DK Kzy VF/K'KK"KH VFHK Urkk) Lk0Fu0Fo0 (K.M&Dkeka Hkjriqj

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dk;kZy; vf/k'kk"kh vfHk;URkk] lk0fu0fo0

[k.M&dkeka ¼Hkjriqj½
Øekad% fnukad%
Jheku~ ftyk dySDVj egksn;]

fo’k;%& izkFkZuk&i= Jh vuqt tSu iq= Jh egsUnz tSu tkfr tSu oS';
fuoklh eSu ljkZQk cktkj tqjgjk rglhy dkeka ftyk Hkjriqj ckcr~
xzke ikbZ rglhy dkeka fLFkr [kljk uEcj 225 jdck 0-29 gSDVs0]
2216@226 jdck 0-13 dqy fdrk&2 jdck 0-42 gSSDVs0 Hkwfe dk
isVªksy iEi iz;kstukFkZ okf.kfT;d iz;kstukFkZ Hkwfe :ikUrj.kA
izlax%& vkidk i= Øekad jktLo@12@3¼ ½2019@8877 fnuakd & 23-
mijksDRk fo’k;kURkxZRk izklafxd i= ds lUnHkZ esa I.R.C.-73
xkbZM ykbZu vuqlkj lkbV dh fLFkfr fuEu izdkj gS%&
1- mDr lkbZV [kljk uEcj 2216@226@0-13 dkeka&tqjgsjk lMd (MDR-72) Ikj
fdeh- 14@150 ij cka;h vksj fLFkr gSA
2- I.R.C.-73 xkbZM ykbZu vuqlkj dkeka&tqjgjk lMd MDR dh gSa ftlds
vUrxZRk jksM yS.M pkSMkbZ 30-00 ehVj ¼dqy pkSMkbZ½] fcfYMax
ykbZu 50 ehVj ¼dqy pkSMkbZ½ gS rFkk dUVªksy ykbZu 100-00 ehVj ¼dqy
pkSMkbZ½ gSA

lMd dh mijksDr fLFkfr;ksa ds vk/kkj ij fuEu fyf[kr ’krksZa ij foHkkx }kjk

vukiÙkh izek.k&i= tkjh fd;k tkrk gS%&
1. Road Land Width (also termed the right-of-way) be 30.00 meter
2. Building activities should not be allowed within the building line (i.e. 25.00 meter from the
Center of the road)
3. Beyond building line and upto control line not any construction is allowed without prior
approval of the competent authority (i.e. from 25.00 meter To 50.00 meter from Centre line of
the road).
4. To have approach from PWD road to subject land/plot, No access/exit construction is allowed
without prior approval of competent authority of PWD.

¼fot; flag½
vf/k'kk"kh vfHk;Urk
lk0fu0fo0 [k.M&dkeka
Øekad%& fnukad%&

Sub Dn. Email id:- [email protected]

dk;kZy; vf/k'kk"kh vfHk;URkk] lk0fu0fo0
[k.M&dkeka ¼Hkjriqj½
Øekad% fnukad%
izfrfyfi Jh vuqt tSu iq= Jh egsUnz tSu tkfr tSu oS'; fuoklh eSu ljkZQk
cktkj tqjgjk rglhy dkeka ftyk Hkjriqj dks lwpukFkZ izsf"kr gSA

¼fot; flag½
vf/k'kk"kh vfHk;Urk
lk0fu0fo0 [k.M&dkeka
mi[k.M&igkMh] HkjriqjA
fo’k;%& izkFkZuk&i= Jh gokflag] Jh vfXuflag] Jh tyflag] Jh i`Fohflag] Jh
xxuflag iq= Jh ds'kjh flag vktkn] tkfr&xqtZj] fuoklh xzke&ik.Msdk]
rglhy&igkMh] ftyk&Hkjrqij [kljk uEcj 1352 jdck 0-22 gSDV0 esa ls
2000 oxZ ehVj ckads xzke xksikyx< rglhy igkMh ftyk&Hkjriqj esa
Hkwfe :ikUrj.k gsrq ,u-vks-lh- fn;s tkus ckcr~A
izlax%& vkidk i= Øekad Hkw0:0@2020@4108&4113 fnukad 25-09-2020
mijksDRk fo’k;kURkxZRk izklafxd i= ds lUnHkZ esa I.R.C.-73
xkbZM ykbZu vuqlkj lkbV dh fLFkfr fuEu izdkj gS%&
1- mDr lkbZV [kljk uEcj 1352 e.Mjk;y ls igkMh ok;k djkSyh] fg.MkSu] egqvk]
[ksMyh lMd ij (SH-22) Ikj fdeh- 189@962 ij cka;h vksj fLFkr gSA
2- I.R.C.-73 xkbZM ykbZu vuqlkj e.Mjk;y ls igkMh ok;k djkSyh] fg.MkSu]
egqvk] [ksMyh lMd SH dh gSa ftlds vUrxZRk jksM yS.M pkSMkbZ 60-
00 ehVj ¼dqy pkSMkbZ½] fcfYMax ykbZu 80 ehVj ¼dqy pkSMkbZ½ gS
rFkk dUVªksy ykbZu 150-00 ehVj ¼dqy pkSMkbZ½ gSA
3- Hkw[k.M [kkyh ugha gSA Hkw[k.M esa nks iDdh nhokj cuh gqbZ gSa]
ck;ksMhty iEi yxk gqvk gS o dejk cuk gqvk gSA
4- Hkw[k.M dh nksuksa fnokjsa lMd e/; ls 38-50 ehVj ,oa ck;ksMhty iEi Hkh
lMd e/; ls 38-50 ehVj ij fLFkr gSA000
lMd dh mijksDr fLFkfr;ksa ds vk/kkj ij fuEu fyf[kr ’krksZa ij foHkkx }kjk
vukiÙkh izek.k&i= tkjh fd;k tkrk gS%&
1. Building activities should not be allowed within the building line (i.e. 40.00 meter from the
Center of the road) and any pucca structure within the control line should be demolished.
2. Beyond building line and upto control line not any construction is allowed without prior
approval of the competent authority (i.e. from 40.00 meter To 75.00 meter from Centre line of
the road).
3. To have approach from PWD road to subject land/plot, No access/exit construction is allowed
without prior approval of competent authority of PWD.

