaded to mobile
devices such as smartphones
and computer tablets. The SC
App contains four features –
the Judiciary Memorabilia Hall,
the Court Locator, the Lawyers’
List, and the SC Directory.
Recently, the Court launched
the new Judicial and Bar Council
Website and Online Application
Scheduler to further assist the
JBC in vetting competent and
qualified applicants. that from January to June 2019,
there were 21 judges who were
Of personal interest to the fined, suspended, reprimanded,
Chief was the inauguration of or admonished and 94 lower
the Judiciary Memorabilia Hall court employees were dismissed
at the Old Supreme Court from service, admonished,
Building. This is intended fined, reprimanded, had benefits
to be the repository of forfeited, and suspended. One
historical works and personal Court of Appeals personnel
memorabilia of incumbent and was dismissed from service,
retired Justices of the Supreme while one personnel from
Court, carefully curated and the Sandiganbayan was
consistently evolving to reflect reprimanded. In the Supreme
the dynamism of the institution. Court, eight (8) personnel
have been fined, suspended,
FOURTH. Rounding up reprimanded, and admonished,
his four-point agenda is the and one (1) was dropped from
thrust in disciplining the ranks. the rolls due to absence without
The Court recognizes that leave (AWOL).
having ethical and competent
members of the Bench and For the same period,
the Bar is essential to the Rule statistics from the Office of
of Law. Hence, it must instill the Bar Confidant show that
discipline in the ranks of the the Court has sanctioned
judges, court personnel, and 83 lawyers who were either
the legal profession, and purge disbarred, suspended from the
the Judiciary of the corrupt, the practice of law, suspended from
misfits, and the scalawags. the practice of law or notarial
practice or both; or fined,
Statistics from the Office of reprimanded, admonished,
the Court Administrator show warned, and censured.

" I would like to be
remembered as a CJ
who did so many things
to change this institution,
from the former troubled
Supreme Court and
Judiciary to its present
state where we no longer
experience these kinds of
turbulence. That’s a very
strong legacy for me.”

By Jose Salvador A. Zenarosa

B a n g u e d ,
Bersamin was about to graduate
from the St. Joseph Seminary
and was determined to become
a priest. This was encouraged
deny that. But our upbringing
had always been for us to look
at others in much the same way
that we look at ourselves. We
belong to the fourth generation
in our family who are known
for treating others with equality.
We did not discriminate. That
Graduating at the top of his
class became Lucas’ ticket to the
University of the Philippines in
Diliman. His choice of Political
Science as his major field of
study was a no-brainer, it was
practically in his DNA. “Political
Science came naturally for me
also studied under people who
later on became radicals like
Fr. Ed de la Torre. In my final
year in the seminary, he was our
Regent and he taught Latin.” In
hindsight, he did not think that
it was anything strange while
he was at UP. “The bottom line
by his mother, Rosario, a devout turned out to be very important because I was very interested in is ayaw ko ng gulo. That was my
Catholic and a pharmacist by to me.” government affairs,” the Chief training from the start. I would
profession. She wanted her Justice looks back. This was the not be rabid about anything,”
middle child to be spared from But just as he had begun to time when his father served as the Chief Justice declares.
the lure of Abra politics – a realm settle into his calling, a fateful vice governor of Abra.
she knew all too well being of event shook his core and had Things took a turn as he
the illustrious Paredes clan. him question everything he had This was also 1965, at the was about to graduate from
Mother’s instinct may have been worked hard for. cusp of the first quarter storm, college. His father did not opt
triggered by the fact that her and at the very frontline of to campaign for a second term of
husband, Dr. Luis F. Bersamin, “There was an incident while student activism. Even as a office. A strict military man, Dr.
Sr., was from the rival Villamor I was in the seminary when my self-professed probinsyano, Bersamin, Sr. wanted to secure
family, and while a moment of father ran for vice governor of the he was very much aware of the future of his six children and
calm had set in with their union, province. His political opponents the radicalism around him. went back to serve in the military
it was still a precarious situation mounted machine guns on “UP was the most radicalized to qualify for his pension. The
she could not leave to chance. top of the kapitolyo which was campus at that time. However, younger Bersamin was bent on
very close to our house and the having come from the seminary graduating early so he could
At that time, the seminary ancestral home of our mother’s where the training was very help with the family’s finances.
was in its infancy and was side of the family. They strafed rigid, schedule was very tight, He also wanted to send himself
not operating with a full both our homes with bullets. and discipline is the first order of to law school. He immediately
complement so its interns took That insulted me very much and business, I thought that I was in found work as an insurance
daily trips to Bangued on board scarred me deeply,” he recalls. no danger of being radicalized. underwriter after graduating
a makeshift German-made “We had been violated, and our Let’s also not forget that I come from UP. His plan was to work in
truck after their daily ora et home desecrated.” from a deeply religious family,” Intramuros during the day and
labora which included planting, he rationalizes. “Interestingly, I enroll in the evening program
harvesting, and cleaning toilets. It was also right around that
It was a tough time for the young time when Lucas was named
Lucas who had been accustomed valedictorian, both by the St.
to the trappings of privilege, but Joseph Seminary where he
that experience may have been studied Latin and Theology,
providential in reinforcing the and the Colegio del Sagrado
values of hard work, faith in Corazon where he completed the
God, and humility. In hindsight, secular high school curriculum.
the Chief Justice muses, “Laking “I decided that if I were not to
probinsiya ako. I also come from become a priest, I should do
Bangued, Abra, one of the something about getting even.
poorer provinces in the north, That was my mindset then. I
and maybe throughout the was young. I was angry. I told
Philippines. You cannot be myself I would take up law and
anything but humble. Growing avenge the wrong that had been
up, we were not trained to be done to us,” he shares. He was
entitled or mayabang, kahit na then a young man at 16, and on
highly positioned 'yung family a mission which his mother had
namin sa probinsiya, we cannot instinctively feared.

at the UP College of Law’s Padre
Faura campus.

But once again, fate had

other plans. It turned out that
the Manila campus had been
phased out. “It was a very hard
decision for me to make, whether
I should enroll at UP in Diliman
and sacrifice my employment,
or enroll at a school nearer to
the office. At that time hindi pa
naman mahirap mag-travel kasi
wala pa masyadong traffic. I first
considered the Lyceum, then
FEU, San Beda, UST, and then
the University of the East. At that
time, two of my older brothers
were already enrolled in UE,
and even if I were to use the
Veterans Educational Benefit my
father had earned in financing
my education, I thought of going
to UE finally because it offered a
‘family discount.’ With the three
of us studying there, the discount
became quite substantial,” the
Chief Justice reminisces.

Another perk that UE had

for its graduates was a promised
P20,000 cash incentive to anyone
who would bring honor to
the school by having a place
in the Top Ten of the board
or Bar exam of their field of
study. “I had actually written
down the amount on a piece of
paper as some sort of a visual
aid to inspire me and push me
further. But let me tell you, the the aisle and thereafter become pursue a career in the Judiciary were proclaimed by separate and
hardest part was waiting for the “Mrs. Aurora B. Bersamin.” instead of going into politics. independent panels of judges.
results,” he reveals. So, when She felt that her husband would
the results came out, it showed It was just a matter of time make an outstanding Judge, and The following year, he
that he ranked 9th in the 1973 before the idea of serving his prodded him to be one. He was was recognized with the Chief
Bar Examinations, with a perfect province and throwing his hat appointed Regional Trial Court Justice Jose Abad Santos Award for
score of 100% in Criminal Law. in Abra’s political arena began judge in Quezon City on his Judicial Excellence and his place
It was nothing less than the swirling in his head. Two of his first attempt in 1987. “She was as a shining star in the Judiciary
fulfillment of his vision. older brothers had then already right, as always,” he says with became unshakable. With his
begun to establish themselves an impish smile. sterling reputation banked by 17
His next plan was to become in politics and wanted him to years as an RTC Judge, Bersamin
a brilliant lawyer. He knew join their ranks to strengthen Thus began Judge Lucas was ripe and ready for his ascent
he was good, but he wanted the Bersamins’ position in the P. Bersamin’s career in the to the Court of Appeals as an
to be better. He wanted to be province. With a flourishing Judiciary. By then, he had earned Associate Justice in March 2003.
eloquent, erudite, and polished. career in the private practice, it the eloquence, erudition, and
He had not forgotten his promise was inevitable. But this time, polish he had aspired for, so But not all the accolades,
of vengeance in Abra. their mother, Rosario, put her much so that in 2001, he became recognition, and successes could
foot down adamantly. She the recipient of the Chief Justice have prepared Justice Bersamin
In the meantime, while he foresaw a situation where the Fred Ruiz Castro Memorabilia for what happened on December
was at the courthouse for a close brothers at some point in their Commission’s Best Decision 16, 2006. It was the wedding of
friend’s civil wedding ceremony, political careers might run Award, both for the Civil Law his eldest daughter, Pia, at the
Lucas was introduced to the against each other for a position. and Criminal Law categories. Mt. Carmel Church in Quezon
bride’s best friend, Rorie Bagares. This record double award City. The rites had just concluded
He was instantly smitten by her From the very start, Rorie had remains unchallenged up to this and the entourage was making
smile and quiet confidence. And always been very supportive of day. Such feat is particularly its way to the church’s entrance
after a whirlwind courtship, it her husband. However, she had momentous considering that when gunshots rang out which
was Rorie’s turn to walk down silently wished that Lucas would each of the award categories sent people scampering for cover

" We belong to the
fourth generation
in our family who are
known for treating
others with equality."

