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1404, TFDEN-133-004, 001

Vision device
4th edition

・Before attempting to operate the robot, please read through this operating manual
carefully, and comply with all the safety-related items and instructions in the text.
・The installation, operation and maintenance of this robot should be undertaken only
by those individuals who have attended one of our robot course.
・When using this robot, observe the low related with industrial robot and with
safety issues in each country.
・This operating manual must be given without fail to the individual who will be actually
operating the robot.
・Please direct any queries about parts of this operating manual which may not be
completely clear or any inquiries concerning the after-sale service of this robot to any
of the service centers listed on the back cover.


1 Outline
1.1 Outline of function of vision sensor ..................................................................................... 1-1
1.1.1 What is a vision sensor?................................................................................................. 1-1
1.1.2 Layout ............................................................................................................................. 1-1
1.1.3 Coordinate system.......................................................................................................... 1-2
1.1.4 Correction methods ........................................................................................................ 1-4
1.2 Feature ................................................................................................................................ 1-6

1.3 Workflow.............................................................................................................................. 1-7

2 Basic operation of vision sensor

2.1 Display of vision sensor setting screen............................................................................... 2-1

2.2 Registration of measurement conditions............................................................................. 2-2

2.2.1 Registration of measurement conditions ........................................................................ 2-2
2.2.2 Selection of measurement conditions ............................................................................ 2-4
2.2.3 Copying of measurement conditions .............................................................................. 2-5
2.2.4 Deletion of measurement conditions .............................................................................. 2-6
2.3 Registration of calibration.................................................................................................... 2-7
2.3.1 Registration of calibration ............................................................................................... 2-7
2.3.2 Selection of calibration.................................................................................................... 2-9
2.3.3 Copying of calibration ................................................................................................... 2-10
2.3.4 Deletion of calibration ................................................................................................... 2-11
2.4 System setting................................................................................................................... 2-12

2.5 System environment.......................................................................................................... 2-13

2.6 Area setting ....................................................................................................................... 2-14

2.6.1 Area setting screen....................................................................................................... 2-14
2.6.2 Shifting, size change and rotation of areas .................................................................. 2-14
2.6.3 Figure selection in basic area setting ........................................................................... 2-16
2.6.4 Addition and deletion of areas in free area setting ....................................................... 2-16
2.6.5 End of area editing........................................................................................................ 2-17
2.6.6 Other operations ........................................................................................................... 2-17
2.7 Vision sensor monitor........................................................................................................ 2-18
2.7.1 Display of vision sensor monitor................................................................................... 2-18
2.7.2 Camera image monitor ................................................................................................. 2-19
2.7.3 Trouble history monitor ................................................................................................. 2-22
2.7.4 Rearrangement of trouble history ................................................................................. 2-23
2.7.5 Display changeover of trouble history .......................................................................... 2-23
2.7.6 Clearing of trouble history............................................................................................. 2-24
2.8 Backup .............................................................................................................................. 2-25
2.8.1 Vision sensor backup data............................................................................................ 2-25
2.8.2 Mounting USB memory for backup operation .............................................................. 2-25
2.8.3 Backup .......................................................................................................................... 2-28
2.8.4 Restoration of backup................................................................................................... 2-30

3 Calibration


3.1 What is calibration? ............................................................................................................. 3-1

3.1.1 What is calibration? ........................................................................................................ 3-1
3.1.2 Calibration plate.............................................................................................................. 3-2
3.1.3 Calibration coordinate..................................................................................................... 3-2
3.1.4 Camera calibration and registration of vision sensor coordinate ................................... 3-3
3.2 Preparation for calibration ................................................................................................... 3-4
3.2.1 Plate installation.............................................................................................................. 3-4
3.2.2 Registration of calibration coordinate ............................................................................. 3-5
3.2.3 New registration of calibration ...................................................................................... 3-10
3.2.4 Lens rectification........................................................................................................... 3-11
3.2.5 Record of reference position of calibration................................................................... 3-13
3.3 Single camera calibration.................................................................................................. 3-15
3.3.1 Calibration parameter setting ....................................................................................... 3-15
3.3.2 Registration of vision sensor coordinate ...................................................................... 3-17
3.3.3 Camera calibration........................................................................................................ 3-19
3.3.4 Confirmation of calibration results ................................................................................ 3-24
3.4 Cross laser calibration....................................................................................................... 3-25
3.4.1 Setting of calibration parameters.................................................................................. 3-25
3.4.2 Registration of vision sensor coordinate ...................................................................... 3-28
3.4.3 Camera calibration........................................................................................................ 3-29
3.4.4 Laser slit calibration ...................................................................................................... 3-30
3.4.5 Confirmation of calibration results ................................................................................ 3-35
3.5 Stereo calibration .............................................................................................................. 3-36
3.5.1 Calibration parameter setting ....................................................................................... 3-36
3.5.2 Registration of vision sensor coordinate ...................................................................... 3-38
3.5.3 Camera calibration........................................................................................................ 3-39
3.5.4 Confirmation of calibration results ................................................................................ 3-45

4 Teaching and application instruction

4.1 Outline of teaching .............................................................................................................. 4-1
4.1.1 Operation using vision sensor ........................................................................................ 4-1
4.1.2 Operation program flow .................................................................................................. 4-2
4.1.3 Application instruction used by vision sensor function ................................................... 4-3
4.2 Application instruction ......................................................................................................... 4-4
4.2.1 Vision reset (FN330 VRESET) ....................................................................................... 4-4
4.2.2 Vision start (FN331 VSTART)......................................................................................... 4-4
4.2.3 Vision shift (FN333 VSHIFT) .......................................................................................... 4-5
4.2.4 Vision location convert (FN342 VLOCCVT) ................................................................... 4-6
4.2.5 Shift2 (FN52 SHIFTR) .................................................................................................... 4-7
4.2.6 Change coord. No. (shift) (FN113 CHGCOORD)........................................................... 4-7
4.3 Basic teaching ..................................................................................................................... 4-8
4.3.1 Examples of workpiece take-out correction instruction .................................................. 4-8
4.3.2 Example of workpiece placing correction instruction ................................................... 4-11

5 Two-dimensional single point measurement

5.1 Two-dimensional single point measurement....................................................................... 5-1
5.1.1 Registration of measurement condition.......................................................................... 5-1
5.2 Standard setting .................................................................................................................. 5-2
5.2.1 Standard setting.............................................................................................................. 5-2
5.2.2 Exposure condition ......................................................................................................... 5-4
5.3 Image processing ................................................................................................................ 5-7


5.3.1 Registration of image processing ................................................................................... 5-7

5.3.2 Selection of image processing to be edited.................................................................... 5-9
5.3.3 Copy of image processing ............................................................................................ 5-10
5.3.4 Deletion of image processing ....................................................................................... 5-11
5.4 Image processing – rotation search.................................................................................. 5-12
5.4.1 Recognition setting ....................................................................................................... 5-12
5.4.2 Model registration ......................................................................................................... 5-16
5.4.3 Base position setting..................................................................................................... 5-20
5.5 Image processing - blob.................................................................................................... 5-22
5.5.1 Recognition setting ....................................................................................................... 5-22
5.5.2 Base position setting..................................................................................................... 5-26
5.6 Correction amount calculation........................................................................................... 5-28

5.7 Test measurement............................................................................................................. 5-30

6 Cross laser measurement

6.1 Cross laser measurement ................................................................................................... 6-1
6.1.1 Registration of measurement condition.......................................................................... 6-1
6.2 Standard setting .................................................................................................................. 6-2
6.2.1 Standard setting.............................................................................................................. 6-2
6.2.2 Exposure condition ......................................................................................................... 6-4
6.3 Image processing ................................................................................................................ 6-8
6.3.1 Registration of image processing ................................................................................... 6-8
6.3.2 Selection of image processing to be edited.................................................................. 6-10
6.3.3 Copy of image processing ............................................................................................ 6-11
6.3.4 Deletion of image processing ....................................................................................... 6-12
6.4 Image processing – cross laser ........................................................................................ 6-13
6.4.1 Find setting ................................................................................................................... 6-13
6.4.2 Base position setting..................................................................................................... 6-17
6.5 Image processing – two-dimensional (rotation search, blob) ........................................... 6-19

6.6 Correction amount calculation........................................................................................... 6-20

6.7 Test measurement............................................................................................................. 6-22

6.8 Example of teaching.......................................................................................................... 6-23

6.8.1 System configuration of example of teaching............................................................... 6-23
6.8.2 Teaching of shift instruction .......................................................................................... 6-24
6.8.3 Creation of measurement condition.............................................................................. 6-26
6.8.4 Record of application instruction .................................................................................. 6-27
6.8.5 Corrective operation ..................................................................................................... 6-28

7 Stereo measurement
7.1 Stereo measurement........................................................................................................... 7-1
7.1.1 Stereo measurement method ......................................................................................... 7-1
7.1.2 Registration of measurement condition.......................................................................... 7-2
7.2 Standard setting .................................................................................................................. 7-3
7.2.1 Standard setting.............................................................................................................. 7-3
7.2.2 Exposure condition ......................................................................................................... 7-5
7.3 Image processing ................................................................................................................ 7-9
7.3.1 Registration of Image processing ................................................................................... 7-9


7.4 Image processing – rotation search.................................................................................. 7-12

7.4.1 Common setting............................................................................................................ 7-12
7.4.2 Recognition setting and model registration .................................................................. 7-13
7.4.3 Base position setting..................................................................................................... 7-14
7.5 Image processing – blob ................................................................................................... 7-15
7.5.1 Common setting............................................................................................................ 7-15
7.5.2 Recognition setting ....................................................................................................... 7-16
7.5.3 Base position setting..................................................................................................... 7-17
7.6 Correction amount calculation........................................................................................... 7-18

7.7 Example of teaching.......................................................................................................... 7-19

7.7.1 System configuration .................................................................................................... 7-19
7.7.2 Teaching ....................................................................................................................... 7-20
7.7.3 Corrective operation ..................................................................................................... 7-22

8 Combined measurement
8.1 Registration of measurement condition .............................................................................. 8-1

8.2 Standard setting .................................................................................................................. 8-2

8.3 Measurement points............................................................................................................ 8-3

8.3.1 Registration of measurement points............................................................................... 8-3
8.3.2 Edit of measurement points ............................................................................................ 8-6
8.3.3 Deletion of measurement points..................................................................................... 8-7
8.4 Corrective amount calculation............................................................................................. 8-8

8.5 Measurement point exchange........................................................................................... 8-10

8.6 Test measurement............................................................................................................. 8-12

8.7 Example of teaching.......................................................................................................... 8-14

8.7.1 Example of teaching ..................................................................................................... 8-14
8.7.2 Other example of teaching ........................................................................................... 8-18

9 Hardware
9.1 System configuration........................................................................................................... 9-1
9.1.1 Vision sensor unit ........................................................................................................... 9-1
9.1.2 CPU board ...................................................................................................................... 9-2
9.1.3 Image input board........................................................................................................... 9-4
9.2 Connection .......................................................................................................................... 9-5
9.2.1 Connection of camera .................................................................................................... 9-5
9.2.2 Setting of camera............................................................................................................ 9-6
9.2.3 Connection of input and output signals .......................................................................... 9-8
9.2.4 Input signal connector CNIN........................................................................................... 9-8
9.2.5 Output signal connector CNOUT1, CNOUT2, power connector CNP24 ....................... 9-9
9.3 Replacement procedure.................................................................................................... 9-12
9.3.1 Replacement of CPU board.......................................................................................... 9-12
9.3.2 Replacement of image input board............................................................................... 9-13
9.3.3 Replacement of battery................................................................................................. 9-14
9.4 Maintenance parts............................................................................................................. 9-15
9.4.1 List of maintenance parts.............................................................................................. 9-15


10 System setting
10.1 Vision sensor constant ...................................................................................................... 10-1
10.1.1 Vision sensor constant setting.................................................................................... 10-1
10.2 License .............................................................................................................................. 10-2
10.2.1 Import of license ......................................................................................................... 10-2
10.2.2 Export of license ......................................................................................................... 10-5
10.3 Setting of vision sensor unit .............................................................................................. 10-7
10.3.1 Camera setting ........................................................................................................... 10-7
10.3.2 Signal setting .............................................................................................................. 10-8
10.3.3 Communication setting ............................................................................................. 10-10
10.3.4 Date and time setting................................................................................................ 10-12

11 Troubleshooting
11.1 Robot controller error codes.............................................................................................. 11-1

11.2 Vision sensor error ............................................................................................................ 11-2

11.3 Troubleshooting................................................................................................................. 11-6

11.3.1 Connection failure with vision sensor ......................................................................... 11-6
11.3.2 Communication setting of vision sensor alone ........................................................... 11-7
11.3.3 License trouble............................................................................................................ 11-9
11.3.4 Camera mounting position was changed ................................................................. 11-10
11.3.5 Hardware-related troubles ........................................................................................ 11-10

12 In case of CFD Controller

12.1 Outline of this system ........................................................................................................ 12-1
12.1.1 Vision sensor unit ....................................................................................................... 12-1
12.1.2 CPU board .................................................................................................................. 12-2
12.1.3 Image input board....................................................................................................... 12-4
12.2 Connection ........................................................................................................................ 12-5
12.2.1 How to connect the GigE camera............................................................................... 12-5
12.2.2 How to connect the I/O signals................................................................................... 12-6
12.3 Setup of the vision sensor unit .......................................................................................... 12-7
12.3.1 Camera setting ........................................................................................................... 12-7
12.3.2 Signal setting ............................................................................................................ 12-10
12.3.3 Communication setting ............................................................................................. 12-12
12.3.4 Date and time setting................................................................................................ 12-14
12.4 How to replace the vision sensor unit ............................................................................. 12-15

12.5 Maintenance parts........................................................................................................... 12-17

12.5.1 List of maintenance parts.......................................................................................... 12-17
12.6 USB port.......................................................................................................................... 12-19
12.6.1 USB port of the CFD controller (for backup and license check) .............................. 12-19
12.6.2 USB port of the vision sensor unit (for dongle installation) ...................................... 12-19



1 Outline

In this chapter, outline of function of vision sensor is explained.

1.1 Outline of function of vision sensor...........................................................1-1

1.1.1 What is a vision sensor? ...................................................................1-1
1.1.2 Layout ...............................................................................................1-1
1.1.3 Coordinate system ............................................................................1-2
1.1.4 Correction methods...........................................................................1-4
1.2 Feature.....................................................................................................1-6
1.3 Workflow ..................................................................................................1-7
1.1Outline of function of vision sensor

1.1 Outline of function of vision sensor

1.1.1 What is a vision sensor?

Its function is to take pictures of objects such as workpieces with a camera, and to measure positions of the
objects based on the images that are taken in.
Registration of positions of objects during teaching enables measurement of amounts of displacement of the
objects and corrects movement of the robot. The function is indispensable for intelligentification of robots.
This is beneficial for taking out unpositioned workpieces and for positioning workpieces to be set.




Fig. 1.1.1 Take-out of workpieces by vision sensor

1.1.2 Layout
There are two ways of laying out camera mounting, mounting camera on the hand fixed at the end of a robot
and mounting it on the jig fixed to the ground.
The former camera is called a hand camera, and the latter is called a fixed camera.

Fixed camera

Hand camera



Fig. 1.1.2 Camera fixing layout

1.1Outline of function of vision sensor

1.1.3 Coordinate system

Many coordinate systems are used in setting of and measurement by a vision sensor. The coordinate systems
used are explained here.

Flange coordinate

Visual sensor
(fixed camera) Tool coordinate Machine

Visual sensor coordinate

(hand camera)

World coordinate

Fig. 1.1.3 Coordinate systems

Table 1.1.3 Coordinate systems

Coordinate system Explanation
A coordinate system of which the origin is at the position where the robot is
fixed. In case a robot is placed with ground reference, coordinate system
Machine coordinate does not change even if attitude of the robot changes. In case a robot is
placed on the travelling axis, the machine coordinate moves in accordance
with the movement of the travelling axis.
Only one absolute coordinate system that is set in a system. Installation
attitude of a mechanism which is set with ground reference is set in
World coordinate reference to the origin of this coordinate system.
In case installation position is not particularly set, machine coordinate
system and world coordinate system are identical.
A coordinate system of which the origin is the center of flange face of the
robot. This is the coordinate system that is the reference of setting of tool
Flange coordinate
coordinate. The position of this coordinate moves when attitude of robot
A coordinate system that serves as the reference for interpolation
operations such as linear interpolation and arc interpolation of a robot, and
Tool coordinate
defined in reference to flange coordinate system. It is set by [Constant],
[Machine constant] and [Tool installation].
A coordinate system that serves as the reference when a vision sensor
recognizes workpieces. It is registered by calibration work in reference to
Vision sensor coordinate
flange coordinate in the case of a hand camera and in reference to world
coordinate in the case of a fixed camera.
A coordinate system defined by modeling of the optical system of a
camera, roughly defining the optical axis direction as Z axis, right direction
Camera coordinate of input image as X axis and vertical direction as Y axis. Although it is used
in calculation within a vision sensor, there is no need to register the
coordinate as a parameter.
A coordinate system that defines plate plane with the origin at the center of
Calibration coordinate the plate used in calibration. This is used for defining the vision sensor
coordinate at the time of calibration.
A coordinate system that can be uniquely defined. Work program is created
User coordinate and the coordinate is registered by [Service] and [User coordinate system
registration]. This is used for defining calibration coordinate.

1.1Outline of function of vision sensor

Coordinate system Explanation

A coordinate that portrays input image. The origin is at left top, the right
direction is X axis and the vertical direction is Y axis. Pixel is used as the
Origin X axis

Image coordinate
Input image

Y axis

The flange coordinate system has its origin at the center of flange face of a robot, and its direction at zero
degree is as shown in the figure below. This coordinate system serves as the reference when setting of tools is


Fig. 1.1.4 Flange coordinate system

Since tool coordinate system, camera coordinate system in the case of a hand camera and vision sensor
coordinate system are in reference to flange coordinate system, the positions of those coordinates change as
attitude of the robot changes as shown in the figure below.

Flange coordinate

Flange coordinate


Tool coordinate
Tool coordinate

Visual sensor coordinate

Visual sensor coordinate

Fig. 1.1.5 Coordinate systems in reference to flange coordinate

1.1Outline of function of vision sensor

1.1.4 Correction methods

There are three correction methods as shown below.
Table 1.1.2 Correction methods
Correction method Explanation
Input workpiece is measured, position of the robot is corrected in
World coordinate reference
accordance with the position and attitude of the workpiece, and the
workpiece is correctly grasped.
Position of workpiece on the hand is measured, and position of the robot is
Flange coordinate reference corrected in accordance with the position and attitude of the workpiece on
shift the hand so that the position of the workpiece is same as that at the time of
teaching. Grasped workpiece can be set at the correct position.
Vision sensor coordinate Position gap of workpiece is detected in vision sensor coordinate, and
reference shift correction is executed using general-purpose shift function.

“World coordinate reference shift” and “flange coordinate reference shift” are single-purpose correction
operations for this vision sensor.
“World coordinate reference shift” is the correction method when workpiece on a jig is measured and grasped.
Robot position is corrected in accordance with the gap of workpiece.
Amount of robot shift

Shift is made so that

positional relation between
robot and workpiece is
same as that at the time of

Amount of workpiece gap

(a) Reference position (b) Occurrence of workpiece gap on a jig (c) Shift processing

Fig. 1.1.6 World coordinate reference shift processing

“Flange coordinate reference shift” is a correction method when workpiece grasped by a robot is measured
and set at the correct position as shown in the figure below. Position of robot is corrected so that position and
attitude of workpiece is same as those at the time of teaching. In this case, position of workpiece is measured as
the workpiece is grasped by the robot.

Correction is made
so that position of
workpiece is same
as that at the time
of teaching



(a) Teaching operation (b) Correction operation

Fig. 1.1.7 Flange coordinate reference shift processing

Both hand camera and fixed camera can be used in either method.

1.1Outline of function of vision sensor

With “world coordinate reference shift” and “flange coordinate reference shift”, calculation of the amount of
correction is executed taking attitude of robot in consideration.
For example, with “world coordinate reference shift”, position of workpiece is detected on world coordinate by
calculating the position of workpiece on world coordinate using installation attitude, robot attitude at the time of
measurement, position of vision sensor coordinate and result of recognition. Therefore, position of workpiece
can be detected correctly even when position of camera is different from that at the time of teaching. Utilizing the
features, when position of camera is moved and workpiece is moved to the vicinity of image center in the first
measurement and the second measurement is further executed, there is no need to calculate the final amount of
shift by adding amount of shift using robot language, etc.

Flange coordinate

Robot attitude

Position of visual
sensor coordinate

Visual sensor
Workpiece Machine coordinate

Position of workpiece on attitude
world coordinate World

Fig. 1.1.8 Calculation of workpiece position on world coordinate


1.2 Feature
Function of vision sensor has features described below.

● Simple operation
Operation of vision sensor is very simple, since function of vision sensor is built in the robot controller.
Setting of parameters and measurement conditions of vision sensor can be carried out by the same
operation as setting of robot parameter, since all the operation are carried out using the teach pendant of
Since images taken in by camera are displayed on the teach pendant, setting of measurement conditions
can be executed at the time of teaching confirming images up close to recognition work.

● Single-purpose measurement function

Single-purpose function for measurement by vision sensor is available.
There is no need to create program for communication with vision sensor using robot language, etc., as
when general-purpose vision sensor is used.

● High efficiency object search processing

Powerful searching tools for measurement following
• rotation (-180° ∼ 180°)
• scale change
• expansion and contraction
• crack and masking due to overlapping of parts
of objects, by adoption of high-speed high-precision digital image processing.

● Three-dimensional measurement processing

Cross laser measurement using stereo camera and laser slit light can be covered. Three-dimensional gap
of workpiece can be corrected.
Note) Stereo measurement is not yet covered.

● Response to both hand camera and fixed camera

Both measurements by hand camera (camera mounted at the end of robot) and camera fixed on ground
reference are possible with this function.

● Response to measurement o of workpiece on the hand

Position of workpiece on the hand can be measured. This function is capable of setting workpiece at
correct position when workpiece was handled in incorrect condition or when workpiece moved on the hand
during transportation.

● Measurement retrial function

Retrial can be executed when recognition within measurement condition registered for vision sensor failed.
Retrial procedure can be realized without creation of loop procedure by the robot work program, and stable
recognition can be done.

● Syncro-vision function (option) <presently not available>

Measurement by vision sensor can be executed while robot is moving.
Conventional vision sensor required robot to stop when measurement is executed. Measurement while
moving is realized by executing measurement in cooperation with robot control. Cycle time can be shortened
by avoiding need to stop robot.
Note) When syncro-vision is used, retrial is not possible with vision sensor function.

● Lighting control
Single-purpose on/off signals for lighting and laser pointer are installed.
Automatic on/off of lighting at optimum timing is possible.


1.3 Workflow
Following works are executed for automatic operation of a robot using vision sensor function.

Initial setting
Environment settings such as connection of camera and lighting are carried out.
Connection of external units Camera and lighting
are connected
Environment setting of
Registration of camera
visual sensor model, etc. are carried out.

Camera-related calibration is executed.
Parameters of camera
Camera calibration model are obtained.

Registration of visual Position of visual sensor

sensor coordinate position is registered.

Creation of measurement condition

Measurement condition by visual sensor is set. Exposure condition
and retrial are set.
Basic setting
Setting of recognition condition
Image processing and model registration are

Shift calculation setting Setting concerning amount

of correction is executed.
Creation of robot work program
Robot work program is created, and application
instruction for visual sensor is recorded.
Start position, workpiece
take-out position,
Work position recording ⋅ correction

Application instruction recording ⋅ correction VSTART,

Confirm OK?

Automatic operation
After creation of robot work program, automatic operation of robot is executed.

Program selection
Measurement and
Automatic operation correction of position
by visual sensor

Fig. 1.3.1 Content of works using vision sensor function

Explanation starts from calibration in this text, since initial setting is finished at the time of shipping in many



2 Basic operation of vision sensor

In this chapter, basic operation of vision sensor is explained

2.1 Display of vision sensor setting screen .......................................................2-1

2.2 Registration of measurement conditions.....................................................2-2
2.2.1 Registration of measurement conditions...............................................2-2
2.2.2 Selection of measurement conditions ...................................................2-4
2.2.3 Copying of measurement conditions.....................................................2-5
2.2.4 Deletion of measurement conditions.....................................................2-6
2.3 Registration of calibration ...........................................................................2-7
2.3.1 Registration of calibration......................................................................2-7
2.3.2 Selection of calibration ..........................................................................2-9
2.3.3 Copying of calibration .........................................................................2-10
2.3.4 Deletion of calibration ......................................................................... 2-11
2.4 System setting ..........................................................................................2-12
2.5 System environment .................................................................................2-13
2.6 Area setting...............................................................................................2-14
2.6.1 Area setting screen .............................................................................2-14
2.6.2 Shifting, size change and rotation of areas .........................................2-14
2.6.3 Figure selection in basic area setting ..................................................2-16
2.6.4 Addition and deletion of areas in free area setting ..............................2-16
2.6.5 End of area editing..............................................................................2-17
2.6.6 Other operations .................................................................................2-17
2.7 Vision sensor monitor ...............................................................................2-18
2.7.1 Display of vision sensor monitor .........................................................2-18
2.7.2 Camera image monitor .......................................................................2-19
2.7.3 Trouble history monitor .......................................................................2-22
2.7.4 Rearrangement of trouble history........................................................2-23
2.7.5 Display changeover of trouble history .................................................2-23
2.7.6 Clearing of trouble history ...................................................................2-24
2.8 Backup......................................................................................................2-25
2.8.1 Vision sensor backup data ..................................................................2-25
2.8.2 Mounting USB memory for backup operation .....................................2-25
2.8.3 Backup ................................................................................................2-28
2.8.4 Restoration of backup .........................................................................2-30
2.1Display of vision sensor setting screen

2.1 Display of vision sensor setting screen

Vision sensor function is operated by an arithmetic unit (vision sensor unit) separate from the arithmetic unit
(CPU unit) that controls robot.
Here the method of displaying menu screen which executes setting of vision sensor unit is explained.

1 Operator qualification shall be expert or higher.

2 Select teaching mode.
Vision sensor setting screen can be displayed in teaching mode only.

3 Select [service][31 vision sensor].

≫Following menu is displayed.

If [31 vision sensor] is not displayed in service menu, vision sensor function is not
effectively set. Confirm vision sensor constant setting.
4 Select [1 vision sensor setting] from menu and press [Enter] key.
≫Vision sensor setting screen is displayed.

Vision sensor unit and CPU unit for robot control are connected by Ethernet.
INFO. In order to display vision sensor unit setting screen, communication processing between vision
sensor unit and CPU unit is carried out, so that initiation of communication may take much time.
Usually it takes 2 to 3 seconds.

In the vision sensor unit setting screen, title bar icon becomes a camera mark.

Vision sensor setting screen can also be displayed directly using soft keys.
INFO. Refer to “Set up” chapter for details

If a message saying “Connection to vision sensor failed” is displayed, problems such as failure of
POINT connection of communication setting or Ethernet cable are possible.
Confirm and try again in normal condition.

2.2Registration of measurement conditions

2.2 Registration of measurement conditions

When measurement by vision sensor is executed, measurement conditions in which content of measurement
to be executed are prepared and the conditions are designated with function parameters.
Here, method of registration of the measurement conditions and copying and deleting are explained.
For setting of measurement conditions, refer to chapters in which measurement conditions are separately

2.2.1 Registration of measurement conditions

1 Operator qualification shall be expert or higher.

2 Select teaching mode.

Vision sensor setting screen can be displayed in teaching mode only.

3 Select [Service][31 vision sensor] [1 vision sensor setting].

≫Vision sensor setting screen is displayed.

4 Select [1 measure condition] and press [Enter] key.

≫Measurement condition list display screen is displayed.

Already registered measurement conditions are displayed in the list.

5 Input unregistered measurement condition number and press [Enter] key.
≫A list of measurement types is displayed.

2.2Registration of measurement conditions

6 Select measurement type and press f12 [Execute] key.

≫Measurement condition is prepared and screen for setting of registered type
measurement condition is displayed.

<The case of two-dimensional single-point measurement>

Press [R] key to return to the screen of 4

Then, a list of prepared measurement conditions is displayed as shown below.

Select numbers 1 to 999 for measurement condition numbers.


By pressing [R] key without pressing [Execute] key in 5, screen returns to that of 4.

2.2Registration of measurement conditions

2.2.2 Selection of measurement conditions

1 Operator qualification shall be expert or higher.

2 Select teaching mode.

Vision sensor setting screen can be displayed in teaching mode only.

3 Select [Service][31 Vision sensor][1 Vision sensor setting][1 Measure

≫Screen displaying list of measurement conditions is displayed.

4 Select measurement condition to be selected with cursor keys and press

[Enter] key.
≫Screen for setting selected measurement conditions is displayed.

Selection can also be made by inputting measurement condition number and pressing [Enter]
POINT key.
Entering non-existing number is for new registration.

2.2Registration of measurement conditions

2.2.3 Copying of measurement conditions

1 Operator qualification shall be expert or higher.
2 Select teaching mode.
Vision sensor setting screen can be displayed in teaching mode only.

3 Select [Service][31 Vision sensor][1 Vision sensor setting][1 Measure

≫Screen showing list of measurement conditions is displayed.

4 Select measurement condition of copy source from the list and press
f11[Copy] key.
≫Copy destination selection screen appears.

During selection of copy destination, title bar is shown in red.

5 Input number of measurement condition of copy destination, and press [Enter]
≫Copy is executed.

When number of already registered measurement condition was selected as copy destination and
POINT copy was executed, a confirmation message as shown below is displayed.

Confirm the message, select [Yes]/[No] and press [Enter] key.

As the number of measurement condition of copy destination, same number as in the copy
POINT source cannot be selected. Select number from 1 to 999 as the number of measurement
condition of copy destination.

Press [R] key in 4 to return to screen of 3 without executing copy.


2.2Registration of measurement conditions

2.2.4 Deletion of measurement conditions

1 Operator qualification shall be expert or higher.

2 Select teaching mode.

Vision sensor setting screen can be displayed in teaching mode only.

3 Select [Service][31 Vision sensor][1 Vision sensor setting][1 Measurement

≫Screen showing list of measurement conditions is displayed.

4 Select measurement condition to be deleted from the list, and press

f11[Delete] key while pressing [Enable] key.
+ ≫Confirmation message as shown below is displayed.

5 Select [Yes]and press [Enter] key.

≫Deletion is executed.

2.3Registration of calibration

2.3 Registration of calibration

When measurement is executed with vision sensor, calibration of camera is required. The work is called
calibration work and its setting and result of calibration is calibration. It is necessary that calibration is executed
in accordance with type of measurement.
Maximum of 99 calibration data can be registered in this vision sensor.
Methods of registration, copying and deletion of calibration are explained here.
Refer to the chapter of explanation of calibration for details of calibration work.

2.3.1 Registration of calibration

1 Operator qualification shall be expert or higher.

2 Select teaching mode.

Vision sensor setting screen can be displayed in teaching mode only.

3 Select [Service][31 Vision sensor] [1 Vision sensor setting].

≫Vision sensor setting screen is displayed.

4 Select [2 Calibration] from menu and press [Enter] key.

≫Screen showing list of calibrations is displayed.

If there are already registered calibrations, they are displayed in the list.

2.3Registration of calibration

5 Input unregistered calibration number and press [Enter] key.

≫A list of calibration types is displayed.

6 Select calibration type and f12[Execute] key.

≫Calibration data is created and screen for setting registered type of calibration is
<The case of two-dimensional single-point measurement>

Press [R] to return to screen of 4.

Then, created calibrations are displayed in a list as shown below.

Select numbers 1 to 99 for calibration numbers.


Press [R] key without pressing [Execute] key in 5 to return to screen of 4 without creation of
POINT calibration data.

2.3Registration of calibration

2.3.2 Selection of calibration

1 Operator qualification shall be expert or higher.

2 Select teaching mode.

Vision sensor setting screen can be displayed in teaching mode only.

3 Select [Service][31 Vision sensor][1 Vision sensor setting][2 Calibration].

≫Screen showing list of calibrations is displayed.

4 Select calibration to be selected with cursor and press [Enter] key.

≫Screen for setting selected calibration is displayed.

Selection can also be made by inputting calibration number and pressing [Enter] key.
POINT Entering non-existing number is for new registration.

2.3Registration of calibration

2.3.3 Copying of calibration

1 Operator qualification shall be expert or higher.

2 Select teaching mode.

Vision sensor setting screen can be displayed in teaching mode only.

3 Select [Service][31 Vision sensor][1 Vision sensor setting][2 Calibration].

≫Screen showing list of calibrations is displayed.

4 Select calibration of copy source from the list, and press f11[Copy].
≫Copy destination selection screen appears.

During selection of copy destination, title bar is shown in red.

5 Input calibration number of copy destination and press [Enter] key.
≫Copying is executed.

When number of already registered calibration number was selected as copy destination and
POINT copy was executed, a confirmation message as shown below is displayed.

Confirm message, select [Yes]/[No] and press [Enter] key.

As the calibration number of copy destination, same number as in the copy source cannot be
POINT selected. Select number from 1 to 99 as the calibration number of copy destination.

Press [R] key in 4 to return to 3 without execution of copying.


2.3Registration of calibration

2.3.4 Deletion of calibration

1 Operator qualification shall be expert or higher.

2 Select teaching mode.

Vision sensor setting screen can be displayed in teaching mode only.

3 Select [Service][31 Vision sensor][1 Vision sensor setting][2 Calibration].

≫Screen showing list of measurement conditions is displayed.

4 Select calibration to be deleted from the list and press f11[Delete] key while
pressing [Enable] key.
+ ≫Confirmation message as shown below is displayed.

5 Select [Yes] and press [Enter] key.

≫Deletion is executed.

2.4System setting

2.4 System setting

Here, system setting of vision sensor unit is executed.
Refer to chapter of “set up” for details.

1 Operator qualification shall be expert or higher.

2 Select teaching mode.

Vision sensor setting screen can be displayed in teaching mode only.

3 Select [Service][31 Vision sensor][1 Vision sensor setting][4 System setting].

≫System setting menu screen is displayed.

4 Select menu to be set and press [Enter] key.

≫Each setting menu is displayed.

Contents of system setting are shown below.

Table 2.4.1 Vision sensor unit system setting

Item Content of setting
Camera setting Type of camera to be set, type of setting and focal length are set.
Signal setting Numbers of lighting and laser unit are assigned with which to use signal output
Signal logic, delay time, etc. are also set.
Communication LAN is set for communication between vision sensor unit and CPU unit.
Date and time Date and time of vision sensor unit are set.

2.5System environment

2.5 System environment

System environment including software version of vision sensor unit is set.

1 Operator qualification shall be expert or higher.

2 Select teaching mode.

Vision sensor setting screen can be displayed in teaching mode only.

3 Select [Service][31 Vision sensor][1 Vision sensor setting][4 System version].

≫System environment screen is displayed.

4 End system environment screen with [R] key.

≫Screen returns to the first screen of vision sensor setting screens.

2.6Area setting

2.6 Area setting

In setting of measurement conditions and calibrations, work of setting areas in the screen is occasionally
required. Method of setting such areas is explained here.

