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M. Tech. (Thermal Engineering)

(Two Years Full Time Programme)


Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 085, Telangana, India.

Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year


M. Tech. (Thermal Engineering)
2018-19 Admitted Batch

S. No Course Type/ Code Course Name Teaching Scheme Credits
1. Core –1 Advanced Heat and Mass Transfer 3 1 0 4
2. Core- 2 Advanced IC Engines 3 1 0 4
3. Core -3 Advanced Thermodynamics 3 0 0 3
4. Finite Element Analysis
Renewable Energy Sources
Programme Elective –I 2 0 0 2
Computer Simulations of SI and CI
5. Numerical Methods for Engineers
Programme Elective –II Thermal and Nuclear Power Plant 2 0 0 2
Nano Fluids
6. Core Lab –I Advanced Thermal Engineering lab 0 0 3 1.5
7. Core Lab - II Advanced Heat and Mass Transfer Lab 0 0 3 1.5
8. Audit Course-I English for Research Paper Writing 2 0 0 0
Total Credits 18

Semester – II
S. No Course Type/ Code Course Name Teaching Scheme Credits
1. Core –4 Advanced Refrigeration & Air
3 0 0 3
2. Core- 5 Advanced Fluid Mechanics 3 0 0 3
3. Core -6 Fuels and Combustion 3 0 0 3
4. Programme Elective –III Energy Conservation and
Jet Propulsion and Rocket 2 0 0 2
Turbulence Modeling
5. Programme Elective –IV Optimization Techniques and
2 0 0 2
Alternate Fuels and Pollutions
Computational Fluid Dynamics
6. Core Lab –III Computational Methods Lab 0 0 3 1.5
7. Core Lab - IV Advanced Refrigeration and Air
0 0 3 1.5
Conditioning Lab
8. Audit Course-II Value Education 2 0 0 0
9. Mini Project with Seminar 0 0 4 2
Total Credits 18
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year

S. No Course Type/ Code Course Name Teaching Scheme Credit
1. Programme Elective Equipment Design for Thermal Systems
Thermal Measurement and Process
–V Control 3 0 0 3
Advanced Materials for Thermal
2. Open Elective Composite Materials
3 0 0 3
Waste to Energy
3. Dissertation Dissertation Phase - I 0 0 20 10
Total Credits 16

S. No Course Type/ Code Course Name Teaching Credits
1. Dissertation Dissertation Phase - II 0 0 32 16
Total Credits 16
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year


M.Tech. (TE) (FT) – I Sem L T P C
3 1 0 4
Pre-requisite: Thermodynamics
Course Objective: To apply the principles of heat transfer in the design of thermal systems
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student should be able to
 Mathematically model heat and mass transfer and fluid flow problems and to be able to
apply different boundary conditions
 Solve the simple heat and mass transfer and fluid flow problems using analytical
methods and appreciate the need of numerical methods to solve complicated problems
 Apply semi empirical formulae to determine the heat transfer parameters and use
different techniques, viz., experimental, analytical and semi empirical methods to design
the thermal systems.
Introduction to Different Modes of Heat Transfer: Governing Laws and mathematical
models -Initial and boundary conditions.
Heat Conduction – Development of Governing equation for 1D, 2D and 3D; steady and transient
heat conduction – Solution of 1D steady state heat conduction – Composite Systems – Systems with
heat generation – Variable thermal conductivity – Fins
2D Steady State Heat conduction – Use of conduction shape factors – Use of analytical method for
temperature distribution in a slab for simple boundary conditions
Transient heat conduction: Lumped system analysis-Infinite Bodies - Heisler charts-semi
infinite solid -2D transient heat conduction using product solutions.
Forced Convection: Equations of fluid flow-concepts of continuity, momentum equations-
derivation of energy equation-methods to determine heat transfer coefficient: Analytical methods-
dimensional analysis and concept of exact solution. Approximate method-integral analysis – Von
Karman Integral Momentum and Energy Equations – Determination of laminar heat transfer coefficient
for different velocity and temperature profiles for flow over a flat plate
External flows: Flow over a flat plate: Application of empirical relations to various geometries
for laminar and turbulent flows.
Internal flows: Flow Classification based on hydrodynamic &thermal entry lengths- Fully
developed flow: integral analysis for laminar heat transfer coefficient-constant wall temperature
and constant heat flux boundary conditions-; use of empirical correlations for determination of heat
transfer coefficient and friction factor for different types of internal flow applications.
FREE CONVECTION: Approximate analysis on laminar free convective heat transfer-
Boussinesque approximation-different geometries-combined free and forced convection.
Boiling and condensation: Boiling curve-correlations-Nusselt’s theory of film condensation on
a vertical plate-assumptions & correlations of film condensation for different geometries.
RADIATION HEAT TRANSFER: Radiant heat exchange in grey, non-grey bodies, with
transmitting. Reflecting and absorbing media, specular surfaces, gas radiation-radiation from
Mass Transfer: Concepts of mass transfer-diffusion & convective mass transfer
analogies-significance of non-dimensional numbers.
Recent Advances in Heat and Mass Transfer Applications.
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year

Text Books:
1. Fundamentals of Heat Transfer by Incropera & Dewitt, John wiley
2. Heat Transfer by Necati Ozisik, TMH
3. Heat Transfer by P.S.Ghoshtastidar, Oxford Press

Reference Books:
1. Heat Transfer by Gregory Nellis & Sanford Klein, Cambridge University Press
2. Principals of Heat Transfer by Frank Kreith, Cengage Learning
3. Introduction to Heat Transfer by SK Som, PHI
4. Heat Transfer by Nellis & Klein, Cambridge University Press, 2012.
5. Engineering Heat & Mass Transfer by Sarit K. Das, Dhanpat Rai
6. Heat Transfer by P.K.Nag, TMH
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year


(Core -2)
M.Tech. (TE) (FT) – I Sem L T P C
3 1 0 4
Prerequisites: Thermodynamics, Thermal Engineering I & II
Course objectives:
The course is intended to
 Analyze engine cycles and the factors responsible for making the cycle different from the
Ideal cycle.
 Apply principles of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer to influence the
engine’s performance
 Understand the delay period and fuel injection system
 Become aware of the relevance of environmental and social issues on the design process of
internal combustion engines
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
 Apply thermodynamic analysis to IC engines and describe combustion phenomena in spark
ignition and compression ignition engines.
 Describe the working of major systems used in conventional and modern engines.
 Summarize the methods used to improve engine performance and estimate performance
 Describe engine emission control techniques and implement viable alternate fuels.
Introduction – Historical Review – Engine Types – Design and operating Parameters.
Cycle Analysis: Thermo-chemistry of Fuel – Air mixtures, properties – Ideal Models of Engine
cycles – Real Engine cycles - differences and Factors responsible for – Computer Modeling.
GAS EXCHANGE PROCESSES: Volumetric Efficiency – Flow through ports –
Supercharging and Turbo charging.
Charge Motion: Mean velocity and Turbulent characteristics – Swirl, Squish – Pre-chamber
Engine flows.

ENGINE COMBUSTION IN S.I ENGINES: Combustion and Speed – Cyclic Variations –
Ignition – Abnormal combustion Fuel factors, MPFI, SI engine testing.
COMBUSTION IN CI ENGINES: Essential Features – Types off Cycle. Pr. Data – Fuel Spray
Behavior – Ignition Delay – Mixing Formation and control, Common rail fuel injection system.

POLLUTANT FORMATION AND CONTROL: Nature and extent of problems – Nitrogen
Oxides, Carbon monoxide, unburnt Hydrocarbon and particulate – Emissions – Measurement –
Exhaust Gas Treatment, Catalytic converter, SCR, Particulate Traps, Lean, NOx, Catalysts.

ENGINE HEAT TRANSFER: Importance of heat transfer, heat transfer and engine energy
balance, Convective heat transfer, radiation heat transfer, Engine operating characteristics.
Fuel supply systems for S.I. and C.I engines to use gaseous fuels like LPG, CNG and Hydrogen.
Modern Trends in IC Engines: Lean Burning and Adiabatic concepts, Rotary Engines,
Modification in I.C engines to suit Bio – fuels, HCCI and GDI concepts.
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year

Text Books:
1. I.C. Engines by V.Ganesan, TMH
2. I.C. Engines Fundamentals by Heywood, TMH

Reference Books:
1. I.C. Engines by G.K. Pathak & DK Chevan, Standard Publications
2. Dual-Fuel Diesel Engines by Ghazi A. Karim, CRC Press
3. I.C. Engines by RK Rajput, Laxmi Publications
4. Internal Combustion Engines by S.S. Thipse, Jaico
5. Computer Simulation of C.I. Engine Process by V. Ganesan, University Press
6. Fundamentals of IC Engines by HN Gupta, PHI, 2nd edition
7. I.C. Engines by Fergnson, Wiley.
8. The I.C. Engine in theory and Practice Vol. I /Teylor /IT Prof. And Vol. II
9. Computer Simulation of Spark-Ignition Engine Processes by V. Ganesan, Universities Press.
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year

M.Tech. (TE) (FT)–I Sem
3 0 0 3
Prerequisites: Thermodynamics

Course Objectives: The course is intended to

 Provide analytical methods for the determination of the direction of processes from the first
and second laws of thermodynamics and to Introduce methods in using equations of
potentials, availability, and excergy for thermodynamic analysis
 Gain the knowledge on non-reactive mixture properties , Psychometric Mixture properties
and psychometric chart and Air conditioning processes
 Develop the ability of analyzing vapor and Gas power cycles
 Provide in depth knowledge of Direct Energy Conversion of Fuel Cells , Thermo electric
energy ,Thermionic power generation ,Thermodynamic devices Magneto Hydrodynamic
Generations and Photo voltaic cells
 Develop communication and teamwork skills in the collaborative course project

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
 Explain basic thermodynamic concepts and laws
 Describe the concepts entropy and excergy and their use in analyses of thermal energy
 Analyze power plants, refrigeration plants and thermal/chemical installations
 Evaluate means for minimizing excergy losses in selected processes
 Use advanced thermodynamics on a research case

analysis, Second law thermodynamics, Entropy, Availability and unavailability,
Thermodynamic potential. Maxwell relations, Specific heat relations, Mayer's relation.
Evaluation of thermodynamic properties of working substance

P.V.T SURFACE: Equation of state. Real gas behavior, Vander Waal's equation, Generalization
compressibility factor. Energy properties of real gases. Vapour pressure, Clausius, Clapeyro
equation. Throttling, Joule. Thompson coefficient. Non reactive mixtures of perfect gases.
Governing laws, Evaluation of properties, Psychometric mixture properties and psychometric
chart, Air conditioning processes, cooling towers. Real gas mixture.

COMBUSTION: Combustion Reactions, Enthalpy of formation. Entropy of formation,
Reference levels of tables. Energy of formation, Heat reaction, Adiabatic flame temperature
generated product, Enthalpies, Equilibrium. Chemical equilibrium of ideal gases, Effect of non
reacting gases equilibrium in multiple reactions, The Vent Hoff’s equation. The chemical
potential and phase equilibrium. The Gibbs phase rule.