day one, even after he had been The idea of being thought
appointed Associate Justice of of as a “healing Chief Justice”
the Highest Court of the land. In strikes a chord with Bersamin,
fact, Judge Bersamin-Embuscado “[to be a] Chief Justice like me
confirms that “he never went to at a time like this, it’s already
the RTC of Quezon City from a big legacy that I was able to
the time it was filed, until after smooth out any kind of ruffle in
it was decided. The first time he the Court’s business, reputation,
had set foot there was last year or perception. I would like to
when they welcomed him as be remembered as a CJ who
Chief Justice.” did so many things to change
this institution, from the former
“I never lifted a finger or troubled Supreme Court and
expressed my interest in the Judiciary to its present state
outcome of the case,” the Chief where we no longer experience
Justice declares. “I believe these kinds of turbulence. That’s
justice had been served. Any a very strong legacy for me.”
interference or attempt to
amid screams of panic. The lone vulnerable circumstances, Justice influence the decision would But conversations about
gunman hopped on a waiting Bersamin instructed everyone have diminished the value of legacy does not mean writing
motorcycle, tore off the Barong to proceed to the wedding the justice accorded the victims finis to the man who had served
Tagalog he had used to blend in reception. Somehow, suspicion and their family. I am just the Judiciary since 1987. They
with the guests, and sped off to was rich that the masterminds glad we can somehow move only serve to define that period
the side streets of New Manila. were among the invited guests forward,” the Chief Justice in its history when a leader
Two bodies laid motionless at themselves. concludes. rose from its ranks, cast aside
the church’s façade. The Justice’s personal agenda and pettiness,
brother, Congressman Chito Suddenly, the strafing Chief Justice Bersamin had generously empowered his
Bersamin and his bodyguard incident in Bangued in 1965 paledbeen called a “healer” by no peers, tirelessly introduced
had been assassinated. less than former Chief Justice
in comparison if only for the fact reforms, created an atmosphere
that the authors succeeded in Reynato S. Puno. He pointed of inclusiveness, and allowed
“My dad was shocked, but out Chief Justice Bersamin’s
their mission. But unlike then, he synergy to work its magic.
quickly regained his composure took the high road and accepted humility and “superior
when he saw me,” recalls Pia the iniquity of fate. He was no intelligence which was not While Chief Justice Lucas P.
Bersamin-Embuscado, now an longer an angry young man coupled with arrogance.” Puno Bersamin may have retired, his
RTC Judge in Las Piñas. “He with an axe to grind. The years adds, “the Chief Justice must luminosity cannot be denied.
gave me a hug and told me, of patient study, unrelenting have that leadership quality, He is not one to rest on his hard-
‘wala na si Uncle Chito mo, Chee practice, and open-minded that ability to unite the Justices, earned laurels.
(his term of endearment for his experience have equipped him and also to inspire hope in the
eldest),’“ as he shed a tear. rank and file employees of the
with the armor to face adversities Postscript:
Court. It takes a special kind
head on. Most of all, it forged his
Four months into getting settled as Citizen
Refusing to allow the tragedy faith in the system of justice heof character to do this – to be
Bersamin, the Chief had been called from
to ruin his daughter’s special day, represents. intellectually at par with his retirement to serve as Chairperson of the
and to deny the perpetrators of peers, and at the same time to troubled Government Service Insurance System
the cowardly act the satisfaction Justice Bersamin had kept be able to touch base with the (GSIS). His legacy – the work of spreading the
of seeing their family under such his distance from the case since employees of the Judiciary.” gospel of healing - is not yet done.

By Judge Ellen V. Abesamis-Quinto

" With his incisive mind, he analyzes facts and circumstances with
irrefutable logic. Combined with his high sense of justice, intellectual
power and mastery of the English language, his decisions make for
pleasurable and instructive reading. "

C hief Justice Lucas P. Bersamin retired from

the Supreme Court as the 25th Chief Justice of
the Philippines on October 17, 2019. In his 10
years as a member of the Court, he displayed
an undeniable wisdom and acuity in rendering
decisions assigned to him. Even in his days as a Regional Trial Court
(RTC) Judge, he was best known for his meticulous and thoughtful
decisions that were convincingly articulated in easily understood
prose, a standard that he had kept until he reached the pinnacle
within ninety days from the occurrence thereof” from a “list of at
least three nominees prepared by the Judicial and Bar Council for
every vacancy.” That question was without a doubt impressed with
transcendental importance to the country because the appointment
of the Chief Justice is deemed any President's most important

CJ Bersamin wrote the opinion of the majority that the incumbent

President can appoint the successor of Chief Justice Puno upon his
of his career in the Judiciary. In 2000, the Chief Justice Fred Ruiz retirement on the ground that the prohibition against presidential
Castro Memorabilia Commission awarded him the much-coveted appointments under Section 15, Article VII does not extend to
distinction of having written the Best Decision in Civil Law and the appointments in the Judiciary. The decision referred to the records of
Best Decision in Criminal Law among Regional Trial Court Judges, the deliberations of the Constitutional Commission to reveal that the
a feat which remains unprecedented. It is no wonder that in 2002, framers purposely reflected their intention and manifest their vision
Chief Justice Bersamin won the Chief Justice Jose Abad Santos Award of what the Constitution should contain. Section 9, Article VIII states
as Outstanding RTC Judge of that year given by the prestigious that the appointment of Supreme Court Justices can only be made by
Foundation for Judicial Excellence, the citation being as follows: the President upon the submission of a list of at least three nominees
by the JBC, while Section 4 (1) of the same Article mandates the
Judge Lucas Bersamin has proven himself to be one of the most President to fill the vacancy within 90 days from the occurrence of
intelligent, knowledgeable and accomplished officials in the Bench. With the vacancy. The Court also ruled that Section 15, Article VII on the
his incisive mind he analyzes facts and circumstances with irrefutable prohibition against midnight appointments does not apply as well
logic. Combined with his high sense of justice, intellectual power and to all other appointments in the Judiciary. In this light, the ponencia
mastery of the English language, his decisions make for pleasurable quoted Associate Justice Regalado’s statement to the JBC during its
and instructive reading. The extensive citations and footnotes, the meeting on March 9, 1998 to discuss the question raised by some
perfect format and presentation provide an insight about the extensive sectors about the “constitutionality of . . . appointments” to the
research, thought and effort in preparing his decisions. Court of Appeals in light of the forthcoming presidential elections.
He assured that “on the basis of the (Constitutional) Commission's
Following are among his memorable and noteworthy decisions records, the election ban had no application to appointments
in the Supreme Court. to the Court of Appeals.” This confirmation was accepted by the
JBC, which then submitted to the President for consideration the
1. DE CASTRO V. JUDICIAL AND BAR COUNCIL, nominations for the eight vacancies in the Court of Appeals.
629 PHIL. 629 (2010)
The consolidated petitions in the case of JBC v. De Castro 659 PHIL. 104 (2011)
presented the legal question on whether then President Gloria
Macapagal-Arroyo, whose term was set to end on June 30, 2010, can The case of Air Transportation Office v. Spouses Ramos began when
appoint the successor of Chief Justice Puno upon his compulsory the spouses Ramos filed an action for collection against the Air
retirement on May 15, 2010, which was merely seven days after Transportation Office (ATO) before the Baguio City Regional Trial
the presidential election. It called for the interpretation of the Court (RTC) when ATO failed to pay the agreed purchase price
constitutional provision under Section 4 (1), in relation to Section for the portion of land used as part of the runway of the Loakan
9, Article VIII of the 1987 Constitution, that “vacancy shall be filled Airport. ATO asserted that the RTC had no jurisdiction to entertain

the action without the State's consent considering that the deed 3. LAND BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES V. SUNTAY,
of sale had been entered into in the performance of governmental 678 PHIL 879 (2011)
The 2011 case of Land Bank of the Philippines v. Suntay was an
CJ Bersamin reiterated the standing rule that the immunity from offshoot of the 2007 case of the same title penned by retired Justice
suit is based on the political truism that the State, as a sovereign, can Angelina Sandoval-Gutierrez. In the original case, the Court
do no wrong. There are several practical considerations that dictate declared that the original and exclusive jurisdiction to determine
the establishment of an immunity from suit in favor of the State; just compensation under Republic Act No. 6657, otherwise known
to hold otherwise would make the State suable at the instance of as the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law (CARL) pertains to the
every other individual, seriously impede government service, and Regional Trial Court (RTC) as a Special Agrarian Court. The Court
endanger public safety because of the number of suits that the State ruled further that any effort to transfer such jurisdiction to the
has to defend against. The ruling of the Court affirmed the Court of adjudicators of the Department of Agrarian Reform Adjudication
Appeals’ findings, to wit: Board (DARAB) and to convert the original jurisdiction of the RTC
into appellate jurisdiction is void for being contrary to the CARL. It
In our view, the CA thereby correctly appreciated the held that DARAB adjudicators are only empowered to determine
juridical character of the ATO as an agency of the government in a preliminary manner the reasonable compensation to be paid to
not performing a purely governmental or sovereign function, the landowners, leaving to the courts the ultimate power to decide
but was instead involved in the management and maintenance this question.
of the Loakan Airport, an activity that was not the exclusive
prerogative of the State in its sovereign capacity. Hence, the ATO 4. PEOPLE V. VALDEZ, 679 PHIL. 279 (2012)
had no claim to the State's immunity from suit. We uphold the
CA's aforequoted holding. The Court affirmed the conviction of PO2 Eduardo Valdez
and Edwin Valdez for the killing of Ferdinand Sayson, Moises
Moreover, CJ Bersamin noted the Court’s observation that the Sayson Jr., and Joselito Sayson. However, instead of finding them
doctrine of sovereign immunity cannot be successfully invoked guilty of three counts of murder, the Court convicted them only
to defeat a valid claim for compensation arising from the taking of three counts of homicide owing to the insufficiency of the facts
without just compensation and without the proper expropriation and circumstances constituting treachery as contained in the
proceedings being first resorted to of the plaintiffs' property. informations. The Court emphasized that the sufficiency of the

in order to enable him to prepare his defense. It emanates from
the presumption of innocence in his favor, pursuant to which he
is always presumed to have no independent knowledge of the
details of the crime he is being charged with. To have the facts
stated in the body of the information determine the crime of which
he stands charged and for which he must be tried thoroughly
accords with common sense and with the requirements of plain
justice x xx.


