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OCTOBER 23, 2020

Locally Owned & Operated


Harold Zegil
Best Chinese Restaurant in Town

& Transmission
403-542-3341 403-902-0654 Economic 3 items combo
only $9.98 NONIE HALL
KEEPING YOU SAFE! 102 2nd Ave, Strathmore [email protected]
Kevin Baldwin Realtor / [email protected]
104 - 3rd Avenue, Strathmore
133 Orchard Way, Strathmore, AB | [email protected] order

Page 3
therapy ban
bylaw heading
to council
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
Unique learning
experience A conversion therapy ban by-
law is heading to Strathmore town
COVID-19 Update council, giving residents addition-
in Strathmore & al time to consider and debate the
merits of a municipal ban on the
Wheatland County
(as of October 19, 2020)
Following the Committee of
the Whole meeting on Oct. 14,
110 Cases
Strathmore town council directed
9 Active | 99 Recovered administration to draft a prohibit-
2 Deaths ed business bylaw (regarding con-
version therapy) and provide it for
first reading no later than January
The bylaw will be similar to a by-
law passed by the City of Calgary’s
prohibited business bylaw which
passed on May 25, 2020. Under
this bylaw, any person found to be
contravening any provision, which
includes providing or advertising
conversion therapy, can receive a
$10,000 fine.
Conversion therapy is defined
as “a practice, treatment or service
designed to change, repress or dis-
courage a person’s sexual orien-
tation, gender identity or gender
expression, or to repress or reduce
We offer digital imaging, intra-oral camera, patient education
systems, general practice IV sedation, oral sedation and nitrous non-heterosexual attraction or sex-
sedation, chairside computers, quiet electric handpieces.
ual behaviour.”
Call Us Today • 403-934-5292
#105f 100 Ranch Market, Strathmore, Alberta T1P 0A8 However, it does not relate to
practice, treatments or services that
Dr. Ashkan Hamzehi DDS;
Dr. Sharif Faizi DMD; Dr. Simarjyot Randhawa BDS relates to a person’s social, medical
or legal gender transition or a per-
Look on Page 2 for
Town of Strathmore
son’s non-judgmental exploration
and acceptance of their identity or Equipped to respond
Municipal Notices development, as per the city’s by- Members of the Wheatland Fire Department conduct grain rescue training at the Wheatland County Op-
Contact Us Today! law. erations Centre on Oct. 18. During the training, which was provided by the Canadian Agricultural Safety
Across Alberta, the practice has Association in partnership with G3, the firefighters learned how to rescue a person that has been trapped
403.934.5589 also been banned in Edmonton, St. in grain. Wheatland’s fire departments are now equipped to respond to entrapment emergencies, as CASA
[email protected]
[email protected] Albert, Strathcona County, Wood and G3 have provided the necessary rescue tubes and portable grain augers. See Page 7 for more cover-
Buffalo, Rocky Mountain House age.
www. and Spruce Grove.
Sean Feagan Photo

• 147 acres mix pasture

REDUCED REDUCED and cultivated
Sather Real Estate Pro Brokers Ltd. • 138.5 acres hay
cell 403.934.1034 with irrigation.
mls# A1029453 mls# A1018066 mls# A1013185 mls# A1022012
[email protected]
Call me for a FREE Fully developed 4 bedroom .79 acres, fully developed Fully developed 3 bedroom 3 bedroom home
family home in 4 bedroom home, triple condo. Close to schools with workshop and • 26 acres hay with
Current Home
Dixie Hartell Market Evaluation Aspen Creek. detached garage, and downtown. fenced yard awesome building site
Associate/Realtor on your Property! Immediate possession. manicured yard. Cheadle Immediate possession backing onto canal.
Page 2 • Strathmore TIMES • October 23, 2020

Physical Physical
Distancing Distancing

6' 2m

Town of Strathmore Community Page

For more information on COVID-19 visit our trusted sources at and
Seniors' Housing Project Community Engagement
For local COVID-19 information: The Wheatland Housing Management Body (WHMB) is embarking on a new
seniors' housing project. They are looking for community feedback to drive design
decisions for the new lodge and hospice care facility.
Council Meeting Calendar Update There will be five live online community engagement sessions, the first
Upcoming Council Meetings for the remainder of 2020. session was held October 8 2020.
• Session 2: October 15, 2020, 7-8pm
Regular Council Meeting November 4 at 7:00pm
• Session 3: October 22, 2020, 7-8pm
Regular Council Meeting November 18 at 7:00pm
• Session 4: October 29, 2020, 7-8pm
Regular Council Meeting December 2 at 7:00pm
• Session 5: November 5, 2020, 7-8pm
Budget Meetings October 28 and 29 at 5:00pm
COTW meetings for December and November have been cancelled.
Please note: You will be able to watch the live session and will be able to ask
2020 Property Tax Payment is Due: questions or provide input for a total of 72 hours after the session has taken
place. If you are not able to watch the session live, you will be able to access the
Saturday, October 31, 2020 recording of the session any time after it has completed, but will not be able to ask
questions or provide input after the 72 hour period. The recordings will be made
The Town of Strathmore is reminding owners that your 2020 Property Tax
available throughout the duration of the project.
payment is due Saturday, October 31, 2020. Please note that the Town Office is
The goals for these engagement sessions are to understand the social and cultural
not open on the weekend.
context of Strathmore and Wheatland County and to empower the community to
The Payment Drop Box, located outside of the main doors of the Town Office, will shape the project vision.
be open on the weekend to deposit cheques.

There are several property tax payment options available for you:

• Internet Banking – pay your property tax online through your bank’s internet bill
payment option. Please allow up to two business days for payment processing;
some banks may take longer.

• Pay your property taxes in-person by cheque, cash or debit at the Town Office
until 4:30 pm on Friday, October 30, 2020.
• Most financial institutions will accept property tax payments while doing your New Businesses in Strathmore!

regular business. Over the last few months, you may have noticed new businesses in
• Town Office Drop Box – place your property tax payment in our drop box located Strathmore.
at the Town Office outside the main entrance. Cheques only, please do not Welcome: S&E Meals
deposit cash. Town Office is located at 680 Westchester Road, Strathmore, S&E Meals offers a 100% Gluten free menu which includes dairy and diabetic
AB. options. They deliver four times a week. Meals are prepared locally and they

We're open
Are you interested in paying your property tax bill in 12 monthly instalments
rather than a single annual payment? Consider signing up for the Tax Instalment
purchase from as many local suppliers as possible. Please feel free to contact
them any time.

for boo-ness!
Payment Plan Service (TIPPS) - you can join the TIPPS program anytime (a 10%
penalty will be calculated into the payments after October 31, 2020).
Location: 102 Canal Gardens.
Phone number is 825-712-6160
**Non-receipt of your property tax bill does not exempt you from late payment Email: [email protected]

Welcome: Wheatland Stone

Operating locally with over 20 years of experience, Wheatland Stone provides
supply, fabrication and installation of new quartz or granite countertops. A
repair service is also offered. They supply and install sinks and faucets, offer
plumbing installation, and they provide removal and disposal of existing
counter tops.
Location: 70 Slater Road (by appointment only)
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 403-473-5674 or 403-880-1382

The Strathmore Motor Products Sports Centre is partnering with Sportball
Calgary to offer the Sportball Multi-Sport program! For more information call:
Halloween during COVID-19 403-361-2121 or visit
Celebrate the spookiest time of year without the fear of spreading COVID-19. Register online through
Enjoy Halloween activities safely by taking some simple precautions. Leave the
• Sundays 9:00-9:45am, ages 2-3 (Nov. 1,8,15,22,29)
terror to monsters, ghosts and evil clowns - not the pandemic. For safe Halloween
tips visit: • Sundays 10:00-10:45am, ages 3-6 (Nov 1,8,15,22,29)
• Cost for a full session is $75.00

680 Westchester Road, Strathmore AB T1P 1J6 . 403 934 3133 . For News Updates Visit
October 23, 2020 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 3

Archeology and culture combined Hon. Leela Sharon Aheer,

at Siksika Nation field program Chestermere-Strathmore

Local Journalism Initiative Reporter STRATHMORE OFFICE:
Meetings by appointment
An archeology program held this fall in Siksika
Nation blended research techniques with cultural 403-962-0126
knowledge to create a unique learning experience Chestermere.Strathmore@
for students.
The pilot archaeological training program was
led by Lindsay Amundsen-Meyer, an archeology MAILING ADDRESS:
professor at the University of Calgary, and Leon PO Box 2527,
Crane Bear, a member of Siksika Chief and Coun- Strathmore, AB
cil, in partnership with Old Sun Community Col- T1P 0H3
lege at Siksika. The course was funded by TC En-
Increasingly, many First Nations are looking to Brendan Many Bears mapping an excavated FBR feature at
manage historical resources internally, but often the field site that may represent a roasting pit.
lack the capacity and expertise to do so, explained Photo Courtesy of Lindsay Amundsen-Meyer
Amundsen-Meyer. In 2018, an area on Siksika Na- its oral history. This included a teepee raising, a
tion was stripped (topsoils removed) for an ongo- kick-off ceremony, and visits from elders to the
ing development and a grouping of artifacts were site.
uncovered, paving the way for the program. In effect, the course helped the students to make
After the artifacts were discovered there, Siksika connections between their own cultural past, their
Nation was interested in gaining data on the im- cultural knowledge and the archeological record,
pacts of the development and the archeological said Amundsen-Meyer. “That’s a real power that
material there, so archeologists were requested to archeology has – to have these tangible objects
visit the site, first from Stantec, then later from the that we can see and hold to make those connec-
University of Calgary. tions.”
Seeing an opportunity, the University of Calgary These experiences gave the students a sense of
archeology department, which was already con- belonging, said Crane Bear, who marked the jour-
sidering providing a heritage program for Old Sun nal of each student describing their experiences.
students, started to develop a field program that “They were all positive comments and it’s a
would ultimately use the site as a learning ground sense of belonging that they talked about,” he
for Siksika students. said. “For a lot of them, it was discovering some-
“It kind of fell into place that the program was thing new and relevant to them and their identity.”
a possibility,” said Amundsen-Meyer. While the course approach helped the students
The program provided a post-secondary arche- gain new perspectives, it clears a new path for-
ology program at a real-world training ground to ward for the discipline, said Amundsen-Meyer.
practice modern research approaches, including “Archeology has been colonial and, to a large
mapping, survey strategies, excavation and arti- degree, still is in many contexts – we are often
fact analysis. settler archeologists doing archeology on Indig-
But the course did not feature archeology only. enous land,” she said. “But aside from that, in the
Crane Bear, who has a master’s degree from the slightly more distant past, it has been specifically
University of Lethbridge and studies federal policy used as a tool of colonialism to subjugate Indig-
in relation to Indigenous people, helped connect enous people in a lot of ways.
the archeological approaches taught in the pro- “That is a past of our discipline that we have to
gram to the Siksika cultural experience, including deal with.”