POWER CYCLES: Review binary vapour cycle, co generation and combined cycles, Second law
analysts of cycles. Refrigeration cycles. Thermodynamics off irreversible processes.
Introduction, Phenomenological laws, Onsager Reciprocity relation, Applicability of the
Phenomenological relations, Heat flux and entropy production, Thermodynamic phenomena,
Thermo electric circuits.
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year

DIRECT ENERGY CONVERSION INTRODUCTION: Fuel cells, Thermo electric energy,
Thermo ionic power generation, Thermodynamic devices magneto hydrodynamic generations,
Photovoltaic cells.

Text Books:
1. Basic and Applied Thermodynamics by P.K. Nag, TMH
2. Engineering Thermodynamics by Rogers & Mayhew, Pearson
3. Thermodynamics by Holman, Mc Graw Hill.

Reference Books:
1. Thermal Engineering by Rathore, TMH
2. Applied Thermodynamics by R.K. Rajput, Laxmi Publications
3. Thermal Engineering by Soman, PHI
4. Engineering Thermodynamics by P.L.Dhar, Elsevier
5. Thermodynamics by Sonnatag & Van Wylen, John Wiley & Sons
6. Thermodynamics for Engineers by Doolittle-Messe, John Wiley & Sons
7. Irreversible Thermodynamics by HR De Groff.
8. Thermodynamics & Heat Power by Granet & Bluestein, CRC Press
9. Engineering Thermodynamics by Chatopadyaya
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year


(Programme Elective -I)
M.Tech. (TE) (FT) – I Sem L T P C
2 0 0 2
Prerequisites: Finite Element Methods, Heat Transfer, Mechanical Vibrations
Course Objectives:
The course is intended to
 Gain a fundamental understanding of the finite element method for solving 1-D structural
 Formulate the finite element equations for truss and beam elements.
 Study two-dimensional problems such as plain stress and plain strain elasticity problems.
 Learn finite element analysis of 1-D and 2-D heat conduction and torsion problem Analysis
the structures by considering the mechanical vibrations.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
 Establish the mathematical models for the complex analysis problems and predict the nature
of solution
 Formulate element characteristic matrices and vectors.
 Identify the boundary conditions and their incorporation in to the FE equations
 Solve the problems with simple geometries, with hand calculations involving the
fundamental concepts
 Interpret the analysis results for the improvement or modification of the system.
Introduction to FEM, basic concepts, applications of FEM, general procedure, comparison of
FEM with other methods, variational approach, Co-ordinates, basic element shapes, interpolation
function, Virtual energy principle, properties of stiffness matrix, treatment of boundary
conditions, solution of system of equations 1-D structural axial bar element – load vector-
temperature effects and shape functions and characteristics, Basic equations of elasticity, strain-
displacement relations, quadratic shape functions.
ANALYSIS OF TRUSSES: Plane Trusses and Space Truss elements and problems
ANALYSIS OF BEAMS: Hermite shape functions – stiffness matrix – Load vector – Problems.
2-D PROBLEMS: CST, force terms, Stiffness matrix and load vectors, boundary conditions,
Isoparametric elements – quadrilateral element, shape functions – Numerical Integration. Finite
element modeling of Axi-symmetric solids subjected to Axi-symmetric loading with triangular
3-D PROBLEMS: Tetrahedran element – Jacobian matrix – Stiffness matrix.
SCALAR FIELD PROBLEMS: 1-D Heat conduction formulations -Slabs – fins - 2-D heat
conduction problems
Dynamic considerations, Dynamic equations – consistent mass matrix for bar triangular
elements – Eigen Values, Eigen vector, natural frequencies – mode shapes – modal analysis.

Text Books:
1. The Finite Element Methods in Engineering by SS Rao, Pergamon.
2. Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering by Chandrupatla, Ashok and Belegundu,
Prentice, Hall.
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year

Reference Books:
1. Finite Element Methods: Basic Concepts and applications by Alavala, PHI
2. Applied Finite Element Analysis by Segerlind – Wiley India
3. Finite Element Modeling and Simulation with ANSYS Workbench by Chen & Lui, CRC
4. Finite Element Method by Zincowitz, Mc Graw Hill
5. Introduction to Fininte element analysis by S.Md.Jalaludeen, Anuradha Publications, print
6. A First Course in the Finite Element Method by Daryl L Logan, Cengage Learning, 5th
7. Finite Element Analysis – Theory & Programming by Krishna Moorthy, McGraw Hill
8. Finite Element Analysis by Bathe, PHI
9. Finite Element Method by Dhanraj & Nair, Oxford
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year


(Programme Elective-I)
M.Tech. (TE) (FT)–I Sem L T P C
2 0 0 2

Prerequisites: Basics concepts of solar, wind, hydro, biomass, fuel cells and geothermal
Course Objectives: The course is intended to
 introduce to the technology of renewable sources of energy
 learn about the solar radiation, its applications and radiation measuring instruments
 learn about the various types of geothermal resources and its applications
 study the biomass energy resources , bio-mass systems
 learn the methods of energy extraction from the wind and oceans
 learn to the technology of direct energy conversion methods
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
 Identify the renewable energy sources and their utilization
 Understand the basic concepts of the solar radiation and analyze the solar Thermal systems
for their utilization
 Understand the principle of working of solar cells and their modern
 manufacturing techniques
 Understand the concepts of the ocean thermal energy conversion systems and their
 Outline the methods of energy storage and identify the appropriate methods of energy
storage for specific applications
 Understand the energy conversion from wind energy, geothermal energy, biomass, biogas,
fuel cells and hydrogen
Introduction: Overview of the course, Examination and Evaluation patterns. Classification of
energy resources, energy scenario in the world and India
Basic sun-earth relationships: Definitions. Celestial sphere, altitude-azimuth, declination-hour
angle and declination-right ascension coordinate systems for finding the position of the sun,
celestial triangle and coordinates of the sun. Greenwich Mean Time, Indian Standard Time,
Local Solar Time, sun rise and sun set times & day length. Numerical problems
Solar radiation: Nature of solar radiation, solar radiation spectrum, solar constant, extra-
terrestrial radiation on a horizontal surface, attenuation of solar radiation, beam, diffuse and
global radiation. Measurement of global, diffuse and beam radiation. Prediction of solar
radiation; Angstrom model, Page model, Hottel’s model, Liu and Jordan model etc. Insolation
on an inclined surface, angle of incidence, Illustrative problems
Solar thermal systems: Principle of working of solar water heating systems, solar cookers,
solar desalination systems, solar ponds, solar chimney power plant, central power tower power
plants etc.
Solar concentrating collectors: Classification of solar concentrators, Basic definitions such as
concentration ratio, angle of acceptance etc., Tracking of the sun; description of different
tracking modes of a solar collectors and the determination of angle of incidence of insolation in
different tracking modes. Illustrative problems
Photovoltaic energy conversion: Introduction. Single crystal silicon solar cell, i-v
characteristics, effect of insolation and temperature on the performance of silicon cells. Different
types of solar cells. Modern technological methods of producing these cells. Indian and world
photovoltaic energy scenario.
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year

Energy storage: Necessity for energy storage. Classification of methods of energy storage.
Thermal energy storage; sensible heat storage, latent heat storage. Reversible chemical reaction
storage. Electromagnetic energy storage. Hydrogen energy storage. Chemical battery storage.
Pumped hydel energy storage etc.
Wind energy: Origin of winds, nature of winds, wind data measurement, wind turbine types and
their construction, wind-diesel hybrid system, environmental aspects, wind energy programme in
India and the world.

Ocean energy: Ocean thermal energy; open cycle & closed cycle OTEC plants, environmental
impacts, challenges, present status of OTEC systems. Ocean tidal energy; single basin and
double basin plants, their relative merits. Ocean wave energy; basics of ocean waves, different
wave energy conversion devices, relative merits
Fuel cells: Introduction, applications, classification, different types of fuel cells such as
phosphoric acid fuel cell, alkaline fuel cell, PEM fuel cell, MC fuel cell. Development and
performance fuel cells.

Biomass: Introduction, photosynthesis, biofuels, biomass resources, biomass conversion
technologies, urban waste to energy conversion, biomass to ethanol conversion, biomass energy
scenario in India.
Biogas: Biogas production, constant pressure and constant volume biogas plants, operational
parameters of the biogas plant
Geothermal energy: Origin, applications, types of geothermal resources, relative merits

Text Books:
1. Non conventional Energy Resources by B.H.Khan, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2012.
2. Energy Technology: Non-Conventional, Renewable and Conventional by S.Rao and
B.B.Parulekar, Khanna Publishers, 2010.

Reference Books:
1. Solar Energy-Principles of Thermal Collection and Storage by S.P.Sukhatme and J.K.Nayak,
TMH, 2008.
2. Solar Energy Thermal Processes by J.A.Duffie and W.A.Beckman, John Wiley, 2010
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year


(Programme Elective-I)
M.Tech. (TE) (FT) – I Sem L T P C
2 0 0 2
Prerequisites: Advanced I.C Engines

Course Objective: The course is intended to

 Understand the C/H/N/O system, flame temperature, the different types of reaction occurring
in an engine, while combustion.
 Understand the simulation in an SI engine with fuel air as working medium.
 Know about how the pressure is being getting developed in an engine.
 Understand the simulation of a 2-stroke engine.
 Understand the simulation in an CI engine with fuel air as working medium

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
 To impart knowledge on simulation of various engine processes used in prime movers and
power plants
 To learn the simulation of engine combustion based on first and second law of

Computer Simulation and Thermodynamics of Combustion:
Introduction, Heat of reaction, complete combustion in C/H/O/N Systems, Constant volume
adiabatic combustion, constant pressure adiabatic combustion. Calculation of adiabatic flame

SI Engine Simulation With Fuel-Air as Working Medium: Deviation between actual and air
standard cycles of operation- problems, SI engine simulation with adiabatic constant volume
combustion with fuel and air being considered, calculation of temperature drop due to fuel
vaporization, calculation of mean effective pressure, torque and thermal efficiency at full
throttle, part throttle and supercharged conditions.

Actual Cycle Simulation in SI Engines: Progressive combustion; gas exchange process, heat
transfer process, friction. Procedure of validating computer code with experimental data based
on performance parameters and pressure crank angle diagram.

Simulation of 2-Stroke SI Engine: Simulation of the process, determination of the pressure-
crank angle variation, computation of performance parameters.

Diesel Engine Simulation: Main difference between SI and CI engine simulation, differences
between ideal and actual cycles, mathematical combustion model for diesel engine, heat transfer
and gas exchange processes.