Depending upon screens for setting areas, content of explanation is partially different from that
POINT explained here.
In that case, since operation guide is displayed at top left of the screen, operation can be
executed following it.

2.6.1 Area setting screen

There are roughly two types of area setting screen.

Table 2.6.1 Types of area setting

Area setting type Content
Basic area setting Only one out of four basic figures, rectangle, rotary rectangle, oval and circle, is
set. Figures are occasionally selectable or unselectable.
Free area setting Optional areas are set by adding or deleting two basic figures, rotary rectangle and
oval. (See figures below.)

Areas to be

Areas to be

Individual area Combination of areas Created area

Fig. 2.6.1 Free area setting

2.6.2 Shifting, size change and rotation of areas

Operations for shifting, size change and rotation of areas to be set are explained.

Area shifting
Areas can be shifted by operating cursor keys.
Amount of operation by one cursor input can be adjusted with [Step increase] key and [Step decrease] key.
Present amount of operation is the shift step at left bottom of screen and unit is pixel.
Before shifting After shifting

Amount of operation

Center position

Fig. 2.6.2 Area shifting

2.6Area setting

Size change
Area size can be changed by operating cursor keys while pressing [Enable] key.
Following operations can be executed with the cursor keys.
Height contraction Width contraction
Height expansion Width expansion
Amount of operation by one cursor input can be adjusted with [Step increase] key and [Step decrease] key.
Present amount of operation is the shift step at left bottom of screen and the unit is pixel.
Before size change After size change

Amount of operation


Fig. 2.6.3 Area size change

In the case of rotatable areas, they may rotate by the operation described above. In that case,
INFO. because the operation mode is set at [Rotate], change operation mode to [Size] using [Operation
mode change] key. Present operation mode is displayed at right top of screen.

In rotatable areas (rotary rectangle, oval), areas can be rotate by changing operation mode to [Rotate] and
operating cursor keys while pressing [Enable] key. Changing of operation mode is executed using [Operation
mode change] key. Operation mode is interchanged between [Rotate] and [Size] bi input of this key.
Following operations can be executed with the cursor keys.
Counterclockwise rotation
Clockwise rotation
Amount of operation by one cursor input can be adjusted by pressing [Step increase] key and [Step decrease]
key. Present amount of operation is the rotation step at left bottom of screen and the unit is degree.

Before rotation After rotation

Operation mode

Amount of operation

Rotation angle

Fig. 2.6.4 Area rotation

2.6Area setting

2.6.3 Figure selection in basic area setting

Figure of area changes in the order shown below by pressing area type change key.

Rectangle Rotary rectangle

Oval Circle

Fig. 2.6.5 Figure selection in basic area setting

2.6.4 Addition and deletion of areas in free area setting

Free area setting executes setting of optional area by adding and deleting two basic figures, rotary rectangle
and oval. Addition is executed by area addition and deletion is executed by mask addition.

Following keys are used for area addition and mask addition.

Table 2.6.2 Area addition and deletion keys

Key Content
Rectangular area Press this key to turn to editing screen of rotary rectangular area.
addition Set area is added to the area that has been set so far.
Oval area addition Press this key to turn to editing screen of oval area.
Set area is added to the area that has been set so far.
Rectangular mask Press this key to turn to editing screen of rotary rectangular mask area. Execute
addition setting in the same manner as in the case of rotary rectangular area.
Set area is deleted from the area that has been set so far.
Oval mask addition Press this key to turn to editing screen of oval mask area. Execute setting in the
same manner as in the case of oval area.
Set area is deleted from the area that has been set so far.

In order to clear set area, set mask area that covers all the area that has been set.

2.6Area setting

2.6.5 End of area editing

When area editing completed, press [Enter] key. Set area is reflected.
Press [R] key to cancel content of editing.
Although area addition and mask addition end with [R] key in free area setting, in order to reflect synthesized
area finally, it is necessary to press [Registration] key after completion of all area setting.

2.6.6 Other operations

[Image take-in]
Image take-in can be executed depending upon screens.
In that case, press [Image take-in] key.

[Maximum area]
Area can be set in image size by key operation depending upon screens.
In that case, press [Maximum area] key.

[Area fill]
In free area setting, display of set area is interchangeable between indication by filling and indication by
contour (area boundary) only.
In that case, press [Area fill]/[area boundary] key. Method of display changes alternately by pressing the key.

Area boundary display Area fill display

Area fill

Fig. 2.6.6 Area fill/boundary display

2.7Vision sensor monitor

2.7 Vision sensor monitor

Vision sensor monitor is explained here.
During reproduction of a robot, Images taken in from camera and content of processing executed by vision
sensor can be confirmed by displaying vision sensor monitor.

2.7.1 Display of vision sensor monitor

Method of display of vision sensor unit is explained here.

1 Select [Service][4 Monitor2].

≫Menu as shown below is displayed.

If [59 Vision sensor monitor] is not displayed in monitor menu, vision sensor function
is not effectively set. Confirm setting of vision sensor constants.
2 Select [59 Vision sensor monitor] from menu, and press [Enter] key.
≫Following screen is displayed.

3 Select [1 Vision sensor monitor], and press [Enter]key.

≫Screen for selection of vision sensor unit monitor is displayed.

Vision sensor unit and CPU unit for robot control are connected by Ethernet.
INFO. In order to display vision sensor unit setting screen, communication processing between vision
sensor unit and CPU unit is carried out, so that initiation of communication may take much time.
Usually it takes 2 to 3 seconds.

In monitor screen for vision sensor unit, title bar icon becomes a camera mark.

Vision sensor monitor screen can also be displayed directly using soft keys.
INFO. Refer to “Set up” chapter for details

If a message saying “Connection to vision sensor failed” is displayed, problems such as failure of
POINT connection of communication setting or Ethernet cable are possible.
Confirm and try again in normal condition.

2.7Vision sensor monitor

2.7.2 Camera image monitor

With camera image monitor, camera images and recognition results can be confirmed.

Display of camera image monitor

1 Select [Service][4 Monitor 2] [59 vision sensor monitor] [1 Vision sensor
monitor], and press [Enter]key.
≫Screen for selection of vision sensor unit monitor is displayed.

2 Select [1 Image], and press [Enter] key.

≫Camera image monitor is displayed.

Soon after camera image monitor is displayed, images taken in from camera may not be
POINT displayed in some cases. Camera images are updated at the time of execution of measurement.

2.7Vision sensor monitor

Change of camera image monitor display

There are four types of display for camera image monitor.

(a) With console/single (b) With console/multi

(c) Without console/single (d) Without console/multi

Fig. 2.7.1 Types of display for camera image monitor

Method for changing monitor displays is explained below.

1 Display camera image monitor.

2 Press f7[Display change] key.

≫Screen for camera image monitor display selection is displayed.

3 Set parameters.

4 Press f12[Execute] key.

≫Camera image monitor is displayed in the set condition.

In order to cancel content of editing, press [R] key before pressing [Execute] key to
end display selection screen.

2.7Vision sensor monitor

Table 2.7.1 Selection parameter for camera image monitor display

Parameter Initial value Setting range Content
Console None None/exist Selection whether or not to display console showing
measurement results, etc.
Display type Single Single/multi Selection whether to display only one or plurality of
images input from camera.
When “single” is set, only one of images input from
camera is displayed. When “multi” is set, two camera
images are displayed in case console is set, and four
camera images are displayed in case console is not
Camera image Latest Last/Fixed When [Last] is set, latest input image is displayed in
screen regardless of camera.
When display type is “multi”, left top display is “Last”
setting. When “Fixed” is set, preset camera image
only is displayed on each display.
Which camera image is shown in each display is
preset by setting of displays 1 to 4.
Camera image Display: 1 None/camera 1 When setting of camera image to be displayed is
Display 1 to 4 Camera: 1: to 8 “Fix”, which camera image to display on each display
Other: none is set.

POINT Content of editing of display selection is cleared when power source is turned on.

2.7Vision sensor monitor

2.7.3 Trouble history monitor

In trouble history monitor, trouble history including recognition trouble occurred in vision sensor, etc., can be

Display of trouble history monitor

1 Select [Service][4 Monitor2] [59 Vision sensor monitor] [1 Vision sensor
monitor], and press [Enter] key.
≫Screen for selection of vision sensor unit monitor is displayed.

2 Select [3 Error log], and press [Enter] key.

≫Trouble history monitor is displayed.

3 Press [R] key to end trouble history monitor.

Display of details of trouble

1 Display trouble history monitor.

2 Select trouble to be displayed in detail, and press [Enter] key.

≫Screen for showing details of trouble history is displayed.

3 Press f12[End] key or [R] key to end detail display.

2.7Vision sensor monitor

2.7.4 Rearrangement of trouble history

Trouble history can be displayed in rearranged order.
Method of rearrangement is explained.

1 Press f17[Sort] key on trouble history monitor screen.

≫Screen for trouble history rearrangement is displayed.

2 Select ascending order or descending order of Sort.

3 Select one out of date, measurement condition number and trouble code as
reference for rearrangement.

4 Press f12[Execute] key.

≫Camera image monitor is displayed in the set condition.

In order to cancel content of editing, press [R] key before pressing [Execute] key to
end screen for trouble history rearrangement.

POINT Content of editing of trouble history rearrangement is cleared when power source is turned on.

2.7.5 Display changeover of trouble history

Content of display of trouble history can be reduced to specified dates, measurement condition numbers and
trouble codes alone.

1 Select f8 [Change view] key on trouble history monitor screen.

≫Trouble history display change screen is displayed.

2 Set each parameter in menu to set method for trouble history monitor display.

3 Press f12[Execute] key.

≫Trouble history monitor is displayed in the set condition.

In order to cancel content of editing, press [R] key before pressing [Execute] key to
end display selection screen.

Table 2.7.2 Trouble history display selection parameter

Parameter Initial value Setting range Content
When all is set, troubles of all dates are displayed.
Date All All/Period When specified dates are set, trouble of specified
dates only can be displayed.
Date when
Display date range is specified when specified date is
Date range power was 1/1/1~9999/12/31
turned on
Numbers of measurement condition to be displayed
Measurement are specified.
0 0~999
Cond. No. When 0 is specified, all measurement conditions are
Numbers of trouble codes to be specified are
Error code 0 0~9999 specified.
When 0 is specified, all error codes are displayed.

POINT Content of editing of trouble history rearrangement is cleared when power source is turned on.

2.7Vision sensor monitor

2.7.6 Clearing of trouble history

Method of clearing trouble history is explained.

1 Press f11[Failure Log Clear] key in trouble history monitor screen.

≫Following confirmation message is displayed.

2 Select [Yes], and press [Enter] key.

≫Trouble history is cleared.


2.8 Backup
Data and log files registered in vision sensor unit cannot be backed up with ordinary backup.
Work of backup of data and log files registered in vision sensor unit is explained here.

2.8.1 Vision sensor backup data

When backup of vision sensor is executed, folders are created with folder names shown below in USB
memory of backup destination, and backup data are stored in the USB memory.

Backup time in seconds
Backup time in hours (24 h notation)
Backup day
Backup month
Backup year(western calendar, 4-digit)
Fig. 2.8.1 Backup folder name

2.8.2 Mounting USB memory for backup operation

To store the files to a USB memory, it is necesarry to mount the USB memory to the USB port on
the CPU board in the robot controller or the USB port on the teach pendant in advance.
The USB memory is distinguished as shown below by the port where the memory is mounted.

Table 2.8.1 Usable storage media

External storage device
This is the USB memory mounted to the USB port on the CPU
board in the controller. This is suitable for the backup operation in
RC External memory 1
which a lot of data files are trasferred. To use an automatic backup
function, please use this device.
This is the USB memory mounted to the USB port on the teach
TP External memory
pendant. This is suitable for small amount file copy.


Inserting USB memory into the robot controller (RC External Memory)

Only insert and remove the USB memory when the robot controller power is
switched off.
Inserting or removing the USB memory when the power is on may corrupt the
CAUTION data saved on the USB memory.

1 Turn power for robot control unit OFF, and open door.
Mount the USB memory to the CNUSB2 or CNUSB3 on the CPU board.
The CPU board is mounted in the rack unit of the controller.
Pay attention to the direction of theUSB memory when inserting it. The USB memory
cannot be inserted to the port in wrong direction.

Front (Internal)
正面図(内部) Enlarged rack unit diagram
Rack unit
ラックユニット CPU基板
CPU Board

USB Memory

There are 2 USB ports in the CPU board. The USB memory will work
irrespective of which USB port it is connected to. However, do not connect 2
IMPORTANT USB memories at the same time.

2 Close the door of the controller, and turn the power on.

3 The USB memory can be used continually when connected.

Before removing the USB memory, always be sure to turn off the controller


Inserting USB memory into the teach pendant (TP External Memory)

During LED of the USB memory has been flashing, please don't remove the
USB memory from the USB port. Data may break.

1 Open the USB cap from the back of the teach pendant.


2 Insert the USB memory.

>> Insert the USB memory in the correct orientation. It cannot be inserted in the wrong

3 When the tasks are complete, remove the USB memory.

When the USB memory is removed, firmly close the USB cap on the back of the
teach pendant.

Only connect USB memory to the USB port when operating files. When the TP
external storage memory is not being used, always close the USB cap on the
back of the teach pendant.
Leaving the USB cap open for long periods may hinder the dust protection and
CAUTION waterproofing properties, which may lead to failure.


2.8.3 Backup
Method of backup of vision sensor is explained.
1 Operator qualification shall be expert or higher.
2 Select teaching mode.
3 Select [Service][31 Vision sensor].
≫Such menu as shown below is displayed.

4 Select [2 vision sensor file backup] from menu, and press [Enter] key.
≫Vision sensor backup screen is displayed.

5 Select a device for the backup destination, and press [Enter] key.


6 Select a folder as the backup destination, and press [Enter] key.

7 Press f12[Execute].
≫Following confirmation message is displayed.

8 Select [Yes] of confirmation message, and press [Enter] key.

≫Backup is executed and following finish message is displayed.

9 Press [Enter] key to end backup of vision sensor.

When external storage (USB memory) is not inserted, error message is displayed and backup is
POINT not executed.

Never turn off power of control unit or cut network during backup, or backup data may be


2.8.4 Restoration of backup

Method of restoration of backup of vision sensor is explained.
Only the data stored by vision sensor backup can be used as data for restoration.

1 Operator qualification shall be expert or higher.

2 Select teaching mode.

3 Select [Service][31 Vision sensor].

≫Such menu as shown below is displayed.

4 Select [3 Vision sensor file restore] from menu, and press [Enter] key.
≫Vision sensor backup restoration screen is displayed.

5 Select folder for backup restoration data, and press [Enter] key.


6 Select folder for backup restoration data, and press [Enter] key.

7 Press f12[Execute].
≫Following message is displayed.

8 Select [Yes] of confirmation message, and press [Enter].

≫Confirmation message for license file restoration is displayed.

Refer to chapter of “maintenance” for details of license.

9 Select [Yes] of confirmation message, and press [Enter].
≫Backup restoration is executed and following finish message is displayed.

Since license file is usually also backed up when backup is executed, backup
restoration can be executed without particular action. If license has been modified
after backup for some reason such as damage of dongle, select [No] for confirmation
of restoration of license file.
10 Press [Enter] key to end vision sensor backup restoration.

When external storage (USB memory) is not inserted, error message is displayed and backup is
POINT not executed.

Following message is displayed when correct license file was not restored in vision sensor.
POINT “License trouble of vision sensor was detected. Confirm, license file.”
Re-import license file. Refer to chapter of “Maintenance” for details.

Never turn off power of control unit or cut network during backup, or backup data may be



3 Calibration

Calibration work for calibration of camera is explained.

3.1 What is calibration? ....................................................................................3-1

3.1.1 What is calibration?...............................................................................3-1
3.1.2 Calibration plate ....................................................................................3-2
3.1.3 Calibration coordinate ...........................................................................3-2
3.1.4 Camera calibration and registration of vision sensor coordinate...........3-3
3.2 Preparation for calibration...........................................................................3-4
3.2.1 Plate installation ....................................................................................3-4
3.2.2 Registration of calibration coordinate....................................................3-5
3.2.3 New registration of calibration.............................................................3-10
3.2.4 Lens rectification ................................................................................. 3-11
3.2.5 Record of reference position of calibration..........................................3-13
3.3 Single camera calibration .........................................................................3-15
3.3.1 Calibration parameter setting ..............................................................3-15
3.3.2 Registration of vision sensor coordinate .............................................3-17
3.3.3 Camera calibration ..............................................................................3-19
3.3.4 Confirmation of calibration results.......................................................3-24
3.4 Cross laser calibration ..............................................................................3-25
3.4.1 Setting of calibration parameters ........................................................3-25
3.4.2 Registration of vision sensor coordinate .............................................3-28
3.4.3 Camera calibration ..............................................................................3-29
3.4.4 Laser slit calibration ............................................................................3-30
3.4.5 Confirmation of calibration results.......................................................3-35
3.5 Stereo calibration ......................................................................................3-36
3.5.1 Calibration parameter setting ..............................................................3-36
3.5.2 Registration of vision sensor coordinate .............................................3-38
3.5.3 Camera calibration ..............................................................................3-39
3.5.4 Confirmation of calibration results.......................................................3-45
3.1What is calibration?

3.1 What is calibration?

3.1.1 What is calibration?

In order to detect correct position of workpieces using vision sensor, such information as type and setting of
camera, focal length and distortion of lens and distance between workpiece and camera are necessary. Further,
in order to shift robot actually using detected position, it is necessary to obtain information for interconverting
coordinates of robot and vision sensor.
Calibration is the work of preliminarily registering such data required for measurement by vision sensor.

Following works are executed in calibration.

Table 3.1.1 Calibration works

Work Content
Camera calibration Pixel size, image center, focal length and distortion of lens, etc. that are
intrinsic to camera are detected and registered.
Positional relation between vision sensor coordinate and camera
coordinate is also registered.
They are executed by having camera see a board for calibration called
calibration plate from various positions and angles.
Vision sensor coordinate Whereabouts of vision sensor coordinate in the coordinate system owned
registration by robot is registered.
Registration is executed by flange coordinate in the case of hand camera
and by world coordinate in the case of fixed camera.
Laser slit calibration This is a necessary work when cross laser measurement is executed.
Equation of slit plane of laser slit light is obtained in reference to camera


plates of
and angles
Fig. 3.1.1 Camera calibration

When change of camera position, change of lens, and adjustment of focus and
diaphragm of lens are executed after completion of calibration work, the state becomes
different from the content registered by calibration.
Be sure to do calibration work again, or correct measurement is impossible.
CAUTION If re-calibration is not executed, erroneous correction will be done and interference with
surrounding jigs and human disasters may occur.

3.1What is calibration?

3.1.2 Calibration plate

Calibration plate is a plate having dot patterns arranged at regular intervals on it as shown below. Names of its
portions are shown in the figure below.

Corner mark Dot interval


Dot diameter
Fig. 3.1.2 Calibration plate

Although calibration plate shown above is recommended, calibration plates without corner mark and frame or
with different number of dots are also available. Although calibration can be executed with either type,
conditions of the plate used as calibration parameter must be correctly set.

In order to execute calibration in high precision, select dot diameter of at least no less than 10
INFO. pixels when image is input by camera.
Further, select plate size of about 1/4 to 1/3 of vision field.

3.1.3 Calibration coordinate

Calibration coordinate is a coordinate defined on calibration plate.
Center of the dot at the center of plate is the origin. Directions of X and Y axes varies with existence and
non-existence of corner mark.
In case corner mark exists, when plate is seen so that the corner mark is at left top, X axis lies in right direction
and Y axis lies in perpendicular direction.
In case corner mark does not exist, X axis lies in the direction of arrangement of dots nearest to the right
direction of the image of the plate input by camera, and Y axis lies in perpendicular direction.

Y axis

X axis X axis

Y axis X axis
Y axis

(a) With corner mark (b)Without corner mark
Fig. 3.1.3 Calibration coordinate

3.1What is calibration?

3.1.4 Camera calibration and registration of vision sensor coordinate

Camera calibration is executed by having camera see calibration plate from various positions and angles. At
the time, vision sensor coordinate is registered from the positional relation of robot flange coordinate position,
camera position and calibration plate at the time of first measurement of calibration plate.
Calibration coordinate of the first calibration plate is preliminarily registered as user coordinate. This
calibration coordinate is taken as vision sensor coordinate and vision sensor coordinate position is registered
from the positional relation of flange coordinate position and user coordinate.
Further, positional relation of camera coordinate and calibration coordinate (vision sensor coordinate) at the
first plate measurement by camera calibration is calculated, and positions of flange coordinate and camera
coordinate are determined.
Measurement by vision sensor is executed on vision sensor coordinate, and calculation of position on world
coordinate is executed from the position of vision sensor coordinate at the time of measurement.

Position at the time of

first plate measurement
(Calibration reference position)
Camera coordinate

Positional relation of
Positional relation of flange coordinate
camera coordinate and and visual sensor Calculated by visual
visual sensor coordinate coordinate sensor registration

Visual sensor
Calculated by camera calibration coordinate
( Calibration coordinate at
the first plate measurement)
Position at the first plate World coordinate
Positional relation of Registered as user
world coordinate and coordinate
visual sensor coordinate
Fig. 3.1.4 Vision sensor coordinate

While vision sensor coordinate is registered based upon calibration coordinate at the first plate
POINT measurement, meanings of the two coordinate are different.
Although calibration coordinate is a fixed coordinate, vision sensor coordinate shifts in
accordance with change of robot attitude.

Calibration cannot be correctly executed unless type of mounting of camera and focal length are
POINT correctly set.
Be sure to confirm content of setting before work.

3.2Preparation for calibration

3.2 Preparation for calibration

Necessary preparation for execution of calibration is explained here.

3.2.1 Plate installation

Method of calibration plate installation is explained.

The case of hand camera

In the case of hand camera, calibration plate is installed at stable position on a jig near the measurement
Make position of calibration plate reproducible, in preparation for the case when re-calibration becomes

It is convenient, when re-calibration becomes necessary due to replacement of camera, etc., to

INFO. have calibration plate always installed in the equipment and program for teaching position of
camera for calibration prepared.

The case of fixed camera

In the case of fixed camera, there are two methods of installation of calibration plate, placing it on a
measurement jig or fixing it to robot hand as shown in the figure below.
When it is installed on a jig, position and attitude of calibration plate need to be changed by hand.

(a) Placing on a jig (b) Fixing on hand

Fig. 3.2.1 Installation of calibration plate for fixed camera

When calibration plate is installed on a jig, make its position at the first plate measurement for
vision sensor coordinate registration at the same height as measurement surface of workpiece.
IMPORTANT If heights of the two are different, precision of measurement is deteriorated.

When calibration plate is placed on a jig, position of plate is changed by hand. Therefore, same
INFO. position is difficult to be reproduced. However, the first plate measurement position alone is an
important position for installation for setting vision sensor coordinate and camera coordinate. It is
convenient to have the position reproducible as far as possible in preparation for the case when
work needs to be repeated due to mistake, etc.

3.2Preparation for calibration

3.2.2 Registration of calibration coordinate

It is necessary to install plate before execution of calibration, and register the coordinate system defined by
the plate (calibration coordinate system) as coordinate system of robot.
Method of registration of calibration coordinate depends upon methods of installation of camera and plate as
shown below.

Table 3.2.1 Calibration coordinate registration method

Camera Coordinate registration
Plate installation
installation method
Hand Fixed (on jig) User coordinate
Fixed Fixed (on jig) User coordinate
Hand Tool coordinate

Registration by User coordinate

1 Fix calibration tool (indicating rod) on hand.

Give sharp edge to calibration tool.
2 Prepare sharp edge fixed on the ground.

3 To optional program execute teaching of work program in which the edge of

calibration tool fixed on hand aims in various attitudes at sharp edge fixed on
the ground.
Number of steps shall be no less than four.

Calibration tool

大 Sharp
地に固 定した
fixed on ground

Change robot attitude drastically from step to step and make aiming as correctly as
possible. That is the point for high precision.
4 Select [Constant setting][3 Machine constant][1 Tool Constant] to display tool
setting screen, and select optional tool number.
≫Tool setting screen is displayed.

Designate unused number, for tool length is set in this work.

5 Press f8[Easy setting] key.
≫Following screen is displayed.

If different screen is displayed, press f8[length setting] key.

3.2Preparation for calibration

6 Move cursor to program number, and input number of program created before.

7 Press f12[Execute] key.

≫Following screen is displayed.

Maximum error represents probability of tool length obtained. The smaller the value,
the higher the accuracy of tool length obtained is.
Error of each step is also displayed. When errors are big, correct positions starting
from the step with biggest numerical value in descending order.
After correction of positions, re-execute procedure from 5.
8 If there is no problem, select [Yes], and press [Enter] key.
≫ Tool length automatic setting screen ends, and original tool setting screen
At this time, set value is not stored yet.
9 Press f12[Complete] key.
≫Set content is stored and machine constant menu screen returns.
Calibration tool setting is completed by this point.

10 Operate robot manually to create program in which three points on the

calibration plate are recorded as shown below.
The tool used here is the calibration tool that was set before.
As the tool number of shift step, use the tool number with which calibration tool was
Step 1 record position: origin of calibration coordinate
Step 2 record position: a dot on X axis of calibration coordinate
Step 3 record position: a dot on Y axis of calibration coordinate
Step 1 record

Step 2 record
Step 3 record position

Calibration tool

y x


3.2Preparation for calibration

11 Select [Service][10 User coordinate system registration] to display user

coordinate registration screen and set the number of program in which the
three points were registered before.

Select step order of OXY

Set program number.

Memorize coordinate number

Select OXY for step order.
12 Press f12[Complete] key.
≫Set content is stored and user coordinate is registered.

Set the user coordinate number, which was set here, in calibration parameter, and register vision
POINT sensor coordinate position.

Registration by tool coordinate

This work requires operator qualification of EXPERT or higher.
1 Fix calibration plate on hand.

2 Fix pointer (indicating rod) with sharp edge at optional position.

3 To optional program, execute teaching of work program in which edge of the

pointer of 2 aims in various attitudes at the center of calibration plate fixed on
Number of steps shall be no less than 4.
Calibration plate Pointer

Origin of calibration
Change robot attitude drastically from step to step and make aiming as correctly as
possible. That is the point for high precision.
4 Select [Constant setting][3 Machine constant][1 Tool Constant] to display tool
setting screen, and select optional tool number.
≫Tool setting screen is displayed.

Designate unused number, for tool length is set in this work.

3.2Preparation for calibration

5 Press f8[Easy setting key.

≫Following screen is displayed.

If different screen is displayed, press f8[length setting] key.

6 Move cursor to program number, and input number of program created before.

7 Press f12[Execute] key.

≫Following screen is displayed.

Maximum error represents probability of tool length obtained. The smaller the value,
the higher the accuracy of tool length obtained is.
Error of each step is also displayed. When errors are big, correct positions starting
from the step with biggest value in descending order.
After correction of positions, re-execute procedure from 5.
8 If there is no problem, select [Yes], and press [Enter] key.
≫Tool length automatic setting screen ends, and original tool setting screen returns.
At this time, set value is not stored yet.
9 Press f12[Complete] key.
≫Set content is stored and machine constant menu screen returns.
Calibration tool setting is completed by this point.

3.2Preparation for calibration

10 Operate robot manually to create program in which three points on the

calibration plate are recorded as shown below.
The tool used here is the tool that was used to set the origin of calibration plate set
As the tool number of shift step, use the tool number with which calibration tool was
Step 1 record position: origin of calibration coordinate
Step 2 record position: a dot on X axis of calibration coordinate
Step 3 record position: a dot on Y axis of calibration coordinate
Step 1 record

Step 2 record
Step 3 record position


y x


11 Select [Service][31 Vision sensor][4 Calibration coord. (tool)].

≫Following screen is displayed.

12 Program number and tool number are set.

Number of program
created in 10 is set.
Number of tool registered
in 9 is set.

13 Press [Execute] key.

≫Tool angle is calculated.

14 Press f12[Complete] key.

≫Set content is stored in the angle of set tool.
Calibration coordinate was set as tool coordinate by this point.

Set the tool number, which was set here, in calibration parameter and register vision sensor
POINT coordinate position.

3.2Preparation for calibration

3.2.3 New registration of calibration

Calibration data are newly registered.

1 Operator qualification shall be EXPERT or higher.

2 Select teaching mode.

Vision sensor setting screen can be displayed in teaching mode only.

3 Select [Service][31 Vision sensor][1 Vision sensor setting].

≫Vision sensor setting screen is displayed.

4 Select [2 calibration] from menu, and press [Enter] key.

≫Screen showing calibration list is displayed.

5 Input unregistered calibration number and press [Enter] key.

≫List of calibration types is displayed.

6 Select calibration type and press f12[Execute].

≫Calibration data are created and screen for setting calibration of registered type is

3.2Preparation for calibration

3.2.4 Lens rectification

Focus and diaphragm of lens are rectified.

When rectification of focus and diaphragm is executed after completion of calibration

work, the state becomes different from the content of registration by calibration.
Be sure to do calibration work again, or correct measurement is impossible.
If re-calibration is not executed, erroneous correction will be done and interference with
CAUTION surrounding jigs and human disasters may occur.

1 Put workpiece with which measurement is executed at the place which is to

become position of teaching.

2 In the case of hand camera, operate robot to shift camera to measurement


3 Select [Service][31 Vision sensor][1 Vision sensor setting] [2 Calibration].

4 Select registered calibration, and press [Enter] key.

≫Calibration setting screen is displayed.

Setting screen varies depending upon type of calibration.

5 Set number of camera to be rectified.

Camera number is set

6 Set reference exposure time (shutter speed) and lighting.

Exposure time is set.

Lighting is set.

In the section for lighting, check number of lighting to be turned on when images are

3.2Preparation for calibration

7 Press f7[Image display] key.

≫Image of designated camera is displayed.

If image is not displayed, press f8[image capture] key.

8 Press f7[live display] key.
≫Display is switched to live display.

9 Rectify lens so that image is in focus with desired brightness.

10 When rectification ended, fix diaphragm with fixing screw.

11 After end of work, end image display with [R] key.

3.2Preparation for calibration

3.2.5 Record of reference position of calibration

When calibration plate is fixed on hand in the case of hand camera or fixed camera, position of robot where
the distance between camera and workpiece to be measured and the distance between camera and calibration
plate is identical is recorded.
This position shall be the first measurement position of calibration plate (calibration reference position).

1 Operate robot so that distance between camera and calibration plate and
distance between camera and workpiece to be measured are almost identical.

2 Select [Service][31 Vision sensor][1 Vision sensor setting] [2 Calibration].

3 Select registered calibration, and press [Enter] key.
≫Calibration setting screen is displayed.

Setting screen varies depending upon type of calibration.

4 Press f7[Image Display] key.
≫Image of designated camera is displayed.

If image is not displayed, press f8[Image take-in] key.

5 Press f7[Live display] key.
≫Display is switched to live display.

6 Adjust robot attitude so that X and Y axes of calibration coordinate and red
lines of image fit in.
Adjust attitude of camera or calibration plate so that XY plain of calibration plate and
light axis of camera bisect at right angles.

3.2Preparation for calibration

7 Re-confirm if distance between camera and calibration plate and distance

between camera and workpiece are identical.
If not, operate robot to shift it to position where they are identical.



Calibration plate Calibration plate


Measurement position Calibration reference Calibration reference

position (1) position (2)

8 End image display with [R] key.

9 End all menu displays.

10 Record present position in optional program.

3.3Single camera calibration

3.3 Single camera calibration

Single camera calibration for two-dimensional measurement is explained.

3.3.1 Calibration parameter setting

1 Select [Service][31 Vision sensor][1 Vision sensor setting] [2 Calibration].

3 Select calibration of single camera calibration, and press [Enter] key.
≫Calibration setting screen is displayed.
<page 1>

<page 2>

3 Set each parameter.

4 Press f12[Complete] key.

≫Set content is stored and calibration setting image ends.

3.3Single camera calibration

Table 3.3.1 Single camera calibration parameter

Item Initial value Setting range Explanation
Comment None Up to 32 letters Set comment in calibration data.
Camera No. 1 1∼8 Designate number of camera with
which calibration is executed.
Plate Plate type With frame/ With frame/ Select type of calibration plate to be
condition without frame with corner mark used.
With frame/
without corner mark
Without fame
Pitch 10.0[mm] 0.1∼999.9[mm] Set dot interval of plate.
Diameter 5.0[mm] 0.1∼999.9[mm] Set dot diameter.
Dots X: 7 dots 1∼100 dots Set number of dots in plate.
Y: 7 dots
Find Threshold Auto Auto/Fixed Whether threshold value for detection
calibration of dots of plate is automatically
plate calculated or fixed value is given to it is
Usually select automatic.
Fixed 128 0∼255 When fixed value is set as detection
threshold threshold value, threshold value for
detection of dots of plate is set in
Image Exposure 5.00[msec] 0.00∼250.00[msec] Exposure time for image capturing is
acquire time set.
Auto Disable Disable/Enable Whether automatic exposure is made
exposure Enable or Disable is selected.
Light All OFF ON/OFF Check lighting to be turned ON at the
time of image capturing.
Same image Disable Disable/Enable Whether image is stored or not at the
time of plate measurement is selected.
Search Center X: 0.0[pixel] X: 0.0∼4096.0[pixel] Center X and Y of search area are set.
region X, Y Y: 0.0[pixel] Y: 0.0∼4096.0[pixel]
Size W: 0.0[pixel] W: 0.0∼4096.0[pixel] Width and height of search area are
H, W H: 0.0[pixel] H: 0.0∼4096.0[pixel] set.
Vision Plate Coord. User User/Tool Coordinate system indicating plate
sensor position is designated.
coord. Coord. No. 1 1∼100 Number of coordinate system
indicating plate position is designated.

Search area is usually set in image display screen.


3.3Single camera calibration

3.3.2 Registration of vision sensor coordinate

1 Shift robot to calibration reference position recorded beforehand.

This work is unnecessary when fixed camera is used and calibration plate is not
installed on hand.
2 Select [Service][31 Vision sensor][1 Vision sensor setting] [2 Calibration].
3 Select calibration of single camera calibration, and press [Enter] key.
≫Calibration setting screen is displayed.

4 In vision sensor coordinate registration in page two, set user coordinate or

tool coordinate in which calibration coordinate is registered.

Select user coordinate or

tool coordinate.

Set number of designated coordinate.

5 Press f8[Register Vision Coord] key.

≫Result of acquisition of vision sensor coordinate position is displayed.

6 Confirm if acquired vision sensor coordinate and calibration coordinate on

plate seen from reference coordinate are in accordance.

Position at the time

of registration
Position at the time
(Calibration reference position)
of registration

(Calibration reference position)

Flange coordinate Positional relation

of world coordinate
and visual sensor

Visual sensor coordinate position

Visual sensor
coordinate position
Visual sensor coordinate
Positional relation of
flange coordinate and
visual sensor coordinate

Visual sensor coordinate World coordinate

(a) Hand camera (b) Fixed camera

3.3Single camera calibration

7 If they are in accordance, press f12[Save] key.

≫Vision sensor coordinate position is stored, result display ends, and parameter
screen returns.