Haunting Halloween at ag grounds

SEAN FEAGAN clude real actors and special effects designed to leave a
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter frightful impression, said Christine Scott, who is organizing
the mazes. “We’re definitely putting all in.”
Those looking for a serious scare – or The organization is looking for volunteers in four-hour
just some fun – can visit the Strathmore shifts to help with the event.
ag grounds on the weekend of Hallow- Continued on Page 4
The Strathmore and District Agricul-
tural Society is holding Fright Night at
the Strathmore ag grounds on the eve-
nings of Oct 30 and 31. There’s some-
thing for everyone to enjoy, including a Unit D,
pumpkin carving contest (on Saturday),
202 Canal Court,
food trucks and a spooky beer garden,
explained Meagan Miller with the ag Strathmore, AB
But the main attraction are three maz- 403.934.6044
es, each with their own unique theme.
The first will be “little buckaroos” for
younger children or anyone not inter-
ested in a serious fright.
The other two mazes are geared to-
wards teens and adults – one featuring Water Softeners, Iron Filters
notorious movie killers, and the other
with deranged rodeo clowns through-
& Drinking Water Systems

out a haunted carnival. They will in-

STRATHMORE Thinking of purchasing a home?

Mario Prusina Publisher Kristina Bezic Financial Manager
Janet Kanters Editor Sean Feagan Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
There are lots of great properties
Adelle Ellis Reporter / Office Manager Rose Hamrlik Advertising Jody Schneider Production on the market, along with amazing
Contributors: Doug Taylor, Laureen F. Guenther, John Godsman, Florence Kalia mortgage rates!
Call me today to set up
125 2nd Avenue, Strathmore, Alberta T1P 1K1 • 403.934.5589
Strathmore Times is published every Friday by Strathmore Times Inc. and is distributed by Canada Post to Strathmore, Carseland, Cheadle, Cluny,
your personal home viewing
Gleichen, Hussar, Lyalta, Namaka, Nightingale, Rockyford, Rosebud, Speargrass and Standard. We also have various pickup locations throughout our
coverage area. Our 10,910 issues are printed by Star Press Inc., Wainwright, Alberta. The content in the Strathmore Times is copyright and reproduction
without the proper written consent of the Strathmore Times is strictly prohibited.
Tammy Lambert - Realtor
The Times welcomes letters to the editor for publication. All submissions must be signed and a phone number included for verification purposes. We reserve the right to
edit letters for length, legal considerations and taste. Please try and keep your letters under 400 words to ensure that it will appear as close to its original form as possible.
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Local Journalism Initiative. [email protected]
Page 4 • Strathmore TIMES • October 23, 2020

Urban site for new Wheatland Lodge wanted

artifacts, historical photos or murals.
“We need to create that sense of be-
longing in this facility; so anything that
SEAN FEAGAN launched an initiative to replace the existing lodge with a reminds us of agriculture, of history, I
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter new facility and also provide hospice space through partner- think those are great elements to incor-
ship with the Wheatland and Area Hospice Society. porate into the different sections or ar-
Members of the community and other stakeholders have Berry Architecture, the firm responsible for the design of eas of the lodge,” said Isaac Martinez,
said that an urban site is needed for the new Wheatland the new building, is leading a five-session public engage- senior architect.
Lodge, and that it should feature an array of innovative de- ment process to hear resident opinions on what they feel is Respondents said features in the cur-
sign features to keep residents happy and healthy. needed. During each session, participants are being asked rent Wheatland Lodge that should be
Wheatland Housing Management Board (WHMB) has how design decisions will affect functional independence, accommodated in the new facility in-
engagement (creating opportunities for activities and rela- clude large windows to provide natural
tionships), health and safety, and quality of life. light and view of greenspaces, a cov-

You're Invited Pass the Salt

The first engagement session, held Oct. 8, focused on the
“site context” of the proposed building, including questions
about the existing environment (what’s there now) of poten-
ered porch or patio, wide hallways, an
aquarium, and an arts and crafts space.
To support the hobbies of residents,
tialWHY DIDand
sites SARAH theLAUGH? to reveal whoexterior
design of the building’s this guestspaces.
The question is – the Lord,asked
something neither they
an art studio and gallery, music room,
During thisin session,
the title is one
participants were whether a designated games room, indoor hor-
To Our asked bythe
wanted God building
in one of theto be located
scripture readings set for the
Sarah nor in Abraham
a ruralhad any which
reason to suspect up to that point. ticulture area and woodworking shop
would provide more privacy; an urban setting, which would
Rebranding & second Sunday after Pentecost.
provide greater access to amenities
Abraham has extended generous
And then the passage uses that
in town; or a suburban
revelation as a segue to a far more
were also suggested as potential fea-
tures. Also discussed were ideas to
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony site, whichtowould
of whomwas
fall somewhere
three strangers,
that by this support
in between.
important question, “Is anything
for an for
too wonderful urban site –for
the Lord?” a the
make family visits more memorable,
including smaller, more private spaces,
time next year, Sarah, childless question which demands the and shared cooking or meal spaces. Ar-
and well past want to feelwillconnected
menopause, answer, to “No!”
the community,” said eas to provide refuge and privacy were
November 5th 3:00 pm give birth
Glenn to a son.
this while alone
WHMB chair. Here, as elsewhere in Genesis,
her tent, Sarah saidand indeedbe throughout scripture,
also suggested, including a library,
Services that inrespondents should close to the facil-
129 2nd Ave Strathmore laughs. this
ity include medical and dental, physiotherapy, shopping God reveals himself to women and
smaller shared spaces and a place for
(event will be held outside at the SWCC office) Such a location wouldand
The scripture passage doesn’t
banking. men as the God who does the
increase access to services The lodge’s main meal area was also
actually tell us why Sarah laughed, impossible, as “the God who gives
to but
amenities, help seniors maintain
that has not stopped Biblical
independence for as long
life to the dead and calls into being a topic of discussion, focused on how to
as commentators,
possible, and mostlywould
men, from increasetheinteractions
things that werewith not”, the com-
as Paul stimulate appetites and make mealtime