¼fot; flag½

Sub Dn. Email id:- [email protected]

dk;kZy; vf/k'kk"kh vfHk;URkk] lk0fu0fo0
[k.M&dkeka ¼Hkjriqj½
Øekad% fnukad%
vf/k'kk"kh vfHk;Urk
lk0fu0fo0 [k.M&dkeka
Øekad%& fnukad%&
izfrfyfi Jh gokflag] Jh vfXuflag] Jh tyflag] Jh i`Fohflag] Jh xxuflag
iq= Jh ds'kjh flag vktkn] tkfr&xqtZj] fuoklh xzke&ik.Msdk] rglhy&igkMh]
ftyk&Hkjrqij dks lwpukFkZ izsf"kr gSA

¼fot; flag½
vf/k'kk"kh vfHk;Urk
lk0fu0fo0 [k.M&dkeka

Sub Dn. Email id:- [email protected]

dk;kZy; vf/k'kk"kh vfHk;URkk] lk0fu0fo0
[k.M&dkeka ¼Hkjriqj½
Øekad% fnukad%

fo’k;%& izkFkZuk&i= Jh ln~nhd iq= Jh gqlSu] tkfr&eso] fuoklh

xzke&lkaoysj] rglhy&igkMh] ftyk Hkjriqj] [kljk uEcj 2995 jdck
0-48 gSDV0 esa ls 0-39 gSDVs;j ¼3900 oxZehVj½ ckads
xzke&lkaoysj] rglhy&igkMh] ftyk Hkjriqj esa Hkwfe :ikUrj.k
gsrq ,u-vks-lh- fn;s tkus ckcr~A
izlax%& vkidk i=kad Hkw0:0@2020@4163&4167 fnukad 30-09-2020
mijksDRk fo’k;kURkxZRk izklafxd i= ds lUnHkZ esa I.R.C.-73
xkbZM ykbZu vuqlkj lkbV dh fLFkfr fuEu izdkj gS%&
1- mDr lkbZV [kljk uEcj 2995 dkeka&x< vtku&lksedk&igkMh&Qrsgiqj viVw
gfj;k.kk cksMZj (MDR-143) Ikj fdeh- 11@500 ij nka;h vksj fLFkr gSA
2- I.R.C.-73 xkbZM ykbZu vuqlkj dkeka&x< vtku&lksedk&igkMh&Qrsgiqj viVw
gfj;k.kk cksMZj MDR dh gSa ftlds vUrxZRk jksM yS.M pkSMkbZ 30-00
ehVj ¼dqy pkSMkbZ½] fcfYMax ykbZu 50 ehVj ¼dqy pkSMkbZ½ gS rFkk
dUVªksy ykbZu 100-00 ehVj ¼dqy pkSMkbZ½ gSA

lMd dh mijksDr fLFkfr;ksa ds vk/kkj ij fuEu fyf[kr ’krksZa ij foHkkx }kjk

vukiÙkh izek.k&i= tkjh fd;k tkrk gS%&
1. Building activities should not be allowed within the building line (i.e. 25.00 meter from the
Center of the road)
2. Beyond building line and upto control line not any construction is allowed without prior
approval of the competent authority (i.e. from 25.00 meter To 50.00 meter from Centre line of
the road).
3. To have approach from PWD road to subject land/plot, No access/exit construction is allowed
without prior approval of competent authority of PWD.

¼fot; flag½
vf/k'kk"kh vfHk;Urk
lk0fu0fo0 [k.M&dkeka
Øekad%& fnukad%&
izfrfyfi Jh ln~nhd iq= Jh gqlSu] tkfr&eso] fuoklh xzke&lkaoysj]
rglhy&igkMh] ftyk Hkjriqj dks lwpukFkZ izsf"kr gSA

Sub Dn. Email id:- [email protected]

dk;kZy; vf/k'kk"kh vfHk;URkk] lk0fu0fo0
[k.M&dkeka ¼Hkjriqj½
Øekad% fnukad%

¼fot; flag½
vf/k'kk"kh vfHk;Urk
lk0fu0fo0 [k.M&dkeka

Sub Dn. Email id:- [email protected]

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