8 Press f12[Complete] key.

≫ Content of setting (plate coordinate, coordinate number) are stored, and
calibration setting screen ends.

3.3Single camera calibration

3.3.3 Camera calibration

Camera calibration work is explained.
In camera calibration, calibration plate is measured in plurality of visions to detect and register pixel size,
image center, and focal length and distortion of lens that are unique to camera.
Recommended patterns of plate visions are shown below. They are 14 visions in total; five in reference plane,
five in planes at different heights, and four in which plates are tilted.
Calibration reference position

Plate positions on reference plane

Plate positions on reference planes at different heights

Tilted plate positions

Fig. 3.3.1 Examples of measurement patterns of calibration plate

1 Shift robot to calibration reference position recorded beforehand.

This work is unnecessary when fixed camera is used and calibration plate is not
installed on hand.
2 Select [Service][31 Vision sensor][1 Vision sensor setting] [2 Calibration].
3 Select calibration of single camera calibration, and press [Enter] key.
≫Calibration setting screen is displayed.

4 Press f7[Image Display] key.

≫Image of designated camera is displayed.

When image is not displayed, it is displayed by pressing f8[Image capture] key.

3.3Single camera calibration

5 Press f9[Exposure adjust] key.

≫Exposure adjustment screen is displayed.

6 Adjust exposure time at the time of calibration while looking at images being
Operations of exposure time adjustment are shown below.
<Key operation>
・Exposure time change: right-left key
・Step change: up-down key ← amount of change at the time of exposure time
・End after storing change: [Enter] key
・End without storing change: [Reset] key
<F key operation>
・f7[live display]: Image is displayed live
・f8[Image capture]: Image capturing is executed.
・ f10[Automatic exposure reference setting]: Reference brightness value for
automatic exposure is acquired.

Set so that dots of calibration plates can be seen clearly.

It is not necessary that exposure time at the time of calibration and exposure time
when actual workpiece is measured are identical.
7 When exposure adjustment completed, press [Enter] key.
≫Exposure adjustment screen ends, and the front screen of image display is
In order to cancel exposure time change, press [R] key.
8 Press f10[Region setting] key, and start setting of detection object area of
calibration plate (calibration area).
≫Area setting screen is displayed.
Area setting here is rectangular area only.
9 Set calibration area.
Set so that the whole calibration plate enters in the area.
Usually, the whole screen is selected as calibration area by pressing f9[Maximum
area] key.
10 When calibration area setting completed, press [Enter] key.
≫Area setting screen ends, and the front screen of image display is displayed.
In order to cancel exposure time change, press [R] key.
11 Press f11[Plate measure Test] key.
≫Plate measurement test is executed, and result of plate measurement is displayed
as shown below.

Result of plate measurement is displayed in grid-like pattern in the form of projection

of three-dimensional position of plate detection. At this point, dots do not fit the grid
completely, since display is executed based on camera parameters that are not
calibrated yet.

If plate measurement failed, causes that can be considered are failure of plate to be
within calibration area in the screen, inappropriate exposure time due to too bright or
too dark lighting, detection failure of plate due to uneven lighting on the plate, and
errors in plate condition setting or camera setting.
Correct conditions and re-try from the beginning.

3.3Single camera calibration

12 When correct measurement is confirmed to be possible, press f11[Plate

Measure] key while pressing [Enable] key.
+ ≫Plate measurement is executed, and result of plate measurement is displayed.
Index increases by 1.

When plate measurement is executed, images at the time of measurement are

temporarily stored as images to be used for calibration execution.
If image storage is set to be [Enable], these images are stored in file.
13 While changing visions of calibration plate, repeat works of 11 and 12 until
number of index reaches n less than 10.

In order to change visions of calibration plate, following operations are usually

Plate setting Coordinate registration method
Hand Fixed Move robot to shift camera position.
(on jig)
Fixed Fixed Manually shift plate position.
(on jig)
Hand Move robot to shift plate position.

Be sure to execute measurement from the position where plate can

POINT be seen tilted.
Precision of calibration can be raised by changing tilt and including
rotating shift.
14 Press f12[Calib. Execute] key.
≫Camera calibration is executed.
When calibration succeeds, detection images of plate to which calibration results are
applied are displayed one by one for images to which measurements are executed.
At the end, detection image of index 1 is displayed again, and camera parameter is

Confirm if dot patterns are correctly detected in each image, and if “vision sensor
coordinate” indicates calibration coordinate on the plate seen from camera
coordinate at the time of index 1. Origin of camera coordinate lies near lens
mounting position of camera. Position of origin cannot be specifically determined
depending upon lens characteristics, etc., and should be considered as rough
indication. (There is about ± 10 mm of change)
15 If the result is correct, press f12[Store] key.
≫Result of camera calibration is stored in file. The front screen of image display
screen returns.

In order to cancel, press [R] key.

16 Press [R] key.
≫Image display screen ends.

3.3Single camera calibration

When threshold value is set to be fixed value

When detection threshold value of plate detection condition is set as ”Fix”, set value of “fixed threshold value”
is used as the brightness value for dot detection. Setting of fixed threshold value can be directly input, or
executed in the image display screen.
1 Display image display screen.

2 Press f9[Threshold Adjust] key while pressing [Enable] key.

≫threshold adjustment screen is displayed.

3 Press f8[Acquire Image] key.
≫Image is captured.

4 Use right-left cursor key to increase or decrease threshold value.

Values of increase and decrease (step) cab be changed with up-down cursor key.
5 Press f7[Binary Display] key.
≫Image of binarization result with designated threshold value is displayed.

6 Repeat works of 4 and 5 until dots of calibration plate become clearly seen.

7 When adjustment of threshold value completed, press [Enter] key.

≫threshold adjustment screen ends, and the front screen of image display is
In order to cancel change of threshold value, press [R] key.

Confirmation of images acquired by plate measurement

Images acquired by plate measurement can be confirmed, and also deleted if necessary.
The function is used for example when identical images are acquired by mistake.
1 Display image display screen.

2 Press [Edit] key.

≫Image confirmation screen is displayed.

3 Press cursor up-down key.

≫Index increases or decreases and image of each index is displayed.

4 If deletion is necessary, press f9[Remove Index] key.

≫Confirmation message for index deletion is displayed.
Present index image is deleted by selecting [Yes] and pressing [Enter] key.

When an index is deleted, images behind are moved forward.

5 Press [R] key to end image confirmation screen.
It also ends by pressing [Enter] key.

To reset images acquired by plate measurement

Images acquired by plate measurement are reset.
1 In image display screen, press f10[Calib. reset] key while pressing [Enable]
+ ≫Following confirmation message is displayed.

2 Select OK and press [Enter] key.

≫Reset is executed.

3.3Single camera calibration

Calibration of stored images

When image storage is set as “Enable” and plate measurement is executed, acquired images are also stored
in file. Calibration can be executed using this file.

1 In image display screen, press f12[Save Image Calib.] key while pressing
[Enable] key.
+ ≫Camera calibration is executed.
If calibration succeeds, plate detection images to which calibration results are
applied are displayed one by one for the images to which plate measurements are
At the end, detection image of index 1 is displayed again, and camera parameters
are displayed.

2 If results are correct, press f12[Store] key.

≫Result of camera calibration is stored in file.
In order to cancel, press [R] key.

Adjust lighting so that calibration plate is evenly irradiated.

POINT When it is only partially irradiated brightly, dots may not be detected correctly in some cases.
Also adjust lighting to avoid overexposure, or correct calibration is impossible.

When calibration completed, press [Complete] key at the end to store parameters. Although
POINT calibration results are stored by each registration work, if parameters at the time of registration
are changed in image display screen, changed content is not stored without “input” operation at
the front of calibration setting screen.
Be sure to execute storage, so that setting at the time of registration can be confirmed later.

When calibration plate is fixed on hand in the case of hand camera or fixed camera, it is
INFO. convenient to create program for calibration beforehand.
For example, measurement positions are created by shifting recording positions using “program
change” function based upon calibration reference position recorded beforehand.
In the case of hand camera, rotation shift is possible while keeping position of plate at the center
of image by setting result of vision sensor coordinate position as tool constant.
In the case of fixed camera, rotation shift is possible while keeping position of plate at the center
of image by using the tool in which calibration coordinate is registered.

3.3Single camera calibration

3.3.4 Confirmation of calibration results

1 Select [Service][31 Vision sensor][1 Vision sensor setting] [2 Calibration].

2 Select calibration of which result is to be confirmed, and press [Enter] key.
≫Calibration setting screen is displayed.

3 Press f11[Calibration result] key.

≫Calibration result is displayed.

4 Press f12[Quit] key.

≫Display of calibration result ends, and setting screen is displayed.
It can also be ended with [R] key.

3.4Cross laser calibration

3.4 Cross laser calibration

Cross laser calibration for cross laser measurement is explained.

3.4.1 Setting of calibration parameters

1 Select [Service][31 Vision sensor][1 Vision sensor setting] [2 Calibration].

2 Select calibration of cross laser calibration, and press [Enter] key.
≫Calibration setting screen is displayed.
<Page 1>

<page 2>

3 Set each parameter.

4 Press f12[Complete] key.

≫Content of setting is stored and calibration setting screen ends.

3.4Cross laser calibration

Table 3.4.1 Cross laser calibration parameter

Item Initial value Setting range Explanation
Comment None Up to 32 letters Comment is set in calibration data.
Camera No. 1 1∼8 Number of camera with which calibration is
executed is designated.
Laser unit 1 1∼8 Laser unit number is designated.
Plate condition Plate type With frame/ With frame/ Type of calibration plate to be used is
with corner with corner mark selected.
mark With frame/
without corner mark
Without frame
Pitch 10.0[mm] 0.1∼999.9[mm] Dot interval of plate is set.
Diameter 5.0[mm] 0.1∼999.9[mm] Dot diameter is set.
Dots X: 7 1~100 Number of dots on plate is set.
Y: 7
Find calibration Threshold Automatic Auto/Fixed Whether threshold value for detection of
plate dots of plate is automatically calculated or
fixed value is given to it is selected.
Usually select automatic.
Fixed threshold 128 0∼255 When fixed value is set as detection
threshold value, threshold value for
detection of dots of plate is set in
Find Laser slit Threshold Automatic Automatic/fixed Whether threshold value for detection of
laser slit light with which plate is irradiated
is automatically calculated or fixed value is
given to it is selected.
Usually select automatic.
Fixed threshold 128 0∼255 When fixed value is set as detection
threshold value, threshold value for
detection of dots of plate is set in
Size 50 0∼999999 Minimum slit light length for detection of
Min length

laser slit light with which plate is irradiated

is set.
Values shorter than this value results in
10 0∼999999 Maximum slit light width for detection of
Max width

laser slit light with which plate is irradiated

is set. It enables checking error when
incorrect dot is detected as slit light, for
Image acquire Exposure time 5.00[msec] 0.00∼250.00[msec] Exposure time for image capturing in plate
(plate) measurement is set.
Auto exposure Disable Disable/Enable Whether automatic exposure function is
made Enable or Disable at the time of
plate measurement is set.
Light All OFF ON/OFF Lighting to be turned on at the time of
image capturing in plate measurement is
Image acquire Exposure time 5.00[msec] 0.00∼250.00[msec] Exposure time at the time of image
(laser slit) capturing in laser slit measurement is set.
Auto exposure Disable Disable/Enable Whether automatic exposure function is
made Enable or Disable at the time of
laser slit measurement is selected.
Image Diff. image Raw image / Whether captured image or differential
Diff. image image of images before and after laser slit
light irradiation is applied as the image
used in laser slit measurement is selected.
Save Image Disable Disable/Enable Whether image is stored or not at the time
of plate measurement is selected.
Search region Center X: 0.0[pixel] X: 0.0∼4096.0[pixel] Center X and Y of search area are set.
X,Y Y: 0.0[pixel] Y: 0.0∼4096.0[pixel]
Size W: 0.0[pixel] W: 0.0∼4096.0[pixel] Width and height of search area are set.
H,W H: 0.0[pixel] H: 0.0∼4096.0[pixel]

3.4Cross laser calibration

Item Initial value Setting range Explanation

Vision sensor Plate coord. User User/Tool Coordinate system indicating plate position
Coord. is designated.
Coord. No. 1 1∼100 Number of coordinate system indicating
plate position is designated.

Search area is usually set within image display screen.


3.4Cross laser calibration

3.4.2 Registration of vision sensor coordinate

1 Shift robot to calibration reference position recorded beforehand.
This work is not necessary if calibration plate is not installed on hand in the case of
fixed camera.
2 Select [Service][31 Vision sensor][1 Vision sensor setting] [2 Calibration].
3 Select calibration of cross laser calibration, and press [Enter] key.
≫Calibration setting screen is displayed.

4 Set user coordinate or tool coordinate in which calibration coordinate is

registered in vision sensor coordinate registration of page 2.
Select user coordinate
or tool coordinate.

Set number of
designated coordinate

5 Press f8[Register Vision Coord.] key.

≫Result of acquisition of vision sensor coordinate position is displayed.

6 Confirm if acquired vision sensor coordinate and calibration coordinate on

plate seen from reference coordinate are in accordance.

Position at the time

of registration
Position at
(Calibration reference position)
the time of
(Calibration reference position)

Positional relation
of world coordinate
and visual sensor
Visual sensor coordinate position

Visual sensor
coordinate position
Visual sensor coordinate
Positional relation of
flange coordinate and
visual sensor coodinate

Visual sensor coordinate World coordinate

(a) Hand camera (b) Fixed camera

7 Press f12[Save] key if they are in accordance.

≫Vision sensor coordinate position is stored, display of result ends and parameter
screen returns.
8 Press f12[Complete] key.
≫ Content of setting (plate coordinate, coordinate number) are stored, and
calibration setting screen ends.

3.4Cross laser calibration

3.4.3 Camera calibration

In camera calibration, same work as in single camera calibration is executed.
Refer to section of single camera calibration.
In cross laser calibration, plate measurement and laser slit measurement same as in single camera calibration
are switched. The switching can be executed as shown below.

1 Select [Service][31 Vision sensor][1 Vision sensor setting][2 Calibration].

2 Select calibration of cross laser calibration, and press [Enter] key.
≫Calibration setting screen is displayed.

3 Press f7[Image Display] key.

≫Image of designated camera is displayed.

When image is not displayed, it is displayed by pressing f8[Image capture] key.

4 Press f7[Calib. Mode chg.] key, while pressing [Enable] key.
≫Screen is switched to laser slit measurement, and [Laser slit] is displayed at right
+ top.

Plate measurement will return by executing the same operation again.

3.4Cross laser calibration

3.4.4 Laser slit calibration

In laser slit calibration, whereabouts of slit plane of laser slit light used in cross laser measurement seen from
camera is obtained.

Laser slit calibration is executed using result of camera calibration.

POINT Therefore, be sure to do the work after completion of camera calibration.
When camera calibration is started over, also start laser slit calibration over.

Laser slit calibration measures laser slit light with which calibration plate is irradiated. The measurement is
executed at no less than three positions changing positional relations of plate and cameras as shown in the
figure below.

Camera Laser pointer

Calibration plate

(a) Reference position (b) Position with longer distance (c) Position with shorter distance
Fig. 3.4.1 Examples of measurement patterns of laser slit calibration

1 Shift robot to calibration reference position recorded beforehand.

In the case of fixed camera when calibration plate is not installed on hand, this work
is not necessary. In the case of fixed camera, plate is installed at reference position.
2 Select [Service][31 Vision sensor][1 Vision sensor setting][2 Calibration].
3 Select calibration of cross laser calibration, and press [Enter] key.
≫Calibration setting screen is displayed.

3.4Cross laser calibration

4 Press f7[Image Display] key.

≫Image of designated camera is displayed.

When image is not displayed, press f8[image capture] key to display image.
5 Press [Calib. Mode chg.] key while pressing [Enable] key.
≫Screen is switched to laser slit measurement, and [laser slit] is displayed at right
+ top.

By execution of the same operation again, screen returns to plate measurement.

6 Press f9[exposure adjust] key.
≫Exposure adjustment screen is displayed.

3.4Cross laser calibration

7 Adjust exposure time while looking at image being captured.

Operation of exposure time adjustment is shown below.
<Key operation>
・Exposure time change: right-left key
・Step change: up-down key ← amount of change at the time of exposure time
・End after storing change: [Enter] key
・End without storing change: [Reset] key
<F key operation>
・f7[Live display]: image is displayed live
・f8[Image capture]: image capturing is executed.
・ f10[Automatic exposure reference setting]: reference brightness value for
automatic exposure is acquired.

Set exposure time so that laser slit light can be seen thinly and clearly.

<Bad example>

Laser light is thick. Laser light cannot be seen clearly.

(Exposure time is long) (Exposure time is short)

Exposure time at the time of calibration does not need to be same as that at the time
of measuring actual workpiece.
8 After completion of exposure adjustment, press [Enter] key.
≫Exposure adjustment screen ends, and the front screen of image display Is
In order to cancel exposure time change, press [R] key.
9 Press f10[Region Setting] key, and start setting of object area for calibration
plate detection (calibration area).
≫Area setting screen is displayed.
Area setting here is limited to rectangular area.
If setting has been finished, work of 12 is executed.
10 Set calibration area.
Set so that whole calibration plate enters the area.
Usually whole screen is selected as calibration area by pressing f9[maximum area]
11 After completion of calibration area setting, press [Enter] key.
≫Area setting screen ends, and the front screen of image display is displayed.
In order to cancel exposure time change, press [R] key.

3.4Cross laser calibration

12 Press f11[Cross laser Measure Test] key.

≫Cross laser measurement test is executed, and measurement result is displayed
as shown below.

Plate measurement and laser slit measurement are executed simultaneously.

Result of plate measurement is displayed in grid-like pattern in the form of projection
of three-dimensional position of plate detection. Confirm that dots and grid are
completely in accordance.
Result of detection of laser slit is displayed by red line.

If plate measurement failed, causes that can be considered are failure of plate to be
within calibration area in the screen, inappropriate exposure time due to too bright or
too dark lighting, detection failure of plate due to uneven lighting on the plate, and
errors in plate condition setting or camera setting.
If laser slit measurement failed, causes that can be considered are failure of plate to
be appropriately irradiated with laser slit light and trouble in checking length and
width because portions other than laser slit light was detected.
Correct conditions and re-try from the beginning.

13 When it was confirmed that correct measurement can be executed, press

f11[Crs.Laser Measure] key while pressing [Enable] key.
+ ≫Cross laser measurement is executed and measurement result is displayed. Index
increases by 1.

14 Repeat works of 12 and 13 changing visions of calibration plate until index

reaches 3 or more.
In order to change visions of calibration plate, following operations are usually
Camera Plate
Coordinate registration method
installation installation
Hand Fixed Move robot to shift position of camera.
(on jig)
Fixed Fixed Shift position of plate manually.
(on jig)
Hand Move robot to shift position of plate.

Be sure to execute measurement changing distance of camera.


3.4Cross laser calibration

15 Press f12[Crs.Laser Calib. Execute] key.

≫Cross laser calibration is executed.
When calibration succeeded, equation of laser slit plane is displayed at top of

16 Press f12[Store] key.

≫Result of cross laser calibration is stored in file. The front screen of image display
screen returns.

In order to cancel, press [R] key.

17 Press [R] key.
≫Image display screen ends.

When threshold value is fixed

In the image display screen, threshold value adjustment is executed in laser slit mode in the same manner as
in the case of plate measurement...
To reset result of laser slit measurement
Result obtained by laser slit measurement is reset.
In the image display screen, calibration reset is executed in laser slit measurement mode in the same manner
as in the case of plate measurement.

When calibration completed, press [Complete] key at the end to store parameters. Although
calibration results are stored by each registration work, if parameters at the time of registration
POINT are changed in image display screen, changed content is not stored without “input” operation at
the front of calibration setting screen.
Be sure to execute storage, so that setting at the time of registration can be confirmed later.

When calibration plate is fixed to hand in the cases of hand camera or fixed camera, it is
convenient to create program for calibration beforehand.
For example, measurement positions are created by shifting recording positions using “program
INFO. change” function based upon calibration reference position recorded beforehand.
In the case of hand camera, rotation shift is possible while keeping position of plate at the center
of image by setting result of vision sensor coordinate position as tool constant.
In the case of fixed camera, rotation shift is possible while keeping position of plate at the center
of image by using the tool in which calibration coordinate is registered.

3.4Cross laser calibration

3.4.5 Confirmation of calibration results

1 Select [Service][31 Vision sensor][1 Vision sensor setting] [2 Calibration].

2 Select calibration of which confirmation is wanted, and press [Enter] key.
≫Calibration setting screen is displayed.

3 Press f11[Calibration Result] key.

≫Result of calibration is displayed.

4 Press f12[Quit] key.

≫Display of calibration result ends, and setting screen is displayed.
It can also be ended with [R] key.

3.5Stereo calibration

3.5 Stereo calibration

Stereo calibration for stereo measurement is explained.
NV-Pro Ver.1.2 corresponds to this function.

3.5.1 Calibration parameter setting

1 Select [Service][31 Vision sensor][1 Vision sensor setting] [2 Calibration].

2 Select calibration of stereo calibration, and press [Enter] key.
≫Calibration setting screen is displayed.
<Page 1>

<Page 2>

3 Set each parameter.

4 Press f12[Complete] key.

≫ Content of setting is stored, and calibration setting screen ends.

3.5Stereo calibration

Table 3.5.1 Stereo calibration parameter

Item Initial value Setting range Explanation
Comment None Up to 32 letters Comment is set in calibration data.
Camera No. Camera L 1 1∼8 Number of left camera of stereo
camera with which calibration is
executed is designated.
Camera R 2 1∼8 Number of right camera of stereo
camera with which calibration is
executed is designated.
Plate condition Plate type With frame/ With frame/ Type of calibration plate to be used is
with corner with corner mark selected.
mark With frame/
without corner mark
Without frame
Pitch 10.0[mm] 0.1∼999.9[mm] Dot interval of plate is set.
Diameter 5.0[mm] 0.1∼999.9[mm] Dot diameter is set.
Dots X: 7 1~100 Number of dots on plate is set.
Y: 7
Find calibration Threshold Auto Auto/Fixed Whether threshold value for detection
plate of dots of plate is automatically
calculated or fixed value is given to it is
Usually select automatic.
Fixed Threshold 128 0∼255 When fixed value is set as detection
threshold value, threshold value for
detection of dots of plate is set in
Setting is executed separately for right
and left cameras.
Image acquire Exposure time Common Common/Each Whether to set common or separate
exposure times for right and left
cameras is selected.
Camera 5.00[msec] 0.00∼250.00[msec] Exposure time of left camera is set.
L When exposure time is common for
right and left cameras, this value is
used for both right and left cameras.
Camera 5.00[msec] 0.00∼250.00[msec] Exposure time of right camera is set.
Auto exposure Disable Disable/Enable Whether automatic exposure function
is made Enable or Disable is selected.
Light All OFF ON/OFF Lighting to be turned on at the time of
image capturing is checked.
Save Image Disable Disable/Enable Whether image is stored or not at the
time of plate measurement is selected.
Search region Camera Center X: 0.0[pixel] X: 0.0∼4096.0[pixel] Center X and Y of search area of left
L X, Y Y: 0.0[pixel] Y: 0.0∼4096.0[pixel] camera are set.
Size W: 0.0[pixel] W: 0.0∼4096.0[pixel] Width and height of search area of left
H, W H: 0.0[pixel] H: 0.0∼4096.0[pixel] camera are set.
Camera Center X: 0.0[pixel] X: 0.0∼4096.0[pixel] Center X and Y of search area of right
R X, Y Y: 0.0[pixel] Y: 0.0∼4096.0[pixel] camera are set.
Size W: 0.0[pixel] W: 0.0∼4096.0[pixel] Width and height of search area of
H, W H: 0.0[pixel] H: 0.0∼4096.0[pixel] right camera are set.
Vision sensor Plate coord. User User/Tool Coordinate system indicating plate
coord. position is designated.
Coord. No. 1 1∼100 Number of coordinate system
indicating plate position is designated.

Search area is usually set within image display screen.


When common exposure time is set, exposure time value set for left camera is used for image
POINT capturing of right camera.

3.5Stereo calibration

3.5.2 Registration of vision sensor coordinate

1 Shift robot to calibration reference position recorded beforehand.

This work is not necessary if calibration plate is not installed on hand in the case of
fixed camera.
2 Select [Service][31 Vision sensor][1 Vision sensor setting] [2 Calibration].
3 Select calibration of stereo calibration, and press [Enter] key.
≫Calibration setting screen is displayed.
4 Set user coordinate or tool coordinate in which calibration coordinate is
registered in vision sensor coordinate registration of page 2.
Select user coordinate or
tool coordinate.

Set number of designated


5 Press f8[register Vision Coord.] key.

≫Result of acquisition of vision sensor coordinate position is displayed.

6 Confirm if acquired vision sensor coordinate and calibration coordinate on

plate seen from reference coordinate are in accordance.

Position at the time

of registration
Position at
(Calibration reference position)
the time of
(Calibration reference position)
coordinate Positional relation
of world coordinate
and visual sensor
Visual sensor coordinate position

Visual sensor
coordinate position
Visual sensor coordinate
Positional relation of
flange coordinate and
visual sensor coodinate

Visual sensor coordinate World coordinate

(a) Hand camera (b) Fixed camera

7 Press f12[Save] key if they are in accordance.

≫Vision sensor coordinate position is stored, display of result ends and parameter
screen returns.
8 Press f12[Complete] key.
≫ Content of setting (plate coordinate, coordinate number) are stored, and
calibration setting screen ends.

3.5Stereo calibration

3.5.3 Camera calibration

Camera calibration work for stereo camera is explained.
In camera calibration, calibration plate is measured in plurality of visions to detect and register pixel size,
image center, and focal length and distortion of lens that are unique to camera.
Recommended patterns of plate visions are shown below. They are 14 visions in total; five in reference plane,
five in planes at different heights, and four in which plates are tilted.

Calibration reference position

(a) Reference plane

(b) Different heights

(c) With tilt

Fig. 3.5.1 Examples of measurement patterns of calibration plate

3.5Stereo calibration

1 Shift robot to calibration reference position recorded beforehand.

This work is unnecessary when fixed camera is used and calibration plate is not
installed on hand.
2 Select [Service][31 Vision sensor][1 Vision sensor setting] [2 Calibration].
3 Select calibration of single camera calibration, and press [Enter] key.
≫Calibration setting screen is displayed.

4 Press f7[Image Display] key.

≫Image of designated camera is displayed.

When image is not displayed, it is displayed by pressing f8[Image capture] key.

5 Press f9[Exposure adjust] key.
≫Exposure adjustment screen is displayed.

6 Adjust exposure time at the time of calibration while looking at images being
Operations of exposure time adjustment are shown below.
<Key operation>
・Exposure time change: right-left key
・Step change: up-down key ← amount of change at the time of exposure time
・End after storing change: [Enter] key
・End without storing change: [Reset] key
<F key operation>
・f7[live display]: Image is displayed live
・f8[Image capture]: Image capturing is executed.
・ f10[Automatic exposure reference setting]: Reference brightness value for
automatic exposure is acquired.

Set so that dots of calibration plates can be seen clearly.

It is not necessary that exposure time at the time of calibration and exposure time
when actual workpiece is measured are identical.
7 When exposure adjustment completed, press [Enter] key.
≫Exposure adjustment screen ends, and the front screen of image display is
In order to cancel exposure time change, press [R] key.
8 Press f10[Region Setting] key, and start setting of detection object area of
calibration plate (calibration area).
≫Area setting screen is displayed.
Area setting here is rectangular area only.

3.5Stereo calibration

9 Set calibration area.

Set so that the whole calibration plate enters in the area.
Usually, the whole screen is selected as calibration area by pressing f9[Maximum
area] key.
10 When calibration area setting completed, press [Enter] key.
≫Area setting screen ends, and the front screen of image display is displayed.
In order to cancel exposure time change, press [R] key.
11 Press f11[Plate Measure Test] key.
≫Plate measurement test is executed, and result of plate measurement is displayed
as shown below.

Result of plate measurement is displayed in grid-like pattern in the form of projection

of three-dimensional position of plate detection. At this point, dots do not fit the grid
completely, since display is executed based on camera parameters that are not
calibrated yet.

If plate measurement failed, causes that can be considered are failure of plate to be
within calibration area in the screen, inappropriate exposure time due to too bright or
too dark lighting, detection failure of plate due to uneven lighting on the plate, and
errors in plate condition setting or camera setting.
Correct conditions and re-try from the beginning.
12 When correct measurement is confirmed to be possible, press f11[Plate
Measure] key while pressing [Enable] key.
+ ≫Plate measurement is executed, and result of plate measurement is displayed.
Index increases by 1.

When plate measurement is executed, images at the time of measurement are

temporarily stored as images to be used for calibration execution.
If image storage is set to be [Enable], these images are stored in file.
13 Changing visions of calibration plate, repeat works of 11 and 12 until number
of index reaches 10.

In order to change visions of calibration plate, following operations are usually

Plate setting Coordinate registration method
Hand Fixed Move robot to shift camera position.
(on jig)
Fixed Fixed Manually shift plate position.
(on jig)
Hand Move robot to shift plate position.

Be sure to execute measurement from the position where plate can

POINT be seen tilted.
Precision of calibration can be raised by changing tilt and including
rotating shift.

3.5Stereo calibration

14 Press f12[Calib. Execute] key.

≫Camera calibration is executed.
When calibration succeeds, detection images of plate to which calibration results are
applied are displayed one by one for images to which measurements are executed.
At the end, detection image of index 1 is displayed again, and camera parameter is

Confirm if dot patterns are correctly detected in each image, and if “vision sensor
coordinate” indicates calibration coordinate on the plate seen from camera
coordinate at the time of index 1. Origin of camera coordinate lies near lens
mounting position of camera. Position of origin cannot be specifically determined
depending upon lens characteristics, etc., and should be considered as rough
indication. (There is about ± 10 mm of error.)
15 If the result is correct, press f12[Store] key.
≫Result of camera calibration is stored in file. The front screen of image display
screen returns.

In order to cancel, press [R] key.

16 Press [R] key.
≫Image display screen ends.

3.5Stereo calibration

Screen switching
When image display is executed, two screens displaying images of both cameras of stereo camera are
displayed. This display can be switched to display of either one of the camera images (one screen display).
The switching is executed in steps of first selecting camera for one screen display and of switching to one
screen display.

By pressing key, background color of camera numbers at the top of image display changes between
right and left cameras. When the background color is green, the camera is selected.

Camera1 Camera2 Camera1 Camera2

Selection of camera 1 Selection of camera 2

Fig. 3.5.2 Switching of calibration image display screens (camera selection)

After selecting camera for one-screen display by this operation, press f7[Single display] key while pressing
[Enable] key.
Screen is switched to one-screen display. In order to return to two-screen display, press f7[Double display] key
while pressing [Enable] key.

Fig. 3.5.3 Switching of calibration image display screen

Exposure adjustment
When f9[exposure adjust] key is pressed, following screen is displayed.

Fig 3.5.4 Exposure adjustment screen

Exposure time is adjusted following the guide at left top.
Screen is switchable even during exposure adjustment.
In the case of separate setting of exposure time for right and left cameras, only the exposure time of selected
camera is adjustable.

3.5Stereo calibration

Adjustment of threshold value

Adjustment of threshold value is executed by each camera.
Following switching procedure, select camera for which area is set.
After selection of camera, when f9[Threshold value adjustment] key is pressed while [Enable] key is being
pressed, following screen is displayed.

Fig. 3.5.5 Exposure adjustment screen

Adjust threshold value following the guide at left top.
When ”End” or “Cancel” is executed, original two-screen display returns.

Area setting
In area setting, range of plate detection is set. Setting is executed by each camera. Usually maximum area is
set. Only when there is element of detection error, avoid setting of maximum area.
Following screen switching procedure, select camera for which area is set.
After selection of camera, when f10[Area setting] key is pressed, following screen is displayed.

Fig. 3.5.6 Exposure adjustment screen

Set area following the guide at left top.
When ”End” or “Cancel” is executed, original two-screen display returns.

3.5Stereo calibration

3.5.4 Confirmation of calibration results

1 Select [Service][31 Vision sensor][1 Vision sensor setting] [2 Calibration].
2 Select calibration of which confirmation is wanted, and press [Enter] key.
≫Calibration setting screen is displayed.

3 Press f11[Calibration Result] key.

≫Result of calibration is displayed.

4 Press f12[Quit] key.

≫Display of calibration result ends, and setting screen is displayed.
It can also be ended with [R] key.

Content displayed in calibration result is shown below.

Table 3.5.2 Display of stereo camera calibration result

Item Explanation
Camera Date of execution Date when camera calibration is executed is
calibration displayed.
Left camera Vision sensor Vision sensor coordinate by left camera reference
coordinate is displayed.
Camera parameter Camera parameter of left camera is displayed.
Right Vision sensor Vision sensor coordinate by right camera reference
camera coordinate is displayed.
Camera parameter Camera parameter of right camera is displayed.
Stereo Positional relation of Position of right camera seen from camera
camera cameras coordinate of left camera is displayed.
Average error Average error of calibration is displayed.
Result of Date of execution Date when vision sensor coordinate registration is
vision sensor executed is displayed.
coordinate Vision sensor coordinate Vision sensor coordinate position is indicated.
position Reference coordinate Whether reference coordinate with which vision
acquisition sensor coordinate position is acquired is flange
coordinate or world coordinate is displayed.
Plate coordinate Whether plate coordinate is registered by user
coordinate or tool coordinate and coordinate
number at that time are displayed.

3.5Stereo calibration


4 Teaching and application instruction

In this chapter, teaching using application instruction of vision sensor function is


4.1 Outline of teaching ...................................................................................4-1

4.1.1 Operation using vision sensor .........................................................4-1
4.1.2 Operation program flow ...................................................................4-2
4.1.3 Application instruction used by vision sensor function .....................4-3
4.2 Application instruction ..............................................................................4-4
4.2.1 Vision reset (FN330 VRESET).........................................................4-4
4.2.2 Vision start (FN331 VSTART) ..........................................................4-4
4.2.3 Vision shift (FN333 VSHIFT)............................................................4-5
4.2.4 Vision location convert (FN342 VLOCCVT) .....................................4-6
4.2.5 Shift2 (FN52 SHIFTR) .....................................................................4-7
4.2.6 Change coord. No. (shift) (FN113 CHGCOORD).............................4-7
4.3 Basic teaching ..........................................................................................4-8
4.3.1 Examples of workpiece take-out correction instruction ....................4-8
4.3.2 Example of workpiece placing correction instruction ..................... 4-11
4.1Outline of teaching

4.1 Outline of teaching

4.1.1 Operation using vision sensor

The main work using vision sensor is transportation of workpieces.
When input position of transported workpieces is not determined, position of workpiece is measured by vision
sensor, shift from the position at the time of teaching is calculated, and the workpiece is correctly transported by
correcting the shift. In such an operation, there are two teachings unique to vision sensor function;
“measurement of shift amount of workpiece” and “correction of shift amount of workpiece”.

