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Ways to Help Prevent

Everyone can help improve the work and study
environment at Carleton by showing respect for people.

You can help by…

 Objecting to discrimination when you

see or experience it. Don’t ignore or
condone discriminatory behavior in
 Refusing to go along with
discrimination disguised as humor or
academic debate.
 Choosing not to share jokes or make
comments of a discriminatory nature.
 Encouraging diversity and inclusivity in
work and study environments.
 Being aware that cultures different from
your own may interpret actions
differently than you do. And;
 Offering support and resources to
anyone experiencing discrimination,
including referring them to Equity
Services or other individuals trained to
provide assistance. CONTACT INFO:

Name: Aryza Riah Z. Corral

Gr&sec: 10 – Malikhain
Teacher: Dra. Allic
-Any action that
specifically denies
-Discrimination is treating, or proposing to privileges, or rewards
treat, someone unfavorably because of to a person because
a personal characteristic protected by the of gender.
law. This includes bullying someone PHYSICAL FEATURES
because of a protected characteristic. RELIGIOUS DISCRIMINATION
DISCRIMINATION -Treating, or proposing to treat, someone
- Involves treating a person (an unfavorably because of a personal
applicant or employee) characteristic protected by the law. 
Types of
unfavorably because of his or
her religious beliefs.


to discrimination against
individuals on the basis of
AGE their skin color, racial or
ethnic origin.  Don’t Pretend That It Isn’t Happening
- Discrimination is unlikely to go away if you
ignore it.
-Involves treating an
applicant or employee  Seek Advice
less favorably because of -Talk to people who can, because of their
his or her age. position or expertise, provide you with
- A type of
constructive advice and support. 
DISABILITY  Take Action
discrimination that
DISCRIMINATION occurs when -The most effective way to stop discrimination
expectant women are is to confront it immediately and directly.
- Disability discrimination fired, not hired, or
otherwise  Keep Records
also occurs when a covered
discriminated against -Carefully record the details of the
employer or other
due to discrimination as soon as it occurs (dates, times,
entity treats an applicant or their pregnancy. locations, witnesses and what was said or done,
employee less favorably
including your responses and reactions).
because she is disabled.

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