685 PHIL. 376 (2012)

In this case of Patula v. People of the Philippines, the Court

emphasized the solemn duty of a judge to meticulously examine
the State’s case against an accused in keeping with the constitutional
guarantee of due process. Patula was charged with and convicted
of estafa under Article 315(1b) of the Revised Penal Code filed before
the Regional Trial Court in Dumaguete City. The Court reversed the
decision convicting Patula, and acquitted her of the offense charged
for failure of the prosecution to prove her guilt beyond reasonable

In an exhaustive analysis of the testimonial and documentary

evidence adduced during the trial, the Court declared that the
prosecution’s hearsay evidence was unreliable and untrustworthy.

To elucidate why the prosecution’s hearsay evidence was

unreliable and untrustworthy, and thus devoid of probative
value, reference is made to Section 36 of Rule 130, Rules of Court,
a rule that states that a witness can testify only to those facts
that she knows of her personal knowledge; that is, which are
derived from her own perception, except as otherwise provided
in the Rules of Court. The personal knowledge of a witness is
a substantive prerequisite for accepting testimonial evidence
allegations of the facts and circumstances constituting the elements that establishes the truth of a disputed fact. A witness bereft of
of the crime charged is crucial in every criminal prosecution personal knowledge of the disputed fact cannot be called upon
because of the ever-present obligation of the State to duly inform for that purpose because her testimony derives its value not
the accused of the nature and cause of the accusation against him. from the credit accorded to her as a witness presently testifying
The allegations in the informations to the effect that the accused but from the veracity and competency of the extrajudicial source
“with intent to kill, qualified with treachery, evident premeditation of her information.
and abuse of superior strength did . . . assault, attack and employ
personal violence upon the victims by then and there shooting The Court maintained that excluding hearsay evidence is aimed
[them] with a gun, hitting [them] on various parts of their bodies at respecting the right of the opposing party to cross-examine
which [were] the direct and immediate cause of [their] death[s]” did the declarant who has the actual, direct knowledge of the fact or
not sufficiently set forth the facts and circumstances describing how transaction. If the courts allow hearsay evidence, such right to cross
treachery attended each of the killings. The decision explains: examine the declarant will be denied as the latter is not present
in court. “It is then to be stressed that the right to cross-examine
It should not be difficult to see that merely averring the killing the adverse party’s witness, being the only means of testing the
of a person by shooting him with a gun, without more, did not credibility of witnesses and their testimonies, is essential to the
show how the execution of the crime was directly and specially administration of justice.”
ensured without risk to the accused from the defense that the
victim might make. Indeed, the use of the gun as an instrument Furthermore, the Court stressed that the lack of proper
to kill was not per se treachery, for there are other instruments authentication of the documentary evidence was fatal to the
that could serve the same lethal purpose. Nor did the use of the prosecution’s case. The documents being private documents must
term treachery constitute a sufficient averment, for that term, undergo authentication in the manner allowed by law or the Rules
standing alone, was nothing but a conclusion of law, not an of Court. Such requirement can only be dispensed with in four
averment of a fact. In short, the particular acts and circumstances instances, namely: (a) when the document is an ancient one within
constituting treachery as an attendant circumstance in murder the context of Section 21, Rule 132 of the Rules of Court; (b) when
were missing from the informations. the genuineness and authenticity of an actionable document have
not been specifically denied under oath by the adverse party; (c)
To discharge its burden of informing him of the charge, the when the genuineness and authenticity of the document have
State must specify in the information the details of the crime and been admitted; or (d) when the document is not being offered as
any circumstance that aggravates his liability for the crime. The genuine. For violating the requirements under Section 20 of Rule
requirement of sufficient factual averments is meant to inform 132, the documentary evidence and their derivatives were declared
the accused of the nature and cause of the charge against him inadmissible.

6. NAZARETH V. VILLAR, 702 PHIL. 319 (2013) STRAUSS & CO” appearing on the patch of original jeans under
the trademark LEVI'S 501. The word “LS” could not be confused
The case of Nazareth v. Villar is one of the choice cases penned by as a derivative from “LEVI STRAUSS” by virtue of the “LS”
Chief Justice Bersamin that has a national impact. The case concerns being connected to the word “TAILORING”, thereby openly
the disallowance by the Commission on Audit of the benefits for suggesting that the jeans bearing the trademark “LS JEANS
CY 2001 purported on the basis of Republic Act No. 8439 or the TAILORING” came or were bought from the tailoring shops of
Magna Carta for Scientists, Engineers, Researchers and other Science and Diaz, not from the malls or boutiques selling original LEVI'S 501
Technology Personnel in the Government, and on the strength of the jeans to the consuming public.
Memorandum of Executive Secretary Ronaldo Zamora dated April
12, 2000 authorizing the use of the savings for the purpose. The There were other remarkable differences between the two
Court held that: trademarks that the consuming public would easily perceive. x
In the funding of current activities, projects, and programs, the
general rule should still be that the budgetary amount contained Furthermore, the Court noted that the Intellectual Property
in the appropriations bill is the extent Congress will determine Office (IPO) registered Diaz’s trademark prior to the filing of
as sufficient for the budgetary allocation for the proponent the present cases. The IPO would certainly not have allowed the
agency. The only exception is found in Section 25 (5), Article VI registration if the trademark was indeed confusingly similar with
of the Constitution, by which the President, the President of the the registered trademark for the Levi's 501 jeans.
Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Chief
Justice of the Supreme Court, and the heads of Constitutional 8. BONGALON V. PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES,
Commissions are authorized to transfer appropriations to 707 PHIL. 11 (2013)
augment any item in the General Appropriations Act (GAA)
for their respective offices from the savings in other items of Not every instance of the laying of hands on a child
their respective appropriations. The plain language of the constitutes the crime of child abuse under Section 10 (a)
constitutional restriction leaves no room for the petitioner's of Republic Act No. 7610. Only when the laying of hands is
posture, which we should now dispose of as untenable. shown beyond reasonable doubt to be intended by the accused
to debase, degrade or demean the intrinsic worth and dignity
It bears emphasizing that the exception in favor of the high of the child as a human being should it be punished as child
officials named in Section 25 (5), Article VI of the Constitution abuse. Otherwise, it is punished under the Revised Penal Code.
limiting the authority to transfer savings only to augment
another item in the GAA is strictly but reasonably construed as George Bongalon was charged with Child Abuse as defined
exclusive. by Section 3(b) of Republic Act No. 7610 before the Legazpi City
Regional Trial Court (RTC). The RTC found that Bongalon struck
The decision also emphasized the two requisites before the Jayson dela Cruz, a minor, at the back using his hands, and likewise
President, or any of those specifically authorized by the Constitution, slapped him on the face, and held him guilty of child abuse as
may transfer appropriations from the agency’s savings: 1) there charged. The Court of Appeals (CA) affirmed his conviction.
must be savings from the authorized appropriation of the agency,
and 2) there must be an existing item, project, activity, purpose or Although the Court affirmed the factual findings of the RTC
object of expenditure with an appropriation to which the savings and the CA, the Court disagreed that Bongalon’s acts constituted
would be transferred for augmentation purposes only. child abuse within the ambit of the law. The records are bereft
of any indication that Bongalon meant to debase the intrinsic
7. DIAZ V. PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, worth and dignity of Jayson as a human being or that Bongalon’s
704 PHIL. 146 (2013) actions were meant to humiliate or embarrass Jayson. He was
impelled by his anger because Jayson and Roldan threw stones
A person becomes liable for the infringement of a registered at his daughters and even burned one of his daughter’s hair.
trademark when the use of the alleged infringing mark is likely Clearly, his acts could not have amounted to child abuse; hence,
to be confused with or mistaken as the registered mark itself. the Court found him guilty of the crime of slight physical injuries,
Otherwise stated, an accused in a case for trademark infringement considering that Jayson’s injuries required five to seven days of
must be acquitted if the allegedly infringing mark is not likely to medical attention.
cause confusion with the registered mark.
As Victorio Diaz elevated his case before the Supreme Court after 767 PHIL. 147 (2015)
the Court of Appeals dismissed his appeal for his belated filing of the
appellant’s brief, thereby affirming the decision of the Regional Trial The Court declared in the case of Juan Ponce Enrile v. Sandiganbayan
Court in Las Piñas City convicting him of two counts of trademark that “the decision whether to detain or release an accused before and
infringement. Levi’s Philippines, a licensee of Levi Strauss and during trial is ultimately an incident of the judicial power to hear
Company, filed the case and claimed that it did not authorize Diaz and determine his criminal case. The strength of the Prosecution’s
to make and sell the seized jeans, which were allegedly counterfeit case, albeit a good measure of the accused’s propensity for flight or
or imitations of Levi’s 501. The Court, applying the holistic test and for causing harm to the public, is subsidiary to the primary objective
determined that the trademark used by Diaz, “LS Jeans Tailoring,” of bail, which is to ensure that the accused appears at trial.
was not confusingly similar to the trademark Levi’s 501:
Enrile filed a Motion to Fix Bail before the Sandiganbayan, which
Diaz used the trademark “LS JEANS TAILORING” for the the latter denied for lack of merit. His motion for reconsideration
jeans he produced and sold in his tailoring shops. His trademark was likewise denied.
was visually and aurally different from the trademark “LEVI
728 PHIL. 579 (2014)

The Court reversed and set aside the decision of the Court of
Appeals, which affirmed the finding of guilt by the RTC against
a physician-anesthesiologist for reckless imprudence resulting in
serious physical injuries. He was part of the team of anesthesiologists
during the surgical pull-through operation conducted on a three-
year old patient born with an imperforate anus.

The Court rejected the application of the doctrine of res ipsa

loquitur to the present case. The ponencia explained, thus:

In order to allow resort to the doctrine, therefore, the

following essential requisites must first be satisfied, to wit: (1)
the accident was of a kind that does not ordinarily occur unless
someone is negligent; (2) the instrumentality or agency that
caused the injury was under the exclusive control of the person
charged; and (3) the injury suffered must not have been due to
any voluntary action or contribution of the person injured.