Text Books:
1. Computer Simulation of Spark Ignition Engine Process by Ganesan, V, Universities Press (I)
Ltd, Hyderabad - 1996.
2. Computer Simulation of Compression Ignition Engine Process by Ganesan. V, Universities
Press (I) Ltd, Hyderabad - 2000.
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year

Reference Books:
1. Thermodynamic Analysis of Combustion Engine by Ashley Campbel, John Wiley and Sons,
New York - 1986.
2. Internal Combustion Engines by Benson.R.S & Whitehouse. N.D., Pergamon Press, Oxford -
3. Modelling of Internal Combusion Engines Processes by Ramoss.A.L - McGraw-Hill
Publishing Co., -1992.
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year


(Programme Elective -II)
M.Tech. (TE) (FT)–I Sem L T P C
2 0 0 2
Pre-requisites: Mathematics, Differential Equations, Linear Algebra
Course Objectives:
 To solve mathematical and engineering problems by numerical methods
 To improve students programming skills in solving engineering problems by numerical

Course Outcomes: Students will understand basics of numerical analysis. Students will be
able to find roots of polynomial equations using numerical analysis and solutions of ordinary
differential equations including initial value problems, Boundary value problems and Numerical
differentiation of data and functions. Students will be able to conduct numerical integration and
differentiation and will be able to use numerical methods to solve engineering problems.
Solution of Linear Algebraic Equations: Gaussian elimination - LU decomposition - Pivoting
strategies - Operation Count - Matrix inversion- Special cases -Tridiagonal and block tridiagonal
systems - Well conditioned and Ill conditioned system-Matrix and Vector norms Condition
Number and its implications.
Solution of Non-linear Algebraic Equations: Bisection - Newton-Raphson and Secant method.
System of non-linear equations: Basics of finite difference method Discretization of spatial and
time derivatives using Taylor’s series- Truncation error and order of discretization - Fourier (von
Neumann) stability analysis.
Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations: Initial Value problems-Euler explicit and
implicit methods - Runge-Kutta method – Predictor - Corrector methods - Boundary value
problem - Shooting method - Finite difference method applied to pin fin heat dissipation - Stiff
problems - Meaning of stiffness - Further insights into stiffness by the application of Euler
explicit and implicit method to a stiff problem - Solution of stiff problem - Example – Chemical
Solution of Elliptic Partial Differential Equations: Physical problems governed by elliptic
PDE’s - Five-point and nine-point Discretization of Poisson’s equation - Iterative methods -
Point Iterative methods – Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel, and SOR - Detailed theory of the convergence of
iterative methods - Global Iterative methods – Steepest Descent and Conjugate Gradient.
Classification of PDEs and characteristics of a PDE - Solution of Parabolic Partial
Differential Equations: Physical problems governed by parabolic PDE’s Operator splitting and
ADI methods.
Text Books:
1. Numerical Mathematics and Computing, by Ward Cheney and David Kincaid, International
Thomson Publishing Company
2. Applied Numerical Analysis, by Curtis Gerald and Patrick Wheatley, Addison-Wesley
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year

Reference Books:
1. Analysis of Numerical Methods, by E. Isaacson & H. B. Keller, John Wiley & Sons
2. Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations : Finite Difference Methods, by G. D.
Smith, Oxford University Press, 1985
3. Matrix Computations, by G. H. Golub, Johns Hopkins University Press
Numerical Recipes, by W. H. Press et al
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year


(Programme Elective-II)
M.Tech. (TE) (FT)–I Sem L T P C
2 0 0 2

Prerequisites: Basic Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics

Course Objective: The course is intended to

 Provide in awareness about resources of energies available in India for Power Production by
Thermal and Nuclear Processes.
 Understand and know the requirements for a Thermal Power Plant and Nuclear Power Plant,
from sources to consumption and economics of power plants.
 Study and learn the processes and cycles followed in Thermal Power Plants and nuclear
power plants and components used in the power plants
 Gain the knowledge on steam power plants, steam generators and gas turbine power plants,
their analyses on fuel and fluidized bed combustion, ash handling systems,
 Learn the practices followed in Thermal Power Plant and Nuclear Power Plants, to better
environmental conditions and the safety measures.
 Gain the knowledge on Power Load calculation, distribution and optimum loading. Etc.,
 Know various methods for the Economies of Power Generation and power plant

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
 Describe how fission is accomplished and the basics of how a nuclear reactor produces
 Discuss the thermal cycle and describe heat transfer and fluid flow
 Identify the major components of a nuclear power plant including generators, turbines, and
cooling systems
 Examine nuclear power plant safety systems and the concepts of redundancy and defense-in-
 Describe the requirements associated with a refuel outage and nuclear fuel reload

INTRODUCTION: Sources of energy, Type of Power plants. Direct energy conversion system,
Energy sources in India, Recent developments in power generation, Combustion of coal,
Volumetric analysis, Gravimetric analysis. Fuel gas analysis.
Steam power plant: Introduction. General layout of steam power plant, Modern coal. Fired
Steam, Steam power plant. Power plant cycle, Fuel Handling, Combustion equipment, Ash
handling, Dust collectors.
Steam Generators: Types, Accessories. Feed water heaters, Performance of boiling, Water
treatment, Cooling towers. Steam turbines. Compounding of turbines, Steam condensers, Jet and
surface condensers.

GAS TURBINE POWER PLANT: Cogeneration. Combined cycle power plant, Analysis,
Waste heat recovery, IGCC power plant, Fluidized bed, Combustion, Advantages, Disadvantages

NUCLEAR POWER PLANT: Nuclear physics, Nuclear Reactor, Classification, Types of
reactors, Site selection. Method of enriching uranium. Application of nuclear power plant.
Nuclear Power Plant Safety: Bi-Product of nuclear power generation, Economics of nuclear
power plant, Nuclear power plant in India, Future of nuclear power.

ECONOMICS OF POWER GENERATION: Factors affecting the economics, Loading
factors, Utilization factor, Performance and operating characteristics of power plant, Point
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year

economic load sharing, Depreciation. Energy rate, Criteria for optimum loading. Specific
economic energy problem

POWER PLANT INSTRUMENTATIONS: Classification, Pressure measuring instrument,
Temperature measurement and Flow Measurement, Analysis of combustion gases, Pollution
types, Methods of control.

Text Books:
1. Power Plant Engineering by P.K.Nag, TMH
2. Power Plant Engineering by R.K.Rajput, Lakshmi Publications.

Reference Books:
1. Power Plant Engineering by P.C.Sharma, Kotearia Publications.
2. Power Plant Technology by Wakil, McGraw Hill
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year

(Programme Elective-II)
M.Tech. (TE) (FT) – I Sem L T P C
2 0 0 2
Prerequisites: Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics

Course Objectives: The course is intended to

 Understanding of superior thermo physical properties of nanofluids
 Understanding of synthesis of nanofluids
 Comparison of heat transfer using nanofluids with conventional fluids
 Understanding of convection and boiling heat transfer
 Research on this new topic to design modern mini and micro channel heat exchangers with
nanofluids exhibiting much higher thermal efficiency and saving energy

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
 To introduce the application of nanotechnology in the area of fluids and thermal engineering

Introduction to nanofluids, nanostructure materials, base fluids, dispersion, sonication and stable
suspension. Various types of nanofluids-volumetric concentration. Thermophysical properties:
Density; principles of measurement and apparatus. Theoretical equations and new empirical
correlations to determine the density of different nanofluids. Viscosity: principles of
measurement and apparatus. Andrade’s and other theoretical equations and new empirical
correlations to determine the viscosity of different nanofluids. Effect of volumetric concentration
and temperature. Effect of subzero temperature on nanofluid viscosity.

Thermal conductivity: principles of measurement and apparatus. Hamilton-Crosser and other
theoretical equations and new empirical correlations to determine the thermalconductivity of
different nanofluids. Effect of volumetric concentration and temperature. Effect of Brownian
motion on enhancing the thermal conductivity. Specific heat: principles of measurement and
apparatus. Buongeorno’s thermal equilibrium equation and other theoretical equationsand new
empirical correlations to determine the specific heat of different nanofluids. Effect of volumetric
concentration and temperature.

Combined effects of thermophysical properties of nanofluids on the thermal diffusivity, the
Prandtl number, the Reynolds number and the Nusselt number. Basic understanding of their
effects on frictional loss and Heat transfer. Convective heat transfer: Single-phase fluid
equations, laminar flow, entry length and fully developed friction factor and heat transfer
coefficient. Graetz number effect in the entry region. Correlations for friction factor and Nusselt
number for nanofluids. Turbulent flow: Single phase fluid fully developed flow Dittus-Boelter
and Glienilski equations. Blasius and other turbulent friction factor correlations. Their
comparison with nanofluids data. New correlations for turbulent friction factor and Nusselt
number for nanofluids.

Principles of measurement and apparatus for the nanofluid convective heat transfer coefficient.
Recent empirical relations for convection coefficient of various types of nanofluids. Effect of
particle Peclet number. Effect of volumetric concentration. Application of nanofluids to various
types of industrial heat exchangers. Heating capacity, mass flow, heat exchanger surface area,
LMTD and pumping power for nanofluids versus conventional heat transfer fluids.

Application to building heating and cooling Comparison of nano-fluids performance with glycol
solution in hydraulic coils. Application to automobile radiators. Comparison of the performance
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year

of nanofluids under arctic and sub-arctic temperatures with glycol solutions. Introduction to
electronic cooling in micro channels with nano-fluids.

