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JULY 2020



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The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure
CONCLUSION 11 Security Agency (CISA) is pleased to present
Securing Industrial Control Systems: A
Unified Initiative.

Through this “One CISA” initiative, CISA

will work with critical infrastructure (CI)
owners and operators to build industrial
control systems (ICS) security capabilities
that directly empower ICS stakeholders to
secure their operations against ICS threats.
We will also work to improve CISA’s ability to
anticipate, prioritize, and manage national-
level ICS risk.

CISA is organizing its efforts around four

guiding pillars:
• PILLAR 1: Ask more of the ICS community, and deliver through joint investments and collaboration with ICS
more to them. cyber researchers as well as with our partners in
government, the private sector, and academia.
• PILLAR 2: Develop and utilize technology to mature
collective ICS cyber defense. The work that CISA does will continue to support the
• PILLAR 3: Build “deep data” capabilities to analyze and ICS community. The analysis, training and exercises,
deliver information that the ICS community can use to vulnerability coordination, assessments, and response
disrupt the ICS Cyber Kill Chain. services we provide today will continue to make a real
difference to the Nation’s security. In addition, CISA’s
• PILLAR 4: Enable informed and proactive security in-
Securing Industrial Control Systems: A Unified Initiative
vestments by understanding and anticipating ICS risk.
will support national efforts to secure control systems in
ICS security presents unique challenges. Traditional the areas of workforce development, standards and best
ICS devices used to manage industrial processes practices, supply chain risk management, and incident
are difficult to secure without creating unacceptable management. We have made substantial progress since
disruptions to critical industrial processes. The large- we first stood up an ICS security capability in 2004,
scale use of newer technologies—such as 5G cellular but there is still more to do. Our adversaries are driven,
networks, artificial intelligence, pervasive machine-to- imaginative, and persistent. Accordingly, we must be agile
machine communications, and advanced data analytics— enough to counter them.
introduces both advantages and additional uncertainties
Through this initiative, CISA will build on the work we
and may significantly change the ICS risk landscape.
have already done—and continue to do—with the ICS
Most importantly, because ICS manage physical community to create new ICS security capabilities that
operational processes, the increasing convergence of will markedly improve the way we defend ICS today and
information technology (IT) and operational technology secure ICS for tomorrow.
(OT) creates opportunities for exploitation that could
result in catastrophic consequences, including loss of life,
economic damage, and disruption of the National Critical Christopher Krebs,
Functions (NCFs)1 upon which society relies.
Director, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
Against this backdrop, the ICS community must
aggressively pursue new ways to outpace our adversaries 1
and elevate ICS security and resilience as a national
priority. No entity has the resources or capabilities to
counter all ICS threats alone. Rather, the future of ICS
security lies in building collective ICS security capabilities

ii iii
Securing Industrial Control Systems: A Unified Initiative lays out a five-year plan
(Fiscal Years 2019—2023) that defines how CISA will prioritize and organize our
approach to ICS security. This document contains the following sections:

Introduction introduce the initiative, describe the end-state vision,
and CISA’s and provide historical context.
ICS Vision

The ICS describes the ICS risk environment in which CISA and
Challenge the ICS community must operate to secure ICS.

The Diverse ICS emphasizes CISA’s operational and strategic
Community partnerships across the ICS community.

SECTION 5: highlights portfolio of ICS capabilities CISA currently

Defending maintains and the products and services we deliver
ICS Today to the ICS community.

Securing ICS defines the four guiding pillars that focus this
for the Future initiative.

Conclusion summarizes the initiative’s primary drivers and focus.

This initiative aligns directly to the National Cyber Strategy of the United
States of America, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Cybersecurity

Strategy (FY 2019—2023), and the operational priorities listed in CISA’s


2019 Strategic Intent document. The ICS initiative meets all ICS-specific

requirements and directives contained in these overarching strategies.