The Court considers the application here of the doctrine of

res ipsa loquitur inappropriate. Although it should be conceded
without difficulty that the second and third elements were
present, considering that the anesthetic agent and the instruments
were exclusively within the control of Dr. Solidum, and that the
patient, being then unconscious during the operation, could not
have been guilty of contributory negligence, the first element was
undeniably wanting. Luz delivered Gerald to the care, custody
and control of his physicians for a pull-through operation.
Except for the imperforate anus, Gerald was then of sound
body and mind at the time of his submission to the physicians.
Yet, he experienced bradycardia during the operation, causing
loss of his senses and rendering him immobile. Hypoxia, or
the insufficiency of oxygen supply to the brain that caused the
slowing of the heart rate, scientifically termed as bradycardia,
would not ordinarily occur in the process of a pull-through
operation, or during the administration of anesthesia to the
patient, but such fact alone did not prove that the negligence of
any of his attending physicians, including the anesthesiologists,
had caused the injury. In fact, the anesthesiologists attending
to him had sensed in the course of the operation that the lack
of oxygen could have been triggered by the vago-vagal reflex,
prompting them to administer atropine to the patient.

The Court granted Enrile’s petition for certiorari. It considered In view of the inapplicability of the foregoing legal principle,
that the Sandiganbayan arbitrarily ignored the objective of bail the Court next resolved whether Dr. Solidum committed criminal
to ensure the appearance of the accused during the trial; and negligence. The Court ruled that the circumstances, taken together,
unwarrantedly disregarded the clear showing of the fragile health did not prove beyond reasonable doubt that Dr. Solidum had been
and advanced age of Enrile. The Court considered Enrile’s social and recklessly imprudent in administering the anesthetic agent to the
political standing and his immediate surrender upon being charged victim. Moreover, “the existence of the probability about other
in court. It dispelled the idea that Enrile was flight risk. Considering factors causing the hypoxia has engendered in the mind of the
his advanced age and his health condition, his solid reputation in Court a reasonable doubt as to Dr. Solidum's guilt, and moves us to
both his public and his private lives, his long years of public service, acquit him of the crime of reckless imprudence resulting to serious
and history’s judgment of him being at stake, the Court resolved physical injuries.”
that he should be granted bail. As such, the Sandiganbayan gravely
abused its discretion in denying Enrile's Motion to Fix Bail. It held 11. MACAPAGAL-ARROYO V. PEOPLE
that: OF THE PHILIPPINES, 790 PHIL. 367 (2016)

Bail for the provisional liberty of the accused, regardless The plunder case brought against former President Gloria
of the crime charged, should be allowed independently of the Macapagal-Arroyo is one of Chief Justice Bersamin’s significant
merits of the charge, provided his continued incarceration is ponencias. On July 10, 2012, the Ombudsman charged Macapagal-
clearly shown to be injurious to his health or to endanger his life. Arroyo and several other officials of the Philippine Charity
Indeed, denying him bail despite imperiling his health and life Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) and the Commission on Audit with
would not serve the true objective of preventive incarceration plunder as defined by and penalized under Section 2 of Republic
during the trial. Act (R.A) No. 7080, as amended by R.A. No. 7659, involving PCSO

funds. All except Macapagal-Arroyo and then PCSO Budget and business associates, subordinates or other persons. In this case,
Accounts Manager, Benigno Aguas, were granted bail by the ten people were originally charged with the crime and yet none
Sandiganbayan. Trial on the merits ensued. of them was identified as the main plunderer. The prosecution
merely insisted that existence of an implied conspiracy among
After the prosecution rested its case, the accused separately themselves, thereby making all three of them the main plunderers.
filed their demurrers to evidence. The Sandiganbayan granted the The Court was not persuaded because Macapagal-Arroyo's
demurrers except those of Macapagal-Arroyo, Aguas, and Sergio approval of Uriarte's requests for additional confidential and
O. Valencia, then PCSO Chairperson of the Board of Directors. intelligence funds (CIFs) did not make her part of any design to
The Sandiganbayan held that there was sufficient evidence to raid the treasury as the means to amass, accumulate and acquire
show that these three accused had conspired to commit plunder. ill-gotten wealth. Absent the specific allegation in the information
Hence, the consolidated petitions for certiorari. to that effect, and competent proof thereon, GMA's approval of
Uriarte's requests, even if unqualified, could not make her part
On the procedural aspect of the case, the Court held that of any criminal conspiracy to commit plunder or any other crime
the Court cannot be deprived of its jurisdiction to correct grave considering that her approval was not by any means irregular or
abuse of discretion. While the special civil action for certiorari illegal.
is generally improper to assail an interlocutory order issued by
the trial court because of the availability of other remedies in There was likewise no proof of amassing, or accumulating, or
the course of law, the Court maintained that such exercise of the acquiring ill-gotten wealth of at least P50 Million adduced against
power to correct grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or Macapagal-Arroyo and Aguas. In fine, the Court concludes that the
excess of jurisdiction cannot be thwarted by rules of procedure. Sandiganbayan completely ignored the failure of the information
The Court is constitutionally duty-bound to “strike down grave to sufficiently charge conspiracy to commit plunder against the
abuse of discretion whenever and wherever it is committed.” petitioners; and ignored the lack of evidence establishing the corpus
delicti of amassing, accumulation and acquisition of ill-gotten
On the substantive aspect of the case, the Court ruled that wealth in the total amount of at least P50 Million through any or all
the prosecution did not properly allege and prove the existence of the predicate crimes.
of conspiracy among Macapagal-Arroyo, Aguas, and Uriarte.
Conspiracy is not a crime unless the law considers it a crime.
The Court emphasized that the agreement to commit an offense
must be a conscious one and that conspiracy must be established
by positive and conclusive evidence. Each of the accused must
be shown to have performed an overt act in furtherance of the

In the case of Macapagal-Arroyo, all that the State proved

was that she affixed her unqualified “OK” on the requests
for the additional CIFs by PCSO General Manager and Vice-
Chairperson Rosario C. Uriarte. She argued that it could hardly
be considered an illegal or irregular act per se. The Court held
that the Sandiganbayan’s conclusion that Macapagal-Arroyo was
the mastermind of plunder was purely conjectural. The Court
held that:

It is in this regard that the Sandiganbayan gravely abused

its discretion amounting to lack or excess of its jurisdiction. To
start with, its conclusion that GMA had been the mastermind
of plunder was plainly conjectural and outrightly unfounded
considering that the information did not aver at all that she
had been the mastermind; hence, the Sandiganbayan thereby
acted capriciously and arbitrarily. In the second place,
the treatment by the Sandiganbayan of her handwritten
unqualified "OK" as an overt act of plunder was absolutely
unwarranted considering that such act was a common legal
and valid practice of signifying approval of a fund release by
the President. Indeed, pursuant to People v. Lizada, an act or
conduct becomes an overt act of a crime only when it evinces
a causal relation to the intended crime because the act or
conduct will not be an overt act of the crime if it does not have
an immediate and necessary relation to the offense.

The Court also held that the law on plunder requires that
a particular public officer must be identified as the one who
amassed, acquired or accumulated ill-gotten wealth. As such,
where several individuals are charged with the crime, there
must be a main plunderer and her co-conspirators, who may Official portrait of Hon. Lucas P. Bersamin at the Chief Justices' Gallery
be members of her family, relatives by affinity or consanguinity, outside the En Banc Session Hall.

Chief Justice Bersamin
Signs Last Official Document
The last official document signed by the Hon.
Lucas P.
P Bersamin as the 25th Chief Justice
of the Philippines
P is Special Order No. 2718
designa then Senior Associate Justice
Antonio T. Carpio as Acting Chief Justice.

Justices Pay Tribute
to the Chief Compiled by Tiffany Ines C. Atendido

T hose who had the privilege of working closely with Chief Justice
Lucas P. Bersamin have written tributes on the occasion of his 70th
birthday and retirement from the Judiciary.

HON. DIOSDADO M. PERALTA I learned a lot from him, especially in the areas of remedial
Chief Justice, Supreme Court of the Philippines law, the law on evidence. And I would like to think that he also
learned from me in so far as criminal law and criminal procedure
It goes without telling that among those I have had the are concerned.
privilege of working with in the Judiciary, it is with Chief Justice
One of my fondest memories of our friendship happened in
Luke whom I share the closest of friendships—one that is built
the year 2000, when Chief Justice Luke was awarded by the Chief
on trust and mutual respect.
Justice Fred Ruiz Castro Memorabilia Commission for having
issued both the Best Decision in Criminal Law and the Best Decision
Chief Justice Luke and I have been friends since 1994, the in Civil Law among all Regional Trial Court judges in the year
year I joined the Judiciary as a trial court judge. He was ahead of 1999. The joke among our fellow judges then was that he had
me in service by eight years, so I had always looked up to him already surpassed me, because he was given the two awards in
as someone who could guide me in my work, me being a new the same year, which was a rare feat. However, not long after, it
Regional Trial Court judge then. We became close friends, to was my turn to be conferred by the Supreme Court the Special
the extent that we used to have lunch together in his chambers. Centennial Award in Criminal Law during the Court’s Centennial
There was not a day that we did not talk or confer with each celebration in 2001. I always say that this was an even rarer feat,
other. We talked about work, mostly—legal doctrines, decisions because my award is only given once in every 100 years.
of the Supreme Court. We analyzed rules and legal issues over
lunch. This was our daily routine until I was promoted to the And so, in 2002, probably so that we would not be envious
Sandiganbayan in 2002. Not long after, he himself was promoted of each other’s accomplishments, we both were recognized as
to the Court of Appeals. outstanding judges of the Regional Trial Court by the Society for

