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Sections of the Master’s Paper

 Organizing your Master’s Paper

 Creating an Outline
 Sections of the Master’s Paper
 Title Page  Results
 Abstract  Discussion
 Introduction  Conclusion
 Purpose Statement  References
 Literature Review  Appendices
 Methods
 Another Writing Resource
 Public Health Student Online Writing Tutorial
 The presentations (including this one) describe
various sections of your Master’s Paper
 However . . .
 You do NOT have to organize your paper in this
 You don’t need to use the section titles as listed
 Use section titles that work for YOUR paper

 Samples for various sections are provided

 These are not perfect, but they’re good examples written
by previous students
 Helps you organize your thoughts and your paper
 Use as a planning tool
 Required to submit with each section of paper
 Do not need to submit with final draft
 Organize using section titles
 Generic sample/explanation provided on next slide
 Further information provided in second writing
tutorial presentation, The Pre-Writing Stage
 I. Introduction / Background
 A. State topic
 B. Importance of topic
 i. Scope of problem
 C. Review literature (if appropriate)
 D. Purpose statement / research question(s)
 II. Methods
 A. Data Collection
 B. Analysis
 III. Results
 Organize into sub-sections as appropriate
 Title Page
 Abstract
 Introduction / Background
 Purpose Statement / Research Question(s)
 Literature Review
 Methods
 Results
 Discussion
 Conclusion
 References
 Appendices
 Follow template
 Available on Capstone Project Master’s Paper webpage

 Direct link to PDF

 Include/modify pertinent information

 Title of Project
 Subtitle, if applicable
 Your Name
 Faculty Advisor’s Name
 Date Submitted
 Summarizes the entire paper
 Should be written after the rest of the paper
 Required as part of the third submission
 Should be written in same organizational scheme as
the rest of the paper
 Can be written as in sections of paper – introduction,
methods, results, discussion, conclusion
 Length should not exceed 300 words

 Sample abstract available as PDF
 Introduction / Background
 What is the topic, and why is it important?
 What other research has been conducted on this topic?
 What do we already know?

 Purpose Statement / Research Question(s)

 What is the purpose of this paper?
 What question are you trying to answer?
 Be brief - If more than 1 purpose/question,
limit to 1 short paragraph on each
 Sample introduction (inc. purpose
statement) available as PDF
 Literature Review
 All papers must include lit review
 Could be included in various sections
 Introduction/Background
 Literature Review (as separate section)
 Results (if performing lit review as project)
 Choose the most appropriate section for your paper
 Should provide basis for paper
 Synthesize & discuss reviewed literature
 What have previous studies shown?
 What are the strengths, weaknesses, trends, & opportunities?
 Must cite numerous reputable sources
 Ex – journal articles, books, technical reports, etc.
 What methodology did you use?
 How did you do your study?
 Possible methodologies to discuss:
 Design  Sampling
 Setting  Measurement
 Participants  Data collection
 Intervention  Analysis of data
 Outcome measures
 What were the results? What did you find?
 What did the study/project demonstrate
or accomplish?

 Be detailed and specific

 Consider organizing into sub-sections
 Display information in various formats
 Use bulleted lists, tables, charts, graphs, etc.

 Sample results section available as PDF
 Discuss results in detail
 What do the results mean?
 How do they affect the field of public health?
 Put into context of existing base of knowledge
 How do these results fit into data presented in lit review?
 Do they support/contradict previous findings?
 Discuss limitations
 What were the limitations of this study?
 Did you encounter any difficulties or barriers in the
implementation of this project?

 Sample discussion section available as PDF
 Discrete conclusions supported by evidence
 Summarize findings
 Give equal attention to positive and negative
 Implications of your project
 Given the results, why is it important?
 Further study/effort implied by conclusions
 What further research/programs are needed?
 What do you recommend?
 You MUST cite your sources
 Cite sources in body of paper (not just at end)
 May use any reputable reference format
 APA, MLA, CBE Citation-Sequence System,
scientific journal, or other
 Be consistent
 RefWorks available from MCW
 Web-based bibliographic software
 Link to RefWorks
 Additional info / support materials
 Examples
 Letters of support / IRB letters
 Survey/interview instruments
 Data analysis coding sheet
 Others
 Public Health Student Online Writing Tutorial
 Available under Resources tab of MPH website
 Provides tools useful for writing public health papers
 Consists of 3 presentations
 Writing 101
 Grammar resources, spelling, plagiarism,
MPH student code of ethics
 The Pre-Writing Stage
 Initial steps of writing, creating a timeline and outline
 General Components of a Paper
 Referencing systems & each section of a paper
Kim Contardi, MPH
[email protected]

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