The security of ICS and other operational technologies is essential to achieving CISA’s vision of secure and resilient
infrastructure for the American people. Through implementation of this initiative, CISA and our partners will help the
ICS community reach the following critical end-state conditions.
► ICS performs within thresholds under duress. ICS networks are resilient to cyberattacks and continue to perform
within operational parameters in support of NCFs, despite malicious actions by adversaries in the control systems
► The ICS security community is faster and smarter than its adversaries. Collaborating across industries and
national borders, the ICS community raises the cost, time, and complexity thresholds for successful ICS attacks to
the point that they exceed the capabilities of even the most advanced threat actors.
► OT devices and networks are secure by design. New OT products, from industrial scale control systems and
networks to Internet of Things (IoT) devices, are secure by design. Cybersecurity becomes a preeminent
consideration in the development and design of new OT products, and operators can apply security updates without
operational disruption.
► Risk drives ICS security priorities. CI asset owners and operators distribute ICS security resources based on a
clearly defined risk posture and risk tolerances, and the Federal Government invests resources based on ICS risks
to the security and resilience of the NCFs.
► Security resources are readily accessible to all. Using broadly available and easily implemented ICS cybersecurity
tools and services, CI asset owners radically increase their baseline ICS cybersecurity capabilities.
CISA pursues this vision by executing our mission to partner with industry and government to understand and manage
risk to our Nation’s critical infrastructure. CISA will work with our partners in the ICS community toward four enduring
and cross-cutting pillars that together drive sustainable and measurable change to the Nation’s ICS security
risk posture:

Ask more of the ICS community, and Develop and use technology to mature collective
deliver more to them. ICS cyber defense.

Build “deep data” capabilities to analyze and Enable informed and proactive security
deliver information that the ICS community can investments by understanding and
use to disrupt the ICS Cyber Kill Chain. anticipating ICS risk.

Each pillar drives CISA toward specific objectives that require incremental, evolutionary, or disruptive actions. Through
implementation of each pillar’s objectives, milestones, and activities contained in this initiative, CISA will:

Empower the ICS community to defend itself;

Coordinate “whole community” response and mitigation capabilities to respond to the most significant ICS threats and incidents;

Vastly improve the community’s capability to ingest, synthesize, and provide actionable intelligence to ICS asset owners;

Bring to bear the unified capabilities and resources of the Federal Government;

Inform ICS investments and drive proactive risk management of National Critical Functions;

Drive positive, sustainable, and measurable change to the ICS risk environment; and

Move beyond reactive ICS defense to proactive ICS security.

This initiative places significant emphasis on developing In 2019, CISA identified and validated a set of
joint ICS security capabilities—with partners in 55 National Critical Functions following extensive
government and the private sector—that asset owners consultation with the CI community. These are, “the
and operators implement directly to secure ICS. Through functions of government and the private sector so vital
the deployment of these shared capabilities, asset to the United States that their disruption, corruption, or
owners and operators can better defend themselves dysfunction would have a debilitating effect on security,
while also helping to inform CISA’s national-level ICS national economic security, national public health or
priorities. In addition to continuing to provide and safety, or any combination thereof.” NCFs provide an
improve our current ICS security products and services, important prism through which CISA can work with our
CISA will prioritize development of ICS community- partners to help them understand, prioritize, and address
driven solutions. ICS risk.
NCFs are a critical focal point for CISA’s ICS security Viewing these NCFs holistically provides a complement to
strategy. CISA will highlight priority NCFs and map the CI sector-based approaches to risk management. CISA
architecture of these functions and identify the degree will gain greater clarity into the criticality of various
to which specific NCFs depend on ICS. CISA will also elements of the Nation’s infrastructure by focusing risk
appropriately align our ICS resources to the areas where analysis on the specific ways that an entity supports
the destruction, disruption, or exploitation of ICS poses NCFs. NCFs also help CISA understand dependencies
the greatest risk to NCFs. and potential risks, including the impact that exploitation
of ICS may have on the delivery of the essential products
The initiative also elevates ICS security as a priority within
and services upon which the American people rely. By
CISA, coalescing CISA’s organizational attention around
viewing risk through a functional lens, CISA can work
the implementation of a unified, “One CISA” strategy.
with our partners to harden ICS systems across the CI
Our OT cybersecurity experts, risk managers, CI and
ecosystem in a more targeted, prioritized, and strategic
physical security experts, field operations, external affairs
manner. A key forum for this work is the CISA-supported
liaisons, strategists, stakeholder engagement liaisons,
Critical Infrastructure Partnership Advisory Council
and technologists will collaborate on an ongoing basis to
(CIPAC), which enables the government and private
implement important aspects of this initiative.
sector entities—organized as coordinating councils—to
engage in activities to support and collaborate on CI
security and resilience efforts.