Judicial Excellence—Chief Justice Luke was given the Chief Justice not probably recall that I was there at the back of the Dignitaries'
Jose Abad Santos Award, while I was conferred the Chief Justice Ramon Lounge as the Dean of the UP College of Law when he took his
Avanceña Award. I believe this is also proof that our friendship is oneoath as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. In my close to
that is also founded on our equal competence and professionalism. seven years as a member of the High Bench, I have had the honor
of being received by him in his chambers many times to discuss
Levity aside, even during the times when I was a Justice of possible compromises on points of law, to touch base after I register
the Sandiganbayan and he was a Justice of the Court of Appeals, my dissents to some of his ponencias, and even to find ways to mend
Chief Justice Luke and I never failed to get in touch with each other controversial issues that hounded our institution.
especially when either of us were confronted with difficult or novel
issues in our work. As fate would have had it, both of us were I have witnessed him take the lead, and from the mirror of my
eventually promoted to the Supreme Court in 2009, myself as the own experience, I can confidently say that he took on the dignity
162nd Associate Justice and him as the 163rd Associate Justice of and stern responsibility of his office like a Cordillera pangat—the
the Court. This truly, and quite literally, goes to show how close the elder who holds a bodong or peace pact that protected his tribe
Chief Justice and I are. in its relations with all other tribes. He was like the Cordillera
mansasakusa, the skilled negotiator who risks his own life to find an
On a professional note, I wish to thank the Chief Justice for his end to a brewing misunderstanding that could lead to tribal wars.
years of committed public service; I will undeniably miss working He displayed wisdom similar to the kafagway or the meadows:
with him on an almost daily basis. On a personal note, I wish to quiet, seemingly yielding yet precise in its ability to take solid roots
thank him for friendship that we shared, and will continue to share to guide us forward.
even after his retirement from the government. Godspeed, Luke!---
The first Chief Justice from the Cordilleras is a warrior—
courageous to the extent that he entrusted the control of his
retirement ceremony to the person who disagreed with him the
most. My dissents and the passion in them are nothing without
HON. ESTELA M. PERLAS-BERNABE his ponencias. Likewise, the deliberate, conscious, and painstaking
Senior Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the Philippines arguments he put in many of his ponencias are nothing without my
Ever the man of action, Chief Justice Lucas P. Bersamin was quick dissents. Indeed, the respect earned by a leader will never become
to regard his ascension as top magistrate as “a responsibility, not a new real without the leader’s own respect for those who do not agree
job.” And though he only had 324 days to fulfill said responsibility, he with him.
unleashed every ounce of strength he had for an awe-inspiring sprint
In the many faiths that I believe in, life has no beginning nor
to the finish line. The significant milestones he reached under his
end. What is apparent for now may not always what will be.
4-point agenda have created an enormous and enduring impact on the
Everything is impermanent and at a given moment, hopefully very
delivery of and access to justice. Despite the brevity of his term, Chief
well deserved, we hang our robes, shed our titles and remove our
Justice Luke has proven that he is a strategic leader who motivated
masks for the younger generation to carry on. In doing so, we do not
and empowered his people towards achieving goals whose benefits
become less, for we leave with the people and institutions we have
will surely outlast him. And together with his multitude of grateful
worked with, not our corporeal existence, but the lingering words
supporters, colleagues, and employees, I say, “Well done, Chief!”
that have found their way into jurisprudence which came out from
As a colleague, Chief Justice Luke had been vocal of his opinions, the tip of our pens distilled from all our wisdom. It is strange, but
and while we were not always in agreement on a number of issues, for magistrates, they will be most remembered by others when they
I gained wisdom from our spirited discussions in the way that iron are no longer there. Our words echo far beyond our retirement.
sharpens iron. He had given more than three decades of his life in the
Judiciary, and is rightfully considered as an immovable pillar of the
justice system. It was truly an honor sitting in the High Court with a
dedicated public servant.
Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the Philippines
If there is anything I admire most about Chief Justice Luke, it is his
Chief Justice Lucas P. Bersamin embodies a magistrate steeped
deep love for his family, especially his wife. Rare are the occasions that
in experience. Wise and calm, he led the Court in a true spirit of
he is seen without his better half, Aurora. He always brings her with
him especially when he travels. Indeed, only a man who manages his
household well can wield the same authority and influence with which Being one of the more senior Justices when I joined the Court,
Chief Justice Luke has successfully governed the Judiciary. then Justice Luke was one of the very first to warmly welcome me
Chief Justice Luke, this may be the end of your service to the and from the get go, treated me as a peer and seriously considered
Judiciary, but certainly not your service to your fellowmen. It is my viewpoints. His congenial nature is one of the characteristics
time for a new beginning. For it is written, “every new beginning I most admire in the Chief Justice. I saw this congeniality foster
comes from some other beginning’s end.” It is my prayer that the inclusiveness, from the dinners he hosted with Justice Peralta
good Lord will give you the inspiration and the strength to devote during the Court’s summer sessions in Baguio to his style of decision
yourself once more to new adventures and advocacies that will fill making during deliberations in En Banc sessions.
the succeeding chapters of your life story with honor and glory for The Chief Justice’s expertise in the law, particularly in civil
the Almighty. procedure, is widely recognized, and for which I have the greatest
•--§--§--• regard. Several of his authoritative ponencias in drug cases were
integral in the formative period of my position requiring strict
compliance with the express provisions of Section 21 of RA 9165.
His articulation of the rules displayed a deep understanding of
Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the Philippines
this intersection of criminal law, constitutional law, and the rules of
The retirement of a Chief Justice is not an ordinary affair. By evidence. With his ponencias, I became convinced that my position is
tradition, the eras of the Supreme Court are referenced with the based not only on a sense of justice but also has the benefit of sound
names of its primus inter pares. Chief Justice Lucas P. Bersamin will jurisprudential support.

What was even more inspiring and humbling for me is to see that period, I have seen his dedication as a transformative jurist. He
someone of the Chief’s caliber willing to listen and sometimes even has always espoused strict adherence to the rules, while advocating
adopt contrary opinions from his peers. Perhaps as a result of his reforms which seek to modernize the Judiciary.
long tenure as a magistrate, the Chief Justice has perfected the
judicial demeanor — his passion is tempered and harnessed into Under his leadership, our procedural rules have become
persuasive argumentation that is never out of turn. Whether inside more responsive to the times and the needs of the people. Court
or outside the judicial chambers, I have always admired how the infrastructure, both physical and qualitative, have been enhanced.
Chief Justice is always respectful. Projects such as the Revised Law Student Practice Rule and guidelines
for the use of videoconferencing technology, among others, have
I was therefore very happy to see his appointment as Chief made justice more accessible to all.
Justice on his penultimate year in the Court; this was a well-deserved
culmination of his excellent judicial career. Thus, on behalf of the Court and our Nation, I extend my sincerest
thanks to Chief Justice Bersamin. Your dedication to the “culture”
While this presented a unique and immense responsibility of of public service has made the Judiciary more proud, independent,
leading the Court shortly after the division engendered by the quo and better equipped to face the modern age. I bid you only the best
warranto case, I could not imagine a better person to perform the in your future endeavors and hope that you continue to be at the
role. His congenial nature, his high respect for his peers, and his forefront of the Philippine legal profession for years to come.
inclusive approach in leading the Court were definitely traits that
made him the man for the job. I am sure Aurora, Pia, Luis, Lucas, Karissa, and the rest of the
“bears” are excited to have “Papa Bear” back in the cave.
And he performed to the best of his abilities. He sought to heal the
Court and begin the return to normalcy. He did this and more. Very truly yours,
Justice Andres B. Reyes, Jr.
Chief Luke, congratulations on your retirement. Thank you
very much for your long and faithful service. I am honored to have •--§--§--•
served with you.
Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the Philippines
HON. ANDRES B. REYES, JR. “To be seventy years young is sometimes far more cheerful and
Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the Philippines hopeful than to be forty years old.” - Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
There is no higher honor in our profession than to serve as the It is my heartfelt pleasure to congratulate Chief Justice Lucas
Chief Justice of this great institution. But, this distinction brings with P. Bersamin on the occasion of his retirement from the Judiciary.
it the heaviest of burdens; to lead the courts with the highest level Surely at 70 and beyond, Chief Lucas will bring more cheer and
of excellence, independence, and integrity. Now, at the end of his inspiration to others.
illustrious 33-year career, 17 of which I have witnessed personally as
his colleague in the courts, I am confident in saying that Chief JusticeMy close working relationship with Chief Lucas began in 2008,
Bersamin has led not only with the aforementioned attributes, but when we both joined the seminar on Improvement of Judicial
also with the utmost humility, patience, and sincerity. Fairness and Efficient Judicial Administration organized by the
Supreme Court of Korea and the Korea International Cooperation
While his career in the Judiciary began in 1986, it was only when Agency held in Seoul, Korea. Unbeknownst to me, this would
Chief Justice Bersamin was appointed to the Court of Appeals in mark the beginning of one of my most treasured professional
2003 that I was afforded the opportunity to collaborate with him. In relationships. He nurtured my interest in remedial law as a field

of concentration. I am proud and grateful to call Chief Lucas as my that intellectual giants are not necessarily indifferent or oblivious to
brother-in-arms and my friend. practical matters concerning an organization and its human resources.