Growing Together
munity, said Caitlin Wilson,
censuring her for it – certain that interior designer.
will summarize later in Romans 4. more enjoyable. The idea for having an
One potential
they know site for
her laughter to bethe of a new In
a time when is in
life Kinsmen
seems Park, open kitchen prep area in the meal area
said Wilson.
cynical, This would
disbelieving sort – indeedprovideconstrained
an urban andlocation close to
turned upside was brought forth, which could help
an affront toamenities
downtown God. But theon passage down, the
town-owned generous
land. However,hospitality
residents see and smell meals as they
itself makesatnoseven
is looking such judgement.
different sites, thissheGod added.
who walks with us still
In the context of theboth
story it town-owned
is invitesandus to laugh in anticipation
are prepared, thereby creating a stron-
These include private properties, ger connection. The noisier work, such
said Koester, who said he could not yet provideto come.
equally possible that Sarah laughs of a wondrous joy yet For
GET YOUR CLASSIFIED ADS IN! Call 403-934-5589 because she allows herself a brief neither death, nor life, nor angels, as dishwashing, could still be done in
information about these potential sites. “It’s the community a separated kitchen area, however. A
moment of anticipatory joy over nor rulers, nor things present, nor
engagement that at the end of the
a long-held desire, even though
things come, benorthe biggest
Covid-19, nor fac- snack area was also suggested, which
in determining a parcel
tells her it is impossible. And of land
anything else in all creation is costs
that we choose. And could provide residents with more flex-
too, if it’s prohibitive.”
three chapters later, God himself able to separate us from the love ibility.
Thought for The second
joins in engagement
Sarah’s laughter when thesession, of God held Oct.
in Christ 15, Indeed,
Jesus. focused on The session also focused on ways to
the Week possible
child whoseinterior
name isfeatures
laughter isof the “Is proposed
anything too facility.
wonderful for the
keep residents active, including a safe
~ indeed born. Whatever
Participants were her askedreason,what Lord?”
elements of the history and walking space, destination areas, a mul-
Sarah’s laughter is known only to
Relationships culture of Strathmore and Wheatland County should be rep-
herself and Rev. Malcolm Kern, Priest tipurpose gymnasium room and space
resented facility. Responses included wide-open
don’t thrive And so, rather than judge Sarah,
prairie spaces, agriculture and ranching, St. Michael & All Angels
and a close, home-
for outdoor activities, such as pickle-
because the the passage uses the question Anglican Church ball, horseshoes and lawn bowling.
like atmosphere. This could be achieved through agricultural The participants also voiced the im-
guilty are portance of the lodge having a strong
punished but STRATHMORE ALLIANCE BOW RIVER ALLIANCE CHURCH connection with nature. Ways this could
because the 325 1 Ave • 403-934-3543 105 Main St. Carseland be achieved include an indoor garden
Corner of 1 Ave & Wheatland Trail 403-934-9337
innocent are Lead Pastor: Mike Wiebe Pastor: Kevin Enns
space, views of the outside and water
merciful. Associate Pastor: John Duerksen [email protected]
features, or even the shapes, textures
Cancelled all operations and services Broadcasting services on and colours of interior finishings, said
M. Lucado Wilson.
until further notice. church Facebook page. So far, engagement has seemed suc-
cessful, said Koester.
Wheatland Trail & 3rd Avenue COVENANT CHURCH “People are signing on and participat-
403-934-3025 245 Brent Blvd, Strathmore • 403-934-2424 ing. I like the way they are involved,”
Rev. Pamela Scott Pastor: Heidi Wiebe he said, adding that people logged in
In-person services and gatherings are In person services have been cancelled. through 32 devices into the Oct. 15 ses-
cancelled until further notice. Preschool cancelled.
Online services available at Online services available.
sion, with some watching in groups. Each session is available for viewing
The office will be open part time. on Berry Architecture’s website (www.
HARVEST HEALING CENTRE CHURCH Holy Cross Collegiate School Gym
gagement/wheatland/) or may be ac-
102 Canal Gardens 709B - 2nd Street, Strathmore
403-901-0893 / 403-880-3171 403-934-2641 cessed through YouTube. Koester said
Pastor: Elizabeth Karp Pastor: Fr. Tomy Manjaly there is no deadline for feedback re-
Pastor: Dave Mackie Masses: Saturday 5 pm | Sunday 10 am garding the information discussed in
Worship Sundays 10:30 am each session. The final three sessions
Youth Tuesdays 7 pm
Come Join us for a spirit-filled time ST. MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS ANGLICAN are being held on Oct. 22 and 29, and
of worship 103 - 227 3rd Ave. Nov. 5.
[email protected]
A night of frights
Meeting in the Lutheran Church Sunday Worship 10 am
112 Lakeside Blvd. 587-227-6956 “Becoming fully alive in Jesus Christ” Continued from Page 3
Pastor: Donald Pierre
Services held every Saturday STRATHMORE FULL GOSPEL CHURCH
Sabbath School: 10 AM 50 Maplewood Drive • 403-934-2225 About 20 volunteers are needed in-
Worship Service: 11 AM Senior Pastor: Rev. Les Fischer side the two larger mazes, but some Youth Pastor: Rev. Kyle Lomenda are needed outside as well. Masks for
[email protected] All services and gatherings are volunteers are being provided, noted
cancelled until further notice.
(1 PET. 2:9) The event will adhere to all COVID-19

322 A 2nd Avenue, Strathmore LORD OF ALL (NALC) LUTHERAN precautions, with masks mandatory in-
403-714-2283 112 Lakeside Blvd. • 403-934-2374 side the mazes and hand sanitizer pro-
Pastor: Sunday Adeola Pastor: Dawn Nelson
vided throughout. Every 15 minutes, 12

Will be offering online services All worship services and gatherings are
until further notice. closed until further notice. people will be allowed to pass through The office will be open part time. the mazes in groups of four.
Join us in Praising our Lord, Jesus Christ! Admission is free for children under
2, $5 for parents with a child, $5 for

CALL 403-934-5589
children three to 13, and $10 for 14 and
The Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints up. The event runs from 5 to 10 p.m. on
60 Maplewood Drive | Bishop Justin Hansen | [email protected] Friday (Oct. 30) and 10 a.m. to 11 p.m.
403-983-2746 | | Worship Service Sundays 10 a.m.
on Saturday (Oct. 31).
October 23, 2020 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 5

Sunday collision leaves two dead, two injured Tasty fresh and frozen
Ukrainian food, just like you
SEAN FEAGAN 33-year-old male passenger of the ve- would find in
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter hicle was declared dead at the scene. Baba’s kitchen!
Another adult male occupant of the
A collision in the early hours of Oct. Expedition was transported to hospital
18 has left two Wheatland County resi- with serious, life-threatening injuries.
dents dead and another two people se- All three occupants of the vehicle were
riously injured. from the Wheatland County area. Scene of the vehicle collision that happened
At 4:13 a.m. on Oct. 18, Strathmore The adult male driver of the Porsche along Highway 1 in Strathmore, east of Spruce
RCMP, Fire Department and Emergency SUV was transported to hospital with Drive, during the early hours of Oct. 18 that left
Medical Services responded to a col- serious life-threatening injuries. two people dead and two injured. The crash hap- RESTAURANT OPEN
pened between a Porsche SUV (pictured) and a 12 noon to 8 p.m. Tuesday to Saturday
lision between a Ford Expedition and The names of the victims are not be-
Ford Expedition. Mario Prusina Photo
Porsche SUV on Highway 1, east of ing released. for Dine In, Take Out and Delivery
Spruce Drive. Investigation by Strathmore RCMP to the scene.
The 59-year-old female driver of the and a RCMP collision analyst is ongo- Anyone with information concerning
Expedition was transported to hos-
pital where she was declared dead. A
ing. Traffic was diverted for a hours
while emergency personnel responded
this incident should contact Strathmore
RCMP at 403-934-3968. UKRAINIAN
Infrastructure needs for Strathmore’s future discussed BUFFET
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
at key areas, including through the Or-
chard Park and Spruce Park areas south
for full adoption in November. As much
of this infrastructure will be funded by IS BACK
of Highway 1 and across Highway 1 to off-site levies, adjustments to the off-
The future growth of Strathmore will the fire hall. site levy bylaw will be subsequently Thursday to Saturday
require infrastructure upgrades, but Other upgrades in older parts of brought to council, citing these reports.
for now, the town’s systems are mostly town, such as the Lakeside Blvd. cor-
from 4 - 8 p.m.
meeting current needs. ridor, will be needed depending on the Available for takeout
The results of master servicing stud- speed of development in the commu-
ies (MSS) for the town’s water, sanitary nities feeding into this trunk, accord-
or dine in.
sewer, storm water and transportation ing to the report. The eastern trunk is Adults $15.99
systems completed over the last three
years were presented to Strathmore
newer, so it has the capacity to serve all Commercial | Farms Industrial | Investment Seniors $13.99
planned communities from which it will
town council at the Committee of the receive sewage. Bob Sheddy C0-Owner/Commercial Broker Teens 12-17 $13.99
Whole meeting on Oct. 14. These stud- Upgrades to the sanitary main trunk 403-324-2222 Kids 4-11 $9.99
ies, published about every five years, de- are estimated to cost $2.8 million, par- [email protected]
scribe the town’s infrastructure needs, tially funded through off-site levies, and Under 4 is free
both now and into the future. will be tracked in the capital project KaraLee Foat, MA Co-Owner/Broker
The studies help guide future develop- plan for the next two to five years. 587-390-0596 Retail Products available!
ment as well as infrastructure upgrades The last stormwater MSS was com- [email protected] Search: Dobre Food and Catering
to be performed by the town, explained pleted in 2002 with updates performed on Facebook for all our SPECIALS!
Ethan Wilson, Town of Strathmore proj- in 2006 and 2018. However, the 2018 403-983-2121
123 2nd Ave,
ect engineer. The last full update was update may require adjustment to Strathmore, AB 135 3rd Ave, Strathmore
provided in 2012, he said. match the requirements of the Coopera- 403-902-9963 or 403-870-6343
The water MSS was last completed in tive Stormwater Management Initiative to book events, make reservations, or for more info.
2012, prior to the completion of the East (CSMI) between Rocky View County,
Calgary Regional Water Line (ECRWL), Wheatland County, the Town of Ches-

which supplies the town’s water, and termere and the Town of Strathmore.
the Wildflower Reservoir, which stores Town staff are recommending the
it. The new report, completed in April construction of a new storm pond at


2020, assessed the town’s water system the southernmost point of the system.
under three scenarios: existing condi- This would consist of a main pond and
tions (13,515 residents), interim growth three smaller evaporation/infiltration
to 2052 (30,703 residents) and full ponds constructed on a quarter sec-
build-out (70,506). tion of town-owned land known as the
The assessment found that under “pivot fields”. The cost of this project,
these three scenarios, the existing water for which a geotechnical and dam break
system provides adequate pressure to study was performed in November
all areas for home use in town. How- 2018, will be about $7 million, funded
ever, there are a couple areas where fire through off-site levies.
pressures (higher pressures needed for The new stormwater pond would sup-
firefighting) are verging on being out- port additional development through-
side limits, said Wilson. out the east of Strathmore, said Wilson. CALL US @
Reservoir storage exceeds require-
ments by more than double. This means
The new Transportation Master Plan,
completed in September 2020, aban-
the Brentwood Reservoir, which is dons a proposed ring road system VISIT US @
“showing its age,” can be decommis-
sioned without requiring a new reser-
around Strathmore.
“We’re not a town that’s big enough STRATHMOREMOTORS.COM
voir being constructed over the short (to) need a ring road,” said Wilson.
term, said Wilson. “We’ve got our main corridors through
The interim growth phase would be town, especially the highways.”
helped by ultimately expanding capac- This transportation considered two
ity and upgrading the pumps at the 2049 scenarios: one incorporating Al-
Wildflower Reservoir, however. berta Transportation’s design for a po-
The ECRWL is projected to supply tential Highway 1 bypass around Strath-
the town with enough water until 2052. more, and one without it.
Then, the town will have to source ad- It was determined many intersections
ditional capacity or look into adding a could be improved with modifications
pump to the system to increase water to signal timing or signage, but that
supply. existing road capacities are well above
In total, it is estimated that the town’s current volume and short-term updates
water supply and storage system will are not required.
require about $40 million of upgrades Future growth will require investment
over the next 20 years. in roads, including the twinning of both
The town’s existing sanitary system Wheatland Trail and George Freeman
consists of a main trunk, a couple off- Trail, as well as a western arterial road,
branches and an eastern trunk to ser- located west of Wildflower and Lake-
vice The Ranch and all communities east wood Meadows, to accommodate addi-
of George Freeman Trail. The sanitary tional traffic.
MSS, produced in May 2017, focuses on The cost of these upgrades varies on
the main trunk system of the town.