Presidential Policy Directive-21: Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience, establishes national policy on CI security and resilience. PPD-21
identifies 16 CI sectors and designates associated Federal Sector-Specific Agencies (SSAs) to lead Federal Government efforts to collaborate,
coordinate, and implement actions to enhance the security and resilience of their respective CI sector. The USA Patriot Act defines CI as systems
and assets, whether physical or virtual, so vital to the United States that their incapacity or destruction would have a debilitating impact on security,
national economic security, national public health or safety, or any combination of those matters (USA Patriot Act of 2001 (42 U.S.C. 5195c(e)).

Much of the Nation’s CI depends on ICS such cyberattacks to cause physical consequences make ICS
attractive targets for malicious actors seeking to cause
as supervisory control and data acquisition
the United States harm.
(SCADA) systems and distributed control
systems (DCS), which rely on programmable Operational technologies are also increasingly
commoditized, prevalent, and used in applications
logic controllers (PLC) to manage essential that may be smaller in scale than industrial processes,
and complex operational processes. which further contributes to cybersecurity risk. These
applications are growing exponentially and migrating
Risk to traditional ICS once predominantly arose from
into domains not previously automated or connected to
human error and accidents, natural disasters, and
the internet (e.g., automobiles, medical devices, smart
acts of physical sabotage. Traditional ICS can have
buildings and homes, pipelines, aviation).7 Adding to the
30-year lifecycles and are purpose-built, stand-alone
ICS risk topography is the deployment of 5G networks,
systems designed for reliability rather than security. The
which reduces reliance on traditional network routers,
convergence of physical and cybersecurity processes
thus limiting the ability of security providers to monitor
and increasing integration of ICS with business networks
for and prevent malicious traffic. CI owners and operators
and internet-based applications has vastly increased
must navigate through this ICS risk landscape to deliver
the prevalence and complexity of cyber threats to ICS.
the essential products and services that support societal
Unlike business enterprise networks, which manage
well-being and fuel the economy.
information, ICS manage physical operational processes.
Therefore, cyberattacks could result in significant
physical consequences, including loss of life, property
damage, and disruption of the essential services and More than 21 billion IoT devices are expected by 2025 (Source: The future
of IoT: 10 predictions about the Internet of Things,
critical functions upon which society relies. The use of internetsecurity-iot-5-predictions-for-the-future-of-iot.html)



