Characterization of Single Enset Fiber Tensile Properties Using Optimal Experimental Design and Digital Image Correlation Technique

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International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Applications

2020; 8(1): 8-15
doi: 10.11648/j.ijmea.20200801.12
ISSN: 2330-023X (Print); ISSN: 2330-0248 (Online)

Characterization of Single Enset Fiber Tensile Properties

Using Optimal Experimental Design and Digital Image
Correlation Technique
Abebayehu Abdela1, *, Mark Versteyhe2, Fasil Taddese1
Ethiopia Institute of Technology-mekelle, Mekelle University, Mekelle, Ethiopia
KU Leuven, Mechanical Engineering Technology Campus Bruges, Bruges, Belgium

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Abebayehu Abdela, Mark Versteyhe, Fasil Taddese. Characterization of Single Enset Fiber Tensile Properties Using Optimal Experimental
Design and Digital Image Correlation Technique. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Applications.
Vol. 8, No. 1, 2020, pp. 8-15. doi: 10.11648/j.ijmea.20200801.12

Received: March 13, 2019; Accepted: December 31, 2019; Published: January 9, 2020

Abstract: With the majority of the world’s fiber use relying on wood, cotton and petrochemicals, the use of alternative fiber
sources in manufacturing is rapidly gaining importance in reaching the Sustainable Development Goal’s on innovation and
responsible production. Lucidly, Enset is a main staple crop in southern and central Ethiopia where the pulp is fermented for food
production but its strong fibers are now only used for local rope making or they are discarded. Hence, importance of processing
this agricultural product for industrial application is explicit and characterization is, thus, mandatory. This paper presents the
characteristics of a single Enset fiber in tension using Optimal Experiment Design and Digital Image Correlation techniques. To
do so, Enset fiber sample with 10cm length glued to sand paper case with TIPIX application and speckle formation is prepared.
Fiber density is measured by a Pycnometer to estimate a cross sectional area. Then, a known amount of load has been gradually
applied until failure. And, images are taken while the extension is taking place using the limes camera. The retort of every point
is used with analogue data to make a correlation using correlated solution software (Vic2D), and related scrutiny to determine
fiber properties. Bundle test has also been used to reinforce the result. This work reports the properties of the fiber to be: Density:
1.4 g/cm3; Strength: 67Mpa-923Mpa, Mean strength: 647MP; E modulus: 12Gpa-69Gpa, Mean E modulus: 46MPa. Here, the
major reason behind the smallest value in the range is the manual fiber extraction utilized in light of extracting the pulp.
Keywords: Fiber, Enset, Processing, Pycnometer

can be rationalized also by means of an ecological

1. Introduction equilibrium since natural fibers are eco-friendly while
Fiber-reinforced composite materials want to be used in a encompassing good properties compared to synthetic fibers.
large number of applications ranging from aerospace systems Other reason for this increase is due to a greater
to automotive, industrial, and consumer products [15]. These consciousness of the ever depleting trend of petroleum
fibers can be either synthetic or natural. In recent years, the supplies [7]. Thus, Natural fibers have a big role to play
amount of research on natural fibers products has increased towards a sustainable environmentally friendly future [7].
considerably [7]. Besides, ample recent findings favor natural Besides, composite materials reinforced with natural fibers
fiber over synthetic ones for many reasons. For instance, become more significant in constructional applications. For
natural fiber can be a relevant substitute of synthetic fibers instance, natural fibers from coir, kenaf, oil palm jute have
since they are available naturally in a fiber form at low costs suitable mechanical properties which are used in various
and they reach relatively high specific strength and rigidity industrial applications [13, 10, 12]. They also have some
owing to their low density [3]. Replacing of the synthetic drawbacks owing to their low plasticity. Generally, current
fibers by the natural ones, thus, has a lot of benefits which global ecological and economic interests arouse research in
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Applications 2020; 8(1): 8-15 9

