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Advantages and disadvantages of using autonomous robots

Advantages Disadvantages
Cost Effectiveness Potential Job Losses
The cost of investment can be recovered in a One of the biggest concerns surrounding the
relatively short space of time and the gains from introduction of robotic automation is the impact
that point onwards are exponential. of jobs for workers. If a robot can perform at a
faster, more consistent rate, then the fear is that
humans may not be needed at all.
Improved Quality Assurance Initial Investment Costs
Robotic automation eliminates the risk of vigilance The cost of autonomous robots is high and this is
decrement of workers (lapse in concentration) that typically the biggest obstacle that will decide
can often lead to costly errors for the business and whether or not a company will invest in robotic
sometimes serious injury to the member of staff. It automation, or wait until a later stage.
does that by accurately producing and checking
items meet the required standard without fail.
Increased Productivity Hiring Skilled Staff
It can be set to work on a repetitive cycle, and as Over the past decade manufacturers have found it
long as it is maintained correctly, it will continue to harder to source skilled staff members to fill the
do so until programmed otherwise. There will be specialized roles in their factories. The
no lunchbreaks, holidays, sick leave or shift time introduction of automation adds another layer to
allocated for robotic automation that will greatly that conundrum as the robots require
increase productivity. programming and a knowledge of how to operate
Work in Hazardous Environments Constant power needed
Production areas that require extremely high or They need oodles of electricity to run. That makes
low temperatures typically have a high turnover of them expensive and potentially damaging to the
staff due to the nature of the work. Automated environment.
robots can minimize material waste and remove
the need for humans to put themselves at
unnecessary risk.
Bigger Quality They perform relatively few task
Robots will always deliver quality. Since they’re By this time, many of autonomous robots are only
programmed for precise, repetitive motion, they’re suited, as of now, for specific roles and
less likely to make mistakes. In some ways, robots responsibilities. They come into their own in
are simultaneously an employee and a quality industry, research, medical practices, and the
control system. A lack of quirks and preferences, military. Outside of those domains, though, they
combined with the eliminated possibility of human have minimal practical usage.
error, will create a predictably perfect product
every time.

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