There are two types of shift amount; that before and after workpiece is grasped by hand.
For the former, “measurement of shift amount” is performed before workpiece is grasped by hand. From the
shift amount of workpiece obtained as the result, the position of hand is corrected according to the shift amount
of workpiece, and take-out of workpiece is executed. This “correction of shift amount” is called world coordinate
reference shift.
For the latter, “measurement of shift amount” is performed on grasped workpiece after it was grasped by hand.
Shift amount is obtained as that of workpiece on the hand, and correction operation is executed by moving hand
according to the shift amount so that position of workpiece fits the position instructed by teaching. This
“correction of shift amount” is called flange coordinate reference shift.

Workpiece (a)Teaching operation (b) Correction operation

Fig. 4.1.1 Correction of shift amount before workpiece is grasped by hand (world coordinate reference shift)

Correction is
performed so that
position of workpiece
is same as that at
the time of teaching.


(a) Teaching operation (b) Correction operation

Fig. 4.1.2 Correction of shift amount after workpiece is grasped by hand (flange coordinate reference shift)

There is vision sensor coordinate shift besides world coordinate reference shift and flange
INFO. coordinate reference shift. This performs optional shift by obtaining shift amount with vision
sensor coordinate and using general shift instruction.

4.1Outline of teaching

4.1.2 Operation program flow

Operation program flow using vision sensor is shown below.

Shift to operation initiation position


Shift to visual sensor measurement position

of shift amount

Shift amount acquisition

Shift to correction initiation position

Initiation of correction

Correction operation
・Workpiece take-out Correction of shift amount
・Workpiece placing

End of correction
Visual sensor
Other operations
Correction (shift)
Shift to operation end position

Fig. 4.1.3 Operation program flow

4.1Outline of teaching

4.1.3 Application instruction used by vision sensor function

Table 4.1.1
Application instruction used by vision sensor function
Name SLIM Content
Vision reset VRESET FN330 Measurement result is cleared.
Vision start VSTART FN331 Measurement is executed with vision sensor.
Vision shift VSHIFT FN333 Shift amount is acquired from vision sensor.
Start and end of correction operation with shift amount
Vision location convert VLOCCVT FN342
obtained from vision sensor are specified.
Shift2 SHIFTR FN52 Shift is executed with the value stored in shift register.
User coordinate system is specified when user coordinate
Change coord. No. (shift) CHGCOORD FN113
system shift is executed by FN52.

Vision system functions should not be recorded at immediately after the jump with input signal
conditional function, and at the branch target step. If vision system functions are recorded at such
position, this program may not be performed correctly.

Sample of incorrect program Sample of correct program

Next step of vision
Step N :JMPI[N+7,I1] Step N :JMPI[N+7,I1] system functions should
Step N+1:VSTART Step N+1:MOVE command be move step or function
step which does not
Step N+2:VSTART concern with vision

Step N :JMPI[N+7,I1] Step N :JMPI[N+7,I1]

Branch target step should
be move step or function
step which does not
concern with vision
Step N+7:VSTART Step N+7:NOP system.

【Jump with input signal conditional function】

・ FN552 WAIT
And or so.

4.2Application instruction

4.2 Application instruction

Application instructions used by vision sensor function are explained.

4.2.1 Vision reset (FN330 VRESET)

This is an exclusive application instruction for vision sensor.
Result of measurement of designated measurement condition is cleared.

SLIM Number Name

VRESET FN330 Vision reset
Data Setting Content
First Measurement 1∼999 Number of measurement condition in which
parameter condition No. measurement result is cleared is specified.

Up to only eight measurement conditions can be read in at one time. When a new measurement
INFO. condition is read in, measurement condition with oldest access time is deleted from memory, and
measurement result is also deleted at the time.
When measurement conditions that have not been read in are specified, the instruction deals
with nothing.

4.2.2 Vision start (FN331 VSTART)

This is an exclusive application instruction for vision sensor.
Measurement in specified measurement condition is executed.

SLIM Number Name

VSTART FN331 Start the measurement of vision sensor.
Data Setting
First Measurement 1∼999 Number of measurement condition in which
parameter condition No. measurement is executed is specified.
Second Image 0∼16 Image processing number (measurement point
parameter treatment number) in measurement condition in which
number/ measurement is executed is specified.
Measurement When 0 is specified, total image processing (all
point number measurement points) is executed.
Third Trigger 0∼3 Number of trigger signal output when image
parameter number capturing using trigger signal is executed is
specified. When 0 is specified, software image
capturing is executed.
This function is not yet corresponded. Be sure to
set 0.
Fourth Evacuation 0∼10000 Step number for evacuation when recognition
parameter step trouble occurred is specified.
When evacuation step is set to be 10000, error is
output and robot stops.

4.2Application instruction

4.2.3 Vision shift (FN333 VSHIFT)

This is an exclusive application instruction for vision sensor.
Shift amount is acquired, and is set in shift register.
Correction reference coordinate is selected in accordance with correction method. By this, shift amount is
obtained in accordance with correction reference coordinate.

SLIM Number Name

VSHIFT FN333 Get the shift value from the vision sensor
Data Content
First Measureme 1∼999 Number of measurement condition with which
parameter nt condition measurement is executed is specified.
Second Detection 0∼16 When plurality of measurement results are output,
parameter number shift amount of which measurement result is to be
obtained is specified.
Number is specified based upon the order
rearranged according to priority set to
measurement conditions.
When 0 is specified, result with highest priority is
Third Shift 1∼9 Number of shift register that stores result of
parameter register calculation of shift amount is specified.
Fourth Correction 0∼2 Coordinate system that is reference to correction
parameter reference amount calculation is specified.
coordinate 0: vision sensor coordinate
1: world coordinate
2: flange coordinate
Fifth Evacuation 0∼10000 Step number of evacuation when shift amount
parameter step setting failed is specified.
When evacuation step is set to be 10000, error is
output and robot stops.

When world coordinate and flange coordinate are set as correction reference coordinate, shift
amount obtained is not that of workpiece but pseudo shift amount of correction reference
POINT coordinate in accordance with the shift amount of workpiece.
When rotation amount is included in detection result, the value may be widely different from shift
amount In some cases.

When world coordinate and flange coordinate are set as correction reference coordinate, be sure
to use FN342 VLOCCVT to execute correction.
Execution of other shifts such as FN52 VSHIFT results in operation that is widely different from
CAUTION actual correction amount. As a result, interference with surrounding equipment may occur.
Further, when contacted or caught by robot, death or serious damage may occur.

4.2Application instruction

4.2.4 Vision location convert (FN342 VLOCCVT)

This is an exclusive application instruction for vision sensor.
Robot motion is corrected (shifted) using shift amount obtained using FN333 VSHIFT. This function is used
only when world coordinate or flange coordinate is set as correction reference coordinate by VSHIFT. When
vision sensor coordinate is set, use FN52 SHIFTR.

SLIM Number Name

VLOCCVT FN342 Vision location convert
Data Content
First Start/ 0∼1 Start and end of shift based upon measurement
parameter end result is specified.
1: start
0: end
Second Shift register 1∼9 Number of shift register in which shift amount
parameter number calculation result is stored is specified.
Third Correction 1∼2 Coordinate system for reference of correction
parameter reference amount calculation is specified.
number 1: world coordinate
2: flange coordinate
Fourth Evacuation 0∼10000 Step number for evacuation step responding to
parameter step trouble occurrence is specified.
When evacuation step is set to be 10000, error is
output and robot stops.

As correction reference coordinate, be sure to specify same coordinate as specified for FN333
Erroneous specification will cause motion widely different from actual correction amount. This
may cause interference with surrounding equipment. Further, when contacted or caught by
CAUTION robot, death or serious damage may occur.

4.2Application instruction

4.2.5 Shift2 (FN52 SHIFTR)

This is a general application instruction.
When vision sensor coordinate is set as correction reference coordinate with FN333 VSHIFT, this application
instruction is used to execute correction operation.
Usually, vision sensor coordinate at the time of measurement is registered by user coordination, and
correction is executed by specifying user coordinate by the coordinate system of second parameter. Number of
user coordinate is specified by FN113 CHGCOORD.

SLIM Number Name

SHIFTR FN52 Shift2
Data Content
First Start and end of correction are specified.
parameter 0∼1 0: end of correction
1: start of correction
Second Coordinate system as reference for shift is
parameter specified.
Coordinate 0: machine
system 1: tool
2: user
3: absolute
Third Shift Number of shift register in which correction amount
parameter register 1∼9 is stored is specified.
Fourth Step number for evacuation step responding to
parameter Evacuation trouble occurrence is specified.
step When evacuation step is set to be 10000, error is
output and robot stops.

4.2.6 Change coord. No. (shift) (FN113 CHGCOORD)

This is a general application instruction.

SLIM Number Name

CHGCOORD FN113 Change coord. No. (shift)
SLIM Data Content
User 0∼100 Number of user coordinate system used by
coordinate shift-related application instruction is selected.

4.3Basic teaching

4.3 Basic teaching

4.3.1 Examples of workpiece take-out correction instruction

An example of a system shown in the figure below for transporting workpiece supplied by a conveyer to
workpiece take-out pallet is explained.

Measurement condition :1
Hand clamp signal : O1
Hand clamp completion signal : I1



Work transportation
Workpiece take-out
Workpiece placing

Workpiece supply

Workpiece take-out pallet

Fig. 4.3.1 Example of take-out correction system

Only an example of minimal teaching is explained here. In actual teaching, execute

teaching in accordance with the situation of whole system.

1 Place workpiece at reference position for teaching.

With this position as reference, setting of vision sensor measurement and teaching
of workpiece take-out are executed.
2 Record starting position of motion in step 1.

3 Record instruction of hand clamp signal OFF in step 2.

4 Record measurement reset instruction (FN330:VRESET)in step 3.

Number of measurement condition for measurement is specified as parameter.

4.3Basic teaching

5 Move robot so that camera is shifted to measurement position, and record the
position (step 4).

Position of camera is determined so that workpiece

Camera is positioned at the center of camera image.


Measurement disance
Same as distance to plate
at the time of calibration

Workpiece Measurement

Placed at reference position for teaching
(Nearly at the center of shift range of workpiece)
Accuracy of this position is 1 with “P” (in-position) mark. (A1P)
6 Set measurement condition at this position.
Refer to chapter for explanation of each measurement condition for measurement
condition setting.
7 Record measurement start instruction (FN331:VSTART)in step 5.

Specify set number of measurement condition as parameter.

Record 10000 in evacuation step of parameter (error occurs due to recognition
In some cases camera may oscillate slightly at stop of shift instruction
INFO. of step 4. Correct correction amount cannot be calculated if
measurement is executed while camera is oscillating. In such a case,
record delay instruction (FN50:DELAY) before measurement start

8 Record Shift amount setting instruction(FN333:VSHIFT)in step 6.

Specify measurement condition number with which measurement was executed in

the previous step as parameter.
World coordinate is specified as correction reference coordinate.

Record 10000 in evacuation step of parameter (error occurs due to recognition

9 Record vision sensor coordinate transform instruction(FN342:VLOCCVT)in
step 7.

Specify shift register with which shift amount is obtained in step 6.

Specify world coordinate as correction reference coordinate system.
10 Shift hand to position above workpiece, and record the position in step 8.

Correction operation starts from this step.

4.3Basic teaching

11 Shift hand to position for grasping workpiece, and record the position in

12 Record clamp signal ON instruction of hand in step 10.

13 Record clamp completion wait instruction in step 11.

14 Shift hand to position above workpiece, and record the position in step 12.

15 In order to end correction operation, record vision sensor coordinate

transform instruction in step 13.

Correction operation is not executed from next shift instruction.

16 Hereafter, create program for transport to take-out pallet.

Fig. 4.3.2 Example of workpiece take-out correction program

4.3Basic teaching

4.3.2 Example of workpiece placing correction instruction

An example of a system shown in the figure below for setting workpiece supplied by a pallet on a jig is
Measurement condition :1
Fixed camera Suction signal :O2
Workpiece seating confirmation : I2



Fig. 4.3.3 Example of workpiece placing correction system

Only an example of minimal teaching is explained here. In actual teaching, execute

teaching in accordance with the situation of whole system.

1 Place workpiece at reference position for teaching.

With this position as reference, setting of vision sensor measurement and teaching
of workpiece take-out are executed.
2 Record operation start position in step 1.

3 Record hand suction signal OFF instruction in step 2.

4 Record measurement reset instruction (FN330:VRESET)in step 3.

Number of measurement condition in which measurement is executed is specified
as parameter.

5 Shift hand to position above workpiece on pallet, and record the position in
step 4.

6 Shift hand to workpiece suction position, and record the position in step 5.

7 Record hand suction signal ON instruction in step 6.

8 Shift hand to position to which workpiece is raised, and record the position
instep 7.

4.3Basic teaching

9 While keeping workpiece in sucked state, shift robot so that workpiece comes
to a position where it can be measured with fixed camera, and the position is
recorded in step 8.

Determine position of workpiece so that characteristic point of workpiece to be

measured is in the center of camera image.
Distance between workpiece and camera (measurement distance) shall be identical
with the distance to plate position which is the reference at the time of calibration.
Accuracy of this position is 1 with “P” (in-position) mark.
10 Set measurement condition at this position.
Refer to chapter for explanation of each measurement condition for measurement
condition setting.
11 Record measurement start instruction (FN331:VSTART)in step 9.

Specify number of set measurement condition as parameter.

Record 10000 in evacuation step of parameter (error occurs due to recognition
In some cases camera may oscillate slightly at stop of shift instruction
INFO. of step 8. Correct correction amount cannot be calculated if
measurement is executed while camera is oscillating. In such a case,
record delay instruction (FN50:DELAY) before measurement start
12 Record shift amount setting instruction(FN333:VSHIFT)in step 10.

Number of measurement condition in which measurement was executed in the

previous step is specified as parameter.
Flange coordinate is specified as correction reference coordinate system.

Record 10000 in evacuation step of parameter (error occurs due to recognition

13 Record vision sensor coordinate transform instruction (FN342:VLOCCVT) in
step 11.

Specify shift register with which shift amount is obtained in step 6.

Specify world coordinate as correction reference coordinate system.
14 Shift workpiece to position above jig, and record the position in step 12.

Correction operation starts from this step.

15 Shift workpiece to position where it is set on jig, and record the position in
step 13.

16 Record input wait instruction for workpiece seating confirmation in step 14.

17 Record workpiece suction signal OFF instruction in step 15.

18 Shift hand above, and record the position in step 16.

19 In order to end correction operation, record vision sensor coordinate

transform instruction (FN342:VLOCCVT)in step 17.

Correction operation is not executed from next shift instruction.

20 Hereafter, create shift to end position.

4.3Basic teaching

Fig. 4.3.4 Example of workpiece placing correction program

4.3Basic teaching


5 Two-dimensional single point measurement

In this chapter, two-dimensional single point measurement is explained.

5.1 Two-dimensional single point measurement ...............................................5-1

5.1.1 Registration of measurement condition.................................................5-1
5.2 Standard setting..........................................................................................5-2
5.2.1 Standard setting ....................................................................................5-2
5.2.2 Exposure condition ...............................................................................5-4
5.3 Image processing .......................................................................................5-7
5.3.1 Registration of image processing..........................................................5-7
5.3.2 Selection of image processing to be edited...........................................5-9
5.3.3 Copy of image processing...................................................................5-10
5.3.4 Deletion of image processing.............................................................. 5-11
5.4 Image processing – rotation search ..........................................................5-12
5.4.1 Recognition setting .............................................................................5-12
5.4.2 Model registration ...............................................................................5-16
5.4.3 Base position setting ...........................................................................5-20
5.5 Image processing - blob ...........................................................................5-22
5.5.1 Recognition setting .............................................................................5-22
5.5.2 Base position setting ...........................................................................5-26
5.6 Correction amount calculation ..................................................................5-28
5.7 Test measurement ....................................................................................5-30
5.1Two-dimensional single point measurement

5.1 Two-dimensional single point measurement

Two-dimensional single point measurement two-dimensionally measures a workpiece or feature point.
Two-dimensional plane to be measured is an XY plane with Z=0 of vision sensor coordinate. On this plane,
amount of parallel displacement from base position on XY plane and amount of rotation around Z axis can be
When rotation search is used in image processing, amount of parallel displacement in Z axis direction is also
obtainable from detection scale value.

5.1.1 Registration of measurement condition

1 Operator qualification shall be Expert or higher.

2 Select teaching mode.

Vision sensor setting screen can be displayed in teaching mode only.

3 Select [Service][31 Vision sensor] [1 Vision sensor setting].

≫Vision sensor setting screen is displayed.

4 Select [1 Measure condition] from menu, and press [Enter] key.

List of measurement conditions display screen is displayed.

5 Select measurement condition number to be registered from unregistered

numbers, input it and press [Enter] key.
≫Measurement type selection screen is displayed.

6 Select two-dimensional single point measurement, and press f12 [Execute]

≫Measurement condition is created, and measurement condition setting screen is

5.2Standard setting

5.2 Standard setting

In standard setting, calibration number, retrial condition, and exposure condition are set.

5.2.1 Standard setting

1 Setting screen for two-dimensional single point measurement is displayed.

2 Select [1 Standard setting].

≫Standard setting screen is displayed.
Page 1

Page 2

3 Set parameters.

4 Press [Complete] key.

≫Setting is stored.

INFO. When f11[Image capture] key is pressed, image is captured using camera with camera
number obtained from specified calibration number. Captured image is displayed in image
display portion at top left.

5.2Standard setting

Table 5.2.1 Standard setting parameters of two-dimensional single point measurement

Item Initial value Setting range Explanation
Comment None Up to 32 letters Comment is set for measurement condition.
Calibration No. 1 1∼99 Calibration number is selected.
Camera number at the time of execution of
calibration is used.
The Number of 0 0∼8 Number of times of retrial executed when
retry trouble occurred is specified.
Retry mode Same Same/Individual Whether same or separate exposure
condition is adopted for retrial is selected.
Execute mode Detect Detect/All When plurality of image processing is
executed, whether to end processing when
detection is achieved or to execute all image
processing is selected.
Image Disable Disable/ When different types of image processing are
processing Propriety given to executed, priority order is set to types of
priority rotation search/ image processing.
Priority given to blob Disable: ascending order of image processing
Priority given to rotation search: priority is
given to rotation search
Priority given to blob: priority is given to blob
Detection priority Pos:top→bottom Pos: top→bottom/ This is used when execution mode is “All
Pos: bottom→top/ execution”.
Pos: left→right/ Condition for giving priority order to plurality of
Pos: right→left/ image processing results detected is set.
Pos: top left
→bottom right/ (Note 1) In the following three settings, the
Pos: bottom right image of which position, angle or scale are
→top left/ closer to model is given priority of execution.
Pos: bottom left Position: model origin (rotation search only)
Angle: model angle (rotation search only)
→top right/
Scale: model scale (rotation search only)
Pos: top right
→bottom left/
(Note 2) When settings of rotation search only
Pos: image center/
or blob only are executed in different image
Pos: model origin
processing, measurement is impossible due
(rotation search only)/
to parameter trouble. For example, when
Pos: model angle
rotation search is registered for image
(rotation search only)/
processing and circularity is selected,
Scale: model scale
measurement error occurs.
(rotation search only)/
Circularity: high→low
(blob only)/
high→low (blob only)/
Size: big→small
(blob only) /
Size: small→big
(blob only)
Overlap 0.0[mm] 0.0∼9999.0[mm] This is used when execution mode is “all
judgment execution”.
distance When plurality of image processing results
detected was detected at positions within set
value, the results are assumed to be same
and eliminated from recognition results.
(Invalid in case of 0)

5.2Standard setting

5.2.2 Exposure condition

1 Display setting screen for two-dimensional single measurement.

2 Select [1 Standard setting].

≫Standard setting screen is displayed.

3 Press f10[Exposure Condition] key.

≫Exposure condition setting screen is displayed.

4 Set parameters.

5 When setting ended, press f12[Quit] key.

≫Standard setting screen returns.
No storage is done at this stage.
6 Press f12[Complete] key in standard setting screen.
≫Setting is stored.

Table 5.2.2 Exposure condition parameter

Item Initial value Setting range Explanation
Exposure time 5.00[msec] 0.00∼250.00[msec] Exposure time for image capture is set.
Auto exposure Disable Disable/Enable Either Enable or Disable of automatic
exposure is selected.
Std. Unregistered 0.00∼255.00 Brightness of screen as reference for
automatic exposure is displayed.
Timeout 10.00[sec] 0.00∼60.00[sec] Time limit from start of image capture until
finish of image capture is set.
If image capture does not finish within time
limit, error occurs and image capture is
Light All OFF ON/OFF Lighting which is turned on for image capture
is checked.

In case automatic exposure is “Enable”, since image cannot be captured unless automatic
POINT exposure reference setting is executed, do not forget to execute automatic exposure
reference registration.

When retrial mode of standard setting is “Each” and number of times of retrial is set at 1 or
POINT more, [Next exposure condition] key is displayed in f10 key, and [Previous exposure
condition] key is displayed in [Enable] +f10 key.
By pressing the keys, setting can be switched to each retrial exposure condition.

5.2Standard setting

Exposure time setting in full-screen display

By pressing f11[Full-screen display] key while pressing [Enable] key, image captured by camera is displayed
in full screen.
Following operations can be carried out with each f key.
[f7] Live Display For switching to live display
[f9] Exposure Inc Exposure time is increased as much as present step
[f10] Exposure Dc Exposure time is decreased as much as present step
[f11] Acquire Image Image is captured with present exposure time.
Captured image is displayed on screen.
[f12] Quit Full-screen display ends.
[Enable]+[f9] Step increase One operation amount of increase or decrease of
exposure time is increased.
[Enable]+[f10] Step decrease One operation amount of increase or decrease of
exposure time is decreased.
Present exposure time and operation amount (step) are displayed at bottom left of screen.

Fig. 5.2.1 Full-screen display

When f12[Quit] key or [R] key is pressed, exposure condition setting screen returns. At the time, the exposure
time set in this screen is set as exposure time of exposure condition setting screen.

POINT Exposure time is adjustable even during live display.

POINT If camera image cannot be displayed, confirm set calibration number, and confirm existence
or non-existence of calibration data and camera number.

5.2Standard setting

Automatic exposure reference setting

Automatic exposure is a function for automatically controlling exposure time so that brightness is identical with
preliminarily set reference brightness value.
Setting of reference brightness value is explained here.
By pressing f12[Automatic exposure reference setting] key while pressing [Enable] key, screen for setting
brightness value that is reference for automatic exposure is displayed.

Fig. 5.2.2 Automatic exposure reference setting screen

Area setting is carried out in automatic exposure reference setting screen, and area for brightness value
calculation is determined.
By pressing f12[Register] key, average brightness value of set area is acquired and exposure condition setting
screen returns.
Acquired brightness value is set in “Reference” of automatic exposure parameter.

Brightness value is indicated by values of 0 to 255. 0 represents black and 255 represents
POINT white. Each pixel has the number, and the average of brightness values of pixels in a set
area is the reference value of automatic exposure.

When automatic exposure function is used with registered reference brightness value, set
POINT automatic exposure as valid in exposure condition setting screen.
In case of invalid, image is captured by specified exposure time.

POINT When automatic exposure function is used, image capture time is longer than when fixed
exposure time is used.

5.3Image processing

5.3 Image processing

Processing of images captured from camera to detect position and angle of workpiece and feature points in
workpiece is called image processing.
In two-dimensional single point measurement, up to 16 different types of image processing can be registered.

5.3.1 Registration of image processing

Method of register of image processing is explained.

1 Display setting screen of two-dimensional single point measurement.

≫Setting screen is displayed.

2 Select [3 image processing].

≫List of image processing screen is displayed.

In this screen, list of registered image processing is displayed.

In the case of unregistered processing, screen is blank as shown above.

5.3Image processing

3 Press f10[Add] key.

≫Screen for list of image processing types is displayed.

4 Select type of image processing to be registered, and press f12[Execute] key.

≫Image processing setting screen is displayed.
<When rotation search is selected>

5 Execute each setting for image processing.

6 Press [R] key when setting ended.

≫Two-dimensional single point measurement setting screen returns.

New image processing can also be added by inputting unused image processing number
INFO. and pressing [Enter] key instead of using [Add] key in 2. Numbers that can be input are 1 to
By “Addition”, although addition is executed on smallest number available, addition can be
executed in optional number by number input.

Table 5.3.1 Type of image processing that can be registered by two-dimensional single point measurement
Type of image
Rotation search Position and angle are detected by extracting portion of image with big difference in
brightness, and executing matching using the feature extracted from model image and
feature of measured image.
Usually the feature is edge information such as contour of measurement object.
Blob Image is binarized with brightness threshold value, and feature portion is extracted.
Position is detected at the barycenter of feature portions.

5.3Image processing

5.3.2 Selection of image processing to be edited

1 Display setting screen for two-dimensional single point measurement.

2 Select [3 Image processing].

≫List of registered image processing is displayed.

3 Select image processing to be edited using up-down cursor key.

4 Press [Enter] key.

≫Setting screen for image processing to be edited is displayed.

5 Execute each setting of image processing.

6 Press [R] key when setting ended.

≫ Setting screen for two-dimensional single pointn measurement returns.

INFO. Image processing can also be selected by inputting image processing number to be edited in

Selected image processing number is displayed at right side of title bar.

INFO. Image

Measurement condition number

5.3Image processing

5.3.3 Copy of image processing

1 Display two-dimensional single point measurement setting screen.

2 Select [3 Image processing].

≫List of registered image processing is displayed.

3 Select image processing to be copied using up-down cursor key.

4 Press f11[Copy] key.

≫Screen is switched to copy target selection state.

Copy target selection state can be cancelled by pressing [R].

5 Input copy target image processing number, and press [Enter] key.
≫Copy is executed, and image processing is added.

When already registered image processing number is specified to copy target, following
INFO. message is displayed.

If copy is all right, select [Yes] and execute overwrite copy.

5.3Image processing

5.3.4 Deletion of image processing

1 Display two-dimensional single point measurement setting screen.

2 Select [3 Image processing].

≫List of registered image processing is displayed.

3 Select image processing to be deleted using up-down cursor key.

4 Press f11[Delete] key while pressing [Enable] key.

≫Following deletion confirmation message is displayed.

5 Select [Yes], and press [Enter] key.

≫Deletion is executed.

5.4Image processing – rotation search

5.4 Image processing – rotation search

5.4.1 Recognition setting

1 Display image processing setting screen for rotation search.

2 Select [1 Find setting].

≫Recognition setting screen is displayed.
Page 1

Page 2

3 Press f10[Image Acquire] key while pressing [Enable] key.

≫Image is captured, and captured image is displayed in image display portion.

5.4Image processing – rotation search

4 Press f10[Edit Search Region] key.

≫Search area edit screen is displayed.

5 Edit search area.

6 Press f12[Regist] key.

≫Search area is displayed by red line in image display portion at top left of screen.

7 Set each parameter.

8 When parameter setting ended, press f12[Complete] key.

≫Setting is stored in file.
In order to cancel content of edit, press [R] key and end recognition setting screen.

5.4Image processing – rotation search

Table 5.4.1 Rotation search recognition setting parameter

Item Setting range Explanation
Comment None Up to 32 letters Comment is set for image processing data.
Pass score 70 0∼100 Lower limit of acceptance point of recognition result is
set. Set value higher than recognition lower limit.
Find score 50 0~100 Lower limit point of object recognition during recognition
processing is set. Recognition is executed hierarchically
from coarse to fine matching. This matching makes
point used in the processing. Even if final recognition
point is high, point may become low during coarse
matching. Therefore, set lower limit of recognition point
lower than actual point.
The higher the lower limit of recognition, the higher
possibility of failure in recognizing object grows, but
processing time will become shorter. The lower the
lower limit of recognition, the easier recognition of
object becomes, but processing time will become
Overlap 50 0∼100[%] When plural recognition results overlap with one
another, allowable extent of overlap is specified. If areas
of results overlap exceeding the specified rate, results
with lower points are deleted.
Contrast 12 1∼255 Contrast for extracting feature from image is set. Set
larger value if excessive features are recognized. On
the contrary, if feature with which recognition is desired
is not recognized, set smaller value.
Polarity Enable Enable polarity/ Features used for recognition includes polarity
polarity full inversion valid/ information of contrast change (light to dark, dark to
partial inversion light). Method of using the polarity information is
valid selected.
Polarity is valid: Inversion of contrast is
not recognized.
Full inversion is valid: Recognition is possible
even when contrast of
total feature is inverted.
Partial inversion is valid: Recognition is possible
even when contrast of
feature is partially

Example of recognition of model with bright back


Polarity is ○ × △
Full inversion ○ ○ △
is valid
Partial inversion ○ ○ ○
is valid
○: Recognizable, ×: unrecognizable, △:Loss of point
Search accuracy 0.9 0.0∼1.0 Precision for measurement is set. The smaller the
value, the smaller dispersion is, but processing time
becomes longer.
Usually use initial value.
Angle Maximum 10 0∼180[degree] Maximum and minimum values within recognizable
range Minimum -10 -180∼0[degree] rotation range are set.
The wider the range, the longer recognition time
Scale Maximum 1.2 1.0∼2.0[times] Maximum and minimum values within recognizable
range Minimum 0.8 0.5∼1.0[times] scale range are set.
The wider the range, the longer recognition time
The number of find 1 1∼16 Maximum number detected by this image processing is

5.4Image processing – rotation search

Item Setting range Explanation
Detection priority Score: Score: high→low/ When plural recognition results satisfying lower limit
high→low Pos: top→bottom/ value were obtained in the state where number of
Pos: bottom→top/ detections is set to be 2 or more, the detection results
Pos: left→right/ are rearranged according to the set priority order, and
Pos: right→left/ same number as the number of detections of results are
Pos: top left output from the top priority in ascending order.
→bottom right/
Pos: bottom right
→top left/
Pos: bottom left
→top right/
Pos: top right
→bottom left/
Pos: image center/
Pos: model origin/
Angle: model angle/
Scale: model scale/
Size: big→small/
Size: small→big

5.4Image processing – rotation search

5.4.2 Model registration

1 Display setting screen for rotation search image processing.

2 Select [2 Create model].

≫Model registration screen is displayed.

When model is unregistered, all parameters are displayed in gray and setting is not
3 Press f11[Image Acquire] key while pressing [Enable] key.
≫Image is captured and the captured image is displayed in image display portion.

5.4Image processing – rotation search

4 Press f10[Edit Model Region] key.

≫Model area edit screen is displayed.

5 Edit model area.

Set area to surround all portions to be registered as model.
Unnecessary portions can be removed later by setting masked area.
6 Press f12[Regist] key.
≫Model area is displayed in green line in image display portion at top left of screen.

7 Press f8[Register Model] key.

≫model is registered and model image is displayed in model image display portion
at top right of screen.

Green line on model image forms feature portion of the model.

Display of cross line indicates origin of the model.

5.4Image processing – rotation search

8 Confirm feature of captured model, and set mask area if necessary.

In order to set mask area, press f8[Set Mask] key while pressing [Enable] Key.

If mask is unnecessary, then move to procedure of 12.

9 Set area to mask unnecessary portion.

10 When setting ended, press f12[Regist] key.

11 In order to reflect set mask, press f9[Modify Model] key.

≫Model reflecting mask area is created.
12 Set contrast and minimum size if necessary.
Parameters of model registration are automatically calculated from image at the time
of model registration.
When fine adjustment is necessary, change the values.
13 In order to reflect content of set parameters, press f9[Modify Model] key.
≫Model reflecting content of parameters is created.

14 Select origin setting method.

Origin is the point with which to detect position by measurement.
15 Press f9[Set Origin] key while pressing [Enable] key.
≫Origin is set in accordance with selected method of setting. When manual is
+ selected, setting screen is displayed.
<When manual is selected>

Use cursor key to adjust position of origin, and press [Return] key to set origin.
Amount of shift of origin by cursor key is adjustable with increase-decrease key.
16 When setting ended, press f12[Complete] key.
≫Setting is stored in file.
In order to cancel content of edit, press [R] key and end recognition setting screen.

5.4Image processing – rotation search

Table 5.4.2 Model registration parameters of rotation search

Item Setting range Explanation
Contrast 1 - Contrast 1: Minimal contrast for extraction of feature at the time of
Contrast 2 1∼255 registration as model is set. When model is created,
Contrast 2: portions having contrasts higher than value of “contrast 2”
0∼255 are extracted as feature. Next, portions adjacent to the
features and having contrasts higher than value of “contrast
1” are extracted as features. However, when 0 is set as
“contrast 2”, portions having contrasts higher than value of
“contrast 1”are simply extracted as features.
Except in case 0 is set as “contrast 2”, value of “contrast 1”
shall be lower than value of “contrast 2”.
Minimum size - 0∼255 Minimum size of feature extraction is set. Features with
sizes smaller than set value are eliminated. When 0 is set,
minimum size is automatically selected at the time of model
adjustment and model is created.
Origin Setting Manual Manual/ Method of setting origin at the time of execution of origin
method Model barycenter/ setting is selected.
Binarized [Manual]: setting is executed manually using cursor key.
barycenter (dark)/ [Model barycenter]: Origin is placed at barycenter of model
Binarized features.
barycenter (light)/ [Binarized barycenter (dark)]: Model image is binarized and
Area barycenter origin is placed at barycenter of its dark portions. Threshold
value is automatically calculated.
[Binarized barycenter (light)]: Model image is binarized and
origin is placed at barycenter of its light portions. Threshold
value is automatically calculated.
[Area barycenter]: Origin is placed at barycenter of model
Origin 0.0 0.0∼9999.9 Position of origin, reference for detection of position, is set
position on image coordinate.
X, Y Usually, position of origin is set following specified method of
setting origin using [Origin setting] key.

Be sure to adjust model if parameters related to calculation of model features such as mask
POINT area, contrast and minimum size are adjusted.
When model registration screen is tried to end without model adjustment, following
confirmation message will be displayed.

5.4Image processing – rotation search

5.4.3 Base position setting

1 Display setting screen for image processing of rotation search.

2 Select [3 Base position].

≫Base position setting screen is displayed.

3 Press f10[Image Acquire] key while pressing [Enable] key.

≫Image is captured, and captured image is displayed in image display portion.

4 Press f11[Test Measure] key, and confirm that correct recognition is possible.
≫Recognition result is displayed in image display portion.

5.4Image processing – rotation search

5 Press f10[Get Base Position] key.

≫Base position acquisition result is displayed.

<When number of detection is set to be 2 or more in recognition setting, and plural

recognition result is obtained>
List of recognition results is displayed as shown below.
Select result to be registered as base position based upon displayed information,
and press [Execute] key. Base position is calculated from selected result and the
value is set.

6 When setting ended, press f12[Complete] key.

≫Base position is stored in file.
In order to cancel content of edit, press [R] key and end recognition setting screen.

POINT Be sure to set positions of workpiece and robot at base position of teaching.
For example, when workpiece is taken out, set worpiece at the same position as the position
of workpiece when operation program of take-out part was created.

5.5Image processing - blob

5.5 Image processing - blob

5.5.1 Recognition setting

1 Display image processing setting screen for blob.

2 Select [1 Find setting].

≫Recognition setting screen is displayed.

In order to change page, press up-down cursor key while pressing [Enable] key.
3 Press f10[Image Acquire] key while pressing [Enable] key.
≫Image is captured, and captured image is displayed in image display portion.