Text Books:
1. Microscale and Nanoscale Heat Transfer by C. Sobhan and G. Peterson, First edition, CRC
2. Fluid Mechanics by F. M. White, 5th Edition, McGraw-Hill
3. Heat Transfer by A. Bejan 2nd Edition, John Wiley

Reference Books:
1. Handbook of Nanostructured Materials and Nanotechnology by H.S.Nalwa, I edition, Vol. I
and II, American Scientific Publishers
2. Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology by Bharat Bhushan, 1st edition, Springer-Verlag
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year


(Core Lab –I)
M.Tech. (TE) (FT)–I Sem L T P C
0 0 3 1.5
Prerequisites: Thermodynamics, Thermal Engineering

Course Objective: To apply the laws of Thermodynamics to analyze thermodynamic systems

experimentally and perform parametric analysis

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student should be able to
 Apply the laws of Thermodynamics to analyze thermodynamic systems based on
measured properties
 Infer from property charts and tables and to apply the data for the evaluation of
performance parameters of thermodynamic systems
 Simulation and Performance Evaluation of Thermal and Fluid Flow Systems

1. Performance test and analysis of exhaust gases of an I.C. Engine.

2. Heat Balance sheet, Volumetric Efficiency and air fuel ratio estimation of an I.C. Engine.
3. Evaluation of Performance Parameters for Axial Fan and Centrifugal Blower
4. Evaluation of Performance of a Nozzle and Determination of Nozzle Pressure
5. Determination of Performance Evaluation of Impulse and Reaction Turbines
6. Simulation of Flow Network for Basic Pipe Flow and Interconnection of Pipes
7. Simulation of Flow Network and Performance Evaluation of Rankine Cycle with Reheat
and Regeneration
8. Simulation of Flow Network and Performance Evaluation of Brayton Cycle with Inter
cooling and Reheat
9. Simulation of Flow and Thermal Networks and Performance Evaluation of a Boiler along
with Boiler, Economizer, Super heater and Reheater
10. Steady and Transient Simulation of Compressible Flow Network
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year


(Core Lab –II)
M.Tech. (TE) (FT)–I Sem L T P C
0 0 3 1.5
Prerequisites: Heat and Mass Transfer

Course Objective: To apply the principles of Heat Transfer to determine various Heat transfer
and Fluid Flow Parameters

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student should be able to
 Determine the thermal property of the solids using energy balance and also using
unsteady state analysis
 Determine the heat transfer coefficient of air in free and force convective conditions
 Determine the performance of Recuperative Type heat exchangers
 Determine the drag acting on different surfaces and its effects on pumping power
 Determine performance of thermal equipment like Heat Pipe
1. Determination of Thermal Conductivity of a Metal Rod using Searle’s Apparatus
2. Determination of thermal Conductivity of a thin disc using Lee’s Disc Apparatus
3. Determination of Free Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient of air Using Vertical
4. Determination of Forced Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient of air using
Forced Convection Apparatus
5. Determination of Performance of a Heat Pipe
6. Determination of the effectiveness of Parallel and Counter Flow Heat Exchanger
7. Determination of Condensation Heat Transfer Coefficient under Film and Drop
wise Condensation Conditions
8. Heat exchanger service module with axillaries Tubular heat exchanger, shell &
tube heat exchanger, plate heat exchanger, jacketed vessel with coil and stirrer.
9. Determination of Stefan Boltzmann Constant.
10. Determination of overall heat transfer coefficient using shell & tube heat
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year


(Audit Course - I)

M.Tech. (ED) (FT)–I Sem L T P C

2 0 0 0

Course objectives:
Students will be able to:
1. Understand that how to improve your writing skills and level of readability
2. Learn about what to write in each section
3. Understand the skills needed when writing a Title
Ensure the good quality of paper at very first-time submission
Units CONTENTS Hours
Planning and Preparation, Word Order, Breaking up long sentences,
1. Structuring Paragraphs and Sentences, Being Concise and Removing 4
Redundancy, Avoiding Ambiguity and Vagueness
Clarifying Who Did What, Highlighting Your Findings, Hedging and
2. Criticising, Paraphrasing and Plagiarism, Sections of a Paper, Abstracts. 4
Review of the Literature, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, The
3. 4
Final Check.
Key skills are needed when writing a Title, key skills are needed when writing
4. an Abstract, key skills are needed when writing an Introduction, skills needed 4
when writing a Review of the Literature,
Skills are needed when writing the Methods, Skills needed when writing the
5. Results, Skills are needed when writing the Discussion, Skills are needed when 4
writing the Conclusions
Useful phrases, how to ensure paper is as good as it could possibly be the first
6. 4
– time submission

Suggested Studies:
1. Goldbort R(2006) Writing for Science, Yale University Press (available on Google
2. Day R (2006) How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper, Cambridge University Press
3. Highman N (1998), Handbook of Writing for the Mathematical Sciences SIAM.
Highman’s book.
4. Adrian Wallwork, English for Writing Research Papers, Springer New York Dordrecht
Heidelberg London, 2011
5. Highman M (1998P), Handbook of Writing for the Mathematical Seiences, SIAM.
Highman’s Book
6. Adrian Wallwork, English for Writing Research Papers, Springer New York Dordrecht
Heidelberg London, 2011
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year


M.Tech. (TE) (FT)–II Sem
3 0 0 3
Prerequisites: Thermodynamics

Course Objectives:
 To apply the principles of thermodynamics to analyze different types of refrigeration and air
conditioning systems and to understand the functionality of the major components.

 Differentiate between different types of refrigeration systems with respect to application as
well as conventional & unconventional refrigeration systems.
 Thermodynamically analyze refrigeration and air conditioning systems and evaluate
performance parameters.
 Apply the principles of psychometrics to design the air conditioning loads for industrial

compression system. Actual Vs Ideal cycle - Effect of operating parameters on COP,
Components of Vapor Compression System: The condensing unit – Evaporators – Expansion
valve – Refrigerants – Properties – ODP & GWP - Load balancing of vapor compression Unit.
Compound Compression: Flash inter-cooling – flash chamber – Multi-evaporator & Multistage

PRODUCTION OF LOW TEMPERATURE: Liquefaction system, Liquefaction of gases,
Hydrogen and Helium, Cascade System – Applications– Dry ice system.
Vapor absorption system – Simple and modified aqua – ammonia system – Representation on
Enthalpy –Concentration diagram.
Lithium – Bromide system Three fluid system – HCOP.

AIR REFRIGERATION: Applications – Air Craft Refrigeration -Simple, Bootstrap,
Regenerative and Reduced ambient systems – Problems based on different systems.
Steam Jet refrigeration system: Representation on T-s and h-s diagrams – limitations and
Unconventional Refrigeration system – Thermo-electric – Vortex tube & Pulse tube – working

AIR CONDITIONING: Psychometric properties and processes – Construction of Psychometric
chart. Requirements of Comfort Air –conditioning – Thermodynamics of human body –
Effective temperature and Comfort chart – Parameters influencing the Effective Temperature.
Summer, winter and year round air – conditioning systems. Cooling load Estimation: Occupants,
equipments, infiltration, duet heat gain fan load, Fresh air load.

AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEMS: All Fresh air, Re-circulated air with and without bypass,
with reheat systems – Calculation of Bypass Factor, ADP, RSHF, ESHF and GSHF for different
systems. Components: Humidification and dehumidification equipment – Systems of Air
cleaning – Grills and diffusers – Fans and blowers – Measurement and control of Temperature
and Humidity.
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year

Text Books
1. Refrigeration & Air Conditioning by C.P. Arora, TMH
2. Refrigeration & Air Conditioning by Arora & Domkundwar, Dhanpat Rai
3. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning by Manohar Prasad
4. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning by Stoecker, Mc Graw Hill

Reference Books:
1. Basic Refrigeration & Air Conditioning by P.N. Ananthanarayanan, McGraw Hill
2. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning by Dr. S.S. Thipse, Jaico
3. Principles of Refrigeration by Dossat, Pearson
4. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning by Jordan& Preister, Prentice Hall
5. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning by Dossat, Mc Graw Hill
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year


(Core- 5)

M.Tech. (TE) (FT) – II Sem L T P C

3 0 0 3

Prerequisites: Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machinery

Course Objectives: The course is intended to

 Establish an understanding of the fundamental concepts of fluid mechanics.
 Understand and apply the potential flow equations to basic flows.
 Understand and apply the differential equations of fluid mechanics including the ability to
apply and understand the impact of assumptions made in the analysis.
 Understand the boundary layer concepts with respect to fluid flow
 Understand and apply the compressible flow equations.

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
 Understanding the concept of fluid and the models of fluids
 Understanding the basic physical meaning of general equations
 Understanding the concept of stream function and potential function
 Ability to derive the equation for viscous flow, including laminar flow and turbulent flow
 Ability to address such problems in engineering, and to solve the problems

INVISCID FLOW OF INCOMPRESSIBLE FLUIDS: Lagrangian and Eulerain Descriptions
of fluid motion- Path lines, Stream lines, Streak lines, stream tubes – velocity of a fluid particle,
types of flows, Equations of three dimensional continuity equation- Stream and Velocity
potential functions.
Basic Laws of fluid Flow: Condition for irrotationality, circulation & vorticity Accelerations in
Cartesian systems normal and tangential accelerations, Euler’s, Bernoulli equations in 3D–
Continuity and Momentum Equations

Viscous Flow: Derivation of Navier-Stoke’s Equations for viscous compressible flow – Exact
solutions to certain simple cases: Plain Poisoulle flow - Coutte flow with and without pressure
gradient - Hagen Poisoulle flow - Approximate solutions – Creeping motion (Stokes) – Oseen’s

Boundary Layer Theory: Prandtl’s contribution to real fluid flows – Prandtl’s boundary layer
theory - Boundary layer thickness for flow over a flat plate –- Von-Karman momentum integral
equation - Blasius solution- Laminar boundary layer – Turbulent Boundary Layer ––
Expressions for local and mean drag coefficients for different velocity profiles. – Total Drag due
to Laminar & Turbulent Layers – Problems.

Introduction to Turbulent Flow: Fundamental concept of turbulence – Time Averaged
Equations – Boundary Layer Equations - Prandtl Mixing Length Model - Universal Velocity
Distribution Law: Van Driest Model –Approximate solutions for drag coefficients – More
Refined Turbulence Models – k-epsilon model - boundary layer separation and form drag –
Karman Vortex Trail, Boundary layer control, lift on circular cylinders
Internal Flow: Smooth and rough boundaries – Equations for Velocity Distribution and
frictional Resistance in smooth rough Pipes – Roughness of Commercial Pipes – Moody’s
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year

Compressible Fluid Flow – I: Thermodynamic basics – Equations of continuity, Momentum
and Energy - Acoustic Velocity Derivation of Equation for Mach Number – Flow Regimes –
Mach Angle – Mach Cone – Stagnation State
Compressible Fluid Flow – II: Area Variation, Property Relationships in terms of Mach
number, Nozzles, Diffusers – Fanno and Releigh Lines, Property Relations – Isothermal Flow in
Long Ducts – Normal Compressible Shock, Oblique Shock: Expansion and Compressible
Shocks – Supersonic Wave Drag.

Text Books:
1. Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines by S K Som and G Biswas, TMH
2. Fluid Mechanics by Joseph H Spurk and Nuri Aksel, Springer
3. Compressible Fluid Dynamics by B K Hodge and Keith Koenig, Pearson
4. Fluid Mechanics by Potter, Cengage Learning

Reference Books:
1. Fluid Mechanics by Jog, Cambridge
2. Fluid Mechanics and Machinery by Khan, Oxford
3. Fluid Mechanics by Cohen and Kundu, Elsevier, 5th edition
4. Fluid Mechanics by William S Janna, CRC Press
5. Dynamics & Theory and Dynamics of Compressible Fluid Flow by Shapiro.
6. Fluid Dynamics by William F. Hughes & John A. Brighton, TMH
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year


(Core -6)
M.Tech. (TE) (FT) – II Sem L T P C
3 0 0 3
Prerequisites: Thermodynamics, Thermal Engineering I & II

Course Objectives:
The course is intended to make a post graduate students to understand
 The fundamental of combustion phenomena in general
 The different combustion process, its thermodynamics and kinetics
 The combustion mechanism in different types of combustion
 The burner design for efficient combustion
 Different combustion models
 The effect of quantity & quality of fuel and engine technology on exhaust emissions
 The concept of laminar and turbulent flame propagation
 Different methods to reduce air pollution

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
 Understand the concepts of combustion phenomena in energy conversion devices
 Apply the knowledge of adiabatic flame temperature in the design of combustion devices
 Identify the phenomenon of flame stabilization in laminar and turbulent flames
 Analyze the pollution formation mechanisms in combustion of solid, liquid and gaseous

FUELS: Detailed classification – Conventional and Unconventional Solid, Liquid, gaseous fuels
and nuclear fuels – Origin of Coal – Analysis of coal.
Coal – Carborisation, Gasification and liquification – Lignite: petroleum based fuels – problems
associated with very low calorific value gases: Coal Gas – Blast Furnace Gas Alcohols and

PRINCIPLES OF COMBUSTION: Chemical composition – Flue gas analysis – dew point of
products – Combustion stoichiometry.
Chemical kinetics – Rate of reaction – Reaction order – Molecularity – Zeroth, first, second and
third order reactions - complex reactions – chain reactions. Theories of reaction Kinetics –
General oxidation behavior of HC’s.

velocity of fuels – Measurement of burning velocity – factors affecting the burning velocity.