At an operational level, CISA works with the following partners In addition to those partners with whom CISA
to enhance the community’s ICS technical, analytical, and maintains ongoing operational relationships, CISA also
response capabilities: CI asset owners; ICS vendors and manages longstanding strategic partnerships with
integrators; ICS-focused cybersecurity providers; researchers organizations within the ICS community to support
and academia; government at all levels; and international security and resilience activities across the risk
counterparts. CISA maintains operational relationships with management spectrum.
numerous resident8 and non-resident government and private
These vital strategic partnerships create trust within
sector organizations. Key operational partners include:
the ICS community, foster open communication,
► DHS (including the Federal Emergency Management Agency, establish processes and procedures for action,
National Operations Center, Office of Intelligence and Analysis, and facilitate effective operational integration and
the Science and Technology Directorate [including DHS coordination. The following are CISA’s core
Centers of Excellence], Transportation Security Administration, strategic partners.
U.S. Coast Guard, and U.S. Secret Service);
Control Systems Interagency Working Group (CSIWG):
► Department of Justice (Federal Bureau of Investigation [FBI]); CSIWG is an interagency working group focused on
► Department of Defense (DOD) (U.S. Cyber Command and defining a whole-of-community, strategic approach
National Security Agency); to control systems security. In coordination with
the private sector, CSIWG is working to ensure U.S.
► Department of Energy (DOE) (including the
National Laboratories); Government priorities in the control system space
meet the needs of the community. The working group
► Federal Cybersecurity Centers; serves as the strategic foundation for a unified effort
• FBI’s National Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force to improve cybersecurity for control systems across the
U.S. Government and private sector.
• National Security Agency/Central Security Service Threat
Operations Center Industrial Control Systems Joint Working Group
(ICSJWG): ICSJWG9 represents a foundational public-
• DOD’s U.S. Cyber Command and Cyber Crime Center
private partnership through which CISA supports
► Intelligence Community Incident Response Center, Information information exchange and development of risk
Sharing and Analysis Centers (ISACs) (including the Aviation management capabilities, products, and services.
ISAC, Communications ISAC, Electricity Sector ISAC, Financial ICSJWG facilitates communication among federal,
Services ISAC, Information Technology ISAC, and Multi-State
ISAC), and Information Sharing and Analysis Organizations
state, and local governments; asset owners and
(ISAOs); and operators; vendors; system integrators; international
partners; and academic professionals in all 16
► Individual CI owners and operators, including major CI sectors.
telecommunications and internet service providers, ICS
vendors and integrators, ICS cybersecurity providers, and
other CI partners.

“Resident” organizations have liaison officers that sit on CISA’s Integrated Coordination and Operations Center watch floor.

CISA plays a unique role as the lead federal civilian The diverse ICS community comprises entities with
agency responsible for advising CI partners on how to equities in ICS security, including federal, state, and local
manage ICS risk. Fulfilling this role successfully requires governments; asset owners and operators; vendors;
both operational and strategic partnerships across the system integrators; international partners; and academic
ICS community. Such collaborative partnerships often professionals in all 16 CI sectors. This section highlights
succeed in resolving intractable issues where unilateral the major ICS community groups with whom CISA must
efforts of government or private industry cannot. collaborate to manage ICS risk successfully.

Federal Advisory Committees: On behalf of DHS, CISA is security efforts and assist on specific ICS-focused initiatives.
the designated federal agency responsible for supporting
several federal advisory bodies that involve expertise in Sector-Specific Agencies and other Federal Departments
ICS and OT. These include numerous councils operating and Agencies: SSAs are federal departments and agencies
under CIPAC (which provides a mechanism for CI Sector and that collaborate with government and the private sector to
government coordinating councils, sector-specific agencies coordinate security initiatives for their designated CI sector.
[SSAs], and working groups such as the Enduring Security CISA works closely with SSAs that rely significantly on
Framework to collaborate on CI security issues), the National control systems for operation of CI, particularly in sectors
Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee (NSTAC), that may have an elevated risk of cyberattack (e.g., Energy
and the National Infrastructure Advisory Council (NIAC). Sector, Critical Manufacturing Sector). CISA is also
responsible for the security of the Federal Government’s
Other Non-Governmental Partners: CISA works extensively civilian networks and works with other federal agencies and
with ICS community leaders and influencers, the CI owners several National Labs (under the umbrella of the
and operators that use and depend on ICS, ICS/OT vendors, Department of Energy) to help them protect against ICS
researchers, security providers and consultants, ISACs and threats as well as to coordinate ICS security efforts for their
ISAOs, IT and cybersecurity professionals (chief information constituencies.
officers [CIOs], chief information security officers [CISOs],
etc.), and non-governmental organizations such as aca- States and Localities: CISA partners with a range of state,
demia and standards setting bodies. CISA leverages these local, tribal, and territorial (SLTT) governments, oversight
partnerships to support unified strategic planning, technol- and regulatory bodies, community leaders, law enforce-
ogy development, preparedness planning and exercises, ment, homeland security advisors, state CIOs and CISOs,
operational procedures and processes, training, research intelligence fusion centers, and emergency responders.
and development, security and threat awareness, develop- CISA also coordinates with the Multi-State Information
ment and promotion of ICS standards and best practices, Sharing & Analysis Center (MS-ISAC), which supports cyber
information exchange, strategic risk and interdependency threat prevention, protection, response, and recovery for the
analyses, and numerous additional activities. Nation’s SLTT governments.