5.5Image processing - blob

4 Press f10[Edit Search Region] key.

≫Search area edit screen is displayed.

5 Edit search area.

6 Press f12[Regist] key.

≫Search area is displayed by red line in image display portion at top left of screen.

5.5Image processing - blob

7 Press f11[Test Measure] key.

≫Test measurement is executed, and the result is displayed in image display
portion at top left of screen.

8 Adjust parameters so that result of detection turns out to be expected result.

9 When parameter setting ended, press f12[Complete] key.

≫Setting is stored in file.
In order to cancel content of edit, press [R] key and end recognition setting screen.

5.5Image processing - blob

Table 5.5.1 Blob setting parameter

Item Setting range Explanation
Comment None Up to 32 letters Comment is set for image processing data.
Parts color Dark Bright parts/Dark parts Part color for feature extraction processing is
parts specified.
Blob mode Auto blob Auto blob/Fixed blob Whether threshold value for extracting part is
automatically calculated or fixed value is given is
Blob threshold 128 0~255 When threshold value is set to be fixed value, the
threshold value is set in contrast value.
Parts Filling Disable Disable/Enable Whether part painting-out is Enable or Disable is
set. Non-part area surrounded by part is painted
out and included in the part.
Exclude cross window Enable Disable/Enable Enable or Disable is set for parts adjacent to
window. When Enable is set, parts adjacent to
search area boundary are not detected.
Part area Minimum 0 0~999999[pixel] Minimum and maximum area of part is specified.
Maximum 0 When they are specified as 0, judgment by part
area is not executed.
Main axis Lower limit 0.0 0.0~9999.9[pixel] Lower and upper limits of main axis length of part
length Upper limit 0.0 are specified.
If they are specified as 0, judgment by main axis is
not executed.
Secondary Lower limit 0.0 0.0~9999.9[pixel] Lower and upper limits of secondary axis length of
axis length Upper limit 0.0 part are specified.
If they are specified as 0, judgment by secondary
axis is not executed.
Main axis/ Lower limit 0.0 0.0~9999.99 Lower and upper limits of length ratio of main and
secondary Upper limit 0.0 secondary axes are specified.
axis length If they are specified as 0, judgment by main
ratio axis/secondary axis length ratio is not executed.
Lower limit of circularity 0.00 0.00~1.00 Lower limit of circularity of part is specified.
If it is specified as 0, judgment by circularity is not
Lower limit of rectangularity 0.00 0.00~1.00 Lower limit of rectangularity of part is specified.
If it is specified as 0, judgment by rectangularity is
not executed.
Number of detections 1 1~16 Maximum number of results detected in this image
processing is specified.
Priority order of detection Pos Pos: top→bottom/ When plural recognition results were obtained in
Pos: bottom→top/ the state where number of detections is set to be 2
Pos: left→right/ or more, the detection results are rearranged
Pos: right→left/ according to the set priority order, and same
Pos: top left→bottom right/ number as the number of detections of results are
Pos: bottom right→top left/ output from the top priority in ascending order.
Pos: bottom left→top right/
Pos: top right→bottom left/
Pos: image center/
Circularity: high→low/
Rectangularity: high→low/
Size: big→small
Size: small→big

5.5Image processing - blob

5.5.2 Base position setting

1 Display setting screen for image processing of blob.

2 Select [2 Base position].

≫Base position setting screen is displayed.

3 Press f10[Image Acquire] key while pressing [Enable] key.

≫Image is captured, and captured image is displayed in image display portion.

4 Press f11[Test Measure] key, and confirm that correct recognition is possible.
≫Recognition result is displayed in image display portion.

5.5Image processing - blob

5 Press f10[Get Base Position] key.

≫Base position acquisition result is displayed.

<When number of detections is set to be 2 or more in recognition setting, and plural

recognition result is obtained>
List of recognition results is displayed as shown below.
Select result to be registered as base position based upon displayed information,
and press [Execute] key. Base position is calculated from selected result and the
value is set.

6 When setting ended, press f12[Execute] key.

≫Base position is stored in file.
In order to cancel content of edit, press [R] key and end recognition setting screen.

POINT Be sure to set positions of workpiece and robot at base position of teaching.
For example, when workpiece is taken out, set worpiece at the same position as the position
of workpiece when operation program of take-out part was created.

5.6Correction amount calculation

5.6 Correction amount calculation

Setting of correction amount calculation is explained.

1 Setting screen for two-dimensional single point measurement is displayed.

2 Select [4 Correction amount calculation].

≫Correction amount calculation screen is displayed.
Page 1

Page 2

3 Set parameters.

4 Press [Complete] key.

≫Setting is stored.

5.6Correction amount calculation

Table 5.6.1 Correction amount calculation parameters for two-dimensional single point measurement
Item Setting range Explanation
Measure base position Each Each/Common Whether the values of measurement base position
set by each image processing are separately used
or one position is commonly used is selected.
Common Measure cond 1 1∼999 In case a measurement base position is commonly
base pos. No. used, number of commonly used measurement
condition of which base position is set is specified.
Image process 1 1∼16 In case a measurement base position is commonly
No. used, number of image processing with
measurement condition for which commonly used
base position is set is specified.
Z-Shift Disable Disable/Enable Whether or not to execute calculation of correction
value in Z axis direction using scale is specified.
This is usable for rotation search only, but not
usable for blob.
Rot. around Z-axis Enable Disable/Enable Whether or not to output rotation correction amount
around Z axis is selected.
The Number of output 1 1∼32 Maximum number of finally output results is
Shift limit X,Y,Z 100.0 0.0∼9999.0[mm] Limit of correction amount is set.
[mm] If correction amount exceeding correction limit is
RX,RY,RZ 30.0 0.0∼180.0[deg] detected, robot will stop due to error.

When validity of Z correction and valid or invalid of rotation around Z axis are switched,
execute base position registration of each image processing again.

5.7Test measurement

5.7 Test measurement

Whether measurement can be correctly executed with registered measurement condition setting is confirmed.

1 Display two-dimensional single point measurement screen.

≫Setting screen is displayed.

2 Press f11[Image Acquire] key while pressing [Enable] key.

Image is captured under set exposure condition.

3 Press f11[Test Measure] key.

≫Test measurement is executed.

Result of confirmation is displayed in image display portion at top left.

Result of correction amount calculation is displayed in output console at top right.

5.7Test measurement

Measurement is executed following retrial mode of standard setting.
Retrial is executed when retrial is valid and confirmation trouble occurred.

Set image processing is executed from smallest number in ascending order.

POINT With which image processing to end measurement processing follows setting of execution
mode of standard setting.
If execution mode is set as total execution, all image processing is executed, and results of
measurement are displayed according to priority order.

Test measurement can be executed in individual image processing.
In this case, test measurement is executed for selected image processing only.

5.7Test measurement


6 Cross laser measurement

In this chapter, cross laser measurement is explained.

6.1 Cross laser measurement...........................................................................6-1

6.1.1 Registration of measurement condition.................................................6-1
6.2 Standard setting..........................................................................................6-2
6.2.1 Standard setting ....................................................................................6-2
6.2.2 Exposure condition ...............................................................................6-4
6.3 Image processing .......................................................................................6-8
6.3.1 Registration of image processing..........................................................6-8
6.3.2 Selection of image processing to be edited.........................................6-10
6.3.3 Copy of image processing................................................................... 6-11
6.3.4 Deletion of image processing..............................................................6-12
6.4 Image processing – cross laser ................................................................6-13
6.4.1 Find setting .........................................................................................6-13
6.4.2 Base position setting ...........................................................................6-17
6.5 Image processing – two-dimensional (rotation search, blob) ..............................6-19
6.6 Correction amount calculation ..................................................................6-20
6.7 Test measurement ....................................................................................6-22
6.8 Example of teaching .................................................................................6-23
6.8.1 System configuration of example of teaching......................................6-23
6.8.2 Teaching of shift instruction .................................................................6-24
6.8.3 Creation of measurement condition ....................................................6-26
6.8.4 Record of application instruction .........................................................6-27
6.8.5 Corrective operation............................................................................6-28
6.1Cross laser measurement

6.1 Cross laser measurement

Cross laser measurement measures tilt and distance of planes irradiated with laser by irradiating workpiece
with two crisscrossed laser slit lights and having camera recognize the laser light.
By combination with two-dimensional measurement, three-dimensional position and tilt of points recognized
by two-dimensional measurement are calculated.

6.1.1 Registration of measurement condition

1 Operator qualification shall be EXPERT or higher.

2 Select teaching mode.

Vision sensor setting screen can be displayed in teaching mode only.

3 Select [Service][31 Vision sensor] [1 Vision sensor setting].

≫Vision sensor setting screen is displayed.

4 Select [1 Measure condition] from menu, and press [Enter] key.

≫List of measurement conditions display screen is displayed.

5 Select measurement condition number to be registered from unregistered

numbers, input it and press [Enter] key.
≫Measurement type selection screen is displayed.

6 Select cross laser measurement, and press f12[ Execute] key.

≫Measurement condition is created, and measurement condition setting screen is

6.2Standard setting

6.2 Standard setting

In standard setting, calibration number, retrial condition, and exposure condition are set.

6.2.1 Standard setting

1 Setting screen for cross laser measurement is displayed.

2 Select [1 Standard setting].

≫Standard setting screen is displayed.
Page 1

Page 2

3 Set parameters.

4 Press [Complete] key.

≫Setting is stored.

INFO. When f11[Image Acquire] key is pressed, image is captured using camera with camera
number obtained from specified calibration number.
Captured image is displayed in image display portion at top left.

6.2Standard setting

Table 6.2.1 Standard setting parameters of cross laser measurement

Item Initial value Setting range Explanation
Comment None Up to 32 letters Comment is set for measurement condition.
Calibration No. 1 1∼99 Calibration number is selected.
Camera number and laser unit number at the
time of execution of calibration is used.
The Number of 0 0∼8 Number of times of retrial executed when
retry trouble occurred is specified.
Retry mode Same Same/Individual Whether same or separate exposure
condition is adopted for retrial is selected.
Execute mode Detect Detect/All When plurality of image processing is
executed, whether to end processing when
detection is achieved or to execute all image
processing is selected.
Display Image 2D 2D/Laser slit Whether condition for two-dimensional
measurement or condition for laser slit
measurement is used for exposure of image
to be displayed when measurement result is
displayed with image is selected.
Measurement result itself is not affected.
Image Disable Disable/ When different types of image processing are
processing Propriety given to executed, priority order is set to types of
priority rotation search/ image processing.
Priority given to blob Disable: ascending order of image processing
Priority given to rotation search: priority is
given to rotation search
Priority given to blob: priority is given to blob
Detection priority Pos: Pos: top→bottom/ This is used when execution mode is “All
top→bottom Pos: bottom→top/ execution”.
Pos: left→right/ Condition for giving priority order to plurality of
Pos: right→left/ image processing results detected is set.
Pos: top left
→bottom right/ (Note 1) In the following three settings, the
Pos: bottom right image of which position, angle or scale are
→top left/ closer to model is given priority of execution.
Pos: bottom left
Position: model origin (rotation search only)
→top right/
Angle: model angle (rotation search only)
Pos: top right
Scale: model scale (rotation search only)
→bottom left/
Pos: image center/ (Note 2) When settings of rotation search only
Pos: model origin or blob only are executed in different image
(rotation search only)/ processing, measurement is impossible due
Pos: model angle to parameter trouble. For example, when
(rotation search only)/ rotation search is registered for image
Scale: model scale processing and circularity is selected,
(rotation search only)/ measurement error occurs.
Circularity: high→low
(blob only)/
high→low (blob only)/
Size: big→small
(blob only) /
Size: small→big
(blob only)
Overlap 0.0[mm] 0.0∼9999.0[mm] This is used when execution mode is “all
judgment execution”.
distance When plurality of image processing results
detected was detected at positions within set
value, the results are assumed to be same
and eliminated from recognition results.
(Invalid in case of 0)

6.2Standard setting

6.2.2 Exposure condition

1 Display setting screen for cross laser measurement.

2 Select [1 Standard setting].

≫Standard setting screen is displayed.

3 Press f10[Exposure Condition] key.

≫Exposure condition setting screen is displayed.
Page 2 (Exposure condition for two-dimensional measurement)

Page 2 (Exposure condition for cross laser measurement)

4 Set parameters.

5 When setting ended, press f12[Quit] key.

≫Standard setting screen returns.
No storage is done at this stage.
6 Press f12[Complete] key in standard setting screen.
≫Setting is stored.

6.2Standard setting

Table 6.2.2 Exposure condition parameters

Measurement Item Initial value Setting range Explanation
2D-Measure Exposure 5.00[msec] 0.00∼250.00[msec] Exposure time for image capture of
time two-dimensional measurement is set.
Auto Disable Disable/Enable Either Enable or Disable of automatic
exposure exposure of two-dimensional measurement is
Std. Unregistered 0.00∼255.00 Brightness of screen as reference for
automatic exposure of two-dimensional
measurement is displayed.
Timeout 10.00[sec] 0.00∼60.00[sec] Time limit from start of image capture until
end of image capture of two-dimensional
measurement is set.
If image capture does not finish within time
limit, error occurs and image capture is
Light All OFF ON/OFF Lighting which is turned on for image capture
of two-dimensional measurement is checked.
Cross laser Exposure 5.00[msec] 0.00∼250.00[msec] Exposure time for image capture of cross
time laser measurement is set.
Auto Disable Disable/Enable Either Enable or Disable of automatic
exposure exposure of cross laser measurement is
Std. Unregistered 0.00∼255.00 Brightness of screen as reference for
automatic exposure of cross laser
measurement is displayed.
Timeout 10.00[sec] 0.00∼60.00[sec] Time limit from start of image capture until
end of image capture of cross laser
measurement is set.
If image capture does not finish within time
limit, error occurs and image capture is

In case automatic exposure is “Enable”, since image cannot be captured unless automatic
POINT exposure reference setting is executed, do not forget to execute automatic exposure
reference registration.

When retry mode of standard setting is “Individual” and number of times of retrial is set at 1
POINT or more, [Next exposure condition] key is displayed in f10 key, and [Previous exposure
condition] key is displayed in [Enable] +f10 key.
By pressing the keys, setting can be switched to each retrial exposure condition.

6.2Standard setting

Exposure time setting in full-screen display

Whether exposure condition of two-dimensional measurement or exposure condition of cross laser
measurement is set is selected depending upon the page to be displayed.
By pressing f11[Full-screen display] key while pressing [Enable] key, image captured by camera is displayed
in full screen.
When this operation is carried out on the page of two-dimensional measurement, exposure time setting for
two-dimensional measurement is executed. When this operation is carried out on the page of cross laser
measurement, exposure time setting for cross laser measurement is executed.
Following operations can be carried out with each f key.
[f7] Live For switching to live display
[f9] Exposure Exposure time is increased as much as present step
Inc only.
[f10] Exposure Exposure time is decreased as much as present step
Dec only.
[f11] Acquire Image is captured with present exposure time. Captured
Image image is displayed on screen.
[f12] Quit Full-screen display ends.
[Enable]+[f9] Step One operation amount of increase or decrease of
increase exposure time is increased.
[Enable]+[f10] Step One operation amount of increase or decrease of
decrease exposure time is decreased.
Present exposure time and operation amount (step) are displayed at bottom left of screen.

Fig. 6.2.1 Full-screen display

When f12[Return] key or [R] key is pressed, exposure condition setting screen returns. At the time, the
exposure time set in this screen is set as exposure time of exposure condition setting screen.

POINT Exposure time is adjustable even during live display.

POINT If camera image cannot be displayed, confirm set calibration number, and confirm existence
or non-existence of calibration data and camera number.

6.2Standard setting

Automatic exposure reference setting

Automatic exposure is a function for automatically controlling exposure time so that brightness is identical with
preliminarily set reference brightness value.
Setting of reference brightness value is explained here.
Whether exposure condition of two-dimensional measurement or exposure condition of cross laser
measurement is set is selected depending upon the page to be displayed.
By pressing f12[Automatic exposure reference setting] key while pressing [Enable] key, screen for setting
brightness value that is reference for automatic exposure is displayed. When this operation is carried out on the
page of two-dimensional measurement, exposure time setting for two-dimensional measurement is executed.
When this operation is carried out on the page of cross laser measurement, exposure time setting for cross laser
measurement is executed.

Fig. 6.2.2 Automatic exposure reference setting screen

Area setting is carried out in automatic exposure reference setting screen, and area for brightness value
calculation is determined.
By pressing f12[Register] key, average brightness value of set area is acquired and exposure condition setting
screen returns.
Acquired brightness value is set in “Reference” of automatic exposure parameter.

Brightness value is indicated by values of 0 to 255. 0 represents black and 255 represents
POINT white. Each pixel has the number, and the average of brightness values of pixels in a set
area is the reference value of automatic exposure.

When automatic exposure function is used with registered reference brightness value, set
POINT automatic exposure as valid in exposure condition setting screen.
In case of invalid, image is captured by specified exposure time.

POINT When automatic exposure function is used, image capture time is longer than when fixed
exposure time is used.

6.3Image processing

6.3 Image processing

Processing of images captured from camera to detect position and angle of workpiece and feature points in
workpiece is called image processing.
In cross laser measurement, “image processing 1” is “cross laser”. Two-dimensional image processing is
registered in Image processing 2 to 16, and three-dimensional position and tilt of recognized feature by
two-dimensional measurement are obtained from three-dimensional plane obtained by cross laser image
processing and result of two-dimensional measurement.

If the "Image process" is only "Cross laser", the measurement only by the cross-laser will be executed. In this
case, Z shift, RX rotation, and RY rotation will be calculated as the correction amount.
(In case of FD controller, the measurement only by the cross-laser can be used in V2.04 or higher)

6.3.1 Registration of image processing

Method of register of image processing is explained.

1 Display setting screen of cross laser measurement.

≫Setting screen is displayed.

2 Select [3 image process].

≫List of image processing screen is displayed.

Cross laser is registered in image processing No. 1.

6.3Image processing

3 Press f10[Add] key.

≫Screen for list of image processing types is displayed.

4 Select type of image processing to be registered, and press f12[Execute] key.

≫Image processing setting screen is displayed.
<When rotation search is selected>

5 Execute each setting for image processing.

6 Press [R] key when setting ended.

≫Cross laser measurement setting screen returns.

New image processing can also be added by inputting unused image processing number
INFO. and pressing [Enter] key instead of using [Add] key in 2. Numbers that can be input are 2 to
By “Addition”, although addition is executed on smallest number available, addition can be
executed in optional number by number input.

Table 6.3.1 Type of image processing that can be registered by cross laser measurement
Type of image
Rotation search Position and angle are detected by extracting portion of image with big difference in
brightness, and executing matching using the feature extracted from model image and
feature of measured image.
Usually the feature is edge information such as contour of measurement object.
Blob Image is binarized with brightness threshold value, and feature portion is extracted.
Position is detected at the barycenter of feature portions.

6.3Image processing

6.3.2 Selection of image processing to be edited

1 Display setting screen for cross laser measurement.

2 Select [3 Image process].

≫List of registered image processing is displayed.

3 Select image processing to be edited using up-down cursor key.

4 Press [Enter] key.

≫Setting screen for image processing to be edited is displayed.

5 Execute each setting of image processing.

6 Press [R] key when setting ended.

≫ Setting screen for cross laser measurement returns.

INFO. Image processing can also be selected by inputting image processing number to be edited in

Selected image processing number is displayed at right side of title bar.

INFO. Image

Measurement condition number

6.3Image processing

6.3.3 Copy of image processing

1 Display cross laser measurement setting screen.

2 Select [3 Image process].

≫List of registered image processing is displayed.

3 Select image processing to be copied using up-down cursor key.

4 Press f11[Copy] key.

≫Screen is switched to copy target selection state.

Copy target selection state can be cancelled by pressing [R].

5 Input copy target image processing number, and press [Enter] key.
≫Copy is executed, and image processing is added.

When already registered image processing number is specified as copy target, following
INFO. message is displayed.

If copy is all right, select [Yes] and execute overwrite copy.

INFO. Image processing 1 is fixed for cross laser.

Therefore, it cannot be specified for copy source and copy target.

6.3Image processing

6.3.4 Deletion of image processing

1 Display cross laser measurement setting screen.

2 Select [3 Image process].

≫List of registered image processing is displayed.

3 Select image processing to be deleted using up-down cursor key.

4 Press f11[Delete] key while pressing [Enable] key.

≫Following deletion confirmation message is displayed.

5 Select [Yes], and press [Enter] key.

≫Deletion is executed.

INFO. Image processing 1 is fixed for cross laser.

Therefore, it cannot be deleted.

6.4Image processing – cross laser

6.4 Image processing – cross laser

6.4.1 Find setting

1 Open the “Image proc – Cross laser” menu.

2 Display image processing setting screen for rotation search.

1st page

2nd page

In case of FD controller, this page is displayed when the software version is V2.04 or

3 Press f10[Image Acquire] key while pressing [Enable] key.

≫Image is captured, and captured image is displayed in image display portion.

Image irradiated with laser slit light is displayed.

(In case of FD controller)
If the software version is V2.04 or higher, an output console will be displayed on the
upper right of the screen.

6.4Image processing – cross laser

4 Press f10[Edit Search Region] key.

≫Search area edit screen is displayed.

5 Edit search area.

6 Press f12[Regist] key.

≫Search area is displayed by red line in image display portion at top left of screen.

6.4Image processing – cross laser

7 Press f11[Test Measure] key.

≫Test measurement is executed, and result is displayed in image display portion at
top left of screen.

8 Adjust parameters so that result of detection turns out to be expected result.

9 When parameter setting ended, press f12[Complete] key.

≫Setting is stored in file.
In order to cancel content of edit, press [R] key and end recognition setting screen.

6.4Image processing – cross laser

Table 6.4.1 Cross laser image processing setting parameters

Item Setting range Explanation
Comment None Up to 32 letters Comment is set for image processing data.
Find mode Auto Fixed/Auto Whether detection threshold value of laser slit is
automatically selected or fixed value is used is selected.
Threshold 128 0∼255 Detection threshold value in the case of fixed detection
mode is set by contrast value.
Min. part 5 0∼999999 Effective minimum area of the part where laser slit light
was detected is specified in pixel unit.
Size Min length 10 0∼999999 Minimum length of detectable laser slit light is set.
Max length 30 0∼999999 Maximum width of detectable laser slit light is set.
Input image Raw Raw image/ As the original image for detection of laser slit light at
image Diff. image the time of laser slit measurement, whether captured
image is used as it is or image obtained from difference
between before and after irradiation with laser slit light
is used is selected.
Differential image is recommended.
Z-Shift Measure Laser Laser cross point Select the measurement point in case of using cross
point cross / Image center laser measurement.
(*1) point “Laser cross point”: The cross point of the laser is
used as the measurement point.
“Image center”: The center of the image captured by
the camera is used as the measurement point.
(*1) This can be set in case of software version V2.04 or more.

Be sure to execute laser slit light irradiation within search area on the same plane. If different
POINT plane is involved, correct measurement result is not obtained but erroneous shift amount
may be obtained.

POINT “Z-Shift Measure point” is applied when only “Cross laser” is registered as the “Image

6.4Image processing – cross laser

6.4.2 Base position setting

The base position of the cross laser is applied only for the cross laser measurement. When adding other
2-dimensional measurement, this setting is not necessary.

1 Open the “Image proc – Cross laser” menu.

2 Open [2 Base position].

>>The setting screen for the base position is displayed.

3 Press <f10 Image Acquire> with [Enable] key.

>>The image is acquired and the image will be displayed on the screen.

4 Press <F11 Test Measure> key to check if the recognition is normally

performed or not.
>>The result is displayed on the screen.

6.4Image processing – cross laser

5 Press <f10 GetBase Position>.

>>The result is displayed on the screen.

6 After completing the settings, press <f12 Complete>.

>>The base position is saved to the file.
To cancel the edit content and exit from the setting screen, press [R] key.

In this case, the position of the work-piece and the robot position must be the original
POINT teaching position. For example, to pickup the work-piece, place the work-piece at the exact
same position where the picking-up program was created.

6.5Image processing – two-dimensional (rotation search, blob)

6.5 Image processing – two-dimensional (rotation search,

Setting of two-dimensional image processing is same as that of two-dimensional single point measurement.
However, result of base position registration includes detection of rotations around X and Y axes. They are
values obtained from three-dimensional position and tilt that are obtained from information of plane measured by
cross laser and information of two-dimensional measurement.

Fig. 6.5.1 Base position registration of two-dimensional image processing

6.6Correction amount calculation

6.6 Correction amount calculation

Setting of correction amount calculation is explained.
1 Display the setting screen for the cross laser measurement.

2 Select [4 Shift] (Correction amount calculation).

≫Correction amount calculation setting screen is displayed.
Page 1

Page 2

In case of FD controller, this page is displayed when the software version is V2.04 or
3 Set parameters.

4 Press [Complete] key.

≫Setting is stored.

Table 6.6.1 Correction amount calculation parameters of cross laser measurement

Item Setting range Explanation
Measure base position Each Each/Common Whether the values of measurement Base
positions set by each image processing are
separately used or one position is commonly used
is selected.
Common Measure cond 1 1∼999 In case a measurement base position is commonly
base pos. No. used, number of commonly used measurement
condition of which base position is set is specified.
Image process 1 1∼16 In case a measurement base position is commonly
No. used, number of image processing with
measurement condition for which commonly used
base position is set is specified.

6.6Correction amount calculation

Item Setting range Explanation
Z-shift Disable Disable/Enable Whether or not to execute calculation of correction
value in Z axis direction using scale is specified.
This is usable for rotation search only, but not
usable for blob.
Rot. around Z-axis Enable Disable/Enable Whether or not to output rotation correction amount
around Z axis is selected.
Shift limit X,Y,Z 100.0 0.0∼9999.0[mm] Limit of correction amount is set.
[mm] If correction amount exceeding correction limit is
RX,RY,RZ 30.0 0.0∼180.0[deg] detected, robot will stop due to error.
RX,RY Shift (*1) Enable Disable/Enable Enable/Disable the RX and RY Shift.
If “Disable” is set, the RX, RY shift in the vision
sensor coordinates become 0.0.
RZ Shift (*1) Enable Disable/Enable Enable/Disable the RZ Shift.
If “Disable” is set, the RZ shift in the vision sensor
coordinates become 0.0.

POINT When validity of Z correction and valid or invalid of rotation around Z axis are switched,
execute base position registration of each image processing again.

When being sent to the robot controller, the shift value is converted to the designated
POINT coordinate system. Therefore, even if “RX, RY shift” and “RZ shift” are disabled, the value
stored in the Shift register of the robot controller is not 0.0. The RZ, RY, or the RZ shift value
will become as the result of the shift calculation in the robot controller. And, depending on the
calculation result, the value may not become 0.0 completely.

6.7Test measurement

6.7 Test measurement

Whether measurement can be correctly executed with registered measurement condition setting is confirmed.

1 Display cross laser measurement screen.

≫Setting screen is displayed.

2 Press f11[Test Measure] key.

≫Image is captured, and test measurement is executed.

Result of confirmation is displayed in image display portion at top left.

Result of correction amount calculation is displayed in output console at top right.

Measurement is executed in accordance with retrial mode of standard setting.
Retrial is executed when retrial is valid and confirmation trouble occurred.

Set image processing is executed from smallest number in ascending order.

POINT With which image processing to end measurement processing follows setting of execution
mode of standard setting.
If execution mode is set as total execution, all image processing is executed, and results of
measurement are displayed according to priority order.

Test measurement can also be executed in individual image processing.
In this case, test measurement is executed for selected image processing only.

6.8Example of teaching

6.8 Example of teaching

Example of teaching using cross laser measurement is explained here.

6.8.1 System configuration of example of teaching

Example of a system of take-out and transport of supplied workpiece as shown in the figure below is

Hand clamp signal : 01

Hand clamp finish signal : I1

Laser unit



Workpiece transport

Workpiece side view

Workpiece supply
Fig. 6.8.1 Example of take-out correction system

Because of protrusion at the bottom, workpiece may be supplied in tilted state in some cases.
Since workpiece is tilted, when workpiece is grasped by hand, attitude of hand needs to be corrected in
accordance with the tilt of workpiece in order to insert claws of hand into workpiece. The correction of tilt is
executed using cross laser measurement.

In take-out operation, cross laser measurement position is corrected by two-dimensional measurement, cross
laser measurement is executed at corrected position, and operation is carried out reflecting the resulting
correction of displacement of workpiece

Shift to operation start position

Shift to two-dimensional measurement position

Two-dimensional measurement

Start of correction of two-dimensional measurement result

Shift to cross laser measurement position

End of correction with two-dimensional measurement result

Cross laser measurement

Start of correction with cross laser measurement result

Workpiece take-out operation

End of correction of cross laser measurement result

Visual sensor instruction
Shift to operation end position
Correction (shift) instruction

Fig. 6.8.2 Operation program flow

6.8Example of teaching

6.8.2 Teaching of shift instruction

Workpiece is installed at base position for teaching. It is recommended that the position is kept reproducible.

Camera Laser unit



Workpiece suply
Fig. 6.8.3 Workpiece base position

1 Record operation start position

2 Record two-dimensional measurement position

Laser unit

Measurement distance
Workpiece = distance between
reference reference plate and
position camera for calibration

Fit measurement distance to the distance between reference plate and camera for calibration.
Utilizing live display in measurement condition screen for vision sensor setting, etc., determine
position of camera so that position of workpiece comes near the center of image captured by
Placing workpiece at screen center can expand the range in which workpiece can
POINT be measured even if it is decentered.

6.8Example of teaching

3 Record cross laser measurement position.

Utilizing live display in measurement condition screen for vision sensor setting, etc., determine
position of camera so that position of workpiece comes near the center of image captured by

Usually the position is same as two-dimensional record position, since angle of laser unit is so
adjusted that intersection of cross laser is at center of screen in reference plate position for
4 Record position which is to be the route for workpiece take-out.

照明 照明

(9) Correction (2) Hand entry position (3) Grasp position (4) Workpiece (5) Correction end position
start position release position

5 Record operation end position.

6.8Example of teaching

6.8.3 Creation of measurement condition

1 Shift robot to two-dimensional measurement position.

2 Create measurement condition for two-dimensional single point measurement.

Model area


Search area

Register rotation search as image processing.

Search area shall be almost total of image. Generally search area shall be the range in which
displacement of workpiece may occur.
Specify model as internal circle, create model area in a circle a little bigger than the internal circle,
and execute model registration. Thus, edge part of internal circle is registered as model.
Detection position shall be the center of internal circle.
Since workpiece in this example is circular, rotation element cannot be detected. Therefore, set
both maximum and minimum angle range of recognition setting as 0.
Set Z correction as “Enable”, when correction of height is also to be executed.

3 Shift robot to cross laser measurement position.

4 Create measurement condition of cross laser measurement.

5 Set cross laser image processing of cross laser measurement condition.

Search area shall be set in ring form as shown in the figure below.

Search area

By setting search area in a ring form, recognition of laser slit light projected in the
POINT hole at the center of workpiece and other laser slit light can be avoided.
In order to allow for a little displacement and tilt, set search area a little outward
and inward from internal circle and external dimension respectively.
6 Add and set rotation search to image processing of cross laser measurement condition.
Model area


Search area

Registration of almost same content as the content of setting for two-dimensional single point
measurement is executed.
Search area shall be smaller than that for two-dimensional single point measurement, since it is
corrected to lie almost at the center for two-dimensional single point measurement.

6.8Example of teaching

6.8.4 Record of application instruction

Application instruction is recorded as shown below.
I this example, two-dimensional single point measurement is registered in measurement condition2, and cross
laser measurement is registered in measurement condition 2.

1 600mm/s LIN A1 T1 Operation start position

2 1600mm/s LIN A1 P T1 Two-dimensional single point
measurement position
3 VSTART[1,0,0,10000] Two-dimensional single point measurement
4 VSHIFT[1,0,R1,1,10000] Shift amount acquisition for two-dimensional
single point measurement
5 VLOCCVT[1,R1,1,10000] Two-dimensional single point measurement
shift start
6 1600mm/s LIN A1 P T1 Cross laser measurement position
7 VLOCCVT[0,R1,1,10000] Two-dimensional single point measurement
shift end

8 VSTART[2,0,0,10000] Cross laser measurement

9 VSHIFT[2,0,R2,1,10000] Shift amount acquisition for cross laser
10 VLOCCVT[1,R2,1,10000] Cross laser measurement shift start
11 1200mm/s LIN A8 T1
12 800mm/s LIN A4 T1
13 200mm/s LIN A1 P T1 Workpiece grasp position
14 SETM[O1,1]
Fig. 6.8.4 Example of cross laser measurement program

6.8Example of teaching

6.8.5 Corrective operation

Corrective operation of cross laser measurement is explained.
Cross laser measurement position is corrected using measurement result of two-dimensional single point
measurement. By this corrective operation, the position where cross laser hits workpiece can be mostly
Correction of workpiece take-out operation is executed using the result of cross laser measurement.
Correction is made so that relative position from workpiece is same as that at the time of teaching.
Since correction amount is obtained taking camera position into consideration, processing such as addition of
results of two-dimensional single point measurement and cross laser measurement is not necessary.

1 2 3 4

Two-dimensional single point Cross laser Take-out correction Take-out hand entry position
measurement position measurement position start position

8 7 6 5


Take-out operation end position Take-out correction end position Workpiece release position Grasp position
Fig. 6.8.5 Cross laser measurement corrective operation

7 Stereo measurement

Stereo measurement is explained in this chapter.

7.1 Stereo measurement ..................................................................................7-1

7.1.1 Stereo measurement method................................................................7-1
7.1.2 Registration of measurement condition.................................................7-2
7.2 Standard setting..........................................................................................7-3
7.2.1 Standard setting ....................................................................................7-3
7.2.2 Exposure condition ...............................................................................7-5
7.3 Image processing .......................................................................................7-9
7.3.1 Registration of Image processing..........................................................7-9
7.4 Image processing – rotation search ..........................................................7-12
7.4.1 Common setting..................................................................................7-12
7.4.2 Recognition setting and model registration .........................................7-13
7.4.3 Base position setting ...........................................................................7-14
7.5 Image processing – blob...........................................................................7-15
7.5.1 Common setting..................................................................................7-15
7.5.2 Recognition setting .............................................................................7-16
7.5.3 Base position setting ...........................................................................7-17
7.6 Correction amount calculation ..................................................................7-18
7.7 Example of teaching .................................................................................7-19
7.7.1 System configuration ..........................................................................7-19
7.7.2 Teaching..............................................................................................7-20
7.7.3 Corrective operation............................................................................7-22
7.1Stereo measurement

7.1 Stereo measurement

NV-Pro Ver.1.2 corresponds to this function.