timeframe, from a couple million over
The assessment concluded the exist- the next few years, to $40 million over
ing system is currently adequate, but 20 years, reported Wilson.
the main trunk will require upgrades The studies will be brought to council
Page 6 • Strathmore TIMES • October 23, 2020

Wheatland County turning to DUC to restore wetlands

SEAN FEAGAN fund. we should support proven and local
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter “What the province is saying is, ‘we’ve environmental protection efforts,” said
collected all this money, now we need Wilson.
Rather than performing wetland res- to put wetlands back on the landscape,’” By opting to work with DUC, the
toration on its own, Wheatland County explained Alyssa Robb, Wheatland county can spend less effort and fewer
will help bring wetlands back on the County’s environmental coordinator. ratepayer dollars to get the same re-
landscape by promoting the ongo- Involvement in the program would ward, added Robb.
ing work of Ducks Unlimited Canada require Wheatland County to sign a Between 2015 and 2020, DUC has
(DUC). memorandum of understanding (MOU) completed 13 restoration projects, rep-
Strathmore RCMP are reminding Under the Alberta Wetland Policy, with the province to demonstrate coun- resenting 247 hectares of wetlands re-
residents to Lock-It or Lost-It parties working near wetlands for such ty commitment to seeking wetland re- stored, throughout Wheatland County.
following several thefts activities as infrastructure construction placement opportunities, submit one This is a considerable amount com-
from vehicles. or maintenance, must first try to avoid application for a wetland replacement pared to the 244 hectares of wetlands
impacting them. If avoidance is not pos- per year and perform approved funded impacted throughout the entire Bow
- Locking your vehicle doors is a sible, impacts must be minimized. But if replacement work. River Basin (of which five hectares
quick and simple way to help the work must result in permanent loss There would still be costs to the coun- were impacted by the county) during
prevent this crime. of wetland area (e.g. infilling, drainage), ty, however – it would need to seek that same time period, she said.
- Hide loose change inside the and the party receives regulatory ap- and identify potential restoration or Throughout the province, the organi-
vehicle where it can’t easily be seen proval to do so, they are then respon- construction opportunities, and would zation restores about 900 acres (about
sible for wetland replacement. be responsible for advertisement and 365 hectares) of wetlands per year, said
and take all items of any value with Tracy Scott, DUC’s head of industry and
To replace the impacted wetland area, landowner consultation. Each proposal,
you when leaving your car. the working party is required to either requiring qualified consultants, would government relations for Alberta. “Our
- Never leave your vehicle perform the replacement themselves cost about $25,000, with approval not core business is wetland restoration,”
running unattended. (by restoring, enhancing or construct- guaranteed. Also, staff resources would he said.
ing wetlands) or pay compensation to be required for landowner agreements This restoration work is done in part-
Strathmore RCMP ask residents to a centralized, provincial fund used to and contract management through de- nership with private landowners and,
help do their part by ensuring their support the policy, including wetland sign, construction and a subsequent 10- increasingly, with rural municipalities.
property is properly locked. replacement. Paying into the fund is year required monitoring period. Awareness is spreading that wetlands
typically the more cost-effective option Wheatland County’s Agricultural Ser- provide benefits - known as environ-
and hence is selected by permit hold- vice Board (ASB) ultimately decided mental goods and services - beyond
1-800-222-TIPS ers more often. As a result, the fund has not to sign the MOU during its regular supplying wildlife habitat, said Scott.
been growing. meeting on Oct. 6. “Wetlands are not just duck habitat –
(1-800-222-8477) A priority of the Alberta Wetland Pol- The main issue with partnering with they are valuable, and society is really
icy is to replace wetlands in municipali- the government of Alberta is that it is beginning to understand that.”
ties and watersheds that have had the unclear whether the county’s returns Across southern Alberta, DUC has
highest amounts of wetland area and would match its required contributions found that one the largest benefits wet-
value since 2015, as well as areas with to the program, said ASB chair and Di- land restoration provides is flood at-
high historical wetland loss, according vision One Councillor Jason Montgom- tenuation, meaning they provide water
to the province. ery. “The municipalities in the north storage available during heavy runoff
403-934-5552 The provincial government has ap- that are in the program have trouble or rainfall events.
120 - 2nd Avenue, Strathmore proached such high-priority municipali- coming up with a significant amount of This has opened the eyes of munici-
ties, including Wheatland County, for it potential wetland restoration projects palities spending a considerable part
to become actively involved in wetland to make it worth it,” he said. of their budget maintaining built infra-
YOUR WEEKLY management through an initiative called Instead, Wheatland’s ASB voted to structure, particularly roads and bridg-
HEALTH ADVICE the Wetland Replacement Program promote the ongoing work of DUC es, he said. “If you have intact wetlands,
(WRP). Under this program, Alberta En- of restoring wetlands throughout the you are able to effectively protect that
vironment and Parks (AEP) will work county. “We believe that there are inde- built infrastructure from damage from
with municipalities to re-establish wet- pendent groups and organizations that flooding.”
Gord Morck lands using money from the provincial are doing a good job, and we believe Ultimately, having municipalities and

Pharmacist DUC working together is beneficial to

all the parties involved, added Scott.

Capsule Comments Municipalities can inform DUC about

potential opportunities for restoration.
Eating nuts can result in better cholesterol test
“As they’re out meeting landowners or

results. A few research studies showed that eating
about 2.5 ounces (about 70 grams) daily resulted in doing weed inspections or any of the
about a 7.4% lower LDL readings as well as about numerous things that municipalities
a 5% reduction in total cholesterol. The people in can do, they start to spot and identify
the study were not taking any cholesterol-lowering these opportunities,” he said.
This year, it’s especially important for
medications. Add some to your diet daily. Good
nuts include walnuts, almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts,
By working with DUC, they can also
pecans, pine nuts and pistachios. have a hand in selecting where restora-
The “R0” or R-naught in infectious disease-re-
porting is a method of determining how contagious
you to get a u shot. tion takes place. “If they have a section
of road that gets flooded on a regular
a disease is. The “R: refers to reproduction number basis, they can start to look at wheth-
and gives an idea of how many people to whom one
infected person will spread the disease. An R0 of 1
• ImmunizaƟon reduces your risk of er there are opportunities upstream
of that, which may include drained
means that one infected person will infect one other.
Measles has a R0 of 8…very infectious. Parents, illness, hospitalizaƟon, even death. wetlands that are contributing to that
ensure all your children are immunized.
Some people get more nosebleeds in winter. These
can be minimized by ensuring the humidity in your • Healthcare resources are freed up for Landowners are compensated for
having a DUC restoration performed on

the care of COVID-19 paƟents.

home is sufficient. Use a humidifier to add moisture. their property, which may include the
Nasal saline sprays and gels are useful in keeping creation of a conservation easement
the nasal passages moist. Try not to blow your nose
too hard and wipe it gently especially during a cold.
to protect the wetland into the future
Most paediatricians agree that those caffeine-con-
taining energy sports drinks are not recommended
Call 811 if you have symptoms of (while retaining ownership).
“Looking at the bottom line is a big
for use by children. For hydration purposes, water is
best. Also the caffeine in many energy drinks is not
COVID-19 or if you’ve had close contact part of farming – it’s a big business, it’s
an expensive business and it’s a high-
with a conrmed case.
needed and can pose health risks in young people risk business,” said Scott. “So, one of
including increased anxiety, heart rhythm abnormal- the things we’re doing is to help pro-
ities and gastrointestinal problems like diarrhea and
vide another revenue stream.”
If you’ve been tested and haven’t
But it also provides them an oppor-
Hours: tunity to become involved in land stew-
M-F: 9 - 7 pm • Sat: 9 - 6 pm
Sun & Holidays: 11 - 5 pm received results within 36 hours, please ardship, he added.
For landowners, working with DUC
Strathmore 132 - 2nd Ave. follow up with your family physician. is straightforward, said Russ Muench-
rath, Wheatland County’s manager of
agriculture and environment, who had
Ph: 403-934-3122 If you don’t have a family doctor, call a partially drained wetland on his prop-
erty restored. “It was just a really easy
us at 403-652-1654 or go online to
Fx: 403-934-6474
Get the latest new products, special
process,” he said. “It’s a matter of com-
ing to an agreement on price and then
savings, contests and more sent directly
to your email. Sign up today for the getting the payments. They did all the
Value Drug Mart E-letter.
work and contacted me the whole way
October 23, 2020 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 7