designing new materials whose considerable portion is based Moreover, a bundle specimen made using compression
on natural resources in order to avoid further pressure on the molding; is used to measure the properties of the fiber via
environment [2]. As a result, constantly increasing trend of back calculation to compare the result for validation. The
using natural fiber as reinforcement in composite materials properties are identified for the aligned fiber orientation
based on epoxy resin has been seen in recent years. because the best mechanical properties can generally be
One of the suitable plants with great potential for the obtained for composites when the fibre is aligned parallel to
production of natural fibers with competitive properties is the direction of the applied load [20, 21 and 22]. One study
Ensete (Ensete ventricosum) Ethiopian plant. The Ministry of on aligned Alfa fibre reinforced showed strengths compared
Agriculture and Natural Resources of Ethiopia reported that to those obtained in the fibre direction (00) of 69%, 29%,
Enset is one of the important indigenous food crops where an 22% and 12% at angles of 100, 300, 450 and 900
estimated 15-20 million people mostly in the SNNP, parts of respectively and corresponding Young’s moduli of 93%,
Oromia and Gambela States support livelihoods as staple 66%, 52% and 41% of that in the fibre direction [23]. In
food. The pulp is fermented for food production but its strong another study on hemp/PLA composites, those with fibre
fibers are now only used for local rope making or they are aligned at 450 and 900 were found to have 48% and 30% of
discarded. Jointly, selling the fibers for manufacturing uses the strength and 53% and 42% of the Young’s moduli of
would be a win-win situation for both the industries and the those with 00 fibre [24]. In this work, Enset fiber
farmers, and provide the latter with a much needed source of characteristics have been studied using digital image
additional income because composite material reinforced correlation and optimal number of runs (experiment).
with Ensete fibers can be used for diverse industrial
application including the production of parts for automotive 2. Materials and Methods
industry. In this regard, the main challenges during the
scheme of this feat would be the existing enormous varieties 2.1. Enset Fibers
of the plant in the country depending on different reasons
including, agro ecological zones, soil type, environment etc. The Enset fibers displayed on figure 1C below were
And, processing this agricultural products and making them sourced from Enset plant (Ensete ventricosum) shown on
input for industries would be important contribution to the figure 1A below from, Kokosa wereda, West Asri zone
development of agriculture, agro processing and industries. Oromia, Ethiopia at 2628 meters above sea level with an
Thus, characterization of the fiber is required. annual average temperature of 21 LC and an annual average
Researchers [1, 5, 11] already tried to establish precipitation of 2300 mm and a relative humidity of 81%
characteristics of the fiber at composite level. Single fiber according to the environmental authorities of the region.
test using the technique of digital image correlation is
relatively accurate in depicting the tensile properties with
lesser standard deviation amid the results. However, the
direct single fiber tensile characteristic using the direct
method hasn’t been dealt with for this fiber yet, as a way to
determine the fiber’s mechanical properties at material
development stage. As well, this method, single fiber test, is
considered as a preferred method when a limited quantity of Figure 1. A) Enset plant B) Manual extraction C) Enset fiber.
material is available [6]. This resulting fiber’s tensile
properties are needed to perform different micromechanical For this research, manually (figure 1B) extracted Enset
analyses and mechanical modeling of these materials as well fibers using an in house developed technique meant only for
as their composites. Bundle test result reinforcement has also extracting the pulp (Edible part Enset) is used. Three Enset
been utilized to characterize the fiber. Besides, the test to be plant with different ages, after maturity time which varies
performed has to incorporate the appropriate the gauge length, from plant to plant, (1.5, 2, and 2.5 years) with no previous
the strain rate (viscoelastic behavior of the fibers), the characterization for their mechanical properties are considered.
environmental conditions (hygroscopic behavior of natural The density of the fibers was determined using a gas
fibers) and the gripping method (gripping of frame or fiber) Pycnometer, Beckman model 930, in which helium gas at a
[9, 16]. pressure of 0.5 bar was used as the displacement medium.
The cross sectional area of the fiber which is assumed to During material preparation prior to the density measurement,
be circular varies across the length of a single fiber as well as the fibers were cut to a length of 1cm and vacuum dried for
between different fibers of the same plant [15]. This is one of 24hr at 60 LC [5]. The mass of these fibers to determine the
the challenges in finding the minimum amount of the fibers density is then measured using sensitive balance with
sample or specimen required to come up with representative accuracy to 10-5g. The measured density was 1.4 ± 0.03
results. This work uses JMP software package from SAS to g/cm3. For the single fiber tensile tests, the fibers were cut to a
determine the optimal number of measurements. Using the length of 10cm, dried for 24hr at 60 LC and subsequently
technique progressively at single and bundle samples level conditioned at 50% relative humidity (RH) and 21 LC for 24
helps to identify the minimum number of experiments [5]. hr. In the latter condition, the mass of the fibers was measured
10 Abebayehu Abdela et al.: Characterization of Single Enset Fiber Tensile Properties Using Optimal Experimental
Design and Digital Image Correlation Technique