Flame Stability, Combustion of fuel, droplets and sprays – Combustion systems – Pulverized
fuel furnaces – fixed, Entrained and Fluidised Bed Systems.

ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS: Air pollution – Effects on Environment, Human
Health etc. Principal pollutants – Legislative Measures – Methods of Emission control.

Text Books:
1. Combustion Fundamentals by Roger A Strehlow, Mc Graw Hill
2. Fuels and combustion by Sharma and Chander Mohan, Tata Mc Graw Hill
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year

Reference Books:
1. Combustion Engineering and Fuel Technology by Shaha A.K., Oxford and IBH.
2. Principles of Combustion by Kanneth K.Kuo, Wiley and Sons.
3. Fuels & Combustion by Sameer Circar, Mc. Graw Hill.
4. An Introduction to Combustion by Stephen R. Turns, Mc. Graw Hill International Edition.
5. Combustion Engineering by Gary L. Berman & Kenneth W. Ragland, Mc. Graw Hill
International Edition.
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year


(Programme Elective - III)
M.Tech. (TE) (FT) – II Sem L T P C
2 0 0 2

Prerequisites: Environment Studies, Elements of Mechanical Engineering, Thermodynamics

Course Objectives:
The course is intended to
 Demonstrate the importance and role of energy management in the functional areas like
Manufacturing Industry, Process Industry,. Commerce and Government
 To know the different energy resources
 Understand thermodynamic power cycles and the associated processes and fuels
 Understand the economics of energy conversion
 Enable the students to understand the basic energy conversion and management principles
and to identify sources of energy loss and target savings
 Enable students in carrying out budgeting and risk analysis
 Analyze the performance of the wind turbine

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
 Explain the fundamentals of energy management and its influence on environment
 Describe methods of energy production for improved utilization.
 Apply the principles of thermal engineering and energy management to improve the
performance of thermal systems.
 Analyze the methods of energy conservation and energy efficiency for buildings, air
conditioning, heat recovery and thermal energy storage systems.
 Assess energy projects on the basis of economic and financial criteria.

INTRODUCTION: Principles of energy management. Managerial organization, Functional
areas for i) manufacturing industry, ii) Process industry, iii) Commerce, iv) Government, Role of
Energy manager in each of these organizations. Initiating, Organizing and managing energy
management programs

ENERGY AUDIT: Definition and concepts. Types of energy audits, Basic energy concepts,
Resources for plant energy studies. Data gathering, Analytical techniques. Energy Conservation:
Technologies for energy conservation, Design for conservation of energy materials, Energy flow
networks. Critical assessment of energy usage. Formulation of objectives and constrains,
Synthesis of alternative options and technical analysis of options. Process integration.

ECONOMIC ANALYSIS: Scope, Characterization of an investment project. Types of
depreciation, Time value of money. Budget considerations, Risk analysis.

METHODS OF EVALUATION OF PROJECTS: Payback, Annualized costs, Investor's rate
of return, Present worth, Internal rate of return, Pros and cons of the common method of
analysis, Replacement analysis.

energy collections, Thermal storage system, Control systems. Wind Energy, Availability,
Wind Devices, Wind Characteristics, performance of turbines and systems.
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year

Text Books:
1. Energy Management Hand Book by W.C. Turner (Ed)
2. Energy Management Principles by CB Smith, Pergamon Press

Reference Books:
1. Energy Management by W.R.Murthy and G.Mc.Kay, BS Publication
2. Management by H.Koontz and Cyrill Donnel, McGraw Hill
3. Financial Management by S.C.Kuchhal, Chaitanya Publishing House
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year


(Programme Elective-III)

M.Tech. (TE) (FT)–II Sem L T P C

2 0 0 2

Prerequisites: Thermodynamics & Thermal Engineering

Course Objectives:
 To understand and analyze various components & processes of jet & rocket propulsion
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, student should be able to:
 Apply the principles of thermodynamics to analyze the various components of propulsion
 To apply the principles of compressible flow to design nozzles.
 To apply the principles of combustion to analyze combustion chambers.
 To analyze different rocket propulsion systems.
TURBO JET PROPULSION SYSTEM: Gas turbine cycle analysis – layout of turbo jet
engine. Turbo machinery- compressors and turbines, combustor, blade aerodynamics, engine off
design performance analysis.
Flight Performance: Forces acting on vehicle – Basic relations of motion – multi stage
PRINCIPLES OF JET PROPULSION AND ROCKETRY: Fundamentals of jet propulsion,
Rockets and air breathing jet engines – Classification – turbo jet , turbo fan, turbo prop, rocket
(Solid and Liquid propellant rockets) and Ramjet engines.
Nozzle Theory and Characteristics Parameters: Theory of one dimensional convergent –
divergent nozzles – aerodynamic choking of nozzles and mass flow through a nozzle – nozzle
exhaust velocity – thrust, thrust coefficient, Ac / At of a nozzle, Supersonic nozzle shape, non-
adapted nozzles, summer field criteria, departure from simple analysis – characteristic
parameters – 1) characteristic velocity, 2) specific impulse 3) total impulse 4) relationship
between the characteristic parameters 5) nozzle efficiency, combustion efficiency and overall
properties of mixture of gases – Gibbs – Dalton laws – Equivalent ratio, enthalpy changes in
reactions, heat of reaction and heat of formation – calculation of adiabatic flame temperature and
specific impulse – frozen and equilibrium flows.
Solid Propulsion System: Solid propellants – classification, homogeneous and heterogeneous
propellants, double base propellant compositions and manufacturing methods. Composite
propellant oxidizers and binders. Effect of binder on propellant properties. Burning rate and
burning rate laws, factors influencing the burning rate, methods of determining burning rates.
Solid propellant rocket engine – internal ballistics, equilibrium motor operation and equilibrium
pressure to various parameters. Transient and pseudo equilibrium operation, end burning and
burning grains, grain design. Rocket motor hard ware design. Heat transfer considerations in
solid rocket motor design. Ignition system, simple pyro devices.
Liquid Rocket Propulsion System: Liquid propellants – classification, Mono and Bi
propellants, Cryogenic and storage propellants, ignition delay of hypergolic propellants, physical
and chemical characteristics of liquid propellant. Liquid propellant rocket engine – system
layout, pump and pressure feed systems, feed system components. Design of combustion
chamber, characteristic length, constructional features, and chamber wall stresses. Heat transfer
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year

and cooling aspects. Uncooled engines, injectors – various types, injection patterns, injector
characteristics, and atomization and drop size distribution, propellant tank design.

propellants, gross thrust, gross thrust coefficient, combustion efficiency of ramjet engine, air
intakes and their classification – critical, super critical and sub-critical operation of air intakes,
engine intake matching, classification and comparison of IIRR propulsion systems.

Text Books
1. Rocket propulsion elements by Sutton, John Wiley & Sons, 8th Edition
2. Gas Turbines by Ganesan, TMH
3. Gas Turbines & Propulsive Systems by Khajuria & Dubey, Dhanpat Rai & Sons

Reference Books:
1. Mechanics and Dynamics of Propulsion by Hill and Peterson, John Wiley & Sons
2. Rocket propulsion by Bevere
3. Jet propulsion by Nicholas Cumpsty
4. Elements of Gas Turbine Propulsion by Jack D. Mattingly, TMH
5. Turbines, Compressors and Fans by S M Yahya, MGH
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year

(Programme Elective-III)
M.Tech. (TE) (FT)–II Sem L T P C
2 0 0 2
Prerequisites: Thermodynamics 1 & 2

Course Objectives: The course is intended to

 Understand the fundamental concepts of turbo machines
 Apply concepts of fluid mechanics in turbo machines.
 Understand the thermodynamic analysis of steam nozzles and turbines.
 Understand the different types of compressors and evaluating their performances in the form
of velocity triangles.
 Familiarize the basic concepts of gas dynamics and analyze the performance of axial flow
gas turbines

COURSE OUTCOMES: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
 To design and analyze the performance of Turbo machines for engineering applications
 To understand the energy transfer process in Turbo machines and governing equations of
various forms.
 To understand the structural and functional aspects of major components of Turbo machines.
 To design various Turbo machines for power plant and aircraft applications
 Understand the design principles of the turbo machines
 Analyze the turbo machines to improve and optimize their performance

Properties of turbulent flow. Boundary Layer: Boundary Layer, Growth rate of Boundary layer
for Laminar and Turbulent Flows. Characteristics of Turbulent Flow: The Origin of Turbulence,
Nature of Turbulence, Swirling Structure, Mean Motion and Fluctuations, Consequences of
Turbulence, Homogeneous Isotropic Turbulence.
DENSITY FUNCTION: Correlation Functions, Ideas about eddy size, Intensity of Turbulence
or Degree of Turbulence. Kolmogorov Hypothesis and Energy Cascade: Kolmogorov Universal
Law for the Fine Structure, Energy Cascade, Kolmogorov Length Scale, Kolmogorov's First
Hypothesis, Kolmogorov's Second Hypothesis. Probability Density Functions and Averaging:
Introduction, Probability density function, Averaging used in the analysis of turbulent flows.

IDEALIZATION OF TURBULENT FLOWS: Reynolds' Decomposition, Examples of
Turbulent Fluctuations, Some Measurements on Fluctuating Components. Measurements on
Fluctuating Components: Shear Stress due to the Fluctuations, The boundary layer
measurements of Klebanoff. Turbulent Boundary Layer Equations: Turbulent Boundary Layer
Equations for a two dimensional flow. Classical Idealization of Turbulent Stresses: Introduction,
The Boussines or eddy viscosity model, Eddy viscosity.