7.1.1 Stereo measurement method

Stereo measurement is measurement of feature points on workpiece by stereo camera, and can obtain
three-dimensional positions of the features.
In order to execute correction in accordance with attitudes of workpiece such as tilt, measurement of plural
features on the workpiece is necessary. Such a method of measurement of plural feature points is called plural
point measurement. Method of measurement of a feature point only is called single point measurement.
When all the feature points are within vision field and plural point measurement is possible by one capture of
image, measurement is executed after registration of image processing for detection of each feature in a stereo
measurement condition. When plural feature points are measured using separate cameras, measurement is
executed by combined measurement. Refer to separate chapter for details of combined measurement.
Stereo camera

Feature point 2
Feature point
Feature point 1 Feature point 3

(a) Single point measurement (b) Plural point measurement

(single measurement condition)

Feature point 2 Feature point 3

Feature point 1
(c) Plural point measurement (using combined measurement)

Fig. 7.1.1 Stereo measurement method

7.1Stereo measurement

7.1.2 Registration of measurement condition

1 Operator qualification shall be EXPERT or higher.

2 Select teaching mode.

Vision sensor setting screen can be displayed in teaching mode only.

3 Select [Service][31 Vision sensor] [1 Vision sensor setting].

≫Vision sensor setting screen is displayed.

4 Select [1 Measure condition] from menu, and press [Enter] key.

List of measurement conditions display screen is displayed.

5 Select measurement condition number to be registered from unregistered

numbers, input it and press [Enter] key.
Measurement type selection screen is displayed.

6 Select stereo measurement, and press f12 [Execute] key.

≫Measurement condition is created, and measurement condition setting screen is

Output console is displayed on menu by pressing f12[Console On] key. Results of test
INFO. measurement, etc. can be confirmed.
When f12[Console OFF] key is pressed during display of output console, console display

7.2Standard setting

7.2 Standard setting

In standard setting, calibration number, retrial condition, and exposure condition are set.

7.2.1 Standard setting

1 Setting screen for stereo measurement is displayed.

2 Select [1 Standard setting].

≫Standard setting screen is displayed.
Page 1

Page 2

3 Set parameters.

4 Press [Complete] key.

≫Setting is stored.

When f11[Image Acquire] key is pressed, image is captured using camera with camera
INFO. number obtained from specified calibration number.
Captured image is displayed in image display portion at top left. Left side is display for left
camera, and right side is display for right camera.

7.2Standard setting

Table 7.2.1 Standard setting parameters of stereo measurement

Item Initial value Setting range Explanation
Comment None Up to 32 letters Comment is set for measurement condition.
Calibration No. 1 1∼99 Calibration number is selected.
Camera number at the time of execution of
calibration is used.
The number of 0 0∼8 Number of times of retrial executed when trouble
retry occurred is specified.
Retry mode Same Same/Individual Whether same or separate exposure condition is
adopted for retrial is selected.
Measure method Multi point Multi point /1 point Whether registered image processings are
executed as measurement of separate points or
as measurement of same point for all of them is
In the case of same point measurement, result of
highest priority order is used to calculate its
three-dimensional position.
In the case of plural point measurement,
three-dimensional positions and attitudes are
calculated from measured points.
Execute mode Detect Detect/All When plurality of image processing is executed,
whether to end processing when detection is
achieved or to execute all image processing is
Image processing Disable Disable/ When different types of image processing are
priority Propriety given to executed, priority order is set to types of image
rotation search/ processing.
Priority given to blob Disable: ascending order of image processing
Priority given to rotation search: priority is given
to rotation search
Priority given to blob: priority is given to blob
Detection priority Pos: Pos: top→bottom/ This is used when execution mode is “All
top→bottom Pos: bottom→top/ execution”.
Pos: left→right/ Condition for giving priority order to plurality of
Pos: right→left/ image processing results detected is set.
Pos: top left
→bottom right/ (Note 1) In the following three settings, the
Pos: bottom right image of which position, angle or scale are
→top left/ closer to model is given priority of execution.
Pos: bottom left Position: model origin (rotation search only)
Angle: model angle (rotation search only)
→top right/
Scale: model scale (rotation search only)
Pos: top right
→bottom left/
(Note 2) When settings of rotation search only or
Pos: image center/
blob only are executed in different image
Pos: model origin
processing, measurement is impossible due to
(rotation search only)/
parameter trouble. For example, when rotation
Pos: model angle
search is registered for image processing and
(rotation search only)/
circularity is selected, measurement error
Scale: model scale
(rotation search only)/
Circularity: high→low
(blob only)/
Rectangularity: high→low
(blob only)/
Size: big→small
(blob only) /
Size: small→big
(blob only)
Overlap judgment 0.0[mm] 0.0∼9999.0[mm] This is used when execution mode is “all
distance execution”.
When plurality of image processing results
detected was detected at positions within set
value, the results are assumed to be same and
eliminated from recognition results. (Invalid in
case of 0)
Exposure time Common Common/Each Whether exposure times for right and left
cameras are same or separate is selected.

7.2Standard setting

7.2.2 Exposure condition

In exposure condition, exposure time and lighting condition for image capture are set.

1 Display setting screen for two-dimensional single measurement.

2 Select [1 Standard setting].

≫Standard setting screen is displayed.

3 Press f10[Exposure condition] key.

≫Exposure condition setting screen is displayed.

4 Set parameters.

5 When setting ended, press f12[Quit].

≫Standard setting screen returns.
No storage is done at this stage.
6 Press f12[Complete] key in standard setting screen.
≫Setting is stored.

Item Initial value Setting range Explanation

Exposure time 5.00[msec] 0.01∼250.00[msec] Exposure time when it is common for right and left
cameras is set.
Left 5.00[msec] 0.01∼250.00[msec] Exposure time for left camera when it is separately
camera set for right and left cameras is set.
Right 5.00[msec] 0.01∼250.00[msec] Exposure time for right camera when it is separately
camera set for right and left cameras is set.
Auto exposure Disable Disable/Enable Either enabled or diaabled of automatic exposure is
Timeout 10.00[sec] 0.00∼60.00[sec] Time limit from start of image capture until finish of
image capture is set.
If image capture does not finish within time limit, error
occurs and image capture is stopped.
Std. Unregistered 0.00∼255.00 Brightness of screen as reference for automatic
exposure is displayed. Setting is executed separately
for right and left cameras. Automatic exposure
reference setting key is used for setting.
Light All OFF ON/OFF Lighting which is turned on for image capture is

7.2Standard setting

In case automatic exposure is “Enable”, since image cannot be captured unless automatic
POINT exposure reference setting is executed, do not forget to execute automatic exposure
reference registration.

When retrial mode of standard setting is “Individual” and number of times of retrial is set at 1
POINT or more, [Next exposure condition] key is displayed in f10 key, and [Previous exposure
condition] key is displayed in [Enable] +f10 key.
By pressing the keys, setting can be switched to each retrial exposure condition.

When exposure time is separately set, it is displayed as shown below and can be set
POINT separately for right and left cameras.

7.2Standard setting

Exposure time setting in full-screen display

By pressing f11[Full-screen display] key while pressing [Enable] key, image captured by camera is displayed
in full screen.

By pressing key, displayed camera images are switched in the order shown below; both cameras →
left camera → right camera → both cameras.
Both cameras display

Left camera display Right camera display

Fig. 7.2.1 Full-screen display

Following operations can be carried out with each f key.

[f7] Live display For switching to live display
[f9] Exposure Inc Exposure time is increased as much as present step
[f10] Exposure Dec Exposure time is decreased as much as present step
[f11] Acquire Image is captured with present exposure time. Captured
Image image is displayed on screen.
[f12] Quit Full-screen display ends.
[Enable]+[f9] Step increase One operation amount of increase or decrease of
exposure time is increased.
[Enable]+[f10] Step One operation amount of increase or decrease of
decrease exposure time is decreased.
Present exposure time and operation amount (step) are displayed at bottom left of screen.
When f12[Quit] key or [R] key is pressed, exposure condition setting screen returns. At the time, the exposure
time set in this screen is set as exposure time of exposure condition setting screen.
In the case of both cameras display, camera for operation can be switched using right-left cursor key.

POINT Exposure time is adjustable even during live display.

POINT If camera image cannot be displayed, confirm set calibration number, and confirm existence
or non-existence of calibration data and camera number.

7.2Standard setting

Automatic exposure reference setting

Automatic exposure is a function for automatically controlling exposure time so that brightness is identical with
preliminarily set reference brightness value.
Setting of reference brightness value is explained here.
By pressing f12[Automatic exposure reference setting] key while pressing [Enable] key, camera selection
message is displayed as shown below. Camera in which brightness value that is reference for automatic
exposure is set is selected, and [Enter] key is pressed.

Screen for setting brightness value that is reference for automatic exposure is displayed.

Fig. 7.2.2 Automatic exposure reference setting screen

Area setting is carried out in automatic exposure reference setting screen, and area for brightness value
calculation is determined.
By pressing f12[Register] key, average brightness value of set area is acquired and exposure condition setting
screen returns.
Acquired brightness value is set in “Reference” of automatic exposure parameter.

Brightness value is indicated by values of 0 to 255. 0 represents black and 255 represents
POINT white. Each pixel has the number, and the average of brightness values of pixels in a set
area is the reference value of automatic exposure.

When automatic exposure function is used with registered reference brightness value, set
POINT automatic exposure as valid in exposure condition setting screen.
In case of invalid, image is captured by specified exposure time.

POINT When automatic exposure function is used, image capture time is longer than when fixed
exposure time is used.

7.3Image processing

7.3 Image processing

Processing of images captured from camera to detect position of feature points on workpiece is called image
In stereo measurement, up to 16 image processings with different processing methods can be registered.
Method of using registered image processing varies depending upon methods of measurement set in
standard setting.
In the case of plural point measurement, registered image processings process detection results and
calculate correction amounts in the way in which they are registered for detection of respective different feature
points. In the case of single point measurement, correction amount is calculated using the result with highest
priority among those registered.

7.3.1 Registration of Image processing

In image processing of stereo measurement, same feature is recognized by two-dimensional measurement
with right and left cameras.
Using the result, three-dimensional position (X, Y, Z) of feature point is calculated by correction amount

1 Display setting screen of stereo measurement.

≫Setting screen is displayed.

2 Select [3 image process].

≫List of image processing screen is displayed.

7.3Image processing

3 Press f10[Add] key.

≫Screen for list of image processing types is displayed.

4 Select type of image processing to be registered, and press f12[Execute] key.

≫Image processing setting screen is displayed.
<When rotation search is selected>

5 Execute each setting for image processing.

6 Press [R] key when setting ended.

≫Cross laser measurement setting screen returns.

New image processing can also be added by inputting unused image processing number
INFO. and pressing [Enter] key instead of using [Add] key in 2. Numbers that can be input are 1 to
By “Addition”, although addition is executed on smallest number available, addition can be
executed in optional number by number input.

7.3Image processing

When f12[Model display] key is pressed in 2, image of model is displayed at top right as
INFO. shown in the figure below ( in the case of rotation search). What is displayed here is the
model of left camera.
When f12 [Model display] key for the second time, the model of right camera is displayed.
Image of right camera is displayed at top left.
When f12[Model display] key is pressed further, model image disappears, and in turn images
of right and left cameras are displayed at top.

Table 7.3.1 Type of image processing that can be registered by cross laser measurement
Type of image
Rotation search Position and angle are detected by extracting portion of image with big difference in
brightness, and executing matching using the feature extracted from model image and
feature of measured image.
Usually the feature is edge information such as contour of measurement object.
Blob Image is binarized with brightness threshold value, and feature portion is extracted.
Position is detected at the barycenter of feature portions.

7.4Image processing – rotation search

7.4 Image processing – rotation search

7.4.1 Common setting

Image processing parameters common to right and left cameras are set.

1 Display setting screen for image processing of rotation search.

≫Following image is displayed.

Different from two-dimensional measurement, there are four items; common setting,
left camera processing, right camera processing and base position setting.
2 Select [1 Common setting].
≫Common setting screen is displayed.

3 Input comment.

4 When parameter setting ended, press f12[Complete] key.

≫Setting is stored in file.
In order to cancel content of edit, press [R] to end common setting screen.

7.4Image processing – rotation search

7.4.2 Recognition setting and model registration

Recognition setting and model registration in stereo measurement are executed for each camera.

1 Display setting screen for image processing of rotation search.

2 Select [2 Left camera process] or [3 Right camera process] in accordance with

camera of setting object, and press [Enter] key.
≫Following image is displayed. (In the case of left camera)

3 Select [1 Find setting] or [2 Create model], press [Enter] key.

≫Setting screen is displayed.

4 Set each parameter same as in two-dimensional measurement.

Refer to chapter for two-dimensional single point measurement.
5 When parameter setting ended, press f12[Complete] key.
≫Setting is stored in file.
In order to cancel content of edit, press [R] key to end recognition setting screen.

7.4Image processing – rotation search

7.4.3 Base position setting

Base position setting is executed by stereo camera unit. It is not executed separately for right and left cameras.
Image processing is same operation for rotation search and blob.

1 Display screen for blob image processing setting.

2 Display [4 Base position].

≫Base position setting screen is displayed.

(On right side, f keys are shown when [Enable] key is pressed.)

3 Press f10[Image Acquire] key while pressing [Enable] key.

≫Image is captured, and captured image is displayed in image display portion.

4 Press f11[Test Measure] key, and confirm that correct recognition is possible.
≫Recognition result is displayed in image display portion.

5 Press f10[Get Base Position] key.

≫Base position acquisition result is displayed.

6 When setting ended, press f12[Complete] key.

≫Base position is stored in file.
In order to cancel content of edit, press [E] key to end recognition setting screen.

Be sure to set positions of workpiece and robot at base position of teaching.

POINT For example, when workpiece is taken out, set worpiece at the same position as the position
of workpiece when operation program of take-out part was created.

In the case of stereo measurement, base position is acquired using only the result of highest
POINT priority that was set by image processing even when no less than two detections are set in
recognition setting.

7.5Image processing – blob

7.5 Image processing – blob

7.5.1 Common setting

Image processing parameters that are common to right and left cameras are set.

1 Display screen for blob image processing setting.

≫Following screen is displayed.

Different from two-dimensional measurement, there are four items; common setting,
left camera processing, right camera processing and base position setting.
2 Select [1 Common setting].
≫Common setting screen is displayed.

3 Input comment.

4 When parameter setting ended, press f12[Complete] key.

≫Setting is stored in file.
In order to cancel content of edit, press [R] to end common setting screen.

7.5Image processing – blob

7.5.2 Recognition setting

Recognition setting in stereo measurement is executed by each camera.

1 Display setting screen for image processing of rotation search.

2 Select [2 Left camera process] or [3 Right camera process] in accordance with

camera of setting object, and press [Enter] key.
≫Following image is displayed. (In the case of left camera)

3 Select [1 Find setting], press [Enter] key.

≫Setting screen is displayed.

4 Set each parameter same as in two-dimensional measurement.

Refer to chapter for two-dimensional single point measurement.
5 When parameter setting ended, press f12[Complete] key.
≫Setting is stored in file.
In order to cancel content of edit, press [R] key to end recognition setting screen.

7.5Image processing – blob

7.5.3 Base position setting

Base position setting is executed by stereo camera unit. It is not executed separately for right and left cameras.
Image processing is same operation for rotation search and blob.

1 Display screen for blob image processing setting.

2 Display [4 Base setting].

≫Base position setting screen is displayed.

(On right side, f keys are shown when [Enable] key is pressed.)

3 Press f10[Image Acquire] key while pressing [Enable] key.

≫Image is captured, and captured image is displayed in image display portion.

4 Press f11[Test Measure] key, and confirm that correct recognition is possible.
≫Recognition result is displayed in image display portion.

5 Press f10[Get Base Position] key.

≫Base position acquisition result is displayed.

6 When setting ended, press f12 [Complete] key.

≫Base position is stored in file.
In order to cancel content of edit, press [E] key to end recognition setting screen.

Be sure to set positions of workpiece and robot at base position of teaching.

POINT For example, when workpiece is taken out, set worpiece at the same position as the position
of workpiece when operation program of take-out part was created.

In the case of stereo measurement, base position is acquired using only the result of highest
POINT priority that was set by image processing even when no less than two detections are set in
recognition setting.

7.6Correction amount calculation

7.6 Correction amount calculation

Setting of correction amount calculation is explained.

1 Display stereo measurement setting screen.

2 Select [4 Correction amount calculation].

≫Correction amount calculation setting screen is displayed.

3 Set parameters.

4 Press [Complete] key.

≫Setting is stored.

Table 7.6.1 Correction amount calculation parameters of stereo measurement

Item Setting range Explanation
Measure base position Each Each/Common Whether the values of measurement base
positions set by each image processing are
separately used or one position is commonly used
is selected.
Common Measure cond 1 1∼999 In case a measurement rbase position is
base pos. No. commonly used, number of commonly used
measurement condition of which base position is
set is specified.
Image process 1 1∼16 In case a measurement base position is
No. commonly used, number of image processing
with measurement condition for which commonly
used base position is set is specified.
2 point measure base XY XY plane/ Plural point measurement reference plane for two
plane YZ plane/ point measurement is selected.
ZX plane Refer to chapter for combined measurement for
Shift limit X, Y, Z 100.0 0.0∼9999.0[mm] Limit of correction amount is set.
[mm] If correction amount exceeding correction limit is
RX, RY, RZ 30.0 0.0∼180.0[deg] detected, robot will stop due to error.

POINT In the case of plural point measurement, measurement reference planes set for each image
processing are used. The setting executed here is neglected.

7.7Example of teaching

7.7 Example of teaching

7.7.1 System configuration

Example of a system of take-out and transport of supplied workpiece as shown in the figure below is

Measurement condition:1
Hand clamp signal :O1
Hand clamp end signal:I1

Stereo camera


Workpiece transport
Workpiece take-out

Workpiece supply

Fig, 7.7.1 Example of workpiece take-out system

Workpiece is supplied by an inclined apparatus. Since position of worpiece is not specified, its position and
attitude varies piece by piece. Attitude of hand is corrected in accordance with the variation when it grasps
workpiece so that pin of hand is inserted in the hole for clamping created on the workpiece.

7.7Example of teaching

7.7.2 Teaching
Following example is a system that supplied workpiece is taken and transported.

1 Place workpiece at base position for teaching.

Vision sensor measurement setting and teaching of workpiece take-out are
executed with this position as reference.
2 Record operation start position in step 1.

3 Record instruction for hand clamp signal OFF in step 2.

4 Record measurement reset instruction (FN330:VRESET)in step 3.

Number of measurement condition under which measurement is executed is
specified as parameter.

5 Shift robot so that camera is in measurement position, and record the position
(step 4).

Accuracy of the position is 1 with “P” (in-position mark).


6 Set measurement condition for stereo measurement at this position.

Measurement condition shall be plural point measurement. Feature points 1∼3 on
workpiece are registered in image processings 1∼3.
Feature point 1 Feature point 2

Left camera image Right camera image

Feature point 3

Refer to previously explained parts for details of setting method.

7 Record measurement start instruction(FN331:VSTART)in step 5.

Number of set measurement condition is specified as parameter.

Record 10000 in evacuation step of parameter (in this case, error occurs due to
recognition trouble).
In some cases camera may oscillate slightly at stop of shift instruction
INFO. of step 4. Correct correction amount cannot be calculated if
measurement is executed while camera is oscillating. In such a case,
record delay instruction (FN50:DELAY) before measurement start
8 Execute test measurement at this position, and confirm that workpiece can be
9 Register measurement base position.

10 Record Shift amount setting instruction(FN333:VSHIFT)in step 6.

Specify measurement condition number with which measurement was

executed in the previous step as parameter.
World coordinate is specified as correction reference coordinate.
Record 10000 in evacuation step of parameter (error occurs due to recognition

7.7Example of teaching

11 Record vision sensor coordinate transform instruction(FN342:VLOCCVT)in

step 7.

Specify shift register with which shift amount is obtained in step 6.

Specify world coordinate as correction reference coordinate system.
12 Shift hand to position above workpiece, and record the position in step 8.

Correction operation starts from this step.

13 Shift hand to position for grasping workpiece, and record the position in

14 Record clamp signal ON instruction of hand in step 10.

15 Record clamp completion wait instruction in step 11.

16 Shift hand to position above workpiece, and record the position in step 12.

17 In order to end correction operation, record vision sensor coordinate

transform instruction (FN342:VLOCCVT)in step 13.

Correction operation is not executed from next shift instruction.

18 Hereafter, create transport program.

Fig. 7.7.2 Example of workpiece take-out correction program

7.7Example of teaching

7.7.3 Corrective operation

Corrective operation of stereo measurement is explained.
Correction of workpiece take-out operation is executed using the result of cross laser measurement.
Correction is made so that relative position from workpiece is same as that at the time of teaching.

1 2 3 4

Measurement position Take-out correction start position Clamp position Take-out correction end position
Fig. 7.7.2 Example of workpiece take-out corrective operation

In the case of single point measurement, rotational component cannot be obtained.

POINT Therefore, corrective operation is limited to parallel shift and such correction of tilt as
described above is not possible.

8 Combined measurement

In this chapter, combined measurement is explained.

8.1 Registration of measurement condition ......................................................8-1

8.2 Standard setting..........................................................................................8-2
8.3 Measurement points ...................................................................................8-3
8.3.1 Registration of measurement points .....................................................8-3
8.3.2 Edit of measurement points ..................................................................8-6
8.3.3 Deletion of measurement points ...........................................................8-7
8.4 Corrective amount calculation.....................................................................8-8
8.5 Measurement point exchange...................................................................8-10
8.6 Test measurement ....................................................................................8-12
8.7 Example of teaching .................................................................................8-14
8.7.1 Example of teaching ...........................................................................8-14
8.7.2 Other example of teaching ..................................................................8-18
8.1 Registration of measurement condition

8.1 Registration of measurement condition

Combined measurement is a method of measurement in which one correction value is calculated from results
of measurement of plural features of objective workpiece. In this case, a feature to be measured is called a
measurement point. The measurement conditions for measurement of measurement points are registered as
measurement conditions of such single point measurements as shown below.
・ Two-dimensional single point measurement
・ Cross laser measurement
・ Stereo measurement

Combined measurement calculates corrective amount from measurement results of plural measurement
points, by registration of measurement conditions of these measurement points in the measurement condition of
combined measurement.

1 Operator qualification shall be EXPERT or higher.

2 Select teaching mode.

Vision sensor setting screen can be displayed in teaching mode only.

3 Select [Service][31 Vision sensor] [1 Vision sensor setting].

≫Vision sensor setting screen is displayed.

4 Select [1 Measure condition] from menu, and press [Enter] key.

≫List of measurement conditions display screen is displayed.

5 Select measurement condition number to be registered from unregistered

numbers, input it and press [Enter] key.
≫Measurement type selection screen is displayed.

6 Select stereo measurement, and press f12 [Execute] key.

≫Measurement condition is created, and measurement condition setting screen is

8.2 Standard setting

8.2 Standard setting

Standard setting of combined measurement is explained.

1 Display combined measurement setting screen.

2 Select [1 Standard setting].

≫Standard setting screen is displayed.

3 Set parameters.
4 Press f12[Complete] key.
≫Setting is stored.

Table 8.2.1 Standard setting parameters of combined measurement

Item Initial value Setting range Explanation
Comment None Up to 32 letters Comment is set for measurement condition.
Multi measure Multi point 2 point measure/ Select whether to execute 2 point
type measure Multi point measure measurement with 2 measurement points or
multi point measurement with three or more
measurement points is selected.
Same point 5.0[mm] 0.0∼9999.9[mm] In plural measurements, measurement points
distance detected within set value are regarded as
same point and treated as error. (Invalid in the
case of 0)

When two point measurement is selected as type of combined measurement, amount of

POINT rotation around the straight line connecting two measurement points as shown in the figure
below cannot be obtained.
point 2

Measurement point 1

8.3 Measurement points

8.3 Measurement points

Measurement condition of single point measurement registered beforehand is registered as the measurement

8.3.1 Registration of measurement points

Method of registration of measurement points is explained.

1 Display combined measurement setting screen.

2 Select [2 Measure point].

≫Screen for list of measurement points is displayed.

3 Press f10[Add point] key.

≫Screen for list of measurement conditions is displayed.

Measurement conditions such as combined measurement that cannot be registered

as measurement points are not displayed in the list.

8.3 Measurement points

4 Select measurement condition to be registered, and press f12[Regist] key.

≫Setting screen for image processing is displayed.
<When two-dimensional single point measurement is selected>

5 When setting ended, press [R] key.

≫Setting screen for combined measurement returns.

New measurement point can also be added by inputting unused measurement point number
INFO. and pressing [Enter] key instead of using [Add] key in 3. Numbers that can be input are 1 to
By “Addition”, although addition is executed on smallest number available, addition can be
executed in optional number by number input.

Measurement point can also be registered inputting measurement condition number and
INFO. pressing [Enter] key instead of cursor shift + [Register] key. Numbers that can be input are 1
to 999.
However, unregistered measurement conditions and measurement conditions that cannot be
used in combined measurement cannot be registered.

When to execute combined measurement, corrective amount cannot be obtained if

POINT measurement points arranged on a straight line as shown in the figure below are registered.
Do not register such measurement points.
Measurement Measurement Measurement
point 1 point 2 point 3

8.3 Measurement points

When to execute measurement registration of plural points of 4 or more points, register them
POINT so that the registration order goes round the workpiece as shown below.
Measurement point 1: feature A
Measurement point 2: feature B
Measurement point 3: feature C
Measurement point 4: feature D

Feature B

Barycenter of
Feature A four points
Feature C

Feature D
Further, when measurement points are registered in such order that three points, two
measurement points and barycenter, are arranged on a straight line, error occurs due to
measurement point trouble and corrective amount cannot be obtained.
Measurement point 1: feature A
Measurement point 2: feature B
Measurement point 3: feature D
Measurement point 4: feature C
* Corrective amount cannot be obtained because measurement points 2→3 and 4→1 are
arranged on straight lines with barycenter.

POINT Measurement points in measurement order need not be measured from smallest
measurement number in ascending order.

8.3 Measurement points

8.3.2 Edit of measurement points

Measurement conditions registered in measurement points can be edited from measurement conditions of
combined measurement. Edit in this case is executed as shown below.

1 Display setting screen for combined measurement.

2 Select [2 Measure point].

≫List of image processings already registered is displayed.

3 Select measurement point to be edited using up-down cursor key.

4 Press [Enter] key.

≫Setting screen for measurement point to be edited is displayed.

5 Execute each setting of measurement conditions.

Refer to chapters explaining each measurement condition for setting of

6 When setting ended, press [R] key.

≫Setting screen for combined measurement returns.

INFO. Measurement points can be edited by inputting measurement point numbers in 3 and
pressing [Enter] key.

8.3 Measurement points

8.3.3 Deletion of measurement points

1 Display setting screen for combined measurement.

2 Select [2 Measure point].

≫List of registered measurement points is displayed.

3 Select measurement points to be deleted using up-down cursor key.

4 Press f10[Delete point] key while pressing [Enable] key.

≫Deletion confirmation message as shown below is displayed.

5 Select [Yes], and press [Enter] key.

≫Deletion is executed.

8.4 Corrective amount calculation

8.4 Corrective amount calculation

Setting of corrective amount calculation is explained.

1 Display combined measurement setting screen.

2 Select [3 Shift] (Corrective amount calculation).

≫Corrective amount calculation setting screen is displayed.

3 Set parameters.

4 Press f12[Complete] key.

≫Setting is stored.

Table 8.4.1 Corrective amount calculation parameters of combined measurement

Item Initial value Setting range Explanation
Base coord World coord. World coord./ Coordinate as reference for corrective amount
Flange coord. calculation is selected.
2 point measure base XY plane XY plane/ Two pint measurement reference plane is selected.
YZ plane/ ( Note 1 ) Refer to “Selection of two point
ZX plane measurement reference plane” on next page for
setting method.

Min measure point 3 Disable/ Combined measurement type of standard setting

Enable parameter is used in the case of “plural point
Minimum measurement point number required for
corrective amount calculation is set.
When correction calculation is executed with
smaller number of measurement results of
measurement points that set value, error occurs.
Correction X, Y, Z 100.0 0.0∼ Limit of corrective amount is set.
limit [mm] 9999.0[mm] If corrective amount exceeding correction limit is
RX, RY, 30.0 0.0∼ detected, robot will stop due to error.
RZ [deg] 180.0[deg]
Measure point check 10.0[mm] 0.0~1000.0 The difference between the “distance between 2
[mm] measurement points” and the “distance between 2 base
positions for them” is limited by this setting value. If the
difference exceeds this value, an error is detected.
5.0[deg] 0.0~90.0 When there are 3 or more measurement points,
[deg] The difference between the “angle generated by the 3
measurement points” and the “angle generated by the 3
base positions for them” is limited by this setting value. If
the difference exceeds this value, an error is detected.

When plural point measurement is executed, corrective amount can be made calculable
INFO. even if there were unrecognizable measurement points at the time of measurement, by
reducing set value for minimum measurement point number to less than the number of
measurement points.

POINT The “Measure Point Check” is available in the vision sensor software version V02.03 or

8.4 Corrective amount calculation

About selection of two point measurement reference plane

In the case of two measurement points, corrective amount is calculated for rotational shift amount of
workpiece in accordance with setting of reference plane. Since corrective operation changes depending upon
setting of reference plane, it is necessary to select reference plane that fits objective corrective operation.
Method of selection of two point measurement reference plane is explained here.

In two point measurement, attitude of workpiece for rotational shift amount is represented by two angles of
rotation and tilt. Actual corrective operation is an operation of correcting the two angles of workpiece.

The figure below describes the take-out corrective operation of workpiece when the plane on the board
place on ground is the reference plane. Rotation of workpiece is represented by the angle of workpiece
around the axis perpendicular to the plane on board, and tilt is represented by the angle formed by the plane
on board and the two measurement points of workpiece. For such rotational shift amount of workpiece,
correction of rotation and tilt is executed to robot as shown in figure below.

Tilt correction

point 2
point 1

Rotation Tilt
Measurement reference position

Fig. 8.4.1 Corrective operation of two point measurement

For reference plane setting, reference plane is selected in accordance with corrective operation from
three planes (XY plane, YZ plane and ZX plane) represented by two axes of corrective reference coordinate
system. Therefore, when accompanied by corrective operation shown in the figure above, XY plane is
selected as reference plane since corrective reference coordinate system refers to world coordinate.

POINT When to execute corrective operation of grasped workpiece, it is necessary to select

reference plane referring to flange coordinate since corrective reference coordinate turns out
to be flange coordinate.

Corrective amount cannot be obtained when workpiece is tilted by ± 90° against reference
plane. Avoid registration with such reference plane. When it is unavoidable, consider
changing to plural point measurement of three or more points by increasing measurement

Note that erroneous setting of two point measurement reference plane may result in
unintended tool attitude in some cases. Also note that when setting is changed, corrective
movement of robot after change is different from that before change even if amount of
CAUTION displacement of workpiece is same.

8.5 Measurement point exchange

8.5 Measurement point exchange

In setting screen of combined measurement, it is necessary that the measurement condition used when
operations such as image take-in and test measurement are executed is selected from those registered in
measurement points.
Measurement point exchange for selection of measurement point is explained here.

1 Display setting screen for combined measurement.

≫Setting screen is displayed.

point number

Currently selected measurement points can be confirmed with title bar and
f12[measurement point exchange] key.
2 Press f12[Change point] key.
≫Measurement point exchange screen is displayed.

3 Select measurement point using up-down cursor key, and press [Enter] key.

4 Measurement point is exchanged.

point number

8.5 Measurement point exchange

When measurement point is not registered, functions shown below cannot be used.
POINT ・Test measurement
・Live display
・Image capture
・Full screen display

When measurement can be executed without shifting robot at all measurement points, test
POINT measurements at all measurement points can be executed collectively in measurement
point exchange screen of 2.
When all measurement points are selected, measurement point number becomes 0, and
following functions cannot be used.
・Live display
・Image capture
・Full screen display

8.6 Test measurement

8.6 Test measurement

Whether or not measurement can be correctly executed with setting of registered measurement conditions is
confirmed. Measurement result necessary for corrective amount calculation is obtained by execution of test
measurement of registered measurement positions in sequence. When measurement results of measurement
points necessary for corrective amount calculation are obtained, corrective amount can be calculated.

1 Display setting screen for combined measurement.

≫Setting screen is displayed.

2 Press F12[Change point] key, and select measurement points with which test
measurement is executed.
Refer to section for measurement point exchange for measurement point exchange.
3 At measurement points selected in 2, when robot is not at measurement
position, move to steps in which measurement positions are recorded using
[Check go/back].

By displaying status bar, program numbers, step numbers and step

INFO. accordance conditions can be confirmed.
Status bar is displayed by pressing [I/P] key of teach pendant.

4 Press f11[Test Measure] key.

≫Image is captured, and test measurement is executed.

Result of recognition result is displayed in Image display portion at left top and in
output console at right top.
5 Execute 2∼4 at all measurement points required for corrective amount

8.6 Test measurement

7 Press f11[Shift Cal.] key while pressing [Enable] key.

≫Corrective amount calculation is executed using measurement results of plural
measurement points obtained by test measurement.

Result of corrective amount calculation is displayed in output console at right top.

When setting screen for combined measurement is ended, all measurement results obtained
in test measurement are deleted. When to enter setting screen for combined measurement
and corrective amount measurement again, test measurement at each measurement point
needs to be re-executed.

When plural measurement condition results of single point measurement registered in
measurement point are obtained, measurement result with highest priority is used.

When measurement can be executed without shifting robot at all measurement points, test
POINT measurements at all measurement points can be executed collectively by selecting F10[All
measurement points] in measurement point selection screen of 2.

Corrective amount is calculated according to “corrective reference coordinate” set in
corrective amount calculation screen.

In case vision instructions (VRESET, VSTART, VSHIFT) of application instruction are

POINT recorded in robot program, error occurs when vision instructions are executed using
check-go during setting screen display for combined measurement. In such a case, it is
necessary that execution of the application instructions are inhibited by setting “not restore”
for function restoration at the time of checking of instruction-restoration conditions.

8.7 Example of teaching

8.7 Example of teaching

Example of teaching of combined measurement is explained here.

8.7.1 Example of teaching

As an example, system for taking out supplied workpiece using combined measurement as shown in the
figure below is explained.




Fig. 8.7.1 Example of take-out correction system

In this system, workpiece is taken out in accordance with position and attitude of workpiece using hand that
utilizes pin clamp cylinder. Pins at the edge of hand are inserted in the two holes at right and left of workpiece,
and workpiece is secured by clamp signal and handled. In order to improve precision of correction for such a big
workpiece combined measurement is used.

In this example, three holes (features) of workpiece is specified as three measurement points, and registered
in combined measurement condition. In order to measure three dimensional position and attitude of workpiece,
cross laser is used for measurement of each measurement point. Since three points cannot be measured in
one measurement because of measurement range of cross laser, robot shifts to measurement positions of
each camera and execute measurement as shown in the figure below.

Measurement point 2
Measurement point 3

position 3
Measurement point 1

Measurement position 2

Measurement posiion 1

Fig. 8.7.2 Measurement positions of camera

8.7 Example of teaching

What is explained here is a minimal teaching and just an example. In actual teaching,
execute teaching in accordance with specification of the whole system.

1 Place workpiece at base position for teaching.

Setting of vision sensor and teaching of workpiece take-out are executed with the
position as reference.
2 Record operation start position in step1.