Wheatland fire departments

secure grain rescue training
and equipment
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter cil auger, which are essential in rescu-
ing a grain entrapment victim. The res-
Firefighters in Wheatland County will cue tube creates a barrier between the
be better able to respond to emergen- victim and the grain, while the auger
cies in grain silos, following a training extracts grain away from them.
course last Sunday. The training and equipment means
Wheatland County Fire Services took Wheatland Fire Services is ready to re-
part in BeGrainSafe, the Canadian Ag- spond to grain entrapment emergencies Challenge accepted
ricultural Safety Association’s (CASA) throughout the county, said Tom Jukes, Lucas (l-r), Aryn, and Denise Geremia awards
grain safety program. Through a two- Wheatland County deputy regional fire locals Emily, Kiana, and McKenna with three
day training program, Wheatland fire- chief. slurpees. As part of the Trash Tag Challenge,
fighters learned how to safely extract “It’s a high risk in the county – we Lucas and Aryn picked up 204 pieces of trash
near Strathmore Lakes. Following their good
a person trapped in grain, using a cof- have a lot of farmers – so we want to
deed, they offered slurpees to anyone who could
ferdam and auger. make sure that if there is an incident, best their number. The trio stepped up and were
To be able to respond to such a sce- our firefighters are ready and avail- awarded for their effort. Sean Feagan Photo
nario, CASA and Canadian grain compa- able,” he said. “We’re fortunate that we
ny G3 awarded grain rescue equipment are going to have the equipment and
to the county fire services, specifically a capabilities for that rescue.” Residential
Hand sanitizer recall lists grows Award Winning
SEAN FEAGAN turants, compounds added to discour-
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter age ingestion of the product, some of
which have not been approved for sale
While hand cleaning has been touted in Canada. Two unauthorized denatur-
as a fundamental part of stopping the ants have been found in hand sanitizers REALTY HORIZON
spread of COVID-19, over 100 hand sold in Canada: ethyl acetate, which may
sanitizer products have been recalled cause dry skin; and methanol, which
Alisa Wurz
due to potential health concerns. may cause dermatitis, eye and upper re- New place to play in Cluny (403) 934-7903

Hand sanitizers are products, often spiratory irritation and headaches. Wheatland Reeve Amber Link, Councillor Jason alisawurz@
alcohol-based, that are applied to the To date, 108 products have been af- Wilson, Brian Laprise of the Cluny Lions Club,
and John McArthur of the Cluny Hall Board, at
hands to kill pathogens, including bac- fected by these recalls, five of which
the Cluny playground on Oct. 19. The new play- Visit my Website to find your
teria and viruses. However, some of were just added on Oct. 13. For the full ground features three swings and a slide with a
these products contain ingredients not list of products, see the Health Canada DREAM HOME @
permitted by Health Canada or they Advisory RA-73385.
climbing incline, giving children a new place to
play in the hamlet. The structure cost $42,000,
lack proper labelling, resulting in their On the upside, there are many ap- funded through an anonymous donation, and
recall. proved products available. Currently, was made possible from community collabora-
To increase supply for ethanol for there are 4,654 products approved by tion and county assistance.
Sean Feagan Photo
Like Us on Facebook!
hand sanitizers, Health Canada allowed Health Canada. These include products
the temporary use of technical-grade based on compounds other than alco-
ethanol, which contains more impuri- hol, such as triclosan, which is primarily
ties than pharmaceutical- and food- antibacterial and less effective against
grade ethanol. Manufacturers must get viruses.
technical-grade ethanol from a Health Despite the widespread adoption and
Canada-authorized supplier – but some use of hand sanitizers during the CO-
have not been following this directive. VID-19 pandemic, no hand sanitizers in
Manufacturers using technical-grade Canada have been approved with CO-
ethanol must also include a risk state- VID-19 related claims, according to the
ment on their product, which must dis- federal government.
close its presence and discourage its Hand cleaning remains central to pre-
use on broken or damaged skin or by venting the transmission of COVID-19,
women who are pregnant or breast- and hand washing using soap and wa-
feeding, among other information. ter for 20 seconds is the recommended
Some hand sanitizers include dena- best practice.

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Page 8 • Strathmore TIMES • October 23, 2020

Province announces cuts to AHS

SEAN FEAGAN Minister Tyler Shandro. The cuts will re- of the fiscal year, according to the re- reviewed for outsourcing in 2022 and
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter sult in the loss of about 9,700 positions, lease. 2023.
resulting in $600 million of yearly sav- The province will outsource laundry In total, outsourcing will result in AHS
The province has announced cuts to ings, according to a government press services and community lab services, cutting 4,000 housekeeping jobs, 3,000
Alberta Health Services that will result release. first announced in 2019. To date, 68 and food service jobs, 2,000 laboratory jobs
in the termination of management po- No job losses for nurses or other 70 per cent of these services, respective- and 400 laundry jobs. The Times con-
sitions and the privatization of laundry front-line clinical staff are anticipated, ly, are already provided by the private tacted the Ministry of Health to deter-
and lab services. said Shandro. sector, according to the release. Addi- mine how many positions in Strathmore
The cuts, made in response to recom- Included in the cuts are a minimum tionally, the provision of environmental will be affected by these cuts, but no
mendations from a provincial health of 100 management positions. Addition- and food preparation services will be response was provided by deadline.
review conducted by Ernst and Young, ally, a full review of senior AHS execu-
were announced on Oct. 13 by Health

Federal business
tives will be completed before the end


supports may expand

SEAN FEAGAN has supported over 130,000 businesses
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter across the nation.
An extension of the Canada Emer-
With some small businesses still strug- gency Wage Subsidy to Dec. 19, 2020 is
gling due to the COVID-19 pandemic, also being considered. This would keep
the federal government has announced employees on the payroll and encour-
plans for new or extended targeted sup- age employers to rehire workers. Since
ports. launching, over 3.7 million Canadians
The Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy have had their jobs supported through
would provide rent and mortgage sup- this program, with more than $41 mil-
port until June 2021 for qualifying or- lion paid out in subsidies as of Oct. 4,
ganizations, including businesses, chari- 2020.
ties and nonprofits. It would subsidize a The Canada Emergency Business Ac-
percentage of expenses, up to a maxi- count (CEBA) provides interest-free
mum of 65 per cent eligible expenses to loans to eligible businesses and not-
Dec. 19, 2020, with organizations being for-profits up to $20,000 – in addition
able to make claims retroactively for be- to the original CEBA loan of $40,000.
tween Sept. 27 and Oct. 24, according to If repaid by Dec. 31, 2020, a total of
a government press release. $20,000 would be forgiven. The funding
Organizations temporarily shut down is eligible to small businesses that have
by a mandatory public health order experienced lowered revenues due to
could receive a top-up Canada Emer- COVID-19, but still face costs such as
gency Rent Subsidy of 25 per cent, in rent, utilities, insurance, taxes and em-
addition to this 65 per cent subsidy. ployment costs.
This program replaces the Canada Over 765,000 CEBA loans have been
Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance approved as of early October, repre-
20104KA0 (CECRA) for small businesses, which senting more than $30 billion.


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October 23, 2020 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 9