VORTICITY DYNAMICS: Introduction, Vorticity and the equations of motion, Reynolds
stress and vorticity. Vortex Stretching. The Vorticity Equation, Vorticity in Turbulent Flows.
RELATIONS: Kinetic Energy of the Mean Flow. Kinetic Energy of Fluctuations. Scaling
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year

Bounded Flows, The Universal Velocity Profile. Free Shear Flows, Turbulent Jets, Uniform
Eddy Viscosity model.
SPECTRAL DYNAMICS: Correlation Functions and Spectra. Correlation Functions and
Viscosity: Introduction Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) Equations, Eddy Viscosity
Models, Zero-Equation Models. One-Equation Model: One-Equation Model, Two-Equation
Model. Two Equation Models: k - ω Model, SST (Shear Stress Transport) Turbulence Model.
Discussion on Applicability

model: Special Features of Near Wall Flow, Near Wall Treatment in Transport Equation based
Models, Wall Function Approach, Low Reynolds number version of k - ε model: Asymptotic
Consistency, Damping Functions. RNG k - ε Model and Kato-Launder Model. The Realizable k
- ε Model, Reynolds Stress Models (RSM), Large Eddy Simulation (LES). Mathematical
Modeling of Turbulent Flows: The Filtered Navier-Stokes Equations, SubgridScale Closure,
Standard Subgrid-Scale Model. Dynamic Model of LES. Direct Numerical Simulation.

Text Books:
1. A First Course in Turbulence by H. Tennekes and J.L. Lumley, 1987, The MIT Press,
Cambridge, Massachusetts, and London, England.
2. Fluid Mechanics by P.K. Kundu and I.M. Cohen, 2002, Academic Press (An Imprint of
Elsevier Science, USA.

Reference Books:
1. Turbulent Flows by S.B. Pope, 2000, Cambridge University Press, UK.
2. Turbulent Flows: Fundamentals, Experiments and Modeling by G. Biswas and V. Eswaran,
2002, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, India.
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year


(Programme Elective-IV)
M.Tech. (TE) (FT)–II Sem L T P C
2 0 0 2
Pre-requisites; Operations Research

Course Objectives: The main objectives of the course are:

 Numerical optimization techniques for single variable and multi variable non- linear
optimization problems.
 Sensitivity analysis on LPP queuing
 Simulation of annexing problem & inventory problem.
 Geometry cutting plane method & branch bound method for linear IPP.
 Meaning of stochastic programming problem simple problems for finding mean variance
of random variables chance constrained algorithm.
 Formulation of GP model and solving it using arithmetic geometric inequality theorem.
 State of art nontraditional optimization technique, namely genetic algorithm simulated
annealing & particle swarm optimization.

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student is able to apply appropriate
optimization techniques and solve.
 Based on the type of optimization problem like single variable or multivariable,
 Make sensitivity analysis to study effect of changes in parameters of LPP on the optimal
solution without reworking.
 Simulate the system to estimate specified performance measures.
 Solve integer programming problem by either geometry cutting plane algorithm or
branch band method.
 Apply chance constrained algorithm and solve stochastic linear programme.
 Formulate GP model and solve it.
 Solve given optimization problem by genetic algorithm or simulated annealing or PSO.

Single Variable Non-Linear Unconstrained Optimization: Elimination methods: Uni-Model
function-its importance, Fibonacci method & Golden section method. Interpolation methods:
Quadratic & Cubic interpolation methods.

Multi variable non-linear unconstrained optimization: Direct search methods – Univariant
method, Pattern search methods – Powell’s, Hook -Jeeves, Rosenbrock search methods.
Gradient methods: Gradient of function& its importance, Steepest descent method, Conjugate
direction methods: Fletcher-Reeves method & variable metric method.

Linear Programming – Formulation, Simplex method & Artificial variable optimization
techniques: Big M & Two phase methods. Sensitivity analysis: Changes in the objective
coefficients, constants& coefficients of the constraints. Addition of variables, constraints.
Simulation – Introduction – Types- steps – applications: inventory & queuing – Advantages and

Integer Programming- Introduction – formulation – Geometry cutting plane algorithm – Zero
or one algorithm, branch and bound method
Stochastic Programming: Basic concepts of probability theory, random variables-
distributions-mean, variance, correlation, co variance, joint probability distribution. Stochastic
linear programming: Chance constrained algorithm.
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year

Geometric Programming: Posynomials – Arithmetic - Geometric inequality – unconstrained
G.P- constrained G.P (≤ type only)
Non Traditional Optimization Algorithms: Genetics Algorithm-Working Principles,
Similarities and Differences between Genetic Algorithm & Traditional Methods. Simulated
Annealing- Working Principle-Simple Problems. Introduction to Particle Swarm Optimization
(PSO) (very brief)

Text Books:
1. Optimization theory & Applications by S.S.Rao, New Age International.
2. Optimization for Engineering Design by Kalyanmoy Deb, PHI

Reference Books:
1. Operations Research by S.D. Sharma
2. Operation Research by H.A.Taha, TMH
3. Optimization in operations research by R.LRardin
4. Optimization Techniques by Benugundu & Chandraputla, Pearson Asia.
5. Optimization Techniques theory and practice by M.C.Joshi & K.M. Moudgalya, Narosa
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year


(Porgramme Elective-IV)
M.Tech. (TE) (FT)–II Sem
2 0 0 2

Prerequisites: Hydrogen and Fuel Cells, Biodiesel - Production and Properties

Course Objectives:
 Gain knowledge of various alternative fuels
 Know about Natural gas, LPG, hydrogen and bio gas.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
 Identify the need of alternate fuels and list out some prospective alternate fuels
 Categorize, interpret and understand the essential properties of fuels for petrol and diesel
 Infer the storage and dispensing facilities requirements
 Analyze the implement limitations with regard to performance, emission and materials
 Identify and understand possible harmful emissions and the legislation standards

Need for alternate fuel : Availability and properties of alternate fuels, general use of alcohols,
LPG, hydrogen, ammonia, CNG and LNG, vegetable oils and biogas, merits and demerits of
various alternate fuels, introduction to alternate energy sources. Like EV, hybrid, fuel cell and
solar cars.

Alcohols: Properties as engine fuel, alcohols and gasoline blends, performance in SI engine,
methanol and gasoline blends, combustion characteristics in CI engines, emission characteristics,
DME, DEE properties performance analysis, performance in SI & CI Engines.

Natural Gas, LPG, Hydrogen and Biogas: Availability of CNG, properties, modification required
to use in engines, performance and emission characteristics of CNG using LPG in SI & CI
engines, performance and emission of LPG. Hydrogen; storage and handling, performance and
safety aspects.

Technical Background of Diesel/Bio-diesel fuels-Oil feed stocks- Transesterification-Bio-diesel
production from Vegetable oils and waste cooking oil-High blend levels of bio-diesel-Testing,
Bio diesel-Oxidation stability-Performance in Engines, Properties of bio-fuels and their
importance in the context of IC Engines. Vegetable Oils: Various vegetable oils for engines,
esterification, performance in engines, performance and emission characteristics, bio diesel and
its characteristics

Electric, Hybrid, Fuel Cell and Solar Cars: Layout of an electric vehicle, advantage and
limitations, specifications, system components, electronic control system, high energy and power
density batteries, hybrid vehicle, fuel cell vehicles, solar powered vehicles.
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year

Text Books:
1. Alternate Fuels by Dr. S. S. Thipse, Jaico Publications
2. Alternative Fuels Guide BooK by Richard.L & Bechfold, SAE International Warrendale -

Reference Books:
1. Energy Today & tomorrow by Maheswar Dayal, 1 & B Horishr India-1982.
2. Power Plant Engineering by Nagpal, Khanna Publishers, 1991.
3. Alcohols as motor fuels progress in technology, Series No. 19 - SAE Publication USE - 1980.
4. SAE paper nos. 840367, 841333, 841334, 841156, Transactions, SAE, USA
5. Alternative Fuels Guidebook by Bechtold R.
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year


(Programme Elective-IV)

M.Tech. (TE) (FT) – II Sem L T P C

2 0 0 2

Pre-requisite: Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics

Course Objective: To apply the principles of Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics to solve
simple heat transfer and fluid flow problems using different numerical techniques

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student should be able to
 Differentiate between different types of Partial Differential Equations and to be able to
apply appropriate numerical techniques
 Solve the simple heat transfer and fluid flow problems using different numerical
 Understand and to appreciate the need for validation of numerical solution

Review of Governing Equations in Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow: Conservation Laws –
Differential Form of Equations – Characteristics of Governing Equations - Solution Methods :
Analytical, Experimental and Numerical Methods – Review of Boundary Conditions
Introduction to Numerical Methods - Brief about Finite Difference, Finite Element and Finite
Volume Methods – Solution of Linear Algebraic Equations – Direct and Iterative Approaches
Mathematical Behavior of Partial Differential Equations: Classification of Partial
Differential Equations – Illustrations
Finite Difference Method: Taylor’s series – Derivation of Finite Difference Formulae for
Partial Derivative Terms - FD formulation of 1D Elliptic PDEs - 1D steady state heat transfer
problems – Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical co-ordinate systems –- boundary conditions

Finite Difference Method : 2D Elliptic PDEs – 2D Steady State Heat Conduction Problems.
Parabolic PDEs - Transient heat conduction – Errors and Stability - Explicit Method – Stability
Analysis – Implicit and Crank Nickolson method – 2-D Parabolic PDEs - Finite Difference
formulation – ADI Method and explicit Method – Finite Difference Formulation of 1D
Hyperbolic PDEs - Wave Equation

Finite Volume Method: Formation of Basic rules for Finite Volume approach – General Nodal
Equation - Interface Thermal Conductivity -– Treatment of Source Term and Treatment of
Solution of 1D and 2D Elliptic PDEs - Heat conduction problems - Solution of 1D Parabolic
PDEs – Explicit Method and Implicit Methods- Transient Heat conduction problems
FVM to Convection and Diffusion: General Form of Governing Equations for Fluid Flow and
Heat transfer – Burger’s equation - Steady 1D Convection Diffusion – Discretization Schemes
and their assessment – Treatment of Boundary Conditions
Calculation of Flow Field: Vorticity & Stream Function Method – Advantages and
Disadvantages – Treatment of Boundary Conditions - Staggered Grid as Remedy for
representation of Flow Field - Pressure Velocity Coupling - SIMPLE & SIMPLER (revised
algorithm) Algorithms.
Compressible Flows: Introduction - Pressure, Velocity and Density Coupling.
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year

Text Books:
1. Numerical heat transfer and fluid flow – S.V. Patankar (Hemisphere Pub. House)
2. An Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics – FVM Method – H.K.Versteeg, W.
Malalasekhara (PHI)
3. Computational Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer by Muralidharan & Sundarajan (Narosa Pub)
4. Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer by P. S. Ghoshdastidar, Centage Pub

Reference Books:
1. Computational Fluid Dynamics by Hoffman and Chiang, Engg Education System
2. Computational Fluid Dynamics by Anderson, TMH
3. Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics by Ferziger, Peric, Springer
4. Computational Fluid Dynamics by T.J. Chung, Cambridge University
5. Computational Fluid Dynamics by A Practical Approach – Tu, Yeoh, Liu, Elsevier
6. Text Book of Fluid Dynamics by Frank Chorlton, CBS Publishers
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year