Congress and the White House: When called upon, CISA International Partners: Cybersecurity is a global issue, and
serves as a subject matter expert and advisor to Congress reducing cyber risk must involve a unified global effort.
and the White House, helping to inform proposed cybersecu- Cybersecurity incidents occurring in other countries—partic-
rity laws and policy decisions. ularly those involving novel or persistent cyber threats—may
have significant implications for ICS security in the United
Department of Homeland Security: CISA serves as the lead States. These and other considerations require strong
advisor to the Secretary of Homeland Security on CI and international collaboration—including operational collabora-
cybersecurity (including ICS security) matters. CISA also tion and integration—to support DHS’s cybersecurity mission
works closely with other DHS organizations to coordinate ICS to protect our Nation’s CI from cyber threats.

Every day, CISA works with CI asset owners and operators
to help them identify, protect against, and detect
cybersecurity threats and respond to and recover from

ICS TODAY significant incidents to both IT and OT networks (see

figure 1).

Although ICS owners and operators manage their

own security, when the potential exploitation of ICS
technologies poses existential threats to people or
property—or undermines confidence in CI safety and
reliability and NCFs—it is CISA’s mission to assist through
delivery of a broad portfolio of ICS security products and
services. CISA’s current offerings include:
Figure 1

CISA maintains an around-the-clock alerting and reporting
function that helps maintain situational awareness across
Unified the ICS risk landscape. This includes receiving, monitoring,
ICS Strategy triaging, tracking, coordinating, and reporting on ICS cyber
threats and events and, where possible, monitoring and
RESPOND DETECT tracking the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) of
specific threat actors. The center also serves as the primary
entry point for incoming reporting and service requests
from CISA’s partners as well as ICS task routing and
PROTECT dissemination within CISA.

Balanced Risk Management

Integrated Partnerships
Hunt and Incident
Enabling Technologies Response:
Figure 1: CISA provides full-spectrum ICS security
capabilities to CI owners and operators. • Incident Response: CISA serves as the Federal
Government’s primary mechanism for providing asset
response capabilities to nationally significant cybersecurity
incidents in U.S. CI, including ICS-specific incidents. CISA’s
goal is to assist victims, upon their request, to mitigate and

Exercises minimize the duration and severity of ICS incidents. Incident
and Training: response efforts focus on identifying the root cause of an
incident by searching for adversary TTPs, behaviors, and
CISA supports continued improvement in cyber prepared- associated artifacts in the victim network. CISA continues to
ness and resilience through ICS-focused cyber exercise expand our capacity for managing incident responses as well
design, development, and execution. CISA offers a range as our technical response tools and capabilities.
of exercise types, from tabletop discussions to full-scale,
• Hunt: At the invitation of our partners, CISA also provides
national-level exercises. ICS training capabilities include
voluntary assistance to identify adversary presence in ICS
ICS security fundamentals as well as more advanced online
environments via proactive hunt missions (conducted in
and in-classroom training available for learners with a range
the absence of a known incident). CISA’s hunt capabilities
of technical expertise. CISA also offers regional courses
are specifically focused on identifying sophisticated threats,
and workshops, as well as a recurring five-day, hands-on
often beyond the capacity and capability of traditional cyber
advanced training event.
security tools and techniques.

ICS Security

The operational and strategic partnerships CISA maintains with the global ICS community are the underpinning for enduring ICS
security. ICSJWG is a critical foundational element to CISA’s public-private partnerships. This working group supports information
exchange and ICS risk-reduction strategies by fostering collaboration within industry and between industry and the Federal
Government. CISA also hosts CSIWG, which works with interagency partners and the private sector to help drive the national strategic
direction for control systems cybersecurity.