Chief Lucas’ 33 years as a magistrate has been marked by an More than 30 years in the service as an even handed and
unparalleled display of excellence, diligence, insight, and integrity. scholarly magistrate may also be a foreshadowing of CJ Bersamin’s
His love for the country and its development is reflected in the ability to inspire respect among colleagues and law academicians.
decisions he has penned and the advocacies he has pursued. Under A consistent top student from his elementary grades until placing
his leadership, the Court formulated the new Rule 138-A and 9th in the 1973 Bar exams — with a score of 100% in criminal law —
embarked on a regional consultation with all the stakeholders in our beloved Chief was a Judicial Excellence Awardee in 2002. The
legal education culminating in a national summit aimed at moving recognition comes as no surprise, considering his unprecedented
legal education in the country toward developing the skills and feat of having written the Best Decision in both Civil Law and
sense of social responsibility of those aspiring to be lawyers. The Criminal Law among RTC judges in 1999, a choice arrived at by
result of that national summit is the publication entitled “Shifting different sets of judges for each category.
Paradigm. Remodeling of Legal Education in the Philippines.” I
am proud and grateful to have undertaken this endeavor under his Thank you, Chief, for all that you have done for the Judiciary
behest. and the example that you have set. I was also appointed to the Court
of Appeals in 2003, the same year that you were appointed, and it
Chief Lucas has restored collegiality in the institution. has been an honor serving alongside you in the appellate court for
Throughout his tenure as a magistrate, he has exemplified an six years. It has been an even greater honor serving with you in this
unimpeachable character worthy of emulation. There is no doubt Court.
that his future ventures will be marked by the same excellence and •--§--§--•
commitment he has demonstrated in the Judiciary.
Chief Justice Lucas P. Bersamin is truly primus inter pares.
Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the Philippines
He may be retiring, but he is never really leaving. Despite the
HON. JOSE C. REYES, JR. briefness of his stint as the head of the highest Court of the land,
Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the Philippines Chief Justice Lucas P. Bersamin has seared, stirred, and steered
the Judiciary with his indelible and illuminating presence. He has
There are those who believe that a leader must choose between admirably held the Chief Justice position with the unshaking hands
being loved or respected, implying that these two are inconsistent of a dedicated leader, in utmost circumspect and judicious level-
with each other. The Judiciary, however, has been fortunate enough headedness. His headship may have been fleeting but his legacy is
to have at its helm for the past ten months a leader who inspires bold: CJ Bersamin has timely inspired us with a renewed sense of
both love and respect from court employees and peers. awareness and discipline that we, the Judiciary, are mere stewards
of the Filipino people, sworn to uphold and display the standards
Chief Justice Lucas Purugganan Bersamin has been described by
befitting of government service. His entire legal practice proved no
rank and file employees as “strict but fair.” I would like to amend
different. Excellence has always been his Polaris, with diligence as
that perception to be more accurate. The word “but” connotes
his shield, and justice, his pen. Much can be said about the greatness
contrast, and CJ Bersamin has certainly harmonized being strict
of a person like Chief Justice Bersamin, the utterance of which is just
with being fair. CJ Bersamin demonstrated that an effective leader
a superfluity. I can only voice out a lofty hope that we would emulate
must be both strict and fair.
his example. Here’s to the celebration of CJ Bersamin’s professional
It is this innate ability to harmonize that also makes CJ Bersamin retirement, a well-deserved prefatory to his best days ahead.
an effective presider. It is no small feat to deftly guide discussions, •--§--§--•
spanning divergent viewpoints from some of the brightest minds of
our time, towards finding a common ground. It is a similarly great HON. ROSMARI D. CARANDANG
challenge to lead a mammoth organization composed of individuals Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the Philippines
from diverse backgrounds, an organization that happens to be one of
the three branches of government with a crucial role in the fate of our Chief Justice Lucas P. Bersamin’s career reveals a dedication to
nation. We all agree, and are very grateful, that CJ Bersamin proved public service, particularly in the Judiciary where he served for
himself up to the task. thirty-three years.Although his tenure in the Supreme Court lasted
only ten years, and his time as Chief Justice only eleven months, his
CJ Bersamin’s prompt action on employee matters is widely impact was meaningful. It is still too short a period to impose strong
appreciated. His well-known concern for court employees and keen administrative reform on the Judiciary but long enough to have a
grasp of administrative matters was perhaps foreshadowed by his 17 united institution to hand to the next Chief Justice.
years as a trial judge, his six years with the appellate court and his
nine years as an Associate Justice of this Court. It only goes to show I have been privileged to work up close with CJ Luke since we
have been appointed on the same date in March 2003, together
with Justices Noel Tijam and Hakim Abdulwahid, to fill up four
vacancies in the Court of Appeals. It was a wonderful ending that
three of us were privileged to reach this High Court.

" I am sure Aurora, Pia, Luis, Lucas,

Karissa, and the rest of the 'bears'
are excited to have 'Papa Bear' back in
As he takes the helm of the Judiciary, he asserted judicial
independence and strived to augment the salaries and benefits of
all the employees of the Judiciary. The stability and productivity of
the Judiciary attest how he gracefully handled the challenges that
the cave." came with his position.

I have witnessed how CJ Luke had pushed for the restoration

of true collegiality in the Court. His appointment was a strong

testament to the fact that recognizing tradition and hierarchy will
bring us to renewed optimism in the legal profession. Political
imagery may somehow blur the lines but a proven track record and
years of experience will never lie.

It is a privilege to work with CJ Luke. His leadership as Chief

Justice brought to the Court a special combination of legal acumen,
collegiality, temperament, and wisdom. When CJ Luke finds himself
at odds with a colleague, he would not hesitate to disagree, but he
would never do it disagreeably. He leaves behind an imposing body
of judicial opinions to guide our future deliberations.

CJ Luke also left some clues about the influences that shaped his
perspective on life and law. It is no secret that he is devoted to his
beloved wife, Rorie; his children and grandchildren; and his entire
extended family.

My service with the Bersamin Court is a memory I will fondly

treasure. CJ Luke is a young seventy. His work is not done and his
power to work remains. CJ Luke, I wish you good health because
the best is yet to come.


Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the Philippines
Dear Chief Justice Luke,
Forever, your name is etched on my mind. You were the Chief
Justice who welcomed me to the Court. You have been the Chief
Justice who shepherded me to the functions and processes of the APPLAUSE is well deserved by the WOMAN who brought out the
Court. You have stamped a brand of leadership that is not only best in YOU - - - the equally self-effacing, affectionate, and authentic
collegial but cordial and congenial. You are the Chief Justice with the “MS. CHIEF RORIE B”.
tireless capacity to attentively listen to your colleagues. If I were to
sum up your impact on me, I truly say you are better than being just The time has come we bid you adieu. May the Almighty always
compassionate; you are also respectful and enriching. guide and protect you and your family. May He bless you with
Having been my Chief Justice for eight months or so gave me a the longest life in health and comfort. And for those of us who are
clear picture of your persona. Your brilliance as a student, a jurist, staying, may He bless us with another Chief Justice who possesses
and a leader is a matter of public knowledge and judicial notice. On your admirable traits and who will vigorously pursue the path you
top of this, you, too, are selfless, genuinely caring, kind, and well- have arduously paved way for a much improved Judiciary specially
loved wherever you go. Wit, humor, and warmth are naturally You. in terms of efficient and speed to dispensation of justice.
A rich source of joy, fun, laughter, and optimism is how people regard
you, even those you have only met for the first time. Without fear of As I partake in this chapter of the Court’s saga, I will have to
any contradiction, you are the perfect blend of IQ and EQ. fondly quote the beautiful lyrics of a song which give hope to every
new beginning:
The few months I have been with the Court with you at the helm,
were not the only times we have known each other and bonded. I
fondly recall my stint at the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) and
Sidewalk Prophets
you as a young trial judge in Quezon City. In some government cases,
I appeared as a public advocate before your sala. Way back then, you I can see it in your eyes that you are restless
were already an embodiment of brilliance, wit, and uncompromising The time has come for you to leave
sense of fairness. When I was in the OSG, your book in criminal It's so hard to let you go
procedure served as my bible in the preparation of my pleadings as But in this life I know you have to be who you were made to be
counsel of the People on appeal. I admire your writing style - - -lucid,
As you step out on the road I'll say a prayer
direct to the point, concise, and powerful. No useless or unnecessary
So that in my heart you always will be there
word is ever written. I am also the proud “Ninang” of your daughter
Judge Pia and her husband Judge Niño who were among my bright This is not goodbye
students in the Best Law School along España. You used to be my I know we'll meet again
co-faculty in the same Best Law School for quite a number of years. So let your life begin
'Cause this is not goodbye
For what you have been, credit goes to your beloved parents who
The stirring in your soul has left you wondering
raised you well and nurtured the virtues you have invariably lived
Should you stay or turn around
for the longest time.
Well, just remember that your dreams they are a promise
That you were made to change the world
Through the years, you graciously manage to remain humble,
So don't let fear stop you now 'cause
unaffected, and compassionate despite your sterling accomplishments.
For this and for many happy things about you, A BIG ROUND OF This is not goodbye

I know we'll meet again public purpose.
So let your life begin
'Cause this is not goodbye We admire Chief Luke for being the quintessential family man.
It's just… Interviewed upon his appointment as Chief Justice, he was quoted
by this publication sharing: “I give priority to my family [because]
Hanggang sa muling pagkikita Chief! You are loved and forever we cannot live back years that you do not spend with them. You
you will be! cannot go back and recover what you lose.”