(Core Lab-III)

M.Tech. (TE) (FT)–II Sem L T P C

0 0 3 1.5
Pre-requisite: Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics

Course Objective: To apply the principles of Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics to solve
simple heat transfer and fluid flow problems using commercial CFD software

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student should be able to
 Solve the simple heat transfer and fluid flow problems
 Understand and to appreciate the need for validation of numerical solution

1. Simulation of Couette flow when the upper plate is moving with a velocity of 40 m/s. Take
the distance between the plates as 4 cm. Properties of fluid are; ν = 0.000217 m2/s, ρ= 800
kg/m3. Make simulations for a pressure gradient of 0-30000 N/m2/m and 20000 N/m2/m and
report the variation of velocity contours for each case.
2. Simulation of a channel flow (Tube flow) for a tube of diameter, 5 cm and take the fluid as
water at 300C at the entry of the tube of length 0.7 m. A heat flux of 30000 W/m2 is imposed
along the wall. Obtain the contours of velocity and temperature along the length of the tube
and also obtain the centre line temperature and velocity of fluid.
3. Simulation of a channel flow (Tube flow) for a tube of diameter, 5 cm and take the fluid as
water at 300C at the entry of the tube of length 0.7 m. A constant wall temperature of 3000C
is imposed along the wall. Obtain the contours of velocity and temperature along the length
of the tube and also obtain the centre line temperature and velocity of fluid.
4. Unsteady simulation of compressible flow of air through 2D a convergent – divergent
nozzle, with inlet and outlet of 0.2 m size and both are joined by a throat section where the
flow area is reduced by 10% and is of sinusoidal shape. Air enters the nozzle at a pressure of
0.9 atm and leaves at 0.73 atm. Obtain the contours of velocity, pressure and Mach number.
5. Simulation of flow over a circular cylinder of size 5 cm for different Reynold’s number
values of air and plotting the contours of velocity and vorticity.
6. Simulation of temperature contours for a square plate of size 0.2 m and subjected to different
types of boundary conditions.
7. Simulation of temperature contours for a pin fin subjected to natural and forced convective
8. Simulation of Natural convection with and without radiation inside an enclosure.
9. Simulation of Lid driven cavity problem.
10. Structural analysis for beams and trusses
The experiments are to be conducted using ANSYS – CFX or equivalent software
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year


(Core Lab-IV)

M.Tech. (TE) (FT)–II Sem L T P C

0 0 3 1.5

Pre-requisite: Thermodynamics

Course Objective: To apply the principles of Thermodynamics to analyse different types of

refrigeration and air conditioning systems experimentally and evaluate performance parameters
under actual conditions in relation to the ideal conditions.

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student should be able to
 Differentiate between different types of refrigeration systems with respect to application
as well as conventional and unconventional refrigeration systems
 Thermodynamically analyze refrigeration and air conditioning systems and evaluate
performance parameters based on the measured properties by using property charts
 Simulation and Analysis of Refrigeration and Air conditioning systems and Components

1. Determination of performance parameters of Vapor Compression Refrigeration System

2. Experimental Evaluation of performance parameters of Mechanical Heat Pump
3. Determination of performance parameters of using Air conditioning Lab unit
4. Determination of CoP of Vapor Absorption Refrigeration system
5. Determination of CoP of Vortex Tube Refrigerator
6. Determination of Performance Evaluation of a Cooling Tower
7. Steady and Transient Simulation of Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle using a
given Refrigerant and Operating Conditions
8. Transient Simulation of Air Conditioner for given Inside Operating Conditions
9. Simulation of Thermal Network for a Composite Slab/Insulation System with Convective
Boundary Conditions
10. Simulation of Flow and Thermal Networks and Performance Evaluation for any given
Heat Exchanger
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year

(Audit Course-II)
M.Tech. (TE) (FT)–II Sem L T P C
2 0 0 0
Course Objectives
Students will be able to
7. Understand value of education and self-development
8. Imbibe good values in students
9. Let the should know about the importance of character
Course Outcomes
Students will be able to
1. Knowledge of self-development
2. Learn the importance of Human values
3. Developing the overall personality
Unit Content Hours
 Values and self-development-Social values and individual attitudes.
1. Work ethics, Indian vision of humanism. 4
 Moral and non-moral valuation. Standards and principles
 Value judgments
 Importance of cultivation of values.
 Sense of duty. Devotion, Self-reliance. Confidence, Concentration.
2. Truthfulness, Cleanliness. 6
 Honesty, Humanity. Power of faith, National Unity.
 Patriotism. Love for nature, Discipline
 Personality and Behavior Development – Soul and Scientific attitude.
Positive Thinking. Integrity and discipline.
 Punctuality, Love and Kindness.
 Avoid fault Thinking.
 Free from anger, Dignity of labour.
3.  Universal brotherhood and religious tolerance. 6
 True friendship.
 Happiness Vs suffering, love for truth.
 Aware of Self-destructive habits.
 Association and Cooperation.
 Doing best for saving nature
 Character and Competence-Holy books vs Blind faith
 Self-management and Good health.
 Science of reincarnation.
4.  Equality, Nonviolence, Humility, Role of Women. 6
 All religions and same message.
 Mind your Mind, Self-control.
 Honesty, Studying effectively

Suggested reading
1. Chakroborty, S.K. “Values and Ethics for organizations Theory and practice”, Oxford
University Press, New Delhi.
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year


(Programme Elective-V)

M.Tech. (TE) (FT)–III Sem L T P C

3 0 0 3
Prerequisites: Advanced Heat and Mass Transfer

Course Objective: The course is intended to

 Design and analyze the heat exchangers parallel flow, counter flow, multipass and, cross
flow heat exchanger
 Design and analyze the Shell and tube heat exchanger
 Enable to carry out the performance of heat exchanger with the extended surfaces.
 Design and analyze the cooling towers.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
 Understand the physics and the mathematical treatment of typical heat exchangers.
 Apply LMTD and Effectiveness methods in the design of heat exchangers and analyze the
importance of LMTD approach over AMTD approach.
 Analyze the performance of double-pipe counter flow (hair-pin) heat exchangers.
 Design and analyze the shell and tube heat exchanger.
 Understand the fundamental, physical and mathematical aspects of boiling and condensation.
 Classify cooling towers and explain their technical features.

CLASSIFICATION OF HEAT EXCHANGERS: Introduction, Recuperation & regeneration,
Tabular heat exchangers, Double pipe, shell & tube heat exchanger, Plate heat Exchangers,
Gasketed plate heat exchanger. Spiral plate heat exchanger, Lamella heat exchanger, Extended
surface heat exchanger, Plate fin and Tubular fin.
Basic Design Methods of Heat Exchanger: Introduction, Basic equations in design, Overall
heat transfer coefficient, LMTD method for heat exchanger analysis, Parallel flow, Counter flow.
Multipass, cross flow heat exchanger design calculations:

DOUBLE PIPE HEAT EXCHANGER: Film coefficient for fluids in annulus, fouling
factors, Calorific temperature, Average fluid temperature, The calculation of double pipe
exchanger, Double pipe exchangers in series parallel arrangements.
Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers: Tube layouts for exchangers, Baffle heat exchangers,
Calculation of shell and tube heat exchangers, Shell side film coefficients, Shell side equivalent
diameter, The true temperature difference in a 1-2 heat exchanger. Influence of approach
temperature on correction factor. Shell side pressure drop, Tube side pressure drop, Analysis of
performance of 1-2 heat exchanger and design of shell & tube heat exchangers, Flow
arrangements for increased heat recovery, the calculation of 2-4 exchangers.

CONDENSATION OF SINGLE VAPOURS: Calculation of horizontal condenser, Vertical
condenser, De-Super heater condenser, Vertical condenser-sub-Cooler, Horizontal Condenser-
Sub cooler, Vertical reflux type condenser. Condensation of steam.
circulation vaporizing exchanger, Natural circulation vaporizing exchangers, Calculations of a
reboiler. Extended Surfaces: Longitudinal fins. Weighted fin efficiency curve, Calculation of a
Double pipe fin efficiency curve. Calculation of a double pipe finned exchanger,
Calculation of a longitudinal fin shell and tube exchanger.
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year

DIRECT CONTACT HEAT EXCHANGERS: Cooling towers, relation between wet bulb &
dew bulb temperatures, calculation of cooling tower performance.
Heat Pipe: Gravity assisted thermo-syphans, micro heat pipes, pulsating heat pipes, loop heat pipe
operation & working principles.

Text Books:
1. Process Heat Transfer by D.Q.Kern, TMH
2. Heat Exchanger Design by A.P.Fraas and M.N.Ozisick, John Wiely & sons, New York.

Reference Books:
1. Cooling Towers by J.D.Gurney and I.A. Cotter, Maclaren
2. Heat Pipe Science & Technology, Amir Faghri, Taylor & Francis
3. Heat Pipe Technology and Applications by J.P Peterson, John wiky & sons.
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year


(Programme Elective-V)

M.Tech. (TE) (FT)–III Sem L T P C

3 0 0 3

Prerequisites: Basics of differential equations, material and energy balance

Course Objectives: The course is intended to

 Educate the student with operating principles and function of measuring instruments used
in Engineering and process industries
 Make the student conversant with various working principles of instruments
 Understand and analyze the behavioral characteristics of instruments
 Make the student learn about calibration procedure the instrument
 Educate the student about the fundamental aspects of control systems and their use in the
context of industry applications
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
 Understand the concepts of errors in measurements, statistical analysis of data, regression
analysis, correlation and estimation of uncertainty.
 Describe the working principles in the measurement of field and derived quantities.
 Analyze sensing requirements for measurement of thermo-physical properties, radiation
properties of surfaces, and vibration.
 Understand conceptual development of zero, first and second order systems.
 Interpret International Standards of measurements (ITS-90) and identify internationally
accepted measuring standards for measurands.
GENERAL CONCEPTS: Fundamental elements of a measuring instrument. Static and
dynamic characteristics – errors in instruments – Different methods of measurement and their
analysis – Sensing elements and transducers.
Measurement of pressure – principles of pressure measurement, static and dynamic pressure,
vacuum and high pressure measuring – Measurement of low pressure, Manometers, Calibration
methods, Dynamic characteristics- design principles.
MEASUREMENT OF FLOW: Obstruction meters, variable area meters. Pressure probes,
compressible fluid flow measurement, Thermal anemometers, calibration of flow measuring
instruments. Introduction to design of flow measuring instruments.
TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT: Different principles of Temperature Measurement, use
of bimetallic thermometers – Mercury thermometers, Vapor Pressure thermometers,
Thermo positive elements, thermocouples in series & parallel, pyrometry, measurement of heat
flux, calibration of temperature measuring instruments. Design of temperature measuring
Level Measurement: Direct & indirect methods, manometric methods, float level meters,
electrical conductivity, Capacitive, Ultrasonic, and Nucleonic Methods.
Measurement of density – Hydrometer, continuous weight method, Gamma rays, Gas impulse
wheel. Velocity Measurement – Coefficient of viscosity, Ostesld method, free fall of piston
under gravity, torque method. Measurement of moisture content and humidity. Measurement of
thermal conductivity of solids, liquids and gases.
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year

PROCESS CONTROL: Introduction and need for process control principles, transfer
functions, block diagrams, signal flow graphs, open and closed loop control systems – Analysis
of First & Second order systems with examples of mechanical and thermal systems.
Control System Evaluation – Stability, steady state regulations, transient regulations.