using an analytical balance (Mettler AT 261 Delta Range, Plus, the diameter varies for every individual fiber because of
Mettler Toledo) accurate to 10-5 g to calculate the average mass difference emanated from irregularity and
cross sectional area using equation 1 below, which is non-uniformity again. Hence, the mass of the 10cm length is
important for calculation of strength of the fiber from the measured for individual fibers and used to find the diameter of
known loads from machine reading. each fiber. Consequently, the diameter of individual fiber is
calculated for every fiber using the equation 4. The figure
A= (1)
ῥ below shows the frame dimensions for a test gauge length and
the position of the fiber in this frame. Speckles made by
In the above equation m is the fiber mass ῥ is the fiber spraying of paint on the samples prepared are also engendered
density and l is the fiber length. to support the correlation process using Vic2D. The frame
The fiber used for bundle test are also dried for 48hr at 60 helps sample mounting and fiber alignment in the grips,
LC and later conditioned at 50% RH and 21 LC. Three volume whereas the abrasive paper minimizes fiber slippage during
fractions (35%, 40% and 45%) have been considered while the test.
designing the experiment. The following equation is used to
determine the mass of fiber, volume of fiber, resin and D= (3)
hardener mass required. ῥ

FVF= (2) On equation 4above, D is diameter of the fiber, m is mass of

ῥ the fiber, ῥ is density and l is length of the fiber.

In the above equation FVF is fiber volume fraction, ῥf is the

fiber density and ῥm is the matrix density.
2.2. Sampling and Experimental Design

To get representative results of the individual and collective

tests, the experiments have been designed and the factors
affecting the result are also included in the design. While
including the factors, main effects (the effect they have
individually) of the factors and the 2-level interaction effects
(the combined effect of any two of the factor) of the parameter Figure 2. Sand paper frames and fiber preparation.
have also be considered, the summary of the upshot is
presented in result and discussion part shown under part 3 Single fiber tensile tests were performed on an Instron 5943
below. In line with this, single Natural fibers always have equipped with a 100N load cell according to the ASTM
different cross-sectional area and non-uniform cross sectional C1557-14 standard in a conditioned environment at 50% RH
area across the length of a fiber. Thus, there has to be a and 21 LC. Properties determined by this test method are
minimum amount of runs (experiments) required based on the valuable in the assessment of new fibers at the research and
factors affecting the standard deviation between the results. development stages. The frame was pneumatically gripped
This has to be done at both single fiber test meant to study the with a gripping force of 200N. An average preload of 0.015N
characteristics in tension and the bundle test meant to was applied to the fiber to straighten the fiber which is critical
reinforce the result of the single fiber test. A software package when the strain is to be derived from the crosshead
from SAS Company (JMP pro 13) has been used to design displacement. This method is in agreement with result on
optimal experiment model. The JMP software’s DOE literature [5]. Too, the upper grip is linked to the load cell with
platforms helped to design experiments. There are two kinds a ball joint which ensures the alignment of the fiber in the first
of parameters or factors (categorical and continuous) stages of the test. The crosshead displacement rate was chosen
considered. These parameters include, volume fraction, according to the ASTM C1557-14 standard, which suggests
extensions rate, gauge length and loading condition. Inline, achieving fracture within 30s of testing. Yet, three different
D-Optimality and I-Optimality criteria have been utilized. crosshead displacements with potential to achieve the value
are used in the process of optimal design of experiment 1, 1.25,
2.3. Single Fiber Tensile Test Set-up
1.5 mm/min. For the investigated fibers, this translates to a
To perform the single fiber test in tension, an individual crosshead displacement rate of 1.25 mm/min.
Enset fiber is cut to 10cm length with known measured mass Digital image correlation is powerful tool to measure the
using an analytical balance (Mettler AT 261 Delta Range, strain of a fiber fiber. For this test, the specimens were
Mettler Toledo) accurate to 10-5g and calculated diameter was attached to an abrasive frame as outlined on the figure 3 above.
glued onto abrasive paper (PS11A grain 1000, Klingspor) Additionally, two optical flags with an approximate diameter
frame using a double-sided glue roller (Permanent Pritt glue of 4 mm were attached to the fiber surface using white
roller, Henkel). The mass of the individual fibers differ correction fluid (correction pen Tipp-Ex, Bic World). On these
because of irregularity and non-uniformity across the length. white flags a black speckle pattern was applied with spray
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Applications 2020; 8(1): 8-15 11