Strategic Risk Information
Assessment: ► Exchange:

At the strategic level, CISA’s National Risk Management CISA shares the outputs of our analysis with the ICS com-
Center (NRMC) is a planning, analysis, and collaboration munity through a wide range of cybersecurity information
center focused on addressing the Nation’s highest priority products, including ICS-focused alerts, advisories, analysis
critical infrastructure risks, originating from cyberattacks and reports, and best practices. CISA’s information products
other hazards. NRMC serves as the end-to-end integrator provide either raw data—usually IOCs—or analysis products
of risk management activities for NCFs and leverages that help asset owners and operators prevent, detect, and
that risk expertise to support overall execution of the CISA mitigate threats and vulnerabilities.
mission. NRMC leads CISA efforts on supply chain risk
management, engaging partners and performing analysis to
identify and secure the supply chain of critical components.
Further, NRMC provides CISA with expertise in methodology
development, risk assessment, modeling, and data Technical and
management and visualization. Threat Analysis:

To understand and identify ICS threats, CISA conducts a

wide range of analysis with the intelligence community,
researchers, vendors, CI owners and operators, and other
partners to develop, contextualize, and share indicators of
OT compromise (IOCs). CISA also conducts analysis on malware,
Assessments: digital media, and ICS hardware. CISA ICS analysts focus
on digital artifacts from devices specific to industrial control
CISA offers our partners a range of asset-based assessments,
systems such as PLCs and remote terminal units. CISA’s ICS
including Validated Architecture Design Reviews (VADR), which
advanced malware laboratory specializes in malware threats
involve an architecture design review, system configuration
to ICS environments and provides asset owners with onsite
and log review, and network traffic analysis. We also provide
or remote support.
the Cybersecurity Evaluation Tool (CSET)—a downloadable
self-assessment tool with an ICS focus—at no cost to custom-
ers. In addition, CISA’s protective security advisors can conduct
evaluations of physical security protections for ICS, including
Regional Resiliency Assessment Program (RRAP) assess-
ments, which help contextualize the role of ICS in enabling CI
functions and provide information about the potential regional
consequences of their disruption. Such assessments also CISA works with trusted partners in the public and private
consider the resilience of essential services (e.g., electric sector to coordinate timely and responsible disclosure of ICS
power, communications) that enable ICS to function. In turn, cybersecurity vulnerabilities. CISA publicizes vulnerabilities
this information informs ICS preparedness and planning and (when known) shares mitigation measures with users
efforts regarding redundancies, service backup, and alternate and administrators. CISA also works with ICS vendors and
operating modes. Lastly, CISA’s chemical security inspectors integrators to test new product lines to identify vulnerabilities
conduct compliance assistance and regulatory inspections for before they go to market. CISA also works with our partners
certain ICS. to understand hardware and software vulnerabilities in the
ICS supply chain.

It is important that CISA continues to invest in and improve
the capabilities, products, and services described in
Section 5. However, when evaluating the Nation’s emerging


security challenges, CISA must—in partnership with the ICS
community—move well beyond what we are doing today by
building our ICS strategy around four cross-cutting pillars.

PILLAR ONE: VISION: CISA will reinvigorate and deepen our existing partnerships while also expanding
ASK MORE the scope of engagements with the broader ICS community to empower CISA’s partners
to mitigate ICS risk.
COMMUNITY, CISA’S FOCUS: No single entity can successfully manage the scope and complexity
of the entire ICS risk landscape. The ICS community’s path to security lies in a truly
AND DELIVER integrated government-industry alliance, founded on trust and transparency and
MORE TO focused on strategic and operational collaboration across the community. Such an
alliance engages private sector CI owners and operators; ICS manufacturers, vendors,
THEM. and integrators; researchers; cybersecurity firms; academia; international partners;
government agencies; law makers and regulators; and other stakeholders in a global
effort to understand and mitigate ICS risk. By combining its collective security resources
and expertise, the ICS community can radically amplify ICS risk-management capabilities
and shape joint security investments that shift the cybersecurity paradigm.

PILLAR TWO: VISION: CISA will develop and promote easily accessible, deployable, and inexpensive
DEVELOP ICS tools and capabilities to help asset owners secure ICS against all adversaries.