Amy J. As the most recently appointed Member of the Court, I speak

on behalf of your Supreme Court family in expressing our sincere
gratitude for the many years you shared with us. Very few know
how magistrates work and the sacrifice we must go through as we
toil in the mills of justice. Few know how we, bleary-eyed, scour
HON. HENRI JEAN PAUL B. INTING through court records and seemingly infinite volumes of rollo, our
Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the Philippines desks stacked high with drafts, books, dissertations, and treatises.
Few know how we spend thousand of hours of decision-writing
I would like to take this opportunity to honor and congratulate
alone in the silence of our chambers, weighing the scales of justice in
Chief Justice Lucas P. Bersamin as he steps into retirement after an
our hearts. Few know how we, as occupational hazard, face threats
exemplary judicial career that spans over three decades.
to our lives, security, and safety.
Though I was appointed to the High Court with only a few months
Which is why I must also congratulate your wonderful and
left before his retirement, I have known of Chief Justice Bersamin’s
amazing family. They gave you their unconditional and constant
sterling repute since his days as Regional Trial Court (RTC) judge in
support throughout your professional evolution – from lawyer, to
Quezon City. In 1986, when he was appointed RTC judge in Quezon
judge, to Justice, and to now Chief Justice. Your wife Rorie, together
City, I was serving as a Public Attorney Office lawyer in Quezon City.
with your children Pia, Luis, Lucas Jr., and Karissa, are the font of
Back then, he already epitomized judicial excellence through the even-
your sincerity and generosity. To them, I say thank you for lending
handed, effective, and efficient manner by which he administered
to us in the Judiciary your husband and your father. By allowing
justice in his sala.
him to stay on the path of judicial service for more than 30 years,
As an RTC judge, his exceptional capability and talent in judicial we have had the privilege of reading his delightful and brilliant
decision-writing would be recognized when he won both the Best ponencias; we have gained a respected jurist, colleague, and friend;
Decision in Civil Law and Best Decision in Criminal Law in 1999. At and we have had the honor of joining a Court led by a Chief Justice
that time, I was already serving as a Metropolitan Trial Court judge who leaves a worthy legacy. I have been in the Supreme Court
in Quezon City and I vividly recall how news of this achievement barely a month, but I consider myself truly honored and privileged
brought much pride and honor to the judges of Quezon City, for one of to have joined and have been a part of the Bersamin Court.
our own had accomplished such an unprecedented feat. The body of
Let me end with these words, from one Ilocano to another:
decisions and opinions which he penned for the Supreme Court reflect
Naragsakan-nak unay para kenka apu Chief Justice! Sapay kuma
his genius and eloquence in judicial decision-writing. His ponencias
ikararagku kenni Apu Dios nga ik-kannaka iti atiddug, nasaya-at, ken
also bring to fore his brilliance as an academician and educator forged
naragsak nga biag! (I am very happy for you, Sir Chief Justice! I
by many years of teaching in various law schools.
hope and pray for God to bless you with continuing good health,
I am deeply grateful to Chief Justice Bersamin for warmly success, and happiness in retired life!)
welcoming me as a Member of the Court, even going out of his way to •--§--§--•
assist me in whatever way possible so my transition to the High Court
goes smoothly and expeditiously. His kindness and beneficence only
added to my esteem for him as a leader and colleague. HON. ANTONIO T. CARPIO
Retired Senior Associate Justice,
Chief Justice Bersamin is an innate and gifted leader who leads with Supreme Court of the Philippines
humility and sincerity. He is highly regarded, admired and respected
Having worked alongside Chief Justice Bersamin at the Supreme
by those whom he leads, for he leads not only with a steady hand
Court of the Philippines for the past decade, I can personally attest
and clear vision, but with a fatherly care and concern for the whole
to his unwavering tenacity and drive to protect and uphold the
Judiciary. Apart from his many important contributions to enriching
Rule of Law and to safeguard the basic rights and fundamental
jurisprudence and to reducing the Court’s docket, he will leave a legacy
liberties of the Filipino people. Considering its role as one of the
of programs, projects, and policies that greatly benefit the Court and its
three co-equal and independent branches of the government,
employees as well as the whole Judiciary; an offshoot of his genuine
the Judiciary plays a paramount role in the administration and
concern for the welfare of this branch of government, which he has
dispensation of justice. Chief Justice Bersamin has served the
faithfully served with excellence, patriotism, and sacrifice.
Filipino people at the Judiciary for more than three decades with
I wish him good health, more joyous times with his family whom he utmost dedication and commitment. His vision towards building
dearly loves, and more blessings from above. May he enjoy his much- a better and stronger Judiciary is nothing but highly laudable and
deserved rest from public service and may grace abound in whatever deeply heart-warming. Evidently, Chief Justice Bersamin deserves
undertaking he devotes himself to next. great admiration for his noteworthy contribution to the Judiciary
and to the Philippine legal profession.
To Chief Justice Bersamin, I extend my utmost appreciation for
HON. RODIL V. ZALAMEDA all your hard work and effort to promote the Rule of Law.
Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the Philippines
I wish our dear Chief Justice Lucas P. Bersamin a blissful and
blessed retirement. Let me extend him my heartfelt congratulations
for an esteemed career in the Judiciary filled with dedication and true

HAIL TO THE CHIEF Compiled by Tiffany Ines C. Atendido

" Chief is also the kind of boss who would treat all members
of his staff as family."

As the father in our Office, he bit more priority than the other me the same instructions, only to

hief Justice Lucas P.
Bersamin is a brilliant was stern and yet yielding. He important cases. find out that he was then calling
jurist with a very warm and gave much room for personal and at the ground floor and was about
professional growth. He neither Chief is the kind of boss who to enter the elevator of the office
serene personality. When
denied any of us the opportunity to would respect office hours and building. Pressure? No. He is just
I learned that he
further our career, nor kept us from sparingly ask us to stay if he being him.
will be featured in a Benchmark
caring for and spending time with needs to finish a case that we have
special edition, I immediately
our families. While he valued work initially worked on. Since I would Perhaps some of you may have
took the task of writing him
and demanded that we be excellent often arrive at the office early, I called the Justices of the Supreme
a tribute. This chance to speak
in our jobs, he never thought twice know that when the phone rings Court as the “Gods of Padre Faura.”
about such a remarkable person is
to send you home to care for a sick at around 8:00 a.m., it would be Oddly, I cannot consider Chief as a
indeed a privilege and a pleasure.
family member. him calling. As early at that time, god. He never acted as one. He is
I thought it would be too easy
usually during Tuesdays, he always mortal.
as CJ Luke has accomplished so
much that is worthy of recognition I dream of becoming a judge would give me instructions like
Chief is also the kind of boss
and appreciation. And with all someday. And from everything download specific cases, study
who would treat all members of
that was written and said about I learned from CJ Luke, I know I them, and give him a briefing once
he arrives. At one time, he gave his staff as family. When my mom
him, the accolades he received, the will do well. I wish to make him
testimonials given in his honor, and proud of me as I am of him. I have
the many hats he wears, I chose to such high respects and admiration
say something about CJ Luke as a for him, not only because of his
father. achievements that he worked so
hard to attain but also because of
CJ Luke and Ma’am Rorie have his genuine humility, warmth, and
four well-rounded and successful generosity, and a character that can
children in their own fields. If they fairly be described as noble.
were to be judged based on how
Atty. Ellen V. Abesamis-Quinto
well they raised their children, they
Chief Justice Staff Head
would easily get perfect scores. As
CJ Luke progressed in his career in (Atty. Abesamis-Quinto was appointed
the Judiciary, he became father, not Presiding Judge of MeTC, Branch 65, Makati
City as of press time.)
only to his own children, but to his
“children” in the profession as well.
Chief Bersamin once said that
As head of the Judiciary, he a person with a vision has no time
led the Court with distinction for drama. So Chief, do not worry,
and discipline. He did not shirk I will spare you from drama.
imposing chastisement, if need
be. He is really slow to anger and After working with him for
effortless in making even the entry- more than nine years, I have been
level employees feel at home. accustomed to his work ethic
Amongst the other members of and style, that what I initially
the Court, he was well-respected. felt as “pressure” had turned
Whether they agree or disagree into “comfort” and something
with his positions, he was always enjoyable. Chief would normally
rigorous and thoughtful in writing assign cases, one after the other,
decisions that are persuasively each with the same special
expressed in easily understood instruction to prioritize over other
prose. They liked him, and listened cases previously assigned. But
to him — even when some, at times, over the years, we were able to
disagreed with him. discern which should be given a

was initially diagnosed with cancer, ako ha? Tingnan mo eyebags ko!” opportunity to serve on your legal OCJ Bersamin Family.
Chief was the first one to know. Who am I to say no to a Justice of the team. I have learned so much under
Atty. Chloe S. Fadera
He expressed his concern, and Supreme Court pleading for help? In your mentorship in the past year.
Court Attorney VI
immediately, I sensed his empathy. 2018, when Malacañang announced You are an inspiration to all of us
his appointment as the 25th Chief who also aspire to have an enduring --•••--
Chief had always displayed Justice of the Supreme Court, I sent and successful career in the Court
humility. He believes that one a message to congratulate him. He and in the Judiciary. I wish you well Dear Chief Justice,
should never be arrogant and replied saying, “Thank you. You on your upcoming retirement. You Congratulations on your
conceited. He would always say, will have to rejoin us.” And when deserve all the accolades that you retirement! May you have a relaxing
“Huwag kayong mayabang. Dahil I told him that I have to go back to are receiving now for your brilliant new chapter ahead of you with lots
siguradong mayroon diyan na mas my office after his oath taking, he career on the Bench and your of wonderful memories with your
matalino at mas yayabang pa kaysa sa said, “Mag-file ka na ng resignation decades of tireless, selfless service family. Thank you for allowing me
inyo.” That is the reason why one mo. Tulungan mo ako.” And so I did. to our country. It is an honor to have to serve the country with you.
would never feel alienated when been a part of your OCJ family.Atty. Jose Aurelio Alban
he is around. His presence will not To our beloved Chief Justice,
God bless you, Ma’am Rorie, Court Attorney VI
make you feel a lesser individual. we thank you for the confidence,
All he had to do was flash his the patience and most of all the and your entire family always. --•••--
disarming smile. He has always opportunity to be trained under
been accommodating to those who your wings. Personally, I thank I salute you, Chief! Chief, working for you has been
seek his audience and ask for his you for being one of the few who an honor and a blessing to me. I
Atty. Maria Cherell de have learned a lot from you, and I
assistance, and do, to the best of his believed in me and for showing Castro-Sansaet
ability and authority, to help and me how a true magistrate uses his promise to uphold your teachings
Court Attorney VI as I continue to serve the Judiciary.
resolve their concerns. wisdom to settle controversies.
We all know that despite your --•••-- You and Ma’am Rorie will always
Those who have worked with be Papa Ber and Mama Ber to me. As
retirement from the Judiciary, your
the Chief know that he values I feel privileged to have been you both have provided a second
restless soul will still search for
time. He rarely arrives late for his part of your legal team. I will always home for us, employees, to grow,
other means to be of service to God
schedule because he does not want be grateful for this opportunity. and nurtured the office into a family
and to the country. We will all miss
others to wait for him. Ironically, Happy retirement, Chief! Maraming that makes such home complete. I
Chief would be unwary of time salamat po! have nothing but love for you and
when it comes to work because once Atty. Charisma Nolasco the whole OCJ family! God bless
he assigns something, he would, Chief Justice Staff Head and happy retirement!
Atty. Franchesca D. Batungbacal
almost every minute, follow up on
--•••-- Court Attorney VI Atty. Karen Christine S. Red-Lock
the status or keep reminding us to
work on the matter. But in each time Court Attorney VI
Dear CJ Luke, --•••--
he would follow up, he would do Do you remember, Sir, when I --•••--
so without being overly imposing. Dear CJ Bersamin,
approached you around this time
Like a father, he would gently I consider myself very blessed Dear Chief,
last year regarding the possibility
remind us of the task at hand. to have an opportunity to work for Thank you for all the guidance,
of joining your legal staff and you
someone like you. You are more knowledge, and wisdom you have
said there was no vacant position
Chief knows that when than just a boss; you are truly an imparted. We wish you good health
then but you’d consider me should
opportunity knocks, you should go inspiration. Your hard work and and blissful days ahead! Happy
a spot open up? Fate was truly kind
for it. When I informed him of my dedication have inspired me since birthday po!
to me when you were appointed
resignation, he did not convince me the moment I first joined your staff.
Chief Justice shortly thereafter and Atty. Al Mohammadsali
to stay knowing that I have chanced Thank you very much for helping
you were able to hire more lawyers. Court Attorney VI
upon a good opportunity. I will not me achieve my dreams. I will
I cannot thank you enough for
forget my last day in office when he always be proud to be part of the --•••--
taking me in and giving me the
opened and served the lawyers with
a bottle of wine, and chatted with us
for a while. I thought then that he
was elated that finally I am leaving
the office. However, the following
day, I received a text message from
him at 8:05 in the morning wishing
me success on my new endeavor.
He followed it up with a Latin
maxim “Festina Lente” and even
took time to explain its meaning.
He went on to tell me that bigger
things are in my horizon based on
his impressions of me for the eight
years of working under him.
Chief is never insecure of his
limitations. He knows the extent of
his authority and abilities that he
would not hesitate to ask for help
when he needs one. During the
second week of the 2017 Bar when
he was the Chairperson, he called
me to his Chambers and said, “Iha,
paki-tulungan mo naman ako. Sabihan
mo rin si Lala at Rigor, tulungan ninyo