Welcome to fall

LEELA SHARON AHEER Obituary Obituary

Chestermere-Strathmore MLA
I hope you had a safe weekend navigating that March 22, 1930 ~ October 3, 2020 Floyd Alvin
forgotten white stuff that comes from the sky Anne was born in 1930 and spent her youth in the Gleichen, Alberta area. She be- July 30, 1956
and wreaks havoc on the wonderful citizens of gan school in a one-room schoolhouse (Shamrock), attended high school in Cluny, ~ October 8, 2020
this province. Welcome to winter and to snow — and then SAIT in Calgary. Floyd Wheeler passed away at his home in Namaka,
ugh! Truthfully, I feel so lucky that we had the From a very young age, Anne could usually be found in the presence of horses -- at age four, Alberta on October 8, 2020. He is survived by his sib-
extended summer that we did, and I suppose I unbeknownst to her family, she rode alone and bareback on “Colty” with a makeshift binder twine lings: Ron (Marlene) Wheeler, Larry (Sharon) Wheeler,
halter, to visit her aunt three miles away (where she was then promptly sent home!) Greg Wheeler, and Marilyn Lockwood (Barry). He was
should not complain given the beautiful fall we Anne met the love of her life, Ken, while they were both vying to purchase the same horse (Graydon
just enjoyed! predeceased by his wife of 31 years, Joyce in 2017,
Power). They decided to get married and share the horse, thus starting their lifelong career of his parents Ray and Lorina Wheeler in 1995, and his
Did you know that Jasper – right here in Al- training and racing Thoroughbreds. To make ends meet, Anne raced their horses in bush races. oldest brother Dwaine in 2009. Floyd worked for City
berta – is a Dark Sky Preserve? I love looking at WWII created a shortage of jockeys who were needed overseas, which opened the door for Anne of Calgary for many years in Sanitation, and Streets
the stars on a clear night and seeking out the Big to become Alberta’s first licensed female jockey on the “A” Circuit (Thoroughbreds only). Anne and Roads divisions, retiring in 2012. He enjoyed rid-
Dipper (or Ursa Major), the Little Dipper, which ultimately won the Millarville Jubilee Plate at Millarville in 1955. In her “spare” time, Anne pursued ing his motorcycle and loved classic cars. Donations
contains the North Star (Polaris), Orion’s Belt, her artistic talents by writing, oil painting and creating bronze sculptures. can be made to Heart and Stoke Foundation or Al-
or if we are really lucky some dancing northern Anne is survived by her sister Betsy of Arrowwood, daughter-in-law Vicky, grandsons Graydon and zheimer Society of Calgary. There will be a memorial
Darby of Saskatoon, and granddaughter Jeannine of North Dakota, as well as nieces and nephews. at a later date due to COVID-19. To express condo-
lights. In October, Jasper celebrates the night sky She was predeceased by her husband Ken and son Jody, her brothers Jack, Kenny and Bunny,
during the Annual Dark Sky Festival. It is the sec- lences, please visit:
and her sister Lucille.
ond largest Dark Sky Preserve in the world. A A graveside service was held at the Nanton Cemetery in Nanton, Alberta on Saturday, October 10,
Dark Sky Preserve is a location that works really 2020 at 10:30 AM. Masks and social distancing must be observed. Due to Covid restrictions, a
hard to keep light pollution to a minimum to re- lunch reception will occur at a later date.
ally see and appreciate the night sky. If you are If friends so desire, donations in Anne’s honour may be made to “Keep On Keepin’ On Memorial
Race”. For details contact Marsha Willard, P.O. Box 129, Milo, AB, T0L 1L0, ph: 403-
an amateur astronomer, love camping or hiking,
850-6531 (charitable receipts not available). GET UP TO $50,000 from the HIP/KNEE REPLACEMENT.
and want to do some serious star gazing, this is Other medical conditions
To watch the graveside service, send condolences and view Anne’s Tribute Page please Government of Canada. Do
a sure bet. We are all staying fairly close to home you or someone you know causing TROUBLE WALK-
visit . Caring for the family is Lyle Reeves Funerals of High River
these days, and this is a wonderful way to see this (Craig Snodgrass) 403.652.4242. have any of these condi- ING or DRESSING? The Dis-
amazing province of ours, shop local and contrib- tions? ADHD, Anxiety, Arthri- ability Tax Credit allows for
ute to our local economies. tis, Asthma, Cancer, COPD, $3,000 yearly tax credit and
Depression, Diabetes, Diffi- $30,000 lump sum refund.
If you go down Highway 93 – the Banff-Wind-
ermere Parkway – you will be travelling on one Obituary culty Walking, Fibromyalgia,
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First Nations worked together with “the greatest FRYK, Metro dreds more.  All Ages & Med- 1-844-453-5372.
land geographer that ever lived” – David Thomp- December 12, 1938 (Thorsby, AB) ~ October 18, 2020 ical Conditions Qualify. Have
Metro Fryk, beloved husband of Flo (nee Beynon) of 55 years, passed away peace- a child under 18 instantly CRIMINAL RECORD? Why
son – during the fur trade when this part of the suffer employment/licensing
fully on Sunday, October 18, 2020 at the age of 81 years. receive more money. CALL
world was being surveyed by European settlers. THE BENEFITS PROGRAM loss? Travel/business oppor-
Metro worked in and around the Alberta area, then started Metro Machine Works
David Thompson was enthralled by the First Na- 1-(800)-211-3550 or Send tunities? Be embarrassed?
with Flo by his side in 1983 in Calgary. Repairing and manufacturing components for the Oil and
tion culture, their heritage and the distinct na- Gas Industry, as a Heavy-Duty Mechanic and Machinist.
a Text Message with Your Think: Criminal Pardon. US
ture of their communities. Together they worked, Name and Mailing Address to entry waiver. Record purge.
In everything he did, he worked hard, played hard, and slept fast. Not wanting anything to go to File destruction. Free con-
surveyed and helped to understand the topog- 403-980-3605 for your FREE
waste he gathered (with permission) all the crab apples around the resort to have Flo make into 20 benefits package. sultation. 1-800-347-2540.
raphy that would become the “wonder trail” as pies. He was proud of his manicured lawn around their cabin at Hidden Valley Golf Resort, until the
described by Arthur Oliver Wheeler who was the first flood in 2005. After renovating the cabin and lovingly restoring his lawn, you would always be
main surveyor of Highway 93 which was to be treated to a “performance” of Johnny Cash or a game of crib, until the final flood of 2013 washed GET YOUR GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad
world renowned. American visitors to our prov- everything away. CLASSIFIED credit? Bills? Unemployed?
ince would come just to drive Highway 93 when Metro is survived by his loving wife Flo; children Carolyn (Garth) Praestegaard, Sharene Macsymic, ADS IN Need Money? We Lend! If
and Lawrence (Donna Hreys) Fryk; grandchildren Dayna (Eric Kruse) Praestegaard, Austin Prae- you own your own home -
it opened in 1941. This road was built during the THE you qualify. Pioneer Accep-
stegaard, Matthew (Kelly) Macsymic, Vicky Macsymic, Pam (John) Martin, and Ben (Lyta Sarasith)
Great Depression to get folks back to work in Humphreys; great-grandchildren Avery Kruse, James Leong, Caitland Hreys, and Naveena Sara- TIMES! tance Corp. Member BBB.
1931, and in fact employed more than 2,000 folks sith; and siblings Fred and Leo (Joan) and sister-in-law June. He was predeceased by his first wife Call 1-877-987-1420. www.pio-
at that time. The road was built by hand, pickaxe Sharon Nystrom; parents Dmytro and Paraska (Pearl); and siblings Bill, Alex, Nick, Annie, Mervyn, 403-934-5589
and shovel, and at that time unemployment was Mike, Benny, and George.
around 30 per cent. It took 10 years to build! Metro’s family would like to express their heartfelt thanks and gratitude for all the thoughtful ex- THANK YOU
This week at the Legislature pressions of love and kindness by relatives and friends during their time of loss and bereavement.
Alberta’s government is partnering with Shad A private Celebration of Life will be held on Friday, October 23, 2020 at Hope Community Covenant hThank You g
Church (245 Brent Blvd. Strathmore, Alberta) at 2:00 p.m., by invitation only. We, the family of Romayne Gregory, thank everyone
Canada to create more opportunities for Grades
To send condolences or watch the live stream of the Celebration of Life, please visit Metro’s obitu- for their many expressions of condolences during our
10 and 11 students to take part in a Science, Tech- ary at recent loss, be they phone calls, texts or cards.
nology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM), and
Each and everyone was greatly appreciated.
entrepreneurship summer program. Through a Thank you also for the gifts of flowers, baking and the
four-year funding partnership, Shad Canada will many masses said for him.
expand recruiting to more high schools and pro- We truly thank Dr Senzani and the wonderful staff at
vide bursaries to more female, Indigenous, and
low-income students, as well as those who live Obituary Strathmore Hospital for the care and compassion shown
to Romayne during his stay in hospital, Father Silvano
Vargas for his guidance and the Wheatland Funeral
in remote or rural areas. During the month-long
program, 1,000 high school students across the GLIONNA, Neil Home for their kindness and support.
Forever grateful, Barb Gregory and Family
country participate in seminars, labs and hands- January 26, 1955 ~ October 10, 2020
on learning. Today’s students are the future driv- Neil Francis Glionna, of Redcliff, passed away at the Foothills Hospital in Calgary
ers of Alberta’s economy. The partnership with while surrounded by his loved ones on Saturday, October 10, 2020, at the age of
Shad Canada will empower more high school stu- 65 years following a courageous battle with MDS. Neil was born on January 26,
dents from all walks of life to explore their pas- 1955, to Edmund and Catherine Glionna in Toronto, ON. After completing high school and hanging Notice of Bankruptcy and
sions and develop their potential. up his football equipment, Neil ventured west to Alberta. As a young adult he quickly learned that First Meeting of Creditors
Did you know that our government is investing he possessed a natural ability for sales as his career and family flourished, he became a proud
father of two children, Jamie and Krystle. While working as a salesman for Classy Imports, Neil In the matter of the bankruptcy of Colin
$10 million from the industry-funded Technology Richard Moore. Notice is hereby given that
met Suzanne Secours and after 15 years of friendship they fell in love. They decided to unite
Innovation and Emissions Reduction (TIER) fund their families and were married in Strathmore on Oct 17, 2003. This was the beginning of many the bankruptcy of Colin Richard Moore,
to support construction of Lacombe Biorefinery? adventures together. Neil was a selfless provider for his family and was happiest making others unemployed, of 35 Muirfield Close, Lyalta,
A new, innovative facility that support up to 80 smile. His big heart was felt by all including his numerous customers and dozens of young athletes AB T0J 1Y1 occurred on the October 19, 2020
construction jobs and about 25 full-time jobs in he mentored while managing the UFA Bisons hockey team. Neil loved the game and loved to win. and Barry Nykyforuk and Associates Inc. was
Lacombe and Calgary. The Lacombe Biorefinery He stood for hard work, dedication and kindness. Neil was always armed with a fresh joke or appointed as the Licensed Insolvency Trustee.
quick come back and when the situation warranted, he would listen and share his wisdom. Neil The first meeting of creditors will be held via
will be the first facility in the world to produce
tackled all problems with a “MacGyver” ingenuity, humour and a positive attitude even during his teleconferencing on the November 6, 2020
natural gas using BioRefinex thermal hydrolysis at 9:30AM, at 403-232-6220.
final battle. He was the most loving father, spouse and grandfather a family could ask for. Neil is
technology. Alberta is becoming a hub for proj-
survived by his loving wife, Suzanne Glionna; his children, Jamie and Krystle Glionna; stepchildren,
ects that process waste while creating more value Danny (Crystal) Picard and Heather (Rick) Armstrong; grandchildren, Hope, Hanna, Rylee, Keythan,
for key industries like livestock and farming, and Notice of Bankruptcy and
Davin (Brooke), Erica, Kian, Reid and Seth; great-grandchild, Bellamy; siblings, Donald (Estelle)
substantially reduce emissions. The Biorefinery is Glionna, Judy (Bernie) Owen, Paul (Jean) Glionna and Cecilia Parker as well as numerous nieces, First Meeting of Creditors
one of many projects Alberta’s government is sup- nephews and cousins. He was predeceased by his mother, Catherine; father, Edmund and his In the matter of the bankruptcy of Sherry
porting through the TIER program that cement brother, Peter. If friends so desire, memorial donations may be made in Neil’s name to the Alberta Lynne Moore. Notice is hereby given that the
our commitment to diversification while creating Cancer Foundation, #710, 10123 - 99 Street N.W., Edmonton, Alberta. T5J 3H1, 1-866-412-4222 bankruptcy of Sherry Lynne Moore, Medical
good jobs when Albertans need them most. or by email at funds to Bone Marrow Clinic. Due to Covid-19, a private Office Assistant, of 35 Muirfield Close, Lyalta,
family funeral service and reception for Neil will be celebrated at Cook Southland Funeral Chapel, AB T0J 1Y1 occurred on the October 19, 2020
Interested in giving your opinion on govern-
901 - 13 Street S.W., Medicine Hat, on October 23, 2020, at 2:00 p.m. Those wishing to watch the and Barry Nykyforuk and Associates Inc. was
ment spending priorities – as well as ideas about service via the live stream are encouraged to visit and click the view broadcast button on the home
where to look for savings and strengthen the appointed as the Licensed Insolvency Trustee.
page at service time. (Condolences may be expressed by visiting our website at www.cooksouth- The first meeting of creditors will be held via
economy? Be sure to complete the online survey Honoured to serve the family is Cook Southland Funeral Chapel, 901 - 13 Street S.W., teleconferencing on the November 6, 2020
at Medicine Hat, Alberta T1A 4V4. Toll free 1-877-528-6455. at 10:30AM, at 403-232-6220.
As always, we love to hear from you!
Page 10 • Strathmore TIMES • October 23, 2020