AND UTILIZE CISA’S FOCUS: Current ICS security technology focuses on reactive defense against
TECHNOLOGY known threats with limited capabilities to detect threats based on behavior rather
than pre-defined indicators. CISA will work with the ICS community to drive technology
TO MATURE developments that harden the cybersecurity defenses of legacy control systems, build
COLLECTIVE security into new ICS devices while in the development stage, and increase lower-level
data visibility. CISA will approach development of ICS cybersecurity technologies by
ICS CYBER leveraging the inventiveness and the wisdom of the ICS community to ensure CISA
products do not inhibit ICS functionality. CISA will also make a broader range of CISA-de-
DEFENSE. veloped capabilities readily available to CI asset owners and operators. In addition, CISA
will incentivize partners to develop and implement ICS security technologies to protect
themselves and their customers.

PILLAR THREE: VISION: CISA will diversify data partnerships, further define ICS data needs, and support
BUILD “DEEP DATA” efforts to increase the ingestion of additional data differentiated by source, type, and
consequence to increase visibility into ICS threats and vulnerabilities.
TO ANALYZE CISA’S FOCUS: With greater access to data and better quality and fidelity of data, CISA
AND DELIVER will vastly improve our analytic capabilities and can provide better threat and vulnera-
INFORMATION THE bility information to our partners. As CISA matures our ICS vulnerability management
program, we will map discovered vulnerabilities to product lines and configurations
ICS COMMUNITY to understand with accuracy the vulnerability’s impact and potential consequences.
CAN USE TO CISA will use the information we collect—not only to improve the depth and value of the
threat and vulnerability data we provide partners—but also to develop configuration
DISRUPT THE ICS gold standards and to enable third parties to leverage CISA capabilities to perform hunt,
CYBER KILL CHAIN. malware analysis, and other ICS analytic functions.

PILLAR FOUR: VISION: CISA will improve visibility into the risk landscape and use that knowledge to
ENABLE inform investments into proactive initiatives that move the ICS community ahead of the
threat curve.
PROACTIVE CISA’S FOCUS: CISA will work to understand the severity of ICS cyber risks (including
threats, vulnerabilities, and consequences) and the effect our actions—both those
SECURITY currently undertaken in defense of ICS and those implemented through this initiative—
INVESTMENTS BY have on the ICS risk to NCFs. CISA will use the best information available to perform risk
analysis that informs investments across the ICS stakeholder community. CISA will also
UNDERSTANDING gain better understanding of CI and NCF dependencies on ICS and use risk and con-
sequence analysis models to understand the full impacts of ICS cyberattacks. Further,
AND ANTICIPATING CISA will dedicate resources to future studies and trend analysis that help the ICS
community understand impact of new innovations on ICS cybersecurity environments,
ICS RISK. anticipate emergent risk, drive preemptive action, and inform risk investment priorities.
CISA will ensure that our understanding of strategic risks informs our priorities for
assessments and that what is learned from assessments informs our understanding of
strategic ICS risks.

As CISA implements this initiative over the next several years, the ICS threat
environment will surely evolve. CISA will adapt to changes in the environment and
manage specific ICS risk management activities accordingly; the foundational
pillars around which this initiative builds will endure.
Sustainable success for ICS security requires CISA to understand the ICS
community’s priorities and work with them to close security gaps. To do this
effectively, CISA will expand and deepen trusted partnerships across the ICS
community so that more organizations and technical experts contribute the data,
expertise, and ideas CISA requires to succeed in our mission. Similarly, CISA
will work with ICS technology leaders to jointly develop, incentivize, and share
innovative ICS cybersecurity technologies that lower implementation barriers
for CI owners and operators. CISA will also enhance the quality and fidelity of
the data we collect, which will enable us to provide high quality, action-focused
analytical products that are tailored to the unique requirements of specific
Most importantly, CISA and the ICS community must know the impact our actions
have on the national ICS risk landscape, particularly with respect to NCFs. With
this knowledge, together we will work as a single, unified organization that
achieves sustainable and enduring ICS security and drives wise, risk-informed ICS
security investments.


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