3 Record clamp signal OFF instruction of hand in step 2.

4 Record measurement reset instruction (FN330:VRESET) in step 3.

Measurement condition number of combined measurement is specified as

5 Shift robot so that camera is set at measurement position 1 against

measurement point 1, and record the position (step 4).

Accuracy of this position is 1 with “P” (in-position mark).

6 Set measurement condition for cross laser measurement at this position.
Refer to chapters explaining each measurement condition for setting of cross laser
7 Record measurement start instruction (FN331:VSTART)in step 5.

Measurement condition number of combined measurement is specified as

parameter. (Combined measurement cannot be executed if measurement condition
number of cross laser measurement set in 6 is specified as parameter.)
1 is recorded as measurement point number.
10000 is recorded in evacuation step. (Error occurs due to recognition trouble)

In some cases camera may oscillate slightly at stop of shift instruction of

INFO. step 4. Correct corrective amount cannot be calculated if measurement
is executed while camera is oscillating. In such a case, record delay
instruction (FN50:DELAY) before measurement start instruction.

8 At measurement positions 2 and 3, record positions and measurement start

instructions in the same manner as in 5∼7. Set 2 and 3 for measurement point
numbers of measurement start instructions.

9 Register measurement points in measurement conditions of combined

In measurement points, measurement conditions of three registered cross laser
measurements are set.
Measurement point 1: cross laser measurement (measurement position 1)
Measurement point 2: cross laser measurement (measurement position 2)
Measurement point 3: cross laser measurement (measurement position 3)
10 Record shift amount setting instruction(FN333:VSHIFT)in step 10.

Measurement condition numbers of combined measurement are specified as parameters.

0 is specified as detection point number.
World coordinate is specified as correction reference coordinate system.

10000 is recorded in evacuation step of parameter. (Error occurs due to

recognition trouble)
11 Record vision sensor coordinate change instruction (FN342:VLOCCVT) In
step 11.

Shift register which acquired shift amount is specified in step 10.

World coordinate is specified as correction reference coordinate system.

8.7 Example of teaching

12 Record position at a small distance from insertion position with attitude of tool
that allows pins to enter holes of workpiece in step 12.

Corrective operation starts from this step.

13 Shift hand to position where pins are closer to holes of workpiece maintaining
the attitude of tool as in 12, and record the position in step 13.

14 Shift hand to position where pins are inserted in holes of workpiece, and
record the position in step 14.

15 Record hand clamp signal ON instruction in step 15

16 Record clamp finish wait instruction in step 16.

8.7 Example of teaching

17 Shift workpiece to position where it is raised, and record the position in


18 Shift workpiece to position where it is taken out, and record the position in step 18.

19 In order to end corrective operation, vision sensor coordinate change

instruction (FN342:VLOCCVT) in step 19.

Corrective operation is not executed from next shift instruction.

20 Transport program is created below.

21 Shift robot to measurement positions of each measurement point, execute test

measurement at each position, and confirm created measurement conditions.

Error occurs when vision instructions (VRESET, VSTART, VSHIFT)

INFO. are executed using check-go during setting screen display for combined
measurement. In such a case, it is necessary that execution of the
application instructions are inhibited by setting “not restore” for function
restoration at the time of checking of instruction-restoration conditions.

Fig. 8.7.3 Example of robot program for workpiece take-out

8.7 Example of teaching

8.7.2 Other example of teaching

■Corrective operation of placing of grasped workpiece

In this system, corrective operation of workpiece placing in accordance with position and rotation of
workpiece grasped by robot hand is executed. Because workpiece is big in size, combined measurement is
used to measure features of both edges of workpiece.

Fixed camera

Suction hand

Measurement point 1

Measurement point 2

Fig. 8.7.4 Example of corrective system for placing of grasped workpiece

Two holes (features) of workpiece are measurement points. Robot shifts workpiece to positions where fixed
camera can measure holes in measurement points of workpiece and executes measurement. Two-dimensional
single point measurement is used for measurement of holes of workpiece, and the results are registered in
measurement points of combined measurement conditions. Combined measurement of two points is executed
under this measurement condition.

Program flow of the operation is shown below.

Shift to measurement operation start position

Shift of workpiece to measurement position of measurement point 1

First point of combined measurement: two-dimensional

Shift of workpiece to measurement position of measurement point 2

Second point of combined measurement: two-dimensional measurement

Corrective amount calculation

Start of correction of combined measurement reult

Workpiece placing operation

End of correction of combined measurement reult

Visual sensor instruction
Shift to operation end position Correction (shift)instruction

Fig. 8.7.5 Operation program flow

In order to execute corrective amount calculation of grasped workpiece, specify flange

coordinate as corrective reference coordinate system specified in FN333:VSHIFT. Also
specify flange coordinate as corrective reference coordinate set in corrective amount
calculation screen of combined measurement condition.

8.7 Example of teaching

■Workpiece take-out correction by plural cameras

In this system, corrective operation of workpiece take-out is executed in accordance with position and rotation
of workpiece. In order to shorten cycle time, combined measurement using two fixed cameras is executed,
instead of combined measurement using one hand camera to measure measurement points sequentially.

Fixed camera

Fixed camera

Measurement point 2


Measurement point 1

Fig. 8.7.6 Example of correction system of workpiece take-out using plural cameras

Two features at both edges of workpiece are used as measurement points. Two-dimensional single point
measurement is used for measurement of features and registered in measurement points of combined
measurement condition. Combined measurement of the two points is executed under this measurement

Program flow of the operation is as shown below.

Shift to operation start position

Combined measurement (all measurement points): two-dimensional measurement

Corrective amount calculation

Start of correction of combined measurement result

Workpiece take-out operation

End of correction of combined measurement result

Workpiece placing operation

Visual sensor instruction

Shift to operation end position Correction (shift) operation

Fig. 8.7.7 Operation program flow

Since measurement is executed at two measurement points with two separate cameras,
POINT measurement at all allowance positions can be executed by one measurement instruction.
In order to do this, record 0 (all measurement positions) as measurement point number
specified in FN331:VSTART. Further, also in test measurement, test measurement of all
measurement points can be executed as a whole by specifying 0 for measurement point
number (all measurement points).

8.7 Example of teaching

■Combined measurement of plural points using minimum number of measurement points

In this system, workpiece is taken out in accordance with position and rotation of workpiece with hand that
uses internal gripping mechanism. In this example, corrective operation can be executed if more measurement
points than minimum number of measurement points are recognized, even when there are measurement points
with which features are undetectable due to adverse measurement environment or condition of workpiece.
Refer to section for corrective amount calculation for parameter setting of minimum measurement point



Measurement point 1
Measurement point 6
Measurement point 2

Measurement point3
Measurement point 5


Mesurement point 4

Fig. 8.7.8 Example of combined measurement system using minimum measurement point number
In this case, six holes (features) of workpiece are measurement points. Robot moves camera to its measurement
positions for corresponding measurement points to execute measurement. Cross laser measurement is used for
measurement of holes of workpiece, and registration is executed in measurement points of combined measurement
condition. Combined measurement of six points is executed under this measurement condition.

When to register four or more measurement points, it is necessary to register measurement

POINT points in the order around workpiece as shown in the figure below. When they were registered
otherwise, error due to measurement point trouble may occur in execution of FN333:VSHIFT.

Measurement point 1

Measurement point 6
Measurement point 2

Measurement point 5

Measurement point 3

Measurement point 4

For example, when minimum measurement point number is set to be four, corrective operation
POINT can be executed even if recognition trouble occurred in two measurement points out of six. In
that case, record next step for evacuation step specified by FN331:VSTART . When corrective
amount cannot be obtained because, for example, number of measurement result does not
satisfy minimum measurement point number, error is detected in FN333:VSHIFT. In order to
end operation program as an error, set 10000 in evacuation step. In order to execute retrial,
record desired evacuation step.

9 Hardware

In this chapter, setup and maintenance procedure of hardware are explained

for users of vision sensor functions.
Use this when to change system configuration after delivery, for example.

9.1 System configuration ..................................................................................9-1

9.1.1 Vision sensor unit..................................................................................9-1
9.1.2 CPU board ............................................................................................9-2
9.1.3 Image input board .................................................................................9-4
9.2 Connection..................................................................................................9-5
9.2.1 Connection of camera ...........................................................................9-5
9.2.2 Setting of camera..................................................................................9-6
9.2.3 Connection of input and output signals .................................................9-8
9.2.4 Input signal connector CNIN .................................................................9-8
9.2.5 Output signal connector CNOUT1, CNOUT2, power connector CNP249-9
9.3 Replacement procedure ...........................................................................9-12
9.3.1 Replacement of CPU board ................................................................9-12
9.3.2 Replacement of image input board .....................................................9-13
9.3.3 Replacement of battery .......................................................................9-14
9.4 Maintenance parts ....................................................................................9-15
9.4.1 List of maintenance parts ....................................................................9-15
9.1System configuration

9.1 System configuration

Basic configuration of vision system is explained.

9.1.1 Vision sensor unit

A CPU board (R0461) and an image input board (UM345) are inserted in a vision sensor unit rack.

CPU board Image input board

Fig. 9.1.1 Vision sensor unit

9.1System configuration

9.1.2 CPU board

A CPU board communicates with and controls image processing, user IF and robot control unit.

・Microprocessor and surrounding circuits
・Fixed disk I/F (IDE)
・PCI bus
・Compact flash card (for storage of systems and operation programs)
・USB interface (for external storage)

Fig. 9.1.2 Appearance of CPU board

9.1System configuration

Table 9.1.1 CPU board connectors

Function Connection
CN2 RS232C Unconnected
CN4 USB Unconnected
CN7 VGA Unconnected
CNUSB2 USB USB dongle for software license is connected.
CNUSB3 USB Unconnected
CN11 Key board Unconnected
CN12 LAN Cable for communication with robot control CPU is connected.
CNCF IDE signal A CF card is attached to store the image processing system
software, measurement conditions etc.

About battery:
A battery (CR14250SE-CN16) for built-in clock is mounted on a CPU board. Exchange the
battery periodically once in 5 years.

9.1System configuration

9.1.3 Image input board

An image input board (UM345) controls camera and controls input and output signals for lighting, laser unit,
trigger, etc.

・Image input
・Input and output control

Fig. 9.1.3 Appearance of image input board

Table 9.1.2 Connectors for image input board

Function Connection
CNIN Digital input signal External trigger input or general-purpose input signal
CNOUT1 Digital output signal Strobe output or general-purpose output signal (control of lighting
and laser unit)
CNOUT2 Digital output signal General-purpose output signal (control of lighting and laser unit)
CNP24 24V power input Power connector for input-output signal
CN1~4 Camera signal Wiring is given down to sides of control apparatus.


9.2 Connection
General method of hardware connection for construction of vision systems is explained.

9.2.1 Connection of camera

Up to four cameras can be connected. Connectors for camera connection are allocated on the side of a
control apparatus. They are for cameras 1, 2, 3, and 4 from right to left.

Camera 1 Camera 3

Camera 2 Camera 4

Fig. 7.2.1 Camera connection connectors (right side of controller)

Fig. 9.2.2 Camera connection connector (pin arrangement in side view of the controller)

Table 9.2.1 Connectors of image input board

Pin Remark
2 12V
4 Image output
6 HD output Horizontal synchronization
7 VD output Vertical synchronization
8 - Unconnected
9 - Unconnected
10 WEN input
11 Trigger output External trigger shutter
12 GND

Use cables for camera connection specified by us. Use of unspecified cables will cause
troubles with image input boards.


9.2.2 Setting of camera

Set switches on back side of camera as shown in the list.

Use cameras specified by us. Use of unspecified cameras will cause troubles with cameras
and image input boards.

Carry out camera switch setting with power turned off. Setting with power turned on will
cause troubles with cameras.

Fig. 9.2.3 Rear view of Sony’s cameras

Table 9.2.2 Switch setting of Sony’s cameras

XC-HR50 Function XC-ES51 Function


VCC-G20V30AS VCC-G20S20A / VCC-G20U20A

Fig. 9.2.4 Rear view of CIS7s cameras

Table 9.2.3 Switch setting of CIS’s cameras

Switch VCC-G20V VCC-G20E VCC-G VCC-G20
Function Function Function Function
number 30AS 20AS 20S20A U20A
1 OFF Shutter OFF E3 OFF Shutter OFF Shutter
2 OFF Shutter OFF E2 OFF Shutter OFF Shutter
3 OFF Shutter OFF E1 OFF Shutter OFF Shutter
4 OFF Shutter OFF E0 ON Mode1 ON Mode1
5 ON Mode1 OFF Mode1 ON Mode0 ON Mode0
6 ON Mode0 OFF Mode2 OFF Scan1 OFF Scan1
7 OFF Scan1 OFF FRM/FLD OFF Scan0 OFF Scan0
8 OFF Scan0 OFF Gain OFF Gain OFF Gain
9 ON 75Ω ON 75Ω OFF ScanEn OFF ScanEn


9.2.3 Connection of input and output signals

Image input board UM345 can connect 8 input signals and 16 output signals.

9.2.4 Input signal connector CNIN

Eight DC24V input signals are installed in a vision sensor unit.

•Counterpart connector
•When to use external power unit, use one with specification shown below.
External power specification: DC+24V±10%

•Power specification for one input circuit is shown below.

Input impedance: ca. 3KΩ
Input power: 8mA

Table 9.2.4 List of input signals

Connector pin Signal name Function allocated as initial value
number (Function settable by allocation)
B1 IN1 Input signal 1(external trigger of camera 1 by allocation)
A1 Common Common of IN1
B2 IN2 Input signal 2(external trigger of camera 2 by allocation)
A2 Common Common of IN2
B3 IN3 Input signal 3(external trigger of camera 3 by allocation)
A3 Common Common of IN3
B4 IN4 Input signal 4(external trigger of camera 4 by allocation)
A4 Common Common of IN4
B5 IN5 Input signal 5(external trigger of camera 5 by allocation)
A5 Common Common of IN5
B6 IN6 Input signal 6(external trigger of camera 6 by allocation)
A6 Common Common of IN6
B7 IN7 Input signal 7(external trigger of camera 7 by allocation)
A7 Common Common of IN7
B8 IN8 Input signal 8(external trigger of camera 8 by allocation)
A8 Common Common of IN8
Cameras 5∼8 will become usable by expansion in the future.

Example of input circuit


Relay contact, etc.


External power

Fig. 9.2.5 Example of input circuit


9.2.5 Output signal connector CNOUT1, CNOUT2, power connector CNP24

In vision sensor unit, 16 DC24V output signals are installed.

•Counterpart connectors
CNP24 J21DF-06V-KX (JST)

•When to use external power unit, use one with specification shown below.
External power specification: DC+24V±10%

• Do not mistake polarity of power in connection.

•Specification of internal power unit is shown below.

Suppliable capacity: DC+24V, 0.8A

•Power specification for one output circuit is shown below. Be sure to use it within rating.
Rated switching capacity: DC24V±3V, 0.1A

• Be sure to use surge absorption diode for inductive load.

• Commons containing 8 output circuit units are independent so that power can also be separated.
Output signal Power
OUT1∼OUT8 Power A
OUT9∼OUT16 Power B

Table 9.2.5 List of output signals (CNOUT1)

Connector pin Signal name Function allocated as initial value
number (Function settable by allocation)
A1 P1 24V power
B1 P1 Supplied from connector CNP24
A2 P1
B2 P1
A3 M1 Power GND
B3 M1 Supplied from connector CNP24
A4 M1
B4 M1
A5 Common Common for output signals 1∼8
B5 OUT1 General-purpose output signal 1 (camera 1 strobe output)
A6 OUT2 General-purpose output signal 2 (camera 2 strobe output)
B6 Common Common for output signals 1∼8
A7 OUT3 General-purpose output signal 3 (camera 3 strobe output)
B7 OUT4 General-purpose output signal 4 (camera 4 strobe output)
A8 Common Common for output signals 1∼8
B8 OUT5 General-purpose output signal 5 (camera 5 strobe output)
A9 OUT6 General-purpose output signal 6 (camera 6 strobe output)
B9 Common Common for output signals 1∼8
A10 OUT7 General-purpose output signal 7 (camera 7 strobe output)
B10 OUT8 General-purpose output signal 8 (camera 8 strobe output)
Cameras 5∼8 will become usable by expansion in the future.


Table 9.2.6 List of output signals (CNOUT2)

Connector pin Signal name
Function allocated as initial value
A1 P1 24V power
B1 P1 Supplied from connector CNP24
A2 P1
B2 P1
A3 M1 Power GND
B3 M1 Supplied from connector CNP24
A4 M1
B4 M1
A5 Common Common for output signals 9~16
B5 OUT9 General-purpose output signal 9
A6 OUT10 General-purpose output signal 10
B6 Common Common for output signals 9~16
A7 OUT11 General-purpose output signal 11
B7 OUT12 General-purpose output signal 12
A8 Common Common for output signals 9~16
B8 OUT13 General-purpose output signal 13
A9 OUT14 General-purpose output signal 14
B9 Common Common for output signals 9~16
A10 OUT15 General-purpose output signal 15
B10 OUT16 General-purpose output signal 16

Table 9.2.7 Power connector (CNP24)

Connector pin Signal name
Allocated function
A1 P1 24V power
B1 P1 24V power
A2 Unconnected
B2 Unconnected
A3 M1 24V power GND
B3 M1 24V power GND


Exqam ple of out put circuit

Rel ay, etc.

Surge ab so rption OUT*




A1, B1, A2, B2 p ins

A3, B3, A4, B4 p ins

External power A3, B3 pins
A1, B1 pins
DC+24 V

Visual appar atus side

Fig. 9.2.6 Example of output circuit connection

9.3Replacement procedure

9.3 Replacement procedure

Method of board exchange for vision sensor unit is explained.

9.3.1 Replacement of CPU board

Method of disinstallation
1 Disconnect all connectors (CN12, CNUSB2) connected to CPU board.
2 Remove screws fixing CPU board at two positions at top and bottom.
3 Draw and take out CPU board.
4 Remove system CF card from card slot on the CPU board.

Method of installation
1 Fix removed system CF card on card slot (CNCF) of new CPU board.
2 Insert new CPU board in CPU unit, and fix the board with screws at two positions at top and bottom.
3 Connect all connectors.
4 Turn power of controller on, and fully confirm operation.

Screws for
fixing CPU

Fig. 9.3.1 Exchange of CPU board (vision sensor unit)

9.3Replacement procedure

9.3.2 Replacement of image input board

Method of disinstallation
1 Disconnect all connectors connected to board.
2 Remove screws fixing board at two positions at top and bottom.
3 Draw and take out board.

Method of installation
1 Insert new board along board guide rail of board rack, and fix the board with screws at two positions at
top and bottom.
2 Connect all connectors.
3 Turn power of controller on, and fully confirm operation.

Screws for fixing

image input board

Fig. 9.3.2 Exchange of image input board

9.3Replacement procedure

9.3.3 Replacement of battery

Confirm that primary power is turned off, and execute operation after more than 5 minutes have passed.
Electric charge remains in board and electrolytic capacitor.

Exchange battery periodically once in 5 years. When battery (CR14250SE-CN16) is

exchanged, reset date and time. When reset is failed, automatic backup function, etc.
may not work correctly in some cases due to incorrect date setting.

Method of disinstallation
(1)Take out CPU board following “9.3.1 exchange of CPU board”.
(2) Remove battery (CR14250SE-CN16) of CPU board.

Method of installation
(1) Mount battery (CR14250SE-CN16) on CPU board.
(2) Install CPU board following “9.3.1 exchange of CPU board”.


9.4Maintenance parts

9.4 Maintenance parts

9.4.1 List of maintenance parts

Recommended maintenance parts are controlled by classifying by life and use frequency in two classes, A
and B.

◆ Maintenance parts A: key maintenance parts to be prepared for daily maintenance and inspection
・A-1 Important backup parts
・A-2 Periodical exchange parts

◆ Maintenance parts B: maintenance parts to be prepared at the time of plural unit purchasing
・B-1 Parts cordially asked to purchase from Fujikoshi

We recommend preparing at least one set of A-1 and A-2 described above, since they are important parts
minimum required for maintaining ordinary operation.
Further, pay attention to following points in maintenance of printed boards, since highly reliable ones are used.

◆ Maintenance temperature -10∼+50 °C

For long term storage, 25±10°°C is recommended for maintenance of reliability. Further, avoid rapid
temperature change (>10°C/hr).

∼85 % RH
◆ Maintenance humidity 20∼
∼65 % is recommended for maintenance of reliability. Further, avoid storage
For long term storage, 45∼
under conditions prone to bedewing and mold growth.

◆ Prevention of static electricity

When stored under extremely dry condition, parts are prone to electrification, and semiconductors may
be damaged by the impact of discharge. Store parts in anti-static bags.

◆ Other ambient conditions

Store parts in atmosphere without emission of toxic gases and with minimum dust. Do not apply load
during storage.

9.4Maintenance parts

Table 9.4.1 Key backup parts

No. Item name Type Maker Note
1 Printed board R04601 Fujikoshi 1 CPU board
2 Printed board UM345-10 Fujikoshi 1 Image input board

Table 9.4.2 A-2 Parts for periodical exchange

No. Item name Type Maker Recommended quantity Note
1 Battery CR14250SE-CN16 Fujikoshi 1 For CPU board

Table 9.4.3 B-1 Parts asked to purchase from Fujikoshi

No. Item name Type Maker Note
16783-12P**RT-S/1 (**: cable length)
1 Camera cable Example : 5 m Fujikoshi 1
camera cable

Note1 Regardless of operating time, replace the battery once every 5 years.
Note2 On January 1, 2009, for revision of the UN Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, Model
Regulations-15th edition, Transportation regulation of Lithium battery is partially revised.
When you transport the Lithium battery by air, transport it according to providing items of the newest ICAO-TI and IMDG
Code of IMO

10 System setting

In this chapter, parameter setting of vision sensor system such as camera type
setting is explained.

10.1 Vision sensor constant............................................................................10-1

10.1.1 Vision sensor constant setting...........................................................10-1
10.2 License ...................................................................................................10-2
10.2.1 Import of license................................................................................10-2
10.2.2 Export of license ...............................................................................10-5
10.3 Setting of vision sensor unit ....................................................................10-7
10.3.1 Camera setting..................................................................................10-7
10.3.2 Signal setting ....................................................................................10-8
10.3.3 Communication setting ...................................................................10-10
10.3.4 Date and time setting ......................................................................10-12
10.1Vision sensor constant

10.1 Vision sensor constant

Constant setting for using vision sensor function is explained here.

10.1.1 Vision sensor constant setting

In vision sensor constant, Enable/Disable of vision sensor function and communication setting with vision
sensor unit are executed.
Ethernet communication is used in connection of CPU unit of the robot controller and vision sensor unit. It is
necessary that communication setting is executed in accordance with setting of vision sensor unit that is used.
This operation requires operator qualification of EXPERT or higher. Depending upon parameters to be set,
operator qualification of Specialist or higher is required.

1 Select teaching mode.

2 Press [Constant setting] key.

≫Constant screen is displayed.

3 Select [31 Vision sensor], and press [Enter] key.

≫Vision sensor constant setting screen is displayed.
When operator qualification is EXPERT

When operator qualification is SPECIALIST

When [Type 1] is displayed in title bar, vision sensor type is different.

POINT Execute exchange of vision sensor type.

4 Execute parameter setting.

5 Press f12[Complete] key.

≫Content of edit is stored.

In order to cancel edit, press [R] key.

POINT IP address of vision sensor unit and IP address of CPU unit shall be setting in the same

Table 10.1.1 Vision sensor constant parameters

Item Initial value Setting range Explanation
Vision sensor Disable Disable/Enable Disable/Enable of vision sensor function is set.
IP port number 51202 0∼65535 IP port number for communication of vision sensor unit
is set. Do not change it so far as it does not compete
with other functions.
Communication 5.0 0.00 to 180.00 Responding timeout time of communication of vision
Timeout [sec] sensor unit is set.
IP address of 0∼255 IP address of vision sensor unite is set.
vision If there is an error in the setting, setting of vision sensor
unit becomes impossible.


10.2 License
License is required for using vision sensor functions.
License is controlled by USB dongle for connection to USB port and license file containing dongle information
used. License file is stored in system CF of vision sensor unit. Operation of storing license file in system CF is
called import. Operation of acquisition (backup) of license file from system CF is called export.

License ID

Fig. 10.2.1 USB dongle

10.2.1 Import of license

Method of import of license is explained.
In order to execute import of license, it is necessary that vision sensor function is “Enable” and communication
setting is correctly executed. Further, operator qualification of SPECIALIST is required.

1 Create license folder in route of USB memory (RC Ex. Mem).

License folder corresponding to USB dongle to be connected is stored in this
Use small letters for all license strings of license folder and license file name.

License ID enters in xxx.

In delivery, license ID is used for license name. Because license ID is pasted in the
dongle used, confirm they are coincident.


2 Turn power for robot control unit OFF, and open door.
Mount the USB memory to the CNUSB2 or CNUSB3 on the CPU board.
The CPU board is mounted in the rack unit of the controller.
Pay attention to the direction of theUSB memory when inserting it. The USB memory
cannot be inserted to the port in wrong direction.

Front (Internal) ラックユニット拡大図
Enlarged rack unit diagram
Rack unit CPU CPU基板
Board CNUSB3

USB Memory

There are 2 USB ports in the CPU board. The USB memory will work
irrespective of which USB port it is connected to. However, do not connect 2
IMPORTANT USB memories at the same time.

3 Close door of controller, and turn power on.

4 Raise operator level to SPECIALIST.

5 Select Teach mode.

6 Select [Constant][31 Vision sensor].

≫Vision sensor constant setting screen is displayed.

7 Press f8[License Import] key.

≫Following message is displayed.

8 Select [Yes], and press [Enter] key.

≫Import of license file starts.

When [No] is selected, import operation is cancelled.


9 When import ended, following message is displayed.

10 Press [Enter] key.

11 End vision sensor constant setting screen by [R] key.

When communication with vision sensor failed, following message is displayed and import is
POINT not possible.
“Connection to vision sensor failed.”
Confirm communication setting and network and retry.

When USB memory (RC Ex.Mem) is not inserted or license file does not exist in specified
POINT folder, following message is displayed and import is not possible.
“Import is not possible because license file does not exist in external storage media.”
Confirm the USB memory (RC Ex. Mem), and retry.

When correct license file corresponding to vision sensor was not imported, following
POINT message is displayed.
“License trouble of vision sensor was detected. Confirm license file.”
Confirm license file and dongle, and retry.


10.2.2 Export of license

Method of export of license is explained.
In order to execute export of license, it is necessary that vision sensor function is “Enable” and communication
setting is correctly executed. Further, operator class of SPECIALIST is required.

POINT In order to be prepared to break down of system CF, backup of license file by this operation
is recommended.

1 Turn power for robot control unit OFF, and open door.
Mount the USB memory to the CNUSB2 or CNUSB3 on the CPU board.
The CPU board is mounted in the rack unit of the controller.
Pay attention to the direction of theUSB memory when inserting it. The USB memory
cannot be inserted to the port in wrong direction.

Front (Internal) ラックユニット拡大図
Enlarged rack unit diagram
Rack unit CPU CPU基板
Board CNUSB3

USB Memory

There are 2 USB ports in the CPU board. The USB memory will work
irrespective of which USB port it is connected to. However, do not connect 2
IMPORTANT USB memories at the same time.

2 Close door of controller, and turn power on.

3 Change the operator class to SPECIALIST.

4 Select Teach mode.

5 Select [Constant Setting][31 Vision sensor].

≫Vision sensor constant setting screen is displayed.


6 Press f8[License Export] key while pressing [Enable] key.

≫Following message is displayed.

7 Select [Yes], and press [Enter] key.

≫Export of license file starts.

When [No] is selected, export operation is cancelled.

8 When export ended, following message is displayed.

9 Press [Enter] key.

10 End vision sensor constant screen with [R] key.

Exported license file is stored in license folder as shown below.


This can be exported as it is.

When communication with vision sensor failed, following message is displayed and export is
POINT not possible.
“Connection to vision sensor failed.”
Confirm communication setting and network and retry.

When the USB memory (RC Ex. Mem) is not inserted, following message is displayed and
POINT export is not possible.
“RC Ex. Mem is not inserted.”
Confirm if the USB memory (RC EX. Mem) is correctly inserted, and retry.

10.3Setting of vision sensor unit

10.3 Setting of vision sensor unit

System setting of vision sensor unit is explained.

10.3.1 Camera setting

Setting concerning camera and lens is executed.

1 Operator qualification shall be EXPERT or higher.

2 Select teaching mode.

Vision sensor setting screen can be displayed in teaching mode only.

3 Select [Service][31 Vision sensor] [1 Vision sensor setting][3 System setting].

≫System setting screen is displayed.

4 Select [1 camera setting].

≫Camera setting screen is displayed.

5 Select camera type.

6 Select whether installed type is hand camera or fixed camera.

7 Set focal length of lens mounted on camera.

8 When setting ended, press f12[Complete] key.

≫Content of edit is stored.
In order to cancel edit, press [R] key.

When camera setting is changed, already registered calibration and measurement condition
may not function correctly.
IMPORTANT Pay full attention, since erroneous action is possible as the result.

10.3Setting of vision sensor unit

10.3.2 Signal setting

Allocation of output signal port and setting of output port characteristics are executed.

1 Operator qualification shall be EXPERT or higher.

2 Select teaching mode.

Vision sensor setting screen can be displayed in teaching mode only.

3 Select [Service][31 Vision sensor] [1 Vision sensor setting][3 System setting].

≫System setting screen is displayed.

4 Select [2 signal setting].

≫Signal setting screen is displayed.

5 Allocate signal output port to lighting and laser unit.

6 Display page 2 with f9 and f10 keys.

≫Following screen is displayed.

7 Set signal logics, delay times and whether or not to use strobe of output ports
When there is delay time after signal is turned on until lighting or laser is actually lit,
larger value than the delay time is set as delay time. Delay time is set in msec unit.
When strobe is set as “use”, signal turns on synchronized with trigger signal of
camera. Output ports 1∼8 correspond to trigger signals of cameras 1∼8 respectively.

10.3Setting of vision sensor unit

8 Display second page using f9 and f10 keys.

≫Following screen is displayed.

9 Set signal logics and delay times of output ports 9∼16 are set.

10 When setting finished, press f12[Complete] key.

≫Content of edit is stored.
In order to cancel edit, press [R] key.

ON/OFF test of lighting and laser can be carried out in signal setting screen.
INFO. Move cursor to portion allocated to tested lighting or laser in page 1 of allocation screen.

Here, by pressing + , signal turns on where cursor is. By pressing +

, the signal turns off. Since the operation is executed using the data stored in file,
operation reflecting conditions during editing before input cannot be executed.

POINT Duplicate signal numbers cannot be set.

Be sure to allocate different numbers.

10.3Setting of vision sensor unit

10.3.3 Communication setting

Communication setting of vision sensor unit is explained.

POINT Now in case of FD controller, GigE camera is not supported.

When using analog camera, it is not necessary to make settings for GigE camera port.

1 Operator qualification shall be EXPERT or higher.

2 Select teaching mode.

Vision sensor setting screen can be displayed in teaching mode only.

3 Select [Service][31 Vision sensor] [1 Vision sensor setting][3 System setting].

≫System setting screen is displayed.

4 [Select [3 Communication].
≫Communication setting screen is displayed.

These parameters are not used in FD

(GigE camera is not supported)

5 Set each communication setting parameter.

6 Press f12[Complete] key.

≫Content of edit is displayed.
In order to cancel edit, press [R] key.

When communication setting is changed, communication with vision sensor becomes

POINT impossible and measurement and measurement condition setting may become impossible.
Be sure to record content of setting change.

POINT Content of communication setting change is reflected after restoring power.

Set subnet mask and default gateway in accordance with setting of <Constant Setting> - [8
POINT Communication] [2 Ethernet] [TCP/IP].
Set IP addresses and IP port numbers so that their numbers are in accordance with IP port
numbers of <Constant Setting> - [31 Vision sensor].

10.3Setting of vision sensor unit

Make the setting so that the robot controller and the vision sensor belong to the identical
network. But, IP addresses with same numbers cannot be set on the same network. Be sure
IMPORTANT to use different numbers for all.

Setting example
Communication port IP address Subnet mask Default gateway
Robot controller
Vision sensor

Table 10.3.1 Communication setting parameters

Category Item Initial setting Range Description
Vision IP address 0~255 Set the IP address of the vision sensor unit. If
sensor this setting is not correct, it becomes impossible
communication to make settings for the vision sensor.
setting Subnet mask 0~255 Set the subnet mask.
Default gateway 0~255 Set the default gateway.
IP port No. 51202 0~65535 This is the IP port number for the communication
of the vision sensor unit. Do not change this
setting unless the other functions is not using
this number.
GigE IP Address 0~255 IP address of the camera port 1 for GigE.
camera Subnet mask 0~255 Subnet mask of the camera port 1 for GigE.
port 1 Default gateway 0~255 Default gateway of the camera port 1 for GigE.
GigE IP Address 0~255 IP address of the camera port 2 for GigE.
camera Subnet mask 0~255 Subnet mask of the camera port 2 for GigE.
port 2 Default gateway 0~255 Default gateway of the camera port 2 for GigE.

GigEGigE カメラポート1
camera port1

GigE camera
GigE port2

CPU board Image input board

GigE camera ports on the CPU board

10.3Setting of vision sensor unit

10.3.4 Date and time setting

Method of setting date and time of vision sensor unit is explained.

1 Operator qualification shall be EXPERT or higher.

2 Select Teach mode.

Vision sensor setting screen can be displayed in teaching mode only.

3 Select <Service Utilities> - [31 Vision sensor] [1 Vision sensor setting] [3

System setting].
≫System setting screen is displayed.

4 Select [4 Date and Time].

≫Date and time setting screen is displayed.

5 Set date and time.

6 Press f12[Complete] key.

≫Content of edit is stored.
In order to cancel edit, press [R] key.

11 Troubleshooting

In this chapter, method of handling troubles that occur in using vision sensor
functions is explained.
11.1 Robot controller error codes................................................................... 11-1
11.2 Vision sensor error ................................................................................. 11-2
11.3 Troubleshooting...................................................................................... 11-6
11.3.1 Connection failure with vision sensor ......................................... 11-6
11.3.2 Communication setting of vision sensor alone ........................... 11-7
11.3.3 License trouble........................................................................... 11-9
11.3.4 Camera mounting position was changed ................................. 11-10
11.3.5 Hardware-related troubles........................................................ 11-10
11.1Robot controller error codes

11.1 Robot controller error codes

Vision sensor-related errors that occur in this controllers and handling methods are explained. Errors that are
not classified by error numbers occur during teaching only, and do not occur during playing of operation
programs. Read contents displayed in confirmation messages and handle the errors.

