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MN70 MN47 SN55.5 SN12.23 AN4.36 MN118 AN3.

90 DN1
The Arising of Transcendent The (Six)
Path to Stream The Three 13 Factors of Awareness
7 Disciple Types Gradual Path Ushakable Faith (Fruit Dependent Realms and Mindfulness of Breathing
Entry Trainings (Jhāna*)
of Stream Entry) Origination Not
[7] the striver after faith suffering (demon, ghost, x
x titan, animal)
I approached the Blessed human [1] With recollection (sati), he breathes in; with 1. viveka - separated from
Association with
faith One in order to hear the faith recollection (sati) he breathes out. desire for five sense stimulus
people of integrity
[6] the striver after draws close Dhamma. [2] Breathing in/out long, he discerns that he is and unwholesome states of
Dhamma sits nearby breathing in/out long. Or breathing in/out short, mind
lends an ear he discerns that he is breathing in/out short.
hears Dhamma The Blessed One taught [3] He trains himself to breathe in/out sensitive
remembers me the Dhamma with its to the entire body.
Dhamma higher and higher levels, [4] He trains himself to breathe in/out calming Ethics (Sīla)
Listening to the true
with its more and more the bodily processes. 2. reason - vitakka
tests the meaning Dhamma
sublime levels, with its (commentarial #1)
[5] the one freed by dark and bright 3. investigation – vicāra
approval is born
faith counterparts. (commentarial #2)
Appropriate deva [5] He trains himself to breathe in/out sensitive 4. interest – pīti
desire is born rapture
attention to rapture. (commentarial #3)
makes an effort tranquillity x 5. serenity - sampasāda
[4] the one won to view [6] He trains himself to breathe in/out sensitive 6. happiness – sukha
weighs it up happiness (sukha)
to pleasure (sukha). (commentarial #4)
[7] He trains himself to breathe in/out sensitive
As the Blessed One to emotions. [8] He trains himself to breathe
taught the Dhamma to in/out calming emotions. [9] He trains himself 7-8. focus - ekodibhāva and
me in this way, through to breathe in/out sensitive to thought. [10] He Concentra- samādhi (commentarial #5
strives direct knowledge of a concentration (samādhi) trains himself to breathe in/out satisfying tion ekaggatā) 9.
certain teaching here in thought. [11] He trains himself to breathe in/out (Samādhi) equanimity - upekkhā 10.
that Dhamma, I came to a steadying thought. [12] He trains himself to recollection - sati
conclusion about the breathe in/out releasing thought (ceto-vimutti*).
Practice in
teachings. I placed
accordance with the
[3] the mental realiser confidence in the Triple knowledge and vision of [13] He trains himself to breathe in/out focusing 11. clearly comprehending -
realises Dhamma
Gem (the first Fruit of things* as they really are on inconstancy. sampajañña
Stream Entry). (The first disenchantment x x
penetrates with the noble ones
traversing of the Path [14] He trains himself to breathe in/out focusing
wisdom (paññā) fading are moving 12. fading - virāga
with knowldedge of on fading.
beyond realms of
[2] the one freed by destruction of doubt.) [15] He trains himself to breathe in/out focusing Wisdom x
existence and
means of intuitive liberation on cessation. (Paññā)
finally cannot be
wisdom (paññā)
classed in any of
x sees [16] He trains himself to breathe in/out focusing 13. complete purity - pari-
the realms
on relinquishment. suddhi
knowledge of destruction
[1] the one who is freed x
both ways
* defined elsewhere as * defined elsewhere as the four divine abodes * elsewhere called 'the
the six sense bases Middle Path'

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