WORK! Roadex Services re-
quires O/O 1 tons for our RV
quired Immediately for
weekly newspaper under the
-Red Seal Carpenters -Third General Farm
Local Journalism Initiative. and fourth year apprentices
Labourer (s) Seasonal
division to haul RVs through-
out North America. Border Must be willing to relocate to -Experienced Carpenter’s
Swan Hills, AB. Send resume helpers. If you are interested 1442578 Alberta Ltd.
crossing required with valid
passport & clean criminal to [email protected]. in this great career oppor- Duties: General farm maintenance,
record; we offer benefits and tunity, please send your re-
We’re Open and Accepting Clients! - GET YOUR sume at [email protected] or call
Fencing, Cleaning stable, barns
fuel cards with substantial
Space available discounts. Apply online @ CLASSIFIED ADS IN! us at 250-230-5498.
and pens and more
No experience or education
Strathmore, AB. 403-934-5294 for newborn to 12. Location is 20 minutes south of Strathmore
Alberta’s only licensed and Subsidy available. or for more information, call
Wage range: $15.00 - $18.50 / Hour
- 1-800-867-6233 xtn 481. Strathmore Station Hours: 36 to 55/week
approved Locally Owned Please call Restaurant & Pub Benefits available
Residential Memory Care Home 380 Ridge Road
since 2000
(403) 934-5139 GET YOUR
Shared accommodations may be available
THE TIMES! Please send resume to:
Is Hiring: 403-934-5589 1442578 Alberta Ltd.
HELP WANTED 1 Permanent, Full Time,
Box 2325 Strathmore, AB T1P 1K3
to start ASAP
Call: 403-934-4331 • Fax: 403-934-6668

Join Us For
Cattle Herdsperson FOOD SERVICE [email protected]
1442578 Alberta Ltd.
Duties: Monitor the health and welfare of our SUPERVISOR
Business After ...
cattle, administer treatment, sort and load cattle,
wean calves and assist with general farm duties,
Operate and maintain farm machinery and
$15 Hourly, for 40.00 Hours per week
Experience: of 2 to 3 years required
"ConnectsMore" equipment. Horse riding is a must. Skills: Ability to supervise and co-ordinate the
2 to 3 years of experience and education activities of 5-10 kitchen and food service helpers
and food service servers while ensuring great Strathmore Station
October 28th Location: is 20 minutes south of Strathmore
food service and quality control of foods. Culinary Restaurant & Pub
5:00 - 6:00 pm Wage range: $15.00 - $17.50 / Hour
knowledge required. Will be responsible to train 380 Ridge Road
Upstairs at The Station Hours: 36 to 55/week staff in job duties, sanitation, and safety procedures Strathmore AB
Your host this month is Permanent full time. Benefits available and ensure that those duties and procedures are
SWCC Executive Director Shawn Kisling Is Hiring:
Shared accommodations followed. Must possess great oral communication,
May be available
1 Full Time, Permanent
excellent problem solving skills, and organized job

$5 includes a drink ticket Please send resume to: task planning abilities. Candidate to have excellent
ALL businesses WELCOME
1442578 Alberta Ltd. client focus attitude and address customer concerns
Meet Your SWCC directors & and complaints. Required to maintain records for
come to chat, learn, share & just connect Box 2325 Strathmore, AB T1P 1K3
stock, repairs, sales, wastage, and some scheduling.
Call: 403-934-4331 • Fax: 403-934-6668
This is a recurring event the last Thursday of every month Candidate to have the ability to work well with others $15 Hourly, for 40 Hours per week,
[email protected] in a fast-paced environment while under pressure.
to start ASAP
3” wide version Standing and/or walking for extended periods.
Experience: 2-3 years required
Speak, Read, Write English

Like Us on Facebook!
3.75” wide version How to Apply: By mail,
in person between 11:00 and 17:00, or
Skills: Prep and cook full course meals and individual
dishes. Ensure quality of food and determine
size of food proportions, plan menus, food costs,
3” wide version 3.75”email:
wide version
[email protected] monitor and order supplies. Inspect and clean
kitchen and food service areas. Adhere to policies
D REWARD OFFERED and procedures in preparation, cooking and safe
handling of food and train and supervise staff in
Join us forPickers
Canadian Regional Meetings Join us for Regional Meetings same. Work with specialized cooking equipment
(deep fryer, etc.) and work with minimal supervision.
are 17-26, 2020
currently touring November 17-26, 2020 Organized job task planning abilities, flexibility,

$ the local
$ meetings
$ All area
will be held
in person$from$ 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
with an online option available.
All meetings will be held in person from 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. reliability, initiative, significant use of memory, and
paying attention to details is also required skills.

with an online option available.
paying for
Organizations Organizations
Also, must have the ability to work well with others
in a fast-paced environment while under pressure.
all Location Silver
& Regions Venue Date Location & Regions Venue Standing and/or walking for extended periods, some
lifting. Must Speak, Read, Write fluent English
AWC & ABC CaHotel
nadian AWC & ABC
n For a 2020
Nov 17, Free InLethbridge
Home Appraisal
Region 1 The Coast
Nov 17, 2020 Lethbridge Region 1 The Coast Hotel
How to Apply: By mail,
call AMY 778-257-8647
AWC & ABC AWC & ABC in person between 11:00 and 17:00, or
Nov 18, 2020
wide version
Region 2
Strathmore Civic Centre
since 1967 Nov 18, 2020 Strathmore Region 2 Strathmore Civic Centre
email: [email protected]
AWC & ABC Bowden Community AWC & ABC
Nov 19, 2020 Bowden Nov 19, 2020 Bowden Bowden Community Hall
Region 3 Hall Region 3

Nov 23, 2020 Bonnyville open

Region 4
Bonnyville Centennial
Centre Nov 23, 2020 Bonnyville AWC & ABC
Region 4
Bonnyville Centennial
Manderley Turf Products Inc.
255041 Twp Rd 234

Nov 24, 2020 Westlock essential

Region 5 Westlock Inn Nov 24, 2020 Westlock AWC & ABC
Region 5 Westlock Inn
Wheatland County, AB
Looking for:
Nov 26, 2020 Rycroft united
AWC Region 5 &
ABC Region 6 Rycroft Ag Centre Nov 26, 2020 Rycroft AWC Region 5 &
ABC Region 6 Rycroft Ag Centre
1.800.265.9111 |
1.800.265.9111 LABOURERS
Seasonal, Full-Time Work
4 Vacancies
Visit Job Length is 4-6 Months
Wage is $16/hr

Benefits include:
4% Vacation Pay per payperiod.
Medical Insurance provided.
Duties include:

Canadian Prairie Pickers

• Operation of tractors to mow grass,
cultivate and seed fields.
• Harvesting sod.
are once again touring the area! • Equipment Maintenance.
• Irrigation work, moving irrigation systems,
Paying Cash For Coin Collections, set up and take down.
• Yard Maintenance.
Silver & Gold Coins, • Pallet Repairs.
Royal Can. Mint Sets. • Lots of repetitive tasks, handling heavy
loads, physically demanding. Attention
Also Buying Gold Jewelry to detail, sitting, standing, walking, bending,
crouching and kneeling.
$ $
$ We purchase rolls, bags
or boxes of silver coins $
$ $
Expected start date April 5 - Oct. 31, 2021.

PAYING HIGHEST PRICES Apply by mail or email only.

