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Bulihan, City of Malolos, Bulacan

Malolos Campus

Instructor : Mr. Jene T. Sotto, MAE

School Year/Term : 2019-2020/2nd semester
Subject Code : SSP 123
Subject Title : Social Science and Philosophy
Date Covered : March 16-20, 2020
BTVTED 1B – Monday and Friday /
BTVTED 1A/1C – Tuesday and Thursday
Topic : History and Development of Oriental

Confucianism and Taoism Philosophy of Human Person

1.Learning Objectives:

After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, you are expected to:

1. To know and understand the different ideas and philosophy of Confucius

2. To reflect and acquire valuable lessons and positive values from the ideas of
3. Identify and describe elements of Taoism including the founder and his story,
the religious text, rules of behavior, holidays, practices and symbols.

Confucius and Confucianism Philosophy

Confucius, also known as Kong Qui or K'ung Fu-tzu, was a Chinese philosopher. He
was believed to have been conceived out of wedlock. His father was seventy and his
mother only fifteen when he was born. His father died when we was three and he was
brought up in poverty by his mother.
For most of his life, Confucius traveled from state to state getting government
jobs and teaching his disciples. He was one time a Justice Minister in the State of Lu, but
resigned after several years because he disapproved the politics of his king. Confucius
lived to be quite old; he died at the age of 72 in 479BC.
The life history of Confucius is regarded as legendary, but the story of his life
lends it credibility. His thoughts have been developed into a system of philosophy as

Confucius Belief:

The worldly concern of Confucianism rests upon the belief that human beings are

fundamentally good, and teachable, improvable, and perfectible through personal and
communal endeavor, especially self-cultivation and self-creation. Confucian thought
focuses on the cultivation of virtue in a morally organised world.

The core values of Confucianism

Confucian teaching rests on three essential values: Filial piety, humaneness, and

ritual. The Confucian value system may be likened in some ways to a tripod, which is
one of the great vessels of the Shang and Zhou Period and a motif that reoccurs in later
Chinese arts.

The Teachings of Confucianism

Confucius did not put into writing his philosophical ideas on man; his
philosophies were handed down only through his disciples.
Here is a summary of his teachings:

1. The family is the basis for an ideal government.

2. Being an ideal government, there should be a strong solidarity among the family
3. Children should respect their elders, living or dead.
4. Husbands should respect their wives.
5. Politicians and rulers should be good models of the citizen. “What superior man
seeks is in himself, what to man seeks in others” likewise , Confucius stated: “If right
principle prevailed through the empire, there would be no need for me to change the its
6. Human nature is essentially good. Man can become honest and trustworthy and
humane towards others.
7. “Do not do to others what you do not want to others done to yourself” - The Golden Rule
8. All men should observe carefully their duties toward the State.
9. Every man must possessed five (5) virtues: kindness, uprightness, decorum,
wisdom and faithfulness.

The entire teachings of Confucius regarding the philosophies of man was more
of practical and ethical rather than religious. Confucius was greatly venerated during
his lifetime and in succeeding years. Although he himself has little belief in the
supernatural, he has been revered almost as philosopher and political theorist by


Taoist Beliefs, Practices And Deities

Lao-Tzu (also known as Laozi or Lao-Tze) was a Chinese philosopher credited

with founding the philosophical system of Taoism.

 (also spelled Daoism) is an organized religious tradition that has been developing in
China, and elsewhere, for over 2,000 years. Its roots in China are believed to lie in the
ancient traditions of shamans (people who were believed to have access to the spirit
world). Today, Taoism has followers from a range of cultural and ethnic backgrounds.

Daoism, or Taoism, is a philosophical or religious tradition of Chinese origin which

emphasises living in harmony with the Dao. The Dao is a fundamental idea in most
Chinese philosophical schools; in Daoism, however, it denotes the principle that is the
source, pattern and substance of everything that exists.
Tao] means a road, path, way; and hence, the way in which one does something;
method, doctrine, principle. ... The Tao is what gives Taoism its English name, in both
its philosophical and religious forms. The Tao is the fundamental and central concept of
these schools of thought

the Yin-Yang Symbol

The most well known of Taoist visual symbols is the Yin-yang also known as the
Taiji symbol. The image consists of a circle divided into two teardrop=shaped halves –
one white and the other black. Within each half is contained a smaller circle of the
opposite color.

I. Define the following:

1. Confucianism- _________________________________________________________

2. Taoism ________________________________________________________________
3. The Golden Rule - ______________________________________________________

II Identification: Identify the term being referred to in the following statements

________________ 1. It is the basis for an ideal government.
________________ 2. Founder of Taoism
________________ 3. It means a road, path, way; and hence, the way in which
one does something; method, doctrine, principle
________________ 4. Another variation of the word Taoism
________________ 5 He was believed to have been conceived out of wedlock

III Enumeration:

A. Core values of Confucianism

1 _____________________________
2 _____________________________
3 _____________________________
B. According to Confucius these are the 5 virtues that all men must possessed
4. _____________________________
5 _____________________________
6 _____________________________
7 _____________________________
8 _____________________________
C. The visual symbols of Taoist
9. _____________________________
10. _____________________________

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