He would
always say,
“Huwag kayong
Dahil siguradong
mayroon diyan
na mas matalino
at mas yayabang
pa kaysa sa inyo.”

away that I was doing the right their own shine. I have seen how Due to my almost 10 years of
Dear Chief, thing – even if I didn’t exactly know you have reached out to people being part of CJ Bersamin’s legal
what I was supposed to be doing
I wish you a radiant and blessed and genuinely made them feel staff, I could say that he is the type
to begin with. I was looking for a
retirement! I am forever grateful for included, that they have a stake of boss who is not modest when it
change, or at least some direction.
the love, joy, and lessons graciously in the bigger picture. You have comes to giving compliments and
shared by you and the Bersamin My father, whom I idolized, had shown so much patience, empathy, more than willing to mentor anyone
family! Happy, happy, happy then just passed away; followed and understanding towards those who seeks his guidance. I don’t
birthday po, CJLPB! We love you by my sister, Charisse, ten months whose views may have differed remember an instance where he
3000! later. I was frustrated with my job from yours without having them raised his voice even in times where
at the bank and I had toyed with the submit and concede that you were his staff might have committed a
Atty. Abraham Joseph B. Alcantara idea of dusting off my 20-year old right. blunder.
Court Attorney VI law degree.
I wish people hear you laugh He has always shown a good
The interview didn’t last long, more. example for his staff to emulate. He
Chief, maybe ten minutes, tops. All is the epitome of professionalism,
It has been a wonderful part of I want to thank you, Chief, for
that time I was praying that you validating every value that I have dedication, and hard work that
my life journey to be given a once wouldn’t ask for my transcript ever been taught by my parents, and even during his supposed wellness
in a lifetime opportunity to call you of records in law school, so I was which I hold on to dearly. Thank leave, he goes to the Supreme Court
“Chief.” Thank you because you relieved when you instead asked you for showing me the value in (to the slight disappointment of
have shown us the best version of when I could start. Of course, at the denying oneself and taking the high his staff =)). CJ Bersamin regularly
your leadership. All throughout back of my head, I was probably a road. You are truly hero worship- rewards his staff with merienda
my employment at the Supreme shoo-in considering that you and worthy. and to sumptuous lunch or dinner
Court, you have provided us with my Mom had known each other at buffet restaurants. Even during
a kind of leadership that gave more since 1991. At the same time, it was Bud the summer sessions, he always
significance in our pursuit to give also because of it that I felt that I had makes sure that his staff is well fed
genuine and honest public service. to prove my worth even more than P.S.: and comfortable.
the next guy. To the Chief of the Chief, Ma’am
With all my heart, I am
Tita Rorie, On a personal level, I could not
expressing my sincerest gratitude To be honest, I was very thank Apo Luke enough for all the
to you and to Ma'am Rorie who intimidated. And who wouldn’t You have become such a big opportunities that came my way
both showed unconditional faith be? Everyone I had spoken to had and welcome part of the whole because of my employment in his
that I can achieve a better version all these glowing things to say experience of working with the office. I will forever cherish all the
of myself. I am very certain that if about you: how brilliant you are, Chief. Thank you for looking after professional and personal lessons
it were not because of your faith how lucid and well-crafted your every single one of us, making sure that I learned from him.
in me, I would not have made this ponencias are, and that you are a we are taken care of, and failings
dream come true. Thank you so tireless perfectionist, etc. And they are addressed. I am in awe of your Atty. Jeffrey G. Gallardo
much, Chief and Ma'am Rorie. are not wrong, but having had the candor, kindness of heart, and Judicial Staff Head
Sincerely, advantage of working under your sincerity.
Atty. Noreen B. Bragas guidance for the last seven-plus
years, there’s a whole other side of And just like Chief Justice Luke,
Court Attorney V I wish people hear you laugh more.
--•••-- you that they have missed.
Nakaka-good vibes.
I wish more people had
Chief, Maraming salamat po!
experienced your generosity, not
When I walked into your only with compliments, but also Jose Salvador A. Zenarosa
office for my interview on the first with your knowledge and wisdom SC Chief Judicial Staff Officer
working day of 2012, I knew right and in allowing others to find
EXITInterview By Tiffany Ines C. Atendido

" Kung hindi sa inyong malaking suporta, maaring

hindi kasing saya akong magtatapos ng aking
panunungkulan sa Korte Suprema at sa Bayan!"

W hen asked what

he would miss
the most about
being the Chief
Justice, CJ Luke
answered, “YOU! (laughs) All
the people who worked for me,
under me, and I worked for.
All the people who shared my
one younger magistrate shall
continue the work I leave
behind; very sad because I
am finally leaving this place
and bidding farewell to this
community. It feels like
leaving my home of over a
take on other challenges, I
commend them all for their
loyalty and efficiency. Saying
Thank you! to you will not
be enough to convey my
deep appreciation for your
commitment and devotion to
our work in the Judiciary.
any concerns brought to my
notice, it was not for lack
of trying. Still, I ask your
understanding of me. I have

Between this morning and

my actual retirement on the
17th, I shall be in my office
problems, tensions…all the I have been with the The OCJ is also the daily completing all tasks that
people who gave me strong Court for over 10 years now, mother unit for the many remain to be accomplished.
emotions about many things.” the final 324 days being as officers and workers in the All I ask as I exit from service
Chief Justice. My tenure Public Information Office, in the Judiciary is just as
On October 14, 2019, Chief officially ends by midnight and in the Rollo Room. I forthright as that, nothing
Justice Bersamin joined his on Thursday, October 17. have nothing but praise more! Continue doing your
colleagues, Supreme Court As that moment draws near, for your consistency and assigned tasks and work, but
officials and employees, and I experience a deep sense perseverance in discharging please be constant in your
the media for his last flag of personal satisfaction, no the tasks your respective loyalty to the Judiciary as our
raising ceremony as a member regrets. This is because your offices have been assigned institution, and be steadfast
of the Judiciary where he steady support and willing to do. You have also done in your fealty to the letter and
then delivered, A Message: A cooperation have made my well under my watch. Thank spirit of the Constitution and
Farewell to A Home: life as a Member of the Court you to you all. to the Rule of Law.
and as Chief Justice much
This morning, we observe less burdensome. I have Although I really desire PHILJA, JBC, MCLE,
a long tradition by allowing always endeavored to be to, I shall not name the OCA, OCC, DCC, Medical,
me as a retiring Member true to my oath of office, and individuals and partner OAS, FMBO, PIO at lahat na
of the Supreme Court to have always discharged my institutions who have iba pang mga opisina natin,
speak in person to the entire duties and responsibilities in extended to me their special muli maraming salamat sa
community right after the the best lights that God has assistance and cooperation inyong katapatan sa ating
flag-raising on the Monday of endowed me with. Do I now in discharging my official Bayan at sa ating mga
the final week. I am grateful have a better way of putting duties and responsibilities kababayan! Mabuhay ang
for such unique opportunity it except to say that I have as Associate Justice and Pilipinas!
because it becomes the final faithfully served the people, as Chief Justice. The list is
time to communicate with conscientiously discharged simply too long for a brief He also left a thank you note
and to address those of the my office, and dutifully fulfilled occasion like now. I will just on the very last day he sat at the
community who were unable their trust. say to you all — Maraming helm of the Judiciary:
to be at the retirement rites salamt sa inyong lahat! Kung
held in the Session Hall last I should be acknowledging hindi sa inyong malaking
Friday as well as at the dinner all the persons who have suporta, maaring hindi kasing
party immediately following been with me through the saya akong magtatapos ng
the rites. years. They are my legal and aking panunungkulan sa
administrative staff, including Korte Suprema at sa Bayan!
But this address brings to those who served with me
me mixed emotions — half when I was still an Associate As Chief Justice, I have
of me is happy, the other Justice, and until now as the done everything within the
half sad. Happy, because I Chief Justice. Although a few bounds of the law to afford
finally go into retirement with of them had already left my the fullest access to my office.
the comforting thought that side to become judges or to If I was unable to address


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