paint. According to [6] rotations or movements in the plane of properties at composite level. The result was meant to be
the sand paper do not affect the strain measurement as in the used as an input for different analysis vital to reinforce the
case of indirect strain measurement. The out-of-plane motion single fiber tests mentioned above. The specimen made is
(forward and backward fiber movement relative to the camera) pressed under hot press machine at a temperature of 70°C for
does affect the strain measurement significantly and care 1 hour and then 150°C for additional 1 hour after being
should be taken to limit this movement during the test [5]. For pressed. High temperature resistant foam has been used to
the registration of the images during tensile testing, a digital allow uniform compression load distribution across every
camera (Limess messtechnik & software GmbH, Krefeld, specimen included on a mold. Up on completion of the 2
Germany) with a spatial resolution of 96 dpi, equipped with a hours standards time, the mold was removed and air cooled.
Componon-S 2.8/50 lens (Schneider Kreuznach, Bad After cooling, the de-molding has been done and the samples
Kreuznach, Germany), were used. The distance between are then treated at 60°C for 24 hour to attain the required
sample and camera was 1m adopted from [5]. Samples were result. Then, the specimen is made ready for test as it is
illuminated frontally with a 350W halogen lamp. Subsequent displayed on the figure below.
images and force registration were taken during the test with
an interval of 150ms using acquisition software (LimShot,
Limess messtechnik & software GmbH, Krefeld, Germany).
2.4. Bundle Test Setup

2.4.1. Mold Preparation

The standard mold used to prepare specimens using the
fiber volume fractions (FVF) which is considered categorical
Figure 3. Specimen produced using compression molding and ready for
factor during experiment design, is a rectangular prism. The tensile test.
internal dimension of the rectangular prism equals
(2×10×20=400mm3). Hence the expected volume of the 2.4.3. Composite Tensile Test Set Up
composite would be nearly the same, if the process of To perform tensile test of composite specimens stated
impregnation is taken care of properly. The volume fraction above an ASTM test standard with D3039/D3039M–08
and related estimation is also taken from this prism volume designation is utilized. The universal tensile testing machine
and interpreted in terms of mass by using the relationship on which the test was conducted is Instron 5567. 1KN and
between density, mass and volume demonstrated on equation 30KN load cell are used is with 12.5mm extensometer
3 above. 2mm thick aluminum spacers are used at two ends of supplement to show the effect of intermittent loading and
the mold to generate uniformly distributed 2mm thickness of maximum strength respectively. Then, series of test have
the specimen meant to perform bundle test up on completion been conducted on the samples using the Bluehill software
of the specimen’s preparation. The spacers are less than the working in integration with Instron 5567, the universal
opening on the mold to allow the removal of extra resin during tensile testing machine. The rate of expansion used in this
hot pressing. project is 1mm/s and the strength at failure, E modulus at
failure and the strain at failure has been deployed from the
ῥ= (4)
machine and used for analysis meant to reinforce the single
fiber test and related characteristic.
On equation 4 above, m is mass of the fiber, ῥ is density and
v is volume of the fiber.
3. Result and Discussion
2.4.2. Sample Preparation and Compression
The minimum number of samples designed by the optimal 3.1. Optimal Experiment
design of experiment is prepared using the aforesaid mold
The experiments have been designed using JMP 13 pro
(rectangular prism). Mass fraction derived from the volume
software package. The DOE platform is mainly used to get the
fractions used using equation 2 above. Aceton and release
optimal design result and the analysis platform to perform the
agents are also used to clean the molds part and allow simple
study. The main effect and the interaction effect with 2-level
de-molding after compression molding using hot pressing
has been considered in the process. Constraints are also
respectively. The fiber is then impregnated in to the resin
inputted in to the software to make the experiment more real
(Epoktet 828 LVEL, a from Hexion company) found using
replica of the situation. Then, the minimum number of
equation 2 and mixed with 15.2% hardener (Dytek DCH-99).
experiment recommended by JMP has been made with
After mixing the hardener with the resin, vacuum degassing
additional experiments, depending on the type and the
was used to remove the bubble and air gaps which may affect
importance, for boosting the certainty of the result as it is
the result. Then, the impregnated fiber is located on the
tabulated on table 1 here below. And, r test has been made
plastic cover and pressed in to the mold manual to make it
using the same software and has been taken in to account for
ready for hot pressing machine. Compressing molding is
both main effect and interaction effect of the parameter for
used to prepare specimens to study the unidirectional fiber
their level of significance.
12 Abebayehu Abdela et al.: Characterization of Single Enset Fiber Tensile Properties Using Optimal Experimental
Design and Digital Image Correlation Technique