Table 11.1.1 List of this controller-related errors

Trouble message Content Handling
Vision sensor Internal error in the vision sensor Reapply main power.
A2570 communication data system was detected.
Vision sensor Vision sensor could not recognize Confirm object of measurement
recognition error the measure object on camera image.
(1) Confirm that object of
measurement can be seen
within search area.
(2) Review measurement
environment such as lighting,
camera, lens, etc.
(3) Review setting of lower
limit, contrast, model, etc.
Vision sensor shift The measure object isn't within shift (1) Confirm that object of
error area or vision sensor could not measurement is not placed in
recognize the measure object wrong position.
A2573 (2) Enter [Measurement
condition][Correction amount
calculation], and change
correction limit value.
Vision sensor It takes time to process the vision (1) Enter [Constant][vision
returns no answer sensor too much sensor], and confirm
communication setting with
vision sensor.
(2) Confirm that LAN cable
access lamp is lit.
Visual sensor
unit CPU board
LAN connector

LAN cable access lamp

When it is not lit, confirm if LAN

cable between controller and
vision sensor is connected
(3) Reapply main power.
A multiple The measurement had been Confirm trigger number with
A2589 measurement executed again before the VSTART parameter.
happened measurement was completed.

11.2Vision sensor error

11.2 Vision sensor error

Errors detected in vision sensor unit are explained. List of error messages that occur is shown below. These
errors are stored in error log of vision sensor.

Table 11.2.1 List of vision sensor errors

Error code Trouble message Content Handling
Failed to open UM345 could not be (1) Confirm if UM345is correctly
camera port. recognized when power was inserted.
applied or camera setting (2) Confirm if CPU board of vision
was changed. sensor is correctly inserted.
Auto exposure Image capture was executed Enter [Measurement condition
parameter error. without setting of parameters setting screen][Exposure condition],
shown below when and execute setting of automatic
automatic exposure was exposure reference area.
E1002 “valid”.
1. Automatic exposure
reference value
2. Automatic exposure
reference area
Can't acquire image Image capture was executed Enter [Vision sensor setting
E1003 because the camera on camera for which camera screen][System setting][Camera
is not registered. setting was not executed. setting], and confirm camera setting.
Image acquisition is Image capture did not end (1) Confirm exposure time.
timeout. within set image capture (2) Elongate image capture timeout
E1004 timeout time. time.
(3) Confirm if connected camera
and camera setting are in accord.
Image acquisition by Image capture did not end (1) Confirm and correct reference
auto exposure is within set image capture area and reference value of
timeout. timeout time when automatic automatic exposure.
E1005 exposure was “valid”. (2) Elongate image capture timeout
(3) Confirm if connected camera
and camera setting are in accord.
No run vision function VRESET, VSTART or Execute vision instruction after end
during vision sensor VSHIFT was executed from of vision sensor setting.
setting. robot during vision sensor
No run vision function VRESET, VSTART or Refer to troubleshooting 5.3.2
because of license VSHIFT was executed from
error. robot under license trouble
No run vision function VRESET, VSTART or (1) Reapply power.
because of CPU VSHIFT was executed from (2) Exchange CPU board of vision
E2002 thermal error. robot under CPU sensor.
temperature trouble
Fail to load measure Loading of specified Review parameters of numbers of
condition. measurement condition measurement conditions under
failed during execution of which trouble occurred.
Can't load measure Specified measurement Confirm measurement condition
condition because of condition data is missing number in VSTART parameter.
no registration when VSTART is executed.
Can't run measure Calibration corresponding to Enter [Measurement condition
because of no specified measurement setting screen][Basic setting], and
registration of condition number is missing set number of corresponding
calibration. when VSTART is executed. calibration type in measurement
Can't run measure Calibration type condition menu of vision sensor
because of corresponding to specified setting.
E2010 calibration type error. measurement condition
number was missing when
VSTART was executed.

11.2Vision sensor error

Error code Trouble message Content Handling

Can't run measure Image capture failed during Confirm details, since errors during
E2011 because of fail to execution of VSTART. image capture occur simultaneously
acquire image. when this error occurs.
Can't run measure Image processing data of (1) Confirm with parameters of
because of no specified measurement VSTART that correct measurement
registration of image condition are missing when condition number and image
processing. VSTART is executed. processing number are set.
(2) Confirm that set measurement
condition number and image
processing number are correctly
Can't run measure There was a trouble in Enter [Measurement condition
because of condition specified measurement setting screen], and confirm each
parameter error. condition parameter when parameter.
E2013 VSTART was executed. ※Confirm if image priority order and
detection priority order
corresponding to registered image
processing are set.
Can't run measure There was a trouble in Confirm that model registration is
because of image specified Image processing executed in the case of rotation
process parameter parameter when VSTART search.
error. was executed.
Fail to measure. Measurement failed because (1) Confirm that object of
feature of model was not measurement is visible in search
found in search area when area.
VSTART was executed. (2) Review measurement
environment such as lighting,
camera, lens, etc.
(3) Review setting of lower limit,
contrast, model, etc.
No found laser slit Cross laser could not (1) Confirm that object is irradiated
line. recognized when VSTART with cross laser in search area.
was executed. (2) Review measurement
E2017 environment such as laser
designator, camera, lens, etc.
(3) Review setting such as
minimum area, size, etc. of part.
No found plane by Cross laser plane could not
E2018 cross laser. This be calculated when VSTART
measure failed. was executed.
No get shift value Reference position (1) Confirm that workpiece is not
because of no corresponding to specified erroneously recognized.
registration of base image processing number is (2) Confirm that correct
position. not registered when VSTART measurement condition number and
is executed. image processing number are
registered by parameters of
(3) Enter [image processing setting
screen][Reference position setting],
and register reference position.
Shift limit over. Corrective amount (1) Confirm that correct
calculated for specified measurement condition number and
measurement condition is image processing number are
over limit value when registered by parameters of
VSHIFT is executed. VSHIFT.
(2) Confirm recognition result and
change limit value of corrective
amount, if necessary.
Fail to measure. (Low Point of model found in Review Setting such as recognition
score) search area did not reach lower limit value, pass lower limit
E2033 lower limit value of value, contrast, model, etc.
recognition when VSTART
was executed.

11.2Vision sensor error

Error code Trouble message Content Handling

No get shift value Measurement results of (1) Confirm that measurement is
because of lack measurement points executed at all measurement points.
results of measure required for corrective (2) Confirm that number of
points. amount calculation are measurement results required for
lacking when VSHIFT is corrective amount calculation can
executed. be obtained.
Two point measurement:
2 points
E2034 Plural point measurement:
minimum measurement point
(3) In the case of plural point
measurement, enter [measurement
condition setting screen][corrective
amount calculation], and confirm
setting of minimum measurement
point number.
Error of specified Specified correction (1) Confirm that correct correction
base coordinate reference coordinate and reference coordinate is registered
system. correction reference by VSHIFT parameter.
E2035 coordinate set by corrective (2) Enter [measurement condition
amount calculation menu are setting screen][Corrective amount
not in accord when VSHIFT calculation], and confirm setting of
is executed. correction reference coordinate.
No get shift value Same point was detected at (1) Confirm that object of
because detected different measurement measurement is not erroneously
points are same. points when VSHIFT was detected.
E2036 executed. (2) Enter [measurement condition
setting screen][Basic setting], and
confirm setting of same point
recognition distance.
No get work pose Attitude of workpiece cannot The case of two point measurement
because the position be obtained because of (1) Confirm if tilt of workpiece is not
of measure point is trouble in positions of ±90° against two point
error. measurement points when measurement plane.
VSHIFT of combined The case of plural point
measurement is executed. measurement
(1) Confirm that measurement
points are not arranged on a straight
(2) Confirm that measurement
points are registered in the order
round workpiece.
Correspondent points Correspondent points (1) Check the camera installation
E2038 of left / right are of left / right are position.
abnormal. abnormal. (2) Execute the calibration again.
A measurement A measurement Cross laser measurement cannot be
condition that does condition that does used with the external trigger. Use
E2039 not support the not support the the internal trigger.
external trigger was external trigger was
tried. tried.
The measurement The image filtering process Check the setting for the filtering
cannot be executed failed. process that caused the error.
E2040 because the image
filtering process
The relative distance The difference between the (1) Check that the work-piece and
and angle between “distance between 2 the measurement condition
the measurement measurement points” and the match or not.
points are abnormal. “distance between 2 base (2) Check if the base positions for
positions for them” exceeded each measurement point are
the limit value. correct or not.
The difference between the
“angle generated by the 3
measurement points” and the
“angle generated by the 3 base
positions for them” exceeded
the limit value.

11.2Vision sensor error

Error code Trouble message Content Handling

Fail to setting of IP IP address setting failed. Enter [Vision sensor setting
address. screen][Communication setting],
E3000 and confirm if IP address, subnet
mask and default gateway are
correctly set.
Fail to open socket. Opening socked for Enter [Vision sensor setting
Please turn on the communication failed. screen][System setting]
E3001 power supply again. [Communication setting],
and confirm that IP port number is
correctly set.
Failed to read file. Reading of constant file Data trouble. Restore backup of
failed. vision sensor.
When restoration failed, delete
abnormal data and re-create data.
E4002 Failed to write file. Writing of constant file failed. Delete unnecessary data to save
Failed to create Creation of data failed. drive capacity.
Failed to copy data. Copying of data failed.
Failed to remove Deletion of data failed. Deletion is not possible when
data. attribute of data is changed or data
E4005 are damaged. Confirm attributes of
data folder and file and restore them.

The license has not License trouble was Refer to “11.3.3 License trouble”.
been inserted. detected.
Because the license Menu cannot be displayed
has not been due to license trouble.
inserted, the menu
cannot be displayed.
Fail to save error log. Storing of error log failed. Confirm that there is room in drive
capacity of storage target.
If there is no room, clean drive to
save capacity.
Fail to remove error Deletion of error log failed. Deletion is not possible when
log. attribute of data is changed or data
E5003 are damaged. Confirm attributes of
data folder and file and restore
Fail to update vision System renewal of vision Re-apply main power, and renew
sensor system. sensor failed. system again.
Fail to back up of Backup of vision sensor Confirm free space of external CF of
vision sensor data. failed. robot side.
Fail to restore of Backup of vision sensor Confirm backup data for restoration
vision sensor data. failed. in external CF of robot side.
Fail to export of Export of license file failed. Confirm free space of external CF of
license file." robot side.
Fail to import of Import of license file failed. Confirm license file for import in
license file. external CF of robot side.


11.3 Troubleshooting
Cause, investigation and method of solution of various troubles are explained.

11.3.1 Connection failure with vision sensor

Counter-measure against failure of connection with vision sensor is explained.

Table 11.3.1 Content of vision sensor connection trouble and counter-measure

Content of
Assumed cause Counter-measure
Messages Vision sensor Confirm if LED of CPU board of vision sensor is lit when primary
saying power is not turned power is turned on.
“Connection with on.
vision sensor Network trouble Confirm that there is no trouble in connection between the robot
failed” or “Log in controller CPU unit and vision sensor unit. LAN cable access lamp
of vision sensor should be lit when they are connected.
failed” are

LAN cable access lamp

Disaccord of [Enter][Vision sensor, and review setting of communication with vision

communication sensor.
setting ・ Setting of port numbers of robot controller CPU unit and vision
sensor unit are not in accord.
・ Communication settings of robot controller CPU unit and vision
sensor unit are not settings in same network.
・ Apparatuses with same IP addressor or same computer name
exist in same network.

*When communication setting of vision sensor unit is confirmed under

condition of disconnection with vision sensor, confirm
“Communication setting of vision sensor alone” on next page.
Vision sensor is in Following “Communication setting of vision sensor alone” on next
trouble. page, activate vision sensor and confirm that [Vision sensor setting]
screen is displayed.
If [Vision sensor setting] screen is not displayed, exchange system
CF and CPU board of vision sensor.
Message saying OS of robot Display system environment screen of CPU unit and confirm that OS
“Activation of controller CPU unit version is “SP6A.06F 2010-05-05” or higher.
communication is not If OS version is “SP6A.05F 2007-10-01” or lower, since present vision
process of vision corresponding. sensor does not correspond, exchange system CF and update OS
sensor failed” is version.
■Method of confirming system environment
By setting operator class of “EXPERT” or higher and execution of
“R286”, version information of robot controller is displayed.


11.3.2 Communication setting of vision sensor alone

Method for execution of communication setting of vision sensor alone is explained in order to return
communication, when connection with vision sensor failed and communication setting of vision sensor unit
became impossible with teach pendant.

1 Turn primary power of this robot controlelr off.

2 Mount key board and display on CPU board of vision sensor unit.
Connect key board to CN11, and display to CN7.

CN7 Display

CN11 Key board

CPU board

Visual sensor unit

Vision sensor unit is stored in controller apparatus as shown below.

Power supply of Vision sensor Vision sensor unit

<Section A-A> <Front view> <Backside of the door>

(Type number FD11-OP139-A)

3 Turn primary power of this robot controller on.
≫Vision sensor screen is displayed in connected display.

It may take more than one minute after turning power on until screen is displayed.


4 Select [3 System setting] using key board, and press [Enter] key.
≫Following screen is displayed.

5 Select [3 Communication] using key board, and press [Enter] key.

≫Following screen is displayed.

6 Change setting using key board.

7 When setting ended, press f12[Complete] key.

≫Content of edit is stored.
In order to cancel edit, press [R] key.
8 Turn primary power of controller off.

9 Remove key board and display from CPU board of vision sensor unit.

10 Turn primary power of controller on.

Never execute operation using key board and display other than explained in this section, or
vision sensor may become to function in correctly.


11.3.3 License trouble

Counter-measure against license trouble is explained here.
License is required for using this vision sensor. The license is controlled by license file containing USB dongle
for connection to USB port and information of dongle used. When the two are in accord, license is authenticated
and vision sensor function becomes usable. License trouble occurs when they are in conflict.

License file

Fig. 11.3.1 License ID

Never change file name and data of license file. Although file name of license file is added for
confirmation of ID stored in file data, actual ID information is encrypted and stored in file.
Therefore, even if license file name is changed to fit dongle, license ID is not changed and
CAUTION authentication cannot be executed.

Table 11.3. 2 Content of vision sensor license trouble and counter-measure

Content of
Assumed cause Counter-measure
Vision sensor Dongle is not Insert USB dongle in vision sensor CPU board.
license trouble inserted.
occurs. Conflict of license Export license to confirm ID from license file.
ID or lack of When IDs of USB dongle and license file are not in accord, import
license file corresponding license file.
USB dongle Confirm if USB dongle is lit in red, when power of vision sensor is
trouble turned on.
When it is not lit, there may be trouble. Exchange dongle and confirm
that it is lit.If exchanged dongle is lit, the USB dongle before
exchange is in trouble. If exchanged dongle is lit, the USB dongle
before exchange is in trouble. Change to new USB dongle, and
import corresponding license file.

*Since authentication of dongle takes much time right after power is

turned on, it may take more than 60 seconds until USB dongle is lit.
Vision sensor CPU Exchange vision sensor CPU board.
board is in trouble.


11.3.4 Camera mounting position was changed

When camera mounting position was changed, or mounting position was displaced by interference, it is
required to execute calibration operation and image processing setting again for restoration. After the operation
finished, operate robot to confirm that it functions without trouble.

11.3.5 Hardware-related troubles

Counter-measures against hardware-related troubles are explained here.

Table 11.3.3 Content of hardware-related troubles of vision sensor and counter-measures

Content of
Assumed cause Counter-measure
Vision sensor System CF of Exchange system CF of vision sensor.
cannot be vision sensor is After exchange, re-execute backup restoration or system setting.
activated. damaged.
Vision sensor CPU Exchange vision sensor CPU board.
board is damaged.
Captured image Camera of Confirm that setting of camera used for vision sensor is correct for the
is not displayed. specified camera camera connected to vision sensor. Then, confirm that camera is
number is not connected to the number of camera with which image capture was
correctly set. executed.
Camera lens is not Confirm that diaphragm and focus of camera lens used are adjusted.
correctly adjusted. If they are not adjusted, capture image in real time in live display, and
adjust diaphragm and focus of camera lens.
Camera cable is Install new camera cable, and confirm if image can be captured. If
broken. image can be captured, exchange cable.
Camera is Mount new camera on camera cable and confirm if image can be
damaged. captured. If image can be captured, exchange camera, and
re-execute calibration.
Vision sensor CPU Exchange vision sensor CPU board.
board is damaged.

12 In case of CFD Controller

In this chapter, the supplemental explanations for CFD controller are described.
If not described in this chapter, the operation is the same with the FD controller
(See other chapters).

12.1 Outline of this system .............................................................................12-1

12.1.1 Vision sensor unit ........................................................................12-1
12.1.2 CPU board ..................................................................................12-2
12.1.3 Image input board .......................................................................12-4
12.2 Connection .............................................................................................12-5
12.2.1 How to connect the GigE camera................................................12-5
12.2.2 How to connect the I/O signals....................................................12-6
12.3 Setup of the vision sensor unit ...............................................................12-7
12.3.1 Camera setting............................................................................12-7
12.3.2 Signal setting.............................................................................12-10
12.3.3 Communication setting..............................................................12-12
12.3.4 Date and time setting ................................................................12-14
12.4 How to replace the vision sensor unit...................................................12-15
12.5 Maintenance parts................................................................................12-17
12.5.1 List of maintenance parts ..........................................................12-17
12.6 USB port...............................................................................................12-19
12.6.1 USB port of the CFD controller (for backup and license check) 12-19
12.6.2 USB port of the vision sensor unit (for dongle installation) ........12-19
12.1Outline of this system

12.1 Outline of this system

The outline of this system is described hereinafter.

12.1.1 Vision sensor unit

The vision sensor is installed in the Vision sensor unit box.

Vision sensor unit

In the rack of the vision sensor unit, there is the CPU board (R04601) and the image input board (UM345).

CPU board Image input board

Fig.12.1.1 Vision sensor unit

12.1Outline of this system

12.1.2 CPU board

CPU board has following functions; image processing, communication and control with the robot control CPU.

- Microprocessor and its peripheral circuit
- Fixed disk I/F (IDE)
- Ethernet (For communication with the control CPU of the robot)
- PCI bus I/F
- Compact flash card I/F (for image processing system and measurement condition memory)
- USB port for USB dongle
- GigE camera communication port * 2










Fig.12.1.2 External view of the CPU board

12.1Outline of this system

Table12.1.1 Connectors on the CPU board

Connectors Functions Connected to
CN2 RS232C Not used
CN4 USB Not used
CN7 VGA Not used
CNUSB2 USB An USB dongle for a software license is connected.
CNUSB3 USB Not used
CN11 Keyboard Not used
CN12 LAN A cable for the communication with the robot CPU is connected.
CNCF IDE I/F A Compact Flash Card that includes image processing software
and measurement conditions is connected.
GigE1 GigE camera 1 GigE camera communication cable 1 is connected.
GigE2 GigE camera 2 GigE camera communication cable 2 is connected.

About battery:
On this CPU board, a battery (CR14250SE-CN16) for the internal clock is installed. This
battery must be replaced every 5 years.

12.1Outline of this system

12.1.3 Image input board

An image input board (UM345) controls camera and controls input and output signals for lighting, laser unit,
trigger, etc.

- Image input
- Input and output control

Fig.12.1.3 Appearance of image input board

Table12.1.2 Connectors for image input board

Function Connection
CNIN Digital input signal External trigger input or general-purpose input signal
CNOUT1 Digital output signal Strobe output or general-purpose output signal (control of lighting
and laser unit)
CNOUT2 Digital output signal General-purpose output signal (control of lighting and laser unit)
CNP24 24V power input Power connector for input-output signal
CN1~4 Camera signal In case of the CFD controller, these connectors are not used.


12.2 Connection

12.2.1 How to connect the GigE camera

In case of the vision sensor of the CFD controller, only GigE camera is supported.
The GigE cameras can be connected to the CFD controller up to 2.
The connection ports are shown as below.



Fig.12.2.1 Camera connection ports

Use cables for camera connection specified by us. Use of unspecified cables will cause
troubles with image input boards or cameras.

Use cameras specified by us. Use of unspecified cameras will cause troubles with cameras
and image input boards.


12.2.2 How to connect the I/O signals

The I/O signal connection between the robot and the CFD controller is performed with the “I/O harness” cable.
For details, refer to the following instruction manual.


CNIO1, CNIO2 of the vision sensor unit box



Connection to the robot (CNR010)

I/O harness type: “IOCABLE-10-※M” (*)

(NOTE) The terminals must be assembled by customer.
(*) I/O harness(application cable)
There are 2 versions for the I/O harness CNR01
(A01 and A02). The number of the included
wires are different each other.
To use the NV-PRO, Revision A02 or after is IOCABLE-10A-※M
required. The cable of the revision A02 has
a marking of “A” after “10”. And, please be A02 marking

sure that order model number and the

marking on the real cable are different each

<In case of 20m cable>

Order model number Revision Marking
A01 IOCABLE-10-20M
(NOTE) The revision A02 has upper compatibility against the A01.

12.3Setup of the vision sensor unit

12.3 Setup of the vision sensor unit

12.3.1 Camera setting

Make settings related for the camera and the lenses.

To use the GigE camera, please make the communication settings for the GigE camera port
in advance.

If the settings for the camera are changed after setting the calibration or the measurement
IMPORTANT condition, those calibrations and measurement conditions may not work correctly. As a
result, the system may work incorrectly. Be careful.

1 Operator qualification shall be EXPERT or higher.

2 Select teaching mode.

Vision sensor setting screen can be displayed in teaching mode only.

3 Select [Service][31 Vision sensor] [1 Vision sensor setting][3 System setting].

≫System setting screen is displayed.

4 Select [1 camera setting].

≫Camera setting screen is displayed.

12.3Setup of the vision sensor unit

5 Select camera type.

There are 2 types of GigE camera. Please select the camera that is connected to this
>>If a GigE camera is selected, a key of <CAMERA IP SETTING> will appear.
Camera type Resolution
GigE Teli BG030 Approx.
300,000 pixels
GigE Teli BG130 Approx.
1,220,000 pixels


6 After selecting a GigE camera, press <CAMERA IP SETTING>.

>>The setting screen of GigE Vision will be displayed.

7 Press <CAMERA SEARCH> key.

>>The camera connected to the GigE camera port 1 and 2 will be displayed in the area
of the “Device”.
(But, in this area, only the camera type that is selected in the camera setting screen
will be displayed.)
Select the item in the “Device” and then press [Enter].

For each camera type, the following device name is displayed.

Camera type Device name
GigE Teli BG030 xxxxxxxxxxxx_ToshibaTeliCorporation_BG030
GigE Teli BG130 xxxxxxxxxxxx_ToshibaTeliCorporation_BG130
(xxxxxxxxxxxx) is the identical number for the camera.
If plural cameras are connected in the network, “*” is displayed as the first letter
in the device name for the already registered camera. Do not select the camera
whose name starts from “*”. When selected, the setting is not performed

12.3Setup of the vision sensor unit

8 Select the GigE camera to be connected and then press [Enter].

>>Set the IP address and the Subnet mask.

Camera communication setting parameters

Item Initial value Description
IP address Set the IP address for the GigE camera. Please
make the setting so that this is connected to the
network that is set for the camera port 1 and 2.
Subnet mask Set the subnet mask.

IP address setting example

GigE GigE camera port GigE camera connected to the camera
camera IP address port
port Subnet mask IP address
Default gateway Subnet mask

1 10.34.2.* ----
2 10.34.3.* ----
(* is 2 to 255)
Concerning to the setting for GigE camera port, see “10.3.3 Communication setting”.

9 Press <Complete>.
>>The screen returns to the camera setting screen.

10 Select the “Install type”. (Hand or Fixed)

11 Set the “Focal length” for the lens of the camera.
12 After making the settings, press <Complete>.
>>The settings are saved and the connection to the camera is executed.
If the camera has been connected already, re-connection will be tried.
To cancel the setting, press [R] key.

When changing the IP address etc. of the GigE camera that has been connected already, the
POINT following message will be displayed when pressing [R] key. To connect the GigE camera,
press <Complete>.

12.3Setup of the vision sensor unit

12.3.2 Signal setting

Allocation of output signal port and setting of output port characteristics are executed.

1 Operator qualification shall be EXPERT or higher.

2 Select teaching mode.

Vision sensor setting screen can be displayed in teaching mode only.

3 Select [Service][31 Vision sensor] [1 Vision sensor setting][3 System setting].

≫System setting screen is displayed.

4 Select [2 signal setting].

≫Signal setting screen is displayed.

5 Allocate signal output port to lighting and laser unit.

6 Display page 2 with f9 and f10 keys.

≫Following screen is displayed.

7 Set signal logics, delay times and whether or not to use strobe of output ports
When there is delay time after signal is turned on until lighting or laser is actually lit,
larger value than the delay time is set as delay time. Delay time is set in msec unit.
When strobe is set as “use”, signal turns on synchronized with trigger signal of
camera. Output ports 1∼8 correspond to trigger signals of cameras 1∼8 respectively.

12.3Setup of the vision sensor unit

8 Display second page using f9 and f10 keys.

≫Following screen is displayed.

9 Set signal logics and delay times of output ports 9∼16 are set.

10 When setting finished, press f12[Complete] key.

≫Content of edit is stored.
In order to cancel edit, press [R] key.

ON/OFF test of lighting and laser can be carried out in signal setting screen.
INFO. Move cursor to portion allocated to tested lighting or laser in page 1 of allocation screen.

Here, by pressing + , signal turns on where cursor is. By pressing +

, the signal turns off. Since the operation is executed using the data stored in file,
operation reflecting conditions during editing before input cannot be executed.

POINT Duplicate signal numbers cannot be set.

Be sure to allocate different numbers.

12.3Setup of the vision sensor unit

12.3.3 Communication setting

Communication setting of vision sensor unit is explained.

1 Operator qualification shall be Expert or higher.

2 Select teaching mode.

Vision sensor setting screen can be displayed in teaching mode only.

3 Select [Service][31 Vision sensor] [1 Vision sensor setting][3 System setting].

≫System setting screen is displayed.

4 [Select [3 Communication].
≫Communication setting screen is displayed.

5 Set each communication setting parameter.

6 Press f12[Complete] key.

≫Content of edit is displayed.
In order to cancel edit, press [R] key.

When communication setting is changed, communication with vision sensor becomes

POINT impossible and measurement and measurement condition setting may become impossible.
Be sure to record content of setting change.

POINT Content of communication setting change is reflected after restoring power.

Set subnet mask and default gateway in accordance with setting of <Constant Setting> - [8
POINT Communication] [2 Ethernet] [TCP/IP].
Set IP addresses and IP port numbers so that their numbers are in accordance with IP port
numbers of <Constant Setting> - [31 Vision sensor].

12.3Setup of the vision sensor unit

IP addresses with same numbers cannot be set on the same network.

POINT Be sure to use different numbers for all.

Setting example
Communication port IP address SUBNET Default gateway
Robot controller
Vision sensor

On the other hand, the “Vision sensor communication setting”, the “GigE camera port1”, and
the “GigE camera port 2” must belong to the different networks respectively.

Setting example
Communication port IP address SUBNET Default gateway
Vision sensor
GigE camera port 1
GigE camera port 2

Table 12.3.1 Communication setting parameters

Category Item Initial setting Range Description
Vision IP Address 0 - 255 Set the IP address of the vision sensor unit. If
sensor this setting is not correct, it becomes impossible
communication to make settings for the vision sensor.
setting Subnet mask 0 - 255 Set the subnet mask.
Default gateway 0 - 255 Set the default gateway.
IP port No. 51202 0 - 65535 This is the IP port number for the communication
of the vision sensor unit. Do not change this
setting unless the other functions is not using
this number.
GigE IP Address 0 - 255 IP address of the camera port 1 for GigE.
camera Subnet mask 0 - 255 Subnet mask of the camera port 1 for GigE.
port 1 Default gateway 0 - 255 Default gateway of the camera port 1 for GigE.
GigE IP Address 0 - 255 IP address of the camera port 2 for GigE.
camera Subnet mask 0 - 255 Subnet mask of the camera port 2 for GigE.
port 2 Default gateway 0 -255 Default gateway of the camera port 2 for GigE.

GigE camera port 1

GigE camera port 2

12.3Setup of the vision sensor unit

12.3.4 Date and time setting

See the “10.3.4 Date and time setting”.

12.4How to replace the vision sensor unit

12.4 How to replace the vision sensor unit

If the vision sensor unit is broken, please replace the vision sensor unit referring to the procedure in this
section. And, in this case, please be sure that it is also necessary to perform (1) dismount/mount of the USB
dongle for license check, and (2) Backup/Restore of the vision sensor unit setting at the same time.

How to dismount
(1) Make the user data backup of the vision sensor unit referring to the following sections.

- “2.8.3 Backup”
- “12.6 USB port”

(2) Turn OFF the power of the CFD controller and the vision sensor unit. And, turn OFF the breaker switch of
the power distributer also.

(3) Disconnect the all connectors and cables that connect the CFD controller and the vision sensor unit. And
then remove the CFD controller.

(4) Remove the screws in the following picture to remove the vision sensor unit box cover.



Remove the cover

(5) Now it is possible to access the vision sensor unit from the right side of the box.

Vision sensor unit

CPU board

Vision sensor unit

Image input board

12.4How to replace the vision sensor unit

(6) Dismount the USB dongle from the “Vision sensor unit CPU board”.

(7) Open the cover of the new Vision sensor unit box in the same way and mount the USB dongle to the
“Vision sensor unit CPU board” in the new Vision sensor unit box.

How to mount

(1) In the opposite order, connect the “Vision sensor unit box” and the “CFD controller”.

(2) Restore the backup data to the new vision sensor unit. (See the following sections for details.)

“2.8.4 Restoration of backup”

“12.6 USB port”

(3) Turn ON the system power and check the motion.

12.5Maintenance parts

12.5 Maintenance parts

12.5.1 List of maintenance parts

Recommended maintenance parts are controlled by classifying by life and use frequency in two classes, A
and B.

◆ Maintenance parts A: key maintenance parts to be prepared for daily maintenance and inspection
・A-1 Important backup parts

◆ Maintenance parts B: maintenance parts to be prepared at the time of plural unit purchasing
・B-1 Parts cordially asked to purchase from Fujikoshi

We recommend preparing at least one set of A-1 described above, since they are important parts minimum
required for maintaining ordinary operation.
Further, pay attention to following points in maintenance of printed boards, since highly reliable ones are used.

◆ Maintenance temperature -10∼+50 °C

For long term storage, 25±10°°C is recommended for maintenance of reliability. Further, avoid rapid
temperature change (>10°C/hr).

∼85 % RH
◆ Maintenance humidity 20∼
∼65 % is recommended for maintenance of reliability. Further, avoid storage
For long term storage, 45∼
under conditions prone to bedewing and mold growth.

◆ Prevention of static electricity

When stored under extremely dry condition, parts are prone to electrification, and semiconductors may
be damaged by the impact of discharge. Store parts in anti-static bags.

◆ Other ambient conditions

Store parts in atmosphere without emission of toxic gases and with minimum dust. Do not apply load
during storage.

12.5Maintenance parts

Table 12.5.1 A-1 Key backup parts

No. Item name Type Maker Note
1 Vision sensor unit CFD-OP139-A Fujikoshi 1

Table 12.5.2 B-1 Parts asked to purchase from Fujikoshi

No. Item name Type Maker Note
1 Camera cable For details of the type name, see Fujikoshi 1
the following document.
Camera power
2 Fujikoshi 1
On-arm camera
3 CFD CONTROLLER Fujikoshi 1
On-arm camera
4 Fujikoshi 1
power cable (Note1)

(Note1) The necessary cables differ from each other depending on the system configuration. For details, see

12.6USB port

12.6 USB port

12.6.1 USB port of the CFD controller (for backup and license check)
The position of the USB port of the CFD controller is shown in the following picture. This USB port can be
used for the import/export operation of the license file and the backup/restore operation. The CFD controller
itself has only 1 USB port and the USB memory inserted here is recognized as “RC Ex. Mem 1” (=Robot
controller external memory number 1).

The operation for the data backup/restore, the mechanism of the license check, and the import/export
operation for license file are the same with FD controller. For details, refer to the following sections.

“2.8 Backup” and “10.2 License”

12.6.2 USB port of the vision sensor unit (for dongle installation)

Vision sensor unit

Vision sensor unit

USB port

Because the vision sensor unit of the CFD controller is installed in the vision sensor unit box, it is necessary to
remove the cover of the vision sensor unit box when changing the USB dongle. For details, refer to the following

“12.4 How to replace the vision sensor unit”

12.6 USB port



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Greenville Service Office Use 248-305-6545 Use 248-305-6542 South Carolina, U.S.A.

San Antonio Service Office Use 248-305-6545 Use 248-305-6542 Texas, U.S.A.

Kentucky Branch Office Phone: 502-695-4816 Fax: 502-695-4818 116 Collision Center Drive, Suite A, Frankfort, KY 40601 U.S.A
89 Courtland Avenue, Unit 2, Vaughan,
Toronto Branch Office Phone: 905-760-9542 Fax: 905-760-9477
Ontario L4K3T4 CANADA
Urbina # 54, Parque Industrial Naucalpan,
Mexico Branch Office Phone :+52-555312-6556 Fax:+52-55-5312-7248
Naucalpan de Juarez, 53370, Estado de México, MEXICO
Canada 544 Privada Luxemburgo
Saltillo Service Office Phone :+52-844416-8053 Fax: +52-844416-8053
C. P. 25230, Saltillo, Coahuila, MEXICO
Phone: Fax: Bischofstrasse 99, 47809, Krefeld, GERMANY
Central Office Germany
+49-2151-65046-0 +49-2151-65046-90
Phone: Fax: Unit 3, 92, Kettles Wood Drive, Woodgate Business Park,
U.K. branch
+44-0121-423-5000 +44-0121-421-7520 Birmingham B32 3DB, U.K.

Phone: Fax: Obchodni 132, 251 01 Cestlice, PRAGUE-EAST

Czech branch
+ 420-255-734-000 +420-255-734-001 CZECH REPUBLIC


Robotic Division & Phone: Fax:
38, Melverton Drive, Hallam, Victoria 3803, , AUSTRALIA
Victoria office +61-(0)3-9796-4144 +61-(0)3-9796-3899
Phone: Fax:
Sydney office Unit 1, 23-29 South Street, Rydalmere, N.S.W, 2116, AUSTRALIA
+61-(0)2-9898-1511 +61-(0)2-9898-1678
Phone: Fax:
Brisbane office 7/96 Gardens Dr,Willawong,QLD 4110, , AUSTRALIA
+61-(0)7-3272-4714 +61-(0)7-3272-5324
Phone: Fax: 11F Royal Wealth Centre, No.7
Shanghai office
+86-(0)21-6915-2200 +86-(0)21-6915-2200 Lane 98 Danba Road Putuo District, Shanghai 200062, China
2F Dongsan Bldg.
Phone: Fax:
Seoul office 276-4, Sungsu 2GA-3DONG, Sungdong-ku,
+82-(0)2-469-2254 +82-(0)2-469-2264
Seoul 133-123, KOREA


Robot Division
Phone +81-76-423-5137
Fax +81-76-493-5252
NACHI-FUJIKOSHI CORP. holds all rights of this document. No part of this manual may be photocopied or
reproduced in any from without prior written consent from NACHI-FUJIKOSHI CORP. Contents of this document
may be modified without notice. Any missing page or erratic pagination in this document will be replaced.
In case that an end user uses this product for military purpose or production of weapon, this product may be liable
for the subject of export restriction stipulated in the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law. Please go
through careful investigation and necessary formalities for export.
Original manual is written in Japanese.

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