Text Books:
1. Mechanical Measurements by Beckwith, Leinhard & Marangoni, Pearson
2. Measurement System, Application & Design by E.O. Doeblin.

Reference Books:
1. Mechanical and Industrial Measurements by R.K. Jain, Khanna Publishers.
2. Mechanical Measurements by Buck & Beckwith, Pearson.
3. Control Systems, Principles & Design by M. Gopal – 2nd Edition, TMH.
4. Principles of Measurement Systems by John Bentley, Pearson
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year


(Programme Elective-V)

M.Tech. (TE) (FT)–III Sem L T P C

3 0 0 3

Prerequisites: Materials science, Mechanical Engineering

Course objectives: The course is intended to

 to identify, design and develop new materials and composites for compact thermal energy
 to develop measuring and testing procedures to characterize new storage materials reliably
and reproducibly
 to improve the performance, stability, and cost-effectiveness of new storage materials,
 to develop multi-scale numerical models, describing and predicting the performance of new
materials in thermal storage systems,
 to develop and demonstrate novel compact thermal energy storage systems employing the
advanced materials
 to assess the impact of new materials on the performance of thermal energy storage in the
different applications considered, and
 to disseminate the knowledge and experience acquired in this task

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
 Successfully apply advanced concepts of materials engineering to the analysis, design and
development of materials, devices, systems, and processes to meet desired needs of society
professionally and ethically.
 Be continuously aware of contemporary issues and research opportunities/challenges in the
field of materials engineering as related to energy and sustainability and engage in life-long
learning in the field and in the fundamentals of other related disciplines.
 Use advanced materials characterization techniques, skills, and modern scientific and
engineering tools.
 Communicate effectively in written and oral form, both, individually and as a member of a
multidisciplinary team.

AND IMPACT TESTING: The Tensile Test: Use of the Stress – Strain Diagram, True Stress
and True Strain, The Bend Test for Brittle Materials, Hardness of Materials, Strain Rate effects
and Impact Behaviour Heat Treatment of Steels and Cast Irons: Designations and Classification
of Steels, Simple Heat treatments, Isothermal Heat treatments, Quench and Temper Heat
treatments, Surface treatments, Weldability of Steel. FRACTURE MECHANICS, FATIGUE,
AND CREEP BEHAVIOUR: Fracture Mechanics, The Importance of Fracture Mechanics,
Micro structural Features of Fracture in Metallic Materials, Micro structural Features of Fracture
in Ceramics, Glasses, and Composites, Fatigue, Result of the Fatigue test, Application of Fatigue
test, Creep, Stress Rupture, and Stress Corrosion, Evaluation of creep Behaviour

Nuclear Power Plant and Their Materials: Nuclear reactor, pressurized reactor, breeder reactor.
Materials for fuel, control rods, coolant, moderator, shielding. Effects of Radiation on Materials
Properties: Effects of , ,  rays on creep, fatigue, tensile, and other properties of metals, alloys,
ceramics, polymers, rubbers etc. Effects on electrical, electronic and magnetic behaviour of
materials, Effects on crystal structure, grain size etc.
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year

Materials in Fuel cells and Solar Cells Electrocatalyst materials for low temperature fuel cells,
Conductive membranes for low-temperature fuel cells, Materials for high temperature fuel cells,
silicon, quantum dots for solar energy, nanomaterials for solar thermal energy and photovoltaic.

Materials in Thermal Power Generation Super alloys, steels, ceramics, TBC, hydrogen
membrane materials, sensor and sensor materials, biomass, coal, flyash, etc.

Energy storage-Artificial photosynthesis/solar to fuels, CO2 separation and utilization, Safer
nuclear waste disposal, biofuels production, biological fuel cell technologies, reduction of
energy use in manufacturing processes, Improved grid technologies, sustainable energy economy

Text Books:
1. Introduction to Nuclear Science by Bryan, J. C., CRC Press.
2. Fundamentals of Radiation Materials Science by G.S. Was, Springer

Reference Books:
1. Nuclear Reactor Materials and Applications by B.M. Ma, Van Nostrand Reinhold
2. Nuclear Reactor Materials by C.O. Smith, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.
3. Fundamentals Aspects of Nuclear Fuel Elements by D.R. Olander.
4. Structural Materials in Nuclear Power Systems by J. T. A. Roberts, Plenum Press.
5. Handbook of Fuel Cells, Wolf Vielstich by Arnold Lamm, Hubert A. Gasteiger, and Harumi
Yokokawa, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
6. Advanced power plant materials, design and technology, Edited by D Roddy, Woodhead
Publishing Series in Energy No. 5 and CRC Press.
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year

(Open Elective)
M.Tech. (TE) (FT) – III Sem L T P C
3 0 0 3

Prerequisite: Structure and properties of composite materials and design procedures for
composite structures

Course objectives:
To identify the properties of fiber and matrix materials used in commercial composites as well as
some common manufacturing teaching and to predict the elastic properties of both long and
short fiber and understand the stress-strain relations and establish the failure criteria for
laminated structures.

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the students will be able to
 Understanding of types, manufacturing processes, and applications of composite
 Basic understanding of linear elasticity with emphasis on the difference between
isotropic and anisotropic material behavior.
 Ability to analyze problems on macro and micro mechanical behavior of lamina
 Ability to analyze problems on macro mechanical behavior of laminate
 An ability to predict the loads and moments that cause an individual composite layer and
a composite laminate to fail and to compute hygro thermal loads in composites.
 An ability to compute the properties of a composite laminate with any stacking sequence.
 An ability to use the ideas developed in the analysis of composites towards using
composites in aerospace design.

Introduction to Composite Materials: Introduction ,Classification Polymer Matrix
Composites, Metal Matrix Composites, Ceramic Matrix Composites, Carbon–Carbon
Composites, Fiber-Reinforced Composites and nature-made composites, and applications .

Reinforcements: Fibers- Glass, Silica, Kevlar, carbon, boron, silicon carbide, and born carbide
fibers. Particulate composites, Polymer composites, Thermoplastics, Thermosetts, Metal matrix
and ceramic composites.
Manufacturing methods: Autoclave, tape production, moulding methods, filament winding,
man layup, pultrusion, RTM.

Macro mechanical Analysis of a Lamina: Introduction, Definitions Stress, Strain, Elastic
Moduli, Strain Energy. Hooke’s Law for Different Types of Materials, Hooke’s Law for a Two-
Dimensional Unidirectional Lamina, Plane Stress Assumption, Reduction of Hooke’s Law in
Three Dimensions to Two Dimensions, Relationship of Compliance and Stiffness Matrix to
Engineering Elastic Constants of a Lamina.

Macro mechanical Analysis of Laminates: Introduction , Laminate Code , Stress–Strain
Relations for a Laminate, In-Plane and Flexural Modulus of a Laminate , Hygrothermal Effects
in a Laminate, Warpage of Laminates.

Failure, Analysis, and Design of Laminates: Introduction, Special Cases of Laminates, Failure
Criterion for a Laminate, Design of a Laminated Composite, Other Mechanical Design Issues.
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year

Text Books:
1. Mechanics of Composite Materials, Second Edition (Mechanical Engineering), By Autar
K.Kaw, Publisher: CRC.
2. Engineering Mechanics of Composite Materials by Isaac and M Daniel, Oxford University
Press, 1994.

Reference Books:
1. Analysis and performance of fibre Composites by B. D. Agarwal and L. J. Broutman, Wiley-
Interscience, New York, 1980.
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year

(Open Elective)

M.Tech. (TE) (FT)–III Sem L T P C

3 0 0 3
Prerequisite: An introductory knowledge of solid and hazardous waste along with some basic
understanding of solid waste management at industries

Course Objectives: To prepare the students for successful career in the energy industry,
energy service companies, energy utility and consultancy agencies and in the academic
and R&D institutions. To produce graduates strong in understanding on energy resources,
technologies and systems, energy management fundamentals, and capable in innovative
technological intervention towards the present and potential future energy issues. To produce
energy professionals, who are sensitive to, and well aware of, the energy issues and concerns, an
d who can apply their specialized knowledge for the sustainable development.
Course Outcomes: Understood and acquired fundamental knowledge on the science and
engineering of energy technologies and systems. Acquired the expertise and skills required
for energy auditing and management, economical calculation of energy cost, development,
implementation, maintenance of energy systems.
Become capable of analysis and design of energy conversion systems. Acquired skills in the
scientific and technological communications and project
preparation, planning and implementation of energy projects

Introduction to Energy from Waste: Classification of waste as fuel – Agro based, Forest
residue, Industrial waste – MSW – Conversion devices – Incinerators, gasifiers, digestors.

Biomass Pyrolysis: Pyrolysis – Types, slow fast – Manufacture of charcoal- Methods – Yields
and application- Manufacture of pyrolytic oils and gases, yields and applications. Biomass
Gasification: Gasifiers- Fixed bed system- Downdraft and updraft gasifiers- Fluidized bed
gasifiers- Design, construction and operation- Gasifiers burner arrangement for thermal heating-
Gasifier engine arrangement and electrical power – Equilibrium and kinetic consideration in
gasifier operation.

Biomass Combustion: Biomass stoves- Improved chullahs, types, some exotic designs, Fixed
bed combustors, Types, Inclined grate combustors, Fluidized bed combustors, Design,
construction and operation- Operation of all the above biomass combustors.

Biogas: Properties of biogas (Calorific value and composition)- Biogas plant technology and
status- Bio energy system – Design and constructional features- Biomass resources and their

Thermo chemical conversion – Direct combustion – biomass gasification- pyroloysis and
liquefaction- biochemical conversion- anerobic digestion- Types of biogas Plants- Applications-
Alcohol production from biomass- Bio diesel production- Urban waste to energy conversion-
Biomass energy programme in India.
Dept. of MECH/JNTUHCEH M.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year

Text Books:
1. Non Conversional Energy by Desai, Ashok V., Wiley Eastern Ltd., 1990.
2. Biogas Technology – A Practical Hand Book by Khandelwal, K.C and Mahdi, S.S., Vol. I &
II, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., 1983.

Reference Books:
1. Food, Feed and Fuel from Biomass by Challal, D.S., IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., 1991.
2. Biomass Conversion and Technology by C.Y. WereKo- Brobby and E.B. Hagan, John Wiley
& Sons, 1996.

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