Mailing address: 55403 Range Road,
To arrange a free, discrete in-home visit 222 Sturgeon County, AB. TOA 1N1
Email address:
call Kellie at 1-778-257-8647 [email protected]
Bonded since 1967
October 23, 2020 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 11

bdrm. ½ month rent free is selling 6 project lands in Green, Heated or Spring- with a classified ad. Only
with a six month lease. Heat its Revolving Land Conser- thrashed Canola. Buying: $269 (based on 25 words
& water included. No pets. vation program in Beaver, oats, barley, wheat & peas or less). Reach 89 weekly
Please call for availability.
Call Keli 403-324-2944.
Camrose and Minburn coun-
ties. Call Brent Thygesen,
for feed. Buying damaged
or offgrade grain. “On Farm
newspapers. Call NOW for
details. 1-800-282-6903 Ext
FB Boersema & Partners Ltd.
Designers and Builders of Energy Efficient Homes

[email protected] or Pickup” Westcan Feed & 225;
780 678-0150. Grain, 1-877-250-5252.
“Let us put YOUR thoughts on paper
Apartments for Rent
RENTALS FOR SALE ANNOUNCEMENT and build it to your satisfaction.”


3 Bedroom Condos 3 BDRM double-wide on DO YOU NEED TO TELL Certified I.C.F. Installers
for Rent acreage. 10 min South
average $50. Installation
403-651-4637 [email protected] Prairie Home Roofing Ltd.
- of Strathmore. Room for RIGHT NOW and would like
ONLY $19. Includes: hole
2 Storey, 3 Bedroom horses. $950/mo + power. augered. Wurzel Dip enzyme
this message seen across
Get the job done right the FIRST time!
Units downtown Gas included. Call 403-888- injection, bark mulch ap-
Alberta. The Blanket Clas- Serving the Foothills since ‘78. PrairieHome
Prairie HomeRoofing
8053. sifieds or Value Ads reach
- plication, staking. Minimum Residential Roofing • Roof Repair
order 20. One-time fuel
over 600,000 Alberta read- Residential
Get thejob
the job done
done right
Roofing •
•theRoof Repair
Siding time!
1&2 Bedroom Units ers weekly. For as little as GENERAL CONTRACTORS
Metal& Fascia
Roofing • Siding
QUIET CRYSTAL RIDGE COVE: charge: $125-150. Crystal Soffit • Eavestrough
in adult only building $269.00 + GST for a blan-
Upper floor, 2 BDRM Apt. Springs. 403-820-0961. ResidentialRoofing
Residential Roofing••Roof
- Soffit & Fascia •••Eavestrough
Handy Kinda Guy
ket classified or $995 for a
Tenants pay all utilities
W/D. NP/NS. $900/mo + Quality guaranteed.
Value Ad, get your message Metal Calgary
Roofing 403-796-5381
Prairie Home Roofing Ltd.
$900 S.D. Utilities not incl.
Soffit Fascia 403-901-7484
•• Eavestrough
Strathmore Eavestrough

Call 403-934-4769. out! Business changes, the
For more information Get the job done right the FIRST time!
please call RENTALS need for staff, items for sale,
cancellations, Tenders. As • Painting • Plumbing
[email protected]
Calgary 403-796-5381
Residential Roofing • Roof Repair
Metal Roofing • Siding

STRATHMORE people are increasingly stay- • Small Renovations 403-901-7484

Soffit & Fascia • Eavestrough

HOMES LTD SHOP SPACE for Lease ing home, they will rely on
this information even more
• Decks & Fences FREE ESTIMATES Calgary 403-796-5381
[email protected]
[email protected]
Strathmore 403-901-7484

• Bathrooms
Nancy Up to 5,500 sq. ft. to stay informed in your area
[email protected]

@ 403-934-5687 ------- and across the province.

KEEP people in the loop.
1 Bay - 2,500 sq. ft.
EMERALD 2nd Bay - 3,000 sq. ft.
Our 89 Weekly Community
Newspapers can help. Call
& REALTY LTD. Will rent separately. this newspaper NOW or
email classifieds@awna.
Call BOB 403-861-7822 www.
$10/sq. ft - Taxes incl., com for details. 1-800-282-
Utilities extra 6903, 780-434-8746 X225. GENERAL CONTRACTORS
1 & 2 bedroom -------
bungalow, bi-lvl
& 2 stry units with
Strathmore 403-560-0002
All Decked Out AB BRO-TECH
parking, some
fully renovated General Contracting • Hotwater Tanks
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Talk to your local CIBC Mobile Mortgage Advisor today: Bill Evans 403-901-8875 [email protected]
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McNeill’s Inc.
McNeill’s Inc.
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“Everything you need to turn raw land into your home”


APPLIANCE REPAIR SPECIALIST Dennis McNeill - Master Electrician Ace Custom
SERVICING MOST Dennis 403-934-7249
Repair, Build & Upholstery
MAKES AND MODELS 403-934-7249
[email protected] Specializing in: Strathmore AB
[email protected]
Strathmore, Alberta
Ryan Mack • Tractor & Combine Repairs • Furniture
& DUCT Alberta
CLEANING • Acreage Equipment • R.V. Interiors
Red Seal Journeyman
403-324-8750 • Lawn & Garden • Golf Cart, Bike, ATV,
Snowmobile Seats & Boat Interiors
[email protected] From “General Maintenance” • Equipment and Vehicle Fronts
to “Major Overhauls”
Shop located 10 minutes east of Strathmore For more information
Call Debi 403-901-0342
ELECTRICAL Murray or Text 403-324-7710
403-540-8264 403-934-2675
Proudly Serving Wheatland County and Area Since 1988 WATER WELL DRILLING
Farm & Yard - Bucket Truck Service FURNACE & DUCT CLEANING MECHANICAL Iron Filtration Services | Water Softeners
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Mobile Licensed
Phone: 403-934-7188 THE CARPET COP Heavy Duty Mechanic
Email: [email protected] Kelly Camden 403.991.6192 Ty Schneider 403.875.7013

Serving Southern Alberta Since 1999 [email protected]
[email protected] 403-934-4271
Page 12 • Strathmore TIMES • October 23, 2020

Upcoming Meetings Wheatland County

Assessment Review Board
Until further notice, Council and committee meetings
will be held via teleconference, including: Wheatland County Assessment Review Board (ARB) is
an independent and impartial tribunal that hears and
November 10: Council Meeting adjudicates formal complaints against the assessments of
November 17: MPC Meeting any property, business or local improvement in Wheatland
December 1: Council Meeting County. Candidates must have good analytical skills, the
December 8: MPC Meeting ability to be fair and open-minded, and a capacity to work
collaboratively with stakeholders, the General Chair, other
- 2020 Agenda packages can be found on our website.
ARB members and staff.
If you require more information, please contact the
Please be advised, that the Wheatland County Administration Office re-opened to the public on July 6, 2020. Wheatland County Assessment Review Board Clerk, Cindy
In adherence with Alberta Health Services’ recommendations, front office staff will limit the number of visitors in Ramsay, at (403) 934-3321. Please forward letters of interest
the front lobby to upkeep the health and safety of everyone in the building. Office hours will remain the same, to [email protected] prior to December 15,
Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., with the exception of statutory holidays. The Public Works and ASB
shops will remain closed to the public for the foreseeable future.

2020 General and Annual Property

Assessment Inspections
Wheatland County Assessment Services will be performing the 2020 general property assessment inspection for the majority of improved parcels located in
Ranges 17 to 20 (easterly portion of the County and along highway 56). The purpose of these inspections is to update property assessment information.
Assessment staff will also be performing the 2020 annual property assessment inspection throughout the entire County. The purpose of these annual inspections
is to gather information on new or incomplete buildings constructed in prior years.
Both inspections will require taking digital exterior photographs and may require measuring of buildings. Due to COVID 19, Assessment Services will try to perform
most inspections visually from the road, but occasionally may require an onsite inspection. If required, a call back card will be placed on the main entrance door of
the residence or another conspicuous location. The inspections will occur during September, October and November of 2020.
All assessors carry personal identification, wear a high visibility vest and the vehicle entering the yard site will be clearly marked with a Wheatland County logo.
Assessors will be adhering to all safety procedures.
Assessment Services is striving to prepare and maintain a fair and equitable property assessment base and would like to thank residents in advance for their
cooperation during the 2020 assessment inspections.
Should concerns arise during these inspections, please contact the Senior Assessor at 403-361-2009 or [email protected].

Canadian Navigable Waters Act

FortisAlberta Inc. hereby gives notice that an application has been
made to the Minister of Transport, pursuant to the Canadian Nav-
igable Waters Act for approval of the work described herein and its
site and plans.

Pursuant to paragraph 7(2) of the said Act, FortisAlberta Inc. has

deposited with the Minister of Transport, on the on-line Navigable
Waters Registry ( and under registry number
1967 or, under the NPP File Number 2020-603101 a description of
the following work, its site and plans:
• Aerial Cable

Salvaging existing overhead powerline crossing over Bow River

located West of Highway 24 at Southwest of Carseland, Alberta. Ex-
isting Overhead crossing is located in between LSD: 11-23-21-26-4
and 7-23-21-26-4. GPS Points for Existing Overhead Cable Cross-
ing Location - 50°47’51.9”N 113°30’06.5”W.

Comments regarding the effect of this work on marine navigation

can be sent through the Common Project Search site mentioned
above under the Comment section (search by the above referenced
number) or if you do not have access to the internet, by sending
your comments directly to:
Transport Canada
344 Edmonton Street
Winnipeg MB
R3C 0P6

However, comments will be considered only if they are in writing

(electronic means preferable) and are received not later than 30
days after the publication of the last notice. Although all comments
conforming to the above will be considered, no individual response
will be sent.

Posted at Wheatland County, Alberta this 9 day of October, 2020

Address: 242006 Range Rd 243 Phone: 403-934-3321 Mail: Hwy 1 RR 1, Strathmore, AB, T1P 1J6 Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

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