Table 1. Summary of the optimal number of experiment. instances of the result are highlighted on the table 2 below.
S. N Test type Categories Min. test Test done
Table 2. Correlation error test.
Category 1 24 30
1 Single fiber Category 2 24 30 File Points Time Error (%)
Category 2 24 30 00001_0.tif 408 0.125 2.72
Category 1 15 20 00002_0.tif 403 0.119 2.70
2 Bundle test Category 2 15 20 00003_0.tif 403 0.121 2.73
Category 2 15 20 …..
Average 352.6066 0.145251 3.44
As it is depicted above, extra six tests are added for each
single fiber test and additional 5 tests for bundle test. These After the error level has been found to be acceptable, less
additions help to enhance the reliability and than 5%, the resulting table incorporating the load and
representativeness of the result more. extension has been used with calculated area of the single
fibers. Consequently, a result from correlated solution jointly
3.2. Single Fiber Test Result with manual analyses done, the range of the strength lay
The result found from the Instron tensile testing machine between 67Mpa and 923Mpa while the average strength is
analog data after the conclusion of the test has been used as 647MPa for the chosen variety of the fiber. Having the
an input to the simulated correlation system. And, the acceptable range of correlation error, the stress strain curve
correlation made with Vic2D has taken care of the acceptable has been developed for three categories of the tests
error range which is less that 5% (0.05) for every points and mentioned above and resulted in the characteristics displayed
tests as on. Hence, the correlation is acceptable and only few on figure 4 below.
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Applications 2020; 8(1): 8-15 13

Figure 4. Stress strain curve for Enset fiber.

Therefore, the overall result of the fiber characteristics for loading and it would characterize the fiber with low strength.
all categories of the test under tension in terms of strength The other category of the fiber with low strength failed at the
and E modus value can be summarized on table 3 below. clamp or near the clamp which mighty have resulted damage
of the fiber that the Poisson ration is affected. The breakage
Table 3. Characteristics of the fiber. at the clamp has been registered to be about 4.4% of the test.
Lower Upper Mean Thus, enhancing the extraction means to preserve the fiber
S. N Category Parameter
(MPa) (MPa) (GPa) during extraction will minimize breakage and increase the
Strength 41 723 542 strength as a result.
1 Category 1
E Modulus 3.5 65 49
As it is mentioned above mass of the each fiber was
Strength 51 821 618
2 Category 2 measures and it is from 0.0006 to 0.0021gr. Since the density
E Modulus 46 68 51
Strength 67 923 647 of the fiber has been found to be 1.4gr/cm3, the cross
3 Category 3
E Modulus 12 69 46 sectional area of each fiber has been calculated equation 3
and equation 4 above. Even though mass and area are
As it is displayed here above, the lowest limits of the directly proportional, the following figure shows variation
strength have been resulted from different reasons. The main unpredictable. And, as a result the loading characteristics of
reason behind can be the fiber manual extraction method the strength and the maximum load also don’t follow the
which has a potential to damage the fiber. This damage on same pattern and/or proportionality as it is displayed here
the fiber would allow it to break early during continues below on figure 2.

Figure 4. Hole inside a fiber and its influence.

14 Abebayehu Abdela et al.: Characterization of Single Enset Fiber Tensile Properties Using Optimal Experimental
Design and Digital Image Correlation Technique

This inconsistency is a result of the hole inside the fiber, these values using other ways of extraction. Measurements
which is expected in the case of natural fiber. For one thing on fiber bundles confirm the results.
the fiber consists of hole inside and these inside holes are not The experiments revealed adequate strength of the fiber in
uniform across the length of the fiber. Since this is the fact, line with other fibers already used to reinforce composites.
the cross sectional area found by calculation is a little higher The moisture susceptibility of the fiber in a composite matrix
than the actual area (Since the diameter must be external could be mitigated using treatments and surface
diameter- internal diameter). This in general resulted in developments including alkali treatment, Silane treatment,
non-uniformity of pattern in shown on the above figure. and the combined effect of alkali and Silane treatments.
By the same token of interpreting the diameter and the The result of the test and the analysis indicated that Enset
cross-sectional area from mass and density relationship, the fiber can be used for different industrial application including
impact of the pre-load is found to be minimal as it is depicted automotive interior part development, airplane interior and
from the regression plot generated using JMP 13 pro software related non-load bearing parts where light weight and a
package. Of course, special care has been taken to prohibit minimum strength level are a design criterion.
the preload no to exceed the acceptable limit which is 0.05N.
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